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云南野生动物园环境绿化设计研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
云南野生动物园位于昆明市金殿双乳山景区,占地187hm^2,根据绿化目标,分别对游道、各动物展示区、专类植物园区等,进行特色植物绿化配置,做到环境绿化与生物多样性保护同时并举。  相似文献   

Non-coniferous vegetation, including herbs, shrubs, and broad-leaved trees, makes a vital contribution to ecosystem function and diversity in Pacific Northwest conifer forests. However, forest management has largely been indifferent or detrimental to shrubs and trees that have low commercial value, in spite of a paradigm shift towards more holistic management in recent decades. Forest management practices that are detrimental to broad-leaved trees and shrubs are likely to decrease habitat diversity for wildlife, but the number of species that may be affected has not previously been enumerated. I reviewed life history accounts for forest-dwelling vertebrate wildlife species and derived a list of 78 species in Oregon and Washington that are associated with non-coniferous vegetation. The diversity of direct and indirect food resources provided was the primary functional basis for associations of most species with non-coniferous vegetation. Thus, a diversity of herbs and broad-leaved trees and shrubs provides the foundation for food webs that contribute to diversity at multiple trophic levels in Pacific Northwest conifer forests. Given the number of species associated with non-coniferous vegetation in conifer-dominated forests, maintaining habitats that support diverse plant communities, particularly broad-leaved trees and shrubs, will be an important component of management strategies intended to foster biodiversity. Silvicultural practices such as modified planting densities, and pre-commercial and commercial thinning, can be used to control stand density in order to favor the development of understory herbs, shrubs, and a diversity of tree species within managed stands. Allowing shrubs and hardwood trees to develop and persist in early seral stands by curtailing vegetation control also would benefit many species associated with non-coniferous vegetation.  相似文献   

After a century of fire suppression, conifer forests in the western United States have dramatically departed from conditions that existed prior to Euro-American settlement, with heavy fuel loads and an increased incidence of wildfire. To reduce this threat and improve overall forest health, land managers are designing landscape-scale treatments that strategically locate thinning and burning treatments to disrupt fuel continuity, allowing managed wildfires to burn the remaining area. A necessary step in designing and evaluating these treatments is understanding their ecological effects on wildlife. We used meta-analysis to compare effects of small-diameter removal (thinnings and shelterwoods) and burning treatments, selective harvesting, overstory removal (including clearcutting), and wildfire on wildlife species in southwestern conifer forests. We hypothesized that small-diameter removal and burning treatments would have minimal effects on wildlife compared to other treatments. We found 33 studies that met our criteria by (1) comparing density or reproductive output for wildlife species, (2) using forest management or wildfire treatments, (3) implementing control-impact or before-after control-impact design using unmanaged stands as controls, and (4) occurring in Arizona or New Mexico ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa) or mixed conifer (Abies/Picea/Pinus) forest. The 22 studies suitable for meta-analysis occurred ≤20 years post-treatment on sites <400 ha. Small-diameter harvest and burning treatments had positive effects but thin/burn and selective harvest treatments had no detectable effect on most small mammals and passerine bird species reported in studies; overstory removal and wildfire resulted in an overall negative response. We examined foraging guild responses to treatments; ground-foraging birds and rodents had no strong response. Aerial-, tree-, and bole-foraging birds had positive or neutral responses to the small-diameter removal and burning treatments, but negative responses to overstory removal and wildfire. Small-diameter removal and burning treatments as currently being implemented in the Southwest do not negatively impact most of the wildlife species in the studies we examined in the short-term (≤10 years). We believe a combination of treatments in a patchy arrangement across the landscape will result in the highest diversity and density. We recommend that managers implement thinning and burning treatments, but that future research efforts focus on long-term responses of species at larger spatial scales, use reproductive output as a more informative response variable, and target species for which there is a paucity of data.  相似文献   

We summarized the status of wolves (Canis lupus), elk (Cervis elaphus), and woody browse conditions during the 20th century for the upper Gallatin elk winter range in southwestern Montana, USA. During this period, wolves were present until about the mid-1920s, absent for seven decades, and then returned to the basin in 1996. A chronosequence of photographs, historical reports, and studies indicated willows (Salix spp.) along streams became heavily browsed and eventually suppressed following the removal of wolves, apparently due to unimpeded browsing by elk. However, after wolf establishment in 1996, browsing intensity on willows lessened in some areas and we hypothesized that, at both a landscape and fine scale, browsing pressure reflects terrain configurations influencing predation risk (nonlethal effects), in conjunction with lower elk densities (lethal effects). We measured browsing intensity and heights of Booth willow (S. boothii) along 3000 m reaches of the Gallatin River and a tributary to examine the potential influence of wolf/elk interactions upon willow growth. Where the Gallatin Valley is relatively narrow (high predation risk), willows began releasing in 1999 and by 2002 were relatively tall (150–250 cm). In contrast, willow heights along a wider portion of the Gallatin Valley, along the open landscape of the tributary, and an upland site (all low predation risk) generally remained low (<80 cm). We identified terrain and other features that may contribute to the perceived risk of wolf predation, by elk for a given site. Although alternative mechanisms are discussed, changes in willow communities over time following wolf removal and their subsequent reintroduction were consistent with a top-down trophic cascade model involving nonlethal and possibly lethal effects. If similar top-down effects upon vegetation hold true in other regions of North America and other parts of the world where wolves have been extirpated, wolf recovery may represent a management option for helping to restore riparian plant communities and conserve biodiversity.  相似文献   

Umma Tamima 《林业研究》2016,27(4):853-861
The objective was to evaluate the performance of the co-management of Nishorgo Support Project at Chunati Wildlife Sanctuary in Bangladesh. I adopted the Focus Groups Discussion method for opinion survey and applied the SWOTAHP technique for data analysis. Local people did not participate in the decision-making process of forest management and they perceived co-management as a threat to their livelihoods. Moreover, mistrust and misunderstanding among different stakeholders, political and ethical conflicts, lack of property rights of tribal communities, and lack of accountability and transparency were identified as the drawbacks of co-management.  相似文献   

自然保护区野生动物保护成效评价研究综述   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
野生动物保护对于自然保护区尤其是野生动物类型的自然保护区来说是其保护工作的重要组成部分, 因此野生动物的保护成效是自然保护区保护功能和作用是否得到有效发挥的衡量标准之一。文中从野生动物的种类、种群数量、种群生存力、分布格局以及栖息地适宜性等方面总结了野生动物保护成效评价研究, 提出几种野生动物保护成效评价研究的可能途径和方法, 对野生动物保护成效评价研究进行了初步展望, 以期为今后野生动物保护成效研究提供理论和技术上的支持, 为自然保护区的建设和管理提供合理建议。  相似文献   

Vertebrate wildlife will probably continue to be a primary surrogate for assessing biological diversity in forested ecosystems. However, assessment tools such as wildlife-habitat models generally have proved to be poor predictors of wildlife population responses to landscape-scale changes in forest ecosystems. Forest ecosystem assessment therefore will require improved models. To improve modeling capabilities, scientists must clarify the primary determinants of wildlife habitat selection, which is a behavioral process that links wildlife populations with ecosystem processes. Wildlife populations respond to functional redundancies caused by multiple interactions among landforms, soils, and vegetation. Therefore, probing wildlife habitat selection responses to attributes of landforms, soils, and vegetation should result in improved wildlife-habitat models. In this paper, radiotelemetry data from a study on northern spotted owls (Strix occidentalis caurina) are used to illustrate how remote sensing and geographic information systems (GIs) analysis might clarify basic determinants of habitat selection.  相似文献   

本文根据目前我国野生动物养殖状况,对比畜牧业标准化,分析了野生动物养殖标准化的现状,提出了制订野生动物养殖标准化体系的重要性及建议。  相似文献   

当前国内外关于公路与野生动物关系的研究主要集中在公路设计与运行阶段的影响和保护方面,从公路规划层面考虑的不多。通过总结国内外研究成果得出,公路对野生动物的影响主要表现在野生动物的公路致死、形成道路对野生动物的影响域(简称道路动物影响域)以及野生动物的种群稳定性3个方面。针对这些影响,可以通过调整公路网模式的设计、合理界定道路网密度以及交通量等来弥补野生动物保护措施的不足。提出在我国公路规划阶段即考虑野生动物保护的建议。  相似文献   

通过对陕西省野生动物种质资源及其保护和利用现状的分析,论述了野生动物种质资源保护与利用的辩证关系,提出了我省今后野生动物种质资源保护的方法、途径和合理利用的机制,为我省野生动物种质资源的可持续发展提供了依据。  相似文献   

东南亚是国际打击野生动物贸易活动的重要区域之一。东南亚国家联盟(东盟)野生动植物执法网络(ASEAN-WEN)的建立是该地区打击野生动植物非法贸易合作机制形成的一个标志,也是地区野生动植物保护领域中极具有代表性与话语权的组织。文中分析ASEAN-WEN基本情况、运行机制、发展历程及其有代表性的活动,进而对东盟打击野生动植物非法贸易的合作机制进行评价,最后就我国与东盟加强打击野生动植物非法贸易合作提出对策建议。  相似文献   

野生动物保护科普教育工作(保护教育)在增加公众的保护知识、激发公众的保护理念及保护行为等方面发挥着非常重要的作用。保护教育已经成为我国动物园等迁地保护机构的重要工作之一。结合国内外相关文献及著名案例论述了保护教育的各类教育形式,包括单向式的信息宣传、互动式的体验项目、拓展型校内课堂教育及展馆设计展示的隐性教育作用。同时,讨论了多种教育形式的有效结合及我国保护教育的未来工作内容。  相似文献   

我国野生动物保护工作正面临着新的机遇和挑战,借鉴其他国家相关经验,对加强野生动物管理、提升保护工作整体水平很有帮助。文中介绍了意大利野生动物保护管理体制、机制和策略,归纳分析了该国在保护理念、物种和种群动态监测、科学研究、危害控制等方面的有益做法。在此基础上,针对野生动物保护管理中的薄弱环节,提出了宣传普及科学保护理念、健全相关法律规章、完善和创新管理模式等有关对策建议,以期为促进我国野生动物保护事业发展提供参考。  相似文献   

由国家林业局、中国建筑工业出版社、美国易道公司共同主办的<湿地恢复手册:原则、技术与案例分析>(以下简称<湿地>)新书发布会,于2007年1月29日在北京隆重举行.国家水利部、国家林业局、美国易道公司负责人以及生态湿地领域专家等近百人出席了会议.  相似文献   

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