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青南高寒牧区莞根种植气候适应性试验研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
在青南和区播种期是影响莞根产量的最关键因素,秋季降温是决定莞根停止生长的主要因素,气温日较差大是莞根获得高产的重要原因。青南高寒地区降水量基本满足莞根生长不分的需求,根可以在海技高度4500m以下较平坦1气候条件相对较好的地区种植,并可获得较高的产量,这对大力发展人工青饲料,指导畜牧业秤生产具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

通过甘蓝型冬油菜与北方白菜型冬油菜及其正反交杂种F1植物学形态,生长习性,自交亲和性的比较,分析杂种抗寒性,植物学形态,生长习性,自交亲和性的变化.选择白菜型冬油菜陇油9号与甘蓝型冬油菜Vision组配的(陇油9号×Vision),(Vision×陇油9号)甘白杂交正反交组合,通过亲本与杂种形态比较,越冬率统计,套袋自交以及花粉-柱头互作等,对杂种抗寒性,植物学形态,生长习性,自交亲和性作出评价.陇油9号与Vision杂交,杂种F1植物学形态,干物质积累特性为中间型,生长习性和生长点下凹程度均偏白菜型.F1正,反交越冬率分别为68.75%和65.00%,根长为14.83和14.30 cm,根颈直径为6.08 和5.67 mm.自交亲和性为:Vision>F1 (Vision×陇油9号)>F1 (陇油9号×Vision)>陇油9号,其相应的自交亲和指数为20.83,1.09,1.06,0.87;杂种及其亲本的自交亲和性的大小与其花粉在柱头上的萌发数量与萌发速度相一致.陇油9号与Vision杂交,杂种F1抗寒性强于甘蓝型冬油菜,但较白菜型冬油菜弱.同时,白菜型冬油菜与甘蓝型冬油菜杂交,杂种F1代自交亲和,但杂种的自交亲和程度远远低于甘蓝型冬油菜,而且F1杂种的自交亲和性因杂交组合方式而有差异.  相似文献   

本试验旨在探究丹参多糖缓解氟苯尼考致肉鸡肝脏损伤的转录组学靶点与通路。将30只1日龄肉鸡随机平均分成3组:空白对照组(LA组)饲喂自来水、氟苯尼考造模组(LB组)给予含0.15 g/L氟苯尼考的自来水、丹参多糖治疗组(LC组)给予含0.15 g/L氟苯尼考和5 g/L丹参多糖的自来水。从1日龄开始,连续给药5 d。于第6天各组分别随机取3只鸡,处死,无菌摘取其肝脏组织。肝脏组织经过RNA抽提、纯化和建库后,采用IlluminaHiSeq测序平台,对这些文库进行双末端测序。然后对原始下机数据进行过滤,将过滤后得到的高质量序列比对到该物种的参考基因组上。根据比对结果,计算每个基因的表达量。分别构建3组肉鸡肝脏的数字化基因表达谱(DGE)文库,比较DGE文库的差异表达基因,寻找基因表达差异最显著的关键基因,并进行GO功能注释、KEGG通路分析。结果显示:LA vs LB、LA vs LC及LB vs LC比较组分别筛选出1 989(上调基因495个,下调基因1 494个)、1 278(上调基因344个,下调基因934个)、380个(上调基因165个,下调基因215个)表达差异显著的基因。LA vs LB、LA vs LC及LB vs LC比较组差异表达基因的GO功能注释主要归类为生物过程和细胞组成两个分支。KEGG通路分析结果表明,LA vs LB的差异表达的基因主要富集到药物代谢-细胞色素P450,细胞外基质(ECM)受体相互作用、细胞因子与细胞因子受体的相互作用、细胞色素P450对异生物的代谢,谷胱甘肽代谢,过氧化物酶体增殖物激活受体(PPAR)信号通路,甘氨酸、丝氨酸和苏氨酸代谢,丙氨酸、天冬氨酸和谷氨酸代谢等通路。LB vs LC差异表达的基因主要富集到药物代谢-细胞色素P450和甘氨酸、丝氨酸和苏氨酸代谢及PPAR信号通路等。丹参多糖可通过调节与细胞色素P450代谢通路有关的细胞色素P450 3A4酶(CYP3A4)、细胞色素P450 2C23b酶(CYP2C23b)、谷胱甘肽S-转移酶(GSTA3)、类谷胱甘肽S-转移酶α2(GSTAL2)等mRNA的表达以及与PPAR信号通路有关的脂肪酸结合蛋白1(FABP1)和长链脂肪酸辅酶A连接酶(ACSBG2)等mRNA的表达,从而抑制氟苯尼考产生的有害代谢产物,促进肝脏脂质的正常代谢,进而缓解氟苯尼考引起的肝脏损伤。  相似文献   

Increased reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation may disrupt the oocytes function and their competence. In this study, we introduced BTZO-1, a new supplement that can regulate the oxidative stress. Addition of BTZO-1 during IVM of bovine oocytes improved their developmental competence in the term of improvement of blastocyst rates. In addition, the quality of the produced embryos was improved by decreasing the apoptosis level by showing a decreased number of TUNNEL positive cells.  相似文献   

旨在检测驴肉挥发性物质成分,探究与广灵驴嫩度相关的关键差异风味物质并解析关键挥发性物质与嫩度基因之间的功能与联系。本研究选用30头生长环境和饲养条件相同、年龄相近的雌性广灵驴为研究对象,进行剪切力和肌内脂肪的测定并依据含量差异将其分为高嫩度组(HT,n=4)和低嫩度组(LT,n=4)。通过HS-SPME-GC-MS技术检测广灵驴背最长肌挥发性物质成分,利用香气活性值(odor activity value, OAV)筛选驴肉关键风味物质,并结合多元统计分析方法获得变量重要性投影(variable importance in the projection, VIP)筛选与嫩度相关的关键差异风味物质,后基于Pearson系数与转录组学进行联合分析,寻找出驴肉嫩度关键风味物质与差异基因之间的联系。结果,在广灵驴背最长肌中共鉴定出41种挥发性物质,包括醇类、醛类、烃类、酮类、酯类以及2种其他物质。通过OAV筛选出13种关键风味物质,发现影响驴肉的主要挥发性物质和贡献者是醛类。通过VIP和OAV值筛选出1-辛烯-3-醇、1-辛醇以及月桂醛既是嫩度的差异物质又是对驴肉风味有贡献的关键风味物质。利用...  相似文献   

植物乳杆菌是乳酸杆菌的一种,在自然界中广泛存在,尤其是各类发酵食品中。植物乳杆菌是人体肠道微生物的一员,由其生产的发酵食品的发酵作用与其对人体的益生作用使得植物乳杆菌逐渐成为基因组学、蛋白质组学、转录组学和代谢组学研究的模式微生物,阐明微生物环境适应性及发挥有益功能等的分子机制。本文综述了近年来植物乳杆菌的生理功能和组学研究进展,以期为研究者提供借鉴。  相似文献   

Lamellar pathology in experimentally-induced equine laminitis associated with euglycaemic hyperinsulinaemia is substantial by the acute, clinical phase (~48 h post-induction). However, lamellar pathology of the developmental, pre-clinical phase requires evaluation. The aim of this study was to analyse lamellar lesions both qualitatively and quantitatively, 6, 12 and 24 h after the commencement of hyperinsulinaemia. Histological and histomorphometrical analyses of lamellar pathology at each time-point included assessment of lamellar length and width, epidermal cell proliferation and death, basement membrane (BM) pathology and leucocyte infiltration. Archived lamellar tissue from control horses and those with acute, insulin-induced laminitis (48 h) was also assessed for cellular proliferative activity by counting the number of cells showing positive nuclear immuno labelling for TPX2.Decreased secondary epidermal lamellar (SEL) width and increased histomorphological evidence of SEL epidermal basal (and supra-basal) cell death occurred early in disease progression (6 h). Increased cellular proliferation in SELs, infiltration of the dermis with small numbers of leucocytes and BM damage occurred later (24 and 48 h). Some lesions, such as narrowing of the SELs, were progressive over this time period (6–48 h). Cellular pathology preceded leucocyte infiltration and BM pathology, indicating that the latter changes may be secondary or downstream events in hyperinsulinaemic laminitis.  相似文献   

王亚麒  陈丹梅  袁玲 《草业学报》2015,24(6):142-149
试验以莴苣、绿豆和白菜为材料,研究了黄连须根浸提液(extracts from fibrous roots of Coptis chinensis, ERC)对种子萌发和幼苗生长的化感效应,目的是减轻化感危害,提高土地持续生产力。结果表明,低浓度(200 mg/L)的ERC处理种子后,3种供试作物种子发芽率、发芽指数无显著变化,但种子的活力指数降低,幼苗的生物量和根系活力显著下降;随着浓度加大(>400 mg/L),抑制种子中的淀粉和蛋白质水解,降低游离氨基酸、可溶性糖和可溶性磷的含量,影响种子萌发;ERC浓度达到800 mg/L时,根尖向上卷曲而离开ERC溶液,根毛消失,根系畸形且颜色变褐,叶片硝酸还原酶和叶绿素合成减少,抑制幼苗生长。ERC对莴苣种子发芽和幼苗生长抑制作用大于绿豆和白菜。因此,在集约化种植黄连的土壤中,可能造成莴苣、绿豆和白菜等后季作物减产。  相似文献   

水葫芦沼液对青菜生长及AsA-GSH循环影响的动态研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以青菜为材料,研究了在青菜整个生长周期内,不同比例水葫芦沼液对青菜生长的影响及其体内AsA-GSH循环影响的动态变化。结果表明,使用不同比例沼液代替化肥对青菜的株高及生物量产生不同的影响,其中,以25%沼液替代化肥的处理效果最好,在不同的采样时期,其株高和生物量均显著大于对照,当沼液使用比例大于50%时,株高和生物量均随着沼液使用比例的增加而降低;处理后总量Vc、还原型抗坏血酸(AsA)和脱氢抗坏血酸(DHA)的变化趋势不同,25%沼液替代化肥处理45和60 d时,总量Vc与对照相比显著增加;AsA虽然有所增加(除了30 d时),但与对照差异不显著;DHA含量均显著大于对照。当沼液使用比例大于50%时,总量Vc、AsA和DHA与对照相比均显著降低;在AsA循环中的抗坏血酸过氧化物酶(APX)、抗坏血酸氧化酶(AAO)和脱氢抗坏血酸还原酶(DHAR)活性变化趋势相似,均随着处理时间增加呈先增加后降低的趋势,其中以25%沼液替代化肥处理30 d酶活性最高,而单脱氢抗坏血酸还原酶(MDHAR)活性则随着处理时间的增加而增加,以25%沼液替代化肥的处理效果最好;在还原型谷胱甘肽(GSH)循环中的氧化型谷胱甘肽(GSSG)和GSH含量随着处理时间的增加而增加,以25%沼液替代化肥的处理效果最好,与对照相比差异显著,而谷胱甘肽还原酶(GR)活性随着处理时间增加呈先增加后降低的趋势,其中以25%沼液替代化肥处理45 d酶活性最高。说明用适量的水葫芦沼液替代化肥对青菜进行处理,有助于植株的生长,同时增加了体内AsA-GSH代谢循环,提高了青菜的抗氧化防御能力。  相似文献   

REASONS FOR PERFORMING STUDY: Recent research has indicated that inflammation plays a role in the early stages of laminitis and that, similar to organ failure in human sepsis, early inflammatory mechanisms may lead to downstream events resulting in lamellar failure. Characterisation of the type of immune response (i.e. innate vs. adaptive) is essential in order to develop therapeutic strategies to counteract these deleterious events. OBJECTIVES: To quantitate gene expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines known to be important in the innate and adaptive immune response during the early stages of laminitis, using both the black walnut extract (BWE) and oligofructose (OF) models of laminitis. METHODS: Real-time qPCR was used to assess lamellar mRNA expression of interleukins-1beta, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 and 18, and tumour necrosis factor alpha and interferon gamma at the developmental stage and at the onset of lameness. RESULTS: Significantly increased lamellar mRNA expression of cytokines important in the innate immune response were present at the developmental stage of the BWE model, and at the onset of acute lameness in both the BWE model and OF model. Of the cytokines characteristic of the Th1 and Th2 arms of the adaptive immune response, a mixed response was noted at the onset of acute lameness in the BWE model, whereas the response was skewed towards a Th1 response at the onset of lameness in the OF model. CONCLUSIONS: Lamellar inflammation is characterised by strong innate immune response in the developmental stages of laminitis; and a mixture of innate and adaptive immune responses at the onset of lameness. POTENTIAL RELEVANCE: These results indicate that anti-inflammatory treatment of early stage laminitis (and the horse at risk of laminitis) should include not only therapeutic drugs that address prostanoid activity, but should also address the marked increases in lamellar cytokine expression.  相似文献   

Early embryonic mortality is one of the main sources of reproductive loss in domestic ruminants including sheep. Fibroblast growth factor‐2 (FGF‐2) is a member of FGFs family that mediates trophoblast activities and regulates embryonic development in various species. In this study, we have cloned, characterized sheep FGF2 cDNA (KU316368) and studied the expression in sheep embryos. Ovaries of non‐pregnant sheep were collected from local abattoir and matured in culture medium at 38.5ºC, 5% CO2, 95% humidity for 22–24 hr. The matured oocytes were inseminated with capacitated spermatozoa in Brackett and Oliphant medium and resulted embryos were cultured in CO2 incubator for 6–7 days to complete the developmental stages from two cells to blastocyst stage. Total RNA was extracted from immature oocytes (n = 100), mature oocytes (n = 100) and different stages of embryos such as 2 cell (n = 50), 4 cell (n = 25), 8 cell (n = 12), 16 cell (n = 6), morula (n = 5) and blastocyst (n = 3). The total RNA isolated from the oocytes and embryos was reverse transcribed and subjected to real‐time polymerase chain reaction using sequence‐specific primers and SYBR green as the DNA dye. On sequence analysis, the nucleotide sequence of sheep FGF2 exhibited highest sequence similarity with cattle (100%) and least with rat and mouse (69.2%). At the deduced amino acid level, a highest degree of similarity was noticed with cattle, buffalo, goat, pig, camel and horse (100%) and lowest degree of identity with rat, human and mouse (98.2%). The FGF2 mRNA expression was higher in immature and mature oocytes and gradually decreases from 2‐cell stage of embryo to the blastocyst stage. More over a significant differences in FGF2 mRNA expression (p < .05) were observed between immature oocytes and all pre‐implantation stages of embryo. It can be concluded that FGF‐2 plays a significant role in pre‐implantation and early development of embryos in sheep.  相似文献   

The study was aimed at expanding the primary anthelmintic screening to cover a model of the group of pulmonary nematodes; in this particular case to introduce the lungworm, D. viviparus, in laboratory animals. A method of primary screening for the fourth and fifth larval states of D. viviparus in guinea-pigs was worked out after the selection of a suitable laboratory host. In the primary screening, three well-known anthelmintics of the benzimidazol series, including fenbendazole, mebendazole and levamisol, were tested by the method of controlled test. The anthelmintics were administered at the recommended doses of 7.5 and 10.0 mg per kg of live weight for two days in succession. The effectiveness of the control of the 4th and 5th larval states of D. viviparus was 93.4% in fenbendazole, 89.0% in mebendazole, and 89.9% in levamisol. It is confirmed by the results of the trials that guinea-pigs can be used for the testing model of the lungworm, D. viviparus, in anthelmintic screening.  相似文献   

Mitochondria are highly dynamic organelles that undergo constant fusion/fission as well as activities orchestrated by large dynamin-related GTPases. These dynamic mitochondrial processes influence mitochondrial morphology, size and function. Therefore, this study was conducted to evaluate the effects of mitochondrial fission inhibitor, mdivi-1, on developmental competence and mitochondrial function of porcine embryos and primary cells. Presumptive porcine embryos were cultured in PZM-3 medium supplemented with mdivi-1 (0, 10 and 50 μM) for 6 days. Porcine fibroblast cells were cultured in growth medium with mdivi-1 (0 and 50 μM) for 2 days. Our results showed that the rate of blastocyst production and cell growth in the mdivi-1 (50 μM) treated group was lower than that of the control group (P < 0.05). Moreover, loss of mitochondrial membrane potential in the mdivi-1 (50 μM) treated group was increased relative to the control group (P < 0.05). Subsequent evaluation revealed that the intracellular levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and the apoptotic index were increased by mdivi-1 (50 μM) treatment (P < 0.05). Finally, the expression of mitochondrial fission-related protein (Drp 1) was lower in the embryos and cells in the mdivi-1-treated group than the control group. Taken together, these results indicate that mdivi-1 treatment may inhibit developmental competence and mitochondrial function in porcine embryos and primary cells.  相似文献   

动物肠道铁吸收、转运及其调节的分子机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
铁是动物必需的微量矿物元素,在机体内发挥氧气运输、电子传递、细胞增殖等重要的生物学功能。缺铁或铁过量均会对机体产生危害。肠道铁吸收是调节机体铁稳态的重要环节,目前已经清楚了解的铁吸收和转运机制包括肠黏膜细胞对铁的摄取、铁在细胞内的转移、铁经基底膜转运到血液并经血液循环供机体组织细胞利用等几个环节。本文拟对铁在动物体内的吸收、转运及相关调节分子机制进行综述。  相似文献   

大额牛Myf-5基因克隆、序列分析及其分子系统进化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对大额牛Myf-5基因进行PCR扩增、T—A克隆和序列分析,并应用DNAMAN4.0、BioEdit4.8.10、DnaSP4.10、Mega3.1等生物信息学软件同普通牛、黑猩猩、恒河猴、人、狗、家鼠、软体贝壳、鸡、斑马鱼9个物种相应基因编码区核苷酸序列和氨基酸序列进行了比对分析,在此基础上采用NJ、ME和UPGMA法对其编码区核苷酸序列构建了分子系统进化树。结果表明:①大额牛Myf-5基因由3个外显子和2个内含子组成,其大小分别为660、76、1226、852、407bp;外显子和内含子数与其他9个物种相同,但大小存在较大的差异;外显子与内含子连接区遵循GT—AG基因组成规则。②大额牛与普通牛、黑猩猩、恒河猴、人、狗、家鼠、软体贝壳、鸡、斑马鱼的Myf-5基因编码区核苷酸序列同源性分别为99.0%、90.0%、90.5%、90.5%、87.2%、84.8%、72.9%、64.3%、51.8%,相应的氨基酸序列同源性分别为99.6%、94.9%、94.6%、94.9%、89.9%、88.7%、81.6%、70.4%、56.6%,这说明大额牛与其他9个物种在Myf-5基因的编码区核苷酸和相应氨基酸序列上具有较高的保守性。③用NJ、ME和UPGMA等3种方法聚类构建的分子系统进化树表明,3种方法的聚类结果基本一致,即大额牛与普通牛首先聚为一类,人、黑猩猩、恒河猴也先聚为一类,这两类相聚后再依次同其他物种聚在一起。这与mtDNA、其他功能基因和动物学分类的研究结果一致,表明Myf-5基因适合用于物种间系统进化关系的研究。  相似文献   

草业经济在国民经济中的地位、现状及其发展建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高雅  林慧龙 《草业学报》2015,24(1):141-157
草地资源是我国最重要的国土资源之一,充分合理的利用这种资源禀赋,直接关系着我国经济的发展与生态环境的可持续。草业经济的发展在国民经济中,具有维护生态安全,推动农业产业结构调整和增加农民收入的重要意义。本文在对我国草业经济发展现状进行简述的基础上,将草产业的运行按照产业链的产前、产中、产后环节进行划分,在每一环节中分别将国内外草业经济发展进行对比,结果表明,在产品生产环节、企业组织与产品加工环节和市场及配套环节中,我国草产业发展都还具有很大的提升空间。为了充分发挥我国草地资源的发展潜力,在坚持经济发展与环境相协调这一指导原则的基础上,需要尽快进行草业生产方式和经营形式的变革,由政府与企业相互配合,完善草产品市场的运作机制,尽快设立草业行业在国民经济中的行业代码,并学习发达国家的先进经验,完善草原立法,将草原立法的出发点由确定所有权转移到指导和规范草产业的运行上来。  相似文献   

DnaJ蛋白是一种调节蛋白。从构建的家蚕蛹cDNA文库中检索到一条编码DnaJ蛋白的EST,并克隆获得家蚕DnaJ5基因(Bm-DnaJ5,GenBank登录号为FJ592078)。该基因的开放阅读框长1 056 bp,编码351个氨基酸,分子质量为38.93 kD,等电点为9.25。利用实时定量PCR技术对Bm-DnaJ5基因在家蚕不同组织和发育时期的时空表达谱进行定量分析,结果显示:该基因在5龄幼虫时期的各组织中都有表达,在睾丸中的表达量最高,拷贝数达到1.16×108个/μg,其次在头部、中肠、前部丝腺和翅原基中的表达量也较高,在气管丛中的表达量最低,拷贝数仅为1.84×104个/μg;在蛹中期的几个组织中均有表达,其中在眼和睾丸中的表达量较高,拷贝数分别为8.79×107个/μg和1.78×107个/μg,而在卵巢中的表达量最低,拷贝数仅为1.94×105个/μg。  相似文献   

家蚕周期蛋白A基因(BmcyclinA)的克隆和表达谱分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
周期蛋白A(cyclinA)能分别与2种重要的周期蛋白依赖性激酶cdk1和cdk2作用,推动细胞周期的正常进行。利用家蚕基因组数据和分子生物学方法克隆了cyclinA基因在家蚕中的同源物BmcyclinA(GenBank登录号:FJ619105),发现了BmcyclinA基因的另一种错误剪接形式BmcyclinA-1。BmcyclinA基因位于家蚕第13号染色体,由7个外显子和6个内含子组成,其完整开放阅读框为1 533 bp,编码511个氨基酸,在248th-450th氨基酸区域存在2个保守的周期蛋白框。BmcyclinA-1仅能编码正常cyclinA蛋白N端的153个氨基酸残基。RT-PCR分析显示BmcyclinA基因在家蚕整个胚胎发育时期及5龄第3天各组织中均有表达,并且在幼虫精巢中的表达相对较高。  相似文献   

Oxidative stress inevitably occurs during oocyte maturation in vitro. α-lipoic acid (α-LA) has a strong antioxidant capacity, but the effect of α-LA on parthenogenetic activation of oocytes was rarely reported. This study aims to investigate the effect of supplementing α-LA to in vitro maturation medium on the subsequent developmental ability of goat parthenogenetic embryos during oocytes maturation. In the study, the goat cumulus-oocyte complex was divided into the experimental (with 25 μmol/L α-LA) and the control (without α-LA) groups. Oxidase expression was measured using RT-qPCR. After 18–22 hr of maturation, the oocytes were then parthenogenetic activated. The total antioxidant capacity of embryos was measured after 0, 24, 48, 72 and 96 hr of culture. Rates of oocyte maturation and the rates of development for parthenogenetic embryos in the α-LA group were significantly improved by 7.88% (p < .05) and 5.41% (p < .05) compared with those in the control group, respectively. After 24 hr, the difference in total antioxidant capacity was extremely significant in both groups. An evident decrease in the control group and a minor decrease in the α-LA group were observed (p < .01). The ratio of inner cell mass cells to the total cell number of blastocysts in the α-LA group increased compared with that in the control group (p < .05) on day 8. α-LA significantly promoted the expression of SOD and GPX4 of parthenogenetic blastocysts and maturated oocytes. α-LA (25 μmol/L) improved the maturation rate and the developmental competence of the parthenogenetic activation of oocytes, which might be mediated by maintaining the total antioxidant ability of oocytes during the culture period.  相似文献   

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