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调查了福州市鼓楼区福飞路道路两侧绿化内的彩叶植物种类绿化应用,结果表明:(1)应用种类为11种,主要有红檵木、花叶假连翘、五叶枫、红李、花叶鹅掌柴、银叶金合欢、花叶良姜、黄金榕、金边巴西铁、爬山虎、红叶石楠;(2)道路绿化应用方式主要有彩篱、模纹花坛、孤植、丛植、片植、垂直绿化;(3)道路绿化应用中存在种类多样性低、种类结构不均衡、污染及养护管理差等问题。最后对福州市道路绿化彩叶植物的引种、选择和应用提出建议。  相似文献   

结合彩叶植物在道路绿化中的应用,从其中的缺陷入手,对彩叶植物在道路绿化中应用中出现的问题展开分析,并提出相应的解决策略。  相似文献   

高质量的绿化工程不仅能够有益于环境的和谐,更能够为人们带来美好的视觉享受。为此,越来越多的绿化工程为了进一步提升其观赏性而相继采用彩叶植物作为重点装饰。而彩叶植物的应用也将在未来一段时间内成为人们所共同关注的焦点。本文结合多年的实践工作经验,尝试对于彩叶植物的概念、种类、发展前景以及具体的应用注意事项几方面内容进行简要地论述。  相似文献   

为提升园林绿化景观设计的质量,本文针对植物造景在景园之中的应用价值展开分析,并在此基础上了解彩叶植物在园林设计中的使用原则,进而制定出合理的园林造景技术,增强园林景观设计的丰富性与全面性,为之后的植物造景技术提升做好准备。  相似文献   

温娜 《吉林蔬菜》2008,(6):62-63
近年来我市从国外、省外引进了许多彩叶植物,它们具有花朵一样绚丽的色彩,在春季盛花期过后与绿叶植物相互映衬,极大地丰富了城市的色彩,而且枝繁叶茂,易于形成大面积的群体景观,成为目前长春园林绿化美化的新宠。长春市位于中国的北方,树木品种极其单调,彩叶树种的加入,使绿色统一天下的长春增添了无限的生机。  相似文献   

通过对南宁市18条主要道路分车带绿化植物构成、观赏特性、景观营造特点等进行调查,结果表明:南宁市道路分车带绿化植物共56种,隶属于29科44属,其中扁桃和朱槿应用频度较高,体现乡土特色;观花植物资源较为丰富,花期不断;灌木种类和草本种类应用相对较少,可适当增加观花灌木、彩叶植物及草本观赏植物的应用。  相似文献   

对南京江宁大学城高校校园绿化中彩叶植物应用情况进行调查,结果表明:常用的彩叶植物84种,分属于45个科;其中蔷薇科常用植物最多有11种,其次为槭树科有8种、禾本科有6种。将彩叶植物按生活型分为乔木、灌木、藤本、地被植物4个类别,其种类数量由多到少依次为乔木、地被植物、灌木、藤本类植物,分别占总数的42%、35%、16%、7%。从叶片色彩的呈现和最佳观赏时间将其分为春色叶、秋色叶、常色叶3类进行统计,其所占比例分别为11%、46%、43%。彩叶植物在校园中常用于花坛、路边、水边等处,配置方式有孤植、片植、绿篱、色块等。  相似文献   

彩叶植物在城市园林绿化中的搭配与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
如今园林绿化事业正在迅猛发展,彩叶植物越来越受到喜爱和重视,其在不同生长季节期间呈现的景观效果,在很大程度上丰富了城市的色彩,日益在现代城市园林绿化中占据重要地位。  相似文献   

彩叶植物是我国园林景观配置中的重要元素,在园林景观配置中的应用越来越广泛,其独有的特色弥补了传统绿化植物色彩单一的不足,增添了园林景观的环境色彩。本文简述彩叶植物的分类,探讨了彩叶植物在园林设计中配置方法和应用原则,进而论述彩叶植物应用现状和存在的问题,加深对彩叶植物的认识,为彩叶植物市园林绿化中的应用提供参考。  相似文献   

彩叶植物在园林景观中具有重要的作用,其在园林景观建设中的重要性日趋明显。通过对彩叶植物的种类、彩叶植物运用于园林景观应考虑因素、配置形式等方面加以探讨,以期能在园林景观建设中对彩叶植物进行更好地应用。  相似文献   

果治 《中国园艺文摘》2012,28(2):115-117
简述彩叶植物的定义、分类和彩叶植物在国内外园林中的发展概况;阐述彩叶植物在造景中应遵循的原则,以及彩叶植物在造景设计中如何选择、运用和处理好背景的问题。  相似文献   

通过对南宁高校校园植物景观的调查研究,总结了南宁高校主要植物景观的造景特色,为今后更好地比照地方高校区域的植物资源及景观特色和南宁高校绿化建设提供参考。  相似文献   

为发掘更好的彩叶观赏树种蓝果树种质资源和进一步开发利用及保存,采用400 m2的标准样法对黔中地区11个县(市、区)的蓝果树种质资源进行调查,观察土壤颜色、测量土层厚度和海拔;测量树高、胸径、冠幅、枝下高及代表植株的5~12片叶的叶长、叶宽,并观察其叶形和叶色;记录样地内所有伴生植物的种类。结果表明:蓝果树生长的土壤多为酸性的黄壤,土层厚度在24~212 cm 之间,海拔在1021~1439 m 之间。平均叶长在8.1~12.7 cm 之间,平均叶宽在3.6~6.2 cm 之间,叶色方面主要变化有绿色间紫红色或红色、铁锈红色、绿色。21个样地中蓝果树的平均年龄多在10~20年,多数胸径小于10 cm,平均胸径最大的30.9 cm,其次为19.0 cm。21个样地中均有的伴生植物都为酸性土壤的指示性植物。初步查清了黔中地区蓝果树种质资源,为发掘更好的蓝果树种质资源和良种选育、进一步开发利用及保存提供基础参考。  相似文献   

草酸对人体的影响和伤害为大家所熟知,草酸在人体内不容易被氧化分解掉,经代谢作用后形成的产物,可导致人体内酸碱度失去平衡,并影响对钙和锌的吸收。而在工业中被广泛应用的草酸,在小区中也不时会被用到,比如清洗外墙瓷砖或者地面大理石铺装等,对园林植物或多或少会造成一些影响,因此,需采取一些措施,使影响和伤害减到最低。  相似文献   

In this paper, we use data from 12 metropolitan cities in Japan to investigate the effects of street landscape planting and urban park areas on land prices, and estimate the magnitude and saturation levels of these effects, as well as examining the current level of planting and park areas in these cities. The empirical results imply that increasing the street landscape planting ratio improves the dwelling environment, in terms of both the magnitude and saturation level of the planting ratio, while increasing the amount of urban park area does not.  相似文献   

Trees in the urban environment are subjected to a number of stresses which are very different from those suffered by trees in typical rural conditions. The stresses listed in this paper should be a basis for the selection criteria used in urban tree improvement programs. The basic properties of trees are climatic adaptation, disease resistance and a large phenotypic plasticity. Properties related to the urban situation are related to stresses caused by social factors, the restrictive soil volume and crown space, soil pollution, air pollution, de-icing salt, wind and drought. In addition, aesthetic factors, growth form and growth potential and resistance to breakage of limbs are important selection criteria. The priority ranking of the selection criteria depends on the environment wherein the plants are to be used. The need to broaden the range of species and cultivars planted in Nordic cities should have high priority, and selection programs should, therefore, include new species of urban trees. A practical selection should be made within the four major Nordic climatic regions, which are the northern maritime, northern continental, southern maritime and southern continental regions. The establishment of broad co-operation in the selection of plant materials for urban uses is discussed.  相似文献   

Tree planting has been favoured in many North American cities, including Montreal which aims to increase its canopy from 20% to 25% in 2025. However, the mortality rate of street trees is especially high in the first few years after planting. Studies have shown that variables that are intrinsic to the tree and those related to its location, the urban form and the socio-demographic characteristics of the surrounding environment are significantly associated either with trees’ survival rate or with vegetation cover. In this research we examine variables that have statistical associations with tree growth, which is the diameter at breast height divided by the number of years on the ground, for approximately 28,000 street trees in Montreal. Independent variables were nested into three spatial scales: the tree (species and physical variables), the street section (urban form variables), and the census tract (socio-demographic variables). Multilevel models reveal that 65.51% of the growth variance is potentially explained by the species and planting physical conditions such as the east and north sides (positive associations with the growth), signage as an obstruction (negative association). 28.54% of the grow variance is potentially explained by the urban form, in our case building age (convex relationship with the growth), mixed zoning (negatively) and residential zoning (positively). At the neighbourhood level, although none of our variables is significant, 6.95% of the growth variance is be potentially explained by other missing variables. New planting programs should hence consider the urban form in order to improve tree growth.  相似文献   

Sampling inventories are strategies to gather qualified information for managing urban forests, given the scarcity of budgetary resources for a complete inventory and lack of public engagement to reduce costs. However, procedures for testing sampling sufficiency can be unspecified in researches related to urban forest inventories and do not follow any specific pattern. Hence, to determine the sampling sufficiency, we tested different variables related to the trunk, crown, number of trees, and species, focusing on different aims of an inventory of trees on sidewalks. At a level of 10% of the total number of plots, each measuring 50.0 m × 3.0 m, we performed a stratified inventory of a city streetscape whose composition and quality represents most South American cities, with a non-patterned tree compostion. Sampling sufficiency was analyzed considering a limit of error of 10% and 15% by using 12 different variables. The stratification process was necessary for most of the variables analyzed (p > 0.01), with errors ranging from 5.87% to 15.28%. Sampling sufficiency was achieved for 10% of the total population of trees on sidewalks, at a 10% error limit for seven variables: diameter at breast height (DBH), cross-section area, crown diameter, crown area, number of species, and number of species per square meter of sidewalk and per kilometer of the street. However, this result was influenced by the variability of the variables used to estimate sampling sufficiency. As it is not possible to achieve different goals (tree registration, benefits, and diversity) with just one variable like the number of trees per kilometer of street, the sampling sufficiency estimation should be based on the use of at least the DBH, crown diameter, number of trees, and number of species. It would be a better strategy to ensure more reliable data estimations for sampling inventories of trees on sidewalks.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the types and structures of small green spaces (SGs) that effectively reduce air temperature in urban blocks. Six highly developed blocks in Seoul, South Korea served as the research sites for this study. Air temperature was measured at the street level with mobile loggers on clear summer days from August to September in 2012. The measurements were repeated three times a day for three days. By analyzing the spatial characteristics, SGs within the six blocks were categorized into the four major types: polygonal, linear, single, and mixed. The result revealed that the polygonal and mixed types of SGs showed simple linear regression at a significant level (p < 0.01). It indicated that the blocks’ urban heat island (UHI) mitigation (ΔTRmn) increased in a linear fashion when the area and volume of these two types of green spaces increased. The area and volume of a polygonal SG with mixed vegetation, over 300 m2 and 2300 m3, respectively, lowered the ΔTRmn by 1 °C; SG with an area and volume of larger than 650 m2 and 5000 m3, respectively, lowered the ΔTRmn by 2 °C. The results of this study will be useful to urban planners and designers for determine the types and structures of urban green spaces to optimize the cooling effect, as well as how such green spaces should be designed and distributed.  相似文献   

垂枝植物在园林中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文就垂枝植物的观赏特性进行了简单的介绍,并初步探讨了垂枝植物在园林中的应用及展望前景,提出我国应大力发展垂枝类型植物。  相似文献   

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