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ABSTRACT:   Annual net production of the five Sargassaceae species was investigated in Yoro, western Wakasa Bay, Sea of Japan. The Sargassaceae species were collected at a depth of 2.0–2.5 m and subjected to stratified clipping for 13 months. Annual net production was estimated at 2407 g dry wt/m2 for Sargassum patens , 2132 g dry wt/m2 for Sargassum macrocarpum , 1458 g dry wt/m2 for Sargassum siliquastrum , 1197 g dry wt/m2 for Myagropsis myagroides , and 1471 g dry wt/m2 for Sargassum piluliferum . The ratio of annual net production to maximum biomass (P/Bmax) for these species ranged between 1.3 and 1.7, being higher than in previous studies which used the same method. Winter storms with strong wave exposure and relatively calm condition in Yoro were considered to augment P/Bmax. The total losses estimated from the different units of stratified clipping were compared. If larger and less segregated units were applied, the total loss would decrease. It was suggested that a 50 cm stratum would be applicable to the larger species (3 m or longer) and a stratum of 20 cm or less would be applicable to mid-sized or smaller species (less than 3 m).  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   Macrophytes stranded on a beach provide food and habitat for many kinds of animals and play important roles in coastal ecosystems. Macrophytes stranded on a sampling beach (56 m long) along a sargassacean forest (400 m long and 88 m wide) were collected every 10 days from late April 2003 to late May 2004. The weight of macrophytes stranded per meter of beach amounted to 1733 g dry wt/m per year. Sargassacean plants were dominant and constituted 72.9% (1263 g dry wt/m per year) of whole stranded macrophytes. Large numbers of macrophytes were stranded just after heavy winter storms and the maximum weight of stranded macrophytes in winter was 407 g dry wt/m. Stranded macrophytes also increased in May to July; the deterioration period of sargassacean species in this region, and the maximum weight in this period was 233 g dry wt/m. The number of sargassacean plants stranded with holdfast increased only in winter. These results suggest that winter storms have an important role in stranding sargassacean plants at Yoro Beach.  相似文献   

We examined seasonal, annual variation and horizontal distribution of zooplankton in the Sea of Japan from 1966 to 1990. Zooplankton was most abundant in the spring. The spring maximum appeared in February–March and in April–May in the southern and eastern parts of the study areas, respectively. In the summer and autumn, a secondary peak was most conspicuous in the eastern part. The difference between the estimated biomass at night and day was large in the spring and small in summer and autumn. The biomass in the offshore southern area peaked about every 3 years between 1966 and 1983, and increased abruptly in 1990. The density in the area north of 39°N or 40°N was high. Total biomass estimated in the upper 150 m layer in the Sea of Japan (106 km2) was 9.5 × 106 t in the daytime and 16.6 × 106 t at night.  相似文献   

Akira  IGUCHI  Masahiro  UENO  Tsuneo  MAEDA  Takashi  MINAMI  Isao  HAYASHI 《Fisheries Science》2004,70(4):569-572
ABSTRACT:   The purpose of the present paper was to examine the genetic population structure of Buccinum tsubai in the Japan Sea. Mitochondrial 16SrRNA gene sequence analysis was performed with specimens from various stations in the Japan Sea. Mitochondrial lineages were clearly patterned geographically in four separate areas: the Hokkaido area, the Yamagata–Toyama area, the Yamato Bank area, and the San'in area. The main distribution depth range of B. tsubai is between 200 m and 1000 m isodepths, and the horizontal distance between the 200 m and 1000 m isodepth lines represents the specific spatial scale of the habitat (SSSH). These four areas were separated either by the complete discontinuity of the SSSH area or by its narrow spatial extension. Genetic distances between the main haplotypes of each area were calculated as Jukes–Cantor distances, the value of which ranged between 0.012 and 0.017. This value seemed to be unrelated to the geographic distance. There was no tendency for clustering according to depth. In future, the morphological characters of the four lineages of B. tsubai should be compared in detail in order to elucidate significant genetic differences among them.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   Morphometrical analyses were performed on Buccinum tsubai , a deep-sea gastropod found in the Sea of Japan, and morphological differences were examined between the gender and among the four local subpopulations of Hokkaido, Yamagata-Toyama, the Yamato Bank, and San'in which are distinguished by mitochondrial DNA sequence analysis. As a result, sexual dimorphism of B. tsubai was found. Morphological differences were also recognized among four areas which may be related to genetic differences. They are also thought to be associated with the phenotypic plasticity in response to different environmental factors in each area. B. tsubai inhabits the the upper portion of the Sea of Japan Proper Water (UJSPW); and in the UJSPW of the Yamato Basin, nutrients are comparatively abundant and the dissolved oxygen content is low. Such environmental differences may be related to morphological differences among the four areas.  相似文献   

东、黄海日本鲭种群鉴定和划分的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分布于东、黄海的日本鲭(Scomber japoncus)在我国海洋渔业中具有重要的地位,随着中韩、中日渔业协定的生效,开展日本鲭等重要经济鱼类的种群归属研究显得尤为重要。关于东、黄海日本鲭种群划分,20世纪中日两国学者利用标志放流和渔业调查数据分别进行了研判,但中日间以及国内对其种群划分存在不同见解。21世纪以来,中国一些研究者利用形态框架法和分子遗传学方法对前辈的种群划分进行了验证并提供了一些证据,但分析结果值得商榷。总结相关研究结果,多数中国学者将分布于东、黄海的日本鲭划分为东海西部种群、五岛西部种群和闽南—粤东地方种群,也有中国学者将其划分为东海群系和闽南—粤东地方种群;日本学者将分布于东海不同越冬场日本鲭归属为对马暖流群系,也有日本学者将分布于东、黄海和日本海西部的日本鲭划分为九州西部群系和东海西部群系。针对东、黄海日本鲭种群划分存在的不同观点,今后研究者应同时利用目前较为先进的、相对可操作的鱼类框架形态和分子遗传等判别技术,增加产卵场样本采集覆盖面,以获得判别东、黄海日本鲭种群相对最为科学的证据。  相似文献   

Investigations were conducted on the flathead flouder Hippoglossoides dubius to analyze the environmental conditions around the spawning grounds and the maturational status of spawners in the Sea of Japan off Niigata. In both sexes, larger fish matured earlier than smaller individuals, and participated in breeding from the early part of the spawning season. Males were always the predominant sex found within the spawning ground, likely because males spent longer periods in the spawning grounds than females. This finding further suggests that males matured earlier and maintained sexual activity for longer periods than females within the spawning grounds. Submarine topography and water temperature were concluded to be important factors affecting the formation of the spawning grounds. The spawning ground was located within a restricted area where bathymetric lines curve towards a shallow area. Adult fish usually occur in the Japan Sea Proper Water (<1 °C), but spawners gathered just below the surface mixing layer where water temperature was 5–10°C. Hence, it was thought that the flounder spawn at the upper tolerable water temperature limit (i.e. the shallowest accessible depth) to release their offspring into the surface layer.  相似文献   

To elucidate the effects of hydrographic conditions on the migration and distribution of diamond squid ( Thysanoteuthis rhombus ) in the Sea of Japan, two numerical experiments were conducted using a Lagrangian particle-tracking model. First, Lagrangian simulations with different horizontal swimming speeds were conducted in the area off the San-in coast, the southwest Sea of Japan. The comparison results of simulations and experimental tagging records from 2003 suggest that horizontal movement of diamond squid over a few days is influenced by individual swimming, but long-term migration over more than about 10 days is dependent on the ambient current field. Secondly, further Lagrangian simulations with biological processes, forced by different hydrographic conditions in 2003–2005, were conducted. Temporal variations in distributions and sizes calculated by the model corresponded approximately to those of catch data. A large number of particles simulating squid were distributed over the nearshore region from the San-in coast to the Noto Peninsula during September–November every year. Differences in the migration route and distribution of particles among years were closely related to differences in hydrographic conditions such as the position of the main stream of the Tsushima Warm Current. Prediction of the catch off the San-in coast might be improved by considering hydrographic conditions in the southwest Sea of Japan.  相似文献   

I examined the age, growth, maturity, mortality, and body condition of walleye pollock, Theragra chalcogramma, in the northeastern Japan Sea (northern Japan Sea population) and evaluated their resilience to exploitation. Walleye pollock were collected in pre-spawning (October 1991-1995) and post-spawning (April 1990-1996) seasons. Estimated ages ranged from 3 to 18 years for both sexes. A von Bertalanffy growth model showed that females had longer asymptotic fork length (460 mm) than males (425 mm). Fifty percent of females and males were mature at 348 mm (4.6 years) and 322 mm (3.9 years), respectively. The instantaneous natural mortality rate was estimated to be 0.22. These life-history traits in the northern Japan Sea population were compared to those in the Bering Sea, the Gulf of Alaska, and the Japan Pacific populations. As a result, female walleye pollock in this population matured at small body sizes, grew rapidly toward small maximum sizes, and had short reproductive lifespans with low size-specific fecundity and poor body condition. Low prey availability and habitat temperatures are considered as a possible mechanism for the small maximum sizes in this population. The potential rate of population increase of both the northern Japan Sea population and other pollock populations tended to be lower than other exploited populations of non-viviparous marine fishes, suggesting potentially lower resilience to exploitation in this population and walleye pollock populations in general.  相似文献   

Data on squid catches of Korean and Japan, water temperatures at depth of 100 m, and night-visible images of fishing boats collected in the East (Japan) Sea from 1970 to 1999 were analyzed to examine the distribution and migration of the Japanese common squid, Todarodes pacificus, in the southwestern part of the East (Japan) Sea. The main fishing grounds detected from squid catch in each grid (0.5° latitude × 0.5° longitude) by Korean squid fishery and night-visible images provided by the Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP) Operational Linescan System (OLS) were situated in the southwestern part of the East (Japan) Sea. The distribution and migration route was illustrated from squid catch in each grid and DMSP OLS image. In years of high catches, the fishing grounds were situated mainly between Ulleung Island and the eastern coastal waters of Korea, while in years of low catches they were situated between Ulleung Island and the Yamato Bank in the central East (Japan) Sea. The center of fishing activity began moving northward from around the Korea/Tsushima strait to the northern boundary of the Tsushima Warm Current in March, reaching into the Yamato Bank in September, and then returning to the strait by February. The northward and southward migration routes differed; the northward migration route occurred closer to the mainland coast of Korea than the southward migration route did. This work suggests T. pacificus begin their northward migration almost 2 months earlier than previously suggested.  相似文献   

南海柘林湾鱼类群落结构季节变动的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为阐明南海柘林湾鱼类群落结构的动态变化,基于2011年4月(春季)、8月(夏季)、11月(秋季)和2012年2月(冬季)对南海柘林湾拖网调查的数据,对柘林湾鱼类群落结构季节动态、鱼类营养级指数季节变化进行了初步分析。结果显示,各季节调查共捕获鱼类99种,底层鱼类占49.49%,暖水性鱼类占78.78%,肉食性鱼类占79.79%。各季节质量百分比和数量百分比优势种以拟矛尾■虎鱼(Parachaeturichthys polynema)、龙头鱼(Harpodon nehereus)、皮氏叫姑鱼(Johnius belengeri)等为主。柘林湾鱼类资源密度和资源尾数密度最高季节为夏季,各季节鱼类个体体质量大多小于15 g。春、秋季鱼类组成相对丰富,冬季生物量优势度最高。柘林湾鱼类以中级肉食性和高级肉食性为主,年度平均营养级指数为3.478,属于中级水平,夏季高营养级鱼类平均体质量最高。  相似文献   

Recruitment of the northern Japan Sea stock (JSS) of walleye pollock has been decreasing since around 1990. In this study, I analyzed the factors causing this decrease in recruitment by investigating the relationship between recruitment, spawning stock biomass (SSB) and environmental factors using a generalized additive model (GAM). GAM fit to the data showed the importance of SSB, sea surface temperature (SST), ocean current strength (Tsushima Warm Current) and wind intensity (Asian monsoon) in determining the recruitment. Of these, the relationship between SSB and recruitment was positive and not negatively density‐dependent. On the other hand, the recruitment was negatively related to SST and ocean current strength, and a dome‐shaped relationship was observed between wind intensity and recruitment. Since around 1990, the values of SST and ocean current strength have mostly been high and that of wind intensity mostly low. In addition, SSB has been decreasing since the late 1990s. It is likely that the recruitment decline of JSS after approximately 1990 has been caused by warm water temperature, strong Tsushima Warm Current and weak Asian monsoon, and that the recent decrease in SSB has amplified this recruitment decline. According to the model’s estimation, a recruitment recovery due to environmental improvement will be highly restricted as long as SSB remains at its current low level. Significant recovery of SSB is urgently needed for JSS.  相似文献   

The Japanese sand lance (Ammodytes personatus) population in the Seto Inland Sea shows large fluctuations every few years. Its recruitment to the fishery resources is much more dependent on the survival rate of 0-age fish than is the case for other fish species because 0-age fish directly recruit to next-year spawning adults. Since the 0-age fish population depends on its larval population, which is easily influenced by natural and human impacts, high larval mortality due to predation by adults and high dispersion of larvae by wind-driven currents from spawning grounds to other locations can have very important effects on stock fluctuations. A numerical model of population dynamics of the sand lance in the eastern Seto Inland Sea was developed that focuses on wind-induced transport and adult predation of the larvae. The model successfully simulated the two-year periodic fluctuation and was consistent with actual fluctuations in fishery catches. It suggests that the various coefficients given in the model are appropriate to explain the actual population dynamics of the sand lance. The model shows that adult predation on the larvae plays a very important role in the two-year periodic fluctuation, and the maximum predation rate is estimated to be ten individuals per day. Wind-induced transport modifies the impact of this predation. Variances in the two-year periodic fluctuation become smaller with weaker westerly wind velocity. The appropriate transport rates from Bisan Strait and the Harima-nada Sea are estimated to be 0.04 d-1 and 0.01 d-1, respectively.  相似文献   

Growth traits of juvenile Japanese jack mackerel (Trachurus japonicus) were estimated based on otolith daily increments in spring during 2011–2016 in the southwestern part of the Sea of Japan (SWSJ). Spatial variability in growth traits was examined between the western and eastern areas of the study area. Back-calculated body length at 50 days post hatch varied among areas and years between 26 and 40 mm. Body lengths at age in the eastern area were significantly smaller than those in the western area. Slower growth rate in the eastern area was associated with the lower ambient temperature in the eastern area than in the western area. In the eastern area, interannual variations in the instantaneous growth rate positively correlated with ambient temperature. Furthermore, interannual variations in back-calculated body length during the late larval and early juvenile stages positively correlated with the juvenile abundance. These results suggest that the thermal conditions in the eastern area are indicative of the growth rate and abundance of juvenile T. japonicus in SWSJ. We further examined relationships between juvenile abundance and thermal conditions during 2003–2019 using archived data of this survey and found that the ambient temperature in the eastern area positively correlated with the juvenile abundance and also the strength of the Tsushima Warm Current. Thus, higher temperatures derived from the Tsushima Warm Current result in a faster growth rate during the late larval and early juvenile stages and subsequently higher abundance of T. japonicus juveniles in SWSJ.  相似文献   

Age, growth and hatching season were estimated for the diamond squid (Thysanoteuthis rhombus) migrating into the Sea of Japan based on analyses of statolith growth increments and length–frequency data of the catch in 1999–2004. Growth rates did not differ significantly between the sexes. The oldest squid was 306 days old, which provides further evidence that T. rhombus has a 1-year life span. The hatching season extended from January to September, with a peak in February–March, and the spawning grounds were suggested to extend from the far southwestern Pacific to the East China Sea. Using aging results from statolith analysis, growth was well described by a logistic formula, which also closely corresponded with the sequential progress of the mean mantle length in size–frequency distribution of the catch. Growth rates varied depending on the time of hatching; earlier-hatched squid grew faster than later-hatched ones, suggesting that the former hatched in warmer upper-stream areas of the Tsushima Current or the Kuroshio region and the latter hatched in colder mid- or downstream areas of the Tsushima Current.  相似文献   

1. The spatial distribution of the most important subtidal habitats (coral reefs, coral carpets, seagrass meadows, sand with corals, macroids, mud, hardgrounds) and mangroves was mapped in northern Safaga Bay, Red Sea, Egypt. Coral communities were analysed separately for their ecological and spatial patterns. This, coupled with information about major current patterns in the bay, provides a framework on which to base impact predictions for planned developments or for those already underway. 2. Because the entire shoreline of northern Safaga Bay is earmarked for tourism development, the following impacts have already been observed and can be expected to worsen: dredging, coastal infilling, marina construction, alteration of inshore current patterns as a result of breakwater construction and eutrophication. 3. The maps of habitats could be used by management authorities to either license or forbid these activities in specific areas, thus avoiding damage to sensitive environments. Properly used, resource mapping is a powerful proactive management tool that allows resource managers to anticipate and avoid impacts at an early stage in the process. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Interannual variability of the ecosystem of the Kii Channel, productive shelf water on the Pacific side of south‐western Japan, was analysed based on physicochemical environmental variables and abundance of major zooplankton taxa collected monthly for 12 yr from 1987 to 1999. The Kii Channel experienced both short‐term (i.e. 3–4 yr) cyclical changes and a long‐term (i.e. decadal) environmental trend. The short‐term variability was primarily associated with year‐to‐year differences in intrusion of subsurface, cold nutrient‐rich water along the bottom of the Kii Channel from the Pacific Ocean. When this bottom intrusion was intense, the Kii Channel experienced a cold, new production‐dominated ecosystem. The bottom intrusion, however, has become less intense in recent years, because of the closer proximity of the Kuroshio flow axis to the Kii Channel. Hence, there was a consistent trend towards warming and a regenerated production‐dominated ecosystem. In accordance with such environmental changes, the zooplankton community shifted towards more oceanic conditions; major herbivorous calanoids (i.e. Calanus sinicus, Paracalanus parvus (s.l.), Clausocalanus spp. and Acartia omorii) decreased, while carnivores (i.e. hydromedusae and Sagitta spp.) increased. The amount of total fish catch also decreased, while the catch of subtropical species increased. These findings lead us to conclude that the bottom intrusion from the Pacific Ocean plays a key role in determining the biological production in the Kii Channel.  相似文献   

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