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牛志敏 《中国马铃薯》2007,21(3):162-163
用洋酸浆(Physalis floridana)、A6(Solanum demissum×Aquila)的后代、黄苗榆烟(Nicotianatabacum)、鲁特格尔斯番茄(Lycopersicon esculentum cv.Rutgers)4种指示植物汁液摩擦接种法,对55份马铃薯普通栽培种进行Y病毒的带毒鉴定试验,选出33份不带马铃薯Y病毒的材料;用接种过的番茄为砧木,以不带马铃薯Y病毒的材料为接穗进行嫁接传毒试验;对嫁接后能正常生长30 d以上的材料又回接了该种病毒病的寄主进行抗性鉴定试验。通过试验筛选出10份抗马铃薯PVY病毒的材料,其中免疫的有1份,过敏的有9份,从而为马铃薯抗Y病毒育种提供资源材料。  相似文献   

病毒病等病害是中国马铃薯产业的重要限制因子。为了马铃薯病毒病等病害的防治,研究通过病毒接种鉴定了15个北方晚熟马铃薯品种(系)对马铃薯Y病毒(Potato virus Y,PVY)、马铃薯X病毒(Potato virus X,PVX)、马铃薯S病毒(Potato virus S,PVS)和马铃薯A病毒(Potato virus A,PVA)四种主要马铃薯病毒的抗性,同时检测了这些品种部分病害的相关分子标记。有10份试验材料至少对一种病毒表现出抗性,其中‘京张薯4号’‘冀张薯8号’‘冀张薯12号’‘2013-19-14’和‘2013-89-2’同时具有3种病毒抗性,表明京张薯和冀张薯系列马铃薯具有较好病毒综合抗性。标记检测结果显示,‘冀张薯8号’‘2013-38-32’和‘2013-89-2’的PVY抗性可能来源分别为Ryadg、Rychc、Rysto,而‘冀张薯12号’的PVX抗性可能来源于Rx1。根据标记与抗性表型的符合程度推测,上述马铃薯品种(系)的PVY抗性可能主要来源Rysto,PVX抗性可...  相似文献   

为筛选具有疮痂病抗性的马铃薯品种及资源,2018年和2019年,利用自然病圃研究法分别对77份和127份云南省马铃薯新品种及主要资源品系材料进行疮痂病抗性评价。研究结果表明:2018年,品系D103属于抗病材料,品系C6、D113、D105、D174、D67和D106属于中间型材料;2019年,品系D190、D103、D177、D207、D82、D24、D9、D48、D115、D195属于抗病材料,品系D81、D8、D124、D199、D197、D67、D113、D78、D109、D65、D50属于中间型材料,其余品种及品系均为感病和高感材料。两年试验中,品系D103均表现出稳定抗病性,可作为亲本材料进行疮痂病抗病育种杂交组合创制;其余抗病材料如D190等,对其抗病性可继续进行评价,同时可利用其配制杂交组合,为云南省开展马铃薯疮痂病抗病育种工作奠定基础。  相似文献   

马铃薯(Solanum tuberosum L.)青枯病是由茄科雷尔氏菌(Ralstonia solanacearum)引起的一种毁灭性的细菌性土传病害。马铃薯青枯病抗性资源主要存在于一些野生种中,体细胞杂交是创制马铃薯青枯病抗性资源的一种有效途径。本研究以具有对青枯病抗性的体细胞杂种与栽培种杂交产生的100个后代为材料,对其进行青枯病抗性评价,旨在筛选可供育种利用的青枯病抗性资源。青枯病抗性鉴定结果表明,在试管苗组培鉴定中100个杂交后代共有6个基因型表型抗青枯病,温室钵栽接种鉴定有8个基因型表现为抗病,在两种接种鉴定中均表现为抗病的有3个基因型(07SF.3-79、07SF.6-8和07SF.6-5)。选用本实验室前期筛选的与青枯病抗性相关的4对SSR标记引物(STI0051、STI0054、STI0056、STI0057),对100个基因型进行分子标记检测,结果显示,有3个标记(STI0051.180、STI0054.180、STI0056.205)可以明确鉴定抗感基因型,它们表现为抗病稳定的3个基因型的标记位点与抗病对照的带型一致,而在感病对照中缺失,与表型鉴定结果吻合,表明筛选的SSR标记可以用于具有S.chacoense遗传背景材料的青枯病抗性辅助选择。  相似文献   

为了获得抗马铃薯Y病毒(PVY)转基因烟草,分别扩增PVY HC-Pro基因3’端正、反向片段,构建反向重复植物表达载体.利用农杆菌介导法转化普通烟草(Nicotiana tabacum)云烟85,经抗性筛选及抗病性鉴定,获得T0代转基因抗病烟草株系.繁殖T0代抗病株系,抗病性鉴定发现,部分抗病株系的T1代烟株发生了一定比例的抗感分离.Real-time PCR检测发生抗感分离的T1代烟株,发现抗病烟株中PVY HC-Pro基因RNA积累水平显著低于感病烟株,说明抗病烟株中HC-Pro基因发生了RNA沉默.利用dsRNA技术沉默HC-Pro基因,获得了烟草品种云烟85的T1代转基因抗PVY株系.  相似文献   

为提高马铃薯晚疫病抗病育种水平,筛选出适宜于天水地区种植的马铃薯品种和抗晚疫病较强的亲本资源,特此对引自全国的38份马铃薯品种(系)进行晚疫病抗性的田间鉴定。试验采用随机区组设计,对参试材料的植株、块茎晚疫病和产量进行评价与分析。结果表明:植株发病最轻的是‘L0527-4’、‘L9901-10’、‘L0527-7’、‘农天2号’、‘天薯12号’、‘同薯20号’、‘陇薯7号’等;块茎晚疫病未发病的为‘同薯20号’、‘陇薯7号’、‘天薯12号’等17份材料;‘陇薯7号’、‘天薯12号’较对照‘陇薯6号’增产,折合产量依次为26 300 kg/hm2、23 800 kg/hm2;最终筛选出‘陇薯7号’和‘天薯12号’两份晚疫病田间抗性和丰产性较好的材料,可用作马铃薯晚疫病抗病育种的资源,并在天水地区推广种植。  相似文献   

马铃薯体细胞杂种的青枯病抗性鉴定   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本试验对马铃薯四倍体栽培种(Solanum tuberosum)的双单倍体系81-15与二倍体野生种S.cha-coense的原生质体融合株系进行了青枯病抗性鉴定,其目的是对利用体细胞融合技术获得抗青枯病种质的有效性及抗性鉴定技术进行评价,获得抗病育种材料。结果表明:在鉴定的18个体细胞融合株系中,抗性分离表现为从感病(S)到抗病(R),多数表现为中感(MS)到中抗(MR)水平。田间病圃鉴定、人工接种鉴定和分子标记鉴定的结果显示:田间病圃鉴定的病情指数(DI)和人工接种鉴定病级(DS)的相关性达到极显著水平(DI=-0.39+4 DS,r2=0.921),双侧翼SCAR标记SCA07446和SCA12980鉴定同时具有两个标记特异带的株系均为前两种鉴定表现为中感(MS)以上的材料。综合分析同时利用3种方法鉴定的结果:CHT-3、CHT-5、CHT-6、CHT-10、CHT-15等5个株系为抗病材料,证明体细胞融合是利用野生种质资源抗性的有效途径。  相似文献   

玉米种质抗灰斑病鉴定与评价   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
对40份常用玉米自交系和22份回交群体(导入系)进行抗灰斑病鉴定与评价,筛选出对灰斑病表现高抗自交系1份、抗病自交系3份、中抗自交系9份及多份抗病回交导入后代。研究结果表明,在供试玉米种质中多数自交系表现为感病,抗病种质较少。采用回交育种方法进行玉米灰斑病抗性改良,在受体与供体均为抗病材料的后代中抗病株率较高;在受体为感病材料、供体为抗病材料的后代中存在一定数量的抗病株。  相似文献   

马铃薯Y病毒研究进展   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
马铃薯Y病毒(Potato virus Y,PVY)是危害马铃薯的重要病毒之一,在全球广为传播,并造成了严重经济损失。因此深入研究PVY及其与马铃薯的相互作用有助于控制病毒,减轻危害。根据初始寄主植物,PVY可分为以马铃薯为初始寄主的株系群体和以非马铃薯物种为初始寄主的株系群体。以马铃薯为初始寄主的株系群体,依据指示寄主植物(马铃薯品种,烟草)反应,进一步分为PVYO、PVYN、PVYNTN及PVYC等几种类型。依据血清学反应,PVY分成PVYO/C血清型和PVYN血清型。依据基因序列和基因组学,PVY分为PVYO,PVYN,PVYC及一系列PVYO/PVYN重组型如PVYNTN和PVYN:O。症状是寄主与病毒之间复杂的相互作用的结果。一些病毒蛋白和寄主蛋白的相互作用已被证实或逐渐认识到。证据显示HC-Pro起到转录后基因沉默抑制子的作用,从而提高病毒复制能力。马铃薯对PVY的抗性分为极端抗性和高敏抗性两类,多个极端抗性基因(即Ry基因)和过敏抗性基因(即Ny基因)被定位在第9,11和12号染色体上。PVY与植物的分子互作和抗PVY基因资源挖掘与利用将是今后几年的研究重点。  相似文献   

马铃薯病毒病严重影响马铃薯产量和质量,因此,在马铃薯生产中防控马铃薯病毒病尤为重要。用马铃薯A病毒(Potato virus A,PVA)、马铃薯Y病毒(Potato virus Y,PVY)、马铃薯X病毒(Potato virus X,PVX)、马铃薯M病毒(Potato virus M,PVM)、马铃薯S病毒(Potato virus S,PVS)、PVY+PVA、PVY+PVX、PVY+PVS以及PVY+类病毒(Potato spindle tuber viroid,PSTVd)共9种病毒或病毒(类病毒)组合于苗期接种黑龙江省10个马铃薯主栽品种,调查这些品种的株高、产量、大薯率和植株症状的变化。结果表明,复合侵染中PVY和PSTVd和单一侵染中PVY对马铃薯品种高度影响最大。10个供试马铃薯品种对含有PVY侵染的5个处理(PVY、PVY+PVX、PVY+PVA、PVY+PVS、PVY+PSTVd)均表现出了明显的症状。PVY+PVX和PVY+PSTVd复合侵染对10个马铃薯品种的产量和大薯率影响较大。调查了生产中常见病毒病和类病毒在黑龙江省主栽品种上造成的症状和危害,有助于在生产中对病害的识别和防控,降低病害的危害,提高马铃薯的质量和产量。  相似文献   

将多种病毒的有效核酸片断拼接成融合基因转入马铃薯可获得多抗马铃薯材料。针对马铃薯生产中分布广泛、危害严重并经常混合感染的马铃薯X病毒(PVX)、马铃薯Y病毒(PVY)、马铃薯卷叶病毒(PLRV)和马铃薯S病毒(PVS),开展了利用基因工程方法获得兼抗4种马铃薯病毒转基因马铃薯材料的研究。试验在前期获得含4种马铃薯病毒外壳蛋白基因片段的质粒pART27-XSYV-rh的基础上,通过根癌农杆菌(Agrobacterium tumefaciens)介导转化马铃薯(Solanum tuberosum)品种‘陇薯3号’,PCR扩增和PCR-Southern杂交证明,4价融合基因已整合到马铃薯基因组中。qRT-PCR分析表明,该融合基因在转基因植株中能正常表达。3株转基因植株的抗病性鉴定结果表明,2株对4种病毒同时具有抗性;1株对PLRV侵染表现阳性,对另外3种病毒同时具有抗性。  相似文献   

In an experimental breeding scheme to improve late blight (Phytophthora infestans) and white potato cyst nematode (Globodera pallida) resistance of tetraploid potato over three generations of crossing and selection, 15 clones survived the final selection, and these were derived from 15 great-grandparents. There was no direct selection for resistance to Potato virus Y (PVY), but 14 out of the 15 great-grandparents were resistant to PVY and three had extreme resistance. Thirteen of the 15 descendants had PVY resistance and one extreme resistance. This was within the range expected for a random (unselected) sample from the genotypes of the great-grandparents. Hence, we found no evidence for any positive or negative association between PVY resistance and the attributes selected. The conclusion is that laborious selection is not required in every generation when many parents have PVY resistance, including some with more than one copy of a PVY resistance gene or resistance at more than one locus. However, in the future, determining the major virus resistance genes present in potential parents in each generation using diagnostic molecular markers would prevent susceptible × susceptible crosses being made and maximise the number of resistant × resistant ones.  相似文献   

Summary Segregation for extreme resistance to PVY was evaluated in progenies derived from crossing two extremely resistant potato clones with parents differing in resistance. Resistance was evaluated after mechanical inoculation with PVYO and PVYN, and after graft inoculation with PVYO. Biological and serological tests (ELISA) were used for virus detection. The extreme resistance is governed by a single dominant gene, but observed segregations deviated from the expected ratios. Considerable modifying effects were detectable, depending on the potato genotype and virus isolate, for a significant excess of susceptible genotypes was observed in some progenies. Moreover, genotypes with non-parental types of resistance to PVY were observed.  相似文献   

马铃薯品种同薯23号选育自8029-[S2-26-13-(3)]×NS 78-4。该品种中晚熟,具有高产稳产,抗X、Y病毒病,抗晚疫病,结薯集中,薯形好等特征。本文介绍了其在实践当中的高效栽培技术,包括整地、合理施肥、种薯处理、切薯处理、播种方法、田间管理、病虫害防治、适时收获等内容,为该品种的大面积推广起到了技术指导作用。  相似文献   

Increasing prevalence of potato leafroll virus (PLRV) and potato virus Y (PVY) has been reported in seed and commercial potato production, resulting in the rejection of potatoes for certification and processing. Host plant resistance to PLRV and PVY and their primary vector, green peach aphid,Myzus persicae, could limit the spread of these viruses. Host plant resistance to PLRV, PVY, and green peach aphid has been identified in non-tuber-bearingSolanum etuberosum (PI 245939) and in its backcross 2 (BC2) progeny. Resistance to green peach aphid involved a reduction in fecundity and adult aphid size. In addition, one BC2 individual was identified as possessing a genetic factor that was detrimental to nymph survival. PVY resistance was identified in all five BC2 progenies evaluated in a field screening under intense virus pressure. PLRV resistance was identified in two of the five BC2 progeny. This resistance was stable in field and cage evaluations with large populations of viruliferous aphids. Based on the segregation of virus resistances in the BC2 , PVY and PLRV resistances appear to result from the action of independent genetic mechanisms that reduce the levels of primary and secondary virus infection. Two BC2 individuals, Etb 6-21-3 and Etb 6-21-5 were identified as having multiple resistances to PLRV, PVY, and green peach aphid derived fromS. etuberosum. This germplasm could prove useful to potato breeders in the development of virus-resistant cultivars.  相似文献   

First, an extensive literature review was performed with respect to Potato virus Y (PVY) resistance sources and their further utilization in a breeding programme. On the basis of that review we present a scheme of backcrossing and new cultivar creation on the basis of five detected sources of PVY resistance and one source of Potato virus X resistance. Some cultivar pedigrees are presented reflecting the differences in the breeding strategies. Moreover, results of investigations on some polygenic traits such as field resistance against late blight and starch content are presented. For these purposes progenies were screened for suitable recombinant genotypes which were used in further crossings. Also the results of investigations on resistance to the potato golden nematode and on the selection of cultivars suitable for processing are briefly analysed. We also describe a programme of parallel evaluation of identical hybrid populations in different soils and climatic zones. The development of seed potato production systems facilitated the conditions to improve the quality of potato seed material, to increase potato production and to allow Russia to participate in the international potato market. Systems of virus detection, norms and methods of laboratory tests as well as requirements for quality and tolerance levels of different seed classes (generations) were unified and harmonized with European systems.  相似文献   

The leaf phenolics of the potato speciesS. × ajanhuiri, S. stenotomum, S. megistacrolobum and the artificial F1 S. stenotomum × S. megistacrolobum hybrids have been compared using thin layer chromatography The wild potatoS. megistacrolobum produced unidentified phenolic compounds which were present in the artificialS. stenotomum × S. megistacrolobum hybrids and the YARI group ofS. × ajanhuiri, but which were absent inS. stenotomum. This further supports the hypothesis thatS. X ajanhuiri is of hybridogenic origin and was derived from natural crosses between the cultivatedS. stenotomum and the wildS. megistacrolobum.  相似文献   

马铃薯晚疫病抗病基因研究进展   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
晚疫病是危害马铃薯生产的重要病害,可导致马铃薯的大量减产。多年来研究人员对马铃薯晚疫病进行了大量的研究,取得了一系列的成果。对马铃薯晚疫病防治最有效的方法是使用抗病品种,随着分子生物学技术的发展,从野生资源中分离抗病基因,并将其转入到栽培种马铃薯中可以获得抗病特性。到目前为止,已经有十多个抗晚疫病基因被发现和图谱,且部分基因已被转入到栽培品种中。本文从晚疫病抗病基因的发现、分离、定位及克隆等方面进行了综述。  相似文献   

Early blight, caused byAlternaria solani Sorauer, is a serious disease of potatoes that occurs in most potatogrowing regions in the world. There is little resistance to early blight among commercial potato cultivars. However, resistance to early blight in diploid (Solanum phureja-S. stenotomum) potatoes has been identified, and was found to be highly heritable and readily transferred to the tetraploid level via- crosses. The purposes of this study were to identify good levels of early blight resistance in open-pollinated4×-2× (Solanum tuberosum×S. phureja-S. stenotomum) hybrids selected for horticultural characteristics, to estimate broad-sense heritability for early blight resistance in these hybrids, and to investigate the general and specific combining ability for resistance to early blight from some of these early blight resistant tetraploid selections. Four early blight resistant clones were crossed as female parents with four different male parents in a design II mating scheme to generate 16 families. Approximately 20 randomly chosen offspring per family were visually evaluated for early blight resistance in 1995 and 1996 in a randomized complete block design in Pennsylvania. Broad-sense heritability for early blight resistance among the open-pollinated- hybrids which were originally selected for horticultural characteristics was 0.91 with a 95% confidence interval of 0.80, 0.94. There were significant differences among female and male parents for area under the disease progress curve, indicating the importance of general combining ability for early blight resistance in this germplasm. The female x male source of variation was not significant, indicating that specific combining ability was not important. The greatest number of resistant progeny were observed in families where both parents were derived from the early blight resistant population; however, at least one highly resistant progeny was produced in all families. These results suggest that the early blight resistance in these clones can be readily incorporated into the commercial tetraploid breeding population.  相似文献   

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