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The use of mulch films is gaining importance in strawberry production. In this paper, the photoselective PE-mulch film ??Agri-Black?? is compared with a common PE-film and with the traditional method ??open soil?+?straw mulch at blossom??. ??Agri-Black?? is produced with a blend of alternative colour pigments instead of carbon black and with a high amount of UV-absorbers which may lead to an altered germination behaviour of weeds and to an earlier harvest due to higher soil temperature. The effects on the growth of weeds through the planting holes of the films, long-term herbicide effects after removing the films, and the effects on yield and fruit quality of the strawberries were analysed. Weed growth through the planting holes was reduced by trend by ??Agri-Black?? in comparison to the common PE-film, but not significantly. Six weeks after removing the films, the total amount of weeds was significantly lower in parcels with ??Agri-Black?? than in parcels with the common PE-film. Regarding single species, no significant differences between the films were determined. Long lasting rainfalls before harvest, in combination with flat beds, did result in heavy plant damages in both film variants and thus in much lower yield than in the control variant ??open soil?+?straw mulch at blossom??. In the control variant, there were significantly more fruits damaged by slugs, compared to both film variants.  相似文献   

国外栽培蘑菇的覆土材料普遍采用泥炭,这项增产措施经国内试用,效果确实优于常用的泥土材料。据资料,在泥炭中再加入少量麦麸和稻糠,还可作蘑菇的培养料,而且可获得较高的产量。为此有不少读者来信询问泥炭是什么?到哪里去买? 泥炭是沼泽的产物。沼泽植物死后,在空气不足和过度湿润的条件下,通过厌氧微生物的缓慢分解而逐渐形成的。由于沼泽植物种类的不同,形成的泥炭种类也不同,一般可分为苔草泥炭、芦苇泥炭和苔草芦苇泥  相似文献   

The objective of this study was the calculation of winter chill for fruit trees in the Meckenheim fruit growing region for all winters since 1958 and the evaluation of long-term trends in response to global warming. A further objective was the comparison of three winter chill models, the Chilling Hours Model (Chilling Hours??CH), the Utah Model (Chill Units??CU) and the Dynamic Model (Chill Portions??CP) with respect to temporal trends and seasonal variation in chilling intensity. To meet these objectives, about 120,000 hourly temperature measurements from Klein-Altendorf were correlated with daily temperature extremes. From this relationship, a long-term record of 466,000 hourly temperature data was constructed and used to calculate winter chill between 1st October of each year and three dates of the following year for all winters since 1958/1959. On average over all years, 955 CH, 1160 CU and 58.0 CP had accumulated in the Meckenheim fruit growing region by 1st January, 1356 CH, 1527 CU and 77.3 CP by 1st February, and 1727 CH, 1883 CU and 96.1 CP by 1st March. Coefficients of variation varied between 14 and 16% for the Chilling Hours Model, between 18 and 19% for the Utah Model and between 9 and 10% for the Dynamic Model. In spite of significant warming of the site, no clear long-term trends were detected. Due to the structure of the winter chill models, which do not consider freezing temperatures as chilling-effective, the highest chilling was not registered in the coldest winters, but rather when average temperatures between early December and late February were between 2 and 6°C. The coldest winter on record (1963/1964; mean winter temperature of ??4°C) had by far the lowest winter chill total, and chilling during the more recent cold winters 2009/2010 and 2010/2011 was also below average. Only very pronounced warming reduced winter chill, with the warmest winter on record (2006/2007; mean winter temperature of 7.1°C) accumulating less winter chill than slightly cooler winters. As long as such extreme temperatures remain exceptional, fulfilment of chilling requirements of local apple and cherry cultivars should not become critical. It is important to note, however, that substantial knowledge gaps exist in the field of fruit tree dormancy, which will have to be closed, before more reliable projections of future fulfilment of chilling requirements can be made.  相似文献   

<正>河南庆发HENAN QINGFA HENANQINGFASEED中熟,果实正圆形,果皮深绿覆黑色窄条带,果肉大红,单瓜重10kg左右,最大可达15kg。九成熟不倒瓤且产量特高。大果京欣类代表品种:福祺天发1号(豫审证字2011074)福祺福星3号福祺福星7号福祺福园1号花皮大果系列:福祺早抗3号(豫审证字2010068)福祺郑抗4号(国审菜2002033)庆发8号(国审菜2002008)福祺(豫审证字2009090)富抗系列新品种绿皮大果系列代表品种:福祺少籽富抗2号(豫审证字2012045)福祺少籽巨宝(国审菜2002035)福祺绿巨宝庆红宝(国审菜880001)福祺绿之宝(大粒型)  相似文献   

苹果贮藏期间的生理病害,主要有苦痘病、虎皮病、红玉斑点病和果肉褐变等。研究认为,苹果苦痘病的发生,主要是生长期偏施、多施氮肥,果实中氮、钙比过高造成的。因此,为了减轻贮藏期发病,要重视施肥技术的改进。要在增施有机质肥料,提高土壤钙氮比的基础上,控制氮肥施用量,特别要避免生长季中后期(7~8月份)偏施、多施氮素化肥。苹果谢花后4~5周内,喷布2次0.75%氯化钙液,或0.8%硝酸钙液,也有一定的  相似文献   

The Fruit Experiment Station (OVA) was founded on 1 April 1935 as an offspring of the regional Advisory Service. Due to apple scab and apple sucker, profitable fruit production was all but impossible at the time. Therefore, crop protection strategies had to be devised during the 1930s. Recurrent frost damage in the 1940s led to the initiation of a regional breeding programme which produced successes such as the apple variety ??Gloster??, the sweet cherry variety ??Regina??, and rootstock J9. After the 1962 storm tide, the experimental farm moved to the Esteburg site during the 1960s. Economic pressure during the following two decades demanded productivity gains and more widely marketable fruit varieties. This led to a switch in production from seedling rootstocks to rootstock M9 during the 1970s and 1980s, and to the introduction of the two lead varieties ??Elstar?? and ??Jonagold/Jonagored?? which have remained the most important varieties to this day. Further trends with an influence on current fruit production are the development of the concept of Integrated Production at the end of the 1980s, negotiations towards a special regulatory status of the region, and the beginning of experimental work for organic fruit production. Following the accommodation of the class of vocational education, a holistic concept of research, advisory service and education at the ESTEBURG site represents the foundation for a successful future.  相似文献   

答山东省平邑县读者王贵学 苹果幼龄树或成龄树的1年生枝.在冬春季节往往因脱水而发生皱皮或干枯,这种现象称之为“抽条”。抽条的原因,主要是因为冬春期间土壤水分冻结,根系不能吸收或水量很少,而地上部枝条的蒸腾作用一直在进行,根吸收的水分不能弥补枝条蒸腾的失水,出现了生理上的干旱。这种干旱超过其忍耐力时即发生抽条,枝条成熟不好时尤其严重。因此防止抽条首先要促使枝条及早成熟,在栽培技术上.采取前期控制徒长,后期控制肥水.防病保叶,不间作秋菜,冬剪时对易抽干的品种早剪,以增强越冬性,其次可采取培土,灌封冻水和枝干涂白等防止…  相似文献   

葡萄植株伤口为何流胶?如何防止?葡萄植株春季受伤后,会从伤口处向外流水,这种现象叫“伤流”。葡萄的伤流出现在春天树液开始流动至萌芽展叶的一段时间里,这一时期称为“伤流期”。伤流期的长短因地区不同而有差异,有的10天左右,有的长达50天左右。葡萄伤流的...  相似文献   

答:种菇成熟度好,在18~20℃条件下培养,一般10小时左右即可落孢子。种菇过嫩、过大,钟罩内湿度过大,氧气不足都不容易落孢子。当看到培养皿内所落下的孢子已经比较浓时即可将孢子在消毒的接种箱或接种室内移入马铃薯琼脂培养基上  相似文献   

<正>堆肥是利用含有肥料成分的动植物遗体和排泄物,加上泥土和矿物质混合堆积,在高温、多湿的条件下,经过发酵腐熟、微生物分解而制成的一种有机肥料。堆肥是一种古老的肥料,制造堆肥必须先收集适当的材料,例如稻草、茎蔓、野草、树木落叶或是禽畜粪便等,然后将其适当混合,并添加适量的氰氨化钙,促其发酵,然后覆盖上破席、破布、稻  相似文献   

选择除草剂有以下几个原则: 菜田应尽量用触杀型除草剂,如果尔、恶草灵等,或选用传导性能差的除草剂,如除草通。 菜地前茬严禁使用磺酰脲类及咪唑啉类除草剂,更不宜使用会毒化土壤的西玛涞、伏草隆等。食叶蔬菜尽量不用茎叶处理除草剂。食根蔬菜尽量不用会伤根的除草剂,如酰胺类、二硝基苯胺类除草剂,用过快杀稗的大田不宜作蔬菜地。 各种剂型的除草剂都加进了溶剂、湿润剂、乳化剂、悬浮剂和稳定剂等助剂,这些助剂的导入会增加产生药害的可能性。蔬菜地应尽量避免用乳油、悬浮剂、烟剂和片剂类型的除草剂。 保护地蔬菜和大棚蔬菜应尽量避免…  相似文献   

1梨树为什么要逐年修剪?梨树的经济寿命长,二三百年的梨树仍能大量结果,所以必须要有牢固的树体骨架和良好的树体结构及丰满的果枝。骨干枝的养成、结果枝组的培养、树体通风透光条件的改善以及结果枝的更新等,都要根据梨树的生长结果特性,遵循一定的原则,通过修剪来实现。所以,从定植开始直到失去结果能  相似文献   

王小雄 《蔬菜》2006,(2):36-37
辣椒是我国广大百姓普遍喜爱的一种蔬菜和调味品,尤其是南方各省,有“四川人不怕辣,湖南人辣不怕,江西人怕不辣”之说,辣椒对口腔及胃肠有刺激作用,能增强肠胃蠕动,促进消化液分泌,改善食欲,并能抑制肠内异常发酵。青椒含有丰富的维生素,尤其是维生素C,可使体内多余的胆固醇转变为胆汁酸,从而预防胆结石。  相似文献   

绿色食品是在人类加强自身健康与环境保护、崇尚回归自然的观念中应运而生的。它是融环境保护和农业生产为一体的新型食品,也是以无污染、优质、安全、营养为基础的现代农产品,它的生产是在无污染环境中进行的,是纯天然的,不含有人工添加物。  相似文献   

随着夏季的来临,气温逐渐升高,春季菇的产量和质量受到严重的影响,如何使其越夏?我们从近几年的调查实践中摸到了几条经验: 一、把正在出菇或长好菌丝的菌块、菌袋移进地下防空洞出菇(防空洞温度常年在17℃~22℃之间,正适宜出菇)。二、“室外阳畦”越夏。把料面杂物清理干净,使其干燥2-3天,然后用田内15厘米下的潮湿土覆盖45厘米左右。注意上面不要积水,待高温过后扒开土层让其出菇。三、“室内地面或菇床”越夏。首先把  相似文献   

祝旅 《中国蔬菜》1983,1(3):14-0
问.河北省兴隆县黄酒馆公社魏素云同志来信说。我打算在1984春节要搞一批蒜黄供应市场,可是我缺少这方面的生产知识,请贵部支援一下。 答:魏素云同志:一般说来。蒜黄栽培并不复杂,生产规模可大可小,’在目前农村实行生产责任制的情况下,个体农户也可以进行生产。这里向您介绍的蒜黄栽培技术,仅供参考。 蒜黄必须在温室、窑洞、塑料薄膜小拱棚里,在遮光或半遮光的环境下栽培,它靠蒜瓣里贮存的养分生长,因此不需要施肥。 品种要选择发苗较快的紫皮蒜,如河北省一些地区所产的紫皮蒜就不错。栽蒜前,要选择蒜瓣肥大,未受冻害和未变黄的蒜头,剥去…  相似文献   

<正>在蔬菜市场上冬瓜有青皮、黑皮、白皮三个类型。黑皮冬瓜肉厚,可食率高;白皮冬瓜肉薄,质松,易入味;青皮冬瓜则介于之间。市民选购以黑皮冬瓜为佳。  相似文献   

<正>要想买到优质的芹菜,就得先了解这四种芹菜的食用品质特点:青芹味浓;黄心芹味浓,嫩相;白芹味淡,不脆;美芹味淡,吃口脆。不管那种类型的芹菜,叶  相似文献   

纳米科学是研究在1纳米至100纳米尺度范围内,原子、分子等的运动和变化的学问。在这一尺度范围内对原子、分子进行操纵和加工的技术称为纳米技术。在这极其微小的世界里,生物分子只有数纳米大小:遗传基因的DNA螺旋结构半径是1纳米左右:1个典型的病毒大约有100纳米长。  相似文献   

我是1982年栽培平菇的,因对孢子认识不足,1983年深秋,大量平菇孢子,污染了整个菇房空间,几天后致使我双侧肺门感染,气短、胸闷,早起要阵咳二、三十分钟,住院18天,毫无效果,使我失去了康复的信心。后来,在翻阅刊物时,偶尔发现了“菠菜籽炒黄、研粉可治干咳。”我便配合朴尔敏一起服用,神奇的功效使我惊震不已,仅服了两瓶朴尔敏、  相似文献   

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