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Inventory and weathering of silicate minerals in soils at higher elevations of the Interior Bavarian Forest In order to recognize the importance of the soils on the “new-type” Mg-deficiency disease of Norway spruce at higher elevations of the Bavarian Forest representative pedons were characterized morphologically, chemically and mineralogically. The results of the mineralogical inventory and of weathering experiments in laboratory correspond with the facts of the soil-chemical properties: the replenishment of Mg and Ca by weathering is very unsufficient in contrast to K in all investigated soils (soil pH = 4). Considering the intensive leaching in the flat, rooted zone, this fact explains the inadequate contents of exchangeable Mg and Ca in the upper soil horizons and also the Mg-deficiency of the trees being excellent supplied with K, P and N.  相似文献   

During the past 60 years there has been a considerable decline in pH in mineral soil beneath spruce and beech stands at Tönnersjöheden Experimental Forest in south-west Sweden. In this report an attempt is made to estimate the corresponding declines in base cation pools. The exchangeable storage of Na, K, Ca and Mg in soil, down to 70 cm depth, is calculated to have decreased by 57–60 per cent for beech and by 56–74 per cent for the spruce stands during the period 1927–1984. The calculated cation depletions are compared with estimated nutrient uptake in biomass, base cation release by weathering and leaching losses due to percolation of strong mineral acids and organic anions during the period. The biological acidification may explain about 50–60 per cent of the total losses of base cations from soil, the cation accumulation in biomass then explain 41–43 per cent units for beech and 34–45 per cent units for spruce. The estimated losses of base cations due to acid rain correspond to an amount of cations similar to that accumulated in the spruce biomass during one generation.  相似文献   

Effect of natural organic soil solutes on weathering rates of soil minerals   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The rate at which minerals in the soil weather is affected by pH and concentration of organic solutes (DOC). The rates of release of Al, Ca, Fe, K, Mg, Na, P and Si from a mineral soil sample to solutions of natural organic solutes and HCI (control) were determined at pH 3 and 4 for up to 17 weeks. Soil solutions were collected by centrifuging materials of O horizons from various soil types under four tree species (spruce, birch, oak, beech) and passed through a cation-exchange resin to yield H+-saturated organic solutes. The acceleration of the elements' release by the organic solutes was shown directly by the relative ligand effect (RLE), that is, the release rate in the organic solute solution divided by the release rate in the HCI solution (control) at the same pH. The RLE was greater at pH 4 than at pH 3, and it decreased for the elements in the order Fe > Ca > Mg > Al ≈ Si > K ≈ Na. This indicates that natural organic solutes are more important weathering agents at higher than lower pH and for weathering of mafic minerals rich in Ca, Fe and Mg than of felsic minerals such as K- and Na-feldspars. For all elements and at both pHs, RLE was strongly correlated with the concentration of DOC, which was also closely correlated with titratable acidity of the organic solutes. The important effect of soil type and tree species in producing weathering-promoting organic solutes therefore seems to be expressed through the concentration and not the composition of the organic soil solutes.  相似文献   

Chemical weathering is an important neutralisation process and sourceof cations in forest soil. The presence of dissolved organic matter in the soil solution can have a considerable influence on weathering release. The aim of this study is to compare the weathering potentialof natural soil solutions, collected from Norway spruce, Scots pine and birch sites, to release Al, Ca, Mg, K, Na, and Si from the fine fraction in the C horizon of a podzol. Residual organic matter in the mineral soil was removed with H2O2. The <0.06 mm fraction of the mineral soil was suspended in soil solution, collected from the three sites, for 11 days with continuous agitation. Ultrapure water was used as a control. The pH of the suspensions was maintained at 5.4 by bubbling with CO2. The initial mean DOC concentrations in the soil solutions were 65, 56 and 40 mg L-1 for the spruce, pine and birch sites, respectively. The presence of DOM in the soil solution did not significantly enhance the capacity to weather mineral soil material, and no systematic differences were found between the three sites. However, Al release from the mineral soil was slightly higher in the soil solutions containing DOM compared to the control solution with no DOM. The proportions of DOM fractions capable of enhancing weathering were comparable with those reported in earlier studies. The weathering of metals was found to be primarily due to pH-driven processes. The lack of considerable weathering enhancement by DOM could be due to the fact that the cation-binding sites of the organic ligands were already saturated by e.g. Al and Fe in the soil solution derived from these podzolic, Al- and Fe-rich soils.  相似文献   

In spruce and beech stands, mineral budgets for a rotation period were calculated from measured element fluxes. The release of base cations by mineral weathering was calculated with the steady state soil chemistry model PROFILE. The calcium release rate by weathering of the mineral fine earth was extremely low. For the period of one rotation, mineral weathering cannot provide enough Ca to compensate timber harvesting and leaching. Forest sustainability depends strongly on the amounts of Ca gained from deposition and lost by biomass removal. Magnesium was supplied by atmospheric deposition and mineral weathering. Calculated weathering rates were close to present soil losses. However, as the model assumes that all dissolution reactions are congruent, the computed release rate of Mg from illite might be too high. Main inputs of K to the soil solutions were primarily attributed to canopy leaching and litterfall in upper horizons and to mineral weathering in deeper horizons. The cation budget of the beech stand was much more equilibrated than that of the spruce stand. Given possible changes in silviculture and deposition chemistry, the sustainability of the present stands is rather improbable with respect to their mineral supply.  相似文献   

Ectomycorrhizae (ECM) or the root‐fungal association in forest ecosystems provide a unique soil microenvironment where soil properties and processes differ from the bulk soil. In this study, we would like to better understand the role of ECM systems in mineral weathering and its implications to soil formation and nutrient cycling in forest ecosystems. Specifically, we would like to document the spatial variations in the composition of soil solution and mineralogy of the rhizosphere as influenced by the ECM of Norway spruce + Piloderma croceum. Two‐month‐old seedlings of Norway spruce (control and colonized by P. croceum) were cultivated in special rhizotrons designed to allow spatial collection of soil solution. We used A and C horizons of a Dystric Cambisol collected from Höglwald forest near Munich. Micro suction cups (5 mm x 1mm) were installed in colonized and control rhizotrons, and soil solution was collected from September to November 2000. Our results show that the concentrations of NH , Ca2+, and Mg2+ in the soil solution were lower in <1.0 cm than in >3.0 cm distance from the roots of Norway spruce, due to the possible range of influence of Piloderma mycelium reaching about 2–3 cm from the surface of the mycorrhizal root. In the rhizotron with soil from the A horizon, a higher phosphorus content in Piloderma‐colonized seedlings was observed. X‐ray diffraction data indicate that chlorite and possibly mica are being transformed to 2:1‐expanding clay minerals (probably smectite) within <1.0 cm distance from roots. The spatial variations in soil solution composition and mineral transformation are likely to be due to Piloderma colonization and concentrated mycelial growth within <1.0 cm distance from the roots. This is also evident in more intricate growth of mycelia on surfaces of micaceous minerals as compared to quartz. We assume that Piloderma modifies soil solution and mineralogy through acquisition of essential elements for its own survival and/or for the uptake by plant roots. However, the presence of spontaneous infection with wildtype ECM in the control plots may have altered the influence of Piloderma and must be taken into consideration when interpreting our results.  相似文献   

Fine earth accumulated within the weathering fissures of the coarse‐soil fraction (particles > 2 mm), so called “stone‐protected fine earth”, can provide a high short‐term nutrient release by cation exchange. It is thus hypothesized that unweathered gneiss particles cannot provide plants with exchangeable‐cation nutrients and that biological weathering is needed to include silicate‐bound nutrients into biochemical cycles. In a microcosm experiment, ectomycorrhizal Norway spruce (Picea abies) seedlings were grown on either weathered or unweathered paragneiss coarse‐soil fragments under natural hydraulic and climatic boundary conditions. A nutrient solution containing N, P, and K was added, however Mg and Ca could only be taken up from the coarse‐soil substrate. Solutes in drainage were analyzed during the experiment; plant nutrient uptake was determined after the experiment ended. Solute dynamics depended on the weathering state of the substrates: unweathered gneiss showed high initial Mg and Ca fluxes that diminished strongly afterwards, whereas weathered gneiss showed a much more gradual and sustainable release of these cations. Patterns in dissolved organic C and sulfate drainage indicated that the internal pores of weathered gneiss fragments contained organic material most likely as a result of living spaces from microorganisms. Plant biomass did not differ between treatments, however Mg content was higher in seedlings grown on weathered gneiss. Nutrient budgets demonstrated that the “stonesphere” of weathered gneiss can act as a quasi‐constant nutrient source whereas unweathered gneiss only provided high initial nutrients fluxes. In nutrient‐depleted, acidified fine‐earth environments, the coarse‐soil fraction may therefore act as a retreat for nutrient‐adsorbing tissues and as a buffer for nutrient shortages.  相似文献   

The chemical conditions of the rhizosphere can be very different from that of bulk soil. Up to now, little attention has been given to the problem of spatial heterogeneity and temporal dynamics of rhizosphere soil solution and little is known about the influence of different tree species on rhizosphere chemistry. In the present study, we used micro suction cups to collect soil solution from the rhizosphere of Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] Karst.) and European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) seedlings in high spatial resolution and capillary electrophoresis for the determination of major cations and anions. The results indicate, that in a soil with a base saturation of about 20—25% and a pH of 6.5, growing roots of beech and spruce lower the concentrations of nutrient cations and nitrate in the rhizosphere soil solution and decrease significantly the pH. The H+ release leads to an enhanced mineral weathering as indicated by an increase of CEC and base saturation and to a mobilization of soluble Al, however, on a very low concentration level. In our experiment rhizosphere effects of spruce have been more pronounced than those of beech, indicating, that with respect to below ground activity young spruce trees have a better competitive power than beech.  相似文献   

A weathering sequence with soils developing on volcanic, trachy-basaltic parent materials with ages ranging from 100–115,000 years in the Etna region served as the basis to analyse and calculate the accumulation and stabilisation mechanisms of soil organic matter (SOM), the transformation of pedogenic Fe and Al, the formation and transformation of clay minerals, the weathering indices and, by means of mass-balance calculations, net losses of the main elements. Although the soils were influenced by ash depositions during their development and the soil on the oldest lava flow developed to a great extent under a different climate, leaching of elements and mineral formation and transformation could still be measured. Leaching of major base cations coupled with a corresponding passive enrichment of Al or Fe was a main weathering mechanism and was especially pronounced in the early stages of soil formation due to mineral or glass weathering. With time, the weathering indexes (such as the (K + Ca)/Ti ratio) tend to an asymptotic value: chemical and mineralogical changes between 15,000 and 115,000 years in the A and B horizons were small. In contrast to this, the accumulation of newly formed ITM (imogolite type materials) and ferrihydrite showed a rather linear behaviour with time. Weathering consisted of the dissolution of primary minerals such as plagioclase, pyroxenes or olivine, the breakdown of volcanic glass and the formation of secondary minerals such as ITM and ferrihydrite. The main mineral transformations were volcanic glass ? imogolite ? kaolinite (clay fraction). In the most weathered horizons a very small amount of 2:1 clay minerals could be found that were probably liberated from the inner part of volcanic glass debris. The rate of formation and transformation of 2:1 clay minerals in the investigated soils was very low; no major changes could be observed even after 115,000 years of soil evolution. This can be explained by the addition of ash and the too low precipitation rates. In general, soil erosion played a subordinate role, except possibly for the oldest soils (115,000 years). The youngest soils with an age < 2000 years had the highest accumulation rate of organic C (about 3.0 g C/m2/year). After about 15,000 years, the accumulation rate of organic C in the soils tended to zero. Soil organic carbon reached an asymptotic value with abundances close to 20 kg/m2 after about 20,000 years. In general, the preservation and stabilisation of SOM were due to poorly crystalline Al- and Fe-phases (pyrophosphate-extractable), kaolinite and the clay content. These parameters correlated well with the organic C. Imogolite-type material did not contribute significantly to the stabilisation of soil organic matter.  相似文献   

Forms of aluminium in pseudogley soils under deciduous and coniferous forests In pseudogleys under a near-natural oak-hornbeam forest and under three spruce stands of different age (5, 15 and about 70 years) several fractions of aluminium were extracted by a concentrated HCl/HNO3-mixture, 0,2 M NH4-oxalate/oxalic acid (pH 3,0), M NH4Cl and water resp. The selected sites are situated close to each other and allow the assumption of an originally uniform state of the soils. The pH-values of the soils tend to be the lower the older the spruce stands are. The pH-values are correlated positively with acid soluble Al, negatively with oxalate soluble Al and NH4Cl-exchangeable Al. The highest contents of water soluble Al were found in the soil of the oldest spruce stand. Compared with the soil under deciduous forest the acidification of the soils under spruce is connected with accelerated weathering of clay minerals, reduction of exchange capacity, displacement of exchangeable Ca by Al ions and finally with Al-toxicity. The high interception of acids by the spruce stands being situated at the lee side of the industrial district of Nordrhein-Westfalen, is discussed as a cause of the accelerated soil degradation.  相似文献   

Rock weathering has long been a subject of study for geologists, mineralogists, chemists and soil scientists since the dawn of this century. In methods for investigating rock weathering, three aspects seem to be present. The one is a chemical aspect in which weathering process is considered by comparing chemical composition of fresh parent rock with that of the weathered rock, the difference being attributed to gains or losses of chemica,l elements with respect to a supposed immobile element, usually aluminum. This aspect can elucidate the chemical behaviour of rock, that is, of material as an assemblage of constituent minerals in the environment of weathering. Among many such studies mentioned. PoLYNov's “Cycle of Weathering” (6) is one of the most comprehensive and fruitful acheivements. The second aspect is a mineralogical one, in which interests are directed toward skeletal minerals surviving against severe attacks of weathering. It is commonly observed that some of the original constituent minerals still remain in weathered material after others have been extinguished. The former minerals are more stable than the latter. On the basis of these observations, the sequence of resistantiability or stability to weathering can be determined for many rock forming minerals. GOLDICH's study of rock-weathering (3) is a representative one in this aspect. The third aspect is concerned with clay mineralogy. Primary rock-forming minerals are weathered into very finegrained materials most of which had been believed amorphous until techniques now used in clay mineralogical reserch proved their crystalline state. Besides primary skeletal minerals, weathered materials are now known to consist mainly of both amorphous and crystalline secondary minerals, mostly appearing in minus two micron fraction and being objects of interest in clay mineralogy. Any study of rock weathering hitherto performed stood more or less on the three aspects above mentioned but, all the abovementioned seem to fall into the common tendency of dealing with materials as bulk mass. That is, they were concerned much more with fresh rock versus its weathered end products as a whole rather than with the process or mechanism by which fresh rock changed into weathered material. Thus, in the temperate to subtropical humid region, it is known that, for example, kaolinite minerals, gibbsite, and some of 2: 1 type clay minerals are found in weathered materials of rocks and further that Na, K. Mg. Ca, and Si are leached away, while H, Al, and Fe are concentrated in the weathered products, but it is scarcely understood from what constituent minerals of the parent fresh rock any of the clay minerals now present in the weathered material were derived. Though, a mineralogical or chemical tracing of the courses of decomposing minerals from their initial phases to subsequent modified phases was already pioneered by STEPHEN (8). such a trend is believed, by the author, to be a fourth aspect necessary for further thorough understanding of rock weathering. This way of study may also serve in bridging between experimental data on chemical reactions of specific minerals with reagent solutions on the one hand and observations of mineralogical interrelation of parent minerals to resultant weathering products on the other hand. Granitic rock offers a suitable situation for this fourth aspect because of the ease in picking up mineral grains at various weathering stages due to the coarseness of its constituent minerals and also to its unique mode of physical disintegration.  相似文献   

Carbon sequestration in 30 yr old Norway spruce in south Sweden following manipulation of nutrient and water availability is presented. The site has an annual precipitation of 1100 mm and a deposition of about 20 kg N and 25 kg S per ha?1 yr?1. The soil type is a poorly developed podzol. Treatment include irrigation; artificial drought; ammonium sulphate addition; nitrogen-free-fertilization and irrigation with liquid fertilizers including a complete set of nutrients. The experiment has a randomized block design with four replicates per treatment. A comprehensive investigation of the above ground C storage on an areal basis was made at the start of the experiment and after 3 yr of treatment. After 3 yr of treatment with simulated N-S deposition using ammonium sulphate (100 kg N, 114 kg S ha?1 yr?1), C accumulation rates in the above ground compartments had increased by 37%. Similarly, irrigation caused increased C accumulation rates by 25%, whereas simulated drought during the vegetation period during 2 yr followed by 1 yr of recovery caused a 15% reduction of the C accumulation rates. Irrigation combined with liquid fertilization (100 kg N ha?1 yr?1), including all important nutrient elements, led to 65% increase in C accumulation rates compared to the control. The C sequestration of the latter treatment gradually increased and, during yr 5 of treatment, 8.6 Mg C ha?1 accumulated in stems and branches, compared to 3.6 Mg ha?1 for the control. It is concluded that there is a strong interaction between N-deposition and C accumulation rates in Norway spruce in south Sweden. The C accumulation rates are also sensitive to water availability. The study indicates a great potential to cultivate Norway spruce in south Sweden as a renewable energy source. A shift in energy source from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources will directly reduce the net emissions of CO2 to the atmosphere.  相似文献   

Surveys conducted from 1987 to 1990 of Norway spruce [Picea abies(L.) Karst.] within 12 plantations across 4 northeastern states revealed symptoms of crown discoloration and defoliation on a site-specific basis. Foliar N. K. and Ca concentrations of most of the sampled trees were above deficiency ranges, while foliar Mg concentrations of most of the symptomatic trees were below the deficiency range within the plantations. Soil pH, exchangeable Mg, K, Ca, and their corresponding percent saturations in soils were lower, while soil Al concentrations were higher for most of the symptomatic trees in comparison to the healthy trees. Foliar concentrations of Mg, Ca, K, P, Al, Mn, Pb, and Zn were positively correlated with concentrations of corresponding soil elements. Knowledge of nutrient deficiency ranges may help diagnose foliar symptoms, but their exclusive use may overly simplify relationships between foliar symptoms and foliar elements. Principal component regression analysis of the data provided assessment of interactions and balances among foliar elements, and among soil elements and their possible influences on crown symptoms. Crown symptoms were not only associated with concentrations of individual elements of foliage and soils, but also associated with interactions and balances between these elements. The influences of individual soil elements on discoloration and defoliation may depend upon other elements in soils. Soil Al may induce crown discoloration and defoliation by interfering with Mg, Ca, and K uptake in acidic soils.  相似文献   

贡嘎山海螺沟冰川退缩区土壤序列矿物组成变化   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
阐明土壤中矿物随时间变化的机制是理解矿物风化和土壤发育的基础。利用X射线衍射法对贡嘎山海螺沟冰川退缩区土壤矿物组成随成土作用时间变化进行了定量分析。结果表明,冰川退缩区成土母质的矿物组成同质性较高,以硅酸盐矿物为主(约90%),包括:斜长石(28.5%)、石英(24.5%)、黑云母、钾长石、普通辉石、角闪石、绿泥石、蛭石;并有少量碳酸盐矿物,如方解石(8%)、白云石(2.3%);以及磷酸盐矿物磷灰石(2.1%)。退缩区土壤的矿物组成总体呈新发育土壤特征,随着成土年龄的增加,方解石逐渐被风化成为草酸钙石,角闪石、黑云母、磷灰石和绿泥石含量逐渐降低,长英质矿物的相对含量有所增加。成土作用中矿物组成的变化受植被原生演替和土壤p H的影响,快速发育的植被导致土壤p H迅速降低,风化程度增强。  相似文献   

Bacterial communities play an essential role in the sustainability of forest ecosystems by releasing from soil minerals the nutritive cations required not only for their own nutrition but also for that of trees. If it is admitted that the nutritional needs of trees vary during seasons, the seasonal dynamics of the mineral weathering bacterial communities colonizing the tree rhizosphere remain unknown. In this study, we characterized the mineral weathering efficacy of bacterial strains, from the rhizosphere and the adjacent bulk soil at four different seasons under two different tree species, the evergreen spruce and the deciduous beech, using a microplate assay that measures the quantity of iron released from biotite. We showed that the functional and taxonomic structures of the mineral weathering bacterial communities varied significantly with the tree species as well as with the season. Notably, the Burkholderia strains from the beech stand appeared more efficient to weather biotite that the one from the spruce stand. The mineral weathering efficacy of the bulk soil isolates did not vary during seasons under the beech stand whereas it was significantly higher for the spring and summer isolates from the spruce stand. The weathering efficacy of the rhizosphere isolates was significantly higher for the autumn isolates compared to the isolates sampled in the other seasons under the beech stand and in summer compared to the other seasons under spruce. These results suggest that seasonal differences do occur in forest soil bacterial communities and that evergreen and deciduous trees do not follow the same dynamic.  相似文献   

FORECAST, an ecosystem simulation model, was calibrated for aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx) and white spruce (Picea glauca (Moench) Voss) stands using data collected in the Boreal White and Black Spruce biogeoclimatic zone in northeastern British Columbia and published data. Simulations were undertaken to examine the effects of initial density of aspen on yield of white spruce in an aspen and spruce mixedwood stand, and to compare the predicted stemwood biomass yields of aspen, white spruce and mixedwood stands. Results of the simulations suggest that mixedwood management regimes on the same medium quality site should have higher stemwood yield compared to pure white spruce stand. Simulated stemwood biomass yield of pure aspen stands over 240 years on medium site varied from 682.5 Mg ha?1 to 239.1 Mg ha?1 for different rotation lengths (30 to 120 years). Repeated rotations of monoculture white spruce produced much less stemwood biomass, simulated yields over 240 years ranging from 877.3 Mg ha?1to 248.4 Mg ha?1 for rotation lengths of 60 to 240 years. Simulated aspen and white spruce mixedwood stands produced higher stemwood biomass yields than the pure white spruce stands, but less than the pure aspen stands; from 217.4 Mg ha?1 to 292.8 Mg ha?1 over 240 years. Variations in initial densities of aspen did not affect spruce stemwood biomass yield over the simulation period. This model shows potential for comparing the relative effects of different management strategies on harvestable volume and variety of other ecosystem variables. A calibrated version of the model should be useful as both a management simulator and a research tool. However, shortcomings in the representation of the canopy architecture of mixed species stands suggested the need to develop an individual tree version of this ecosystem management model for application to mixed species stands.  相似文献   

Oxisols are a product of long and intense weathering. Their actual characteristics can neither be traced back to a certain climatic period, nor do they reveal the present soil-forming factors. In this paper, therefore, a reconstruction of the soil genesis of a strongly weathered Oxisol is attempted by comparing the present mineralogical status and the recent dynamics of selected elements with a nearby Inceptisol from the same catena. The parent rock of both soils is serpentinized dunite with nepheline-syenitic veins; the soil moisture regime is udic. Chemical and mineralogical parameters, as well as the concentration of elements in the soil solution of a Typic Haploperox and an Oxic Dystrochrept from the same catena were analyzed for one year. The dynamics of Si and Mg strongly depended on the state of weathering. In the saprolite of the Dystrochrept, Si is partially removed and partially fixed by the formation of quartz and mixed layer minerals. Mg is first fixed in mixed layer minerals, but is during consecutive weathering leached from the transition zone from saprolite to the oxic horizon. Due to the high redox potential, Fe is not soluble, forming goethite in the upper part of the saprolite. Al is also not removed and is finally fixed in kaolinite. In the weathered upper part of both profiles the concentration of Al, Si, Mg and Fe in the soil solution is too low to perceive a further weathering. The present dynamics of Fe, Al, Mg and Si and the mineralogical status of the Dystrochrept indicate that these processes are similar to those that have led to the formation of the Haploperox. The soils, therefore, developed exclusively by the relative enrichment of Al and Fe, the partial loss of Si and the almost complete loss of Mg. Desilification and ‘laterisation’ are hence processes occurring also presently under a tropical rain forest climate.  相似文献   

A study to evaluate the changes in the fertility of Fluvisols under continuous cultivation of sugarcane was conducted in the vicinity of the Santa Rosalía sugar refinery. About 4000 ha of Fluvisols have been under sugarcane cultivation for more than 30 years. Three representative plots under monoculture for 5, 10, 20 and 30 years, were selected under on-farm conditions. Several samples were obtained from crop row and inter-row zones, at 0–30 cm soil depth, and composited into four samples for each plot. Soil samples were analyzed for pH, organic matter, total organic C, total nitrogen, available phosphorus, exchangeable potassium, calcium and magnesium, cation exchange capacity, texture and bulk density. There were significant changes in the soil chemical properties due to 30 years of monoculture, except for OM, exchangeable K, Ca, Mg and CEC. Total soil organic C, total N and P declined by 17, 21 and 37%, respectively, by 30 years of monoculture of sugarcane. These losses mainly occurred during the first 20 years of cultivation. However, the adverse effect of decline in soil fertility was not reflected in the sugarcane yields. The 67% increase in yields observed between 5 and 30 years of monoculture may be attributed to the adoption of recommended cultural practices and to farmer's experience. Soil physical properties were not affected by the intensive sugarcane cultivation. A complete adoption of recommended practices by SR among farmers and a revision of the N and P fertilization rate are necessary to maintain the fertility of sugarcane soils.  相似文献   

Crown symptoms, foliar and soil nutrient status, disease and insect presence in Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] Karst.) were evaluated in twelve plantations across West Virginia, Pennsylvania, New York and New Hampshire during 1987 to 1988. The most obvious crown symptoms observed under plantation conditions were thinning and chlorosis. These symptoms were similar to those observed on this species throughout the past decade in central Europe and specifically in the Black Forest of the Federal Republic of Germany. A crown vigor index (CVI) was calculated for each tree to classify health status. Of the 180 trees sampled, 247 were healthy; 517 were intermediate, and 257 had severe crown symptoms. The symptoms varied from state to state, plantation to plantation, and from tree to tree. The most severe symptoms were noted on trees at Plantation 12, near Davis, WV. Severe symptoms were also noted on trees within Plantations 4 and 5 in the Tug Hill Plateau region, NY, and within Plantation 3 near Donegal, PA. Two entire branches were removed from the top crown and mid-live crown, respectively, of each sampled tree. Based on laboratory observations, the most common needle symptom was a uniform chlorosis. Chlorotic spots on needle surfaces were the second most common symptom. Thirteen major and trace foliar nutrient elements were determined. Average foliar Mg concentrations of symptomatic trees within several plantations ranged from 0.022 to 0.0637; levels less than the accepted deficiency threshold value. There were significant (negative) correlations between the mean foliar Mg concentrations for the trees and their corresponding CVI and mean discoloration indices of needles. Corresponding soil pH, available P, exchangeable cations, 7 saturation of K, Mg, and Ca of soils were determined for each tree. Soil pH, exchangeable Mg and 7 saturation of Mg were significantly lower in the more symptomatic Norway spruce.  相似文献   

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