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Little is known about genetic diversity and geographic origin of wheat landraces from Oman, an ancient area of wheat cultivation. The objectives of this study were to investigate the genetic relationships and levels of diversity of six wheat landraces collected in Oman with a set of 30 evenly distributed SSR markers. The total gene diversity, (HT), conserved in the three durum wheat (Triticum durum desf.) landraces (HT = 0.46) was higher than in the three bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) landraces (HT = 0.37), which were similar to Turkish and Mexican bread wheat landraces calculated in previous studies. Genetic variation partitioning (GST) showed that variation was mainly distributed within rather than among the durum (GST = 0.30) and bread wheat (GST = 0.19) landraces. Based on modified Rogers’ distance (MRD), the durum and bread wheat landraces were distinct from each other except for a few individuals according to principal coordinate analysis (PCoA). One bread wheat landrace (Greda) was separated into two distinct sub-populations. A joint cluster analysis with other landraces of worldwide origin revealed that Omani bread wheat landraces were different from other landraces. However, two landraces from Pakistan were grouped somewhat closer to Omani landraces indicating a possible, previously unknown relationship. Implications of these results for future wheat landrace collection, evaluation and conservation are discussed.  相似文献   

Accurate assessment of genetic similarity is important for plant breeding, germplasm enhancement and conservation of plant genetic resources. A comparative analysis of genome diversity among a group of six-rowed spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) cultivars was carried out using sequence-specific amplified polymorphism (S-SAP) and single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP), with the results compared to the kinship coefficients derived from the pedigree data. Mean pair-wise GS values were estimated to be 0.0957 ± 0.144 (Kinship), 0.491 ± 0.189 (SNPs), and 0.602 ± 0.098 (S-SAPs). S-SAP and SNP-based genetic similarity (GS) values were normally distributed but kinship values had a non-normal and skewed distribution. Pair-wise correlation of GS values were lowest for the S-SAP and the SNP matrices (r =; 0.040, p<0.230) and highest for the SNP and pedigree matrices (r =; 0.240, p < 0.001). Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) attributed about 90.4% of observed variation to the cultivars within each of the malting and feed groups. Variance component between malting and feed groups was 6.6% for both SNP and S-SAP data suggesting lack of a significant genetic differentiation along this agronomic division. The remaining 3% of variation was attributed to genetic diversity within cultivars. Although both DNA-based marker systems were able to differentiate all barley cultivars, significant difference were observed in the pattern of genetic relationships obtained by the two marker systems and the pedigree data.  相似文献   

To assess the genetic diversity among China’s cultivated barley, sequence tagged site (STS) marker analysis was carried out to characterize 109 morphologically distinctive accessions originating from five Chinese eco-geographical zones. Fourteen polymorphic STS markers representing at least one in each chromosome were chosen for the analysis. The 14 STS markers revealed a total of 47 alleles, with an average of 3.36 alleles per locus (range 2–8). The proportion of polymorphic loci per population averaged 0.84 (range 0.71–1.00); the mean gene diversity averaged 0.39 (range 0.28–0.49). The means of P and He were highest in the Yangtze reaches and Southern zone (P = 1.00; He = 0.46) and lowest (P = 0.71 He = 0.28) in the Yellow river reaches zone. The STS diversity in different zones is quite different from the morphology diversity. The STS variation was partitioned into 17% among the zone and 83% within the zone. Both cluster and principal coordinate analyses clearly separated the accessions into a dispersed group (mostly two-rowed barley with a lower mean GS value) and a concentrated group (mostly six-rowed barley with a higher mean GS value) according to the spike characteristic with only a few exceptions. The accessions from the Qinghai-Tibet plateau formed a distinctive subgroup and can be distinguished from the concentrated group. The role of Tibet in the origin and evolution of cultivated barley has been discussed.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity among some important Syrian wheat cultivars was estimated using Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism (AFLP) markers. Five Triticum aestivum L. and 10 Triticum turgidum ssp. durum were analyzed with 11 EcoRI–MseI primer pair combinations. Of the approximately 525 detected AFLP markers, only 46.67% were polymorphic. Cluster analysis with the entire AFLP data divided all cultivars into two major groups reflecting their origins. The first one contained T. aestivum L. cultivars, and the T. turgidum ssp. durum cultivars and landraces were grouped in the second. Narrow genetic diversity among all cultivars was detected with an average genetic similarity of 0.884. The lowest similarity index (0.9) was found between Cham5 and Hamary (durum wheat), whereas this value was 0.93 between Salamony and Bouhouth 4 (T. aestivum L.). The narrow genetic diversity level indicates that these genotypes could be originated from the same source. AFLP analysis provides crucial information for studying genetic variation among wheat cultivars and provides important information for plant improvement.  相似文献   

Wheat breeding in Pakistan started in 1930s before partition in the United India and so far has released more than 68 cultivars, but no systematic analyses of the genetic diversity of Pakistan wheat have been made. Twenty Pakistan wheat cultivars released from 1933 to 2002 were examined for genetic diversity and relationships using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers. Forty-two RAPD primers were applied and 184 polymorphic bands were generated for each cultivar. Most of the cultivars were genetically interrelated, although six of them displayed some genetic distinctness. The RAPD variation observed among these cultivars was low. Only 40.7% of the total scorable bands were polymorphic, and 26.1% of the polymorphic bands were observed most frequently (f = 0.95) among the 20 cultivars. The proportions of polymorphic bands for each cultivar ranged from 0.67 in ‘Yecora’ to 0.84 in ‘C-250’ with an average of 0.76. About 1.4% of the RAPD variation might have been fixed over the 69 years of wheat breeding, but such fixation was not statistically significant. These results are significant for future improvement and conservation of Pakistan wheat.  相似文献   

In many areas of North Africa, barley is often the only possible rainfed crop. In these regions water deficit is the primary constraint affecting crop production. Twenty barley landraces collected from different localities in south Morocco and four modern varieties were characterized in two field experiments, one under well-irrigated and one under limited-irrigated conditions. Nine agro-morphological characters were evaluated: Plant height, tiller number per plant, number of grains per spike, number of spikes per plant, spike weight, spike length, plant weight (PW), number of internodes of rachis (NIR), and length of the last internode of rachis. The correlation coefficients among characters were nearly the same in the well- and limited-irrigated experiment. Under limited-irrigated conditions, plant growth was significantly decreased as measured by all characters except NIR, which was unaffected. The percentage of reduction, ranging from 80.08% to 5.82%, was recorded on PW and NIR, respectively. The injury index ranging from 4.02 to 0.06 was recorded on PW and NIR, respectively. Using discriminant analysis the genotypes were arranged in three, clearly separated groups that varied in their tolerance to drought stress.  相似文献   

To examine changes in the level of and pattern in variability in 197 Nordic and Baltic spring barley cultivars over time we used 21 mapped barley simple sequence repeats (SSRs). A total number of 191 alleles were found from 22 SSR loci. The number of alleles per locus ranged from 2 to 23, with average of 8.63 107 alleles were rare (frequency <0.05) among the cultivars and only one allele was frequently observed (frequency >0.95). The gene diversity between loci in Nordic and Baltic material varied between 0.033 and 0.891. Average gene diversity was 0.623. The SSR data separated two-rowed and six-rowed cultivars. According to analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) differentiation in two-rowed vs six-rowed accounted for 23.6% of the total variation. Overall no significant decrease of average gene diversity over time could be found. However, differences were observed when spring barleys from northern (north of ∼58°) and southern (south of ∼58°) parts of the Nordic and Baltic area were compared. For the southern ecogeographical region significant decrease of genetic diversity was observed in the middle of the 20th century, whereas no significant changes in the northern part were found. We found larger differentiation between modern and old cultivars in the South compared to the ones in North parts of the region. The magnitude of changes in genetic diversity differed also with the country of origin. Danish cultivars had a significant decrease in diversity in the middle of century, whereas changes in Finland, Norway and Sweden were not significant.  相似文献   

Summary The efficiency of phosphatases produced by clover, barley, oats and wheat was investigated in soils treated with sodium glycerophosphate, lecithin and phytin. Root exudates of aseptically grown clover were also examined for the breakdown of different organic P compounds in order to test the efficiency of plant-produced phosphatases. In general, the plants were able to use P from all the organic sources used in the study almost as efficiently as inorganic sources. Dry-matter yield, P uptake, acid and alkaline phosphatase activity and microbial population were increased in all the P treatments. Organic P enhanced alkaline phosphatase activity. Lecithin increased fungal, and phytin bacterial growth. There was no alkaline phosphatase activity in the asepticallly grown clover root exudates. Phosphatase released in aseptic culture after 4 weeks of clover growth was able to efficiently hydrolyse sodium glycerophosphate, lecithin and phytin. The amount of organic P hydrolysed in this and in the soil experiment surpassed plant uptake by a factor of 20. This suggests that the limiting factor on plant utilization of organic P is the availability of hydrolysable organic P sources.  相似文献   

Simple sequence repeats (SSRs) were used to study the genetic diversity within old and modern Bulgarian winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) varieties released in 20th century. A set of 91 varieties were screened by 19 wheat microsatellite markers (WMS), covering 17 wheat chromosomes, and one secalin-specific marker for rye chromosome arm 1RS. A total of 136 allelic variants were detected at 22 loci, ranging from 2 to 11, with an average of 6.8 alleles per marker. For 7 markers, null alleles were detected. The occurrence of rare alleles (frequency <2%) was observed for 13 markers. The polymorphism information content (PIC) values of the markers ranged from 0.10 (WMS0165 on 4AS) to 0.81 (WMS0437 on 7DL) with an average of 0.51. Approximately 74% of the varieties, mostly non-commercial, showed heterogeneity, with an average level of 10.1%. For the majority of markers, the relative frequencies of alleles varied considerably among different groups of varieties, revealing the effects of different selection between breeding centres. Some alleles, present in old genotypes, were lost, and new alleles have been introduced into modern varieties. Genetic diversity values over different periods of release were high, starting at 0.64 for varieties developed before 1960 to reach 0.71 in 1990s, revealing no declining trends in the diversity due to breeding activity. The cluster analysis discriminated all varieties (except for two) and revealed distinct groups of old and modern varieties, released from the main breeding centres in Northern, Southern and Western Bulgaria.  相似文献   

Cultivated Chinese wheat germplasm has been a valuable genetic resourcein international plant breeding. Landraces endemic to China are a geneticresource that is distinct from other wheat germplasm. Patterns of geneticdiversity among cultivated Chinese accessions and relationship to othergermplasm pools are unknown, despite the proven value and potential novelty. Theobjective of this work was to determine the level of genetic diversity withinimproved Chinese germplasm in the context of several other wheat germplasmpools. We analyzed a set of improved accessions cultivated from the 1940s to the1990s in Shaanxi province, China, using six simple sequence repeat (SSR) primerpairs and 30 restriction fragment length polymorphism - probe enzymecombinations (RFLP-PEC) previously used to characterize 21 geographically basedgermplasm pools. Shaanxi germplasm consists of three groups based on foreignintroductions from Italy, Australia, Denmark, and Russia. There was a decreasein genetic diversity among Shaanxi accessions cultivated in the 1970s and 1980sto the 1990s, and accession classifications based on primary decade ofcultivation were found to be significantly undifferentiated. The analysis of themean genetic distance among 22 geographically based pools of germplasm suggestsseveral regions are significantly undifferentiated. A vast majority of the totalamount of variation was found within pools; therefore, pools appear to belargely differentiated based on small differences in band relative frequency andfew if any unique bands. Previous studies have identified some Chinese landracepools as morphologically and genetically unique. The Shaanxi pool does not havethe same unique morphological or genetic features, nor is it more similar to thelandrace pools than other improved germplasm pools.  相似文献   

The endosperm storage protein of 46 European wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) landraces and obsolete cultivars have been fractionated by SDS-PAGE to determine the composition of high molecular weight glutenin subunits (HMW-GS) composition. It has been discovered that about 46% of the wheats were heterogeneous, comprising 2–11 different glutenin profiles. Eighteen of them were observed to be homogeneous. A total of 13 HMW-GS alleles, including 3 at the Glu-A1, 8 at the Glu-B1, and 3 at the Glu-D1 loci were revealed. HMW-GS null controlled by locus Glu-A1, subunits 7 + 8 by Glu-B1, and 2 + 12 by Glu-D1 predominated. However low frequented alleles such as 17 + 18, 20, 6, and 7 were observed. Furthermore, other new alleles encoding HMW-GS at the locus Glu-B1 have been found in one of France cultivar (Saumur d’Automne). The glutenin-based quality score ranged from 4 to 10.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity was analysed in 52 Argentinian populations of Avena barbata, a tetraploid grass introduced in America from Spain during the colonization period. Nine isozyme systems were studied and 14 loci identified, five of which were polymorphic. Cluster analysis based on Hedrick’s index revealed a high similarity among populations. The total diversity (Pt) in the 52 populations was 0.144, the mean diversity (Ps) was 0.04, while between population diversity (Dst) was 0.103. The resulting coefficient of differentiation (Gst) was 0.714, indicating that diversity among populations was an important contributor to the total variability. Genetic diversity was structured into multilocus associations; 122 different complexes were found among 3311 individuals, but only two complexes occurred at a high frequency. The distribution pattern of these frequent multilocus genotypes was associated with environmental factors, mainly rainfall and temperature. The comparison of these results with those of previous studies on A. barbata from Spain indicated that Spanish and Argentinian populations are closely similar in allelic composition on a locus-by-locus basis but different in multilocus genotypic composition. We concluded that selection was the main force involved in the reorganization of the Spanish genepool into novel multilocus associations adapted to specific habitats in Argentina.  相似文献   

The genetic diversity of a subset of the Ethiopian genebank collection maintained at the IPK Gatersleben was investigated applying 22 wheat microsatellites (WMS). The material consisted of 135 accessions belonging to the species T. aestivum L. (69 accessions), T. aethiopicum Jacubz. (54 accessions) and T. durum Desf. (12 accessions), obtained from different collection missions. In total 286 alleles were detected, ranging from 4 to 26 per WMS. For the three species T. aestivum, T. aethiopicum and T. durum on average 9.9, 7.9 and 7.9 alleles per locus, respectively, were observed. The average PIC values per locus were highly comparable for the three species analysed. Considering the genomes it was shown that the largest numbers of alleles per locus occurred in the B genome (18.4 alleles per locus) compared to A (10.1 alleles per locus) and D (8.2 alleles per locus) genomes. Genetic dissimilarity values between accessions were used to produce a dendrogram. All accessions could be distinguished, clustering in two large groups. Whereas T. aestivum formed a separate cluster, no clear discrimination between the two tetraploid species T. durum and T. aethiopicum was observed.  相似文献   

With the aid of genealogical analysis the genetic diversity of Russian winter Triticum aestivum L. wheat cultivars was studied. The change of diversity in time from 1929 to 2002 shows an increase in diversity of Russian cultivars due to the use of foreign material in the breeding programs. At the same time, the genetic erosion of the released diversity occurred. In the 1950s and the 1960s about 50% of the Russian local and old varieties had dropped out of the pool of landrace ancestors. The set of the modern cultivars included in the Russian Official List 2002 has a cluster structure. The overwhelming majority (96%) are the descendants of cultivars Bezostaya 1 and/or Mironovskaya 808. The low diversity of cultivars recommended for cultivation in the Central and Volga-Vyatka regions is apparent. This situation can result in losses of a yield due to a uniform susceptibility to pathogens.  相似文献   

The genetic variation existing in a set of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) landrace samples recently collected in Morocco was estimated. Two kinds of genetic markers, seed storage proteins (hordeins) and random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD), were used. Only six out of 31 landraces were subjected to RAPD analysis. Both kinds of markers, RAPD and storage proteins, yielded similar results, showing that the level of variation observed in Moroccan barley was high: all landraces showed variability; 808 different storage protein patterns (multilocus associations) were observed among 1897 individuals (2.32 seeds per association, on average) with an average of 43 multilocus associations per accession. In general, genetic variation within accessions was higher than between accessions. The 100 polymorphic RAPD bands generated by 21 effective primers were able to generate enough patterns to differentiate between uniform cultivars and even between individuals in variable accessions. One of the aims of this work was to compare the effectiveness of RAPD versus storage protein techniques in assessing the variability of genetic resource collections. On average hordeins were more polymorphic than RAPDs: they showed more alternatives per band on gels and a higher percentage of polymorphic bands, although RAPDs supply a higher number of bands. Although RAPD is an easy and standard technique, storage protein analysis is technically easier, cheaper and needs less sophisticated equipment. Thus, when resources are a limiting factor and considering the cost of consumables and work time, seed storage proteins must be the technique of choice for a first estimation of genetic variation in plant genetic resource collections.  相似文献   

To evaluate the genetic diversity and to clarify the genetic relationships of Japanese peach cultivars, we analyzed the amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) and traced the pedigree of 17 Japanese commercial peach cultivars and six traditional accessions. Sixteen AFLP primer combinations produced a total of 837 fragments and 146 polymorphic bands with a polymorphism percentage of 17.5%. All of the peach accessions could be identified from differences in at least 10 polymorphic bands. A cluster analysis showed that all the Japanese commercial peach cultivars, except ‘Kiyomi’ and ‘Jichigetsuto’, formed a major group consisting of three sub-groups. Of the six traditional accessions, four were genetically distant from the Japanese commercial peach cultivars while two accessions from China were classified into the Japanese commercial peach cultivars group. Both the AFLP analysis and pedigree tracing suggested that Japanese commercial peach cultivars are mainly derived from ‘Shanhai Suimitsuto’, one of the traditional accessions from China. Although the genetic relationships revealed by AFLP were generally in agreement with those shown by the pedigree information, some contradictions were found. Combining the AFLP results and pedigree information can provide a better understanding of the genetic relationships of Japanese peach cultivars.  相似文献   

In this study, genetic analysis of Triticum spp. was carried out using AFLP markers. Six AFLP selective combinations were scored as presence and absence of bands for all the individual samples obtained from a single seed of each accession (70 accessions); T. baeoticum (21), T. monococcum (5), T. urartu (16), T. araraticum (7), T. dicoccoides (16) and T. dicoccon (5), resulting in 506 polymorphic AFLP bands. The phylogenetic tree showed two major clusters; one was composed of T. monococcum (AA) and T. baeoticum (AA), and the other cluster included T. araraticum (AAGG), T. dicoccon (AABB), T. dicoccoides (AABB), and T. urartu (AA). T. urartu, although having a diploid AA genome, did not cluster with other A genome diploids such as T. monococcum and T. baeoticum; instead it clustered together with the tetraploid species, confirming that T. urartu is the A genome progenitor. The extent of variations within and among species is discussed.  相似文献   

本文采用AFLP分子标记技术对斑鳢、乌鳢和杂交鳢(斑鳢(母本)与乌鳢(父本))共85个个体(其中斑鳢、乌鳢各30个,杂交鳢25个)进行了遗传差异分析。结果表明11对引物组合共检出了459个不同的扩增片段,扩增出的多态谱带数350条,多态性比例为76.25%,平均每对引物组合扩增出31.8条多态条带。乌鳢与斑鳢种群间存在稳定的、可以简单地借以进行群体鉴别的标记条带169条,其中父本(乌鳢)特异性条带78条,72条能够稳定地遗传给杂交鳢;母本(斑鳢)特异性条带89条,71条能够稳定地遗传给杂交鳢。杂交鳢另外出现了3条非双亲的条带。遗传差异的分子方差分析结果发现,斑鳢与乌鳢种群间的遗传相似度为0.5161,杂交鳢与斑鳢和乌鳢种群间的遗传相似度相近,分别为0.7189和0.7476,斑鳢与乌鳢之间以及杂交鳢与斑鳢和乌鳢之间的种群间遗传距离分别为0.6615、0.3300和0.2909,即AMOVA分析显示斑鳢、乌鳢和杂交鳢间存在极显著的遗传分化。UPGMA聚类分析显示,在个体间,斑鳢与乌鳢能区分成两大类,杂交鳢则分散于斑鳢和乌鳢种群中;在群体间,杂交鳢首先与乌鳢聚类,然后与斑鳢相聚,表明杂交鳢种群总体上更偏向于父本乌鳢。研究结果表明,杂交鳢与斑鳢和乌鳢发生混杂的可能性很大,应该对杂交鳢进行隔离养殖。本文结果将为斑鳢、乌鳢和杂交鳢的遗传分析提供实验依据,也为其种质的合理利用提供参考。  相似文献   

The genus Paspalum L. consists of more than 400 species. Around twenty-five informal groups of species are recognized in Paspalum and the Dilatata group is of special interest because its members are excellent potential forage grasses. Seventy-five germplasm accessions, representing 15 taxa, were analyzed using randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD). Polymorphisms were observed with twenty-two primers in the Dilatata group and 16 of those were analyzed. Four hundred and four different RAPD fragments were generated, resulting in an average of 25.2 bands per primer. Among the 404 markers analyzed, 48 (11.88%) were exclusive for the P. dilatatum Poir. biotypes, 31 (7.67%) were exclusive to taxa belonging to other groups included in this study, 28 markers (6.93%) were diagnosed for other species of the Dilatata group and 16 (3.96%), for natural hybrids. Extensive RAPD variation was found among the species studied. Inter- and intra-taxonomic polymorphisms were detected. A dendrogram based on the RAPD data shows some clusters corresponding to the same taxa. However, the biotypes of P. dilatatum do not form a cluster. The present work confirms that the RAPD technique can be used to determine genetic relationships between the taxa belonging to the Dilatata group.  相似文献   

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