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Bacterial speck of tomato, caused by Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato, was observed to cause severe symptoms, especially on protected tomato crops, during the winter season in the coastal area of Lebanon. This study was conducted to investigate the aetiology and pathogenesis of the bacterium involved and the efficacy of different chemicals for the control of the disease. Biochemical, physiological and pathological tests verified the identity of the bacterium involved as P. s. tomato. Periodic histological sectioning of inoculated tomato leaves showed that bacterial cells resided and multiplied in depressions and around trichome bases for 24 h before penetration through stomata and trichome basal cells. The bacteria invaded intercellular spaces and caused cell lignification, collapse and shrinkage, 48 h after inoculation. Necrotic lesions filled with bacterial masses and collapsed lignified cells were readily observable at and after 72 h. No detectable histological changes were observed in the yellow halo region surrounding the necrotic leaf specks. A thermostable toxin was produced by the pathogen and is involved in chlorotic symptom expression. An antibiotic mixture of streptomycin + oxytetracy‐cline was most effective in controlling infections followed by copper oxychloride + mancozeb, tribasic copper sulphate + sulphur, copper oxychloride and copper oxychloride + zineb.  相似文献   


Para-aminobenzoic (PABA) is reported to induce resistance against a range of plant pathogens in different crops in a salicylic acid-dependent manner. However, factors affecting its efficacy are not well understood. Foliar PABA applications on tomato seedlings reduced lesion incidence caused by Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato (Pst) in a dose-dependent manner in distal leaves up to 18 mM under controlled environment conditions, but only three out of six commercial processing tomato cultivars tested showed a response to PABA. Leaves in direct contact with 9 and 18 mM PABA of both PABA-responsive and PABA-nonresponsive cultivars showed phytotoxicity. In a PABA-responsive cultivar, one, two and three PABA applications were equally effective at reducing lesion incidence in distal leaves, but the duration of control only persisted for approximately 7 days. Although PABA application reduced lesion incidence in distal leaves, the Pst population in leaves was unaffected. Lesions on PABA-treated plants were larger than nontreated plants, and thus the proportion of leaf surface area with lesions was unaffected by PABA treatment. In in vitro assays, 18 and 72 mM PABA produced zones of inhibition against Pst 15 and 50% larger than the ethanol control, demonstrating direct antimicrobial effects of PABA. PABA application did not affect symptom development in a mixed infection of Pst or Xanthomonas spp. in one field experiment with a PABA-responsive cultivar. Further research is needed to understand why PABA was unsuccessful in the field before it is to be used as a practical disease management tool for foliar bacterial diseases of tomato.


Genetic tests were carried out in the greenhouse to determine whether resistance to Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato in the tomato cultivar Ontario 7710 and in the wild accession PI 126430 (Lycopersicon pimpinellifolium) was controlled by different genes. Ontario 7710 (genotype of resistance Pto/Pto), PI 126430, their F! and F2 progenies and F( x susceptible progenies were tested for resistance to the bacterial speck pathogen. No lesions appeared on inoculated leaves in plants of Ontario 7710, PI 126430 and the Fj hybrid. F2 progenies segregated for resistance (symptomless) and susceptibility (50-80 lesions per plant) at a ratio of 15:1. Plants from the cross Fj x susceptible segregated at a ratio of 3 resistant: 1 susceptible. These data indicate that the gene for resistance in PI 126430 is different from that found in Ontario 7710. The gene symbol Pto-2 is proposed for the resistance factor in PI 126430.  相似文献   

Several factors affecting the severity of bacterial canker of pear were studied. In the orchard, infection of shoots by Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae occurred only when the inoculum dose exceeded 106 colony-forming units/shoot. However, under favourable conditions in a growth chamber, cankers formed on detached shoots inoculated with 5 cfu/shoot. A second-order polynomial relationship was established between log10 transformed canker length and log10 transformed inoculum dose. In orchard and growth chamber experiments, shoots were susceptible from the time of bud swell until after fruit harvest. The severity of Pseudomonas canker of detached shoots increased if they were frozen at – 10°C for 24 h before inoculation. Shoots were most susceptible when inoculated immediately after wounding, and no cankers developed in the orchard when 3-day-old wounds were inoculated. Additionally, no cankers resulted from inoculation of leaf scars at leaf drop. Actively growing, current-season shoots were more susceptible than shoots that had set a terminal bud. The practical implications of these results are discussed as a basis for control of bacterial canker of pear.  相似文献   

Herman MA  Davidson JK  Smart CD 《Phytopathology》2008,98(11):1226-1232
Plant activators provide an appealing management option for bacterial diseases of greenhouse-grown tomatoes. Two types of plant activators, one that induces systemic acquired resistance (SAR) and a second that activates induced systemic resistance (ISR), were evaluated for control of Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato and effect on plant defense gene activation. Benzothiadiazole (BTH, SAR-inducing compound) effectively reduced bacterial speck incidence and severity, both alone and in combination with the ISR-inducing product. Application of BTH also led to elevated activation of salicylic acid and ethylene-mediated responses, based on real-time polymerase chain reaction analysis of marker gene expression levels. In contrast, the ISR-inducing product (made up of plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria) inconsistently modified defense gene expression and did not provide disease control to the same level as did BTH. No antagonism was observed by combining the two activators as control of bacterial speck was similar to or better than BTH alone.  相似文献   

Conditions were established for inducing pear blossom blast caused by Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae on both attached and detached shoots. The incidence of blossom blast was proportional to the logarithm of the P.s. pv. syringae population under optimal temperature, moisture, and bloom developmental stage. Highest incidence of blossom infection followed occurrence of a major exotherm (an increase in temperature caused by the heat of fusion from ice formation within blossom tissue) in the presence of P. s. pv. syringae. The exotherm was detected inside ovary tissue at temperatures ranging from –1.8 to –3.5 C. Wetness duration following the thawing process was less important than wetness during and immediately after the freeze event. Blossoms inoculated, then air-dried or removed from low-temperature treatment prior to occurrence of an exotherm, had a low incidence of infection, The full bloom stage of blossom development was more susceptible to blossom blast than either the open cluster or tight cluster stages of development.  相似文献   

Molecular sequencing (rpoB) and standard pathological and microbiological methods identified Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae (Pss) as the causal agent of bacterial inflorescence rot of grapevines (Vitis vinifera) in three vineyards in Tumbarumba, NSW, Australia in 2006 and 2007. Pss strains from shrivelled berries and necrotic inflorescences of diseased grapevines were used to inoculate leaves and inflorescences of potted cv. Semillon grapevines. Pss caused disease symptoms similar to those experienced in the field, including angular leaf lesions, longitudinal lesions in shoot tissues and rotting of inflorescences from before flowering until shortly after fruit set. High humidity promoted symptom severity. The necrotic bunch stem and leaf lesions were susceptible to the development of Botrytis cinerea infections. Cryo‐scanning electron microscopy (cryoSEM) indicated that Pss entered leaves and inflorescence tissues via distorted, open, raised stomata surrounded by folds of tissue that appeared as ‘star‐shaped’ callose‐rich complexes when viewed by UV light microscopy. In necrotic tissues, cryoSEM revealed Pss within petiole parenchyma cells and air‐filled rachis xylem vessels. This is the first report of inflorescence and hence fruit loss caused by Pss in grapevines. The disease is described as ‘bacterial inflorescence rot’ and regarded as one that expands the previously reported pathology of grapevines caused by P. syringae. This study also indicated that infection by Pss might promote destructive B. cinerea infections when the fungus is already present but latent, although further experimentation is needed to prove such an interaction.  相似文献   

青枯菌为应对逆境胁迫,可进入活的但非可培养状态(viable but non-eulturable,VBNC).本文利用叠氮溴化丙锭(PMA)与PCR技术相结合,建立了一种快速有效区分青枯菌死活细胞的分子检测方法.基于hrcS基因序列,设计了一对青枯菌种特异性检测引物hrcSf/hrcSr;利用PMA对青枯菌Po82菌株的细胞悬浮液样品进行预处理,随后进行常规PCR扩增.结果表明,当样品中PMA质量浓度为3 μg/mL、曝光时间大于5 min时,PMA可有效抑制死亡菌体细胞中的DNA扩增;且对可培养和VBNC状态细胞中的DNA扩增没有影响;本试验建立的PMA-PCR方法能有效对包括VBNC状态在内的青枯菌活菌进行检测,避免了假阳性与假阴性结果的产生.  相似文献   

番茄细菌性斑点病菌无毒基因研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
番茄细菌性斑点病是影响番茄产量和品质的重要病害,Pseudomonas syringaepv.tomato(Pst)为其病原菌,其与番茄的互作系统是研究植物抗感病机理的典型模式系统。Pst存在2种无毒基因:avrPto和avrPtoB,它们编码的蛋白质均能与番茄抗性基因Pto编码的Ser-Thr蛋白激酶互作,符合Flor"基因对基因"学说。AvrPto和AvrPtoB在表达Pto的抗性植物中,与Pto互作,表现无毒功能,引发植物防御反应;而在缺失Pto的感病植物中,它们具有毒性,促进细菌的生长。本文综述了番茄细菌性斑点病菌无毒基因avrPto及avrPtoB的结构特点及其功能,这有助于了解病原物与植物的互作机制,对认识植物的感病性、抗病性以及植物防御反应都具有重要意义。  相似文献   

The present situation of the disease in Greece and its main aspects, causal agent, symptomatology, epidemiology and control measures are described. The characteristics differentiating the pathogen from some other Pseudomonas species are also reported.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that flagellin of Pseudomonas syringae pv. tabaci is an elicitor that induces a hypersensitive reaction (HR) in nonhost tomato cells. Flagellin is the major HR elicitor produced by this pathogen, as shown by the inability of a flagellin-defective mutant, ΔfliC, to induce HR. Also, a ΔfliD mutant that secretes large amounts of monomer flagellins induces a strong HR in tomato. In this study, the possible involvement of an Hrp type III secretion system (TTSS) in flagellin-induced HR was investigated using flagella-defective mutants or Hrp TTSS-defective mutants. The hrcC gene encodes HrcC protein, which is required for Hrp pilus formation in the outer membrane. An hrcC mutation, introduced into the wild-type, ΔfliC, and ΔfliD mutants of P. syringae pv. tabaci did not affect swimming motility or flagellin secretion, whereas all ΔhrcC, ΔfliC, and ΔfliD mutants lost the ability to cause disease on host tobacco leaves. However, the ΔhrcC mutant and the ΔfliDhrcC double mutant were still able to induce HR cell death, expression of one of the defense-related genes hsr203J, and the generation of hydrogen peroxide in nonhost tomato cells. Thus, flagellin is required for both pathogenicity in host tobacco and HR in nonhost tomato. On the other hand, hrp TTSS is necessary for pathogenicity on host tobacco but is not indispensable to induce HR in nonhost tomato. These results clearly show that flagellin-induced HR is hrp-independent in tomato.The nucleotide sequence data reported are available in the DDBJ/EMBL/GenBank databases under the accession number AB049570  相似文献   

The main objective of this research was to determine the severity of disease caused by Pseudomonas syringae pv. lachrymans on cucumbers grown in the ?zmir, Bursa, Balikesir and Manisa provinces of the Western Anatolia Region (Turkey). The resistance, tolerance or susceptibility of commonly used cultivars to the pathogens was also studied. Mean values of disease severity were calculated as 32.7, 17.0, 16.1 and 15.3% for the Manisa, Bursa, Balikesir and ?zmir provinces respectively. Cvs Ophix, Fancipak and AG 1204 (of the pickling cultivars) and Reia, Sahara, Vlasstar, Octopus (of the table cultivars) were found to be less susceptible to the pathogen than other cultivars.  相似文献   

Choi  Okhee  Kang  Byeongsam  Cho  Su Kyung  Park  Jiyeong  Lee  Yeyeong  Kim  Won-Il  Marunga  Joan  Hwang  Ingyu  Kim  Jinwoo 《植物病害和植物保护杂志》2017,124(1):97-100
Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection - In the late summer of 2015, severe leaf blight occurred on Miscanthus sinensis grown on natural riverside lands of the Han River in Seoul, South Korea....  相似文献   

Pseudomonas fluorescens strains that produce the polyketide antibiotic 2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol (2,4-DAPG) are among the most effective rhizobacteria that suppress root and crown rots, wilts, and damping-off diseases of a variety of crops, and they play a key role in the natural suppressiveness of some soils to certain soilborne pathogens. Root colonization by 2,4-DAPG-producing P. fluorescens strains Pf-5 (genotype A), Q2-87 (genotype B), Q8r1-96 (genotype D), and HT5-1 (genotype N) produced induced systemic resistance (ISR) in Arabidopsis thaliana accession Col-0 against bacterial speck caused by P. syringae pv. tomato. The ISR-eliciting activity of the four bacterial genotypes was similar, and all genotypes were equivalent in activity to the well-characterized strain P. fluorescens WCS417r. The 2,4-DAPG biosynthetic locus consists of the genes phlHGF and phlACBDE. phlD or phlBC mutants of Q2-87 (2,4-DAPG minus) were significantly reduced in ISR activity, and genetic complementation of the mutants restored ISR activity back to wild-type levels. A phlF regulatory mutant (overproducer of 2,4-DAPG) had ISR activity equivalent to the wild-type Q2-87. Introduction of DAPG into soil at concentrations of 10 to 250 μM 4 days before challenge inoculation induced resistance equivalent to or better than the bacteria. Strain Q2-87 induced resistance on transgenic NahG plants but not on npr1-1, jar1, and etr1 Arabidopsis mutants. These results indicate that the antibiotic 2,4-DAPG is a major determinant of ISR in 2,4-DAPG-producing P. fluorescens, that the genotype of the strain does not affect its ISR activity, and that the activity induced by these bacteria operates through the ethylene- and jasmonic acid-dependent signal transduction pathway.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae causing leaf spot on pepper seedlings grown in a plant bed is reported in Italy for the first time. The pathogen was identified by means of biochemical, physiological and pathogenicity tests as well as by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of whole-cell proteins. The bacterial isolates showed positive for ice nucleation and biocide production.  相似文献   

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