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1985年11月上旬,昆明市区的上空出现了几只红嘴鸥。人们好奇的注视着这些来路不明的鸥鸟。它们远远的窥视着城里的动静,在上空盘旋、飞舞、久久不肯离去。市中心南太桥下缓缓而流的盘龙江上漂浮着沿岸居民抛弃的残食、污物、更有爱鸟者为招引鸥鸟投放的面包、饼干。连日来红咀鸥已大批的涌进城区,在市内的盘龙江、翠湖、每天都可以看到它们在水中觅食、戏游,在水面上空飞翔。人们在奔走相告,纷纷前往观看,有的拍照,有的投食……。有趣的是围观的群众越多,鸟儿似乎显  相似文献   

王正操 《蜜蜂杂志》2007,27(2):23-23
东北地区蜜蜂越冬时间长,有多种原因可能造成越冬饲料不足,在这种情况下,使用硬炼糖喂蜂我认为是解决越冬饲料不足的一个好办法. 2003年,我地遇上灾年,特别是秋季粉源严重不足,越冬蜂量不足5框.因怕过多消耗蜜蜂体力,所以越冬饲料没喂够,到2004年1月末,箱内饲料已基本耗尽.因无备用蜜脾,不得已采用熬制炼糖的办法.  相似文献   

浅析野生丹顶鹤的人工驯养与放飞   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
丹顶鹤,被列为我国一级重点保护野生动物.全球的野生丹顶鹤也不过2000只左右,主要在我国东北及与俄罗斯、蒙古交界之处繁殖,另有少量在日本.盐城生物圈保护区,是世界上最重要的丹顶鹤越冬地之一.每年11月至次年3月,大量丹顶鹤迁徙至盐城越冬,近年来越冬的丹顶鹤已超过1000只,差不多占全球野外种群数量的一半左右.冬日的滩涂,天高地悠,枯黄的芦苇在风中摇曳,羽色黑白分明的丹顶鹤在旷野中极为显眼.保护区每年都会在某些区域定点投食,常会形成一些固定的集群.每当一月份最为寒冷之际,丹顶鹤最大集群可达500多只.  相似文献   

喂越冬饲料要把好三关越冬饲料一定要喂充足。凡冬季成群死亡的蜂群大都是饲料不够而导致的。那么,到底要喂多少饲料呢?笔者自1990年至1993年曾做了详细的记录。见下表:根据上表可以看出,越冬饲料的数量不能定死,要依当时的天气、辅助蜜、粉源、巢内饲料多少...  相似文献   

杨玉华 《蜜蜂杂志》2016,(11):44-45
(续上期)在黑龙江省蜜蜂的越冬期很长。如果蜂群从9月下旬喂完越冬饲料开始算起,到11月中下旬人窖,再到第2年的3月中下旬排泄,整个越冬期需要5个多月。蜂群在越冬窖里需要呆4个月。  相似文献   

张功勋 《蜜蜂杂志》2006,26(8):25-25
(45)我处蜂王一般在9月中旬就自然停产,10月子脾出净就开始喂越冬糖,10月上旬喂完越冬糖,蜂群已处于越冬初期(11月上旬进入越冬期),群势呈现下降。后改在9月份喂越冬糖,因喂越冬糖影响蜂王产卵,越冬群势也不强,早喂晚喂都对越冬群不利。请问张老师,你是什么时间喂的越冬糖?蜂群不强和喂糖不足都对越冬不利,我用“分区法”解决了培育越冬蜂与补喂越冬糖的难题。今将此法介绍给蜂友们参考。北方5个多月的越冬期,一个7~8框蜂的越冬群大约需越冬饲料14kg,如果这些饲料全部以糖代蜜,等于一个中等蜜源的酿蜜负担,这些饲料糖若在培育越冬蜂后再喂,…  相似文献   

人们一般认为,越冬饲料与越冬蜂的繁殖似乎没有多大的关系,其实不然,我几年的实践证明:越冬饲料与越冬蜂的繁殖仍有着相当密切的关系。我们苏中地区每框越冬蜂约需2公斤饲料,传统习惯是在越冬蜂出净断子后再喂越冬饲料(一般的在10月下旬至11月,有的甚至更迟),这种传统做法有  相似文献   

补喂越冬饲料是北方养蜂生产中的重要一环。何时开始饲喂,饲喂时间的长短,饲料的浓度、质量、数量及温度等对蜂群的安全越冬都有重要影响。因此,要掌握好这一技术,确保蜂群安全越冬,为次年的繁殖和生产打下良好的基础。下面结合长白山区蜜蜂生产特点,谈谈越冬饲料的补喂。 1.补喂越冬饲料的时间 一般在越冬开始前1个月左右开始补喂。此时外界蜜粉源枯竭,蜂王基本停卵,绝大部分封盖子已出房,无卵虫脾,白天蜂群基本上不活动,晚上开始给团。长白山区约在每年的10月1日前后补喂。  相似文献   

一、三防 (一)防饲料短缺 蜜蜂是在运动状态下越冬,不断消耗能量,必须取食一定量的蜂蜜,因此,越冬饲料的质量和数量至关重要。如发现饲料不足、质量低劣,或结晶发酵等,应及时调换优质蜜脾或补喂糖浆。 (二)防湿度变化 冬季气候多变,忽冷忽热,应随外界气温的变化来调节  相似文献   

公鹿越冬期也是公鹿配种恢复期和生茸前期。从11月下旬至翌年2月末,昼短夜长,气候寒冷,公鹿的活动量较少,反刍休息时间较长。针对这些特点,在配合日粮时,以干粗饲料为主,精料为辅,逐渐加大日粮喂量,提高热能饲料比例,以锻炼其消化器官,提高其采食量和胃容积。同时,供给一定数量的蛋白质饲料,以满足瘤胃中微生物生长繁殖的营养需要。此外,在12月份应逐渐增加禾本科籽实饲料的喂量,翌年1月末开始逐渐增加豆饼或豆科籽  相似文献   

由于气温的变化,原来属于夏季繁殖鸟的国家一级保护鸟类黑鹳(Ciconia nigra),在北京市出现了越冬群体.为了解黑鹳的越冬生态特点,从2004年1月到2009年3月,在北京十渡水生动物自然保护区,对其种群数量、生境选择、取食规律和集群行为进行了实地调查.结果显示,黑鹳选择该保护区的拒马河作为其越冬地,种群数量从2004-2005年冬季的28只下降到2007-2008年的17只,但随后恢复到了23只.越冬群体于11月中旬形成,次年3月中旬分散,但群体形成受到温度变化的影响.黑鹳对取食生境具有依赖性,主要食物为鱼类(>92.4%).成年和亚成年黑鹳的食物构成没有差异(Mann-Whitney Utest,U=1.00,p=0.44).在越冬初期,取食活动主要发生在早晨和中午,越冬中期则集中于下午,而在越冬后期,分为清晨和傍晚两个取食阶段.按照每日取食6 h计算,成年黑鹳的每日进食量约538 g,亚成年个体约449 g,与人工饲养条件下黑鹳的饲喂量相近.在越冬后期,观察到取食过程中群体内部存在争斗行为.对越冬黑鹳的干扰主要来自旅游活动对取食生境的改变、人为筑坝提高水位、在滩涂开辟新的旅游场地减少了适于黑鹳取食的空间.  相似文献   

本研究于2003—2016年采用样线法对鄱阳湖越冬黑鹳种群数量和空间分布进行了同步调查,调查范围包括鄱阳湖周边三市13县72个子湖泊及周边草洲。结果表明:鄱阳湖黑鹳越冬种群数量年平均值为(35. 5±38. 5)只,其中2005年数量最多,为145只。鄱阳湖黑鹳越冬种群数量年际波动较大。共在15个子湖泊记录到黑鹳,主要分布区域为鄱阳县和鄱阳湖国家级自然保护区,其中鄱阳县湖区黑鹳记录总数量为371只,占鄱阳湖区历年黑鹳分布数量总和的74. 6%。鄱阳湖黑鹳越冬种群呈聚集型分布,只有17. 3%的黑鹳分布在鄱阳湖区主要的候鸟保护区内。本研究表明鄱阳湖越冬黑鹳主要分布于鄱阳湖重要的候鸟保护区范围之外,为有效地保护鄱阳湖黑鹳越冬种群,建议加强黑鹳种群监测,建立健全黑鹳种群就地保护体系。  相似文献   

Monthly population fluctuations of carrion-frequenting blow-flies over a 24-month period were monitored using 2 carrion-baited traps in the southern Kruger National Park (KNP) and 3 in the northern KNP. All species displayed a clear seasonality. Chrysomyia marginalis and Chrysomyia albiceps were by far the most abundant. C. marginalis attained maximum abundance between November and March, with relatively low numbers present between May and September. C. albiceps maintained high population numbers between January and March in the northern KNP, with minimum numbers between May and August. In the southern KNP, C. albiceps became abundant from November to February, with low population levels between April and September. Although present only in relative low numbers, populations of Lucilia cuprina showed a clear increase in winter. Chrysomyia chloropyga, Chrysomyia putoria and Chrysomyia bezziana were trapped in significant numbers in the southern KNP, the latter 2 species reaching relative abundance in the warmer months, whereas C. chloropyga increased in cooler months from June to September. Graphic illustrations of monthly abundance are provided for all species.  相似文献   

福建漳江口水鸟资源与保护对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王战宁 《野生动物》2006,27(4):20-23
2003年1月至2006年3月,对福建漳江口红树林国家级自然保护区水鸟资源进行了调查,共发现水鸟33种(亚种)8442只,其中小白鹭、绿翅鸭、红嘴鸥数量是本调查期所调查到数量最多的3种水鸟,分别占调查总数的16.5%、23.5%和10.0%。另外,冬候鸟是本保护区水鸟中占优势的生态类群。随着保护区滩涂的高利用率,使水鸟食物种类及数量急剧减少,从而严重影响水鸟的栖息生存。因此,加强对保护区规范建设、科学管理和充分协调保护与利用之间的关系至关重要。  相似文献   

我们于2007年和2008年的4~7月,对青海湖4种主要繁殖鸟类:斑头雁、棕头鸥、普通鸬鹚、渔鸥的巢区进行了调查,发现4种鸟类的巢区主要分布在岛屿或半岛上。共发现10个巢区,分布在蛋岛、鸬鹚岛、海心山、三块石和布哈河三角洲5个地点。巢区平均面积为44.8±44.2 hm^2,巢的平均数量为1 002±715个。4种鸟类中以斑头雁的巢最为密集。巢区与周围环境的隔离和受保护程度是影响巢区分布的最主要因素。巢区地表结构主要为沙土和砾石,几乎无植被覆盖。繁殖生境丧失和食物资源短缺可能是影响4种繁殖鸟类生存的最主要的因素,禽流感疫病的发生对这些繁殖鸟类构成了新的威胁。在以后的监测和保护工作中要加强生态环境的治理,注意合理开发利用青海湖的自然资源,并加强禽流感的病源监测和鸟类保护的宣传工作。  相似文献   

2017年1月,在昆明滇池越冬的红嘴鸥排黄色、白色水样稀便,本研究无菌采集红嘴鸥粪便在实验室进行细菌分离培养、染色镜检、提取分离到的菌株核酸进行鉴定、生化鉴定,从10份腹泻红嘴鸥粪便中共分离到70株细菌,根据菌落形态可分为6类细菌,分别从每一类细菌中挑出1株代表性菌株进行鉴定,结果鉴定出这6株细菌分别为大肠杆菌埃希菌、金黄色葡萄球菌、屎肠球菌、志贺氏菌、粘质沙雷氏菌、产酸克雷伯菌。选取氨苄西林、头孢氨苄、头孢拉啶、庆大霉素、卡那霉素、阿米卡星、四环素、氯霉素、环丙沙星、恩诺沙星、磺胺异恶唑、头孢曲松钠药敏纸片,对分离菌株进行耐药性分析,发现细菌对各种抗生素成不同程度敏感性。野鸟携带的条件致病菌,可能会对野生动物健康造成威胁,本研究对腹泻红嘴鸥粪便中携带的条件致病菌及其耐药性进行研究,以期为野鸟携带的细菌的耐药机制提供研究理论依据,同时对野生动物疫病的监测与防控提供指导。  相似文献   

It has been suggested that pairing behavior during winter in migratory ducks represents a trade‐off between costs (defense of the female) and benefits (early access to females). To investigate the benefits and costs for both sexes in wintering pairs of ruddy shelducks (Tadorna ferruginea), we compared time budgets for paired males and females, and surveyed the sex ratio of the birds wintering at Lashihai Lake, southwest China. The behavior of the paired ruddy shelducks was monitored for 5 activity types: feeding, resting (including sleeping), preening, drinking and warning. Feeding was the most dominant activity. The feeding time of both sexes increased as the winter season progressed. However, the paired females always spent significantly more time feeding and less time warning than the paired males. Paired ruddy shelducks had access to better feeding grounds than unpaired individuals, resulting in a food benefit for paired individuals over single individuals. Because the sex ratio of the wintering population was strongly male biased (M:F = 1.44:1.00), the paired male also gained the benefit of accessing a female in advance of the breeding season.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To estimate the number of unowned free-roaming cats in a college community in the southern United States and identify the characteristics of community residents who feed these cats. DESIGN: Cross-sectional, random-digit telephone survey. SAMPLE POPULATION: 587 households in Alachua County, Florida, surveyed between March 1 and May 10, 1999. PROCEDURE: Telephone surveys were conducted, and respondents were asked questions about feeding of unowned free-roaming cats. RESULTS: 70 (12%) households fed free-roaming cats; mean +/- SD number of free-roaming cats fed per household was 3.6 +/- 1.9. Households that fed free-roaming cats were more likely to own pet cats than were households that did not feed free-roaming cats; however, 30 of 70 (43%) households feeding free-roaming cats did not own cats or dogs. Although the percentage of pet cats that were neutered was high (90%), only 8 (11%) households that fed free-roaming cats attempted to have such cats neutered. The free-roaming cat population was estimated to represent approximately 44% of the population of cats in the county. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results suggest that unowned free-roaming cats may represent a substantial portion of the total cat population in a region. Public policies and education programs aimed at reducing cat overpopulation should include provisions for neutering unowned free-roaming cats, and efforts should target the general public, not only pet owners, because not all households that feed unowned free-roaming cats own pets.  相似文献   

Supplementary feeding can affect populations of birds. It reduces energy spent on foraging and reduces the risk of starvation, but it also increases the risk of disease transmission and predation. Supplementary feeding may reduce species richness if some species are better able to exploit supplementary food resources than others. Feeding may also artificially inflate the carrying capacity of the ecosystem, leading to bird nuisance in the form of droppings and noise. The aim of this study was to characterise and quantify the risk factors and consequences of feeding free-living birds in public areas in the western part of the city of Amsterdam. In seven study areas, the following data were collected: bird population size and species composition, feeding events, and the type and amount of supplementary food offered. Estimations were made of the nutritional energy provided and the number of birds that could be supported by the food offered. Members of the public who fed the birds were invited to complete a questionnaire on various aspects of feeding. Results showed that supplementary feeding attracts juvenile gulls and feral pigeons, which could in the long-term affect biodiversity. Bread was the main category of supplementary food being offered (estimated to be 67% of the total amount of food). The majority of respondents fed birds so as not to waste bread and meal leftovers. In six of the seven areas studied, an overabundance of nutritional energy was calculated. We conclude that the current type and extent of supplementary feeding in the city of Amsterdam is nutritionally unbalanced and affects species diversity at a local level. The overabundance is undesirable for reasons of both animal health, because it can lead to malnutrition, and public health, because surplus food attracts rats and may also have a negative effect on water quality.  相似文献   

To investigate the effect of number of animals housed in a pen upon feed intake, 72 intact male lambs were randomly assigned to treatments consisting of 3, 7, 11 or 15 animals/pen in each of two trials. For each animal's feeding event, length of feeding (s) and feed consumption (g) were recorded through use of an automatic feeding system. This system allows one animal to feed at a time. Pens were treated as experimental units with observations repeated daily for 21 d. Response variables were feed consumption (g), time (s) and rate of feed consumed (g/s) per visit and feed consumption (g), average time (s) and number of visits per animal daily. Number of animals/pen was significant for most feeding behavior characteristics. As number of lambs within a pen increased, feed consumption/visit increased linearly in both trials. For Exp. 1, rate of feed consumption/visit increased at a decreasing rate, while in Exp. 2 only the linear effect of lamb numbers on this trait was significant. Daily feed consumption/lamb was greatest for intermediate lamb numbers, and the number of visits and time spent feeding/lamb decreased as the number of lambs within a pen increased. Results suggest that the feeding behavior of ram lambs with restricted access to a feeding stall can be modified by the number of lambs housed in a pen.  相似文献   

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