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太113是山西省农业科学院作物科学研究所以自育品种晋麦66为母本,中国农业科学院植物保护研究所白粉病组育成的品种保丰104为父本进行有性杂交,历经多年选育出的大穗大粒、高产小麦品种。参加山西省中部晚熟冬麦区水地区试,2年每hm~2平均产量分别达到7171.5kg和7914.0kg;参加山西省中部晚熟冬麦区水地生产试验,平均产量达到7441.5kg,比对照增产6.1%,增产点率达100%。该品种适宜在山西省中部晚熟冬麦区水地和国家北部冬麦区水地种植。  相似文献   

太麦198是由山东中农汇德丰种业科技有限公司独家生产经营,2016年通过山东省农作物品种审定委员会审定。该品种具有高产稳产、矮秆、抗倒、适应性强、综合表现突出等优势,适宜山东省及周边地区推广种植。  相似文献   

优质高产小麦新品种晋太114的选育   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
晋太114是山西省农业科学院作物科学研究所以矮败小麦后代材料2003 F1686矮败为母本,长6878为父本进行有性杂交,采用系谱法经多年选育而成的冬小麦新品种.2016年通过山西省农作物品种审定委员会审定.在2013-2014年度和2014-2015年度参加山西省中部晚熟冬麦区水地组区域试验,平均单产7 692.8 kg/hm2,比对照(2013-2014年度为长4738,20142015年度为中麦175)平均增产8.7%,产量居第1位;2015-2016年度参加山西省中部晚熟冬麦区水地组生产试验,平均单产7 498.2 kg/hm2,比对照中麦175增产6.9%,产量居第1位.籽粒容重790 g/L,粗蛋白质含量13.16%,湿面筋含量28.9%,稳定时间3.3 min,达到国家中筋小麦品质标准.该品种具有优质、高产、抗冻、抗病、抗热、抗青干、灌浆快、落黄好、适应性强的特点.适宜于山西省中部晚熟冬麦区水地种植.  相似文献   

为了促进小麦新品种的示范推广,加速科技成果转化,陕西省陇县进行了小麦新品种试验,以筛选出适宜当地山旱地栽培的优质高产小麦品种,提高当地小麦质量和产量。  相似文献   

1品种来源及选育经过临旱51241系山西省农业科学院小麦研究所旱地育种室以晋麦33号为母本,临丰9271为父本,于1995年杂交,经系谱选育而成。该品种分别于2006年8月、9月通过山西省和国家品种审定,定名为晋麦79号,审定编号:晋审麦2006004、国审麦2006025。2品种特征特性冬性,中早熟,成熟期比对照西峰20早1~3天。幼苗半匍匐,苗期生长势强,分蘖力较强。株高70cm左右,株型紧凑,穗层整齐。穗长方形,长芒,白壳,白粒,角  相似文献   

2012—2013年,铜川市种子管理站先后引进12个小麦新品种,并在市内不同生态区域安排了3个点进行比较试验。在连续两年试验的基础上筛选出8个品种,2013年秋播时节在铜川市王益区村安排旱地小麦新品种展示,为大田推广提供依据。  相似文献   

平麦02-16是河南省平顶山市农科院等单位于2002年以引进的小麦新品种西农278作母本,以自己选育的品种平麦999作父本,通过有性杂交,在杂交后代中采用系统选育、系谱法处理,经多年选育而成的优质、高产、多抗的旱地小麦新品种。2011年9月经河南省农作物品种审定委员会审定通过,审定编号为豫审麦2011031。适宜在河南省丘陵旱肥地早中茬种植。  相似文献   

智广俊 《作物杂志》2001,17(2):41-42
内蒙古卓资县哈达图乡智广俊个人自费选育的蒙麦35 (原代号8952 )旱地小麦新品种,于2000年10月通过了内蒙古自治区农作物品种审定委员会审定命名。1 蒙麦35品种具有以下特点1.1 增产显著参加自治区级1996~1998年旱坡地区试,平均单产2251.5kg/hm2,比对照蒙选1号和蒙麦34品种增产18.5%以上。参加自治区级2年生产示范试验,比对照内麦21平均增产72.6%。创全自治区历年育成的小麦新品种增产幅度之最。乌盟化德县推广站1998年试验单产2581.5kg/hm2,比内麦21品种增产11……  相似文献   

钟芳 《中国种业》2002,(9):42-42
山东省淄博市农业科学研究所,近年来在小麦育种方面取得了可喜的成绩,先后有三个小麦新品种通过了山东省农作物品种审定委员会的审(认)定。现将其作如下简要介绍,以供生产参考。1淄农033为高产小麦新品种,系以(744433×74-0133)F3×(洛夫林13×淄  相似文献   

阐述了旱麦988的选育经过,并介绍了旱麦988品种的特征特性及产量表现,总结了旱麦988的栽培技术要点,以期为新品种旱麦988的推广应用提供参考.  相似文献   

G. Dantuma 《Euphytica》1958,7(2):189-195
In 1951 the Foundation for Agricultural Plant Breeding, Wageningen, had a refrigerator and hardening equipment installed with the aim of providing private breeders with cold-resistant material and of testing their young lines for this character.This gave the author an opportunity of studying the problems of winterhardiness. The data gathered were treated in a thesis (2). This article gives a summary.  相似文献   

小麦孤雌生殖育种技术研究新进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘娜  赵昌平 《种子》2007,26(3):47-50
孤雌生殖的雌配子体不经过受精,在基因控制或其他外界刺激下引起细胞分裂直接发育成胚。孤雌生殖的诱导方法如药剂诱导法、远缘杂交诱导法和延迟授粉法等已取得了很大进展,在快速固定优良性状,缩短育种周期,创新种质资源等方面发挥作用。两系法杂交小麦具有优良不育系易选育,配组自由的特点,较易获得强优组合,孤雌生殖育种能够使杂交小麦亲本包括光温反应特性在内的各种优良性状在早世代稳定,能够大幅度提高育种效率,加速两系法小麦杂种优势利用研究。孤雌生殖后代的鉴定方法很多,SSR是目前应用最多且最可靠的方法。  相似文献   

S.R. Verma  M. Yunus  S.K. Sethi 《Euphytica》1998,100(1-3):15-18
Three populations of an intervarietal durum wheat cross IWP5308/PDW208, F5, F5BIP1 (population derived after intermating in F2) and F5BIP2 (population derived after intermating in BIPF1), were evaluated under three different agronomic environments for mean performance and stability of genotypes for grain yield, yield components and protein content. Though the biparental progenies indicated a higher mean performance, they did not differ significantly from progenies of the pedigree method for almost all characters. The biparental progenies, however, produced a higher number of stable genotypes for grain yield per plant, grains per ear and protein content. The F5 population had a higher number of stable genotypes for 1000 grain weight and number of tillers per plant. The BIP progenies also had a higher number of genotypes with above average mean performance, and many were significantly higher than the checks WH896 and WH542, compared with F5 progenies. Hence, in spite of high G x E interactions, the use of cycles of biparental mating and selection of top yielding lines on the basis of yield components can enable selection of stable genotypes with high protein content. Number of tillers per plant and 1000 grain weight were the yield component characters which made maximum contribution to phenotypic stability of the genotypes. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The effect of six doses of beet vinasse (0, 3, 6, 10, 20 and 40 t ha−1, respectively) on wheat (Triticum aestivum cv. Cajeme) yield in dryland conditions (Guadalquivir Valley, Andalusia, Spain) for 3 years on a Typic Xerofluvent was studied. The results showed that at low doses, beet vinasse is of agricultural interest due mainly to its organic matter concentration. The application of this byproduct to the soil increased soil microbial biomass and mineralization of its organic matter increased NO3–N concentrations in soil. This caused an increase in grain yield in the three seasons. When the vinasse was applied with high doses, NO3–N concentrations in soil, soil microbial biomass, soil structure, bulk density, electric conductivity, nutrient uptake, crop yield and grain quality were negatively affected. We assume that the high amounts of monovalent cations, particularly Na+, and of fulvic acids, which had been transported into the soil by the vinasse, destabilized the soil structure. This may have led to anaerobic soil conditions being presumably responsible for restricted N mineralization or even for denitrification. This explains the lower N supply to the crops reflected by the low N concentrations in the leaves of treatments A4 and A5.  相似文献   

Hessian fly (Mayetiola destructor, Say) is a perennial scourge of cereal production in the Mediterranean region, particularly in North Africa. In Morocco, it accounts for considerable yield losses of wheat (Triticum spp.), especially in the semi-arid southwestern coastal provinces. Breeding for resistance is the only feasible approach to abate its effects. Nine major Hessian fly-resistance genes have been identified in bread wheat. Two bread wheat varieties have these characteristics; the first variety with complete resistance was ‘Saada’, released to farmers in 1989, whereas a tolerant variety ‘Massira’ was released in 1994. Another widespread limiting factor for all cereals in Morocco is lack of adequate nitrogen (N). With favorable farmer acceptance, Saada became the focus of on-farm N fertilizer trials throughout the low rainfall (250-450 mm year−1) zone, where it consistently out-yielded the susceptible common bread wheat, Nesma, except when no Hessian fly infestation occurred. In most cases, 40 kg N ha−1 was adequate for maximum yield. Substituting resistant cultivars for Hessian fly-susceptible cultivars and increased N use could have an immediate and positive effect on wheat production in Morocco, especially in areas where the insect is endemic. The future impact will be greater when Hessian fly resistance is also transferred to other bread wheat cultivars and to durum (T. durum) wheat, the major staple food in the Mediterranean region.  相似文献   

The effect of six doses of beet vinasse (0, 3, 6, 10, 20 and 40 t ha−1, respectively) on wheat (Triticum aestivum cv. Cajeme) yield in dryland conditions (Guadalquivir Valley, Andalusia, Spain) for 3 years on a Typic Xerofluvent was studied. The results showed that at low doses, beet vinasse is of agricultural interest due mainly to its organic matter concentration. The application of this byproduct to the soil increased soil microbial biomass and mineralization of its organic matter increased NO3–N concentrations in soil. This caused an increase in grain yield in the three seasons. When the vinasse was applied with high doses, NO3–N concentrations in soil, soil microbial biomass, soil structure, bulk density, electric conductivity, nutrient uptake, crop yield and grain quality were negatively affected. We assume that the high amounts of monovalent cations, particularly Na+, and of fulvic acids, which had been transported into the soil by the vinasse, destabilized the soil structure. This may have led to anaerobic soil conditions being presumably responsible for restricted N mineralization or even for denitrification. This explains the lower N supply to the crops reflected by the low N concentrations in the leaves of treatments A4 and A5.  相似文献   

1小麦品种的新类型 矮秆型小麦是小麦矮化育种的重要亲本材料(表1),矮秆小麦在抗倒和秸秆禁烧方面,具有明显优势.矮秆小麦是小麦、玉米粮食产区完善与玉米秸秆掩青技术相配套的、小麦秸秆生态禁烧的新途径;同时也是降低小麦生产成本、由精耕细作型向简单效益型转变的理想品种.  相似文献   

R.A. McIntosh 《Euphytica》1998,100(1-3):19-34
Although common wheat and durum may be attacked by a large number of diseases and pests, less than 20 diseases and about five insect or mite pests are of major significance. Some of these have a global distribution and occur in most wheat-growing areas, whereas others are restricted to certain geographic regions or climatic zones. A small group of diseases and pests, such as Karnal bunt and Russian wheat aphid, are a major threat to countries and regions in which they are absent. Although there is genetic variation in response to most diseases and pests, resources available to national programs limit the number that can be included as breeding objectives. Ideal sources of resistance are those present in closely related, commercial genotypes, but care must be exercised to avoid genetic uniformity. Any effort to transfer resistance from related species and genera should be considered long term. The chance of successful exploitation of resistance based on alien genetic material declines with reducing genetic relatedness between recipient and donor species. Breeders must maintain an awareness of potential problems associated with very high levels of resistance controlled by single genes. Lower levels of resistance with established durability or resistance based on a number of genes may be preferred. In many situations, resistance with moderate to low effectiveness will contribute significantly to crop protection. Unusually susceptible genotypes should be avoided irrespective of perceived risk based on local surveys. Molecular and other markers for genes of interest are having an increasing role in the selection process. Although genetic engineering in wheat is in its infancy, significant contributions to disease resistance, starting with virus resistances, can be expected. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Breeding wheat and rye for resistance to Fusarium diseases   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
T. Miedaner 《Plant Breeding》1997,116(3):201-220
Fusarium culmorum and F. graminearum Groups 1 and 2 cause seedling blight, crown rot, foot rot and head blight in wheat and rye that may affect grain yield and quality for baking and feeding. This review starts with an analysis of Fusarium populations with regard to their genetic variation for aggressiveness, mycotoxin production, and isolate-by-host genotype interaction. To assess resistance in the different host growth stages, quantitative inoculation and disease assessment techniques are necessary. Based on estimated population parameters, breeding strategies are reviewed to improve Fusarium resistance in wheat and rye. Epidemiological and toxicological aspects of Fusarium resistance that are important for resistance breeding are discussed. F. culmorum and F. graminearum display large genetic variation for aggressiveness in isolate collections and in naturally occurring populations. The production of mycotoxins, especially deoxynivalenol and its derivatives, is a common trait in these populations. Significant isolate-by-host genotype interactions were not found across environments in wheat and rye. Artificial infections in the field are indispensable for improving Fusarium crown rot, foot rot and head blight resistance in wheat and rye. For a reliable disease assessment of large populations, disease severity ratings were found to be the most convenient. The differentiation of host resistance is greatly influenced by an array of nongenetic factors (macro-environment, microclimate, host growth stage, host organ) that show significant interactions with host genotype. Selection for environmentally stable resistance has to be performed in several environments under a maximum array of different infection levels. Selection in early growth stages or on one plant organ does not in most cases allow prediction of resistance in adult-plant stages or another plant organ. Significant genetic variation for resistance exists for all Fusarium-incited diseases in breeding populations of wheat and rye. The patho-systems studied displayed a prevalence of additive gene action with no consistent specific combining ability effects and thus rapid progress can be expected from recurrent selection. In wheat, intensive testing of parental genotypes allows good prediction of the mean head blight resistance after crossing. Subsequent selection during selfing generations enables the use of transgression towards resistance. In hybrid breeding of winter rye, the close correlation between foot rot resistance of inbred lines and their GCA effects implies that selection based on the lines per se should be highly effective. This is not valid for F. culmorum head blight of winter rye caused by a greater susceptibility of the inbred lines compared to their crosses. For both foot rot and head blight resistance, a high correlation between the resistance to F. graminearum and F. culmorum was found in wheat and rye. Mycotoxin accumulation occurs to a great extent in naturally and artificially infected plant stands. The correlation between resistance traits and mycotoxin contents are medium and highly dependent on the environment. Further experiments are needed to clarify whether greater resistance will lead to a correlated reduction of the mycotoxin content of the grains under natural infection.  相似文献   

安麦22是安阳市农业科学院小麦所以汝麦0319为母本、郑麦7698为父本经过杂交,以系统选育的方法育成的新品种,该品种在各级试验中增产显著,具有高产、优质、抗病、抗倒伏、广适的特点。2021年通过河南省农作物品种审定委员会审定,审定编号为豫审麦20210072,对该品种的选育过程、特征特性及产量表现等进行了总结。  相似文献   

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