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Throughfall (TF), stemflow (SF), soil solution below the organic layer (SSorg) and at 50 cm depth (SS50), and output with stream water (SW) were measured and analyzed for four years in a moderately polluted forest catchment in southern Poland. The input of water with stemflow was ca. 6% of input with TF. However, due to higher concentrations of most ions in SF, the input of most elements with SF was from 8% to 9%. Sulphate (SO4 2–), chloride (Cl) and magnesium (Mg2+) were the only ions steadily increasing in concentrations in water percolating through the soil profile. Nitrogen reached the forest floor mainly as ammonium (NH4 +). In the soil organic layer the NH4 + concentration decreased, while concentrations of nitrate (NO3 ) and hydrogen (H+) increased, probably due to nitrification. For NO3 , sodium (Na+) and calcium (Ca2+), the highest concentrations were found in SSorg and SW. This indicates both efficient cycling in the biotic pool of the ecosystem and intensive weathering processes in the mineral soil below the plant rooting zone. The latter was especially pronounced for Mg and Ca. Concentrations of zinc (Zn), lead (Pb) and cadmium (Cd) were the highest in SSorg and SS50. As this was accompanied by a low pH and constant input of H+, NH4 + and heavy metal ions to the catchment area, it may pose a serious threat to forest health.  相似文献   

The Lysina catchment in the Czech Republic was studied to investigate the biogeochemical response of Al to high loadings of acidic deposition. The catchment supports Norway spruce plantations and is underlain by granite and podzolic soil. Atmospheric deposition to the site was characterized by high H+ and SO4 2– fluxes in throughfall. The volume-weighted average concentration of total Al (Alt) was 28 mol L–1 in the O horizon soil solution. About 50% of Alt in the O horizon was in the form of potentially-toxic inorganic monomeric Al (Ali). In the E horizon, Alt increased to 71 mol L–1, and Ali comprised 80% of Alt. The concentration of Alt (120 mol L–1) and the fraction of Ali (85%) increased in the lower mineral soil due to increases in Ali and decreases in organic monomeric Al (Alo). Shallow ground water was less acidic and had lower Alt concentration (29 mol L–1). The volume-weighted average concentration of Alt was extremely high in stream water (60 mol L–1) with Ali accounting for about 60% of Alt. The major species of Ali in stream water were fluorocomplexes (Al-F) and aquo Al3+. Soil solutions in the root zone were undersaturated with respect to all Al-bearing mineral phases. However, stream water exhibited Ali concentrations close to solubility with jurbanite. Acidic waters and elevated Al concentrations reflected the limited supply of basic cations on the soil exchange complex and slow weathering, which was unable to neutralize atmospheric inputs of strong acids.  相似文献   

Sulphate concentrations and 34S ratios were monitored in bulk precipitation, spruce throughfall, and soil water (depth of 30 and 90 cm) at ervená jáma (CER) and Naetín (NAC), two severely polluted sites in the Czech Republic, between December 1992 and September 1994. Throughfall [SO4 2–], up to 80 mg L–1 in winter and as low as 7 mg L–1 in summer, was higher than [SO4 2–] in bulk precipitation (annual average 6 mg L–1). There was a distinct seasonaity in S isotope abundances, with lower 34SBULK in summer (+4 per mil CER, + 6 per mil NAC) and lower 34STF in winter (+3 per mil CER, +4 per mil NAC). Wintertime 34SBULK was around +8 per mil at CER and +10 per mil at NAC, summertime 34STF was close to +7 per mil at both sites. For only a 1- month period in spring, bulk precipitation S became isotopically lighter than throughfall S. Bulk precipitation data from CER were in good agreement with those from the nearby monitoring station Lesná (LES), typically differing by less than 10 mg L–1 and 2 per mil in [SO4 2–] and 34S, respectively. Suction lysimeters (soil depth of 30 and 90 cm) yielded higher sulphate concentrations and lower 34S ratios compared to both bulk and throughfall precipitation. Little seasonality was observed in [SO4 2–] at 30 cm (around 40 mg L–1); at 90 cm [SO4 2–] was higher in winter (70 mg L–1) than in summer (45 mg L–1). 34S at 90 cm was <+5 per=" mil=" in=" 1993=" and=" up=" to=" +7.5=" in=" 1994,=" lower=" in=" the=" first=" year=" and=" higher=" in=" the=" second=" year=" compared=" to=" the=" depth=" of=" 30=" cm.=" sulphur=" fluxes=" at=" cer=" and=" nac=" are=" characterized=" by=" distinct=" isotope=" compositions=" and=" can=" therefore=" be=" used=" to=" trace=" s=" pathways=" and=" transformations=" in=" the=" forest=">  相似文献   

黄土丘陵小流域蒸散发和水分平衡对植被恢复的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Evapotranspiration, soil moisture balance and the dynamics in a gully catchment of the Loess Plateau in China were determined with 6 land use treatments including natural grassland, shrubs (Caragana rnicrophylla), two woodlands (Prunus armeniaca var. ansu and Pinus tabulaeformis), cultivated fallow, and farmland (Triticum aestiuum L.) in order to obtain a better understanding of soil moisture balance principles and to improve vegetation restoration efficiency for ecological rebuilding on the plateau. Average runoff from cultivated fallow was very high, reaching 10.3% of the seasonal rainfall. Evapotranspiration under T. aestivurn was not significantly different from natural grasslands. Compared with natural grass, evapotranspiration was significantly greater (P 〈 0.05) in 2002 and there was an increase in soil moisture depleted in the 1-3 m soil under P. armeniaca, P. tabulaeformis and C. microphylla. During the two years of the study the average soil moisture (0-100 cm soil profile) of T. aestivurn was generally the highest, with P. armeniaca, P. tabulaeformis and C. rnicrophylla usually the lowest. Thus, according to the soil moisture balance principle for this area the planned reforestation project was not ecologically reasonable. Reducing human disturbance and restoration with grass could be more effective.  相似文献   

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