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河北省樟子松苗木质量分级标准的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
河北省樟子松苗木质量分级标准的研究是林业标准化工作之一,对林业可持续经营及林业现代化具有很重要的意义。通过调查河北省承德、张家口坝上、坝下6个县(场、局)的8个苗圃,对各地点不同苗龄、不同作业方式的苗木分别进行机械布点、随机抽样,取得了苗木的各项数据;在正态性检验的基础上,对数据进行方差齐性检验和差异显著性检验,再根据正态总体参数估计理论,按95%的可靠性,计算出根系长度、I级侧根数、地径和苗高分级的理论临界值;最后结合苗圃生产实际、参考国家标准和原地方标准,对各理论临界值分别进行适当调整,分量化指标和综合控制指标确定最终的苗木质量分级标准。  相似文献   

杨建华  张伟  李丽 《林产工业》2013,40(1):21-24
锯材表面缺陷对锯材的质量和性能有着重要的影响。设计了基于机器视觉的锯材表面缺陷自动检测系统和计算机软件检测识别方法,确定了主要参数。通过对锯材表面图像的主要缺陷进行统计分析,综合评价整根锯材。检测系统的硬件主要由传送机构、电控系统、图像采集控制、分等系统等部分组成。软件主要由图像采集、图像处理、缺陷统计分析等部分组成。  相似文献   

在机械和环境荷载作用下,木质构件和结构的局部缺陷如节疤、腐朽和裂缝等会导致使用寿命的缩减.在木结构工程领域,如果能够尽早对结构和构件的最薄弱位置进行检出和评估,可避免因突然破坏而导致的灾难性事故.在本研究中,通过振动测试获取前两阶模态振型,并利用锯材梁损伤前后的模态柔度矩阵差值曲率提出损伤识别指标.为了验证提案损伤指标的有效性,通过人工切除截面质量来模拟不同损伤程度、不同损伤位置和双数个损伤的情景,试验结果表明损伤指标对不同程度、不同位置和双数个损伤均能准确定位,并可对损伤轻重程度进行定性评价.  相似文献   

为研究不同声发射(acoustic emission,AE)模态的传播特性与能量衰减模式,依据波动理论提出一种木材AE信号表面横波与内部纵波析取方法,进而建立AE信号能量衰减模型。首先,依据ASTM-E976-2015通过铅芯折断的方式在樟子松锯材表面产生AE源,并在不同位置采集表面横波与内部纵波的AE原始信号,采样频率设置为500 kHz;然后,采用小波分析方法从原始信号中重构AE波形,分析木材AE信号表面横波与内部纵波的传播特性;最后,通过指数函数拟合的方法,构建表面横波与内部纵波能量衰减模型。结果表明:表面横波与内部纵波在樟子松锯材中传播时AE能量均呈明显的指数衰减规律,但在频率分布和传播速率上均有较大差异。表面横波在传播初始阶段主要分布在以80.0 kHz和113.3 kHz为中心的两个中高频段内,随着其在木材表面的传播,高频信号迅速衰减为低频信号。而内部纵波始终处于相对低频段内,其平均传播速率约为表面横波的4.6倍。  相似文献   

设计了基于形态学的锯材表面缺陷图像处理方案,对典型节疤缺陷进行了实验验证,节疤缺陷检测效果较好.通过对二值图像的形态学处理,使节疤缺陷的边界变得平滑完整,更加准确地反映了节疤缺陷的轮廓  相似文献   

超薄锯材厚度方向约束力小,易受周围环境影响,极小的应力应变易导致变形。针对超薄锯材的特点,采用高温热压工艺对其表层进行了改性处理。研究结果表明,在温度170℃、压力0.5MPa、时间5min的工艺条件下,采用双面覆网处理,可有效改善阿尤斯超薄径切锯材的尺寸稳定性;热改性材随周围介质状态变化影响较小,吸水性及吸湿性明显降低,表明锯材已发生部分高温热降解。  相似文献   

结构用锯材在使用之前进行表面质量评价、分级,对于提高木材的综合利用率具有重要作用。综合利用机器视觉技术和深度学习方法,选取国内常用的云杉结构用锯材作为研究对象,通过工业相机采集结构用锯材表面主要缺陷(节子、虫眼、裂纹),并对锯材主要缺陷进行数字化评价分析。先通过自主搭建的机器视觉图像采集装置,采集100块结构锯材正反面表面图像,共获取表面缺陷图像1 450张,其中活节缺陷图像550张、死节缺陷图像320张、裂纹缺陷图像295张、虫眼缺陷图像285张;随后搭建基于YOLOv4的深度学习缺陷检测识别框架,对缺陷图像中80%的图像进行训练,剩余20%用于测试。试验结果表明,基于YOLOv4的深度学习缺陷检测识别框架,能有效识别并准确定位锯材表面缺陷的类型和位置,平均识别率96.7%,其中活节缺陷识别率100%、死节缺陷识别率97.5%、裂纹缺陷识别率90%、虫眼缺陷识别率96.7%,可满足生产应用需求。  相似文献   

樟子松优树后代测定方法的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在建立种子园的同时,对各产地的优树进行了后代测定,笔者就有性与无性测定 方式等提出了建议,并对今后建立高世代种子园提供了借鉴。  相似文献   

采用GB 50005—2003(木结构设计规范》、日本JAS 1152(集成材日本农林标准》和美国ASTMD 245-2006《确立目测分等木材的结构等级及有关允许性能的标准规程》三个目测分等规则,对黑龙江产536根规格为4000mm×110mm×30mm的人工林落叶松锯材进行目测分等。结果表明,中国标准的目测分等结果与美国标准近似,而日本标准对木材材质要求最为严格。  相似文献   

樟子松是我国东北地区主要速生用材、防护和“四旁”绿化的优良树种。文章从选地、施肥、改土、种子催芽处理、播种、播种地管理、苗期管理等方面详述了樟子松的播种育苗技术。  相似文献   

The local damages such as knots,decay, and cracks can be translated into a reduction of service life due to mechanical and environmental loadings.In wood construction,it is very important to evaluate the weakest location and detect damage at the earliest possible stage to avoid the future catastrophic failure.In this study,the modal testing was operated on wood beams to generate the first two mode shapes.A novel statistical algorithm was proposed to extract the damage indicator by computing the modal flexibility curvature before and after damage in timbers.The different damage severities,damage locations,and damage counts were simulated by removing mass from intact beams to verify the algorithm.The results showed that the proposed statistical algorithm was effective and suitable to the designed damage scenarios.It was reliable to detect and locate local damages under different severities,locations,and counts.The peak values of the damage indicators computed from the first two mode shapes were sensitive to different damage severities and locations.They were also reliable to detect the multiple damages.  相似文献   


The objective of this study was to create an easier way to handle the often complicated and intricate situations with which the operator of an automatic grading system is faced each time a change to the grading rules is proposed. The scope of the study was the possibility of a holistic method of automatic appearance grading of sawn wood similar to manual grading and based on multivariate statistics. The study was based on 90 Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) sawlogs. The logs were sawn and the boards were scanned and manually graded. The result of the manual grading was defined as the true grade. Models for prediction of board grade based on aggregated defect variables were calibrated using partial least squares regression. The classification based on the multivariate models resulted in 80–85% of the boards being correctly graded according to the manual grading. In conclusion, this paper shows that a multivariate statistical approach for grading timber is a possible way to simplify the process of grading and to customize the grading rules when using an automatic grading system.  相似文献   

基于表面主要缺陷的锯材外观质量量化评价方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨建华  闫磊  于航  肖江  吴健 《林业科学》2019,(8):128-135
【目的】提出一种锯材外观质量量化评价方法,探索锯材外观质量数字化检测与评价分级的可行性,为实现锯材外观质量的实时在线检测提供基础理论和技术支撑。【方法】建立由密闭暗室、光源、工业相机等组成的锯材表面缺陷在线检测系统,在稳定光环境下采集样本锯材彩色图像。基于图像处理技术开发软件试验系统,实现对锯材缺陷的检测和识别。分别建立节疤、孔洞和裂缝缺陷外观质量评价模型,并据此提出外观质量综合量化评价方法;通过与国家标准对照,验证本研究提出方法的科学性和可行性。【结果】量化评价方法与锯材材质指标等级进行对照,二者线性相关系数为0.85;锯材材质指标等级除了2级和3级对应的综合量化评价值分布比较分散、等级之间数据有部分交叉外,其他等级之间对应的综合量化评价值分布几乎没有交叉。量化评价方法与集成材层板外观质量要求进行对照,二者线性相关系数为0.88;锯材材质指标等级4级对应的综合量化评价值分布比较集中,与其他等级之间没有数据交叉;锯材材质指标等级1级、2级和3级相邻等级对应的综合量化评价值分布比较分散,等级之间数据有部分交叉,不相邻等级间数据分布没有交叉。【结论】综合量化评价值与依据有关国家标准确定的锯材材质指标等级、集成材层板外观质量要求的线性相关性相对较好,可为实现锯材外观质量数字化检测与评价奠定基础;通过调整模型有关影响系数,可满足不同树种和不同应用需求,以达到较好评价效果。  相似文献   

Timber quality and increment of Scots pines were analysed in two adjacent stands in northern Sweden. One stand originated from advance growth, and one from planted seedlings. Height increment of advance growth that was higher than 1.3 m when released was slow compared with advance growth lower than 1.3 m and planted trees. Timber quality of advance growth, > 1.3 m at release, was poor due to high incidence of stem damage, most likely inflicted during the logging operation. Potential timber quality of planted Scots pines was better among dominated than dominating trees. Volume production was more than twice as high in the plantation as in the stand originating from advance growth. Slash burning after clear felling had a positive effect on production in the plantation.  相似文献   

以黑龙江省兴隆林业局为例,从5个方面介绍了抚育采伐对人工樟子松林分生长各项指标、林内环境、林分的稳定性、木材质量和抚育伐总生长量的影响。同时指出,对樟子松进行适时合理抚育伐,可以促进林木生长,提高林分质量,实现早成材早利用。  相似文献   

The probability of achieving an anatomically mature seed crop of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) in Northern Finland has been studied on the basis of earlier data and meteorological observations. The meteorological data over the period of 1951–1980 was used to calculate the probability of having a mature seed crop in various parts of Northern Finland. The climatic variables used were: (a) June‐August mean temperature (b) June—September mean temperature, and (c) annual temperature sum (+5°C base temperature). A non‐linear relationship between the percentage of mature seeds in a seed crop and the annual temperature sum was detected, indicating that 50% mature seed crop was achieved at appr. 890 degree days. The results suggest that the probability of having 50% mature seed crop is approximately 0.02–0.03 near the polar timber line. The probability of the occurrence of such years is, however, considerably higher in lowlands and lake districts even near the timber line.  相似文献   


To enable use of round Scots pine timber in structural frameworks it is necessary to estimate the mechanical properties of the material. This paper presents data on density, bending strength and modulus of elasticity (MOE) of 533 debarked Scots pine logs with diameter from 75 mm to 250 mm sampled from 10 sites in southern Norway. The results show that round timber can have high values of bending strength and MOE, depending on the sites from which the trees have been collected. Some of the variation in bending properties can be explained by visual characteristics, but since a significant proportion of the residual variance is related to sites, criteria for visual strength grading have to be conservative to be valid across all sites. The potential for machine grading based on measuring MOE is better since this model is more accurate and the random effect of site is smaller.  相似文献   

采用热压、水煮和汽蒸对云南松人工林的云南松材进行了处理,对经处理的云南松材剖面密度进行了测定。结果表明,3种处理方式对其云南松材的剖面密度都有影响。其中水煮处理的影响最大;而3种处理方式对云南松材不同部位的剖面密度的影响也不同,以对端部的影响为最大。  相似文献   

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