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ObjectiveTo evaluate anaesthetic death after implementation of recommendations and its risk factors in a small animal practice.Study designObservational cohort study.AnimalsAll cats and dogs anaesthetized at the Centre Hospitalier Vétérinaire des Cordeliers during two periods, from April 15th, 2008 to April 15th, 2010 (period 1) and from June 15th, 2010 to August 24th, 2011 (period 2).MethodsDeath occurring during or before full recovery from anaesthesia was recorded. At the end of period 1, a logistic regression model was generated to describe anaesthetic death and identify risk factors. Potential risk factors in our practice setting were identified, and three recommendations, relating to improving physical status and anaesthetic/analgesic regimen implemented for period 2. The relationship between anaesthetic death and recorded variables were analyzed, and where relevant, compared between periods.ResultsSix thousand two hundred and thirty-one animals underwent general anaesthesia. The overall death rate during period 1 was 1.35% (48 in 3546, 95% CI [1.0–1.7%]) and during period 2 was 0.8% (21 in 2685, 95% CI [0.6–1.2%]). For sick animals (ASA status 3 and over), the overall death rate was 4.8% (45 of 944 95% [CI 3.5–6.4%]) during period 1 and 2.2% (18 of 834 95% CI [1.3–3.5%]) during period 2; this represented a significant decrease in death rate in period 2 (p = 0.002). In period 2, the main factors associated with an increased odds ratio of anaesthetic death were poor health status (ASA physical status classification) and old age. Species, gender, anaesthetic regimen, the nature and urgency of the procedure were not associated with risk.Conclusion and clinical relevanceFollowing evidence based recommendations, the death rate related to anaesthesia was significantly decreased during period 2 compared to period 1. Application of evidence-based medicine may contribute to an effective approach to decrease death rates. Other factors, not monitored in this study, may also have had an impact.  相似文献   

Development of resistance of several important equine parasites to most of the available anthelmintic drug classes has led to a reconsideration of parasite control strategies in many equine establishments. Routine prophylactic treatments based on simple calendar‐based schemes are no longer reliable and veterinary equine clinicians are increasingly seeking advice and guidance on more sustainable approaches to equine parasite control. Most techniques for the detection of equine helminth parasites are based on faecal analysis and very few tests have been developed as diagnostic tests for resistance. Recently, some molecular and in vitro based diagnostic assays have been developed and have shown promise, but none of these are currently available for veterinary practice. Presently, the only reliable method for the detection of anthelmintic resistance is a simple faecal egg count reduction test, and clinicians are urged to perform such tests on a regular basis. The key to managing anthelmintic resistance is maintaining parasite refugia and this concept is discussed in relation to treatment strategies, drug rotations and pasture management. It is concluded that treatment strategies need to change and more reliance should now be placed on surveillance of parasite burdens and regular drug efficacy tests are also recommended to ensure continuing drug efficacy. The present review is based upon discussions held at an equine parasite workshop arranged by the French Equine Veterinary Association (Association Vétérinaire Equine Française, AVEF) in Reims, France, in October 2008.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to review available scientific reports on recurrent airway obstruction and inflammatory airway disease treatment efficacy. Critical evaluation of the quality and limitations of the evidence provided should provide equine practitioners with the tools to apply the latest scientific data to the management of individual clinical cases. While a large body of clinical research supports the efficacy of low‐dust environmental management and corticosteroid administration in the treatment of recurrent airway obstruction, limited clinical trials exist to evaluate the treatment of inflammatory airway disease.  相似文献   

Medication control and doping control have been established in horse racing to ensure the integrity of the sport and the welfare of the horses. This ensures that horses do not compete under the influence of any drugs, including omeprazole, a therapeutic medication used to treat equine gastric ulcer syndrome. In this study, pharmacokinetic data were produced in equine plasma and urine following an oral administration of 4 mg/kg of generic buffered formulation of omeprazole to six Thoroughbred horses in five daily doses to determine an appropriate screening limit and detection time in equine plasma and to assess whether the current detection time of 72 hr in equine urine would be applicable when an alternative omeprazole product is administered. C max of 436–2,432 ng/ml and AUC 0–tau of 1,476–4,371 ng hr ml?1 were obtained for plasma and indicated, in conjunction with other published oral omeprazole studies, that an appropriate plasma screening limit would be 500 pg/ml with a detection time of 48 hr. Urine analysis showed that omeprazole could be detected for up to 25 hr above the previously established urine screening limit of 500 pg/ml and thus indicated that the detection time advice could be potentially reduced from 72 to 48 hr to allow more comprehensive treatment of gastric lesions.  相似文献   

The virtual reliance on anthelmintic drugs alone to control internal parasites of livestock is inappropriate and ultimately unsustainable. In the tropics and subtropics, widespread and high levels of anthelmintic resistance, particularly in nematode parasites of small ruminants, is rife. But more to the point, many farmers in these regions of the world are resource poor and cannot afford, or are reluctant to purchase drugs that may also be of dubious quality. As it is with any intervention, the benefits must outweigh the costs. This is not only in terms of conventional parameters such as reduced mortality and increasing productivity (meat, milk, fibre and traction power) of livestock, but also within the broad framework of helminths of veterinary/human importance, the aim should be a positive impact on reducing the threat of helminth zoonoses. However, understanding the issues involved and education of the end-users (farmers) is of fundamental importance, before any internal parasite control program should be promoted. Within the above context, we provide examples of how the "basket of options" approach could be adopted for the control of three quite disparate helminth problems in the tropics and subtropics, viz.: strongyle nematode infections of donkeys, the Taenia solium cysticercosis/taeniosis problem of pig and man and Haemonchus contortus infections in small ruminants. The "best practice" approaches can be defined as those "basket of options" that are practical, affordable, available and appropriate, whether to the commercial producer, or to the resource-poor farmer. Constraints that may restrict applying such options are accessibility to, and affordability of, suitable remedies and above all, the availability of information needed to make informed decisions in this regard.  相似文献   

The ultra long‐acting β2‐adrenoceptor agonist olodaterol plus the ultra long‐acting muscarinic antagonist tiotropium bromide are known to relax equine airways. In human bronchi combining these drugs elicits a positive interaction, thus we aimed to characterize this information further in equine isolated airways stimulated by electrical field stimulation (EFS) and using the Concentration‐Reduction Index (CRI) and Combination Index (CI) equations. The drugs were administered alone and together by reproducing ex vivo the concentration‐ratio delivered by the currently available fixed‐dose combination (1:1). The single agents elicited a significant (p  < .05) concentration‐dependent reduction in the EFS‐induced contractility, that was synergistically improved (CI 0.18) when administered in combination (0.9 logarithms more potent, 24% more effective than the monocomponents). The drugs mixture allowed a reduction in the concentration of olodaterol from ?1 to ?2.3 logarithms. A favorable CRI was detected also for tiotropium bromide, whose concentration can be reduced ?1 logarithm at medium effect levels, remaining positive up to submaximal relaxant effect in the presence of olodaterol. The combination of tiotropium bromide/olodaterol allows the reduction in the concentration of the monocomponents to achieve airway smooth muscle relaxation, thus potentially decreases the risk of adverse events when these drugs are used to treat severe asthmatic horses.  相似文献   

Brucellosis has been reported in livestock and humans in the country of Georgia with Brucella melitensis as the most common species causing disease. Georgia lacked sufficient data to assess effectiveness of the various potential control measures utilizing a reliable population‐based simulation model of animal‐to‐human transmission of this infection. Therefore, an agent‐based model was built using data from previous studies to evaluate the effect of an animal‐level infection control programme on human incidence and sheep flock and cattle herd prevalence of brucellosis in the Kakheti region of Georgia. This model simulated the patterns of interaction of human–animal workers, sheep flocks and cattle herds with various infection control measures and returned population‐based data. The model simulates the use of control measures needed for herd and flock prevalence to fall below 2%. As per the model output, shepherds had the greatest disease reduction as a result of the infection control programme. Cattle had the greatest influence on the incidence of human disease. Control strategies should include all susceptible animal species, sheep and cattle, identify the species of brucellosis present in the cattle population and should be conducted at the municipality level. This approach can be considered as a model to other countries and regions when assessment of control strategies is needed but data are scattered.  相似文献   

Reasons for performing study: Hyperinsulinaemia has been implicated in the pathogenesis of laminitis; however, laminar cell types responding to insulin remain poorly characterised. Objectives: To identify laminar cell types expressing insulin receptor (IRc) and/or insulin‐like growth factor‐1 receptor (IGF‐1R); and to evaluate the effect of dietary nonstructural carbohydrate (NSC) on their expression. Methods: Mixed‐breed ponies (n = 22) received a conditioning hay chop diet (NSC ~6%); following acclimation, ponies were stratified into lean (n = 11, body condition score [BCS]≤4) or obese (n = 11, BCS ≥7) groups and each group further stratified to remain on the low NSC diet (n = 5 each for obese and lean) or receive a high NSC diet (total diet ~42% NSC; n = 6 each for obese and lean) for 7 days. Laminar samples were collected at the end of the feeding protocol and stained immunohistochemically for IRc and IGF‐1R. The number of IRc(+) cells was quantified; distribution of IGF‐1R was qualitatively described. Laminar IRc content was assessed via immunoblotting. Results: The number of IRc(+) cells was greater in the laminae of high NSC ponies than low NSC ponies (P = 0.001); there was a positive correlation between the change in serum insulin concentration and number of IRc(+) cells (r2= 0.74; P<0.0001). No epithelial IRc(+) cells were observed; IRc(+) cells were absent from the deep dermis. Analysis of serial sections identified IRc(+) cells as endothelial cells. The distribution of IGF‐1R was more extensive than that of IRc, with signal in vascular elements, epithelial cells and fibroblasts. Conclusions: Increased dietary NSC results in increased laminar endothelial IRc expression. Laminar keratinocytes do not express IRc, suggesting that insulin signalling in laminar epithelial cells must be mediated through other receptors (such as IGF‐1R). Potential relevance: Manipulation of signalling downstream of IRc and IGF‐1R may aid in treatment and prevention of laminitis associated with hyperinsulinaemia.  相似文献   

Reasons for performing study: Standard bacteriological methods for identifying Taylorella equigenitalis in cervical smears are time consuming. Therefore, a more rapid real‐time PCR assay was evaluated for its suitability in screening swabs. Objective: To compare the results of a commercially available real‐time PCR assay with routine microbiological culture for the identification of T. equigenitalis, the causative organism of contagious equine metritis, in equine genital swab samples, under ‘field trial’ conditions. Materials and methods: Routine prebreeding genital swabs (n = 2072) collected from Thoroughbred mares and stallions during 2009 were examined together with stored T. equigenitalis positive material. Swabs were cultured for T. equigenitalis using standard microbiological techniques. Bacterial lysates were isolated from the swabs and examined for the presence of a 16S DNA fragment of T. equigenitalis, using a commercial multiplex real‐time PCR assay system. Results: There was complete concordance between positive and negative results obtained by the 2 methods. Real‐time PCR also detected T. equigenitalis DNA from swabs that were negative using standard microbiological culture after 6 months' storage at +4°C but from which T. equigenitalis had been isolated following collection. The sensitivities of realtime PCR and bacterial culture were both 10?3 (equivalent to 3 colony‐forming units). Conclusion and clinical relevance: Routine bacterial culture of T. equigenitalis requires an incubation period of not less than 7 days before a conclusive negative result can be obtained, whereas bacterial extraction and real‐time PCR assay can be completed in less than 6 h. The commercially‐available PCR assay tested provided a rapid and reliable method for the identification of T. equigenitalis from equine genital swabs and could be usefully employed for the screening of mares and stallions for preseason Horserace Betting Levy Board (HBLB) Code of Practice and in other situations such as for bloodstock sales screening requirements, overcoming the current delays imposed by bacterial culture requirements. Its use could be quality assured by the existing HBLB biannual testing scheme for designated laboratories.  相似文献   

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