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We studied structural changes in the endomysium and perimysium during postmortem aging of pork using the cell‐maceration/scanning electron microscope method. Immediately post mortem, endomysia sheaths that house individual muscle fibers displayed a honeycomb‐like structure. The sheaths of the endomysium consisted of tightly arranged collagen fibrils in a random network. The perimysium comprised several layers of wavy sheets made up of tightly bundled collagen fibers. While the structure of the intramuscular connective tissues remained almost unchanged up to five days post mortem, the endomysium had resolved into individual collagen fibrils, and the thick sheets of the perimysium had separated into collagen fibers and fibrils at 8 days post mortem. These results provide direct evidence for structural weakening of the endomysium and perimysium during postmortem aging of pork. The shear‐force value of raw pork decreased rapidly within six days post mortem and then decreased slowly until 14 days post mortem. Since the rapid increase in tenderness is mainly due to structural weakening of myofibrils, we conclude that the disintegration of the endomysium and perimysium contributes to tenderization of pork during extended postmortem aging.  相似文献   

This study evaluates the effect of a low‐voltage electrical stimulation (ES) on the tenderness of yak longissimus muscle (LM). Samples from 16 yak bulls were divided into four treatment groups: normal chilling (NC), ES and chilling (ES & C) for 72 s (ES &C 72 s), ES & C for 90 s (ES & C 90 s), and ES & C for 108 s (ES & C 108 s). The temperature, the pH, the glycogen content, the Warner‐Bratzler shear force (WBSF), the myofibril fragmentation index (MFI), and the muscle ultrastructure were determined during the course of postmortem aging. ES caused a rapid decrease in the pH to form a high‐temperature and low‐pH environment. The glycogen content gradually decreased with aging. The WBSF value of the ES & C groups was significantly lower than for the NC group (p < .05). The MFI values of ES & C groups after 24 hr postmortem aging were significantly higher than for the NC group. We concluded that ES improved yak meat tenderness during postmortem aging and that the different duration time by ES indicated different effects, and its affect was remarkable in the ES & C 90 s.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the role of calpain isotypes, especially poultry‐specific μ/m‐calpain in the proteolysis and meat quality changes of chicken breast muscle during postmortem storage. Calpain activity was detected by casein zymography, while the degradation of titin, desmin and Troponin‐T was analyzed by sodium dodecyl sulfate – polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and western blot. Meat quality indicators such as water holding capacity and tenderness were also studied. The correlation analysis between calpain activity, proteolysis and the changes in meat quality indicators indicated that there were strong correlations for μ‐calpain during the first 12 h of storage, while such strong correlations for μ/m‐calpain were only found in samples stored from 12 h to 7 days. Our study suggested that μ‐calpain played a major role in meat quality changes while μ/m‐calpain could also be involved but played a limited role in the proteolysis and meat quality changes during 12 h to 7 days postmortem storage of chicken breast muscle.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate changes occurring in μ/m‐calpain in post mortem chicken muscles and to determine the origin of the unknown bands found in calpain casein zymography. The unknown bands were reported with slightly greater mobility compared to conventional μ/m‐calpain bands in casein zymography. Identification of these bands was accomplished using native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry and with protein phosphatase treatment. Results showed that the unknown bands were corresponding to μ/m‐calpain, and dephosphorylation by protein phosphatase did not change their appearance. The calpain samples were then incubated with various concentrations of Ca2+ to determine the relationship between changes in μ/m‐calpain and the appearance of the unknown bands. The products of μ/m‐calpain partial autolysis were found to be consistent with the appearance of the unknown bands. Therefore, the appearance of these bands did not result from phosphorylation of μ/m‐calpain as previously hypothesized, but from partial autolysis of μ/m‐calpain. Also their presence suggests that μ/m‐calpain undergoes partial autolysis during aging which may play certain roles in meat quality improvement.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine effects of extended aging and intramuscular location on Warner-Bratzler shear force (WBSF), muscle fiber cross-sectional area (CSA), and protein degradation of semitendinosus (ST) and longissimus lumborum (LL) steaks. Left ST and LL were removed from 40 carcasses at 6 d postmortem. The ST was fabricated into five locations (LOC), with LOC 1 being most proximal and LOC 5 being most distal. The posterior LL was fabricated into 3 LOC, with LOC 1 being most anterior. Vacuum sealed ST steaks were aged 7, 14, 28, 56, or 112 d postmortem, while LL steaks were aged 7, 28, or 112 d postmortem at 2 ± 1 °C. A steak from each LOC was assigned to WBSF or laboratory analyses. There were no Day of Aging (DOA) × LOC interactions for all dependent variables (P > 0.06). There were DOA effects for ST and LL WBSF values and degraded 38-kDa desmin (DES; P < 0.01). Day-7 ST-steak WBSF value was greater than all other days (P < 0.01) and day-14 steaks had greater WBSF value than remaining days (P < 0.05). Day-28 ST-steak WBSF values were greater than day 56 and 112 (P < 0.01), which did not differ (P = 0.53). In the LL, day-7 steaks had greater WBSF values than the other two timepoints (P < 0.01) and day-28 steaks had greater (P < 0.01) WBSF values than day-112 steaks. Degraded ST 38-kDa DES content was less on day 7 and 14 compared to all other days (P < 0.03), but did not differ (P = 0.79) from each other. Days 28 and 56 38-kDa DES content was less than day 112 (P < 0.01), but did not differ (P = 0.34) from each other. Degraded LL 38-kDa DES content was less on day 7 than day 28 and 112 (P < 0.02), which did not differ (P = 0.67). There were LOC effects for only ST WBSF and muscle fiber CSA (P < 0.05). Semitendinosus steak LOC 1 and 2 had greater WBSF values than all other locations (P < 0.01), but did not differ (P = 0.32) from each other. Semitendinosus steak LOC 3 and 5 had greater WBSF values than LOC 4 (P < 0.01), but did not differ (P = 0.85) from each other. The CSA of all ST fiber types were largest in LOC 1 compared to all other fiber types (P < 0.01). The CSA of all LOC 2 and 3 fiber types was greater than LOC 4 and 5 (P < 0.01), but were not different from each other (P > 0.81), and LOC 4 had greater CSA than LOC 5 (P < 0.01). Steak aging WBSF value improvements seemed proteolysis catalyzed, while the ST intramuscular tenderness gradient was more likely due to muscle fiber CSA.  相似文献   

Dietary fish oil intake improves muscle atrophy in several atrophy models however the effect on denervation‐induced muscle atrophy is not clear. Thus, the aim of this study was to investigate the effects of dietary fish oil intake on muscle atrophy and the expression of muscle atrophy markers induced by sciatic nerve denervation in mice. We performed histological and quantitative mRNA expression analysis of muscle atrophy markers in mice fed with fish oil with sciatic nerve denervation. Histological analysis indicated that dietary fish oil intake slightly prevented the decrease of muscle fiber diameter induced by denervation treatment. In addition, dietary fish oil intake suppressed the MuRF1 (tripartite motif‐containing 63) expression up‐regulated by denervation treatment, and this was due to decreased tumor necrosis factor‐alpha (TNF‐α) production in skeletal muscle. We concluded that dietary fish oil intake suppressed MuRF1 expression by decreasing TNF‐α production during muscle atrophy induced by sciatic nerve denervation in mice.  相似文献   

Growing porcine oocytes from early antral follicles can acquire meiotic and developmental competence under suitable culture conditions, but at lower rates compared to full‐grown oocytes. We postulated that estradiol‐17β (E2) supported the acquisition of meiotic and developmental competence as well as cumulus‐expansion ability during growth culture. Growing oocytes from early antral follicles (1.2 to 1.5 mm in diameter) were grown in vitro for 5 days in a medium containing 0, 10?7, 10?6, 10?5 or 10?4 mol/L E2; after in vitro maturation, 35, 58, 47, 74 and 49% of oocytes matured to metaphase II, 25, 79, 77, 90 and 97% acquired cumulus‐expansion ability, and 23, 54, 63, 89 and 64% were fully surrounded by cumulus cells, respectively. Following maturation, electro‐stimulation was applied to the oocytes grown with 10?5 mol/L E2. After 6 days of culture, in vitro‐grown oocytes developed to the blastocyst stage at a rate similar to that for full‐grown oocytes (31% and 40%, respectively). Therefore, we suggest that the use of E2 during growth culture improves the meiotic and developmental competence of oocytes, cumulus‐expansion ability, and cumulus cell attachment to the oocytes.  相似文献   

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