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Litter decomposition is an important process of C and N cycling in the soil. Variation in the response of litter decomposition to nitrogen (N) addition (positive, negative or neutral) has been observed in many field studies. However, mechanism about variability in individual fungal species response to N addition has not yet been well demonstrated in the literature. Therefore, the objective of this study was to investigate the effects of N addition and litter chemistry properties on litter decomposition and enzyme activities of individual fungi. Three fungal species (Penicillium, Aspergillus, and Trichoderma) were isolated from a subtropical mixed forest soil. An incubation experiment was conducted using the individual fungi with two types of litter (leaf of Pinus massoniana and needle of Cryptocarya chinensis) and different N addition levels (0, 50 and 100 for N-deficient treatments, and 500 and 1000 μg N for N-excessive treatments). Cumulative CO2-C, enzyme activities, and lignin and cellulose loss were measured during the incubation period of 60 days. Litter decomposition and enzyme activities significantly varied with the fungal species, while the N addition and litter types greatly affected fungal enzyme activities. The N treatments significantly increased lignin-rich needle decomposition by lignocellulose decomposers (Penicillium and Aspergillus) but did not affect their leaf decomposition. On the contrary, The N treatments stimulated leaf decomposition by cellulolytic species (Trichoderma) but did not affect its needle decomposition. Correlation analysis showed that lignin in the litter was the key component to affect litter decomposition. Activities of N-acetyl-β-glucosaminidase and phenol oxidase were both positively correlated to litter decomposition. The fungi (Penicillium and Aspergillus) with higher production of N-acetyl-β-glucosaminidase showed higher litter decomposition ability. The low N addition levels stimulated Penicillium and Aspergillus litter decomposition, but they still required more N source (e.g., litter N source) to support decomposition. Depressed fungal litter N uptake (lower N-acetyl-β-glucosaminidase activities) only occurred at the highest N addition level. Litter decomposition of Trichoderma depended more on external N and its litter decomposition capability was the lowest among the three species.  相似文献   

Climate and litter quality have been identified as major drivers of litter decomposition, but our knowledge of how soil characteristics (e.g. microbial community and chemical properties) determine carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) availability derived from the decomposition of litter of different qualities is still scarce. We conducted a microcosm experiment to evaluate how soils with contrasting microbial communities and soil properties (denoted Soils A and B hereafter, where Soil B has higher bacterial and fungal abundance, fungal:bacterial ratio, and organic C than Soil A) determine the availability of soil C (carbohydrates, proteins, amino acids and phenols) and N (dissolved organic and inorganic N, microbial biomass N and available N) during the decomposition of litter of contrasting quality (C:N ratios ranging from 20 to 102). We also evaluated the relative importance of soil characteristics and litter quality as drivers of C and N inputs to the soil during this process. Overall, higher soil C and N availability after litter decomposition was found in Soil B than in Soil A. Soil characteristics had a higher positive effect on soil C and N contents than litter quality during litter decomposition. We also found that changes in N availability and organic matter quality registered after litter decomposition, linked to different soil characteristics, were able to promote dissimilarities in the potential mineralization rates. In conclusion, our study provides evidence that soil characteristics (e.g. microbial communities and chemical properties) can be more important than litter quality in determining soil C and equally important for N availability during the decomposition of leaf litter.  相似文献   

Plant‐litter chemical quality is an important driver of many ecosystem processes, however, what actually constitutes high‐ or low‐quality litter (chemical potential for fast and slow decomposition, respectively) is often interpreted by the indices available. Here, near‐infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) was used to explore leaf‐litter chemical quality and the controls on decomposition in the tropical rainforest region of north Queensland Australia. Leaf‐litter samples from litterfall collections and litterbag studies were used. NIRS was used to calibrate the chemical compositions of the material (N, P, C, Mg, Ca, acid detergent fiber, acid detergent lignin, α‐cellulose, and total phenolics) from a smaller sample set covering the spectral range in the full set of samples. Calibrations were compared for both separate (local) and combined models, for litterbags, and litterfall. Coefficients of determination (r2) in the local models ranged from 0.88 (litterbag Mg) to 0.99 (litterfall N), with residual prediction deviation ratios > 3 for all constituents except Mg (≈ 2.5). Mass loss in the litterbags was strongly related to the NIR spectra, with model r2's of 0.75 (in situ leaves) and 0.76 (common control leaf). In situ decomposability was determined from modeling the initial NIR spectra prior to decomposition with litterbag exponential‐decay rates (model r2 of 0.81, n = 85 initial samples). A best subset model including litter‐quality, climate, and soil variables predicted decay better than the NIR decomposability model (r2 = 0.87). For litter quality alone the NIR model predicted decay rate better than all of the best predictive litter–chemical quality indices. The decomposability model was used to predict in situ decomposability in the litterfall samples. The chemical variables explaining NIR decomposability for litterfall were initial P, C, and phenolics (linear model r2 = 0.80, n = 2471). NIRS is a holistic technique that is just as, if not more accurate, than litter–chemical quality indices, when predicting decomposition and decomposability, shown here in a regional field study.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the influence of leaf‐litter type (i.e., European beech—Fagus sylvatica L. and European ash—Fraxinus excelsior L.) and leaf‐litter mixture on the partitioning of leaf‐litter C and N between the O horizon, the topsoil, the soil microbial biomass, and the CO2 emission during decomposition. In a mature beech stand of Hainich National Park, Thuringia, Germany, undisturbed soil cores (?? 24 cm) were transferred to plastic cylinders and the original leaf litter was either replaced by 13C15N‐labeled beech or ash leaf litter, or leaf‐litter‐mixture treatments in which only one of the two leaf‐litter types was labeled. Leaf‐litter‐derived CO2‐C flux was measured every second week over a period of one year. Partitioning of leaf‐litter C and N to the soil and microbial biomass was measured 5 and 10 months after the start of the experiment. Ash leaf litter decomposed faster than beech leaf litter. The decomposition rate was negatively related to initial leaf‐litter lignin and positively to initial Ca concentrations. The mixture of both leaf‐litter types led to enhanced decomposition of ash leaf litter. However, it did not affect beech leaf‐litter decomposition. After 5 and 10 months of in situ incubation, recoveries of leaf‐litter‐derived C and N in the O horizon (7%–20% and 9%–35%, respectively) were higher than in the mineral soil (1%–5% and 3%–8%, respectively) showing no leaf‐litter‐type or leaf‐litter‐mixture effect. Partitioning of leaf‐litter‐derived C and N to microbial biomass in the upper mineral soil (< 1% of total leaf‐litter C and 2%–3% of total leaf‐litter N) did not differ between beech and ash. The results show that short‐term partitioning of leaf‐litter C and N to the soil after 10 months was similar for ash and beech leaf litter under standardized field conditions, even though mineralization was faster for ash leaf litter than for beech leaf litter.  相似文献   

添加无机氮磷与有机肥对土壤有机氮矿化的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
研究分析黄土高源农家厩肥(有机肥)矿化量曲线表明,有机肥中有机氮对土壤供N能力仅在施用初期有一定效果,但其对土壤有效氮的贡献并不大。加入无机氮磷和有机肥后如除去带入的有效氮素,对土壤原有的有机氮分解无促进作用,且矿化量还有一定程度的减少。加入N、P肥后,仅粮草3年轮作处理矿化量有所增加。为+6.3%;其科裸地、玉米连作、粮饲豆4年轮作矿化量均减少,其减幅分别为35.3%、34.8%和44.6%。加入有机肥后,除有机肥84d矿化量外,仅裸地处理矿化量有所增加(171.6%),其余处理矿化量均减少。  相似文献   

 Organic N constitutes more than 90% of total N in surface soil horizons. Amino acids, peptides and proteins represent the most abundant N species. There are indications that clay minerals influence the degradation of proteins, but little is known about the effect of oxides and hydroxides on protein decay. We therefore conducted an incubation experiment with mixtures of beech leaf litter and Fe oxide, Al hydroxide, Mn oxide or quartz sand. The protein amounts (quantified as α-NH2–N) during the 498-day experiment were recorded. During the first 90–239 days, plant-derived proteins were decomposed, resulting in a decline of protein amounts to about 60% of the initial value. Later in the experiment, the protein amounts increased again to between 70% and 90% of the initial amount, because microbial resynthesis of proteins outweighed decomposition. The change from dominating decomposition to prevailing microbial resynthesis occurred when the microorganisms had to adapt to less favourable conditions and therefore built new, protein-rich biomass. Although the mineral phases did not influence protein decomposition initially, Fe oxide and Al hydroxide stabilized plant-derived proteins. Al hydroxide reduced protein resynthesis in the second phase of the experiment, probably due to a reduction of microbial activity. Mn oxide increased protein decomposition and lowered microbial resynthesis due to its oxidative properties. The mineral phases therefore resulted in a shift of the relative intensities of protein decomposition and microbial resynthesis. Received: 26 August 1998  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to determine the effect of adding two tropical earthworm species, Rhinodrilus contortus and Pontoscolex corethrurus, to mesocosms on the availability of mineral N (NH4 + and NO3 concentrations), soil microbial biomass (bio-N), and the decomposition rates of three contrasting leaf litter species, in a glasshouse experiment. The mesocosms were filled with forest soil and covered with a layer of leaf litter differing in nutritional quality: (1) Hevea brasiliensis (C/N=27); (2) Carapa guianensis (C/N=32); (3) Vismia sp., the dominant tree species in the second growth forest (control, C/N= 42); and, (4) a mixture of the former three leaf species, in equal proportions (C/N=34). At the end of the 97-day experiment, the soil mineral N concentrations, bio-N, and leaf litter weight loss were determined. Both earthworm species showed significant effects on the concentrations of soil NO3 (p<0.01) and NH4 + (p<0.05). Bio-N was always greater in the mesocosms with earthworms (especially with R. contortus) and in the mesocosms with leaf litter of H. brasiliensis (6 µg N g–1 soil), the faster decomposing species, than in the other treatments (0.1–1.6 µg N g–1). Thus, earthworm activity increased soil mineral-N concentrations, possibly due to the consumption of soil microbial biomass, which can speed turnover and mineralization of microbial tissues. No significant differences in decomposition rate were found between the mesocosms with and without earthworms, suggesting that experiments lasting longer are needed to determine the effect of earthworms on litter decomposition rates.  相似文献   

Changes in the lignin fraction of spruce and pine needle litter were followed by four different methods: Klason lignin, phloroglucinol lignin, dioxane-water-HCl-lignin and alkaline CuO oxidation. The decomposition patterns of the lignins studied were different, the largest differences between the methods being obtained for the spruce needles. Depending on the method used, between 36 and 46% of the original amount of lignin remained in the pine needles and about 30–61% in the spruce needles after 3 yr of decomposition. The decomposition rates of the various lignin pools were highly correlated with the loss in mass of the litter. The phloroglucinol lignin was decomposed significantly faster (P < 0.001) in the spruce needles than in the pine needles for as long as the decomposition process was followed. During decomposition of the litter, the residual amount of Klason lignin was correlated with the residual amounts of the other lignins. The application of the different methods to litter decomposition studies is discussed.  相似文献   

 Litter bags containing sterile Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) needles (19.8% lignin, 26.5% cellulose and 0.34% N) were inoculated with two species of fungi in the laboratory and then placed in the litter layer of a pine plantation. Marasmius androsaceus, which can degrade lignocellulose, was initially displaced by other fungal colonisers and was not detected in the litter after 2–3 months; but was re-isolated from the needles after 12 months. Trichoderma viride, which is a cellulolytic species and also antagonistic to other fungi, dominated the litter throughout the experiment. The control litter was naturally colonised by litter fungi. After 12 months, mass losses were similar at 52% for M. androsaceus and 48% for T. viride, compared with 36% for the control litter colonised by a more complex fungal community. Lignin concentrations increased with time in control litter and with T. viride because mass losses of carbohydrates were greater than those of lignin. Litter inoculated with M. androsaceus showed significant lignin decomposition throughout the experiment but cellulose concentrations showed a proportional increase in the first 6 months, suggesting that the fungus was preferentially exploiting hemicellulose and non-structural carbohydrates. Analysis of TFA-extractable sugars (mainly from hemicellulose) and CuO-derived phenylpropanoid moieties from lignin confirmed the differential patterns of resource decomposition which were not evident from total mass losses. During the initial stages of decomposition, T. viride was as effective in utilising structural polysaccharides as the complex fungal community in the control litter. Furthermore, M. androsaceus not only exhibited unexpectedly low cellulolytic activity but also facilitated lignin depolymerisation after the fungus was no longer detectable in the litter. The pre-inoculation of litter with these two fungal species therefore affected the overall dynamics of decomposition at a biochemical level. This study illustrates the importance of understanding the effects and interactions of specific fungi, rather than assumptions about the functional competence of diverse communities, on the processes of litter decomposition. Received: 5 July 2000  相似文献   

The effects of excessive addition of excreta from the Great Cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo, a colonial piscivorous bird, on the growth and the ability of fungi to decompose needle litter of Chamaecyparis obtusa were examined by a pure-culture test. Colony growth rate, mass loss of needle litter, and utilization patterns of lignin and carbohydrates were investigated and compared for 22 species in basidiomycetes, ascomycetes, and zygomycetes. Colony growth rate of basidiomycetes decreased on medium supplemented with excreta (excreta medium) as compared to control medium without excreta, whereas such a difference was not found for ascomycetes. Mass loss of needle litter caused by basidiomycetes was generally higher than those caused by ascomycetes and zygomycetes. Basidiomycetes decomposed both lignin and carbohydrates in various proportions, whereas ascomycetes and zygomycetes decomposed carbohydrates selectively. Mass loss of litter caused by basidiomycetes and ascomycetes was lower when incubated on excreta medium than on control medium. Mass loss of lignin and nitrogen caused by basidiomycetes was lower on excreta medium than on control medium, whereas such differences were not found for ascomycetes. Mass loss of carbohydrate was not different between the media for basidiomycetes or ascomycetes.  相似文献   

To clarify how litter decomposition processes affect soil dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and soil dissolved nitrogen (DN) dynamics, we conducted a field experiment on leaf litter and collected DOC and DN from the underlying soil in a tropical rainforest in Xishuangbanna, southwest China. Principal components analysis (PCA) showed the first PCA axis (corresponding to degraded litter quantity and quality) explained 61.3% and 71.2% of variation in DOC and DN concentrations, respectively. Stepwise linear regression analysis indicated that litter carbon mass controlled DOC and hemicellulose mass controlled DN concentrations. Litter decomposition was the predominant factor controlling surface-soil DOC and DN dynamics in this tropical rainforest.  相似文献   

Little is known about the collembolan community involved in the decomposition of fine root (≤2.0 mm in diameter) litter, which is largely different from leaves in both litter quality and position. The collembolan communities involved in root and leaf litter decomposition were compared in a litterbag experiment in a coniferous forest of Chamaecyparis obtusa. A two-factor experiment (litter type × litter position) was conducted to evaluate the relative effects of litter quality and position. Litterbags of roots and leaves were each placed at two positions (on the soil surface and in the soil), and were collected at seven different times over three years. Abundance and biomass of Collembola involved in root decomposition in the soil were higher than those involved in leaf decomposition on the soil surface, and the collembolan community composition largely differed between these two types of litterbag. Differences between root and leaf decomposition were mainly caused by litter position, but effects of litter type were also detected at species-level. Species that preferred roots were abundant at an early stage of litter decomposition in the soil. Because the early stage of decomposition in the soil is naturally achieved only by root litter initially deposited in the soil, root litter may function as an essential resource for certain species. The results of this study indicate that root litter contributes to collembolan community organization as a spatially and qualitatively different resource than leaf litter. This also suggests that root litter is decomposed via different soil faunal processes than leaf litter.  相似文献   

Elevated nitrogen (N) deposition can affect litter decomposition directly, by raising soil N availability and the quantity and quality of litter inputs, and indirectly by altering plant community composition. We investigated the importance of these controls on litter decomposition using litter bags placed in annual herb based microcosm ecosystems that had been subject to two rates of N deposition (which raised soil inorganic N availability and stimulated litter inputs) and two planting regimes, namely the plant species compositions of low and high N deposition environments. In each microcosm, we harvested litter bags of 10 annual plant species, over an 8-week period, to determine mass loss from decomposition. Our data showed that species differed greatly in their decomposability, but that these differences were unlikely to affect decomposition at the ecosystem level because there was no correlation between a species’ decomposability and its response to N deposition (measured as population seed production under high N, relative to low N, deposition). Litter mass loss was ~2% greater in high N deposition microcosms. Using a comprehensive set of measurements of the microcosm soil environments, we found that the most statistically likely explanation for this effect was increased soil enzyme activity (cellobiosidase, β-glucosidase and β-xylosidase), which appears to have occurred in response to a combination of raised soil inorganic N availability and stimulated litter inputs. Our data indicate that direct effects of N deposition on litter input and soil N availability significantly affected decomposition but indirect effects did not. We argue that indirect effects of changes to plant species composition could be stronger in natural ecosystems, which often contain a greater diversity of plant functional types than those considered here.  相似文献   

[目的]探究红松(Pinus koraiensis)凋落物和氮(N)磷(P)沉降量、小气候因子、降水化学成分和地形对各层凋落物生态化学计量的影响,为红松林管理提供科学依据.[方法]本研究对阔叶红松混交林(天然林)和红松纯林(人工林)进行了为期712天的原位观测试验,模拟氮磷沉降与凋落物添加处理后,测定不同凋落物层次和林...  相似文献   

Glucans like cellulose and starch are a major source of carbon for decomposer food webs, especially during early- and intermediate-stages of decomposition. Litter quality has previously been suggested to notably influence decomposition processes as it determines the decomposability of organic material and the nutrient availability to the decomposer community. To study the impact of chemical and elemental composition of resources on glucan decomposition, a laboratory experiment was carried out using beech (Fagus sylvatica, L.) litter from four different locations in Austria, differing in composition (concentration of starch, cellulose and acid unhydrolyzable residue or AUR fraction) and elemental stoichiometry (C:N:P ratio). Leaf litter was incubated in mesocosms for six months in the laboratory under controlled conditions. To investigate the process of glucan decomposition and its controls, we developed an isotope pool dilution (IPD) assay using (13)C-glucose to label the pool of free glucose in the litter, and subsequently measured the dilution of label over time. This enabled us to calculate gross rates of glucose production through glucan depolymerization, and glucose consumption by the microbial community. In addition, potential activities of extracellular cellulases and ligninases (peroxidases and phenoloxidases) were measured to identify effects of resource chemistry and stoichiometry on microbial enzyme production. Gross rates of glucan depolymerization and glucose consumption were highly correlated, indicating that both processes are co-regulated and intrinsically linked by the microbial demand for C and energy and thereby to resource allocation to enzymes that depolymerize glucans. At early stages of decomposition, glucan depolymerization rates were correlated with starch content, indicating that starch was the primary source for glucose. With progressing litter decomposition, the correlation with starch diminished and glucan depolymerization rates were highly correlated to cellulase activities, suggesting that cellulose was the primary substrate for glucan depolymerization at this stage of decomposition. Litter stoichiometry did not affect glucan depolymerization or glucose consumption rates early in decomposition. At later stages, however, we found significant negative relationships between glucan depolymerization and litter C:N and AUR:N ratio and a positive relationship between glucan depolymerization and litter N concentration. Litter C:N and C:P ratios were negatively related to cellulase, peroxidase and phenoloxidase activities three and six months after incubation, further corroborating the importance of resource stoichiometry for glucan depolymerization after the initial pulse of starch degradation.  相似文献   

Summary Densities of the different taxa of microarthropods per gram of litter in litter bags varied widely from the rainy to the dry season. Collembola and Acarina constituted more than 86% of the total microarthropods, and occurred in significantly greater numbers in the coarse-mesh bags than the fine-mesh bags. There were no fauna in the litter of suspended bags. The average weight loss was greater in the coarse-mesh bags (50.4%) than in the fine-mesh bags (44.5%), and the suspended bags (7.4%). Similarly, the concentrations of N and Ca were greater in the litter of coarse-mesh bags compared to that of the fine-mesh bags. In contrast, the concentrations of P and K were comparatively lower in coarse-mesh bags. The mass loss of litter showed a negative linear correlation with the total Collembola and with litter temperature. The N concentrations in the litter in both the mesh bags showed negative correlations with the abundance of total Collembola, and with that of Lepidocyrtus sp. and Sminthuridae, and rainfall. The N concentration in the litter in the coarse-mesh bags was positively correlated with the total number of arthropods but, surprisingly, was negatively correlated with the total number of Acarina. The concentration of Ca showed negative correlations with rainfall and litter moisture only. The P concentration showed positive correlations with total Collembola, with Lepidocyrtus sp. and Sminthuridae in both the mesh bags, with rainfall in the fine-mesh bags, and with total microarthropods in the coarse-mesh bags.  相似文献   

Initial decomposition rates, changes in organic chemical components (acid-insoluble fraction, holocellulose, polyphenols, soluble carbohydrates) and nutrient dynamics (K, Mg, Ca, P, N) were examined for fine roots and leaves of Japanese cypress (Chamaecyparis obtusa). Litterbag experiments designed to evaluate the relative effects of litter type and position of litter supply in the soil were carried out, considering that root and leaf litter typically occupy different locations and have different substrate qualities. Litterbags of roots and leaves were placed at two positions (on the soil surface and in the humus layer), and collected every 3 months over one year. The mass loss rate and N release were slower during root decomposition in the humus layer than during leaf decomposition on the soil surface. These differences between root and leaf decomposition were mainly caused by the litter type, and the effect of the position on decomposition was relatively small. Root litter was less influenced by position related effects, such as differences in humidity, than leaf litter, and this recalcitrant trait to environmental effects may be responsible for the slower mass loss rate and N release in root decomposition. The results of the present study suggest that fine roots are persistent in the soil and serve an important role in N retention in forest ecosystems because of their litter substrate quality.  相似文献   

We examined the quality and decomposition of naturally abscised leaves of silver birch (Betula pendula) seedlings subjected to three different levels of fertilization under ambient and elevated levels of temperature and CO2. At the end of the second growing season, the chemical composition of the litter collected from the seedlings was analyzed. Whole-leaf samples from pooled litter from each of the four replicates from each treatment were put in mesh bags and transferred to ambient climate in the field. The remaining mass of litter was measured by sampling bags in May and October throughout the four-year incubation period. Fertilization with all nutrients decreased the initial carbon and tannin contents of litter, and increased the proportion of the fast-decomposing fraction, but still fertilization slowed down the decomposition of this fraction. Initially, the estimated proportion of the fast-decomposing fraction was smallest in elevated CO2 + temperature, and largest in ambient climate. During decomposition, elevated growth-temperature slowed down decomposition of the fast fraction under ambient CO2 but increased it under elevated CO2. The changes in litter decomposition rates found over four years were not very large. However, we conclude that the interactions of different factors lead to different results than if the factors had been studied separately, and future studies should take interactions into account.  相似文献   

《Applied soil ecology》2009,41(3):401-410
Changes in enzyme activities during litter decomposition provide diagnostic information on the dynamics of decay and functional microbial succession. Here we report a comparative study of enzyme activities involved in the breakdown of major plant components and of other key parameters (microbial respiration, fungal biomass, N, lignin and cellulose contents) in homogeneous leaf litter of Quercus ilex L. incubated in three evergreen oak woods in Southern Italy (Campania), differing for chemical and physical soil characteristics and microclimatic conditions. The results showed that the litter mass loss rates were similar in the three wood sites. Independently of the incubation sites, cellulase, xylanase and peroxydase activities showed seasonal variations with maximum and minimum levels in wet and dry periods, respectively, and this pattern closely matched microbial respiration. Activities of α- and β-amylase, instead, were high at the beginning of incubation and quickly decreased with decomposition progress because their substrate was rapidly depleted. Laccase activity, in contrast, was low at the beginning of incubation but after 6 months it increased significantly. The increase of laccase activity was correlated to an increase in fungal biomass, probably reflecting a major shift in the litter microbial community. As concerns quality changes, N and lignin content did not significantly change during decay. The cellulosic component started being degraded after about 6 months in the litter incubated in two of the three wood sites and from the start of decomposition in the third site. Apart from minor differences in the levels of certain enzyme activities, the data showed that the functional microbial succession involved in the decomposition of Q. ilex leaf litter did not change appreciably in response to differences in soil and microclimatic conditions in the incubation sites.  相似文献   

降低设施菜田的氮素淋溶对于缓解菜区农业面源污染具有重要意义.通过有机肥替代氮肥及节水研究了设施番茄和辣椒农田氮素淋溶变化特征.试验设置:化肥(HF)处理、有机肥替代化学氮肥40%(TDN)处理、有机肥替代化学氮肥40%+节水30%(TDN+JS)处理.研究结果表明:两个监测年度不同蔬菜季所有处理淋溶液硝态氮平均浓度为7...  相似文献   

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