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Lignin Characterization of Triploid Clones of Populus tomentosa Carr.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In order to understand the structural characteristics of lignin in triploid clones ofPopulus tomentosa and its changes in the processes of pulping and bleaching, milled wood lignin (MWL), lignin carbohydrate complex (LCC) and the residual lignin from kraft pulp (KP) and sulfite pulp (SP) were isolated and analyzed by Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectrum and ^13C nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). The most diagnostic peaks were assigned and the differences were discussed. The spectral patterns reveal that triploid P tomentosa shows the specific features of hardwood from temperate areas, but in the spectrum of FTIR, the strength ratio orAl270 cm^-1 to A1226 cm^-1 is 0.88, higher than the average of hardwood from temperate areas, which will make the lignin delignification more difficult during pulping and bleaching. The LCC from triploid P tomentosa is mainly composed of xyloglucan and glucuronic acid, and other glucides have much lower ratio. In LCC FTIR, there are three peaks at 1 427, 1 329 and 1 046 cm^-1, indicating that both semi-cellulose and cellulose could exist in LCC, and that there might be relationships between cellulose and lignin. Compared with the residual lignin from KP and SP, the condensed structure in KP is more than that in SP.  相似文献   

An investigation was conducted to determine the extent of variations among nine provenances of Populus tomentosa Carr. in terms of leaf characteristics. A total of 263 accessions were studied under field conditions in the National Gene Bank of P. tomentosa in 2003. All of the accessions were characterized by 17 indices from 1 to 2-dimension constructions. Variance analysis of all characteristics showed that there were significant differences among the nine provenances and among individuals within each provenance. This study reveals that the evaluated germplasm appears to have a wide genetic base and high potential for further genetic improvements and it also indicates that abundant gene resources of P. tomentosa have been collected and preserved in the National Gene Bank. [Supported by the “Tenth Five-year Plan” National Key Project in Science and Technology (Grant No. 2002BA515B0303) and the National “863” Project (Grant No. 2002AA241071)]  相似文献   

Horizontal starch-gel electrophoresis was used to study crude enzyme extraction from young leaves of 234 clones of Populus tomentosa Carr. selected from nine provenances in North China. Ten enzyme systems were resolved. One hundred and fifty-six clones showing unusual allozyme band patterns at locus Mdh-1 were found. Three allozyme bands at locus Mdh-1 were 9:6:1 in concentration. Further studies on the electrophoretic patterns of ground mixed pollen extraction of 30 male clones selected at random from the 156 clones were conducted and it was found that allozyme bands at locus Mdh-1 were composed of two dark-stained bands and a weak band. Only one group of the malate dehydrogenase (MDH) zymogram composed of two bands was obtained from the electrophoretic segregation of pollen leachate of the same clones. A comparison of the electrophoretic patterns one another suggested that the locus Mdh-1 coding malate dehydrogenase in diploid species of P. tomentosa was duplicated. The duplicate gene locus possessed three same alleles and was located in mitochondria. The locus duplication of alleles coding malate dehydrogenase in P. tomentosa was discovered and reported for the first time. [Supported by the “Tenth Five-year Plan” National Key Project in Science and Technology (Grant No. 2002BA515B0303) and the National “863” Project (Grant No. 2002AA241071)]  相似文献   

[目的]为探讨额河杨和银灰杨天然杂种的起源机制,[方法]应用18对SSR标记,从分子水平上对新疆额尔齐斯河流域杨属植物的种间关系进行分析研究。[结果]表明:(1)SSR系统发育树将整个流域天然杨属植物分为两大类群,即黑杨派和青杨派为一类,白杨派为一类;(2)白杨派派内系统聚类图显示,银白杨、欧洲山杨、银灰杨三个树种均有较大的遗传分化,特别是杂种银灰杨似乎更大;(3)黑杨派和青杨派的UPGMA分类图显示,青杨派和黑杨派分属于2个分支,其中,青杨派内部分化相对简单,分为2支,均为典型的苦杨;黑杨派内部的分化较为复杂,可分为4类,包括典型的欧洲黑杨、额河杨和回交子代。[结论]杂种额河杨具有更多的欧洲黑杨的遗传成分,因此,将额河杨放到黑杨派是正确的。  相似文献   

PtLFY, a LEAFY (LFY) gene, was cloned from Populus tomentosa (LM50) by PCR. Sequencing analysis indicated that PtLFY was 2 629 bp long, composed of three exons and two introns and encoded 378 amino acids. The splice donor sites and the splice acceptor sites were in identical positions to the LFY and its homologues. The amino acid sequence inferred was 68%-99% homologous to those of LFY and its homologues by blast analysis in GenBank. The Southern blot analysis indicated that there was a single copy of the PtLFY gene in genomic DNA of male and female P. tomentosa (LM50 and 5082). The pBI121-Ptalfy (reverse)-intron-Ptlfy-GUS-nos was constructed using RNA interference (RNAi) technique and verified by PCR and digestion identification and transformed into tobacco. Some transgenic tobacco plants were obtained by PCR and PCR-Southern identification. The growth was generally repressed in transgenic tobacco plants compared with wild-type ones and some phenotypic differences were observed. [Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 30371175) and Postdoctoral Foundation of China (Grant No. 2002032041)]  相似文献   

A 3 125 bp cellulose synthase gene, PtoCesA1, which has a 98% identity to PtrCesA1 from Populus tremuloides, was cloned from cDNA prepared from secondary xylem of P. tomentosa. Four anti-expression vectors with different fragments of PtoCesA1, named as pBIPF, pBICC1, pBIPR and pBIBR, were constructed. Some traits of transformed tobacco of pBICC1, pBIPR and pBIBR differed from wild types, such as small leaves, “dwarf” phenotype and thinner xylem and fiber cell walls than wild plants consistent with a loss of cellulose. It indicated that the growth of transgenic tobacco was restrained by the expression of anti-PtoCesA1. Transgenic tobacco was obtained and the contents of cellulose and lignin were analyzed as well as the width and length of fiber cells, and xylem thickness for both transgenic and control plants. Transformed tobacco showed a different phenotype from control plants and it implied that PtoCesA1 was essential for the cellulose biosynthesis in poplar stems. [Supported by the Hi-Tech Research and Development Program of China (863) (2001AA244060 and 2003AA244020) and National Basic Research Program of China (973) (J1999016003)]  相似文献   

In our study, two experimental plantations, respectively, with 24 and 32 new clones of P tomentosa, were established in Weixian County, Hebei Province and Wuzhi County, Henan Province using a completely randomized block design. A comparative study was conducted on the continuous 5-year-old height and diameter at breast height (DBH) of new clones in the two plantations. As well, based on genetic correlation over the years of testing of these clones, a preliminary study of early selection was carried out. Results indicate that the growth traits of the new clones in Weixian were better than those in Wuzhi. The traits show weak correlation between the two plantations. In some stands, the height, DBH and seedling volume of 5-year-old clones presented statistically significant differences among clones. In both plantations, the new clones showed over 0.6 repeatability of height, DBH and volume, as well as larger coefficients of variation (CV). The fact that these clones achieved the largest repeatability and CV in the second year suggests that these traits are highly controlled by heredity. Thus, based on the growth traits of the second year, the new clones B305, B307, B303, H75, BT18, BT17 and 21J-1 were considered suitable in Weixian. In Wuzhi, the new clones had variable repeatability and CVs in various years and their correlation of growth traits among different years was not high. We conclude that early selection of new clones was not feasible in Wuzhi.  相似文献   

Leaf temperature of a plant is the result of heat transfer between the plant and its environment. There are many factors that can affect leaf temperature, such as the solar radiation energy, environmental temperature, wind velocity, evaporation on the leaf surface, photosynthesis, respiration and so on, which have different effects on the temperature of leaves. In first instance, we analyzed the heat transfer on leaves of Populus tomentosa Carr. theoretically and constructed a model of energy distribution. We then validated the model by analyzing seven different kinds of one-year-old P. tomentosa leaves experimentally. The result shows that solar radiation is the main energy input and the dominant ways of thermal diffusion are heat transfer between the upper and lower leaf surfaces and evaporation from the leaf surface.  相似文献   

Plant heat conductivity largely depends on tissue structure. Different structures lead to different heat conductivity. As well, water transfer also plays a very important role in heat transfer in plants. We have studied leaf heat conductivity and tissue structure of 3- and 30-year-old Populus tomentosa Carr. trees using infrared thermal imaging, steady state heat conductivity surveys and paraffin section and investigated the relationship between leaf heat conductivity, tissue structure and water content of leaves. The results show that the temperature on leaf surfaces among the various varieties of trees was almost the same. Leaf heat conductivity, temperature and water content of leaves are positively correlated. The thicker the leaf tissue structures, the larger the heat resistance. That is, the tighter the cells and the smaller the interspaces, the smaller the heat conductivity, which is not conducive for heat transfer.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the protein features of an NBS gene (PtDRG01, EF157840) isolated from Populus tomentosa Carr., the full-length open reading frame was fused into a prokaryotic expression vector pGEX-KG. PCR analysis and double endonuclease digestion showed that the recombinant vector was successfully constructed and transferred into an expression host E. coli strain XA90. It was indicated by SDS-PAGE analysis that IPTG treatment successfully induced the expression of a fusion protein of about 79 kD, which was consistent with the predicted value. In addition, the prokaryotic expression system was also optimized. The result suggests that 1 mmol/L IPTG treatment for 4 h at 37°C was most effective, and the product was predominately soluble and not extra-cellular secreting. Moreover, the fusion protein was purified with an affinity chromatography column using Glutathione Sepharose 4B. This work will lay a foundation for further studies on biological functions of the PtDRG01 gene. __________ Translated from Acta Botanica Boreali-Occidentalia Sinica, 2008, 28 (5): 0882–0888 [틫自: 컷놱횲컯톧놨]  相似文献   

该文利用 9个 9年生三倍体毛白杨无性系木材试样 ,研究了木材气干密度组成及力学性质的遗传变异规律 .结果表明 ,木材气干密度组成及力学性质在无性系间存在显著或极显著差异 ,并受到中等强度的遗传控制 ;气干密度的径向和纵向变异与多数研究结果一致 ;力学性质除抗弯弹性模量和端面硬度外其株内变异趋势也基本符合木材学理论 .在力学性质指标中 ,抗弯弹性模量和弦面硬度是遗传性很强的性状 ,其无性系重复力分别为 0 90和 0 80 ,抗弯强度、顺纹抗压强度和硬度的无性系重复力稍低 .遗传相关表明对单板材可通过木材密度与干形等形质指标进行优良无性系选择  相似文献   

The isolation and 13C-NMR data of four acridones from Vepris sclerophylla are reported.  相似文献   

【目的】通过测序法分析兰考泡桐与白花泡桐和毛泡桐在叶绿体rps16序列上的遗传差异,旨在分析三者之间在叶绿体基因上的变化特点和规律,探讨其种间的遗传关系。【方法】选取兰考泡桐、白花泡桐和毛泡桐各15个样本,对其提取的DNA用PCR扩增获得特异片段,并将其纯化与测序。利用软件Clustal X 2.0对所得序列进行排序;运行MEGA 4软件,进行多序列比对,分析其序列特征,并计算出K2P遗传距离。【结果】(1)对获得的rps16序列进行测定分析,得兰考泡桐序列长度分别为932 933 bp;白花泡桐序列长度为932 bp;毛泡桐序列长度分别为916918 bp。对所得rps16序列进行排序后的长度为938 bp,平均GC含量为34.31%。3个种所代表的个体之间共有10个变异位点,占整个序列长度的1.07%。其中有9个变异位点属于碱基插入或缺失类型,占变异位点总数的90%,占整个序列长度的0.96%。有1个变异位点属于碱基替换类型,占整个变异位点总数的10%,占整个序列长度的0.11%。(2)整个rps16片段的序列共有10个变异位点,其中兰考泡桐与白花泡桐在总的变异位点上,具有一致的碱基位点9个,占总变异的90%。而兰考泡桐与毛泡桐相比,没有相同的碱基。【结论】根据三种泡桐的rps16序列的序列特征和变异位点的分析,表明在叶绿体遗传方面,兰考泡桐具有与白花泡桐更多相似的遗传物质,其亲缘关系较近。综上所述,推测兰考泡桐与白花泡桐可能来自同一母系遗传。  相似文献   

In order to isolate and clone water-stress-responsive genes, total RNA was extracted from water-stressed plantlets regenerated in vitro of Populus hopeiensis using a QIAGEN RNeasy Plant Mini Kit. CDNA, synthesized by LD-PCR with the SMART cDNA Library Construction Kit, was in vitro packaged into a phage λTriplEx2 vector. The resulting primary library and amplified library have a titer of 1.68 × 106 and 1.69× 109 pfu·mL−1 respectively. The combination ratio reached 98.8% and the average size of inserts was about 800 bp. In addition, the percentage of inserted fragments (>400 bp) was approximately 90%. The results indicate that a cDNA library has been successfully constructed. [Supported by the National “863” Project (Grant No. 2002AA2Z4011)]  相似文献   

以三倍体毛白杨不同密度试验林为研究对象,采用随机区组试验设计研究了4 a生长期内5个不同密度(2 m×2 m、2 m×3 m、2 m×4 m、2 m×5 m和3 m×4 m)试验林的0 20、20 40、40 60 cm土壤层次的理化指标(pH值、有机质、全N、碱解N、全P、有效P、全K和速效K含量),结果表明:(1)4 a生长期内,三倍体毛白杨各密度试验林3个土层的pH值均增加,尤其是低密度(3 m×4 m)试验林增幅最大,且随土层加深碱性增强。(2)各密度试验林3个土层有机质含量呈先降后升的变化,高密度(2 m×2 m、2 m×3 m)试验林有机质消耗量显著比其它密度的大。(3)土壤全P和有效P含量呈先升后降的变化特点,高密度(2 m×2 m)试验林有效P消耗量显著比其它密度的大。(4)高密度(2 m×2 m)试验林土壤碱解N含量增幅显著;中、低密度(2 m×4 m、3 m×4 m)试验林土壤速效K含量降幅显著;其它养分指标无明显变化规律。  相似文献   

胡杨具有抗盐碱、抗旱等特性,是极端干旱沙漠地区唯一的乔木树种,对于维持荒漠地区生态平衡具有重要作用。胡杨对多种逆境的高抗性和良好适应性成为近年来研究的热点。关于胡杨分子生物学方面的研究,相对于其他模式植物研究开展较晚。文中综述了近年来国内外胡杨分子生物学研究的阶段性进展,包括分子标记开发、遗传多样性检测、基因组和转录组的研究以及重要的抗逆相关功能基因的分析等;讨论了目前胡杨分子水平研究存在的不足,并对胡杨分子生物学研究的发展前景作出展望,旨在为胡杨的保护和育种提供更多的科学参考。  相似文献   

[目的]本研究旨在探索与挖掘胡杨基因组大片段的潜在功能,发掘具有潜在育种价值的胡杨基因簇。[方法]利用已构建的胡杨基因组BIBAC文库,采用花序浸染法,将胡杨基因组大片段78A2D10导入模式植物拟南芥基因组中。采用抗性筛选、分子检测及表型观察等方法鉴定、分析转化型植株。[结果]共获得15株特异表型的转化植株。与野生型相比,转化型植株主侧茎生长受到抑制,莲座叶面积增大近3倍,叶片数量增多,叶边缘皱缩,抽薹推迟约13周,株高增加近32.0 cm,侧茎发育成次生莲座,植株寿命延长约7周。[结论]胡杨基因组片段78A2D10可延长植株营养生长期及植株寿命,据此推测该基因片段可能与营养生长有关。  相似文献   

3年生毛白杨无性系光合特性的比较研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
利用Lico-6400便携式光合测定仪,研究了30个毛白杨无性系光合指标的变化,并对环境因子与光合指标相关关系进行了探讨.结果表明:毛白杨无性系的净光合速率(Pn)、气孔导度(Gs)、蒸腾速率(Tr)日变化均呈典型双峰曲线,气孔限制是出现"午休"现象的主要调节因素,胞间CO2浓度(Ci)日变化曲线呈典型的"V"字型.5...  相似文献   

Leaves of fine Populus tomentosa genotype TC152 were used as explants to establish cell suspension lines. The effects of plant growth regulators on callus induction and establishment of cell suspension lines were studied. The callus induction rate was the highest on a MS solid medium supplemented with 1.0 mg·L^-1 2,4-D. A cell suspension line could be obtained by inoculating calli which were not subcultured into a MS liquid medium supplemented with 1.5 mg·L^-1 2,4-D. The best subculture medium was MS + 0.8 mg'L-1 2,4-D + 30 g·L^-1 sucrose with a subculture cycle of seven days.  相似文献   

In order to improve wood properties of triploid clones of Populus tomentosa, urea-formaldehyde (UF) resin was compounded with nano-SiO2, coupling agents and flame retardants in different ways to prepare five kinds of modifiers. The poplar wood samples were impregnated with the modifiers and heated to prepare UF-SiO2-wood composites. The antiswelling efficiency, resistance of water absorption, oxygen index and hardness of the composites were measured. Results show that all of the modifiers reduced water absorption of poplar wood and enhanced flame resistance and hardness. Nano-SiO2 showed a marked effect in improving the hardness of wood. In addition, all of the modifiers, except UF-C-SiO2-polymer, improved the dimensional stability of poplar wood. The UF resin and nano-SiO2 compound improved general properties of poplar wood. __________ Translated from Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2006, 28(2): 123–128 [译自: 北京林业大学学报]  相似文献   

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