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野生稻种质资源在水稻育种中的利用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
针对目前中国水稻育种面临的遗传资源利用范围狭窄这一主要问题,从重要基因资源的发掘角度,综述了野生稻种质资源的利用现状,探讨了其在水稻超高产育种、抗病虫育种、抗逆性育种、品质育种等方面的应用潜力。  相似文献   

非AA型野生稻资源在水稻育种中的利用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
非AA型野生稻涵盖B、C、D、E、F、G、H、J、K等九大基因组,广泛分布于世界各地,具有丰富的遗传多样性,是一座天然的水稻基因宝库。综述了非AA型野生稻的种类、优良特性及其在水稻育种中的利用途径和育种成果,指出了目前利用非AA型野生稻存在的主要问题,提出了相应的策略。  相似文献   

野生稻资源在水稻育种中的利用及展望   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
综述近年来人们在野生稻优异性状鉴定方面的最新成果,回顾野生稻在水稻育种中的利用,展示利用野生稻宝贵基因的几种有效可行方法。为野生稻这一宝贵基因源的利用提供一些可借鉴的资料。  相似文献   

野生稻资源在水稻育种中的利用及展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
综述近年来人们在野生稻优异性状鉴定方面的最新成果,回顾野生稻在水稻育种中的利用,展示利用野生稻宝贵基因的几种有效可行方法。为野生稻这一宝贵基因源的利用提供一些可借鉴的资料。  相似文献   

野生稻资源研究及其在水稻育种上利用现状   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
1 野生稻资源类型及分布 1.1 世界野生稻类型及分布 对世界上稻属(Oryza L.)的种类众说不一,综合各学者的观点,普遍认为,稻属常见的有22个种,其中包括亚洲栽培稻(O. sativa L.)、非洲栽培稻(O. glaberrima Steud.)和20个种的野生稻类型(表1).  相似文献   

我国棉花抗病育种工作起步较早。经过广大科技工作者的努力,先后育成了86-1、中棉所12号、盐棉48等多个抗枯(黄)萎病棉花新品种。随着生态条件的变化与棉花有关的病虫害也有了改变,特别是90年代部分年份大发生的棉铃虫,对棉花生产产生了较大的影响。针对棉铃虫的育种工作得到了重视,引进和育成了  相似文献   

本文概述了国内水稻辐射育种的发展简况及主要成就。阐述了国内在各类有价值的水稻突变体或水稻品种的研究概况,最后,还对提高辐射诱变效果方面的研究进展作了介绍。  相似文献   

生物技术在水稻育种中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

离子束生物技术在水稻育种中的应用前景   总被引:32,自引:2,他引:32  
从离子束生物技术的基本原理、诱变效果、转基因效果和发展趋势等方面分别阐明了离子束生物技术在作物育种中的实用性、在水稻遗传改良中的新颖性、在创造远缘水稻新种质中的特殊性和在水稻育种中的应用前景。认为低能离子束作为一种能有效地改造生物体遗传特性的新的诱变源具有诱变率高、突变谱广和诱变损伤轻等优点;作为异源遗传物质转移的中介,低能离子束的介导效果已被越来越多的试验结果所肯定。  相似文献   

Experiment was conducted in E.I.D Parry(In-dia) LTD,Agritech Res Center(N12.5°,E78°) in Rabi season,1998.Chinese indica cy-toplasmic male sterile lines (CMS) ZS97A,V20A,Jing 23A,You-IA,and D297A,andtropical CMS IR68902A,IR69616A,andIR58025A were sowed on Feb 6 and trans-planted on Mar 1.Each CMS was planted tworows(24 plants),with one plant per hill and aspace of 18cm×18cm.No replication wasdesigned.Observations were taken on Jun 8on the following traits:plant height,paniclelength,days from sowing to 5% floweringtime(SFT),un-exsertion panicle rate(per-centage of length of panicle that wrapped byflag leaf),spikelet numbers of main panicle,  相似文献   

The Green Revolution gene sd1 has been used extensively in modern rice breeding,especially in indica cultivars.However,elite sd1 alleles and related germplasm resources used for japonica rice breeding have not been identified,and extensive efforts are needed for japonica rice breeding to obtain new dwarfing sources.Data from MBKbase-Rice revealed seven sd1 haplotypes in indica and four in japonica rice.Two new sd1 alleles were identified in indica rice.In 295 japonica accessions from northeast Asia,except for the weak functional allele SD1-EQ,sd1-r was the major allele,reducing plant height in comparison with SD1-EQ.Japonica germplasm resources carrying reported sd1 alleles were identified by genotype searching and further verified by literature search,genealogical analysis,and d Caps markers.Pedigrees and geographic distribution showed that sd1-r is an excellent allele widely used in northern China and Tohoku in Japan,and sd1-j is commonly used in east China and Kyushu in Japan.Dongnong-and Xiushui-series cultivars carrying sd1-r and sd1-j,respectively,are essential branches of the backbone parents of Chinese japonica rice,Akihikari and Ce21,with the largest number of descendants and derived generations.In semi-dwarf japonica rice breeding,sd1-d was introgressed into Daohuaxiang 2(DHX2).Dwarf and semi-dwarf lines carrying sd1-d were selected and designated as 1279 and 1280,respectively,after withstanding typhoon-induced strong winds and heavy rains in 2020,and are anticipated to become useful intermediate materials for future genetic research and breeding.This work will facilitate the introduction,parental selection,and marker-assisted breeding,and provide a material basis for the next step in identifying favorable genes that selected together with the sd1 alleles in japonica backbone parents.  相似文献   

Rice is one of the most important food crops in the world.Weeds seriously affect the rice yield and grain quality.In recent years,there are tremendous progresses in the research and application of herbicideresistant genes in rice worldwide.This article reviews the working mechanisms of six herbicides(glyphosate,glufosinate,acetolactate synthase inhibitor herbicides,acetyl-Co A carboxylase inhibitor herbicides,hydroxyhenylpyruvate dioxygenase(HPPD)inhibitor herbicides and dinitroaniline herbicides),the resistance mutations of the corresponding herbicide-target genes,and the herbicide detoxification mechanisms by non-target genes.Examples are provided on herbicide-resistant rice materials obtained by transformation of exogenous resistance genes,by artificial mutagenesis and mutant screening,and by modifying the target genes through gene editing.This paper also introduces the current application of herbicide-resistant rice,points out problems that may be caused by utilization of herbicide resistant rice and solutions to the problems,and discusses the future prospects for the development of herbicideresistant rice.  相似文献   

Complete indehiscence of anthers accompanied with exerted stigmas outside the hull could be useful in hybrid rice breeding if the genetics and possible environmental effects are well understood. Studies were undertaken to identify the sources, confirm the mode of inheritance, and examine the possible environmental effects and potential application of anther indehiscence with exerted stigmas in hybrid rice breeding. Direct and reciprocal crosses were made between Jasmine 85, selected interspecific and intersubspecific lines and two wide compatibility varieties. The resulting F1 progenies were evaluated for their expression of anther indehiscence and exerted stigmas. Expression of anther indehiscence with exerted stigmas by both direct and reciprocal crosses suggested no effect of cytoplasmic factors on the expression of the trait. Segregation analysis supported the 7:1 (indehiscence:dehiscence) mode of inheritance. Temperature and relative humidity could not modulate the fertility/sterility status of anther indehiscent plants. Utilization of anther indehiscence with exerted stigmas in hybrid rice breeding was hindered by trait fixation and propagation.  相似文献   

本文概述了发展现代生物技术的意义,回顾了我国农业生物技术的发展历程及取得的抗虫棉花、玉米、抗病毒水稻等重大成就,并对辽宁省农科院利用生物技术开展水稻育种研究所取得的成果进行了总结和评价。  相似文献   

灰色评判在水稻育种中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
运用灰色系统的理论与方法,根据水稻育种目标。对杂交水稻F1代测配组合的主要农艺性状进行灰色评判,筛选高产优良杂交稻组合,为水稻品种的早期选育提供理论依据。  相似文献   

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