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为了对组织层次上温室气体排放进行量化,为企业选择最有效的减排措施提供依据。该文以河北保定一规模化奶牛场为案例,利用气候变化框架公约(UNFCCC)清洁发展机制理事会批准的相关方法学、IPCC排放系数法及相关文献,在组织层次上量化了该奶牛场运行过程中的温室气体的排放与清除。案例研究结果表明,采用规模化运行管理方式及粪便管理系统时,该2 300头存栏的奶牛场年排放温室气体为11 333.2 t CO2-e或者说每头存栏奶牛年排放温室气体 4.9 t CO2-e,并提出了组织温室气体的减排建议。这对同类牛场温室气体排放量的评估具有参考意义。  相似文献   

覆盖及堆积高度对肉牛粪便温室气体排放的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
为了研究覆盖对不同堆积高度肉牛固体粪便温室气体(N2O、CH4和 CO2)排放量的影响,试验采用静态箱的方法研究了20和40 cm堆积高度时覆盖或者不覆盖情况下肉牛粪便温室气体的排放量。结果表明,堆积40 cm的牛粪CH4的累积排放量显著高于20 cm处理,而N2O和CO2累积排放量显著降低。覆盖显著增加了牛粪N2O的排放量和40 cm高度牛粪的CH4排放量,降低了40 cm高度牛粪CO2的排放量,而对20 cm高度牛粪CH4和CO2排放无显著影响。根据CH4和N2O在100 a 尺度上相对CO2的全球增温潜势计算出综合温室效应,无覆盖处理的20和40 cm牛粪的综合温室效应分别为(101.07±6.28)和(94.67±3.29)g/kg,覆盖处理的20和40 cm牛粪的综合温室效应分别为(104.20±6.78)和(103.43±3.21)g/kg,堆积高度为40 cm且无覆盖的综合温室效应最小。  相似文献   

运用生命周期评价方法评估奶牛养殖系统温室气体排放量   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
准确评估奶牛养殖系统温室气体排放量是寻求有效减排措施和引导奶牛养殖业低碳发展的基础。该文应用生命周期评价方法,结合中国奶牛养殖业现状,建立了奶牛养殖系统温室气体排放量评估方法;并以此方法分析了西安郊区典型的规模化奶牛场的奶牛养殖系统温室气体排放特点和排放量。结果表明,该奶牛养殖系统主要的温室气体排放环节是奶牛肠道发酵CH4排放、饲料生产与加工、粪便贮存,其排放量分别占整个系统的48.86%、18.97%和16.39%。主要排放的温室气体是CH4、N2O,排放量分别占整个系统的55.56%和26.9%。该奶牛养殖系统每生产1kg按脂肪和蛋白质纠正的原奶(FPCT)的温室气体排放量(以CO2当量计)为1.52kg,低于全球平均的混合饲养模式原奶生产的排放量,而高于欧洲国家原奶生产的排放水平,说明减排潜力还很大。通过改善饲料、改进粪便管理模式和肥料田间管理等措施均能够减少单个环节的温室气体排放量,而不同措施对整个系统减排的贡献率还应通过生命周期评价方法进行分析。因此,建议开展不同减排措施下的生命周期评估,以获得对系统减排更有效的措施。  相似文献   

牛粪堆肥方式对温室气体和氨气排放的影响   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
为明确堆肥过程中温室气体和氨气排放规律以及产生的总温室效应,在云南省大理州开展堆肥试验,并以奶牛粪便为试验材料,研究了农民堆肥(FC)、覆盖堆肥(CC)、覆盖-翻堆堆肥(CTC)和覆盖通风-翻堆堆肥(CATC)4种堆肥方式对温室气体和氨气排放的影响。结果表明:覆盖通风-翻堆堆肥(CATC)可提高堆肥腐熟度,有效降低CH4和N_2O排放,但并没降低CO2和NH_3排放;与农民堆肥(FC)相比,覆盖堆肥(CC)的CH4排放量增加了48.7%,而N2_O和NH3排放量与农民堆肥(FC)基本一致;覆盖-翻堆堆肥(CTC)虽然提高了腐熟度,但CH_4、CO_2和NH_3排放量较大;堆肥结束时,4个处理的总温室效应分别为25.6、32.9、38.1及18.0 kg/t;温度与CH_4、CO_2、N_2O和NH_3排放速率均极显著相关,pH值显著影响N_2O和NH_3的排放。因此,覆盖通风-翻堆堆肥(CATC)不仅能够满足堆肥产品的腐熟度要求,而且能够减少总温室效应,再加上其操作简便,能够在生产中推广应用。  相似文献   

The efficacy of mathematical modeling as a tool for estimating greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from soil depends on the uncertainty. Systematic evaluation of various sources of uncertainties in GHG emission models is limited. This paper reviews the state-of-the-art knowledge on the parameterization and uncertainty analysis of soil GHG emission models. Major recommendations and conclusions from this work include: (a) uncertainties due to model parameters and structure can be quantified by combining the Bayesian theorem and the Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method; (b) uncertainty due to event-based model input may also be assessed by regarding each event as a latent variable; however, the necessity of the simultaneous evaluation of uncertainties from model input, parameters, and structure might be negotiable because strong correlations may exist between input errors and model parameters; (c) uncertainty analysis is essential for a successful model parameterization by reducing both the number of undetermined parameters and the parameter space; and (d) model parameterization (calibration) should be conducted on multiple sites towards multiple objectives. Case studies were presented for comparing the model uncertainties of the denitrification components of four models, DAYCENT, DNDC, ECOSYS, and COMP. The methods discussed in this paper can help to evaluate model uncertainties and performances, and to offer a critical guidance for model selection and parameterization.  相似文献   


Global climate change is one of the most important issues of contemporary environmental safety. A scientific consensus is forming that the emissions of greenhouse gases, including carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide and methane, from anthropogenic activities may play a key role in elevating the global temperatures. Quantifying soil greenhouse gas emissions is an essential task for understanding the atmospheric impacts of anthropogenic activities in terrestrial ecosystems. In most soils, production or consumption of the three major greenhouse gases is regulated by interactions among soil redox potential, carbon source and electron acceptors. Two classical formulas, the Nernst equation and the Michaelis–Menten equation, describe the microorganism-mediated redox reactions from aspects of thermodynamics and reaction kinetics, respectively. The two equations are functions of a series of environmental factors (e.g. temperature, moisture, pH, Eh) that are regulated by a few ecological drivers, such as climate, soil properties, vegetation and anthropogenic activity. Given the complexity of greenhouse gas production in soils, process-based models are required to interpret, integrate and predict the intricate relationships among the gas emissions, the environmental factors and the ecological drivers. This paper reviews the scientific basis underlying the modeling of greenhouse gas emissions from terrestrial soils. A case study is reported to demonstrate how a biogeochemical model can be used to predict the impacts of alternative management practices on greenhouse gas emissions from rice paddies.  相似文献   

中国农业源温室气体排放与减排技术对策   总被引:66,自引:12,他引:66  
农业是重要的温室气体排放源。该文通过对文献资料和大量研究结果进行分析,得出中国农业活动产生的甲烷和氧化亚氮分别占全国甲烷和氧化亚氮排放量的50.15%和92.47%,农业源占全国温室气体排放总量的17%;通过改善反刍动物营养可降低单个肉牛甲烷排放15%~30%;推广稻田间歇灌溉可减少单位面积稻田甲烷排放30%;一个户用沼气每年最大可减少温室气体2.0~4.1 t二氧化碳当量;推行缓释肥、长效肥料可减少单位面积农田氧化亚氮50%~70%。该文建议尽快开展减排技术示范,对减排技术的适应性和经济性进行评价。  相似文献   


Land application of farm dairy effluent (FDE) to pasture soils is the preferred practice in New Zealand. Recently, a new FDE treatment technology has been developed to recycle the water for washing the yard Cameron and Di (J Soils Sediments 2018). Here we report a lysimeter study to compare the leaching losses of Escherichia coli, phosphorus (P), and nitrogen (N) and emissions of greenhouse gases from the treated FDE compared with the untreated original FDE.

Materials and methods

Lysimeters were collected from a Balmoral silt loam soil (Typic Dystrudept, USDA) and installed in a field trench facility. Treatments included (1) treated effluent (TE), (2) a mixture of TE and recycled water (M), (3) untreated original FDE (FDE), and (4) water as control. The effluents were applied at a surface application rate of 24 mm on each lysimeter in May and again in September 2017. Measurements included leaching losses of E. coli, total phosphorus (TP), dissolved reactive phosphorus (DRP), total mineral nitrogen (TN), ammonium-N (NH4+-N), and nitrate-N (NO3?-N); emissions of nitrous oxide (N2O), carbon dioxide (CO2), and methane (CH4); herbage yield; and N uptake.

Results and discussion

The results showed that E. coli, TP, and DRP leaching losses from the TE were 1.31?×?1010 cfu/ha, 0.26 kg P/ha, and 0.009 kg DRP/ha and from M treatments were 6.96?×?108 cfu/ha, 0.18 kg P/ha, and 0.004 kg DRP/ha, respectively, which were significantly (P?<?0.05) lower than those from the FDE which were 4.21?×?1010 cfu/ha, 1.75 kg P/ha, and 0.034 kg DRP/ha, respectively. There were no significant differences in NO3?-N leaching losses amongst the different forms of effluents. There were no significant differences in total N2O, CO2 emissions, and CH4 uptakes from the different effluents (P?<?0.05). Herbage dry matter yields and N uptakes were also similar in the different effluent-treated lysimeters.


Results from this research indicate that land application of the treated effluents (TE) or a mixture of TE plus clarified water (M) would result in significant environmental benefits by reducing E. coli and P leaching without increasing greenhouse gas emissions.


Integrating biochar into cattle diets has recently emerged as a potential management practice for improving on-farm productivity.Yet,information concerning the cycling of biochar-manure mixtures is scarce.A 70-d incubation experiment was conducted within two surface(0–15 cm)Mollisols with contrasting textures,i.e.,sandy clay loam(Raymond)and clayey(Lethbridge),to evaluate the effects of biochar(3 Mg ha-1)on cumulative greenhouse gas(GHG)emissions and related fertility attributes in the presence or absence of cattle manure(120 Mg ha-1).Five treatments were included:i)non-amended soil(control,CK),ii)soil amended with pinewood biochar(B),iii)soil amended with beef cattle manure(M)(manure from cattle on a control diet),iv)soil amended with biochar-manure(BM)(manure from cattle on a control diet,with pinewood biochar added at 20 g kg-1of diet dry matter),and v)soil amended with B and M at the aforementioned rates(B+M).A total of 40 soil columns were prepared and incubated at 21℃and 60%–80%water-holding capacity.On average,total CO2fluxes increased by 2.2-and 3.8-fold under manure treatments(i.e.,M,BM,and B+M),within Raymond and Lethbridge soils,respectively,relative to CK and B.Similarly,total CH4 fluxes were the highest(P<0.05)in Raymond soil under B+M and BM relative to CK and B,and in Lethbridge soil under M and BM relative to CK and B.In Lethbridge soil,application of BM increased cumulative N2O emissions by 1.8-fold relative to CK.After 70-d incubation,amendment with BM increased(P<0.05)PO_4-P and NO_3-N+NH_4-N availability in Raymond and Lethbridge soils compared with B.A similar pattern was observed for water-extractable organic carbon in both soils,with BM augmenting(P<0.05)the occurrence of labile carbon over CK and B.It can be concluded that biochar,manure,and/or biochar-manure have contrasting short-term effects on the biogeochemistry of Mollisols.At relatively low application rates,biochar does not necessarily counterbalance manure-derived inputs.Although BM did not mitigate the flux of GHGs over M,biochar-manure has the potential to recycle soil nutrients in semiarid drylands.  相似文献   



A paucity in knowledge remains on the influence of biochar production temperature and the rate of application on greenhouse gas emissions from soil. The objective of this column experiment was to evaluate a biochar thermosequence by doses on CO2, N2O, and CH4 emissions from a latosol following nitrogen fertilizer application following a pre-incubation period.

Materials and methods

Biochar was produced from sugarcane bagasse pyrolyzed at 300, 500, and 700 °C (BC 300, BC 500, and BC 700, respectively). Biochars were added to air-dried latosol columns at rates of 0, 0.5, 1, 2, 5, 10, and 15 % (w/w), and the water content was brought to 95 % of water-filled pore space (WFPS). The emissions from columns were tested on days 1, 3, 7, 15, and 30 following a 30-day pre-incubation.

Results and discussion

All treatments showed a decrease in respiration across the study period. The higher doses of biochar of BC 300 and BC 700 resulted in significantly higher respiration than controls on days 15 and 30. Neither biochar dose nor temperature had a significant effect on CH4 emissions during the study period. Application of all biochars suppressed the emissions of N2O at all doses on days 1 and 3, compared to the control. N2O emissions from higher temperature biochar-amended soil at 2, 5, 10, and 15 % were greater than that from corresponding treatments of lower-temperature biochar-amended soil on days 15 and 30.


Soil respiration and overall greenhouse gas emission from latosol increased with biochar dose and pyrolysis temperature in the 30-day study period due to increasing water retention facilitated by biochar. Careful consideration is needed when applying bagasse biochar as it changes N cycling and soil physical properties.

通过室内培养试验研究生物炭及生物硝化抑制剂添加对黄土区设施菜地土壤N2O和CO2排放的影响,并与化学合成硝化抑制剂作对比。试验设置6个处理:不施肥(CK)、施氮(N)、施氮+生物炭(N+BC)、施  相似文献   

Tropical peatlands are unique and globally important ecosystems for carbon storage that are generally considered nutrient poor. However, different nutrient and trace element concentrations in these complex ecosystems and their interactions with carbon emissions are largely unknown. The objective of this research was to explore the concentrations of macro‐ and micronutrients and othertrace elements in surface peats, and their relationship with greenhouse gas emissions in North Selangor peatlands subjected to different land use. All nutrient and trace element concentrations except chromium exhibited significant differences between sites. Most macronutrients and some micronutrients showed significant differences between seasons, typically with a reduction over time from wet to dry seasons, possibly due to leaching. CO2 emissions were positively related to organic matter content and manganese concentrations and negatively correlated with selenium. CH4 emissions were positively correlated with organic matter content, manganese, copper, barium, cobalt and aluminium, and negatively correlated with molybdenum, selenium, lithium and vanadium. This research has detected loss of essential nutrients over time, aiding to increase nutrient limitation in tropical peatlands due to drainage. The observed significant correlation between trace elements and greenhouse gas emissions strengthens the importance of including trace element analyses in understanding the biogeochemical functions of these understudied peatlands.  相似文献   

规模奶牛养殖室外运动场春季温室气体与氨气排放特性   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
舍外运动场是中国传统奶牛养殖场的组成部分,同时也是温室气体和氨气(NH_3)的重要排放源。由于开放式生产设施污染气体排放的监测难度大,目前中国还普遍缺少奶牛运动场温室气体和NH_3排放通量的直接监测数据。该试验采用梯度法对北京地区春季典型开放式奶牛运动场的甲烷(CH_4)、氧化亚氮(N_2O)、二氧化碳(CO_2)等温室气体和NH_3浓度及其排放通量进行了监测分析,讨论了排放特征和关键影响因素,为获取中国北方地区奶牛运动场温室气体和NH_3的排放通量提供了基础数据支撑。测试运动场饲养了52头荷斯坦奶牛,年均单产约8 t,头均占地面积为20.77 m~2。结果表明,该奶牛运动场春季CH_4、N_2O和CO_2的排放通量为155.59、3.60和4 869.37 mg/(m~2·h),分别占温室气体排放总量的42.79%、9.37%和47.83%;NH_3的排放通量为66.27 mg/(m~2·h);排放峰值一般出现在运动场清粪之后。环境温度与CH_4、N_2O和NH_3排放量呈显著的正相关关系(P0.05),同时风速在一定范围内会促进CH_4、N_2O和NH_3的排放。奶牛场清粪活动不仅会加快污染气体的排放通量,还会影响温度和风速对气体排放通量的作用效果。  相似文献   

Carbon footprint (CF) quantification of major rice production systems (RPSs) is a prerequisite for developing strategies for climate change mitigation in agriculture. Total life cycle greenhouse gas emissions (LC-GHGs) from rice production to consumption might provide precise CFs for RPSs. Therefore, we assessed three segments (pre-farm, on-farm, and post-farm) of LC-GHGs under five major contrasting RPSs, i.e., aerobic rice (AR), shallow lowland rice(SLR), system of rice intensification (SRI), ...  相似文献   

利用整体分析法研究华北地区奶牛产业温室气体排放   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为了研究奶牛产业生产效率对温室气体排放的影响,对单位牛奶产量所产生的温室气体(甲烷、氧化亚氮和二氧化碳)进行科学的评估是非常重要的。在该研究中,利用整体分析方法评估了2012年华北地区奶牛产业的总温室气体排放以及单位牛奶的温室气体排放。估算的排放源包括奶牛胃肠道发酵以及粪便管理系统产生的温室气体(greenhouse gas,GHG)排放、奶牛饲养过程中耗能所带来的GHG排放、饲养奶牛所需作物种植管理过程中以及所需农业机械设备制造所产生的GHG排放、化学肥料生产和施用所来的GHG排放。估算方法采用政府间气候变化专门委员会(IPCC,Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change)评估报告中的方法学以及相关文献的研究成果。研究结果表明:在华北地区奶牛产业系统中总温室气体排放量为22437.85×103t。甲烷(CH4)是主要的排放源,为8516.53×103 t,其中奶牛胃肠道排放占84%,粪便管理系统占16%;氧化亚氮(N2O)排放为6240.27×103 t,二氧化碳(CO2)排放为7681.05×103 t。基于排放强度,得出单位牛奶的平均温室气体排放量为1.3 kg/kg。  相似文献   

【目的】 优化华北平原农田土壤的施肥措施,实现维持农田作物产量、提升土壤肥力的同时减少温室气体排放。 【方法】 基于长期定位试验观测数据,选取氮磷钾化肥 (NPK)、有机肥配施化肥 (NPKM) 和单施有机肥 (OM) 三个试验处理来评价和验证过程模型 (SPACSYS) 对不同施肥措施下的作物产量、土壤有机碳 (SOC) 和土壤全氮 (TN) 储量及土壤CO2和N2O排放动态变化的模拟效果,并预测至2050年不同施肥情景和肥料配施情景下作物产量、SOC、TN储量及土壤CO2和N2O排放量。 【结果】 统计分析结果表明,SPACSYS模型的小麦和玉米产量模拟值与实测值的相关系数R2为0.63~0.78,RMSE为3.78%~4.86%,EF为0.59~0.73;土壤有机碳和全氮储量模拟值与实测值的R2为0.73~0.89,RMSE为2.69%~3.79%,EF为0.67~0.82;土壤CO2和N2O排放量模拟值与实测值的R2为0.16~0.80,RMSE为4.03%~9.99%,EF为0.24~0.78,相关性均达到显著水平,表明SPACSYS模型模拟值的可靠性和准确性较高。利用该模型进行预测,结果显示到2050年,在当前施氮水平下,减氮50%会显著降低玉米产量约9%;减氮25%,与单施化肥处理相比,有机肥配施化肥处理和单施有机肥处理分别显著提高SOC年均储量约31%和62%,提高TN年均储量约18%和6%,而CO2和N2O年均排放量均没有显著增加。 【结论】 SPACSYS模型可以模拟中国华北平原典型农田冬小麦?夏玉米轮作体系的农作物产量、SOC和TN储量以及土壤CO2和N2O的排放情况。但是模型低估了OM处理的全氮储量,下一步研究需对模型做相应改进。至2050年,施用化肥和有机肥均可不同程度地提高有机碳和全氮储量,且该地区可适当降低氮肥施用量 (减氮25%),并采用有机肥配施化肥或单施有机肥的方式来维持作物产量、提升土壤肥力,同时降低温室气体排放。   相似文献   

余热和菌剂对垃圾堆肥效率及温室气体减排的影响   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
为探讨生活垃圾堆肥过程中同时添加外源菌剂和使用循环热风对缩短堆肥周期的影响,该文以15~80 mm生活垃圾为原料,设置了无添加菌剂和无余热回用堆肥(对照)与添加菌剂和余热回用堆肥(处理)强制通风隧道发酵仓对比试验。结果表明:菌剂和余热利用后堆肥高温达到55℃的时间缩短了1~2 d,高温堆肥时间7 d,堆肥周期缩短为27 d;按600 t/d处理规模计算,菌剂和余热利用处理全年的温室气体比对照少排10 150.65 t( 以CO2计);日进仓数由3个增加到4个,处理能力可以提高到800 t/d。菌剂和余热利  相似文献   

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