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Ninety crossbred beef heifers averaging 260 kg were blocked by weight and allotted randomly to 15 pens of six heifers each, with three replicates per treatment. The treatments were spayed heifers (S); intact heifers (I); S + Synovex-H7 (SH); I + Synovex-H (IH); and S + Synovex-S7 (SS). The heifers were spayed vaginally with a Willis instrument; intact heifers were rectally palpated for reproductive soundness. Heifers were fed a growing diet (55 d), re-implanted and subsequently fed a finishing ration (73 or 101 d). All heifers were observed for estrus daily at approximately 0600 and 2000 until d 69. A jugular vein blood sample was obtained from each heifer on d 48, 55, 62 and 69 for blood progesterone analysis. Results of blood progesterone analysis and reproductive tract examination indicated that two spayed heifers were incompletely spayed, a 96% success rate. The SH and SS heifers continued to exhibit estrous behavior despite being successfully spayed. Heifers implanted with Synovex-H had greater (P less than .01) ADG and were more efficient (P less than .03) than nonimplanted heifers. The SS heifers had greater ADG (P less than .05) during the finishing phase than SH heifers, but no advantage of SS over SH was apparent during the growing phase. The overall ADG response to implantation was fourfold greater (P less than .07) in the spayed heifers than in the intact heifers (32 vs 8%). Heifers implanted with Synovex-H had greater adjusted hot carcass weight (P less than .02) and ribeye area (P less than .002) than nonimplanted heifers. For adjusted live weight and ribeye area, the response to implantation was approximately threefold greater in the spayed heifer than the intact heifer. These results demonstrate that spaying and implanting heifers can increase rates and efficiency of gain even though behavioral estrus is not eliminated.  相似文献   

Danish pigs that are within optimal weight limits and have a high lean meat percentage (LMP) obtain the best prices at slaughter. Another reason to consider the variation in LMP is the assumed association between LMP and average daily weight gain (ADG) at the individual level. The aim of this study was to test whether high ADG was associated with low LMP and vice versa. A cohort of 99 pigs from a conventional Danish herd was followed from 30kg to slaughter. The data included days in the herd, start- and end-weights, calculated ADG and LMP, reported from the abattoir. The study also included existing data from 13,057 boars from a Danish boar test station. The results of the study demonstrated a significant negative association between LMP and ADG: Pearson's correlation coefficient (r)=-0.42 (95% CI: -0.57; -0.24) (p<0.0001) for the cohort and r=-0.42 (95% CI: -0.48; -0.36) (p<0.0001) for the boars.  相似文献   

Components of variance for ADG with models including competition effects were estimated from data provided by the Pig Improvement Company on 11,235 pigs from 4 selected lines of swine. Fifteen pigs with average age of 71 d were randomly assigned to a pen by line and sex and taken off test after approximately 89 d (off-test BW ranged from 61 to 158 kg). Models included fixed effects of line, sex, and contemporary group and initial test age as a covariate, with random direct genetic, competition (genetic and environmental), pen, litter, and residual effects. With the full model, variances attributable to direct, direct-competition, genetic competition, and litter (co)variance components could be partitioned; genetic competition variance was small but statistically significantly different from zero. Variances attributable to environmental competition, pen, and residual effects could not be partitioned, but combinations of these environmental variances were estimable. Variances could be partitioned with either pen effects or environmental competition effects in the model. Environmental competition effects seemed to be the source of variance associated with pens. With pen as a fixed effect and without environmental competition effects in the model, genetic components of variance could not be partitioned, but combinations of genetic (co)variances were estimable. With both pen and environmental competition effects ignored, estimates of direct-competition and genetic competition (co)variance components were greatly inflated. With competition (genetic and environmental) effects ignored, the estimate of pen variance increased by 39%, with little change in estimates of direct genetic or residual variance. When both pen and competition (genetic and environmental) effects were dropped from the model, variance attributable to direct genetic effects was inflated. Estimates of variance attributable to competition effects were small in this study. Including environmental competition effects as permanent environmental effects in the model did not change estimates of genetic (co)variances. We concluded that including either pen effects or environmental competition effects as random effects in the model avoids bias in estimates of genetic variances but that including pen effects is much easier.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of a dopamine antagonist, domperidone, in nonpregnant, reproductively cycling heifers consuming endophyte-infected (EI) fescue diets. Thirty crossbred heifers (Angus x Holstein or Hereford x Holstein) were assigned to one of three treatment groups (n = 10); endophyte-free (EF) fescue diet, EI fescue diet, or endophyte-infected diet and treated with domperidone (EID). Heifers fed EI diets had decreased weight gains compared with heifers fed EF or EID (P < 0.05) during a 21-d treatment period. Ovarian structures were monitored via transrectal ultrasound to determine follicle size and day of ovulation. Blood plasma samples were collected daily and analyzed for progesterone concentration to determine luteal function. Heifers ingesting EI diets had estrous cycles of shorter duration and lower mid-cycle progesterone concentrations than heifers in the EF or EID treatments (P < 0.05). Ovaries from a subset of heifers in each group (n = 3 per group) were harvested and in vitro secretion of progesterone from luteal tissue extracts was determined. No differences in progesterone concentrations were detected among luteal tissue incubates (P > 0.05). These results suggest that domperidone supplementation of heifers consuming EI fescue may ameliorate certain symptoms of fescue toxicosis.  相似文献   

Effects of animal gender and age, use of a growth stimulant, and supplementation with grain alone or grain plus other substances on ADG by growing beef cattle grazing bermudagrass paddocks with sod-seeded rye, wheat, and ryegrass were determined. Two grazing experiments (Exp. 1: late winter through mid-spring; Exp. 2: late spring through mid-summer) were conducted. Experiment 1 used 96, 12- to 13-mo-old Simmental-cross calves (heifers, 240 kg; steers, 272 kg), half of which were implanted with zeranol. Within each implant treatment, cattle received no supplement or .5% BW (DM) of ground corn alone or plus a mix of protein meals, zinc sulfate, thiamin-HCl, or salt. Daily gain was higher (P less than .05) with than without supplementation and was similar (P greater than .10) among supplement treatments. In Exp. 2, 96 crossbred beef steers, approximately 7 (230 kg) or 15 mo old (250 kg), were not supplemented (control) or received .5% BW (DM) of ground corn on d 1 to 84 (C-C), corn plus a protein meal mix on d 1 to 84 (CP-CP), corn on d 43 to 84 (O-C), corn plus the protein meal mix on d 43 to 84 (O-CP), or corn on d 1 to 42 and corn plus the protein meal mix on d 43 to 84 (C-CP). Daily gain on d 1 to 84 was affected (P less than .05) by supplement, age, implant, and the supplement x implant interaction (nonimplanted: .37, .56, .68, .40, .49, and .49; implanted: .37, .62, .54, .49, .70, and .71 kg for control, C-C, CP-CP, O-C, O-CP, and C-CP, respectively).  相似文献   

The aim of this investigation was, through a meta-analysis, to review the published literature concerning the effect of PCV2 vaccination on the average daily weight gain (ADG) and on the mortality rate in pigs from weaning to slaughter. The review was restricted to studies investigating the effect of vaccines against PCV2 published from 2006 to 2008, identified using computerised literature databases. Only studies that met the following criteria were included: commercial vaccines were used, pigs or pens were assigned randomly to vaccination versus control groups in herds naturally infected with PCV2, and vaccinated and non-vaccinated pigs were housed together. Furthermore, it was a requirement that sample size, age at vaccination, and production period were stated. The levels of ADG and mortality rate had to be comparable to those seen in modern intensive swine production. In total, 107 studies were identified; 70 were excluded because they did not fulfil the inclusion criteria and 13 were identical to results published elsewhere. A significant effect of PCV2 vaccination on ADG was found for pigs in all production phases. The largest increase in ADG was found for finishing pigs (41.5g) and nursery-finishing pigs (33.6g) with only 10.6g increase in the nursery pigs. Mortality rate was significantly reduced for finishing pigs (4.4%) and nursery-finishing pigs (5.4%), but not for nursery pigs (0.25%). Herds negative for PRRS had a significantly larger increase in ADG compared to herds positive for PRRS. The PRRS status had no effect on mortality rate.  相似文献   

A survey of Theileria sergenti infections, daily weight gain and conception proportion was conducted in 85 herds of grazing heifers in Japan. Basic information and epidemiological data from participating herds were obtained by mailed questionnaires, which were completed by field veterinarians. The average cumulative incidence and proportion of treated animals in the participating herds were 25.7 and 21.1%, respectively. The average daily weight gain and conception proportion were 0.51 kg per day and 56.9%, respectively. The basic information and epidemiological data had a large range and standard deviation, which reflect the wide diversity of the grazing herds in Japan. Herds with heavy tick infestation had significantly higher cumulative incidence and proportion of treated animals, therefore, this factor can be a good estimator to predict the occurrence and loss by theileriosis of the herds. The present questionnaire survey was useful for obtaining information about herds in different regions, and this survey method can be applied to the research of other animal diseases in Japan.  相似文献   

Tropical Animal Health and Production - The objective of the present study was to estimate variance components and genetic parameters for average daily gain from birth to weaning (ADGa), birth to...  相似文献   

Performance, DMI, diet composition, and slaughter data from 9,683 pens of steers and 5,009 pens of heifers that were fed high-concentrate diets for 90 d or more were obtained from 15 feedlots from the western United States and Canada. The data set included pen means for more than 3.1 million cattle fed between 1998 and 2004. Performance measurements assessed included ADG, DMI, dietary NE, shrunk initial weight (SIW), and shrunk final weight. Mature final weight (MFW) for cattle in each pen was estimated based on regression of slaughter weight against SIW and ADG across all pens. Equations were developed to standardize performance projections (ADG, MFW, and break-even values) and analyze feedlot cattle close-outs. Generally, as diet NE concentration increased, DMI was decreased but G:F, dressing percentage, and yield grade all increased. Pens of cattle with greater SIW had greater ADG, DMI, and shrunk final weight but a lower G:F and dressing percentage. Dressing percentage and yield grade were correlated positively. Equations of the NRC relating gain to NE intake explained 85 and 80% of the variation in DMI of steers and heifers, respectively, with mean ratios of predicted to observed DMI (DMIratio) at 1.000 +/- 0.0506 and 0.974 +/- 0.0490. However, a significant (P < 0.001) bias in the NRC estimate of DMI was detected (r(2) = 0.10 and 0.05, for steers and heifers) between the DMIratio and ADG in which DMIratio increased as ADG increased. This was due to inherent confounding of ADG and MFW in the original NE equation of Lofgreen and Garrett. Based on iterative optimization to minimize the difference between expected and observed DMI, revised equations for retained energy (RE, Mcal/kg) were developed for steers and for heifers: RE(steer) = 0.0606 x (LW x 478/MFW(steer))(0.75)ADG(0.905); RE(heifer) = 0.0618 x (LW x 478/MFW(heifer))(0.75)ADG(0.905), where LW = mean shrunk live weight. The revised equations decreased the SD of the DMIratio by 5.4% (from 0.0496 to 0.0469) and eliminated the bias in DMIratio that was related to ADG (r(2) = 0.0006). The similarity between the 2 equations derived for steers and for heifers for estimation of RE from ADG supports the concept that scaling by MFW accounts for energy utilization differences between sexes.  相似文献   

Tropical Animal Health and Production - The aims of this study was to evaluate inbreeding effects for growth rate (average daily gain from hatch to 8&nbsp;weeks of age (ADG1–8), average...  相似文献   

Solar radiation and high ambient temperatures negatively affect feeding time, performance, and animal welfare in several species. The provision of shade is a simple method that helps to minimize the negative effects. To determine whether shade influences feeding behavior, feed intake, and daily weight gain (DWG) in female goat kids, 40 dairy goat kids were used in 2 similar pens whose feeders were shaded (n = 20) or unshaded (n = 20) during 60 days. From May to July, behavioral data were collected through 10-minute scan samples during a 24-hour period for a total of 300 hours. Both pens were shaded on the opposite side to the feeder with 15 m2 each in a resting area. All goat kids were observed for their position inside the pen, and the number of times they were seen eating was recorded. When the concentrate was provided (between 13:00 and 13:30 hours, as usually in the farm), the time was recorded until >50% of the animals stopped feeding and went back to the resting area (concentrate test). Food wastes were collected and weighed daily to calculate the food consumption. Ambient and black globe temperatures were daily recorded. Body weight was recorded every week to calculate DWG. A higher percentage of animals feeding was recorded in the shaded feeders than that in the unshaded feeders (P < 0.05). Food refusal was higher in the unshaded feeders (30 ± 1.8%) than that in the shaded feeders (25 ± 1.9%; P = 0.05). The concentrate test duration was 26.6 minutes (±1.3) in the shaded feeders and 16.1 minutes (±1) in the unshaded feeders (P < 0.05). The concentrate test duration was negatively correlated to the ambient temperature in the unshaded animals (r = ?0.50 and r2 = 0.25; P = 0.02), and it was not significant in the shaded ones (r = ?0.23, r2 = 0.05; P > 0.05). DWG was not different between groups (0.08 ± 0.03 kg per group; P > 0.05). Results suggest that shade on feeders helps to ameliorate some negative effects of solar radiation increasing feeding time and feed intake in female goat kids. This could be of great interest to prevent performance and welfare negative affectations.  相似文献   

An experiment with 29 crossbred female growing pigs (Dutch Landrace × Dutch Yorkshire) was carried out to measure the effect of daily energy intake on growth rate, N retention (according to the balance method) and composition of the weight gain. The weight gain composition was analysed by slaughtering pigs at regular intervals between 25 and 110 kg live weight. Two levels of daily energy intake, at an adequate protein intake, were used, and pigs on both treatments were slaughtered at the same age.Differences in daily energy intake affected growth rate and composition of the weight gain. Restriction of the daily energy intake by 20% caused a 15% lower live weight gain and a 12% lower N retention. Carcass muscle growth was 8% lower and fatty tissue growth was lower by 28%. Growth of bone was unaffected. Chemical analysis of different parts of the body revealed that reducing the daily energy intake by 20% caused an 8% lower protein deposition and a 28% lower fat deposition in the total body. However, there were differences between different anatomical parts of the body.Efficiency of pig meat production is discussed in relation to the effects of energy supply on weight gain composition.  相似文献   

Effects of social interactions on responses to selection for ADG were examined with records of 9,720 boars from dam lines (1 and 2) and sire lines (3 and 4) provided by Pig Improvement Company. Each line was analyzed separately. Pens contained 15 boars. Average daily gains were measured from about 71 to 161 d of age and BW from 31 to 120 kg. Models included fixed effects of contemporary groups and initial test age as a covariate and random direct genetic (a), social genetic (c), social environmental (ce), and litter (lt) effects. Estimates of direct heritability with model 1 (the full model with a, c, ce, and lt) were 0.21, 0.28, 0.13, and 0.15 for lines 1 to 4. Estimates of heritability of social effects were near zero. Estimates of total heritable variance were 55, 52, 38, and 96% of phenotypic variance for lines 1 through 4. Empirical responses to selection with model 1 were calculated using the parameter estimates from model 1. For response of 1 genetic SD for both components (a and c), the proportions of expected total gain due to social effects (with economic weights of 1 and pen size-1 = 14) were 54, 28, 65, and 65% for the 4 lines. Genetic superiorities of the top 10% of boars were calculated for boars ranked using reduced models, but with EBV calculated using the full model (model 1). Average total breeding values (ETBV = EBV(a)+14EBV(c)) for the top 10% of boars selected with model 1 were 74.08, 94.26, 31.79, and 92.88 g for lines 1 through 4, respectively. For rankings based on model 2 (a, ce, and lt), but EBV calculated with model 1, average total breeding values for the top 10% were 68.15, 94.03, 7.33, and 84.72 g with empirical correlated responses for genetic social effects from selection for direct effects of 0.93, 1.89, -2.19, and 3.52 g for lines 1 to 4.  相似文献   

Objective To determine morbidity and mortality rates in yearling heifers spayed by two methods under commercial conditions in northern Australia. Design In study 1,600 Brahman heifers were allocated to one of three treatments: physical restraint and ear-tagging (Control); physical restraint, ovariectomy by the Willis dropped ovary technique, ear-tagging and ear-marking (WDOT); or electroimmobilisation, ovariectomy via flank incision, ear-tagging and ear-marking (Flank). Heifers were monitored post spaying. Mortalities occurred at unanticipated times, so study 2 investigated their timing and cause in similar WDOT-spayed heifers (n = 574). Results In study 1, morbidity on the day of spaying was 6.0% in the Flank and 2.7% in the WDOT group (not statistically different). Spayed heifers showed behaviours indicative of acute pain/discomfort in the 6 h post spaying. Body weights and gains were significantly lower in the spayed compared with control heifers at days 21 and 42, and 5% of flank wounds were not healed at day 42. Mortalities were 0%, 1.5% and 2.5%, respectively, for Control, WDOT (3 estimated to have occurred on day 11) and Flank (2 on the day after spaying and 1 on each of days 5, 11 and 22). In study 2, the mortality was 0.5%, all within 4 days of spaying. Conclusions In yearling heifers, WDOT spaying resulted in lower morbidity and short-term mortality compared with flank spaying. Both methods compromised the health and welfare of some animals for up to 4 days and body weight gains were reduced during the 6 weeks post spaying.  相似文献   

Spring born, crossbred beef heifers (n=372) were utilized over four years to measure reductions in body weights, reproductive performance and calf weights caused by gastrointestinal nematodes (primarily Ostertagia ostertagi) and the bovine liver fluke (Fasciola hepatica) and to differentiate losses attributable to each type of parasitism. Each year, weaned heifers were allotted to one of the four treatment regimens: Group 1, untreated controls; Group 2, treated for nematodes; Group 3, treated for liver fluke; and Group 4, treated for both nematodes and liver fluke. Nematodes were controlled with subcutaneous injections of either ivermectin (Ivomec, Merial) or doramectin (Dectomax, Pfizer), both at the recommended dose of 200 ug/kg bodyweight. Clorsulon (Curatrem, Merial) drench was given at the recommended rate of 7 mg/kg bodyweight to control flukes. Treatments and fecal collections were initiated at allotment each year and were repeated at 28-84-day intervals until palpation for pregnancy diagnosis. Open heifers were removed from the study at this time. Treatment dates were based on expected length of treatment efficacy, the stage of growth of the heifers and the seasonal risk of infection by the parasites. Pregnant females were pooled and received their assigned treatments prior to their calving and breeding seasons and remained together until their calves were weaned. Heifers treated for nematode infections were heavier and had higher condition scores (P<0.01) than untreated control heifers at initiation of breeding, and maintained that difference through pregnancy diagnosis. Liver fluke infection did not affect heifer gains or condition scores prior to palpation (P<0.01). At palpation, heifers treated for both forms of parasitism had the highest condition scores and weight gains (P<0.01), and also higher pregnancy rates than control heifers and heifers treated for nematodes only (P<0.01). Pregnancy rates for heifers treated for flukes only were not significantly different from those treated for both nematodes and flukes. Heifers treated for nematodes weaned heavier calves than those not treated for nematodes (P<0.05).  相似文献   

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