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In Fennoscandia, the concept of woodland key habitats has become one of the key concepts when defining hotspots for forest biodiversity. There is a serious lack of studies, however, in which the diversity value of the assumed key habitats has been assessed for any groups of organisms. The aim of this study was to investigate whether the woodland key habitats as defined in the Finnish Forest Act can be advocated as diversity hotspots for polypores, a group of wood-decaying fungi including several red-listed species and species used as indicators for conservation value of forests. The study area was situated in the southern boreal zone, in eastern Finland. In total, 72 woodland key habitat sites representing six different habitat types, and 12 production forest sites as controls were investigated for their polypore assemblages. A total of 2077 records of 93 species was made, of which only 17 records of nine species were red-listed. On average, key habitats hosted more species than control forests, but of the six habitat types, only fresh and mesic–moist herb-rich forests differed significantly in species number from the control forests. Compared with control forests, key habitats can maintain rich polypore flora but, because of the low number of red-listed species found, they are likely to be of little help in the conservation of threatened polypores.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONWiththedevelopl11entofecono111yandoPeninghn1berInarket.thehlnbersizeiscaredaboutmorea11dl11ol'e.otl1ermse,l11uIhpleproductinventonesrequlresaccurateeshmatesofproductsizes(dial11eteral1dlengths)andvolume.Koreanpine(PinIisko1nIensisSib.etZucc.)isararehn1bersPeciesil1Heilol1roial1gProvince.ItisnecessarynotonlytopredicttI1evolumebasedonvolumetablebutalsotoas-sesstheassotheent.Accordingtothenahol1alhmbercritenonandthewoodqt1ality,thestandqualityisdetenl1i11ed.ThemainPOintofco…  相似文献   

Compatible segmented taper and volume functions were developed for Brutian pine, Cedar of Lebanon, and Cilicica fir in Turkey. The proposed models generally performed better for the whole tree, especially for Cilicica fir. Average diameter prediction error was less than 2.2 cm and average volume error was less than 0.009 m3. The proposed models provide needed merchantable stem volume and diameter estimates to any point in the bole based on the 10 relative height classes examined for the three species. Model estimates compared well to existing volume tables currently employed for these three important commercial species.  相似文献   

《Southern Forests》2013,75(2):77-88
Estimating tree volume and biomass constitutes an essential part of the forest resources assessment and the evaluation of the climate change mitigation potential of forests through biomass accumulation and carbon sequestration. This research article provides stem volume and biomass equations applicable to five tree species, namely Afzelia africana Sm. (Caesalpiniaceae), Anogeissus leiocarpa (DC.) Guill. and Perr. (Combretaceae), Ceiba pentandra (L.) Gaertn. (Bombacaceae), Dialium guineense Willd. (Caesalpiniaceae), Diospyros mespiliformis Hochst. ex A.DC. (Ebenaceae) in natural protected tropical forests and, in addition, Tectona grandis L.f. (Verbenaceae) in plantations. In addition to the tree species specific equations, basic wood density, as well as carbon, nitrogen, organic matter and ash content were determined for these tree species in tropical conditions in West Africa. One hundred and sixty-two sample trees were measured through non-destructive sampling and analysed for volume and biomass. Stem biomass and stem volume were modelled as a function of diameter (at breast height; Dbh) and stem height (height to the crown base). Logarithmic models are presented that utilise Dbh and height data to predict tree component biomass and stem volumes. Alternative models are given that afford prediction based on Dbh data alone, assuming height data to be unavailable. Models that include height are preferred, having better predictive capabilities. Ranges in carbon, nitrogen and ash contents are given as well. The successful development of predictive models through the use of non-destructive methods in this study provide valuable data and tools for use in determining the contribution of these major African rainforest tree species to global carbon stocks, while ensuring the preservation of this valued African resource. This study needs to be expanded to further regions and tree species to complete a full inventory of all tree species, emphasising the relevance of African trees to carbon stocks at a global scale.  相似文献   

In this article, we present equations derived for the prediction of the aboveground tree volume and phytomass for twenty-five of the most important forest species growing in Italy. These equations result from ongoing research aiming to fill a gap in the models available at the national scale. With regard to volume, the results are particularly important for thirteen species or groups of species that were once scaled with models, conventionally assumed as reference models, available for other species. In Italy, phytomass models had never been constructed at the national level before. For any single tree, specific equations allow estimations of the following tree components to be made: stem and large branches (for either volume or phytomass), small branches (phytomass), stump (phytomass) and the whole tree phytomass. The models have been constructed on the basis of nearly 1,300 sampling units (sample trees). Although these equations must be considered intermediate results of the ongoing research because only half the scheduled number of samples has been collected, they have already been used in the practice, for example in the estimates reported in the recently published second national forest inventory.  相似文献   

Since biomass is one of the key variables in ecosystem studies, widespread effort has aimed to facilitating its estimation. Numerous stand-specific volume and biomass equations are available, but these cannot be used for scaling up biomass to the regional level where several age-classes and structural types of stands coexist. Therefore simplified generalized volume and biomass equations are needed. In the present study, generalized biomass and volume regression equations were developed for the main tree species in Europe. These equations were based on data compiled from several published studies and are syntheses of the published equations. The results show that these generalized equations explain 64–99% of the variation in values predicted by the original published equations, with higher values for stem than for crown components.
P. MuukkonenEmail:

The objective of this study was to develop general (multispecies) models for prediction of total tree, merchantable stem and branch volume including options with diameter at breast height (dbh) only, and with both dbh and total tree height (ht), as independent variables. The modelling data set was based on destructively sampled trees and comprised 74 trees from 33 tree species, collected from four forest reserves located in different ecological zones of Malawi. The dbh and ht ranges for the data set were 5.3–111.2?cm and 3.0–25.0?m, respectively. A number of alternative model forms were tested and the final model selection was based on root mean square error (RMSE) values calculated using a leave-one-out cross-validation procedure. The model performances and the evaluations of the finally selected models (R? 2 range 0.72 to 0.92; RMSE range 38% to 71%; mean prediction errors range ?1.4% to 1.3%) suggest that all models can be used over a wide range of geographical and ecological conditions in Malawi with an appropriate accuracy in predictions. The appropriateness of the developed models was also supported by the fact that the mean prediction errors of these models were much lower than the mean prediction errors (range ?23.6% to 48.9%) of some previously developed models tested on our data.  相似文献   

Click beetle larvae (wireworms) are significant crop pests in Europe and North America. In Canada, there are ~30 economically important species which are morphologically difficult to identify, but for which sequence data are lacking. Accurate knowledge of damage-causing species and the population genetics and phylogeography of elaterids will provide insight into their sustainable management. Here, we use interspecific variation in mitochondrial 16S rRNA as a robust method of identification, consider the intra- and interspecific genetic variation of some important Canadian wireworm pests and assess the genetic structure and isolation by distance for a re-emerging major pest species, Hypnoidus bicolor Eschscholtz. Wireworms were sampled from Canada and the USA, identified as morphospecies, and sequenced at the 16S rRNA region (294–442 bp). Within some species unusually high intraspecific genetic distances between samples suggested the possibility of cryptic wireworm species or misidentifications, though this was <1 % for most species. Phylogenetic analyses gave some indication of the likely identity of these ambiguous samples. There was a significant correlation between genetic and geographic distance and significant genetic structuring within and between H. bicolor populations, which appeared to be composed of two species comprising several haplotypes. These data provide a starting point for determining the distribution of damage-causing species throughout Canada. The inclusion of data from other nuclear and mitochondrial loci, and use of sequence data from known adult samples, would further aid identification and relationships of wireworm species.  相似文献   

Height-diameter models were developed for nine tree species common to the northeastern United States: Abies balsamea, Acer rubrum, Betula papyrifera, B. populifolia, Picea rubens, P. mariana, Pinus strobus, Populus tremuloides, and Tsuga canadensis. Stem heights and diameters were collected from 6 146 trees (between 136 and 2615 trees per species) on 50 plots within 10 structurally diverse stands that are part of a long-term silvicultural experiment in central Maine. The models were developed using both generalized nonlinear least squares (GNLS) and multi-level, mixed-effects approaches. Mixed-effects approaches were superior to GNLS, with inclusion of site covariates (tree density and basal area) accounting for some of the variability explained by the random coefficients in the full mixed-effect models. Analysis of plot-level parameter estimates suggested that differences in stand structure (even-aged vs. uneven-aged silvicultural practices) had a significant influence on the height-diameter relationships.  相似文献   

《Southern Forests》2013,75(3):193-203
To provide a taper model for planning and management of Cupressus lusitanica plantations in Ethiopia, seven taper models were compared. Four performance indicator statistics were used for comparing the models in their ability to estimate tree diameter, and total and merchantable volumes. For the selected species, Kozak (1988) was found to be the best, followed by modified Lee et al. (2003) and Kozak (2004) as second and third best taper models, respectively. Both the Kozak (Kozak, 1988, 2004) and the modified Lee et al. (2003) models were very flexible in capturing the different shapes of trees. In particular, Kozak (2004) proved to be best of all models in diameter estimation even though it was found to be inferior to the Kozak (1988) and modified Lee et al. (2003) models for total and merchantable volume estimation. To understand the influence of the inflection point p in the Kozak (1988) model, Monte Carlo simulation was used to examine sensitivity of the model performance against inflection point p. In this effort, slightly lower standard errors were observed for p between 0.1 and 0.3. Mixed effects modeling was also used to further study the inflection point p as a random effect. The empirical Bayes estimates of the random effects were found to vary from tree to tree and also appear to depend on tree size. The results from both the Monte Carlo and mixed effects modeling study seem to indicate the need to estimate p from the data.  相似文献   

Johansson  Tord 《New Forests》2004,27(1):13-24
Plantings with pendula (Betula pendula Roth) and pubescent (Betula pubescens Ehrh.) birches were studied on five localities (Lat. 57–60 ° N) in Sweden. Seedlings were planted in 1988 or 1989. The experiment contained 50 plants per parcel and five replications per treatment. Among treatments harrowed area and birches covered with tree shelter were included. In spring 1993 five plants growing on harrowed area, with and without tree shelter, respectively were randomly chosen on each parcel. A total of 25 birches per treatment, species and locality were used. The trial was replicated in 1994 and 1995. The plant height was estimated and diameter at 20 and 60% of tree height was measured each year for 4 yr. The stem taper was calculated by the quotient D60/D20. The stem taper for birches without tree shelter was 0.5 for both species on all localities. The quotients for birches, which have grown in tree shelter, were 0.6–0.75 the first years of the trial. Then the quotients decreased and 2–3 years later they were on the same level as for birches planted without tree shelters. The results of the studies indicate that tree shelters should be removed two to three years after the plant has reached the top of the shelter. The height of the tree shelter might be shortened to 0.8–1.0 m to stabilise the plant earlier than with the conventional shelter height of 1.2 m.  相似文献   

Population density, species richness and critical population parameters are crucial in determining the levels of gene diversity in dioecious species of the genus Calamus. The extent of intraspecific and intrageneric genetic variability in Calamus from the southern Western Ghats of India was studied using 26 microsatellite markers by sampling 227 individuals belonging to seven economically important species. The heterozygosity of microsatellite loci ranged from zero to 0.78. Average gene diversity within species was 0.13; in all species it was 0.18 and amongst species was 0.06. The Shannon Information Index was the lowest for Calamus metzianus(0.11), whereas it ranged from 0.16 to 0.26 for other species. The expected heterozygosity varied from 0.08 to 0.18. Calamus hookerianus and Calamu travancoricus showed the highest genetic differentiation(44%) revealed through Fst values,whereas the lowest(22%) was observed between Calamusgamblei and Calamu thwaitesii. Population structuring and phylogenetic analysis differentiated the seven species. Due to overexploitation and loss of rare alleles, small populations could lead to fertilization between closely related individuals, resulting in inbreeding and increasing the risk of extinction. This could be important for species such as C. metzianus where allelic polymorphism was 23%,whereas for all other species it was 38% to 46%. Genetic diversity ‘‘micro-hotspots were identified from the protected area network of the southern and central Western Ghats with highest observed heterozygosity. Four microhotspots from the Agasthyamalai Biosphere Reserve and the Pushpagiri Wildlife Sanctuary may be possible for long-term conservation programs. The findings of this study lay a strong foundation for strengthening protected area networks, especially areas with intermediate levels of disturbance.  相似文献   

Sustainable conservation of tropical resources required understanding of their distribution for effective assessment and definition of conservation priorities. In tropical areas, wild palms are highly valued keystone resources with growing demand for both subsistence uses and commercial trade. Here we focused on eight such species (Borassus aethiopum Mart., Eremospatha macrocarpa (G.Mann & H.Wendl.) H.Wendl., Hyphaene thebaica Mart., Laccosperma opacum (G.Mann & H.Wendl.) Drude, Phoenix reclinata Jacq., Raphia hookeri G.Mann & H.Wendl., Raphia sudanica A. Chev., and Raphia vinifera P.Beauv.). This study tested (i) how those palms distributions may be affected under future climate scenarios, and (ii) if species are effectively conserved currently and under future forecasts for their native distributional areas. Finally, we defined spatial priorities for the species’ conservation. Available bioclimatic and soil data layers were used for the modelling with maximum entropy approaches, and resulting maps were overlaid on the existing protected areas network. Results showed that much of the distribution of the species will remain largely stable, albeit with some expansion and retraction in some species; relationships with protected areas networks suggest that protected portions of species distributions will also remain stable. The areas identified as highest conservation priority differ between models even though the highest-priority areas holding most palm species are located along the coast (from Guinea to Nigeria). Further development of these analyses could aid in forming a more complete picture of the distributions and populations of the species, which in turn could aid in developing effective conservation strategies for this botanically important family.  相似文献   

  • ? The performance of ten commonly used taper equations for predicting both stem form and volume in balsam fir [Abies balsamea (L.) Mill], red spruce[Picea rubens (Sarg.)], and white pine[Pinus strobus (L.)] in the Acadian Region of North America was investigated.
  • ? Results show that the Kozak (2004) and Bi (2000) equations were superior to the other equations in predicting diameter inside bark for red spruce and white pine, while the Valentine and Gregoire (2001) equation performed slightly better for balsam fir.
  • ? For stem volume, the Clark et al. (1991) equation provided the best predictions across all species when upper stem diameter measurements were available, while the Kozak (2004) and compatible taper equation of Fang et al. (2000) performed well when those measurements were unavailable.
  • ? The incorporation of crown variables substantially improved stem volume predictions (mean absolute bias reduction of 7–15%; root mean square error reduction of 10–15%) for all three species, but had little impact on stem form predictions.
  • ? The best taper equation reduced the predicted root mean square error by 16, 39, and 45% compared to estimates from the widely used Honer (1965) regional stem volume equations for balsam fir, red spruce, and white pine, respectively.
  • ? When multiple taper equations exist for a certain species, the use of the geometric mean of all predictions is an attractive alternative to selecting the “best” equation.
  •   相似文献   

    浙江生物防火林带建设类型和树种配置模式研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
    通过对浙江林火发生时间、火源和植被的特点分析,在总结浙江防火林带营造技术经验的基础上,鉴于生物防火林带以害设防、多功能、近自然建设发展趋势分析,提出新建型、改建型和提高型3种建设类型。根据浙江自然地理和林火发生特点,针对山脊、上坡、下坡、坡脚(耕地或林缘)、坟地、森林公园6种不同建设区段,研究提出木荷防火林带、红花油茶防火林带、木荷-冬青防火林带等21种近自然型和生态经济型的结构配置模式,并就防火林带树种的适地适树选择和生态经济功能方面对模式选择进行了可行性分析。  相似文献   

    Background:Coarse woody debris(CWD)is an important element of forest structure that needs to be considered when managing forests for biodiversity,carbon storage or bioenergy.To manage it effectively,dynamics of CWD decomposition should be known.Methods:Using a chronosequence approach,we assessed the decomposition rates of downed CWD of Fagus sylvatica,Picea abies and Pinus sylvestris,which was sampled from three different years of tree fall and three different initial diameter classes(10 –≤ 20 cm,20 –≤40 cm,40 cm).Samples originating from wind throws in 1999 were collected along a temperature and precipitation gradient.Based on the decay class and associated wood densities,log volumes were converted into CWD mass and C content.Log fragmentation was assessed over one year for log segments of intermediate diameters(20 – 40 cm)after 8 and 18 years of decomposition.Results:Significantly higher decomposition constants(k)were found in logs of F.sylvatica(0.054 year~(-1))than in P.abies(0.033 year~(-1))and P.sylvestris(0.032 year~(-1)).However,mass loss of P.sylvestris occurred mainly in sapwood and hence k for the whole wood may be overestimated.Decomposition rates generally decreased with increasing log diameter class except for smaller dimensions in P.abies.About 74 % of the variation in mass remaining could be explained by decomposition time(27 %),tree species(11 %),diameter(17 %),the interactive effects between tree species and diameter(4 %)as well as between decomposition time and tree species(3 %)and a random factor(site and tree; 9.5 %),whereas temperature explained only 2 %.Wood fragmentation may play a more important role than previously thought.Here,between 14 % and 30 % of the decomposition rates(for the first 18 years)were attributable to this process.Carbon(C)density(mg C · cm~(-3)),which was initially highest for F.sylvatica,followed by P.sylvestris and P.abies,decreased with increasing decay stage to similar values for all species.Conclusions:The apparent lack of climate effects on decomposition of logs in the field indicates that regional decomposition models for CWD may be developed on the basis of information on decomposition time,tree species and dimension only.These can then be used to predict C dynamics in CWD as input for C accounting models and for habitat management.  相似文献   

    Occurrence and pathogenicity of Oomycota species causing root rot were investigated in 10 forest tree nurseries in western Turkey. Soil samples (129 in total) taken from the rhizosphere of symptomatic seedlings were baited for Oomycota using young leaves of Quercus suber, Rhododendron simsii and R. ponticum. Oomycota (178 isolates) were obtained by culturing on selective media, and identified using morphological methods followed by PCR and sequencing of the ITS rDNA and cox1 regions. Phytophthora aff. cactorum, P. citricola sensu lato, P. crassamura, P. syringae, Pythium aphanidermatum, Py. intermedium, Py. irregulare, Py. ultimum and Phytopythium vexans were common amongst the isolates. The highest diversity of Oomycota was found in the forest nurseries at Adapazar?‐Hendek and ?zmir‐Torbal?. Pathogenicity tests showed that the isolates caused lesions on a range of host plants. The importance of these nursery infections in transferring potentially damaging oomycete species to Turkish forests is discussed.  相似文献   

    The aim of the study was to develop methods for estimating the taper curves for trees tallied in a forest inventory. The average stem form in a stand was described by the principal components of the stand effects in the stem dimensions measured in the polar coordinate system. Measurements of diameter at breast height, diameter at a height of 6 meters, and height taken from trees on the sample tree plots were used for determining the first four principal components. Regression models were derived to predict the principal components from the site and growing stock variables. These models were used to estimate the taper curves of the tallied trees. Use of the principal components estimated by the regression models gave less reliable results than use of the principal component estimates based on measurement of the height of one randomly chosen tree on the sample plot. The best result was found with combined use of the principal component estimates and one height measurement per sample plot.  相似文献   

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