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Background: Hematological and biochemical values in cats naturally infected by feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) or feline leukemia virus (FeLV) are not completely documented. Objective: Report differences in laboratory values between FIV‐ or FeLV‐infected and noninfected and between FIV‐ and FeLV‐infected cats. Animals: Three thousand seven hundred and eighty client‐owned cats tested for FIV and FeLV. Methods: Retrospective study. Evaluation of clinicopathologic changes in cats with defined FIV and FeLV status and for which laboratory data were available. Results: FIV‐infected cats were more likely to be neutropenic (odds ratio [OR]=3.6, 95% confidence interval [95% CI] 2.1–6.2, P < .0001) and had lower serum activities of aspartate aminotransferase and glutamate dehydrogenase than control cats; serum total protein (8.1 ± 1.1 versus 7.6 ± 1.3 g/dL, P < .001) and γ‐globulin concentrations (2.2 ± 1.1 versus 1.7 ± 1.3 g/dL, P < .001) were higher than in uninfected cats. Compared with controls, FeLV‐infected cats had a higher risk of anemia (OR = 3.8, 95% CI 2.4–6.0, P < .0001), thrombocytopenia (OR = 5.0, 95% CI 3.0–8.4, P < .0001), neutropenia (OR = 3.6, 95% CI 2.1–6.1, P < .0001), lymphocytosis (OR = 2.8, 95% CI 1.6–4.8, P= .0002), and lower erythrocyte counts (6.13 ± 2.95 × 103 versus 8.72 ± 2.18 × 103/μL, P < .001), thrombocyte counts (253.591 ± 171.841 × 103 versus 333.506 ± 156.033 × 103/μL, P < .001), hematocrit (28.72 ± 12.86 versus 37.67 ± 8.90%, P < .001), hemoglobin and creatinine concentration. Conclusions and Clinical Importance: Hematologic abnormalities are common in FeLV‐infected but not in FIV‐infected cats. Clinicopathologic abnormalities are less frequent in FIV‐infected cats and might reflect an unspecific immunologic response.  相似文献   

Griseofulvin administration was associated with the development of absolute neutropenia in six of seven (86%) cats with feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) infection. The neutropenia was severe (less than 400 neutrophils/microliter) in four of the six affected cats, and one cat died from sepsis. Neutrophil counts returned to baseline values within 15 days after drug withdrawal in all surviving cats. No symptoms or hematologic abnormalities were observed in four normal (FIV-seronegative) cats treated with the same lot of griseofulvin at equivalent doses. Neutropenia recurred in two of two FIV-seropositive cats upon griseofulvin rechallenge. Cats with FIV infections appear to be at increased risk for griseofulvin-associated neutropenia. This phenomenon may be analogous to the increased frequency of antibiotic-induced neutropenias observed in humans infected with the human immunodeficiency virus.  相似文献   

A group of 41 cats with signs of lower urinary tract disease was compared to a group of 41 cats without any history of disease for prevalence of seropositivity for feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV). The group of healthy cats was similar in age and gender to the group of cats with signs of lower urinary tract disease. Three of the cats with lower urinary tract disease and one control cat were seropositive for FIV.
This difference was not statistically significant. The most common cause of lower urinary tract signs was idiopathic. Only 7 cats had urinary tract infection, most associated with perineal urethrostomy or catheterization. Six of the cats with bacterial urinary tract infections were FIV negative. J Vet Intern Med 1996;10:34–38. Copyright © 1996 by the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine .  相似文献   

Hemostasis profiles from 101 cats presented for medical or surgical evaluation to The Ohio State University Veterinary Teaching Hospital from 1986 through 1991 were reviewed retrospectively; 69% were abnormal. Commonly identified abnormalities included a mixed hemostatic defect compatible with disseminated intravascular coagulation, thrombocytopenia, isolated prolongation of the activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT), and prolongation of both the APTT and one-stage prothrombin time. The most common disorders associated with abnormal hemostasis profiles in this study were liver disease, neoplasia, and feline infectious peritonitis.  相似文献   

Prospective studies were performed over a 28- to 77-month period (median, 66 months) on 5 cats with naturally acquired feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) infection in an attempt to correlate hematologic and Clinicopathologic changes with the emergence of clinical disease. On presentation, all cats were asymptomatic; free of opportunistic infections; and had normal complete blood counts, bone marrow morphologies, marrow progenitor frequencies, and progenitor in vitro growth characteristics. During study, 2 cats remained healthy, 2 cats showed mild clinical signs, and 1 cat developed a malignant neoplasm (ie, bronchiolar-alveolar adenocarcinoma). Although persistent hematologic abnormalities were not observed, intermittent peripheral leukopenias were common. In 3 of 5 FlV-seropositive cats, lymphopenia (< 1,500 lymphs/μL; normal reference range, 1,500 to 7,000 lymphs/μL) was a frequent finding and the absolute lymphocyte counts had a tendency to progressively decline. One of the other 2 cats had consistently low to low-normal absolute neutrophil counts (1,300 to 4,800 segs/μL; mean, 2,730 segs/μL; normal reference range, 2,500 to 12,500 segs/μL), and the remaining cat had consistently normal leukograms, except for a transient period (ie, 11 months) of benign lymphocytosis (7,200 to 13,430 lymphs/μL) early in the study. Periodic examinations of bone marrow aspirates revealed normal to slightly depressed myeloid-to-erythroid ratios with normal cellular morphology and maturation. Bone marrow abnormalities observed late in the study included mild dysmor-phic changes (ie, megaloblastic features) in 2 cats, and a significant decrease (60% of controls, P < .001) in the frequencies of burst-forming units erythroid (BFU-E) in marrow cultures of FIV-seropositive cats compared with uninfected control cats. Serum biochemical profiles were unremarkable throughout the study, with the exception of hyperglobulinemia (ie, polyclonal gammopathy) in 2 of 5 cats. Peripheral blood and bone marrow findings were of no apparent prognostic value. These results confirm the long latency between natural FIV infection and the development of life-threatening clinical disease. Chronic FIV infection, like infection with human immunodeficiency virus, can be associated with derangements in peripheral blood cell counts, as well as pertubations in marrow cell morphologies and hematopoietic progenitor frequencies before the terminal symptomatic stages of retroviral disease, when persistent cytopenias are prominent.  相似文献   

Serum samples from 89 cats with serologic evidence of toxoplasmosis were identified by using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) that detected Toxoplasma gondii -specific immunoglobulin M (IgM) or T. gondii -specific immunoglobulin G (IgG). Concurrent feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) infection was detected in 36 cats using an ELISA for detection of FIV-specific IgG. The majority of the cats in both the FIV-seropositive and FIV-seronegative groups were male and >5 years of age. FIV-seropositive cats were more likely to have T. gondii IgM titers without IgG ( P > 0.05) or any T. gondii IgM titer ( P > 0.05) than were FIV-seronegative cats. FIV-seronegative cats (1328) had a higher T. gondii IgG geometric mean titer than did FIV-seropositive cats (724) and were more likely to have T. gondii IgG titers 1:2048 than were FIV-seropositive cats ( P > 0.05). Cats with serologic evidence of both T. gondii and FIV infections had persistent T. gondii IgM titers for >12 weeks. Lymphoblast transformation in response to concanavalin A, T. gondii -specific intracellular antigens, and T. gondii -specific secretory antigens was compared in T. gondii seropositive and FIV-seronegative cats, cats with serologic evidence of T. gondii infection alone, and cats with serologic evidence of concurrent FIV and T. gondii infections. Lymphocytes from all but one cat in the FIV-seropositive group responded to concanavalin A. Whereas lymphocytes from FIV-seronegative cats with serologic evidence of toxoplasmosis responded to T. gondii -specific antigens, four of five of the FIV-seropositive cats with concurrent serologic evidence of toxoplasmosis did not.  相似文献   

The epidemiology of feline chlamydiosis and feline herpesvirus 1 (FHV1) infection in cats was determined using a duplex polymerase chain reaction assay. In cats with upper respiratory tract disease (URTD), prevalences of 66 (14.3%) of 462 cats and 98 (21.2%) of 462 cats were found for Chlamydia psittaci and FHV1, respectively. In cats without URTD, prevalences were 1/87 (1.1%) for both pathogens. Younger cats, cats sampled in summer, and cats with conjunctivitis were more likely to be positive for C psittaci than were cats sampled in other seasons and cats without conjunctivitis. Cats with recent contact with cats outside the household, cats with acute disease, and sneezing cats were more likely to be positive for FHV1 than were cats that had not had recent contact with cats outside the household, cats with chronic disease, and cats that were not sneezing. Purebred cats were less likely to be positive for FHV1 than were mixed breed cats and prevalence varied with year of sampling. Coinfection with both pathogens was lower than would be expected from their respective prevalences. Vaccinated cats were equally likely to be positive for FHV1 as unvaccinated cats. In sneezing cats FHV1 was more likely to be detected than C psittaci, particularly in acute cases, and when sneezing was not accompanied by conjunctivitis. Cats with reproductive disease concurrent with URTD were more likely to be infected with FHV1 than with C psittaci. Thus, the factors that should be considered in clinical diagnoses of C psittaci infections are the presence of conjunctivitis, age, and season, whereas contact with other cats, acute disease, and sneezing should be considered in diagnoses of FHV1 infection.  相似文献   

Inherited disorders of hemostasis encompass abnormalities in primary hemostasis, coagulation, and fibrinolysis resulting from genetic mutations. There is significant variation in the phenotype expressed ranging from life limiting to the absence of overt clinical signs. Von Willebrand disease is the most common primary hemostatic disorder in dogs, and hemophilia A is the most common coagulation factor disorder. The diagnosis of inherited bleeding disorders is made by functional and/or quantitative evaluation. Genetic testing has added to the knowledge base, allowing prevention through targeted breeding. Avoidance of trauma and injury is paramount in the prevention of bleeding in animals diagnosed with inherited hemostatic disorders. Current therapeutic options include platelet transfusions, broad replacement of coagulation factors (e.g., plasma), targeted factor replacement (e.g., cryoprecipitate), antifibrinolytic agents and specific factor replacement, and treatment of the symptoms (i.e., bleeding) with blood transfusions.  相似文献   

A retrospective study of pathologically confirmed cases of feline spinal lymphosarcoma (FSL) admitted to the Colleges of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Georgia and North Carolina State University from 1973 to 1988 was conducted. Two hundred fourteen cases of feline lymphosarcoma were diagnosed histopathologically; involvement of the central nervous system (CNS) was identified in 26 (12.1%). Twenty-three of these tumors involved the spinal cord, and 22 of the 23 were solitary. A predilection for the thoracic and lumbar vertebral canal was noted. Most cats with spinal disease were young, with mean and median ages of 43 and 24 months, respectively; 67 cats were 36 months of age or younger. In most cases, affected cats had acute neurological deterioration after an initial insidious course. Extraneural abnormalities were not consistently present. Neoplastic lymphocytes diagnostic of FSL were identified on cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) analysis in 6 of 17 cats evaluated. Sixteen of 17 cats evaluated had serologically positive test results for feline leukemia virus (FeLV) p27 antigen, and all cats tested for feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) antibodies had negative test results.  相似文献   

AIM: To identify and enumerate colony forming units (cfu) of mastitis pathogens in bulk tank milk (BTM) from pasture-fed New Zealand dairy cows in the Waikato region.

METHODS: BTM samples from seven seasonal-calving dairy herds in the Waikato region were collected monthly from August to December 2004 (cows calved during July-September). Milk samples were cultured on blood aesculin and MacConkey agar plates for 24 h, and the number of mastitis pathogens identified and counted.

RESULTS: Colonies identified in BTM included aesculinpositive streptococci, Staphylococcus aureus, coagulase-negative staphylococci (CNS), and coliforms; counts ranged from zero to >1,000 cfu/ml. Counts >1,000 cfu/ml for total aesculin-positive streptococci, CNS and coliforms were present in 48%, 51% and 11% of BTM samples, respectively. Counts of Staph. aureus ranged from zero to 1,000 cfu/ml, but first appeared in BTM samples only in October. Staphylococcus aureus was repeatedly isolated in BTM from 4/7 farms during the testing period.

CONCLUSIONS: Counts of mastitis pathogens in this study appeared high relative to interpretive criteria set by other workers, which may indicate a high prevalence of mastitis risk factors on these farms. Interpretation of results is difficult as aesculinpositive streptococci, CNS and coliforms can be isolated from the environment as well as from cows with clinical or subclinical mastitis. Furthermore, Staph. aureus is inconsistently excreted from infected bovine mammary glands. More extensive study of this method is required in New Zealand to attempt to further validate the interpretation of results of bacterial culture of BTM.

CLINICAL RELEVANCE: This method may be used to monitor challenge from mastitis pathogens over time as part of milk quality control programmes. The technique may be of use as a screening test to provide information to veterinarians, affording them the opportunity to have an input into mastitis control on dairy farms in New Zealand.  相似文献   

Background: Nonregenerative cytopenias such as nonregenerative anemia, neutropenia, and thrombocytopenia in cats with feline leukemia virus (FeLV) antigen are assumed to be caused by the underlying FeLV infection. In addition, cats with negative FeLV antigen-test results that have cytopenias of unknown etiology often are suspected to suffer from latent FeLV infection that is responsible for the nonregenerative cytopenias.
Objective: The purpose of this study was to assess the role of latent FeLV infection by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in bone marrow of cats with nonregenerative cytopenias that had negative FeLV antigen test results in blood.
Animals: Thirty-seven cats were included in the patient group. Inclusion criteria were (1) nonregenerative cytopenia of unknown origin and (2) negative FeLV antigen test result. Antigenemia was determined by detection of free FeLV p27 antigen by ELISA in serum. Furthermore, 7 cats with positive antigen test results with nonregenerative cytopenia were included as control group I, and 30 cats with negative antigen test results without nonregenerative cytopenia were included as control group II.
Methods: Whole blood and bone marrow samples were tested by 2 different PCR assays detecting sequences of the envelope or long terminal repeat genes. FeLV immunohistochemistry was performed in bone marrow samples.
Results: Two of the 37 cats (5.4%) in the patient group were positive on the bone marrow PCR results and thus were latently infected with FeLV.
Conclusions and Clinical Importance: The findings of this study suggest that FeLV latency is rare in cats with nonregenerative cytopenias.  相似文献   

In 90 cats with naturally occurring feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) infection, the clinicopathologic changes seen at the time of first diagnosis of FIV infection included lymphopenia (29%), neutrophilia (27%), monocytosis (23%), anemia (18%), leukocytosis (13%), leukopenia (13%), neutropenia (11%), hyperproteinemia (38%), and hyperglobulinemia (25%). Forty-nine (54%) of the cats showed multiple hematologic abnormalities, and a further 24 (17%) had a single abnormality. The most consistent changes in serum protein electrophoretic patterns were increases in the concentrations of alpha2 globulin and gammaglobulin subfractions. Although there is no established system for staging the degree of immunosuppression in cats infected with FIV, cytopenias appeared to be more commnn in cats with advanced clinical signs of disease.  相似文献   

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