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The pharmacology of local anesthetics.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Understanding of the pharmacology of local anesthesia is important for selection of a local anesthetic for use in equine standing surgery. In general, the action potential is inhibited by local anesthetics by preventing the influx of sodium ions across the axonal membrane. The physicochemical properties of each local anesthetic determine the onset of action, potency, and duration of action. Procaine, chlorprocaine, lidocaine, and mepivacaine are the local anesthetics still used clinically in horses; lidocaine is the most widely used. The future of equine local anesthesia may see the introduction of longer acting, more potent drugs currently used clinically in humans and dogs as well as drugs not classified as local anesthetics--alpha-2 agonists and opioids--for use in epidural anesthesia.  相似文献   

Thermography of tuberculin skin reactions in cattle sensitized with Mycobacterium avium, Mycobacterium bovis, or Mycobacterium paratuberculosis was rapid and sensitive, but was not as specifically related to the homologous sensitization as was increased skin thickness at 48 and 72 hours. Systemic temperature responses were more completely monitored by radiotelemetry of intraperitoneally located temperature transmitters than by rectal thermometry, but the temperatures indicated by the 2 methods were nearly identical. The intraperitoneal transmitters showed that the systemic responses consisted of 1, 2, or 3 temperature peaks, and in 1 animal which had previously been exposed to a heterologous tuberculin, a hypothermic response developed. The systemic temperature responses were more specifically related to homologous sensitization than were dermal responses, but were more cumbersome to measure.  相似文献   

Effects of local anesthetics on healing of abdominal wounds in rabbits   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The influence of lidocaine and bupivacaine on the breaking strength and histopathologic appearance of wounds in the ventral abdominal midline (linea alba) of rabbits was studied. In control rabbits, group 1 (n = 24), skin and subcutaneous tissues were incised, permitting direct infiltration of the linea alba with normal saline solution. The linea alba was then incised, and wound margins were apposed in layers, using absorbable suture material. Group 2 rabbits (n = 24) were given 0.5% lidocaine, group 3 rabbits (n = 24) were given 2% lidocaine, and group 4 rabbits (n = 24) were given 0.5% bupivacaine, rather than saline solution. Eight rabbits from each group were killed 6, 12, and 18 days after wounding. Eight 1.0-cm wide transverse strips were removed from the abdominal wall of each rabbit. Two strips were used for histopathologic evaluation and 6 were tested for failure, using a mechanical testing device. Breaking strengths in group 1 averaged 0.66 kg, 1.35 kg, and 1.57 kg at 6, 12, and 18 days, respectively. None of the test groups had significantly different (P greater than 0.05) breaking strength results as compared with that in controls. The histopathologic appearance of tissues infiltrated with local anesthetics did not vary consistently from that of tissues infiltrated with normal saline solution. Local infiltration of lidocaine and bupivacaine does not alter substantially the healing of midline abdominal incisions in rabbits.  相似文献   

试验对德国黄牛与当地土种黄牛杂交改良效果进行了测定。在粗放式饲养管理条件下。德本F1在体型外貌、生长速度、适应性、经济效益等方面,比当地黄牛均有显著提高。  相似文献   

Specific immunoprophylaxis has played a key role in prevention and control of animal infectious diseases for many years. Vaccines are commonly used to diminish economic losses in animal production caused by infectious agents. Currently, respiratory diseases are the main health problem in cattle. BHV1, BRSV and BVD-MD viruses are among the most important pathogens worldwide. They can cause a disease themselves or they can be one of many agents causing a respiratory syndrome. The following article describes the specific immunoprophylaxis of cattle viral diseases caused by such viruses.  相似文献   

德国黄牛原产德国和奥地利,在美洲和欧洲享有较高声誉,为肉乳兼用型品种,侧重于肉用.其毛色为金黄、黄红或黑红色,体躯长、体格大、胸深背直、四肢短而有力,肌肉强健.  相似文献   

Seroprevalence of hypodermosis in cattle in some provinces of Turkey   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The aim of this study was to determine the seroprevalence of hypodermosis in cattle in the east and southeast of Turkey. For this purpose, a total of 634 sera samples of cattle were collected from Malatya, Elazig and Diyarbakir provinces of east and southeast of Turkey from November 2005 to February 2006. The sera were analyzed using a Hypodermin C antigen by means of indirect ELISA. One hundred and forty eight (23.3%) out of 634 cattle were seropositive for hypoderma antibodies. The highest percentage of seropositivity were detected at Elazig province (26.3%) followed by Malatya (22.3%) and Diyarbakir provinces (22.1%). The seropositivity rate was higher in female (31%) than male (14.1%). When the mean is considered by animal breed, the highest seropositivity was detected at local breed (27.7%) following crossbreed (26.8%) and purebreed (19.7%). There was a positive relation between age and seropositivity. Seropositivity rate was 15.9% in 2 and under ages while these rates were 38.1% and 30.4% in 3-4 ages and 5 and up ages, respectively.  相似文献   

Sixty-seven Holstein-Friesian cows, from 20 days postpartum, were recruited into the study and fitted with both a pedometer (SAE Afikim) and a Heatime neck collar (SCR Engineers) and allocated a heat mount detector (either scratchcard [Dairymac] or KaMaR [KaMaR]) or left with none, relying only on farm staff observation. Common production stressors and other factors were assessed to determine their impact on the ability of each method to accurately detect oestrus and to investigate effects on the frequency of false-positive detections. Only 74 per cent of all potential oestrus periods (episodes of low progesterone) were identified by combining information from all methods. There was no difference between the methods in terms of sensitivity for detecting 'true oestrus events' (approximately 60 per cent), with the exception of scratchcards, which were less efficient (36 per cent). Pedometers and KaMaRs had higher numbers of false-positive identifications. No production stressors had any consequence on false-positives. The positive predictive values for neck collars or observation by farm staff were higher than those of other methods, and combining these two methods yielded the best results. Neck collars did not detect any of the nine oestrus events occurring in three cows with a body condition score (BCS) of less than 2, and the efficiency of correctly identifying oestrus was also reduced by high milk yield (odds ratio [OR]=0.34). Pedometer efficiency was reduced by lameness, low BCS or high milk yield (OR=0.42, 0.15 or 0.30, respectively).  相似文献   

Summary Local Sudanese breeds were crossbred at Ghazala Gawazat Research Station in western Sudan to utilise the advantage of heterosis. The breeds involved were Kenana (KK), Butana (BB), and Western (WW). Lactation milk yields were 277·7 and 252 kg/210 days from two teats for BB and WW respectively. Offspring from BB and KK sires bred to WW dams had 8·5% and 25% higher lactation milk yield respectively, than straightbred WW cows. The percentage heterosis for total milk yield was 3·3. The reproductive effectiveness of all breed types was below 100%; indicating that most cows did not calve at regular intervals of 365 days. The local crosses (Butana × Western [BW]) had an, earlier age at first calving and shorter calving interval, by 46 and 17% respectively below their respective straightbreds. Weaning weights (205-day) were 66·4, 58·5, 69·5 and 64·8 kg for BB, WW, BW and KW, respectively. The estimated heterosis for weaning weight was 16·1 per cent.
Resumen En este ensayo, se cruzaron razas locales en la Estación Experimental de Ghazala Gawazat, en el occidente de Sudán, para expresar la heterosis. Las razas involucradas fueron la Kenana (KK), Butana (BB) y la Occidental (WW). Las producciones por lactación fueron de 277·7 y 252 kg en 210 días, tomada la medición de dos pezones, para BB y WW, respectivamente. Las hijas, de toros BB y KK que sirvieron hembras WW, tuvieron 8·5% y 25% producciones de leche mas altas respectivamente, que las vacas WW servidas con toros de la misma raza. El porcentaje de heterosis para producción de leche total fue 3·3. La efectivaded, reproductiva de todos los tipos cruzados fue monor del 100%; indicación ésta de que la mayoría de las vacas no parieron a intervalos regulares de 365 días. Los cruces locales (Butana × Western [BW]) tuvieron una minore edad más temprana a la primera parición e intervalos entre partos más cortos de 46 y 17% respectivamente, por debajo de las respectivas razas puras. Los pesos al destete (205 días) fueron 66·4, 58·5, 69·5 y 64·8 kg para BB, WW, BW, y KW, respectivamente. La heterosis estimada por peso al destete fue 10·1 por ciento.

Résumé Des races bovines soudanaises locales ont été croisées à la station de recherche de Ghazala Gawazat, au Soudan occidental, pour tirer profit du phénomène d'hétérosis. Les races concernées étaient: la Kenana (KK), la Butana (BB) et la Western (WW). La production laitère, a été de 277,7 et 252 kg en 210 jours avec deux trayons pour la BB et la WW respectivement. Les animaux issus de pères BB et KK croisés avec des mères WW ont produit, respectivement, 8,5 et 25 p 100 de plus que les femelles WW non croisées. Le pourcentage d'hétérosis pour le rendement laitier total était de 3,3 p 100. La production significative, tous types de races confondus, était inférieure à 100p 100, indiquant ainsi que la plupart des vaches n'ont pas vêlé à un age moins avancé au premier vêlage, avec des inter-vêlages plus courts, de 46 et 17 p 100 respectivement inférieurs par rapport aux produits non croisés. Les poids au sevrage à 205 jours on été respectivement de 66,4, 58,5, 69,5 et 64,8 kg pour BB, WW, BW et KW. L'hétérosis estimé pour obtenir un gain de poids est de 10,1 p 100.

Recognizing cultural diversity among local breed farmers is crucial for the successful development and implementation of farm animal genetic resources FAnGr conservation policies and programmes. In this study based on survey data collected in the EUropean REgional CAttle breeds project from six European countries, a typology of local breed farmers was designed and profiles for each of the farmer types were developed to assist these policy needs. Three main farmer types were constructed: production‐oriented, product and service‐oriented and hobby‐oriented farmers. In addition, seven subtypes were characterized under the main types: sustainable producers, opportunists, multi‐users, brand makers, traditionalists, pragmatists and newcomers. These types have many similarities to the ‘productivist’, ‘multifunctional’ and ‘post‐productivist’ farmer types. The typology not only reveals the high level of diversity among local cattle breed farmers in Europe, which presents an opportunity for the in situ conservation of animal genetic resources, but also a challenge for policy to meet the differing requirements of the farmer types.  相似文献   

Surgical interventions in cattle are frequently performed under local analgesia. Local analgesia may be carried out in the standing animal without or with slight sedation or with the animal in recumbency after deep sedation. Injection of local analgesics is less time consuming than induction and maintenance of general analgesia and is, therefore, frequently used in private veterinary practice. Precise anatomical knowledge of the nerve supply to the area to be operated is a prerequisite for the successful introduction of a local analgesia. The goal of the present review is to summarize nerve supply and indications for surgery in the area of the head, male genital tract, teat and the claws of the hind limb of cattle.  相似文献   

新疆博尔塔拉州本地土种黄牛多为蒙古牛和哈萨克牛,土种黄牛体格小,生长发育慢,产奶产肉少,生产性能低,经济效益差。博州畜牧兽医站从1999年开始引进荷斯坦牛细管冻精技术对当地黄牛进行大规模杂交改良,其杂交后代生长发育快,体格增大,产奶产肉多,经济效益高,表现出明显的杂交优势。  相似文献   

广西本地黄牛的胚胎移植试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本试验通过PG一次法,PG二次法以及PG结合PMSG法分别对广西本地黄牛进行同期发情处理.结果表明,二次法可显著提高本地黄牛的同期发情率,而PG结合PMSG法则可显著提高受体牛的可移植率及胚胎移植的受胎率.  相似文献   

用西门塔尔牛、利木赞牛与本地黄牛杂交,其效果:西×本、利×本杂交公、母犊牛初生重分别比本地黄牛公、母犊牛初生重增加3.9、4.7、3.6和4.3kg;分别提高了16.67%、24.61%、15.30%和22.51%。西×本、利×本6月龄杂交公、母牛体重分别比本地黄牛6月龄公、母牛体重增加61.3、50.6、58.2和47.2kg,分别提高48.69%、45.87%、46.23%和42.79%;西×本、利×本12月龄杂交公、母牛体重分别比本地黄牛12月龄公、母牛体重增加98.0、56.2、92.1和52.2kg,分别提高60.98%、43.57%、57.31%和40.47%。西×本、利×本杂交牛初生重、6月龄体高、体斜长、胸围、体重、12月龄体高、体斜长、胸围、体重分别与本×本后代相比差异均极显著;西×本与利×本杂交牛相比差异不显著。利用西门塔尔、利木赞良种牛作父本改良本地黄牛效果十分显著。  相似文献   

Of 4,144 serum samples collected from cows on 113 farms from eight areas of Colombia 3.3% had positive and 8.8% inconclusive titres to Brucella abortus, 21.7, 6.3, 1.6, 0.6 and 0.7% of cows had positive titres to Leptospira serovars hardjo, pomona, canicola, icterohaemorrhagiae and grippotyphosa respectively. Questionnaires completed on 110 farms revealed that 6, 2.5 and 4.6% of cows had had metritis, aborted or retained their placentas respectively in the previous 12 months. Trichomonas foetus and Campylobacter fetus were isolated from 13.7% and 15% of the bulls sampled on 103 farms. Six and two bulls had inconclusive and positive titres to Brucella abortus. Eight and 23 bulls had positive titres to pomona and hardjo. The results were discussed and remedies for control suggested.  相似文献   

This study was designed to evaluate 4 preoperative skin preparations, that is, more specifically, to compare the efficacy of chlorhexidine gluconate (CG) and povidone-iodine (PI), as well as 2 hair removal techniques (clipper alone or clipper followed by razor) for preoperative skin preparation in cattle. The 4 protocols resulted in a significant decrease in the number of bacterial colony-forming units (cfu). Group 4 (clipping + shaving + CG) had a significantly lower number of preoperative cfu per gel plate compared with groups 1 (clipping + PI) and 3 (clipping + shaving + PI). Skin reaction frequency was significantly higher in groups 3 and 4 (47.8% for both protocols) than in groups 1 and 2 (clipping + PI or CG) (8.7% for both). Wound infection frequency was 4.3% (4/92) and no significant difference was observed between the 4 treatment groups. The 4 protocols tested were equivalent as to efficacy and satisfactorily decreased skin microflora. Clipping alone was shown to be preferable to clipping plus shaving as a method of hair removal in cattle, with fewer skin reactions and no more wound infections.  相似文献   

补饲后贵州本地和杂交黄牛胚胎移植效果比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
试验用黄牛203头,其中杂交牛34头,本地牛169头,分2批进行。第一批杂交牛26头,本地牛111头,经补饲60d后,杂交牛和本地牛作为受体牛可利用率为80.75%和37.83%;用CIDR-PG法,加注VA-D-E做同期发情处理,杂交牛和本地牛同期发情率分别为95.23%和97.62%,黄体合格率分别为66.67%和83.33%,妊娠率为57.1%和62.8%。第二批杂交牛8头,本地牛58头,补饲100d后,杂交牛和本地牛作为受体牛的利用率分别为87.9%和87.5%,同期发情处理后,同期率均为100.0%,黄体合格率为100.0%和56.86%,妊娠率为85.7%和68.9%。补饲100d后杂交牛和本地牛作为受体牛的可利用率、同期发情率以及妊娠率差异不显著,说明补饲不仅可以提高本地黄牛的体况,扩大受体牛群选择面,同时可使胚胎移植妊娠率得到显著提高。  相似文献   

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