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The clinical presentations of both liver disease and pancreatitis are nonspecific and overlapping, which may cause difficulty in diagnosis. In our retrospective pilot study, we assessed whether dogs with evidence of portal hypertension and absence of pancreatitis on pancreatic histology have increases in canine pancreatic lipase immunoreactivity (cPLI) and 1,2-o-dilauryl-rac-glycero-3-glutaric acid-(6′-methylresorufin) ester (DGGR) lipase. We included dogs that had been presented between 2008 and 2019 if they had normal pancreatic histology, histologically confirmed hepatopathy, and if canine pancreas-specific lipase (Spec cPL; Idexx) or DGGR lipase had been measured. Only dogs with portal hypertension were included. Six dogs fulfilled the inclusion criteria. Four of 6 and 2 of 6 dogs had Spec cPL and DGGR lipase exceeding the upper reference limit, respectively. From the 4 dogs with increased Spec cPL, 2 had concentrations of 200–400 µg/L and 2 had concentrations ≥ 400 µg/L. Our results suggest that canine portal hypertension might lead to increased Spec cPL and DGGR lipase values in the absence of pancreatitis on histology. Until more evidence in a larger number of dogs with portal hypertension is available, both tests should be interpreted cautiously in the presence of portal hypertension.  相似文献   

Abstract The purpose of this study was to evaluate a serodiagnostic test (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay; ELISA) for sarcoptic mange in dogs and to characterize the assay antigen, based on the mite Sarcoptes scabiei var. vulpes. The ELISA, applied to sera from 359 dogs suspected of having sarcoptic mange, showed a sensitivity and specificity of 92 and 96%, respectively. Sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) of the antigen employed in the ELISA revealed polypeptide bands with molecular weights ranging between 14 and 164 kDa. In Western blot analyses antigens of molecular weights between 62 and 64 kDa dominated. Particularly dominant were antigens of 164 and 147 kDa. These were found to have isoelectrical points in the range of 5.7–6.9. Sera from dogs infected with Cheyletiella sp., Demodex canis, Linognathus setosus and Otodectes cynotis, as well as from dogs allergic to fleas, were negative in the ELISA. Résumé— Le but de cette étude est d'évaluer un test sérologique ELISA pour le diagnostic de la gale sarcoptique chez le chien et de caractériser l'antigène révélateur, extrait de l'acarien Sarcoptes scabiei var. vulpes. Le test ELISA, lors d'une étude conduite avec les sérums de 359 chiens suspects de gale sarcoptique a démontré une sensibilité et une spécificité de 92 et 96%, respectivement. L'électrophorèse en gel polyacrilamide dodécyl sulfate de sodium de l'antigène utilisé dans l'ELISA a révélé des bandes polypeptidiques de poids moléculaire compris entre 14 et 164 kDa. Dans l'analyse en Western blot, les antigènes de poids moléculaire compris entre 62 et 164 kDa étaient les plus abondants, notamment ceux de 164 et 147 kDa. Ces derniers ont des points isoélectriques compris entre 5.7 et 6.9. Les sérums de chiens infectés par des Cheyletiella sp. Demodex canis, Linognathus setosus et Otodectes cynotis, ou par des chiens allergiques aux puces, se sont révélés négatifs en ELISA. [Bornstein, S., Thebo, P., Zakrisson, G. Evaluation of an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for the serological diagnosis of canine sarcoptic mange (Evaluation d'un test ELISA pour le diagnostic sérologique de la gale sarcoptique canine). Veterinary Dermatology 1996; 7 : 21–28.] Resumen El objetivo de este estudio fue el de evaluar una pruba serodiagnóstica (prueba de inmunoadsorción ligada a enzima; ELISA) para la sarna sarcóptica en el perro y caracterizar el antigeno prueba, basado en el ácaro Sarcoptes scabei, var. vulpes. El ELISA, aplicado a sueros de 359 perros sospechosos de padecer sarna sarcóptica, mostró una sensibilidad y especificidad del 92 y 96%, respectivamente. La electroforesis en gel de poliacrilamida dodecil sulfato sódico (SDS-PAGE) del antigeno usado en el ELISA reveló bandas de polipétidos con peso molecular entre 14 y 164 kDa. En el análisis Western blot, predominaron los antigenos de pesos moleculares entre 62 y 164 kDa. Los antigenos entre 164 y 147 kDa fueron especialmente predominantes. Estos tuvieron puntos isoeléctricos entre 5.7 y 6.9. Los sueros de perros infectados por Cheyletiella sp., Demodex canis, Linognathus setosus y Otodectes cynotis, asi como el de perros alérgicos a las pulgas fueron negativos en el ELISA. [Bornstein, S., Thebo, P., Zakrisson, G. Evaluation of an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for the serological diagnosis of canine sarcoptic mange (Evaluation de una prueba de immunoadsorcion ligada a enzima (ELISA) para el diagnostico serologico de la sarna sarcóptica canina). Veterinary Dermatology 1996; 7 : 21–28.] Zusammenfassung— Ziel dieser Studie war, einen Serodiagnostiktest (Enzyme-Linked-Immunosorbent-Assay, ELISA) für Sarkoptesräude des Hundes zu überprüfen und das Testantigen zu charakterisieren, das auf der Milbe Sarcoptes scabiei var. vulpes basiert. Der ELISA-Test, der bei den Sera von 359 Hunden mit Sarkoptesverdacht angewendet wurde, zeigte eine Sensitivität von 92% bzw. 96%. Die Natriumdodecylsul-fatpolyacrylamid-Gelelektrophorese (SDS-PAGE) des Antigen, das im ELISA verwendet wurde, zeigte Polypeptid-Banden mit Molekulargewichten zwischen 14 und 164 kDa. In der Wester-blot-Analyse dominierten Antigene mit einem Molekulargewicht zwischen 62 und 164 kDa. Besonders dominierend waren Antigene von 164 und 147 kDa. Bei diesen stellte man isoelektrische Punkte im Bereich von 5,7 bis 6,9 fest. Die Sera von Hunden, die mit Cheyletiella sp., Demodex canis, Linognathus setosus und Otodectes cynotis infiziert waren, fielen ebenso wie die Hunde mit Allergie auf Flöhe im ELISA negativ aus. [Bornstein, S., Thebo, P., Zakrisson, G. Evaluation of an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for the serological diagnosis of canine sarcoptic mange (Die Auswertung eines Enzym-Linked-Immunosorbent-Assay (ELISA) für die serologische Diagnose der kaninen Sarkoptesräude). Veterinary Dermatology 1996; 7 : 21–28.]  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to validate two commercially available ELISA assays for total ghrelin measurement in dogs: one canine-specific and one originally designed for measuring human ghrelin. The two assays showed intra-assay coefficient of variations (CVs) lower than 10%, while the inter-assay CVs exceeded the 15% limit. Sample dilutions resulted in linear regression equations with correlation coefficients close to 1. In order to compare methods and verify ability of the ghrelin assays to differentiate between low and high levels, ghrelin concentrations were measured in plasma samples obtained before and at different times after glucose administration in five Beagle dogs. A statistically significant changes in ghrelin after glucose administration was recorded only with assay B. In conclusion, the human ELISA validated in this study showed a good intra-assay precision, accuracy, and when applied to the glucose injection study, was better in distinguishing high and low canine ghrelin levels than the canine ELISA assay.  相似文献   

Samples were obtained from clinically normal dogs before and after ACTH stimulation and dexamethasone suppression tests. The test kit Enzymun-Test (Boehringer Mannheim) for determining cortisol concentrations in human plasma was used in connection with the analyser system Enzymun-Test (Boehringer Mannheim) System ES300 following the manufacturer's instructions. The intra-assay and inter-assay coefficients of variation were 1.28% and 5.64%, respectively. The mean recovery when assaying samples with a cortisol content of more than 100 nmol/L was 95.41%, but this percentage decreased in samples with lower cortisol levels. The sensitivity of the assay was 2.76 nmol/L. The results of the ACTH stimulation and dexamethasone suppression tests were similar to those published previously. The ELISA method evaluated allows a precise and sensitive determination of cortisol concentrations in canine plasma samples. The major drawback observed was the loss of accuracy at low cortisol concentrations. Since the assay tends then to report lower cortisol concentrations, the generally accepted concentration of 40 nmol/L may not be suitable as the cutoff value in dexamethasone suppression tests.  相似文献   

An enzymatic, kinetic method for determining serum lipase activity was evaluated and compared to a standard manual method for use in dogs. The kinetic method was a commercial kit adapted for use on a tandem access clinical chemistry analyzer and utilized a series of coupled enzymatic reactions based on the hydrolysis of 1,2-diglyceride by lipase. The manual method was the Cherry-Crandall technique based on the titration of base against the acid formed by hydrolysis of an olive oil substrate by lipase. The correlation between the two methods was very good (r = 0.94). The reference range for 56 clinically healthy dogs assayed by the kinetic method was 90 to 527 U/L. Diseases associated with a greater than twofold elevation in serum lipase activity as determined by the kinetic method included pancreatitis, gastritis with liver disease, and oliguric renal failure with metabolic acidosis. In some cases, pancreatitis was seen with other clinical problems, such as gastroenteritis, diabetic ketoacidosis, duodenal mass, disseminated intravascular coagulation, and septic peritonitis. Diseases associated with serum lipase activity within the reference range or elevated less than twofold included gastritis, gastric ulcer, cholestasis, phenobarbital-induced hepatopathy, colitis, copper hepatopathy, abdominal hematoma, apocrine gland adenocarcinoma, and thrombocytopenia with pneumonia.  相似文献   

Background: The Sysmex XT‐2000iV is a hematology analyzer that combines laser and impedance technology. Its usefulness for determining cell counts in canine and feline intracavitary effusions has not yet been studied. Objectives: The objectives of this study were to evaluate the analytical performance of the Sysmex XT‐2000iV for cell counts in effusions from dogs and cats, and to assess correlation with an impedance counter and concordance with diagnoses based on cytologic findings. Methods: Effusions (43 pleural, 23 peritoneal, 6 pericardial) were analyzed from 32 dogs and 34 cats. Total nucleated cell count (TNCC), HCT, and RBC count were determined on the Sysmex and compared with those obtained on an impedance counter (Hemat 8, SEAC). Imprecision, linearity, and limit of detection were determined for the Sysmex. An algorithm was designed using quantitative and qualitative data from the Sysmex to classify the effusions and the results were compared with diagnoses based on cytologic findings. Results: Intra‐assay and interassay coefficients of variation on the Sysmex were variable. Linearity of TNCC was ≥0.993 for dogs and cats, with the exception of effusions from cats with feline infectious peritonitis, which had delta (Δ) TNC values >3.0. In comparison with the Hemat 8, a proportional error was found for TNCC on the Sysmex. Effusion classification based on the algorithm was concordant with that obtained by cytologic examination in 43/72 (60%) samples. Discordant results usually were due to the misclassification of cells with similar morphology (such as mesothelial and carcinoma cells) in Sysmex scattergrams. Conclusion: The Sysmex XT‐2000iV provides a precise and accurate TNCC and has moderate concordance with cytologic findings for classifying canine and feline effusions. Although microscopic examination of effusions is necessary to achieve an accurate diagnosis, the Sysmex can provide preliminary information that may be helpful to cytopathologists.  相似文献   

利用本实验室建立的昆虫细胞/杆状病毒表达系统表达犬细小病毒病毒样颗粒(CPV-VLPs),采用硫酸铵沉淀、蔗糖密度梯度离心对表达的CPV-VLPs进行纯化,用电子显微镜、SDS-PAGE及Western-blotting方法检测纯化效果。以纯化的CPV-VLPs作为包被抗原建立CPV间接ELISA检测方法,对各反应条件进行优化并分析其特异性、敏感性、重复性。结果显示,CPV-VLPs经过纯化后纯度可达到95%以上;优化的ELISA最佳工作条件为:纯化抗原包被浓度为5.0mg/L,4℃包被过夜;1%BSA,37℃封闭2h;待检血清1∶40稀释,37℃孵育1.5h;HRP标记的酶标二抗1∶20 000稀释,37℃孵育1h;TMB室温避光显色30min;确定的血清阴性阳性临界值D450nm值为0.264。该方法可特异性检测犬细小病毒阳性血清,与犬瘟热、犬传染性肝炎、犬冠状病毒病、狂犬病阳性血清均不发生反应。该方法的敏感性为1∶640,批内重复试验变异系数小于6%,批间重复试验变异系数小于8%。42份临床血清样本的检测结果表明,与血凝抑制试验的符合率为90.48%。  相似文献   

Background: Serum cortisol concentration is often measured in dogs for the diagnosis and monitoring of adrenal disease. An enzyme‐linked fluorescent assay (VIDAS method) on the MiniVidas analyzer has been validated for the measurement of cortisol concentration in human serum and could have applications for canine samples. Objective: The aim of this study was to compare canine cortisol results obtained using the VIDAS method with those obtained using the IMMULITE‐2000 immunoassay, which has previously been validated for canine serum. Methods: The concentration of cortisol in 40 canine serum samples was determined concurrently with the VIDAS and IMMULITE methods, the latter as the reference method. Pearson's correlation coefficient, linear, and Deming regression analyses and Bland–Altman analysis were used to compare the 2 methods. Acceptability of the new method was judged using a medical decision chart (MEDx chart). Results: Cortisol concentrations obtained with the IMMULITE method ranged from 23.1 to 1380 nmol/L. Correlation (r=.977) and simple linear regression (slope=1.0722, confidence interval [CI] 0.996–1.148; intercept=?4.799, CI ?42.838 to 33.240) revealed no proportional or constant error. Based on Deming regression and a Bland–Altman plot the 2 methods gave comparable results. The MEDx chart indicated that performance of the new method was good at decision limits of 40, 132, and 480 nmol/L. Conclusion: Results of the VIDAS method were comparable to those of the IMMULITE‐2000 reference method such that the VIDAS may be used as an alternative assay to evaluate serum cortisol concentration in dogs for the diagnosis of adrenal disease.  相似文献   

Cardiac troponin-I (cTnI) is a sensitive and specific circulating marker of cardiac injury. The amind acid sequence of canine troponin-I suggests that immunoassays designed for humans may be able to quantify canine cTnI. We sought to validate the AccuTnI™ system for use in the canine species. Samples of purified canine free cTnI, cardiac troponin I-C (cTnI-C), and cardiac troponin I-T-C (cTnI-T-C) were used to assess the performance characteristics of the assay. Intra-assay precision was 4.2 ± 3.0% and inter-assay precision was 4.5 ± 2.7%. The assay demonstrated linearity of serial dilutions from 0.015 to 30 ng/ml for all forms of cTnI (R, 0.998 to 0.999). Mean recovery of cTnI was 92.5 ± 10.5%, of cTnI-C was 147.2 ± 19.8%, and of cTnI-T-C was 97.3 ± 23.5%. Specificity of the assay for the cardiac form of troponin-I was confirmed using samples spiked with canine skeletal muscle troponin-I. The AccuTnI™ assay was evaluated in 27 canine patients. Dogs with heart disease (cardiomyopathy or severe mitral valve disease, n = 13) had a higher mean cTnI concentration than controls (disease cTnI = 0.68 ng/ml, range 0.03–5.47 ng/ml vs. control cTnI = 0.03 ng/ml, range 0.01–0.08 ng/ml; P = 0.0003). The AccuTnI™ assay possesses sufficient test performance for use with canine plasma and can distinguish a cohort of dogs with heart disease from a cohort of healthy controls. The results of this study suggest that further investigations into the clinical use of the AccuTnI™ assay for the diagnosis of canine heart disease are warranted.  相似文献   

Pancreatic lipase immunoreactivity (Spec fPL) is currently considered to be the most accurate blood test for the diagnosis of feline pancreatitis. In this study, we measured lipase activity in cats using a newer catalytic lipase assay of dry-chemistry system (FDC-v-LIP) to determine the reference range and compared the results with those for Spec fPL. Based on the results of healthy cats, the reference range of FDC-v-LIP was determined to be less than 30 U/l. FDC-v-lip did not show a strong correlation with Spec fPL in cats with various diseases, which resulted in the low sensitivity and positive predictive value. However, the relatively high (>90%) specificity and negative predictive value indicated that FDC-v-LIP could be a useful patient-side screening test for the exclusion of feline pancreatitis.  相似文献   

Recently, a radioimmunoassay (RIA) for measurement of canine pancreatic lipase immunoreactivity (cPLI) in serum was developed and validated. However, RIAs require frequent use of radioactive materials. Therefore, the goal of this project was to develop and validate an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for cPLI. After purifying cPL, we developed and purified antiserum against cPL in rabbits. The purified antibody was bound to microtitre plates and used to capture antigen. A portion of the purified antibody was biotinylated and used to identify the captured antigen. Streptavidin labelled with horseradish peroxidase and a horseradish peroxidase substrate were used for detection. The assay was validated by determination of sensitivity, working range, linearity, accuracy, precision, and reproducibility. The reference interval for serum cPLI was determined by the central 95th percentile in 74 clinically healthy dogs: 2.2 to 102.1 μg/L. The sensitivity and the upper limit of the working range were 0.1 and 999.2 μg/L, respectively. The ratios of observed to expected values for dilutional parallelism for 6 serum samples ranged from 0.0 to 148.8%; the ratios for spiking recovery for 4 serum samples ranged from 90.4 to 112.6%, assuming 55% recovery of the cPL. Coefficients of variation for intra- and interassay variability for 6 different serum samples were 2.4, 3.4, 4.1, 5.8, 7.4, and 10.0% and 5.9, 7.7, 11.6, 13.9, 23.5, and 46.2%, respectively. We conclude that the ELISA described here is sufficiently sensitive, linear, accurate, precise, and reproducible for clinical application. Evaluation of its clinical usefulness for the diagnosis of exocrine pancreatic disorders in dogs is under way.  相似文献   

Canine scabies is a challenging disease to diagnose because sarcoptic mites are hard to find on skin scrapings. The purpose of this study was to evaluate a serologic enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) as an aid in the diagnosis of canine scabies. In addition, serum samples were obtained post treatment to determine the duration and persistence of circulating scabies antibodies after resolution of natural infection. Nineteen dogs diagnosed with sarcoptic mange and 38 control dogs were tested. Sixteen scabies-infested dogs showed positive pretreatment ELISA results (84.2% sensitivity). Thirty-four control dogs showed negative ELISA results (89.5% specificity). In the 11 scabies dogs from which multiple post treatment serum samples were obtained, detectable antibodies were not present 1 month after treatment in four cases, but were present for 1-4.5 months post treatment in seven dogs. Our results suggest that this scabies ELISA test is useful in the diagnosis of canine scabies.  相似文献   

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