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新时代土壤化学前沿进展与展望   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
土壤化学是重要的土壤学基础分支学科。在回顾了土壤化学发展历程的基础上,梳理了土壤化学的四个前沿交叉方向,并展望了土壤化学与其他相关学科的交叉发展趋势,以期寻求新的学科增长点。土壤化学经历了从恒电荷到可变电荷土壤学说演变,我国在土壤电化学、根际土壤化学、土壤化学-物理-微生物界面反应等方向逐步领跑。新时代中国已经发展成为国际土壤化学的研究中心之一,尤其在土壤化学与微生物学、地球化学、矿物学、环境化学等交叉领域取得了突破性发展。同时,发展并运用同步辐射、微流控联用光谱能谱、高分辨显微镜、光谱电化学等实时、原位、高精度研究方法,推动土壤化学研究取得了长足的进步。新时代的土壤化学具有三个重要发展趋势,首先系统揭示地球表层系统中物质循环与能量交换的土壤化学机制,实现"0到1"的土壤化学原创性成果的突破;其次需要综合运用地球表层系统理论,从多界面、多要素、多过程的"三多"交互耦合;再次,需要加强与地球宜居性这一人类重大命题的交叉融合,为生态文明建设、土壤污染防治攻坚战、全球变化等国家重大需求提供理论支持。  相似文献   

冻结过程中的盐分迁移及其与土壤盐渍化的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

盐碱地土壤酶活性研究进展和展望   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
盐碱地是农业生产重要的后备土地资源,同时土壤盐渍化是灌溉农业生产过程中首要考虑的问题之一。近年来,越来越多的研究开始关注盐碱地改良利用过程中包括土壤生物学性质在内的土壤整体环境质量的改善。其中,土壤酶是土壤生物活动的产物,其活性水平是土壤环境质量的良好生物学指标,可以用来评价土壤退化程度及管理措施的效果和可持续性。本文总结说明了盐渍化土壤酶活性状况及盐碱胁迫机理,并对盐碱地改良利用过程中土壤酶活性的研究现状进行了综述。最后从存在问题和关注热点出发,提出了下一步的研究重点。  相似文献   

土壤化学进展趋势与我国土壤化学展望   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
谢鹏 《土壤》1991,23(4):188-192
作者认为,土壤表面电荷性质及其表面化学行为是土壤化学发展的前沿。恒电荷理论转向可变电荷学说是一个重大突破。铁、铝氧化物和粘土矿物的特性,离子专性吸附和土壤酸度备受关注。化学动力学很有发展前途,粘土矿物在土壤分类中的应用和有机无机复合体研究迫切需要。化学常规分析的标准化和自动化不容忽视。  相似文献   

实际污染土壤中有机污染物通常以复合污染状态存在,有机复合污染物的微生物降解过程及其作用机制显得更为复杂。土壤微生物类群多样,具有丰富的功能多样性。而有机复合污染物的降解通常由微生物组操控,通过微生物群落代谢网络完成污染物的去除。近年来,研究者逐渐关注有机复合污染土壤中微生物群落适应机制-微生物组转化过程-合成微生物组设计-原位微生物组修复等方面的研究,对认知污染土壤治理和修复具有重要的科学意义。本文以具有代谢协同性及功能互补性的微生物组为切入点,系统阐述土壤中有机复合污染物的微生物组转化机制与调控原理等,探讨微生物组在复合污染土壤绿色可持续原位生物修复中的发展前景。  相似文献   

土壤物理学研究的现状、挑战与任务   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
根据新近土壤物理学研究进展,论述了土壤物理学在土壤学中的定位和在自然科学和社会可持续发展中的地位;从研究的对象、内容、尺度、理论、方法和测定技术方面,阐述了土壤物理学的研究现状;分析了新形势下土壤物理学面临的挑战;提出了我国土壤物理学研究未来10年5个方面的主要任务,即:农业可持续发展中的土壤物理问题,土壤结构形成过程及其稳定性,土壤中能量传输和物质运移过程,土壤性状及过程的时空变异与尺度转化,土壤物理过程与土壤化学、土壤生物过程的耦合。  相似文献   

中国土壤质量标准研究现状及展望   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
陈美军  段增强  林先贵 《土壤学报》2011,48(5):1059-1071
简要介绍了建国以来我国与土壤质量相关的标准研究和标准应用工作。目前与土壤质量相关的国家标准有26个,正在制修订中的有34个,主要是土壤质量的化学分析方法,少量涉及标准、术语评审和整理、生物方法和物理方法,缺少土壤采样方法、土壤质量评价和土壤修复及培育等方面的标准。虽然我国土壤质量标准有了一定发展,但也存在一些问题。针对我国土壤质量标准现状和存在的主要问题,结合"十二五"科技规划,本文初步提出了我国土壤质量标准化体系框架及未来我国土壤质量标准化的方向,为土壤科学研究和农业可持续发展提供方法依据。  相似文献   

土壤重金属迁移模拟研究的现状与展望   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:16  
随着工业发展和废弃物的排放不断增加,土壤重金属污染已经成为一个世界性环境问题。土壤重金属的分布转化以及污染修复的研究受到广泛关注,数学模型及计算机模拟研究成为重要的研究手段。该文对土壤重金属迁移的模拟研究的进展进行了回顾与归纳,集中阐述了对流弥散和经验随机两大类模型的特点和应用,并指出了研究中存在的问题及今后研究的发展方向。将数学模拟与土壤重金属信息系统及地理信息系统GIS的有机结合,将有可能为环境保护和农业决策提供新的重要依据。  相似文献   

农田土壤机械压实研究进展与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
任利东  王丽  林琳  张斌 《土壤学报》2023,60(3):610-626
土壤机械压实是威胁全球农业可持续发展的重要因素之一。从农田土壤压实的检测、危害、缓解和预防四个方面系统介绍当前国内外土壤压实的最新研究进展与不足。指出检测方法的创新和突破是实现田间尺度下压实土壤空间分布检测的关键;压实土壤危害的研究多集中在耕层土壤,但忽视了深层土壤压实危害及其在应对气候变化中可发挥的生态服务功能;提倡采用轮作轮耕等合理田间管理措施缓解压实土壤;深层土壤压实具有存在时间久和恢复难度大的特征,因此重点应以预防为主,但当前对土壤压实预防重视不足且预防技术体系尚不成熟。鉴于我国农业机械化正处在快速发展期,采取有效预防措施是避免重蹈发达国家土壤压实退化的有效手段。  相似文献   

研究针对大孔隙发育的紫色土坡耕地区域易于迁移的广谱杀虫剂毒死蜱和除草剂绿草定的主要降解产物3,5,6-三氯-2-吡啶醇(3,5,6-trichloro-2-pyridinol,TCP)的快速迁移和对水体的高污染风险问题,探索向土壤中施加生物炭降低TCP迁移的有效方法并分析其作用机制。研究基于生物炭施加比例为0、1%和2%的土壤样品,通过等温吸附试验分析生物炭施加对土壤吸附能力的改变,通过CT扫描和三维结构重建探讨生物炭施加对土壤孔隙结构的影响,应用示踪剂Br-和TCP的穿透曲线分析生物炭施加对TCP迁移的有效防治程度,最后基于对流-扩散机理的两区模型模拟TCP迁移的物理、化学过程并反演相关参数,从而揭示生物炭对TCP迁移的影响机制。结果表明生物炭施加后,土壤的大孔隙度降低、土壤可动水体积分数和水动力扩散系数减小,继而延迟污染物进入水体时间;同时土壤对TCP的吸附能力提高,并降低土壤出流液中的TCP浓度。研究结果将为农业面源污染的防治提供技术支持。  相似文献   

Highlights and perspectives of soil biology and ecology research in China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
As seen for the publications in several distinguished soil related journals, soil biology and ecology is booming in China in recent years. This review highlights the major findings of the soil biology and ecology projects conducted in China during the past two decades. Special attention is paid on the responses of soil biota to environmental change, and the roles of soil functional groups in C transformation, nutrient cycling and pollution remediation. We also point out the future challenges facing the Chinese soil biologists and soil ecologists. In the future, more systematic studies rather than scattered case studies are needed, more controlled field experiments rather than short-term laboratory studies should be encouraged. Besides, we need to focus more on the linkage between aboveground and belowground organisms, the interactions between different groups of soil food web, and the coupling of observation with modeling. It is essential to employ the state-of-the-art technology in research of soil biology and ecology because to answer the emerging scientific questions relies heavily on the development of new technology. Our ultimate goals are to push forward the research on soil biology and ecology in China and to encourage the interaction and collaboration between the international community and research groups in China.  相似文献   

福建黄泥田肥力质量特征与最小数据集   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
黄泥田为福建省主要中低产田类型之一,约占水稻土面积的30%。为解析关键限制因子及开展黄泥田肥力质量评价,进而实施针对性的改良措施,采用配对采样方法,采集福建省20对典型黄泥田与邻近同一微地貌单元内高产灰泥田表层土壤,分析了两种土壤类型28项属性因子指标差异及其原因,并采用主成分分析等方法构建福建省黄泥田肥力质量评价因子最小数据集,通过加权指数法分别计算最小数据集土壤肥力质量指数与差异显著因子构成的重要数据集土壤肥力质量指数。结果表明,与灰泥田相比,黄泥田的有机质含量低19.1%,全氮、全磷、全钾含量分别低14.8%、29.9%和25.4%,碱解氮、有效磷和速效钾含量分别低17.8%、56.7%和39.3%,CEC、交换性钙、交换性镁含量分别低12.9%、50.6%和30.8%,有效铁、有效硼和有效锌含量分别低25.6%、33.3%和44.1%。黄泥田的物理性黏粒、0.001 mm黏粒和容重分别较灰泥田高20.8%、25.6%和12.3%,而孔隙度低19.3%。黄泥田过氧化氢酶活性较灰泥田高20.4%,脲酶活性较灰泥田低40.4%。用主成分分析方法从上述19项有显著差异的因子构成的重要数据集中归纳出累计贡献率达76.22%并能反映黄泥田综合肥力特征的6个主成分,建立了由CEC、全钾、有效磷、有效硼和孔隙度5项因子组成的黄泥田肥力评价最小数据集,相应的黄泥田最小数据集土壤肥力质量指数仅相当于灰泥田的69.5%,通过与重要数据集的土壤肥力质量指数相关分析比较,最小数据集可代替重要数据集对福建省黄泥田土壤肥力质量进行正确评价。  相似文献   

以苏北海涂围垦区典型地块为例, 把随机模拟技术引入土壤盐分空间变异性研究中, 利用普通克里格法和序贯高斯模拟方法对土壤盐分的空间分布进行估值和模拟, 将随机模拟值与克里格插值及实测值进行对比分析, 并采用序贯指示模拟对土壤盐分空间分布的不确定性进行评价。结果表明: 由普通克里格法得到的土壤盐分空间分布整体比较连续, 具有明显的平滑效应, 减小了数据间的空间差异性, 改变了数据的空间结构; 序贯高斯模拟结果整体分布相对离散, 突出了原始数据分布的波动性。对非盐化土、轻度盐化土、中度盐化土和重度盐化土的空间不确定性进行的序贯指示模拟结果显示, 围垦后研究区耕层土壤盐渍化的发生概率已显著降低。轻度盐化土的高概率区是改良利用的主要区域, 宜采用农业生物改良措施, 对中度盐化土高概率区应通过完善田间灌排设施以加强改良治理, 客土法是重度盐化土高概率区较为高效的改良治理途径。  相似文献   

微地形变化对地表水文过程影响的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地表水文过程是土壤-植物-大气连续体(SPAC)系统的关键环节,微地形在降雨再分配过程中发挥着重要作用。本文论述了微地形变化对地表径流、降雨-入渗、蒸散发及土壤水分、溶质运移的影响效应以及在SPAC系统中的反馈作用,旨在通过总结前人在微地形变化影响地表水文过程中的研究成果,明晰微地形变化对降雨、径流、入渗以及蒸散发等过程的影响效应。针对现有研究中存在对微地形种类划分不系统化、尺度界定不清楚以及对微地形变化与地表水文过程间的耦合机制缺乏深入剖析等问题,本文指出应针对不同生态类型区和微地形营造方式对微地形种类进行统一划分,结合微地形测量工具及遥感技术对微地形尺度进行准确界定;在此基础上将长期野外定位观测和短期室内模拟试验相结合,揭示微地形变化与地表水文过程的耦合机制,建立两者之间的模型关系,量化微地形改良措施在区域降水再分配过程中的调节作用,为区域水资源调控提供一定的理论依据。  相似文献   

保护性耕作下大豆农田土壤呼吸及影响因素分析   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6  
为了探讨保护性耕作对旱作农田土壤呼吸的影响,采用LI6400-09仪器(LI6400便携式光合作用系统连接6400-09呼吸室)在重庆北碚西南大学试验农场对平作(T)、垄作(R)、平作+覆盖(TS)、垄作+覆盖(RS)、平作+覆盖+秸秆速腐剂(TSD)、垄作+覆盖+秸秆速腐剂(RSD)6种处理下的西南紫色土丘陵区小麦/玉米/大豆套作体系中大豆生长季节的土壤呼吸及其水、热、生物因子进行测定和分析,探讨西南丘陵区保护性耕作下大豆农田土壤呼吸及其影响因素。结果表明,大豆整个生育期内土壤呼吸先缓慢增强,到开花期开始增长迅速,成熟期明显下降。不同处理土壤呼吸速率存在差异,表现为TTSD>TS、R>RSD>RS,土壤呼吸的土温敏感指标Q10值排序为TS>TSD>RS=R>T>RSD。秸秆覆盖处理的土壤呼吸对于土壤温度敏感性较高,垄作则降低了土壤温度敏感性。5 cm土层的土壤含水量高低排序为TSD>RSD>TS>RS>T>R。本研究中土壤呼吸与土壤水分呈抛物线函数关系,垄作处理下土壤呼吸与土壤水分正相关,达到显著水平;其他处理均表现负相关,其中TS达到极显著水平。在大豆农田生态系统中优势类群有弹尾目、螨目和双翅目,干漏斗法、陷阱法捕获的土壤动物与土壤呼吸均没有显著的相关关系,两种方法所得土壤动物数量加总与土壤呼吸进行相关分析,发现处理T相关系数达到显著水平,r=0.901,P=0.037。  相似文献   

石砾参数对土壤水流和溶质运移影响研究进展   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
土壤水流和溶质运移一直是土壤学研究的热点,溶质运移理论主要应用于地下水污染、污染物运移、土壤重金属污染研究等方面。溶质主要通过优先流和基质流进行运移,影响溶质运移因素很多,主要包括土壤结构、质地、水力传导率、体积质量、初始含水量、根系、石砾等。石砾作为土壤质地中的一个分级单位,与溶质运移关系较为复杂。本文综合介绍了石砾基本内涵以及石砾对土壤水流和溶质运移影响研究进展;系统阐述了石砾内部参数(石砾覆盖度、含量、粒径、空间异质性等)和外部参数(根石结构、干湿冻融、耕作等),指出目前研究主要量化土壤表面及土壤表层石砾参数对水文效应、土壤侵蚀、入渗以及径流的影响,然而石砾参数对溶质运移影响研究不够系统,石砾参数与溶质运移关系研究尚处于初步阶段,对土壤深层石砾研究缺乏;归纳了石砾参数研究技术手段及模型;探讨了目前石砾参数对土壤水流和溶质运移影响研究存在的问题以及今后研究趋势。  相似文献   

Grazing animals provide a livelihood for farmers, but they may also produce adverse environmental effects. We investigated whether grazing leads to deterioration of soil physical properties that subsequently increases topsoil erodibility. We sampled three sites (an ungrazed grassland, a continuously grazed grassland, and a track trampled by stock) on the northern Loess Plateau of China. The bulk density, water content, proportion of stable aggregates, infiltration rate, and resistance to scouring were determined for each soil sample. The results showed that the track had the highest soil bulk density and the lowest soil water content, proportion of stable aggregates, infiltration rate, and ability to resist scouring. The ungrazed plots had the best results for these parameters, in terms of reduced erosion. Soil bulk density and the proportion of stable aggregates differed significantly with depth beneath the track. However, the effect of depth on water content, infiltration rate, and the soil resistance to scouring was not significant at any sampling site. The ability of the soil to resist scouring was negatively correlated with the soil's bulk density and positively correlated with the soil's water content, infiltration rate, and proportion of stable aggregates. Thus, soil physical properties played an important role in determining soil erodibility. Grazing and trampling by livestock therefore appear to cause deterioration of soil physical properties and to increase soil erodibility.  相似文献   

The SALTIRSOIL model predicts soil salinity, sodicity and alkalinity in irrigated land using basic information on soil, climate, crop, irrigation management and water quality. It extends the concept of the WATSUIT model to include irrigation and crop management practices, advances in the calculation of evapotranspiration and new algorithms for the water stress coefficient and calculation of electrical conductivity. SALTIRSOIL calculates the soil water balance and soil solution concentration over the year. A second module, SALSOLCHEM, calculates the inorganic ion composition of the soil solution at equilibrium with soil calcite and gypsum at the soil’s CO2 partial pressure. Results from comparing predicted and experimentally determined concentrations, observations and predictions of pH, alkalinity and calcium concentration in calcite‐saturated solutions agree to the second significant figure; in gypsum‐saturated solutions the standard difference between observations and predictions is <3% in absolute values. The algorithms in SALTIRSOIL have been verified and SALSOLCHEM validated for the reliable calculation of soil salinity, sodicity and alkalinity at water saturation in well‐drained irrigated lands. In simulations for horticultural crops in southeast Spain, soil solution concentration factors at water saturation, quotients of electrical conductivity (EC25) at saturation to electrical conductivity in the irrigation water, and quotients of sodium adsorption ratio (SAR) are very similar to average measured values for the area.  相似文献   

Although a great deal of information exists about the effect of land use on soil enzyme activities, much of this is contradictory and brings into question the suitability of soil enzyme activities as indicators of how land use affects soil quality. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of land use on different soil biochemical properties, especially hydrolytic enzyme activities, with the aim of providing knowledge about the problems related to the use of enzymes as indicators of soil quality. The data presented derive from various studies in which a large number of soils under different types of forest or agricultural management were analysed by the same methods. All of the soil samples were characterized in terms of their main physical and chemical properties, the activity of several hydrolases, microbial biomass C and soil basal respiration. The results indicate that soil use causes a large reduction in organic matter content and that the effect on enzyme activity varies depending on the type of land use or management and the type of enzyme. Furthermore, the enzyme activities per carbon unit (specific activities) in soils affected by land use are almost always higher than in maximum quality soils (climax soils under oak vegetation or oak soils), and land use also generates greater increases in the specific activity as the C content decreases. The mechanism responsible for these increases probably involves loss of the most labile organic matter. Enzyme enrichment is not always produced to the same degree, as it varies as a function of the enzyme and the type of land use under consideration. It is concluded that the complexity of the behaviour of the soil enzymes raises doubts about the use of enzyme activities as indicators of soil degradation brought about by land use.  相似文献   

Accelerated soil erosion is thought to couple with population growth, land exploitation and environmental degradation, leading to a major pressure on sustainable development of agro-ecosystem. However, implementation of wise policy and application of sound new techniques combined with traditional knowledge, may lead to less soil erosion or limited erosion under the tolerable value while intensive land use or exploitation is adopted for the population and economic growth. Such process of breaking the link between “environmental bads” and “economic goods” was termed as “decoupling”. In the present paper, decoupling process of soil erosion from human activities has been analyzed with the conception of decoupling indicators on the Chinese Loess Plateau. Before 1949, intensive soil erosion, as indicated by the high suspended sediment yield in the Yellow River, was induced by the wars within the nation and against the invasion of foreign countries. A distinct decoupling occurred after 1949, especially since the 1980s because of adoption of watershed-based comprehensive soil-water conservation measures. It implies that soil erosion could be decoupled from intensive land use exploration and the increasing population by a wise policy. And the decoupling indicator could be a sensitive indicator for agri-environment assessment.  相似文献   

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