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The objective of this study was to determine whether an antiestrogen (enclomiphene) would shorten the interval to first estrus and conception in postpartum beef cows. Sixty postpartum Angus beef cows were stratified by age, body condition, and calving date and were randomly assigned to one of two treatment groups. Group 1 cows (n = 24) received three silastic implants, each containing 150 mg of enclomiphene, on d 20 postpartum. Implants were removed on d 30 postpartum. Group 2 cows (n = 28), received empty implants and served as controls. Cows were artificially inseminated at first detected estrus. Estrus detection and ovulation were further verified by increased serum progesterone. Concentrations and pulse frequencies of LH were determined from blood samples collected at 15-min intervals for 6 h on d 20, 25, 30, and 40 postpartum. Hypothalami and pituitaries were collected from four cows in each treatment group on d 30 postpartum and analyzed for concentrations of estradiol receptors. Concentrations of total and unoccupied hypothalamic and pituitary estradiol receptors were reduced by enclomiphene. Neither concentrations nor pulse frequencies of LH differed significantly between treatment groups on any of the 4 d. Days to first estrus did not differ (P greater than .05) between enclomiphene-treated (57 +/- 6; n = 24) and control (56 +/- 4; n = 28) cows. Days to conception did not differ between treated (81 +/- 9) and control (79 +/- 8) cows. The dose of enclomiphene used in this study reduced hypothalamic and pituitary estrogen receptors but did not alter secretion of LH or days to first estrus in the postpartum beef cow.  相似文献   

Livestock grazing endophyte (Acremonium coenophialum Morgan-Jones and Gams)-infected tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) perform poorly due to tall fescue toxicosis, especially when animals are under heat stress. In order to determine whether thiamin promotes recovery from tall fescue toxicosis, 1 or 0 g of thiamin per day, as mononitrate, was fed orally to adult Angus (Bos taurus) cows (380 +/- 8 kg) grazing either tall fescue pasture with and without endophyte or alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.). A tethered grazing system employing a split-plot design was used to estimate intake and components of ingestive behavior. No significant differences attributable to thiamin supplements were seen in rates of intake and biting, grazing time and intake per bite when cows grazed endophyte-infected tall fescue during the first 4 d of exposure. When cows grazed endophyte-infected (greater than 95%) tall fescue with 2,091 micrograms/g loline alkaloids after 4 d of exposure, the untreated animals ingested herbage dry matter (DM) at 1.19 kg/h, whereas the cows receiving thiamin ate 1.57 kg/h (P less than .05). Cattle achieved these rates of DM intake by forming bites of 1.0 and 1.2 g DM at 24 and 26 bites/min when treated with 0 and 1 g of thiamin per day, respectively. Thiamin supplements had no effect on ingestive behavior of cows grazing endophyte-free tall fescue or alfalfa after exposure to these forages for 4 d. Responses to thiamin generally were greater when cattle grazing endophyte-infected tall fescue were exposed to heat stress. Oral thiamin supplementation may alleviate tall fescue toxicosis of beef cattle during warm weather.  相似文献   

Data from 403 Polled Hereford-sired calves from Angus, Brahman, and reciprocal-cross cows were used to evaluate the effects of preweaning forage environment on postweaning performance. Calves were spring-born in 1991 to 1994 and managed on either endophyte-infected tall fescue (E+) or common bermudagrass (BG) during the preweaning phase. After weaning, calves were shipped to the Grazinglands Research Laboratory, El Reno, OK and stratified to one of two winter stocker treatments by breed and preweaning forage; stocker treatments were winter wheat pasture (WW) or native range plus supplemental CP (NR). Each stocker treatment was terminated in March, calves grazed cool-season grasses, and calves were then moved to a feedlot phase in June. In the feedlot phase, calves were fed to approximately 10 mm fat over the 12th rib and averaged approximately 115 d on feed. When finished, calves were weighed and shipped to Amarillo, TX for slaughter. Averaged over calf breed group, calves from E+ gained faster during the stocker phase (P<.10), had lighter starting and finished weights on feed (P< .01), lighter carcass weights (P<.01), and smaller longissimus muscle areas (P<.05) than calves from BG. Calves from E+ were similar to calves from BG in feedlot ADG, percentage kidney, heart, and pelvic fat, fat thickness over 12th rib, yield grade, marbling score, and dressing percentage. Maternal heterosis was larger in calves from E+ for starting weight on feed (P<.01), finished weight (P<.10), and carcass weight (P<.16). These data suggest that few carryover effects from tall fescue preweaning environments exist, other than lighter, but acceptable, weights through slaughter. These data further suggest that the tolerance to E+ in calves from reciprocal-cross cows, expressed in weaning weights, moderated postweaning weight differences between E+ and BG compared to similar comparisons in calves from purebred cows.  相似文献   

Grazing trials were conducted utilizing individually supplemented lactating beef cows in a 2-yr study to determine the effect of supplemental escape protein (EP) on cow/calf performance during the active growth periods of smooth brome and big bluestem. Graded levels (0, .11, .23, and .34 kg of EP/animal from an equal-protein-basis mixture of blood meal and corn gluten meal were offered daily, replacing corn starch and molasses, which was used as the energy control. All cows received 582 g of supplemental DM/d. Analyses for the smooth brome study indicated a cubic response (P less than .05) to milk production and calf daily gain. No response to EP supplementation (P greater than .10) was observed for the big bluestem study. Analysis of esophageal extrusa samples collected throughout the grazing seasons for both years demonstrated that quality of forage selected by the animal decreased as the trial progressed. Using a 16-h modified dacron bag technique that did not adjust for microbial attachment, protein escaping degradation for smooth brome and big bluestem was estimated to range from 7.0 to 14.5% and 22.2 to 30.3%, respectively. There was limited response to a moderate level of EP supplementation of lactating cows grazing smooth brome, but calf gains were depressed by both the low and the high levels of EP. Lactating cows grazing big bluestem did not respond to EP supplementation, but added energy supplement depressed calf gains.  相似文献   

Over a 2-yr period, effects of genotype and forage on blood metabolites, enzymes, and minerals were determined in Angus, Brahman, Angus x Brahman (sire x dam), and Brahman x Angus cows, and 129 calves from these cows sired by Hereford bulls. Cows and calves continuously grazed either common bermudagrass or endophyte-infected 'Kentucky-31' tall fescue pastures throughout the year. Blood samples were collected via jugular venipuncture in April, August, October (weaning), and November (after 30 d in a feedlot) of each year. Plasma urea N concentrations of cows and calves were affected by forage (P < 0.01) and breed (P < 0.05). Plasma cholesterol and FFA concentrations of cows were affected by forage (P < 0.01) and breed (P < 0.05). In calves, antibody titers to infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus were not affected by forage but were affected by breed. Serum inorganic P concentrations of calves and cows were affected by forage (P < 0.05). Serum P concentrations and alkaline phosphatase activity of calves were affected by breed (P < 0.05). Calves grazing bermudagrass had higher (P < 0.05) serum concentrations of Fe and total iron binding capacity (TIBC). There was evidence of maternal heterosis for concentrations of free fatty acids, cholesterol, aspartate aminotransferase, Ca, Mg, alkaline phosphatase, ceruloplasmin, Fe, and TIBC. There was evidence of grandmaternal effects for plasma concentrations of urea N, cholesterol, Ca, P, Mg, and alkaline phosphatase. These results suggest that calves and cows grazing tall fescue are generally on a lower plane of nutrition than those grazing bermudagrass and that Brahman x Angus and Angus x Brahman crossbred cows and their calves seen to be more tolerant of the negative effects of tall fescue than the average of their purebred contemporaries.  相似文献   

Infection models were developed for adult cows and for young calves using the same strain of bovine coronavirus (BCV), which for the first time allows experimental reproduction of winter dysentery (WD) in seronegative lactating cows. The cattle were infected through direct contact with an experimentally inoculated calf. All experimental cattle shed faecal BCV with development of diarrhoea, being profusely watery with small amounts of blood in the most severely affected animals, including both cows and calves. The cows, in contrast to the calves, showed depressed general condition and appetite leading to a marked decrease in milk yield. Further age-associated differences were a shorter incubation period in the two youngest calves, but with milder fever and milder decrease in white blood cell counts. These findings shed light on the apparent epidemiological differences between WD and calf BCV diarrhoea suggesting that, (1) the same strains of BCV cause natural outbreaks of calf diarrhoea and WD, (2) seronegative cows are more severely affected by the infection than seronegative conventionally reared calves, and (3) unaffected general condition in diarrhoeic calves may lead to underestimation of the occurrence of calf diarrhoea in WD outbreaks.In response to infection, all cattle produced early interferon type 1 in serum and, except for one calf, in nasal secretions. A finding not previously reported is the detection of interferon type 1 responses in bovine milk. All cattle developed high IgM antibody responses and long-lasting IgA antibody responses both systemically and locally. The serum IgM antibody responses came earlier in most of the calves than in the cows. Prolonged IgM antibody responses were detected in serum and milk, while those in nasal secretions were much shorter. BCV-specific IgA was present in nasal secretions from all cattle throughout the 6 months follow-up. The IgA antibody response in serum was detected up to 17 months post-infection and the duration showed an age-related variation indicating a more prominent IgA memory in the adult cattle and in the older calves than in the younger ones. BCV-specific IgG was detected in all cattle during the experimental period of up to 22 months. In conclusion, WD was reproduced in seronegative lactating cows. The cows showed a more severe general diseases than seronegative calves infected concurrently. Very long-lasting IgA antibody responses were detected both systemically and locally.  相似文献   

A grazing study was initiated in April 2000 and continued through three calving and weaning cycles (ending July 2003) to investigate the effects of rotational grazing management (twice monthly [2M] vs. twice weekly [2W]) and weaning date (mid-April [EARLY] vs. early June [LATE]) on production of fall-calving cow-calf pairs (495 +/- 9.6 kg initial BW) grazing Neotyphodium coenophialum-infected tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) overseeded with legumes and crabgrass. Secondary objectives of the experiment were to monitor differences in quantity and quality of available forage and to evaluate changes in forage species composition. Pastures were dominated by tall fescue throughout the study, and the proportion of basal cover was greater (P < 0.05) in 2M than in 2W pastures. The percentage of legumes was very low across all treatment combinations, but the percentage of crabgrass continued to increase (P < 0.05) linearly and quadratically across years for both summer and fall sampling periods, regardless of rotation or weaning program. In vitro DM disappearance and mineral concentrations varied minimally because of rotation frequency or weaning date. Rotation frequency did not substantially affect (P = 0.11 to 0.97) cow BW, hay offered, milk production, calving interval, calf birth weight, or actual or adjusted weaning weights; however, 2M cows had 0.3 units higher (P < 0.05) BCS at the time of breeding than 2W cows. Calves weaned late had greater (P < 0.05) actual weaning weight and weighed more (P < 0.05) on the LATE weaning date than on the EARLY weaning date, but 205-d adjusted weaning weights did not differ (P = 0.74) across weaning dates. Therefore, rotation frequency and/or weaning date had little effect on forage species composition or forage quality. In addition, the rapid rotation program offered little advantage with respect to animal performance, and weaning fall-born calves grazing endophyte-infected tall fescue pastures at approximately 189 d of age seemed to be detrimental to calf performance compared with delaying weaning until 243 d of age.  相似文献   

A herd of 25 beef cows were offered four types of mineral blocks (A, B, C, D) with a different Ca to P ratio (A 0.6:1, B 0.8:1, C 2:1 and D 3.6:1). The Mg content was identical in all blocks whereas the Na content was equal in B, C and D, while the Na content in A block was double. The mineral block intake was monitored for 1 year, which was broken down to the grazing period (Pa) and the winter period (Wi). The intake of pasture grass and winter forage was assessed and the feed chemical composition was analysed; based on the obtained values, a macroelement balance (for Ca, P, Mg, Na and K) was calculated.The results showed the forage diet met requirements for all the observed macroelements (except in Na). The macroelement intake from forage was considerably higher than from mineral blocks. There were significant seasonal (Pa versus Wi) differences in B and C blocks intake. The consumption of D block was relatively invariable all year round; block A was refused in both seasons though it contained the highest amount of highly deficient Na.It can be concluded that mineral content in forage meets beef cattle requirements for Ca, Mg and K, P content is just satisfactory, and Na content is insufficient. It appears that cows control, to some extent, the Ca to P ratio in their diet by choosing the appropriate type of mineral block. However, the preference or refusal of some types of mineral blocks regardless of the season suggests the influence of other factors affecting mineral block intake which were not the subject of our observation.  相似文献   

This study aimed to evaluate the effect of concentrate-to-forage ratio (C:F) on the performance, blood profile, and milk physicochemical characteristics of mid-lactation cows fed a corn silage-based diet. Twenty four Holstein cows, with BW 575?±?70 kg, body condition score (BCS) 3.1?±?0.2, milk yield 18.4?±?3.0 kg, and days in milk (DIM) 121?±?21 were randomly allocated into three treatments with C:F ratios of 35:65, 45:55, and 55:45 on a dry matter (DM) basis. Data was submitted to analyses of variance and regression. Increasing C:F from 35 to 55 % linearly enhanced milk production (22 to 23.6 kg day?1) and serum urea nitrogen (16.8 to 19.6 mg/dL), while it linearly reduced lactose and fat in milk (4.8 to 4.6 %; 3.9 to 3.6 %, respectively). Body weight, BCS, milk acidity, ethanol stability, coagulation time, and milk and blood mineral contents did not differ among treatments. During the last period of measurements, increased C:F reduced urinary pH and milk urea nitrogen. Changes of concentrate-to-forage proportion from 35 to 55 % increased milk yield, altered chemical composition without changing BW, BCS, acidity, stability, and mineral content of milk and blood attributes.  相似文献   

To establish the effect of sward height, concentrate feeding time, and restricted time for grazing on forage utilization by grazing cattle, 32 crossbred beef (24 Angus and eight Hereford) cows (632 kg BW) and calves (104 kg BW) were grouped by weight and calving date. They were assigned randomly to two sward height treatments (4 to 8 or 8 to 12 cm), replicated four times. The herbage comprised mainly Kentucky bluegrass, orchardgrass, some forbs, and white clover. The cows were restricted to 12 h/d grazing (0700 to 1900) or unrestricted to 24 h/d grazing and fed a concentrate supplement (4.1 kg DM.cow(-1).d(-1), approximately 0.65% of BW or 33% of total DMI) either at 0700 or 1800. The experiment was repeated over three 15-d periods in May, June/July, and August 2000. The herbage on high sward height pasture was higher (P = 0.06) in NDF and ADF and lower (P < 0.01) in CP than low sward height herbage. For cows restricted to 12 h/d grazing, supplementing at 0700 as opposed 1800 resulted in greater (P = 0.04) forage DMI (8.6 vs. 8.1 kg/d), whereas cows that were unrestricted showed little change (8.2 kg/d at 0700 vs. 8.4 kg/d at 1800). Supplementing at 1800 as opposed to 0700 resulted in greater (P = 0.03) herbage DM digestibility (67.7 vs. 64.5%) for cows on high sward height, whereas cows on low sward height exhibited minimal differences (65.4% at 1800 vs. 66.3% at 0700). Cows restricted to 12 h/d grazing and supplemented at 0700 as opposed to 1800 resulted in greater (P = 0.06) digestible DMI (5.0 vs. 4.7 kg/d), whereas unrestricted cows exhibited the opposite response (4.6 kg/d digestible DMI at 0700 vs. 4.9 kg/d at 1800). Supplementing at 1800 as opposed to 0700 increased the time spent grazing to a greater (P = 0.09) extent for restricted than for unrestricted cows. When forage availability or grazing time was limiting (due to a low forage allowance and restricted access to forage, respectively) supplementing concentrates at 0700 resulted in greater forage utilization and intake rate because of increased forage DMI, DM digestibility, and digestible DMI. However, when forage or grazing time was not limiting, supplementing concentrates at 1800 resulted in greater forage utilization because of increased forage DM digestibility.  相似文献   

This present study, was designed to establish whether Neospora caninum infection affects the fertility of high-producing dairy cows, and was based on yearly serological screening for neosporosis and on the confirmation of N. caninum infection in aborted foetuses. Assessment was made of 7518 artificial inseminations (AI) (applied to parous cows) performed in three herds. Of these inseminations, 2540 (33.8%) resulted in pregnancy; 34% of which corresponded to seronegative cows (2226 of 6556 AI performed in seronegative cows) and 32.6% to seropositive animals (314 of 962). Abortion occurred in 97 (30.1%) of the 314 pregnancies recorded in dams seropositive for N. caninum, while only 93 (4.2%) of the 2226 pregnancies in seronegative animals ended in abortion. Logistic regression analysis indicated no significant effects of N. caninum antibody titre, days in milk and milk production at insemination on fertility. Factors found to affect fertility were herd, season of insemination, lactation and insemination number, semen-providing bull and AI technician. Our results indicate that N. caninum infection does not affect the fertility of high-producing dairy cows.  相似文献   

Murine noroviruses (MNV) are currently the most prevalent viruses infecting mouse research colonies. Concurrent infection of research mice with these viruses can dramatically alter the experimental outcome in some research models, but not others. In this report, we investigated the effect of MNV1 and MNV4 on a murine model of intestinal inflammation and fibrosis induced by Salmonella typhimurium infection in C57BL/6 mice. Subsequent co-infection of these mice with MNV1 or MNV4 did not lead to major changes in histopathology, the inflammatory response, or the fibrotic response. Thus, MNV does not substantially alter all gastrointestinal research models, highlighting the importance of investigating potential alterations in the research outcome by MNV on an individual basis. We hypothesize that this is particularly important in cases of research models that use immunocompromised mice, which could be more sensitive to MNV infection-induced changes.  相似文献   

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