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在基层畜牧兽医日常工作中,动物疫病防控是必不可少的重要内容。加强动物疫病防控是保障我国养殖业有序健康发展的重要基础,能够有效降低畜禽患病的概率,让养殖户减少不必要的损失,从而获得更大的养殖经济效益。但当前基层畜牧兽医在开展日常防疫工作时面临一些问题,如基层养殖户疫病防控意识缺乏、专业的畜牧兽医缺乏、防疫所需的专业设施与设备缺乏、动物防疫工作管理机制不健全等,相关部门需要强化动物疫病防控宣传教育工作、加强畜牧兽医的引进与培养、完善防疫设施、健全基层动物防疫工作管理机制,以提升基层畜牧兽医防疫工作成效。  相似文献   

《池塘养鱼学》与《水产动物疾病防治学》作为畜牧兽医专业的两门专业选修课,对整个专业学生的学习起到有益的补充作用。通过该课程的学习,增加了学生的就业能力,拓展了就业机会,同时又满足了企事业单位对畜牧专业人才多元化的需求。文章分析高职畜牧兽医专业鱼类养殖课程教学现状,针对如何提高鱼类养殖课程的教学效果,培养学生的实践能力进行探析,提出提高高职畜牧兽医专业鱼类养殖课程教学效果的几点建议。  相似文献   

从高职畜牧兽医专业实践性教学的特点出发,构建了高职畜牧兽医专业"三业联动"实践性教学人才培养模式与"四元网络型"的实践性教学体系.通过教学实践的运用,在畜牧兽医专业经济实体建设、"产学研"结合、"双师"教师培养方式、高职畜牧兽医实践性教学考核标准等方面进行了研究与探讨,最终达到提高高职畜牧兽医专业毕业生专业技能与社会声誉的目的.  相似文献   

动物解剖学是畜牧兽医专业的重要专业基础课程。面对全国执业兽医资格考试制度实行的大背景,为适应新的形势和要求,合理对动物解剖学的课程教学进行创新与改进,已成为畜牧兽医专业教育的新课题。该文紧密结合教学实践,从教学内容、手段及方法3个方面进行了探索,并取得了理想的教学效果。  相似文献   

畜牧兽医也称为牧医,是畜牧专业和兽医专业两者的总称,其主要工作内容综合了畜牧和医学两者的所有工作,是我国畜牧业发展过程中不可或缺的一个工作职位。现今我国畜牧业快速发展,与几年前相比,我国各地区的畜牧养殖规模不断扩张,且专业性极强,都是以科学专业的态度发展和扩充的,在此基础上,畜牧兽医工作也被越来越多的人关注和选择,畜牧兽医工作的重要性也日益突出。做好动物检疫工作是畜牧兽医的主要工作职责,同时也是提高畜牧业质量的关键环节,本文针对目前动物检疫的实际问题进行分析,并提出相应的解决对策。  相似文献   

<正>毛杨毅男,1960年出生。1982年毕业于山西农业大学畜牧专业,获农学学士学位。毕业后一直在山西省农科院畜牧兽医研究所从事养羊及动物胚胎工程技术研究工作。现任山西省农科院畜牧兽医研究所副所长、研究员,山西科元动物胚胎工程中心主任。兼任中国畜牧兽医学会养羊专业委员会常务理事,山西省畜牧兽医学会养羊研究会副理事长,山西省农学会理事等职。山西省新世纪学术技术带头人333人才工程省级人选。  相似文献   

基层畜牧兽医工作队伍肩负着宣传贯彻发展畜牧业的方针、政策、法律、法规,协助上级畜牧管理部门搞好管理工作,开展畜牧业新技术推广、动物疫病防控等重要职责,发挥着承上启下的重要作用。加强基层兽医队伍建设,对于做好畜牧业科学管理,健康发展,提升动物疫病防控能力,保障社会公共卫生安全十分重要。结合多年的基层工作经验,就如何做好和加强基层兽医工作与大家进行交流、学习。  相似文献   

马吉飞,教授,博士,男,河北藁城人,中共党员,1963年8月出生。现任天津农学院动物科学系主任、中国畜牧兽医学会兽医病理学分会理事、天津市畜牧兽医学会常务理事、天津市政府养殖组专家顾问团成员、天津农学院预防兽医学硕士点负责人、《天津农学院学报》编委、天津市级精品课程“兽医病理学”负责人和市级品牌专业“动物医学”专业负责人。  相似文献   

当前我国畜牧养殖业整体发展良好,但部分地区依然长期受动物疫病影响,导致禽畜长势不佳,影响地区养殖业的良好发展.目前西藏地区的基层畜牧兽医工作开展还存在诸多不足,需要转变兽医观念,提升其专业能力,当地政府也需加强投入.本文从当前动物防疫的要点入手,讨论西藏基层畜牧兽医防疫工作问题,提出如何实施基层畜牧兽医动物防疫工作的措...  相似文献   

为研究"岗课赛证"综合育人机制,文章以畜牧兽医专业群课程建设为例,从现阶段行业岗位、职业技能大赛、职业资格和职业技能等级评价标准对课程建设的需求出发,论述了畜牧兽医专业群课程建设途径,供相关人员参考.  相似文献   

Millisecond pulsars are thought to be neutron stars that have been spun-up by accretion of matter from a binary companion. Although most are in binary systems, some 30% are solitary, and their origin is therefore mysterious. PSR J1719-1438, a 5.7-millisecond pulsar, was detected in a recent survey with the Parkes 64-meter radio telescope. We show that this pulsar is in a binary system with an orbital period of 2.2 hours. The mass of its companion is near that of Jupiter, but its minimum density of 23 grams per cubic centimeter suggests that it may be an ultralow-mass carbon white dwarf. This system may thus have once been an ultracompact low-mass x-ray binary, where the companion narrowly avoided complete destruction.  相似文献   

Action at a distance along a DNA   总被引:35,自引:0,他引:35  
A number of ways are known by which an event at one location on a DNA molecule can affect an event at a distant location on the same molecule. Three classes of mechanisms are described for such distal actions: tracking or translocation of a protein along a DNA, the association of two proteins bound at separate sites to form a DNA loop in between, and distal interactions that are affected by the topology of the DNA. The basic characteristics of each type of mechanism are discussed in terms of the known physicochemical properties of DNA. The various modes of action at a distance are often interrelated. Examples include the formation of positively and negatively supercoiled DNA loops by tracking and the strong effects of DNA topology on looping.  相似文献   

Development of a receptor on a foreign nerve fiber in a Pacinian corpuscle   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
When the sensory fiber of a Pacinian corpuscle (in cat mesentery) is transected (at the inferior mesenteric nerve) transduction fails within 30 hours: the nerve ending produces no generator potentials in response to mechanical stimulation. Electrically elicited nerve impulse conduction continues for at least another 18 hours. A transducer mechanism develops on a regenerating nerve fiber when this fiber enters the denervated corpuscle. Such transducer development takes place on myelinated fibers from the inferior mesenteric nerve, which normally supplies corpuscles, as well as on myelinated hypogastric nerve fibers, which normally do not go to corpuscles, including fibers larger than the original corpuscle afferents.  相似文献   

Pathways for the reduction of protein disulfide bonds are found in all organisms and are required for the reductive recycling of certain enzymes including the essential protein ribonucleotide reductase. An Escherichia coli strain that lacks both thioredoxin reductase and glutathione reductase grows extremely poorly. Here, we show that a mutation occurring at high frequencies in the gene ahpC, encoding a peroxiredoxin, restores normal growth to this strain. This mutation is the result of a reversible expansion of a triplet nucleotide repeat sequence, leading to the addition of one amino acid that converts the AhpC protein from a peroxidase to a disulfide reductase. The ready mutational interconversion between the two activities could provide an evolutionary advantage to E. coli.  相似文献   

研究了离散型三维竞争系统的模型结构与稳定性,得到了这类竞争系统中各类平衡点的坐标及其性质,获得了系统在某些边界上的平衡点渐近稳定的充分条件和不稳定的充分条件,并由此得到了系统中的某群体在竞争过程中竞争获胜淘汰所有对手的条件和参与竞争的各个群体永不和谐的充分条件.  相似文献   

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