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We simulated fuel reduction treatments on a 16,000 ha study area in Oregon, US, to examine tradeoffs between placing fuel treatments near residential structures within an urban interface, versus treating stands in the adjacent wildlands to meet forest health and ecological restoration goals. The treatment strategies were evaluated by simulating 10,000 wildfires with random ignition locations and calculating burn probabilities by 0.5 m flame length categories for each 30 m × 30 m pixel in the study area. The burn conditions for the wildfires were chosen to replicate severe fire events based on 97th percentile historic weather conditions. The burn probabilities were used to calculate wildfire risk profiles for each of the 170 residential structures within the urban interface, and to estimate the expected (probabilistic) wildfire mortality of large trees (>53.3 cm) that are a key indicator of stand restoration objectives. Expected wildfire mortality for large trees was calculated by building flame length mortality functions using the Forest Vegetation Simulator, and subsequently applying these functions to the burn probability outputs. Results suggested that treatments on a relatively minor percentage of the landscape (10%) resulted in a roughly 70% reduction in the expected wildfire loss of large trees for the restoration scenario. Treating stands near residential structures resulted in a higher expected loss of large trees, but relatively lower burn probability and flame length within structure buffers. Substantial reduction in burn probability and flame length around structures was also observed in the restoration scenario where fuel treatments were located 5–10 km distant. These findings quantify off-site fuel treatment effects that are not analyzed in previous landscape fuel management studies. The study highlights tradeoffs between ecological management objectives on wildlands and the protection of residential structures in the urban interface. We also advance the application of quantitative risk analysis to the problem of wildfire threat assessment.  相似文献   

Many natural resource agencies and organizations recognize the importance of fuel treatments as tools for reducing fire hazards and restoring ecosystems. However, there continues to be confusion and misconception about fuel treatments and their implementation and effects in fire-prone landscapes across the United States. This paper (1) summarizes objectives, methods, and expected outcomes of fuel treatments in forests of the Interior West, (2) highlights common misunderstandings and areas of disagreement, and (3) synthesizes relevant literature to establish a common ground for future discussion and planning. It is important to understand the strengths and limitations of fuel treatments to evaluate their potential to achieve an objective, develop sensible fire management policies, and plan for their effective use. We suggest that, while the potential of fuel treatment to reduce wildfire occurrence or enhance suppression capability is uncertain, it has an important role in mitigating negative wildfire effects, increasing ecosystem resilience and making wildfire more acceptable.  相似文献   

Studies of post-fire soil status in Mediterranean ecosystems are common;however,few have examined the effects of long-term forest management after a wildfire on physicochemical soil properties.Here,we analyzed differences in soil properties attributable to long-term postfire management and assessed the sustainability of these management practices in relation to the soil properties.The study area is located in Odena in the northeast region of the Iberian Peninsula consisted of the control forest(burned more than 30 years ago),low density forest(LD;burned in a wildfire in 1986 and managed in 2005)and high density forest(HD;burned in a wildfire in 1986 and no managed).For soils from each plot,we measured soil water repellency,aggregate stability,total nitrogen(TN),soil organic matter(SOM),inorganic carbon(IC),pH,electrical conductivity,extractable calcium,magnesium,sodium,potassium(K),phosphorus,aluminum(Al),manganese(Mn),iron(Fe),zinc,copper,boron,chrome,silicon and sulfur and calculated the ratios of C/N,Ca+Mg/(Na+K)^1/2,Ca/Al and Ca/Mg.Significant differences were found in TN,IC,SOM,pH,K,Al,Mn,Fe and C/N ratio(p<0.05).All soil properties were found to have largely recovered their pre-fire values.Soils were affected by the post-fire management practices implemented 20 years after the fire,as reflected in their respective physicochemical properties,so that soil properties at the control and LD sites are more similar today than those at the control and HD sites.Thus,sustainable forest management can overcome soil degradation in areas affected by wildfire in the medium-and long-term by improving soil properties.  相似文献   

Natural disturbances including wildfire, insects and disease are a growing threat to the remaining late successional forests in the Pacific Northwest, USA. These forests are a cornerstone of the region's ecological diversity and provide essential habitat to a number of rare terrestrial and aquatic species including the endangered northern spotted owl (Strix occidentalis caurina). Wildfires in particular have reduced the amount of late successional forests over the past decade, prompting land managers to expand investments in forest management in an attempt to slow losses and mitigate wildfire risk. Much of the emphasis is focused specifically on late successional reserves established under the Northwest Forest Plan to provide habitat for spotted owls. In this paper, we demonstrate a probabilistic risk analysis system for quantifying wildfire threats to spotted owl habitat and comparing the efficacy of fuel treatment scenarios. We used wildfire simulation methods to calculate spatially explicit probabilities of habitat loss for fuel treatment scenarios on a 70,245 ha study area in Central Oregon, USA. We simulated 1000 wildfires with randomly located ignitions and weather conditions that replicated a recent large fire within the study area. A flame length threshold for each spotted owl habitat stand was determined using the forest vegetation simulator and used to predict the proportion of fires that resulted in habitat loss. Wildfire modeling revealed a strong spatial pattern in burn probability created by natural fuel breaks (lakes and lava flows). We observed a non-linear decrease in the probability of habitat loss with increasing treatment area. Fuels treatments on a relatively minor percentage of the forested landscape (20%) resulted in a 44% decrease in the probability of spotted owl habitat loss averaged over all habitat stands. The modeling system advances the application of quantitative and probabilistic risk assessment for habitat and species conservation planning.  相似文献   

Each year, forest fires destroy about 500,000 ha of vegetation in Europe, predominantly in the Mediterranean region. Many large fires are linked to the land transformations that have taken place in the Mediterranean region in recent decades that have increased the risk of forest fires. On the one hand, agricultural fallows and orchards are slowly being colonized by vegetation, and on the other hand, the forest is not sufficiently used, both of which result in increased accumulation of fuel. In addition, urbanization combined with forest extension results in new spatial configurations called “wildland-urban interfaces” (WUI). WUI are commonly defined as “areas where urban areas meet and interact with rural lands, wildland vegetation and forests”. Spatial analyses were performed using a WUI typology based on two intertwined elements, the spatial organization of homes and the structure of fuel vegetation. The organization of the land cover in terms of representativeness, complexity or road density was evaluated for each type of WUI. Results showed that there were significant differences between the types of WUI in the study area. Three indicators (i) “fire ignition density”, derived from the distribution of fire ignition points, (ii) “wildfire density”, derived from the distribution of wildfire area and (iii) “burned area ratio”, derived from the proportion of the burned area to the total study area were then compared with each type of WUI. Assuming that the three indicators correspond to important aspects of fire risk, we showed that, at least in the south of France, WUI are at high risk of wildfire, and that of the different types of wildland-urban interfaces, isolated and scattered WUI were the most at risk. Their main land cover characteristics, i.e. low housing and road densities but a high density of country roads, and the availability of burnable vegetation such as forested stands and shrubland (garrigue) explain the high fire risk. Improving our knowledge of relationships between WUI environments and fire risk should increase the efficiency of wildfire prevention: to this end, suitable prevention actions and communication campaigns targeting the types of WUI at the highest risk are recommended.  相似文献   

Forest fire risk estimation constitutes an essential process to prevent high-intensity fires which are associated with severe implications to the natural and cultural environment. The primary aim of this research was to determine fire risk levels based on the local features of an island,namely, the impact of fuel structures, slope, aspects, as well as the impact of the road network and inhabited regions. The contribution of all the involved factors to forest fires ignition and behavior highlight certain regions which are highly vulnerable. In addition, the influence of both natural and anthropogenic factors to forest fire phenomena is explored. In this study, natural factors play a dominant role compared to anthropogenic factors. Hence essential preventative measures must focus on specific areas and established immediately. Indicative measures may include: the optimal allocation of watchtowers as well as the spatial optimization of mobile firefighting vehicles;and, forest fuel treatments in areas characterized by extremely high fire risk. The added value of this fire prediction tool is that it is highly flexible and could be adopted elsewhere with the necessary adjustments to local characteristics.  相似文献   

Fuel treatment of wildland vegetation is the primary approach advocated for mitigating fire risk at the wildland-urban interface (WUI), but little systematic research has been conducted to understand what role fuel treatments play in controlling large fires, which factors influence this role, or how the role of fuel treatments may vary over space and time. We assembled a spatial database of fuel breaks and fires from the last 30 years in four southern California national forests to better understand which factors are consistently important for fuel breaks in the control of large fires. We also explored which landscape features influence where fires and fuel breaks are most likely to intersect. The relative importance of significant factors explaining fuel break outcome and number of fire and fuel break intersections varied among the forests, which reflects high levels of regional landscape diversity. Nevertheless, several factors were consistently important across all the forests. In general, fuel breaks played an important role in controlling large fires only when they facilitated fire management, primarily by providing access for firefighting activities. Fire weather and fuel break maintenance were also consistently important. Models and maps predicting where fuel breaks and fires are most likely to intersect performed well in the regions where the models were developed, but these models did not extend well to other regions, reflecting how the environmental controls of fire regimes vary even within a single ecoregion. Nevertheless, similar mapping methods could be adopted in different landscapes to help with strategic location of fuel breaks. Strategic location of fuel breaks should also account for access points near communities, where fire protection is most important.  相似文献   

杨潜叶叶蜂的危险性分析和风险性管理   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
文章应用有害生物危险性评价的定量分析方法,对杨潜叶叶蜂Messa taianensis在北京地区存在的危险性进行了分析。分析结果表明杨潜叶叶蜂寄主范围比较广、存活率高、适生范围广、危害严重、损失较大,传入后扩散快,根除困难,是中度危险的森林有害生物,对北京地区的平原绿化构成较大威胁。应及时采取措施防止其扩散蔓延。  相似文献   

人为纵火、林区吸烟、施工用火、闪电、林区建筑物以及不合理的城市森林规划等是城市森林火灾发生的重要隐患,常常导致城市森林火灾的发生,给城市居民的生命和财产造成了巨大的损失。加强对城市森林火灾发生原因的研究,合理规划城市森林布局和结构,加强对火灾隐患的管理,减少城市森林火灾的发生,是维护城市生态可持续发展的必然要求。    相似文献   

The past decade has seen a global surge in forest management certification, with over 200 million hectares of the world's forest now certified as sustainably harvested. Because forests are some of the most species-rich environments on earth and more than 90% of the world's forests occur outside formal protected area systems, forest management certification will be one of the pervasive influences on global biodiversity for the foreseeable future. We find that current forest certification schemes are largely deficient because they fail to demand: (i) measurable management objectives for biodiversity, (ii) formal risk assessment of competing management options that integrate impacts on biodiversity, (iii) monitoring that directly addresses management performance requirements and a clear plan for how monitoring information will be used to make better management decisions, and (iv) ongoing research targeted toward practices that enhance biodiversity in managed landscapes. We argue that the credibility of certification schemes hinges on their ability to dictate scientifically defensible management systems for biodiversity conservation. We present a framework for adaptive risk management (ARM) of biodiversity that is both responsibly proactive and diligently reactive and recommend its incorporation in all certification schemes. We highlight the need for substantial government and agency investment in fostering ARM.  相似文献   

Successful management of forest fire risk in the Northeastern China boreal forest ecosystem often involves trade-offs between fire dynamics, fire hazard reduction, and fiscal input. We used the LANDIS model to study the effects of alternative fuel reduction strategies on fire dynamics and analyzed cost effectiveness for each fuel reduction strategy based on cost–benefit theory. Five levels of fuel treatment area (2, 4, 6, 8, and 10% for each decade) and two fuel treatment types (prescribed burning [PB] and mechanical treatments in combination with prescribed fire [PR]) under current fire suppression simulated by LANDIS were compared in a 5 × 2 factorial design over a 300-year period. The results showed that PR scenarios are more effective at reducing the occurrence and burn area of catastrophic fires than PB scenarios. In addition, area burned by high intensity fire can be tremendously reduced by increasing low intensity fires with a higher level of treatment area under the various PR scenarios. The cost effectiveness of alternative fuel reduction strategies is strongly dependent on treatment area. In general, PB scenarios will be more cost effective in larger treatment areas and PR scenarios in smaller. We recommend mechanical treatments in combination with prescribed fire, with 4% of landscape treated in each decade (PR04) to be the optimal fuel reduction strategy in the study area based on risk control and cost efficiency analysis. However, the most challenging work in China is to make local forest policy makers and land managers accept the ecological function of fire on forest ecosystems.  相似文献   

根据栗山天牛的生物学特性,采用国际植物检疫措施实施标准(ISPM)的有害生物风险分析(PRA)方法,建立栗山天牛风险分析评估厝型。结果表明,栗山天牛属于高风险有害生物,有迅速扩散的较大风险,因此提出相应的风险管理措施。  相似文献   

本文参照国际有害生物危险性分析(Pest Risk Analysis)方法,从草履蚧Drosicha corpulenta(Kuwana)的国内外分布状况、潜在危险性、寄主植物的经济重要性、传播蔓延的可能性以及危险性的管理难度等几个方面进行了定性、定量分析,对其危险性做出了综合评价,结果表明草履蚧在我国属中度危险的有害生物,应及时采取措施防治其扩散蔓延.  相似文献   

杨直角叶蜂在河南的危害与风险性管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
参照国际有害生物危险性分析(Pest Risk Analysis)方法,从杨直角叶蜂Stauronematus compressicornis Fabricius的国内外分布状况、潜在危险性、寄主植物的经济重要性、传播蔓延的可能性以及危险性的管理难度等几个方面进行了定性、定量分析,对其危险性做出了综合评价,结果表明杨直角叶蜂在我国属轻度危险的林业有害生物,及时采取防治措施,能够有效防止其扩散蔓延。  相似文献   

In this study, the overall utility of forest management alternatives at the forest management unit level is evaluated with regard to multi-purpose and multi-user settings by a multi-criteria analysis (MCA) method. The MCA is based on an additive utility model. The relative importance of partial objectives of forest management (carbon sequestration, ground water recharge, biodiversity, and timber production) is defined in cooperation with stakeholders. The forest growth model 4C (Forest Ecosystems in a Changing Environment) is used to simulate the impact of six forest management strategies and climate on forest functions. Two climate change scenarios represent uncertainties with regard to future climatic conditions. The study is based on actual forest conditions in the Kleinsee management unit in east Germany, which is dominated by Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and oak (Quercus robur L. and Quercus petraea Liebl.) stands. First, there is an analysis of the impact of climate and forest management on forest functions. Climate change increases carbon sequestration and income from timber production due to increased stand productivity. Secondly, the overall utility of the management strategies is compared under the priority settings of different stakeholder groups. From an ecological perspective, a conservation strategy would be preferable under all climate scenarios, but the business as usual management would also fit the expectations under the current climate due to high biodiversity and carbon sequestration in the forest ecosystem. In contrast, a forest manager in public-owned forests or a private forest owner would prefer a management strategy with an intermediate thinning intensity and a high share of pine stands to enhance income from timber production while maintaining the other forest functions.  相似文献   

用有害生物风险性评价的定量分析方法,对松阿扁叶蜂Acantholyda posticalis Matsumura在四川岷江上游干旱河谷辐射松Pinus radiata引种造林的风险性进行了分析。结果表明松阿扁叶蜂对辐射松危害程度强,造成的损失重,根除的难度大,是中度危险的潜在重大害虫,将对四川岷江上游干旱河谷地区辐射松大面积引种造林构成较大的威胁,应加强对辐射松引种造林模式和该害虫的虫情监测、生物防治技术进行研究。  相似文献   

Prescribed burning is advocated for the sustainable management of fire-prone ecosystems for its capacity to reduce fuel loads and mitigate large high-intensity wildfires. However, there is a lack of comprehensive field evidence on which to base predictions of the benefits of prescribed burning for meeting either wildfire hazard reduction or conservation goals. Australian eucalypt forests are among the very few forest types in the world where prescribed burning has been practised long enough and at a large enough spatial scale to quantify its effect on the incidence and extent of unplanned fires. Nevertheless even for Australian forests evidence of the effectiveness of prescribed burning remains fragmented and largely unpublished in the scientific literature.  相似文献   

李国兴 《森林工程》2000,16(2):12-12
本文系统论述了森林分类经营的概念、意义和分类标准,并根据有关规范及实际情况,给出了森林分类经营的区划依据,本文还对两材种进行了效益分析和评价.  相似文献   

杉木人工林降位间伐的综合经营效果分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对杉木人工林降位间伐的综合经营效果进行分析,结果表明:在不增加森林资源消耗的情况下,降位间伐可增加出材率,增加材积为2.3547 m3·hm-2;有较好的经济效益,扣除投入成本,实际可增益1177元·hm-2;降位间伐与传统间伐一样能促进保留木的生长,有利于培育中、大径材。降位间伐与不间伐比,保留木平均胸径生长量增加51.0%,差异达显著水平,平均树高生长量增加15.5%,有差异,但未达显著水平。此外,降位间伐还能抑制伐桩萌芽,促进伐桩腐烂。因此,降位间伐在杉木人工林间伐时可大力推广应用。  相似文献   

Numerous studies have explored the influence of forest management on avian communities empirically, but uncertainty about causal relationships between landscape patterns and temporal dynamics of bird communities calls into question how observed historical patterns can be projected into the future, particularly to assess consequences of differing management alternatives. We used the Habplan harvest scheduler to project forest conditions under several management scenarios mapped at 5-year time steps over a 40-year time span. We used empirical models of overall avian richness, richness of selected guilds, and probability of presence for selected species to predict avian community characteristics for each of the mapped landscapes generated for each 5-year time step for each management scenario. We then used time series analyses to quantify relationships between changes in avian community characteristics and management-induced changes to forest landscapes over time. Our models of avian community and species characteristics indicated habitat associations at multiple spatial scales, although landscape-level measures of habitat were generally more important than stand-level measures. Our projections showed overall avian richness, richness of Neotropical migrants, and the presence of Blue-gray Gnatcatchers and Eastern Wood-pewees varied little among management scenarios, corresponding closely to broad, overall landscape changes over time. By contrast, richness of canopy nesters, richness of cavity nesters, richness of scrub-successional associates, and the presence of Common Yellowthroats showed high temporal variability among management scenarios, likely corresponding to short-term, fine-scale changes in the landscape. Predicted temporal variability of both interior-forest and early successional birds was low in the unharvested landscape relative to that in the harvested landscape. Our results also suggested that early successional species can be sensitive to both availability and connectivity of habitat on the landscape. To increase or maintain the avian diversity, our projections indicate that forest managers need to consider landscape-scale configuration of stands, maintaining a spatially heterogeneous distribution of age classes. Our findings suggest which measures of richness or species presence may be appropriate indicators for monitoring effects of forest management on avian communities, depending on management objectives.  相似文献   

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