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Summary The reliability of a selection among crosses based on a cross prediction in early generations was investigated in spring rapeseed. The performance of the parents, the F2 generation, and random F3 lines from four crosses were used to predict the probability of finding superior recombinant lines. These predictions were made for two years and compared with the observed performance of F6 lines in the second of these two years and in an additional year. Predicted and observed performances coincided reasonably for the characters plant height, standability, maturity and an index calculated from seed yield, oil content and protein content. For seed yield and flowering time, the predictions were very unreliable. In conclusion, prediction methods may be useful in rapeseed breeding, if quality traits are of major commercial interest.  相似文献   

Summary Heterosis and inbreeding depression for total fresh and dry weights were studied over two seasons in 15 crosses of six cultivars of forage rape (Brassica napus L.). Some of the hybrids exhibited considerable heterosis over both mid-parent and better parent; followed by depression in the F2. The cross Windal × Canard had 62% and 25% greater dry matter yield over the best cultivar used in this experiment in 1978 and 1979, respectively. Possibilities of the utilization of this hybrid superiority are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Plot yields and both environmental correlations and variances of various morphological and yield characters were compared at different plant densities of lines and F1 hybrids in rapeseed over a two-year period. These variances and correlations were measured on single plant basis and are independent of the genotype: they may partly reflect physiological relations between characters.At intermediate or low density, results indicate no significant heterogeneity for behaviour of both homozygotes and heterozygotes, with some lower correlations at very low densities. At high density hybrid vigour is significantly higher than at low or intermediate density. In heterozygotes, it is associated with reinforced correlations between morphological and yield criteria. The results are discussed with regard to seed yield elaboration, to heterosis and possible homeostasis of hybrids.  相似文献   

为了探索在不同生态条件下,二系法甘蓝型油菜杂交组合的遗传效应及杂种优势表现。本研究选用6个核背景不同的甘蓝型油菜恢复系作为亲本,根据NCⅡ遗传交配设计配置了36个杂交组合,分别在大荔和张掖两个不同生态区种植,在成熟期对其进行性状调查,采用朱军的ADE模型进行数据分析。结果表明,产量性状不同程度都受到基因的加性、显性、及其与环境互作效应的影响,其中单株角果数和千粒重主要受到加性效应的影响,单株产量和角粒数主要受到显性效应影响;在与环境互作中,单株产量、单株角果数和千粒重的各遗传效应都与环境互作达到了显著性,而角粒数的遗传性相对稳定;农艺性状在基因型与环境互作中有效分枝部位和一次有效分枝数受到环境效应影响较大;在遗传相关性中,单株产量与单株角果数、角粒数和千粒重的表现型相关系数和基因型相关系数均达到了极显著性水平;杂交组合的杂种优势总体表现出F1代优于F2代。此研究结果对二系杂交组合选配有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

W. Qian  R. Liu  J. Meng 《Euphytica》2003,134(1):9-15
This study was conducted to estimate the genetic effects on biomass yield in the interspecific hybrids between Brassica napus and B. rapa, and to evaluate the relationship between parental genetic diversity and its effect on biomass yield of interspecific hybrids. Six cultivars and lines of oilseed B. napus and 20 cultivars of oilseed B. rapa from different regions of the world were chosen to produce interspecific hybrids using NC design II. Obvious genetic differences between B. rapa and B. napus were detected by RFLP. In addition, Chinese B. rapa and European B. rapa were shown genetically differences. Plant biomass yield from these interspecific hybrids were measured at the end of flowering period. Significant differences were detected among general combining ability (GCA) effects over two years and specific combining ability (SCA) effects differences were detected in 2000. The ratios of mean squares, (σ2 GCA(f) + σ2 GCA(m)) / (σ2 GCA(f) + σ2 GCA(m) + σ2 SCA), were 89% and 88% in 1999 and 2000, respectively. This indicates that both additive effects and non-additive effects contributed to the biomass yield of interspecific hybrids and the former played more important role. Some European B. rapa had significant negative GCA effects while many of Chinese B. rapa had significant positive GCA effects, indicating that Chinese B. rapa may be a valuable source for transferring favorable genes of biomass yield to B. napus. Significant positive correlation between parental genetic distance and biomass yield of interspecific hybrids implies that larger genetic distance results in higher biomass yield for the interspecific hybrids. A way to utilize interspecific heterosis for seed yield was discussed. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Summary Eleven populations of Brassica napus L. and twelve populations of B. campestris L. were subjected to three cycles of selection for fast germination at 2°C and at 25°C. The seeds from the selected populations, and unselected control populations grown in the same environment as the selected populations, were examined for germination behaviour at 2°C and 25°C, and for growth behaviour at 10°C. The populations in both species responded differently in terms of germination behaviour to selection for fast germination. In most of the populations that did respond positively to selection, selection practised at 2°C was superior to selection at 25°C in improving percent germination at 2°C, and was as good as the selection at 25°C in improving germination rate at the higher temperature. Selection for fast germination had no effect on growth characteristics of B. napus and B. campestris populations grown at 10°C. Thus, selection for fast germination at one low temperature may lead to improvement in germination characteristics over a range of temperatures, but will not necessarily lead to improved growth performance of the selected populations.  相似文献   

R. S. Malhotra  K. B. Singh 《Euphytica》1989,40(1-2):169-172
Summary Triple test cross-analysis was used to detect epistasis in chickpea. None of the characters investigated exhibited epistasis. In the absence of epistasis, additive and dominance effects were estimated. The results indicated the importance of additive genetic variance for seed yield, biological yield, number of primary branches, number of secondary branches, 100-seed weight, days to flower, and number of seeds per pod; dominance genetic variance for days to mature; and both additive and dominance genetic variances for plant height. Selection methods, such as pedigree and bulk, are suggested for the improvement of most characters.Joint contribution from ICARDA, P.O. Box 5466, Aleppo, Syria and ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics), Patancheru P.O. 502 324, A.P., India.  相似文献   

Heterosis in rice over environments   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary Ten CMS (A) lines and their maintainers (B) and seven restorers (R) were used to make 70 crosses (A/R) and 70 reciprocals (R/B) following line x tester design. The 140 crosses and 17 parents (10 B + 7 R lines) were evaluated in six environments created by three nitrogen fertility levels (0, 60, 120 kg N/ha) and two seasons wet (WS) and dry (DS). Hybrids (both A/R and R/B) were superior to their parents in yield. Hybrids flowered earlier and were taller than the parents. Substantial heterosis, heterobeltiosis and standard heterosis were observed in different environments. Extent of heterosis was higher in WS (stress environment) than in DS (favorable environment). Twenty four hybrids outyielded the standard check (IR46) significantly. Most of them were derived from crosses with parental lines: IR54752A/B, IR58057A/B, IR46 and IR54. For days to flowering, the overall mean heterosis, heterobeltiosis and standard heterosis were all negative values. Heterosis for plant height did not change the plant type of hybrids from semi-dwarf to tall because the parents possessed same dwarfing gene. With proper choice of parents hybrids possessing higher yield potential, early maturity and semi-dwarf plant type can be developed for the tropics.  相似文献   

Genetic main effects and genotype × environment (GE) interaction effects for erucic acid content (EAC) in rapeseed(Brassica napus L.) were analyzed for two year data by using the genetic models and corresponding statistical approaches for quantitative traits of diploid plant seeds. Eight parents were included in adiallel mating design in two environments. It was found that the embryo, cytoplasmic and maternal main effects and their GE interaction effects could simultaneously affect the performance of EAC, especially for the cytoplasmic and maternal effects. Since the amount of genetic main effects from the expression of genes in different genetic systems accounted for about 64.1%of the total genetic effects, EAC of rapeseed was mainly controlled by genetic main effects. The total narrow-sense heritability for EAC was 83.6% with the general heritability being 51.9% and the interaction heritability being 31.7%. It was suggested by the predicted genetic effects, that Tower and Youcai 601 were better than other parents for reducing EAC in rapeseed quality breeding. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Jahn Davik 《Euphytica》1997,98(1-2):53-58
From an experiment involving swede (Brassica napus ssp. rapifera L.) material resulting from a 4 × 4 diallel cross and a 4 × 9 factorial mating design better parent heterosis for dry matter and marketable yield was found in the majority of the hybrids. For breeders preference the better parent heterosis was not that pronounced and the majority of the hybrids were inferior when compared to their better parent. The generation means showed that models containing the mean, m, and the dominance parameter, h, generally resulted in the best fit. In some cases the additive parameter, d, improved the fit. In those cases, however, the additive parameter was substantially smaller than the dominance parameter. The probability of occurrence of recombinant inbred lines that outperform the source F1-hybrid was, with very few exceptions, found to be low. Implications for swede breeding are discussed. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Summary The expected improvement in grain yield if selection was made for plant characters measured between flowering and maturity was evaluated in populations of rapeseed (Brassica campestris and B. napus) grown in a droughted environment. Drought was commenced at flowering in each species and measurements were made on plants at the commencement of the drought stress, during the stress treatment and at crop maturity.Substantial genetic and phenotypic variation was observed in yield as well as the different morphophysiological determinants of yield. In B. campestris no single parameter was found to be a suitable alternative selection criterion to yield since the correlated responses in yield if selection was for another character was lower than if selection was for yield alone. By the use of a selection index however, joint selection for yield, as well as harvest index, 1000 seed weight and seeds per pod, was expected to be 20% more effective than direct selection for yield under drought. In the B. napus population direct selection for flowering time or for harvest index was predicted to result in a genetic advance in yield equal to or greater than that obtained by direct selection for yield, whereas joint selection for flowering time and yield should result in a 16% greater yield increase. Selection for increased yield in these populations grown in droughted conditions is discussed.  相似文献   

R. A. Richards 《Euphytica》1978,27(2):609-615
Summary Expectations of yield improvement in environments where drought was the major environmental factor limiting yields were studied in two species of rapeseed. Selection for yield in a drought stressed environment was predicted to be a more efficient selection stategy for yield improvement in dryland situations than selection in a more optimal environment, or selection based on a drought response index. The results indicate that selection for yield in a stressed environment are expected to lead to genetic advances in yield under optimal conditions as well as in a drought index. Selection under well watered conditions, on the other hand, was also expected to lead to correlated increases in yield in droughted environments but to decreases in the drought index. These results were found in both species of rapeseed grown in different water stress situations.The genetic advance in a drought response index was predicted to be greater in B. napus and marginally less in B. campestris if selection was practised for yield in a stressed environment rather than direct selection for the drought index. This was due to the higher heritability estimates in the stressed environments and the positive genetic correlations with yield.  相似文献   

上位性效应等水稻杂种优势理论的探讨与展望   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
杂种优势遗传学机理的研究一直受到人们的极大关注,其中,上位性等遗传效应在水稻等粮食作物的杂种优势形成中起着非常重要的作用,是杂种优势的重要遗传基础。此文依据显性假说和超显性假说的研究状况回顾入笔,阐述了这些观点的局限性;然后从上位性效应及杂种优势综合效应方面的研究进展展开论述,并简述了关于杂种优势理论的几种新见解,最后以杂种优势理论的相关问题进行分析与探讨,提出了笔者对该领域前景的展望。笔者期望通过此文为今后开展杂种优势基础理论尤其是上位性及综合效应研究提供一定的思路和借鉴。  相似文献   

The potential of near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS) to detectwithin-plant differences for seed protein content was investigated. Fourhundred and fifty-one single seeds were scanned by NIRS using a specialadapter. After non-destructive NIRS scanning, the seeds were analysed forprotein content by the Dumas combustion method and a calibrationequation was developed. A validation set of 117 additional seeds fromthree individual plants from the cultivars Bristol, Lirajet and Maplus wasanalysed for protein content both by NIRS and combustion. The coefficientof determination between NIRS and combustion values in the validation setwas 0.94, with a standard error of performance (SEP) of 0.77% and aratio of the SEP to the standard deviation (SD) of the validation set of0.28. The coefficient of variation (CV) for seed protein content inindividual plants, as determined by the combustion method, was 11.7%for Bristol, 8.9% for Lirajet, and 9.5% for Maplus. The comparison ofsuch variation with the standard error (SE) of NIRS analysis, defined as thecombination of the SE of the combustion method and the SEP of NIRScalibration equation, revealed that the maximum explainable variance withinindividual plants that can be detected using NIRS analysis of proteincontent in single seeds was 0.86 for Bristol, 0.83 for Lirajet, and 0.85 forMaplus. These results demonstrated that NIRS is a powerful tool fornon-destructive assessment of within-plant variation for seed protein contentin rapeseed.  相似文献   

Summary Divergence of 25 accessions of Brassica juncea of Indian, CIS (Commonwealth of Independent States, former USSR) and synthetic origin was studied by D2 analysis. On the basis of divergence, ten accessions were selected and crossed in a diallel fashion without reciprocals to study the combining ability and heterosis. None of the accessions was found to be a good general combiner for all the nine quantitative characters that were studied. Significant heterosis over better parent for single plant yield was recorded in CIS x Indian and synthetic x CIS crosses (5 each) followed by Indian x synthetic types (3). The analysis of component characters showed that the mean performance of the majority of hybrids was intermediate for five out of six yield attributing traits, thus exhibiting dominance or partial dominance effect. To estimate the contribution of such yield attributing traits towards heterosis for yield, a comparison was made among three parameters viz. heterosis over mid parent (MP), better parent (BP) and better yielding parent (BYP) of the concerned hybrid. It was observed that estimation of heterosis from BYP was a more accurate method to determine the contribution of component characters towards yield heterosis than the analysis based on MP and BP. From the component character analysis, it was concluded that characters like number of primary and secondary branches, number of siliqua per plant and siliqua density contributed significantly towards heterosis in yield. Plot level yield trials of two selected hybrids (Skorospieka II x RH30 and Donskaja IV x Varuna) over two growing seasons revealed 29.4 to 91.8% heterosis over BYP.  相似文献   

Peng Luo  Zequ Lan  Jie Deng  Ziqing Wang 《Euphytica》2000,114(3):217-221
Oil radish (Raphanus sativus var. raphanistroides Makino) is resistant to drought and low temperature. In order to breed more resistant cultivars of rapeseed, the wide cross between rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) and oil radish was made. Rapeseed was not compatible with oil radish, and the frequency of hybrid plants (F1) was very low. Moreover, the hybrid plants were sterile. In order to recover the intergeneric hybrids (F1), the in vitro organ culture technique was applied in our experiments. The frequency of hybrid plants (F1) was increased up to 25.55% by means of in vitro culture of pollinated ovaries. Some fertile amphidiploid hybrid plants were obtained by means of colchicine treatment of small buds obtained from cultured flower receptacle segments of hybrid plants (F1). It is suggested that the technique of in vitro culture of pollinated ovaries and flower receptacle segments is useful in the wide-cross breeding of rapeseed. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

S. Gowers 《Euphytica》1989,42(1-2):99-103
Summary The interactions of nine S-gene lines of Brassica napus were examined. Seven different S-genes were involved in the crosses, with three lines of different origin having the same S-gene. In general, the reactions on selfing the heterozygotes were as expected from the results of test crosses with the homozygous parent lines. All types of dominance relationships were found, including reversal of dominance in pollen and pistil. Weakening of activity of one or both genes was found in several cases. Background genotype was found have to some effect and reciprocal differences in reactions were also observed.  相似文献   

Three double low (erucic acid and glucosinolates) self-incompatible lines and 22 varieties from different origins were selected to produce 66 hybrids according to a NC II mating design. Field experiments for identification of hybrid performance and heterosis were conducted in two successive rapeseed growing seasons in Wuhan, China. After heterosis identifications, SI-1300 and Eagle were chosen to construct an F2 segregating population. One hundred and eighty four F2:3 lines were planted at Wuhan and Jingmen to test yield traits. F2 plants and the 25 parents were analyzed using simultaneously AFLP (amplified fragment length polymorphism) and SSR (simple sequence repeat) markers. A total of 270 and 718 polymorphic loci were detected in the F2 population and among the 25 parental lines, respectively. Of the 718 polymorphic loci, 178 were significantly correlated to yield traits. With the use of one-way ANOVA, 84 common QTLs were detected for 12 traits at two trial locations. Although the genetic distances based on general/specific heterozygosities and single-locus QTLs showed significant correlations with hybrid performance and heterosis for some yield traits, the determination coefficients were low. The results suggested that neither heterozygosities nor QTLs for yield traits were suitable to predict hybrid performance and heterosis in Brassica napus.  相似文献   

Heterosis in growth and photosynthetic rate in hybrids of cotton   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary The intraspecific (Gossipium hirsutum) and interspecific (G. hirsutum x G. barbadense) F1 hybrids of cotton were found to exhibit a high degree of heterosis in the production of fruiting branches, number of bolls (fruits), yield of seed cotton and photosynthetic rates over the parent plants. The developing bolls of the hybrids had significantly higher weights than their parents until the 20th day after anthesis. The patterns of leaf area development among interspecific hybrids differed when compared with the parent plants. The photosynthetic rates of the hybrids were comparable with those of maize and sorghum and much higher than the average rate reported so far for the cotton plant.  相似文献   

甘蓝型油菜为异源四倍体, 基因组结构复杂, 而水稻基因组与油菜基因组具有一定的共线性。本研究利用水稻产量相关基因GS3Ghd7序列信息, 通过同源克隆方法, 获得了甘蓝型油菜的同源基因BnGS3BnGhd7BnGS3有6个外显子, ORF全长666 bp, 编码222个氨基酸。BnGS3蛋白具有水稻GS3四个保守结构域中的VWF结构, 属于A型。BnGhd7含有1个外显子, ORF全长1014 bp, 编码337个氨基酸。BnGhd7蛋白具有N端的B-Box和C端的CCT两个重要的结构域。BnGS3BnGhd7分别位于A2和A10连锁群, 比较测序得到BnGS3的多态性标记brgs-16及BnGhd7的多态性标记brghd-3和ghd7-7, 其中brghd-3与千粒重(P < 0.05)、ghd7-7与株高(P < 0.01)正相关, ghd7-7与开花期负相关(P < 0.05)。上述结果表明, 利用水稻功能基因序列信息克隆甘蓝型油菜的同源基因是可行的, 为油菜功能基因研究提供了一种有效途径。  相似文献   

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