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In this study, effects of grazing‐experienced heifer presence on foraging behavior development at the feeding station (FS) scale for first‐grazing season calves were determined. A group of four calves grazing alone (C), and another comprising four calves (Wc) and three grazing‐experienced heifers (Wh), were alternately stocked every day for 2 h on the same pasture for 26 days. The foraging time budget for Wc was significantly longer than that for C (P < 0.05) on day 7, and was similar to that for Wh on all days. Bite rate per FS was significantly higher for Wc (15.5 bite/min) than for C (13.2 bite/min) from day 1 to 14 (33.4 vs. 29.0 bite/min, respectively; P < 0.01) and significantly lower than that for Wh on all days. The number of steps taken between adjacent FSs by Wc (4.7) was significantly lower than that for C (7.2) on days 1 and 14 (2.1 vs. 2.9 steps, respectively; P < 0.01) and was similar to Wh on all days. This suggests that grazing‐experienced heifers have positive effects on the foraging behavior development of new‐season grazing calves through 14 days after the start of stocking.  相似文献   

The intake, digestibility, and grazing behavior of Hokkaido native horses were investigated in winter woodland with underlying Sasa senanensis. Twenty Hokkaido native horses were grazed in a woodland (8.52 ha) for 14 days in December (snowy; 20 cm of snow fall) and in November (non‐snowy) of the next year. Three mares (360 kg of average bodyweight) were used in each experiment. The fecal collection, used to investigate the intake and digestibility by the double‐indicator method, and behavioral observations were carried out for 24 h on the 6th day in each experiment. During the snowy and non‐snowy periods, the dry matter intakes of sasa foliage were 7.3 and 9.6 kg/d, respectively, which is 2.1 and 2.7% when expressed as a percentage of bodyweight. The apparent digestibility of nutrients and energy released during the snowy and non‐snowy periods were similar. The proportions of digestible energy intakes to maintenance requirement in the mares were 119 and 164% during the snowy and non‐snowy periods, respectively. Their bodyweight remained constant during the non‐snowy period; however, a slight loss in their bodyweight was observed during the snowy period. The duration of grazing on sasa foliage was 416 and 544 min/d during the snowy and non‐snowy periods, respectively, the daily grazing area of the mares during these periods was 2.0 and 5.1 ha, respectively. In other words, the area during the snowy period was smaller than that during the non‐snowy period (P < 0.05). Fallen snow, even with a depth of approximately 20 cm, inhibited the grazing behavior and intake of sasa foliage by Hokkaido native horses grazing in winter woodland pasture.  相似文献   

Recent progress in studies concerning behavior of, and management for, grazing cattle are reviewed. Since 1950, much study has been conducted on ‘How’, ‘When’, ‘Where’ and ‘How long’ regarding grazing. After the 1980s, grazing ecology introduced the concept of hierarchy at different spatial and temporal scales, and since then grazing behavior has been investigated on the foraging hierarchy of large grazing herbivores: bite, feeding station (FS), patch, feeding site, camp and home range. From the sequence of activities, FS is grouped within a feeding patch, and movement of grazing cattle has been studied between FSs, feeding patches, feeding sites and between camps. Grazing behavior and production relates closley with defoliation, and grazing management should control both grazing behavior and vegetation according to three rules: planning, operational and adaptation rules. Planning rules relate the stocking rate of cattle; operational rules relate to defoliation; and adaptation rules vary with regional situations. Recent studies on grazing have been carried out in the fields of animal diversity and welfare. Future studies in this field should be conducted on the ecology, neurophysiology and psychology of grazing. Nonlinear analysis will also be significant in this field. Grazing cattle production should also utilize supplementation by roughage and/or grains.  相似文献   

人工草地纯种短角肉牛放牧系统优化研究   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
以云南省种羊场纯种短角肉牛群人工草地放牧饲养为对象,以年出栏100头种牛为目标,进行饲草预算和草畜动态平衡,充分利用人工草地的牧草生长量和营养物质,母牛怀孕后期适当补饲混合精料,全年牛群饲养量达375头,全年共需饲草料642.67t(DM),其中人工草地提供764t(DM),饲料地提供339t(DM)。经过优化牛群结构和饲草需求动态平衡,该系统尚有一定发展潜力。  相似文献   

放牧和舍饲对辽宁绒山羊生产性能的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着草原资源日渐匮乏,放牧饲养绒山羊已成为绒山羊养殖业发展的限制因素;改变以往的放牧饲养绒山羊的方式,舍饲绒山羊是发展绒山羊的一条途径.为此,在辽宁省盖州市辽宁绒山羊原产地,以辽宁绒山羊成年羊为试验动物,研究了在放牧和舍饲2种饲养方式下对绒山羊的饲粮组成、营养摄取状况、绒的产量、净绒率、绒长、绒细度的影响.研究表明,在放牧与舍饲条件下饲养辽宁绒山羊,所采食的饲料种类有很大差异,放牧采食的饲料种类多而营养丰富;舍饲条件下饲料种类较单一.在舍饲条件下,辽宁绒山羊绒细度有变粗的趋势,绒长、产绒量有增加的趋势.  相似文献   

在鸭茅(Dactylis glomerata)+白三叶(Triflium repens)草地型肉牛放牧系统内,实施全日制划区轮牧、载畜量季节性调控、维持肥施用、草地除杂、枯草期补饲等优化措施,对草地的土壤养分、牧草生长强度、现存量、组分、养分及肉牛体质量、日增体质量等指标进行了监测。结果表明,采用全日制放牧,在草地年平均载畜量1.4牛单位/hm2下,牧草的生长量超过8 077 kg/hm2,肉牛体况得到明显的改善,单位草地面积经济效益可达1 135元/hm2,草地实现可持续利用。同时,针对草地肉牛放牧系统中存在的问题,提出了有效改进的合理化建议。  相似文献   

高山草原夏季牧场的牧草营养物质富余达1倍以上,秋季牧草供需相当,冬季可满足80%左右,春季不到40%;草地上的载畜量和畜增重夏牧场是5.08羊单位/hm^2和27.22kg/hm^2,秋牧场是5.59羊单位/hm^2和31.83kg/hm^2,冬季牧场是1.64羊单位/hm^2和-4.38kg/hm^2 ,春季牧场是1.64羊单位/hm^2和-7.10kg/hm^2。在牧草增长率和绵羊种群采食率轨迹图中出现2个平衡点,表明夏,秋牧场的牧草生产有贮藏效应,冬,春牧场为牧草亏缺期。只有采用系统耦合的效应力,方可使放牧系统健康发展。  相似文献   

本试验为研究冷季营养匮乏对放牧牦牛和黄牛血清生化指标、瘤胃发酵参数及放牧行为的影响,选取体重相近、健康无病的4岁母牦牛和母黄牛各10头,分别于2018年11月、2019年1和3月佩戴MOOnitor监测系统对其放牧行为进行研究.在试验期末(2019年3月)采集牧草样品、瘤胃液和血液,用于牧草营养成分、血清生化指标和瘤胃...  相似文献   

Spatial and temporal availability of pasture vegetation and cattle grazing behaviour in three seasons (intermediate season [IM], peak season [PS] and dry season [DS]) in the Guinea Savanna agroecological zone of Ghana was examined. The frequency of occurrence of three species groups (grass, legume and forbs) and biomass yield was estimated in 1 m2 plots. The grazing behaviour of 18 cows from six herds was monitored over three days per animal. Season affected the prevalence of species groups with grasses being most dominant in all seasons. Most grazing lands were heavily grazed in IM and DS but moderately grazed in PS. Whilst harvested rice fields represented the most frequently grazed land in DS, fallowed hard pans were used in PS and IM. Biomass yield was highest in DS owing to the contribution of crop residues from harvested farmlands. Carrying capacity was linked to biomass production and averaged 0.55 in DS, 0.38 in PR and 0.21 in IM. Animals spent less time outside the kraal in PS than IM and DS. Walking time was higher in DS than in IM and PS. Less than 20% of the time on pasture was spent on resting, watering and social interaction across seasons.  相似文献   

This study aimed to investigate the replacement value of half time grazing of wheat stubbles by vetch, which had been cropped under the context of conservation agriculture (CA). Three grazing treatments were evaluated on Barbarine lambs (initial BW 18 ± 1.42 kg). Treatment 1 consists of 6-hr grazing on dried vetch only (V). For treatment 2, the sheep were grazing 3 hr on wheat stubbles in morning and 3 hr on dried vetch in the afternoon (VWS). Treatment 3 consists of 6-hr grazing of wheat stubbles only (WS). At grain maturity stage, biomass yield of vetch averaged 7 tons DM/ha allowing a grazing period of 2 consecutive months. Along this period, vetch conserved its pods indehiscent. Biomass and nutritive value of vetch and wheat stubbles were decreasing from the start to the end of the grazing period. Residual biomass was higher in vetch and wheat stubble assigned to treatment VWS. WS lambs spent more time on walking and standing, while V and VWS lambs allocated more time on biomass uptake. The DM, OM and CP intakes were higher in animal grazing vetch alone or combined to wheat stubble. Rumen fermentation parameters (pH, ammonia nitrogen concentration and protozoa count) were not affected (p > .05) by any of the three treatments. The average daily gain of lambs on V and VWS lambs was three times greater (p < .05) than that of WS lambs (164, 152 and 49.5 g respectively). Cold carcass yield averaged 444, 428 and 388 g/ kg for lambs assigned to V, VWS and WS treatments respectively. It is concluded that grazing vetch alone or combined with WS increased substantially the growth performance and carcass yield of lambs compared with WS grazing only. Therefore, dried vetch grazing could be a solution to make possible mulching and biomass uptake by sheep under the context of CA.  相似文献   

An experiment to reveal functional response and heifers' performance to sward characteristics and forage chemical composition was conducted for 5 years in rotational (RSS) and continuous (CSS) stocking systems on native species‐rich upland grassland. We measured sward characteristics, forage chemical composition, heifers' grazing behavior and live‐weight gains from July to September. Mean sward surface height was lower on CSS than on RSS; grass and forb density, and white clover stolon length, were similar. Herbage on CSS had higher crude protein content and lower crude fiber content than on RSS. No difference existed in time budgets of grazing, ruminating and resting between stocking systems and season, while grazing rates were higher on CSS. Stocking rate was 1671 and 1332 kg per ha on CSS and RSS, individual daily live‐weight gain 683 and 652 g on CSS and RSS. Gain per ha was 20 kg higher on CSS. Results suggested stocking systems on native species‐rich grassland had no effect on activity time budgets or animal performance. Both RSS and CSS allow similar outputs for stocking rates in terms of individual daily live‐weight gain. Key parameters determining heifers' behavior and performance were sward height, grass and forb density in the sward, and content of crude fiber and protein in forage.  相似文献   

文章旨在评价甘蔗渣作为粗饲料对泌乳奶牛采食量、消化率、采食行为、泌乳量、乳成分及微生物蛋白合成等方面的影响。试验选择10头初始体重为(450±25.6)kg,泌乳天数为(143.7±30.7)d的杂交奶牛为研究对象,试验采用5×5拉丁方设计,饲喂周期为5个21 d(1~14 d为适应期,15~21 d为数据采集期)。试验日粮分为对照日粮、45%、50%、55%和60%甘蔗渣日粮。结果:对照组与45%和50%甘蔗渣组干物质、有机物、总可消化养分摄入量、干物质和有机物消化率无显著差异(P>0.05),而55%和60%甘蔗渣组干物质和有机物消化率最低(P<0.05)。甘蔗渣组与对照组对中性洗涤纤维摄入量和表观消化率的影响具有显著差异(P<0.05),其中45%甘蔗渣组奶牛的非纤维碳水化合物摄入量和消化率与对照组相似(P>0.05)。日粮甘蔗渣添加水平对营养物质的摄入量和消化率呈显著线性降低(P<0.05)。60%甘蔗渣组较对照组显著降低了奶牛反刍时间,显著提高空闲时间(P<0.05)。奶牛的反刍时间、反刍和采食效率随日粮甘蔗渣添加水平的升高显著线性降低(P<0.05),而空闲时间随饲粮中甘蔗渣含量的增加线性增加(P<0.05)。结论:日粮添加甘蔗渣降低了奶牛日产奶量,但添加水平为45%~50%时可以使奶牛泌乳量达到12 kg/d。  相似文献   

Transmission of Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis, the organism responsible for paratuberculosis (or Johne's disease) in ruminants, occurs through the faecal-oral route. As M. a. paratuberculosis has been isolated from rabbit faeces, cattle grazing rabbit faecal contaminated pasture may thus be at risk.A herd of 57 beef cattle was monitored on a farm in Perthshire, throughout the 1999 'grazing year', to investigate whether the cattle avoided rabbit faecal contaminated pasture and thus the potential for disease transmission. Grazing was measured every two days over eight rotations by sward heights on 40 marked treatment plots (0.5 m x 0.5 m) to which 0, 10, 50 and 250 rabbit faecal pellets were added. Cattle were also monitored by an active transponder system which enabled individual animals contacting two plots per field rotation (one control and one contaminated) to be recorded. During the monitored grazing year, grazing pressure was low with a net mean sward offtake of 18% of sward height per rotation. There were no significant differences between rabbit faecal treatments (0, 10, 50 and 250 pellets) with respect to the height or proportion of sward removed, or between the numbers of contacts made by cattle on contaminated and uncontaminated plots. Over 90% of all the cattle contacted contaminated plots, indicating that the potential for disease transmission was widespread among the herd.To our knowledge, this is the first reported instance of a lack of avoidance by grazing cattle towards swards contaminated with faeces, and implies that the potential for transmission of paratuberculosis from rabbit contaminated pasture is high.  相似文献   

Five feeding methods were tested in stabled horses: (i) cutting hay (hay was cut into 5 cm lengths), (ii) delaying feeding time (feeding was delayed until 1 h after the usual time), (iii) increasing the feeding frequency (hay was divided into two portions; one half was given at the normal time and the other 1 h later), (iv) increasing the feeding locations (hay was available at three locations), and (v) increasing the hay varieties (three species of hay were used). The behavioral durations in the 2 h after the experimental feedings were compared with those after usual feeding. In the cutting hay treatment, hay‐eating time decreased (P < 0.05), whereas bedding‐eating time and resting time tended to increase. In the delaying feeding time treatment, bedding investigation time increased (P < 0.01) and hay‐eating time tended to increase. In the increasing the feeding frequency treatment, hay‐eating time tended to increase. In the increasing the feeding locations treatment, bedding investigation time tended to decrease. In the increasing the hay varieties treatment, resting time tended to decrease and hay‐eating time tended to increase. It was suggested that the former two feeding methods might stimulate and the latter three feeding methods might suppress eating frustration in terms of increasing consummatory behavior (eating) and decreasing appetitive (investigating) and displacement behavior (resting).  相似文献   

The objectives were to assess the degree of thermolysis capacity as a characteristic of heat tolerance of the Simmental beef cattle and evaluate the effects of shade and shade type (artificial: AS, trees: TS, or no shade: NS) on daily behavior patterns during summer. Black globe temperature (BGT) was different under the two types of shade (P < 0.05) and was lower under the TS (P < 0.01) and under AS (P > 0.01) than average BGT in the sun. Animals when in AS used more intensely the shade (P = 0.002) mostly lying down under it (10.00–14.00 hours), while time standing was similar (P = 0.107) between TS and NS. Bulls without shade (NS) spent significantly more time at the water trough and most part of the day standing idle (72.4%, 10.1 h/14 h). TS bulls spent more time grazing/standing (P < 0.001). The Simmental bulls that were in TS and AS spent more time ruminating than bulls that stay without shade (NS). The availability of shade changes grazing, rumination and idling behavior of cattle in response to environmental conditions. Shade provided by trees can be more efficient than artificial shading as cattle spent more time grazing when tree shade was available. Thermolysis capacity can be used to select heat‐tolerant animals.  相似文献   

为研究犊牛早期断奶对青海湖地区自由放牧条件下牦牛牧食行为的影响。试验于2015年8月22日至11月15日开展,选取26头带犊牦牛作为试验对象,对其中13头牦牛的犊牛实施早期断奶处理作为断奶组,另外13头带犊牦牛作为对照组。断奶组和对照组各随机选取3头牦牛佩戴畜用GPS3300装置,每10min记录一次家畜所在位置和环境温度。试验分为断奶早期(断奶后15d)、断奶中期(断奶后第16天到第38天)、断奶后期(断奶后第59天到第82天)。断奶早期又分为阶段Ⅰ(断奶后第1天到第6天)、阶段Ⅱ(断奶后第7天到第15天)。结果表明:1)断奶早期阶段Ⅰ断奶组的平均日游走距离极显著高于对照组(P0.01),断奶早期阶段Ⅱ、断奶中期和断奶后期两组的平均日游走距离差异不显著。断奶组在不同时期的平均日游走距离表现为,断奶早期阶段Ⅰ显著高于断奶早期阶段Ⅱ和断奶中期(P0.05),断奶早期阶段Ⅱ和断奶中期显著高于断奶后期(P0.05)。对照组则表现为断奶早期阶段Ⅰ、断奶早期阶段Ⅱ和断奶中期显著高于断奶后期(P0.05)。断奶当天断奶组牦牛的游走距离显著高于对照组。在不同断奶时期断奶组和对照组的昼夜采食规律有所不同。2)断奶早期阶段Ⅰ、断奶早期阶段Ⅱ及断奶中期断奶组和对照组的采食空间分布格局相似,但是断奶中期的采食空间分布格局明显广于断奶早期。断奶后期断奶组和对照组的采食分布格局出现了分化,对照组的采食活动范围明显广于断奶组。研究结果表明,早期断奶会短时间内让母牦牛的牧食行为产生一定的应激反应,但其又可以很快适应失犊的情况。在环境比较恶劣、牧草质量较差的情况下,带犊牦牛和不带犊牦牛种内竞争比较激烈,适合分群放牧。  相似文献   

放牧和光照对林下栽培草地生产力的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李志刚  侯扶江  安渊 《草业科学》2011,28(3):414-419
研究了不同放牧强度G0(0只/hm2)、G1(22.2 只/hm2)、G2(44.4只/hm2)和不同光照条件(100%光强、68.83%光强和54.29%光强)对香樟(Cinnamomum camphora)林下混播草地生产力的影响.结果显示,在整个生长季,草地现存量、再生量和净初级生产力在同一放牧强度下均呈现随光照...  相似文献   

放牧家畜的采食量是人们了解放牧系统动力学的关键之一。研究已查明,了解了放牧家畜的采食量和采食成分就能明晰家畜的营养状况,预测其生产性能,从而为草地管理决策提供目标,为优化资源利用提供基础数据。然而,估测放牧家畜的采食量及其组分是困难的,也是昂贵的。虽然那些改进的技术和方法有效地增强了人们获取家畜牧食行为数据的能力,但是测定放牧动物的采食量、采食成分和养分消化率一直以来都是营养学研究的挑战,方法众多,却各有利弊。因此,本研究针对目前估测放牧家畜采食量和采食成分的常用方法,如模拟采食法、牧前牧后差额法、酸不溶灰分法、三结合法、植物蜡层指示剂法和近红外光谱技术法,对它们的利弊和准确性进行讨论,并探析未来发展趋向,为今后的研究提供资料。  相似文献   

The present study examined and discussed the way the basal diet (BD) during the preliminary phase and the last diet (LD) before the food selection test affected the selective feeding behavior of heifers. For the BD and LD, oat hay and concentrate were used. Three different levels of roughage content (low, medium and high) were prepared by changing the mix ratios of oat hay and concentrate. Low and high roughage diets were used for the BD, and all three of the roughage levels were used for the LD. A mixture of orchard grass and white clover (MIX), and Japanese pampas grass leaf (JP) were used as testing foods. In the preliminary phase, all heifers were fed the BD three times per day. In the test phase, heifers were fed the LD for the first meal (06.00–12.00 hours), and food selection under different BD and LD was examined during the second meal (13.00–16.00 hours) of the day. The effects of the BD were significant for MIX dry matter intake (DMI), JP DMI and the rate of MIX DMI for total DMI. Under the high roughage BD condition, heifers ingested more MIX than under the low roughage BD condition. The effect of the LD was significant on JP DMI, whereas the rate of MIX DMI for total DMI was not significant. Selective feeding behavior was strongly affected by the BD and slightly by the LD.  相似文献   

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