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Acidic lakes and streams can be restored with base application (usually limestone) provided that the base does not wash out before the benefits of alkalization can be realized; liming soils of the adjoining watershed may be an alternative approach. This study was conducted to provide a scientific basis for soil liming. Plots (50 m2) with different limestone dosages (e.g. 0, 5, 10 or 15 Mg CaCO3 ha?1) were established on each of two different soils (a Spodosol and a Histosol) in the Woods Lake watershed of the Adirondack Park Region of New York, USA. Six months after soil liming much of the added limestone was still present in both the Spodosol and in the Histosol. Ten months after soil liming results indicated that: (1) soil pH increased (>1 unit) but mostly in the top 1 cm; (2) net N mineralization increased from 9.6 to ca. 15 µg N g?1 d?1 and nitrification increased from 2.8 to ca. 8 µg N g?1 d?1; (3) denitrification was not affected (98 µg N g?1 d?1); (4) CO2 production potential decreased in the surface soil and as a function of limestone dosage (60 to 6 µmol g?1 d?1); and (5) soluble SO 4 2? concentrations in the Histosol were not affected (105 µmol L?1). Liming acidic forest soils with >5 Mg CaCO3 ha?1 may increase the soil's acid neutralizing capacity, which could provide long-term benefits for surface water acidification.  相似文献   

Summary Oniscus asellus produced changes in the nutrients leached from Oie and Oa horizons of a hardwood forest soil. Soil with isopods lost more K+ (54%) from the Oie horizon and more Ca2+ (25%), Mg2+ (40%), and water-extractable S (23%) from the Oa horizon than soil without isopods. In contrast, soils with isopods lost less Ca2+ (39076) from the Oie horizon and less dissolved C-bonded S (33%) from the Oa horizon than soil without isopods. In addition, the Oia and Oa horizons exhibited different nutrient dynamics. When isopods were present, the Oa horizon leachates accumulated more Na+ K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, NO3 , water-soluble SO4 2–, and dissolved C-bonded S, and the Oie horizon retained more of these nutrients. The type of leaching solution also had a major effect on nutrients. Leaching with a simulated soil solution resulted in smaller nutrient losses for K+ and Mg2+ in both horizons and for Na+, Ca2+, and NO3 in the Oa horizon than leaching with distilled water.  相似文献   

Experimental plots within the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest, NH, were treated with sodium trifluoroacetate (TFA) and lithium bromide (Br), to study the impact of TFA alone and in the presence of increased anion concentrations (e.g. acid deposition) on the soil solution chemistry of a northern hardwood forest soil. Trifluoroacetate is a major atmospheric degradation product of replacement compounds of chlorofluorocarbons (CFC) and Br is widely used as a hydrologic tracer. Calculated drainage losses via soil water flow were less than 60% of inputs, added during the summer, and TFA and Br were temporarily retained in the soil until fall. The initial indication of an acid input of the treatments (HTFA, HBr) in the Bs2 horizon, which reflects stream water chemistry as well, was an increase of base cations in the soil solution, decreasing the soil's acid neutralizing capacity. Thereafter, trifluoroacetate and Br concentrations peaked after the peak in base cations, synchronous with peaks in H+ and Al concentrations. Organic anions, nitrate and chloride played the major role in accompaning base cations out of the solum. Sulfate retention at soil adsorption sites was increased by the presence of TFA and Br, reducing its role as a mobile anion of base cations in this experiment. Relative retention of anions for the whole profile of this northern hardwood forest soil was estimated by correlation analyses and input-output balances in decreasing order on an equivalant basis: SO4 > TFA = Br ≥ Cl > NO3 > organic anions. Recovery from acid additions were recorded within several weeks after the treatments were stopped. Evaluating the impact of added chemical compounds to soils must be considered within the context of linkages among element cycles and pools.  相似文献   

Increased atmospheric deposition of strong acids and deposition of potentially acidifying compounds (e.g. ammonium) has caused a decline in pH and exchangeable base cations in forest soils in Sweden. In recent years, attention has been paid to liming of forest soil as a method to counteract the effects of acid deposition. Experiments with liming, fertilization and woodash treatment of acid forest soils started in 1984. The aim of this study was to determine the effects of low doses of lime (500 to 1500 kg ha–1) in combination with N fertilizers on tree growth, nutritional status of trees as well as soil, and runoff chemistry. This paper describes the short term effects of liming and fertilization on runoff from ten small catchments in two regions in south Sweden. The effects of liming were small in both areas. In the catchments fertilized with N (NH4NO3), a substantial leakage of various N species appeared in runoff after treatment. The increased N output was dominated by nitrate. The excess leakage of N during 2 yr after fertilization was 25 and 13% as an average of the applied N in the two study areas. The mobile nitrate increased the base cations output via runoff with 10 to 100% during 1 yr after N treatment. The runoff of Al increased with 60 to 1009, the first year in the fertilized catchments. Mobilization of cations was also influenced by ammonium, especially K that was exchanged by ammonium on the surface of the soil particles. The effects of woodash-treatment were small, however, sulfate in the ash leaked out following application and about 100% of the added sulfate was found in runoff during the first year.  相似文献   

Increased atmospheric deposition of strong acids and deposition of potentially acidifying compounds (e.g. ammonium) has caused a decline in pH and exchangeable base cations in forest soils in Sweden. In recent years, attention has been paid to liming of forest soil as a method to counteract the effects of acid deposition. Experiments with liming, fertilization and woodash treatment of acid forest soils started in 1984. The aim of this study was to determine the effects of low doses of lime (500 to 1500 kg ha?1) in combination with N fertilizers on tree growth, nutritional status of trees as well as soil, and runoff chemistry. This paper describes the short term effects of liming and fertilization on runoff from ten small catchments in two regions in south Sweden. The effects of liming were small in both areas. In the catchments fertilized with N (NH4NO3), a substantial leakage of various N species appeared in runoff after treatment. The increased N output was dominated by nitrate. The excess leakage of N during 2 yr after fertilization was 25 and 13% as an average of the applied N in the two study areas. The mobile nitrate increased the base cations output via runoff with 10 to 100% during 1 yr after N treatment. The runoff of Al increased with 60 to 100% the first year in the fertilized catchments. Mobilization of cations was also influenced by ammonium, especially K that was exchanged by ammonium on the surface of the soil particles. The effects of woodash-treatment were small, however, sulfate in the ash leaked out following application and about 100% of the added sulfate was found in runoff during the first year.  相似文献   

The short-term results of a 5-yr experimental lake neutralization program involving whole-lake liming of Trout and Bowland Lakes are reviewed. Whole-lake liming did not prevent spring melt pulses of acid and Al in a zone situated under the ice nearshore. Liming did improve whole-lake water quality in a previously acidified lake (Bowland Lake) so that lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) could be restocked successfully. In situ bioassays showed a statistically significant improvement in survival of overwintering lake trout eggs after liming. Lake trout fry exposed during spring melt also showed increased survival rates after liming except at one site in Trout Lake where liming did not prevent the occurrence of 100% mortality. The resident yellow perch (Perca flavescens) population in Bowland Lake exhibited short-term increases in survival and in recruitment the first year following neutralization. Growth rate responses differed among age cohorts. A preliminary shoal liming experiment in Laundrie Lake suggested that nearshore spawning shoals which are not necessarily protected by whole-lake liming may be protected by treatment with fine calcite gravel.  相似文献   

Because carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration is rising, increases in plant biomass and productivity of terrestrial ecosystems are expected. However, phosphorus (P) unavailability may disable any potential enhanced growth of plants in forest ecosystems. In response to P scarcity under elevated CO2, trees may mine deeper the soil to take up more nutrients. In this scope, the ability of deep horizons of forest soils to supply available P to the trees has to be evaluated. The main objective of the present study was to quantify the relative contribution of topsoil horizons and deep horizons to P availability through processes governed by the activity of soil micro-organisms. Since soil properties vary with soil depth, one can therefore assume that the role of microbial processes governing P availability differs between soil layers. More specifically, our initial hypothesis was that deeper soil horizons could substantially contribute to total plant available P in forested ecosystems and that such contribution of deep horizons differs among sites (due to contrasting soil properties). To test this hypothesis, we quantified microbial P and mineralization of P in ‘dead’ soil organic matter to a depth of 120 cm in forest soils contrasting in soil organic matter, soil moisture and aluminum (Al) and iron (Fe) oxides. We also quantified microbiological activity and acid phosphomonoesterase activity. Results showed that the role of microbial processes generally decreases with increasing soil depth. However, the relative contribution of surface (litter and 0–30 cm) and deep (30–120 cm) soil layers to the stocks of available P through microbial processes (51–62 kg P ha?1) are affected by several soil properties, and the contribution of deep soil layers to these stocks vary between sites (from 29 to 59%). This shows that subsoils should be taken into account when studying the microbial processes governing P availability in forest ecosystems. For the studied soils, microbial P and mineralization of P in ‘dead’ soil organic matter particularly depended on soil organic matter content, soil moisture and, to a minor extent, Al oxides. High Al oxide contents in some sites or in deep soil layers probably result in the stabilization of soil organic compounds thus reducing microbiological activity and mineralization rates. The mineralization process in the litter also appeared to be P-limited and depended on the C:P ratio of soil organic matter. Thus, this study highlighted the effects of soil depth and soil properties on the microbial processes governing P availability in the forest spodosols.  相似文献   

The contribution of atmospheric acids to cation leaching from a podzolic soil under mature maple-birch forest in central Ontario was examined during 1983. The movement of base cations was associated largely with NO3 ?, SO4 2? and organic acid anions in surface soil horizons, with SO4 2? and NO3 ? below the effective rooting zone, and SO4 2? and HCO3 ? in streamflow. Mineral soil horizons could adsorb little additional SO4 2? or associated cations at current soil solution SO4 2? concentrations. Therefore it is concluded that the soil in situ lacks a strong affinity for SO4 2?. Current annual inputs to the forest of SO4 2? and NO3 ? in bulk precipitation (26.4 and 18.2 kg ha?1, equivalent to 8.8 kg S and 4.1 kg N ha?1 , respectively) contributed significantly to cation leaching from the soil. In order to maintain exchangeable cations in soil at current levels, a rate of weathering yielding 29.6, 5.0, 4.4 and 2.2 kg ha?1 yr?1 of Ca2+, Na+, Mg2+ and K+, respectively, would be required.  相似文献   

Degassing of CO2 during collection of soil solution may alter the chemical composition of the solution, especially in well-buffered soils. We used a simple syringe extractor for field sampling of soil solution along with ambient soil air in order to test the influence of degassing of CO2 on solution pH in acid soils (Spodosol B and C horizons collected in Central Maine, USA). Soil air concentrations of CO2 varied from 0.36 to 1.35 ml l-1 during sampling immediately after snow melt. Degassing increased solution pH by 0.3 to 0.5 pH units. Both in-situ and degassed pH were predicted by the Reuss and Johnson soil chemical equilibrium model. The results suggest, (i) that the simple method is useful for determination of solution from wet soil under ambient soil air conditions and (ii) that degassing plays a significant role for soil solution chemistry even in Spodosol B and C horizons.  相似文献   

This study examines the role of abiotic (texture, calcium carbonates or iron) and biotic parameters (earthworm and enchytraeid activities) on the initial phases of soil aggregation. Our research focused on humus forms in alluvial soils, which are considered as young and heterogeneous environments. We hypothesized that the soil structure formation is determined by both the nature of the recent alluvial deposits and the soil fauna. For this purpose, six sites were chosen throughout two types of softwood forests (willow and alder forest) representing two stages of vegetation succession. Evidence of soil texture influence on aggregate stability was observed. A dominance of a coarse sand fraction caused a quick colonization of enchytraeids and epigeic earthworms while a silty texture favoured the presence of anecic earthworms, thus increasing the aggregate stabilisation. Iron forms, acting as cementing agents, were observed in the coarse silt, while calcium carbonates were equally distributed among the textural fractions. Active calcium carbonate fraction, binding organic matter with mineral components, was not found in the coarse sand fraction. In conclusion, the tree age cannot alone be used as an indicator of the humus form evolution but biological and physicochemical parameters also influence the initial steps of soil structuration.  相似文献   

Soil fungi are highly diverse and act as the primary agents of nutrient cycling in forests. These fungal communities are often dominated by mycorrhizal fungi that form mutually beneficial relationships with plant roots and some mycorrhizal fungi produce extracellular and cell-bound enzymes that catalyze the hydrolysis of nitrogen (N)- and phosphorus (P)- containing compounds in soil organic matter. Here we investigated whether the community structure of different types of mycorrhizal fungi (arbuscular and ectomycorrhizal fungi) is correlated with soil chemistry and enzyme activity in a northern hardwood forest and whether these correlations change over the growing season. We quantified these relationships in an experimental paired plot study where white-tailed deer (access or excluded 4.5 yrs) treatment was crossed with garlic mustard (presence or removal 1 yr). We collected soil samples early and late in the growing season and analyzed them for soil chemistry, extracellular enzyme activity and molecular analysis of both arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) and ectomycorrhizal/saprotrophic fungal communities using terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (TRFLP). AM fungal communities did not change seasonally but were positively correlated with the activities of urease and leucine aminopeptidase (LAP), enzymes involved in N cycling. The density of garlic mustard was correlated with the presence of specific AM fungal species, while deer exclusion or access had no effect on either fungal community after 4.5 yrs. Ectomycorrhizal/saprotrophic fungal communities changed seasonally and were positively correlated with most soil enzymes, including enzymes involved in carbon (C), N and P cycling, but only during late summer sampling. Our results suggest that fine scale temporal and spatial changes in soil fungal communities may affect soil nutrient and carbon cycling. Although AM fungi are not generally considered capable of producing extracellular enzymes, the correlation between some AM taxa and the activity of N acquisition enzymes suggests that these fungi may play a role in forest understory N cycling.  相似文献   

Sustainable land management decisions at all scales require solid, science-based information. Soil quality assessment can provide this regarding soil physical, chemical, and biological characteristics and the ability to provide ecosystem and societal services. Our objective was to make a regional assessment of soils in the Garhwal Himalayas to determine their ability to perform various functions and respond to external influences. Five functional categories were assessed using 13 soil parameters focused on ecological sustainability. Human land use effects on soils were referenced to natural woodlands at each landscape position. Within upper-slope regions, flora and fauna habitat, moisture retention, organic matter and nutrient cycling, air and water infiltration and resistance to erosion were decreased 35, 27, 24, 24, and 9%, respectively. At mid-slope positions the order and magnitude of decrease were organic matter and nutrient cycling, flora and fauna habitat, and moisture retention (26, 22, and 16%, respectively). Changes within the valley were lowest, averaging − 3% for flora and fauna habitat and − 13% for organic matter and nutrient cycling. We conclude that the minimum data set (MDS) used provided a representative assessment of soil quality and could serve as a basis for assessment in similar tropical watersheds.  相似文献   

This study focused on the effects of biochar (BC) application on soil chemical properties and mobilization of cadmium (Cd) and lead (Pb) in the paddy soil. BC was applied at the rate of 0, 10, 20 and 40 t ha−1, respectively. BC application caused a significant increase in soil organic carbon contents (SOC), pH, nitrate–nitrogen (-N),and available phosphorus contents (AP) in the top and subsurface soil, while SOC contents in the subsurface soil decreased with increasing rate of BC. BC40 effectively reduced the mobility of Cd and Pb from the top layer to the subsurface soil, while concentrations of Cd and Pb in the topsoil remained unchanged. Path analysis showed that the direct path coefficient AP was highest; SOC, -N and AP had a negative direct effect on the Cd and Pb in subsurface soil. Soil pH and -N had a high negative indirect effect through AP. The decision coefficient decreased in the following order: pH, AP, SOC, -N and -N. Regression analysis showed that soil Cd and Pb had a significant linear correlation with soil AP, whereas soil Pb also had a significant linear correlation with soil pH. In conclusion, BC40 can alter soil chemical properties and reduce the mobility of Cd and Pb from the top layer to the lower subsurface of the paddy soil.  相似文献   

This study examined variations in soil organic C content and the activity of acid phosphatase, α-glucosidase, phenol oxidase, chitinase, and l-glutaminase in ultisols of burned and unburned areas in Quercus-dominated forests in Ohio, USA. The low intensity, prescribed fires were conducted in April 2001, with temperature 10 cm above the forest floor averaging 160-240 °C. Sampling was conducted throughout the six month growing season (May-October) of 2003, two years after the fire. Organic C content in these ultisols varied between 20 and 30 g C/kg soil, and varied little through the growing season, except for a late season increase to ∼32 g C/kg soil in the burned areas. When enzyme activity was expressed per unit soil organic C, there was no statistically significant variation among sample dates in soil enzyme activity except l-glutaminase, which demonstrated a distinct maximum in activity in spring. Non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMS) ordination resulted in no clear separation of burned and unburned sample areas based on soil organic C and enzyme activity. When the growing season was divided into three segments (early spring, late spring/early summer, and late summer/early autumn), there was again a lack of separation between burned and unburned areas in the earlier two segments, whereas in the late summer/early autumn segment the burned and unburned areas were clearly separated on the basis of differences in soil organic C and l-glutaminase activity. As environmental factors (e.g. soil temperature, moisture) and substrate availability do not vary in parallel through the growing season in this region, seasonal patterns often differ among enzyme systems based on their predominant control mechanism. Sampling time during the growing season appears to have little effect on holistic judgments of fire effects based on soil enzymes, except under restrictive conditions.  相似文献   

Increasing nitrogen (N) deposition due to anthropogenic activities has become a significant global change threat to N-poor terrestrial ecosystems. We compared bacterial growth and nutrients limiting bacterial growth in one of the longest running experiments on increasing N-deposition to a temperate forest, the Chronic Nitrogen Amendment Study at Harvard Forest, USA. Soil samples were collected in fall 2009 from the organic and mineral horizons of plots treated annually since 1988 with 0 (unfertilized), 50 (low N) or 150 (high N) kg N ha−1 as NH4NO3. In the organic horizon, bacterial growth (leucine incorporation) decreased by 5 times in the high N plots compared to the unfertilized treatment, while no decrease was observed in the mineral horizon. Bacterial growth in all soils was primarily limited by lack of carbon (C), although adding only C (as glucose) resulted in only a minor increase in bacterial growth in the unfertilized soil compared to adding C in combination with N. The bacterial growth induced by adding only C increased with higher level of N fertilization, up to 7–8 times the level without any C addition in the high N treatment, suggesting increased availability of N for the bacteria with increasing N addition.  相似文献   

Soil thickness determines the soil productivity in the black soil region of northeast China,which is important for national food security.Existing information o...  相似文献   

The effects of the organophosphate insecticide diazinon on selected population parameters of the freshwater cladoceran Moina macrocopa were studied. Survivorship and average longevity were affected by exposure to 1.00 μg L-1 or higher concentrations. Exposure to diazinon had no effect on the time of first reproduction, but animals did not reproduce in 10.00 μg L-1 and the number of offspring produced by a female during her entire life span was reduced in 1.00 μg L-1. The intrinsic rate of population growth and the generation time were not significantly affected by exposure to diazinon.  相似文献   

The effects of forest fires on the soil mycotlora were investigated in a Pinus contorta forest in Alberta, where it was found that species of Trichoderma and Penicillium were reduced in the burned plot, whereas Gelasinospora sp occurred only in the burned plot: Cylindrocarpon destructans appeared not to be affected by fire.The response of fungi to aqueous extracts of burned and unburned litter, measured as linear growth on agar, showed that, of the isolates tested, all but C. destructans were inhibited by the burned litter extract; C. destructans grew better on the burned litter extract. An examination of spore germination rates and growth in liquid culture showed that Trichoderma polysporum and Penicillium janthinellum were both inhibited by burned litter extracts whereas C. destructans was not. Gelasinospora sp did not grow in liquid culture, nor did it produce spores after being kept in culture for some time.It was concluded that species of Trichoderma and Penicillium were killed by the heat of the fire, and subsequently unable to rccolonize the upper layers of the soil, due to an inhibition of spore germination and growth by the chemical products of burning. C. destructans on the other hand may have been able to recolonize quickly as it appeared to be stimulated in its linear growth rate by the chemical products of burning, and its spore germination rate was only marginally lowered. The occurrence of Gelasinospora sp following fire is possibly explained by its extremely rapid growth rate, and the possibility of its ascospores being more able to withstand high temperatures in the soil.In the light of recent reports, indicating that some species of Trichoderma and Penicillium are actively antagonistic to other fungi, it is suggested that their absence after fire, in the area studied, may permit a high inoculum of C. destructans to develop in the soil, which could possibly result in a high incidence of disease in developing pine seedlings  相似文献   

Termites inhabit a large portion of land covered by temperate forests. Climate warming and urbanization will likely extend their range and increase their densities in these ecosystems but, compared to their tropical counterparts, little is known about their effects on soil properties and processes. If temperate termites have the strong ecosystem engineering effects of tropical termites, then knowledge of their ecology and impacts will be vital for predicting how temperate systems respond to environmental change. We investigated how feeding and tunneling by the eastern subterranean termite, Reticulitermes flavipes, affected wood decomposition and soil properties under decaying wood. Twelve laboratory microcosms filled with mineral soil and with wood blocks of four common temperate tree species, received R. flavipes soldiers and workers at field densities, with an additional five termite-free microcosms serving as controls. After 25 weeks, the effects of termites on wood mass loss, and on carbon and nitrogen dynamics, differed across tree species, yet their effects on soil properties were consistent regardless of wood type. Microbially-available carbon in soil was 20% higher with termites and soil moisture content 20% lower. Soil pH was more acid with termites and their effects on soil microbial biomass were positive but non-significant. These soil responses were consistent regardless of the wood species, suggesting that termite effects on soil are dictated largely by their activity within the soil matrix and not by their feeding rate on specific wood substrates. These results are among the first to quantify the effects of temperate forest termite activity on soil properties, demonstrating the potential for these termites to shape biogeochemical cycling and plant communities through their alteration of the soil environment.  相似文献   

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