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Field margins have been widely advocated as a means of integrating agronomic and biodiversity objectives and are included in agri-environment schemes across Europe. However, information on the long-term development of field margin plant communities remains limited. We describe a long-term experiment on the effects of field margin management on biodiversity and weed species. Swards were established by natural regeneration or sowing a grass and wildflower seed mixture, and treatments manipulated the frequency and timing of mowing, application of herbicide and leaving of hay. Vegetation was monitored to evaluate the extent to which early conclusions remained valid after 13 years. Although early successional trends suggested that naturally regenerated swards would rapidly become dominated by pernicious perennial weeds, and that sown swards would exclude such species, neither was true in the longer term. Sown swards were eventually invaded by unsown perennials, but they remained distinct from naturally regenerated swards. Plant species richness declined throughout the experiment. Annuals were lost most rapidly from sown swards but, under natural regeneration, loss could be modified by mowing. Perennial species initially increased during natural regeneration before stabilising. In sown swards they declined under all treatments. Species richness in naturally regenerating swards was promoted initially by mowing twice annually. After 13 years, timing and frequency of mowing had no significant effect on species richness although it still influenced sward composition. Leaving cut hay lying produced species-poor swards. We conclude that the choice of establishment and management methods for arable field margins significantly affects the long-term conservation value of the swards.  相似文献   

The effect of tree species, stand structure, landscape and historical variables was studied on the species composition, species richness and cover of epiphytic bryophyte assemblages in mixed deciduous-coniferous forests of Western Hungary. Stand and tree level assemblages were analyzed by ordinations and generalized linear modeling in 35 70-110 year old stands of different management regimes.Bryophytes showed a considerable preference to different host trees, so that stand level diversity of bryophyte assemblages was determined mainly by tree species diversity, and their composition by tree species composition. Cover and diversity of epiphytic bryophytes were the highest on oaks (Quercus petraea and Quercus robur), and the lowest on Scotch pine (Pinus sylvestris). The presence of sapling (shrub) layer increased, whereas a large number of medium sized trees decreased bryophyte species richness in this study. Tree size was much less influential which is explained by the lack of large, veteran trees. Forest management maintaining tree species diversity, structural heterogeneity and temporal continuity of the stands could considerably contribute to the conservation of this organism group. Selective cutting is more appropriate for these conservational purposes than shelterwood management system.  相似文献   

Dead wood is considered important in forest conservation, but patterns of fungal diversity on dead wood have rarely been quantified. We investigated the relative importance of coarse (diameter >10 cm) and fine woody debris (1-10 cm) for fungi in broadleaf forests in southern Sweden. The numbers of species per unit wood volume and per forest area were significantly higher for fine than for coarse woody debris for both ascomycetes and basidiomycetes. When the number of species was plotted against the number of records, coarse woody debris was more species rich than fine woody debris for a given number of basidiomycete records. Of the ascomycetes, 75% were found exclusively on fine woody debris (the corresponding proportion for basidiomycetes is 30%), 2% were found exclusively on coarse woody debris (basidiomycetes 26%), and 23% of the species were found on both diameter classes (basidiomycetes 44%). We conclude that fine woody debris is important for diversity of wood-inhabiting fungi, especially ascomycetes, in this forest type. However, coarse woody debris must also be provided to insure the occurrence of many species of basidiomycetes.  相似文献   

Socio-economically motivated land use changes are a major threat for species diversity of grasslands throughout the world. Here, we comprehensively explore how plant species diversity of grasslands in the species-rich cultural landscape of the Swiss Alps depends on recent land use changes, and, neglected in previous studies, on old cultural traditions. We studied diversity in 216 grassland parcels at three altitudinal levels in 12 villages of three cultural traditions (Romanic, Germanic, and Walser). In valleys of Romanic villages more different parcel types tended to occur than in those of Germanic and Walser villages, suggesting that socio-economic differences among cultural traditions still play a role in shaping landscape diversity. Moreover, at the village level, higher man-made landscape diversity was associated with higher plant species richness. All observed changes in land use reduced the farmers’ workload. Plant species richness was lower in fertilized than in unfertilized parcels and in abandoned compared with used parcels. Grazing slightly reduced species richness compared with mowing among unfertilized parcels, while in fertilized parcels it had a positive influence. The highest species diversity was found in mown unfertilized subalpine grasslands. Nevertheless, moderate grazing of former meadows can be a valuable alternative to abandonment. We conclude that the ongoing changes in land use reduce plant species richness within parcels and at the landscape level. To preserve plant species diversity at the landscape level a high diversity of land use types has to be maintained.  相似文献   

Reserve corridors in production forestry landscapes are frequently concentrated in riparian areas. This study describes the numerical response of ground-dwelling beetles to increasing distance from streams, with the aim of evaluating the effectiveness of such a bias in reserve allocation. Patterns in abundance and diversity of epigaeic beetles were quantified at four first order streams in wet eucalypt forest in Tasmania, Australia. The depth and pattern of beetles’ riparian response varied between streams. Commonly trapped beetles were less abundant near to three of the four streams, and the numerical response model differed in each case. Species richness of common beetles was also lower near one of the streams. Pooled abundance and richness of rare species did not vary in response to the riparian-upslope transition. No riparian or upslope specialist species were identified among the most commonly collected species. Compared to upslope habitat, the riparian-upslope transition encompassed greater variability in species composition without actually increasing overall richness. The study findings demonstrate the need for ecosystem-specific data to optimize reserve placement, since the results were not predicted from general vegetation patterns, ecological theory, or the widely held assumption that riparian areas support greater abundance and diversity of organisms than adjacent upslope areas. Reserves encompassing more upslope habitat are recommended to complement those located in riparian areas.  相似文献   

The effort of boreal forest conservation has emphasised the preservation of old-growth forests while the role of young successional stages in maintaining biodiversity has remained largely unstudied. We compared the richness of beetle species and composition of species assemblages between managed and seminatural forests in five stages of forest succession. The sites were in boreal sub-xeric pine-dominated forests in eastern Finland. Seminatural study sites, especially the recently burned sites, were important habitats for threatened and near-threatened species. We propose that young stages of natural succession should be included in the network of protected forest areas. On the other hand, the composition of saproxylic species assemblages in seminatural forests differed from the assemblages in managed forests, indicating also the need to improve the forest management guidelines so that they better address the requirements of species protection. Regeneration methods applied should resemble or mimic the natural disturbances more closely.  相似文献   

Bees are believed to be in decline across many of the world’s ecosystems. Recent studies on British bumblebees proposed alternative theories to explain declines. One study suggested that greater dietary specialization among the rarer bumblebee species makes them more susceptible to decline. A second study disputed this theory and found that declines in British bumblebees were correlated with the size of species’ European ranges, leading to the suggestion that climate and habitat specialization may be better indicators of the risk of decline. Here we use a new and independent dataset based on Irish bumblebees to test the generality of these theories. We found that most of the same bumblebee species are declining across the British Isles, but that, within Ireland, a simple food-plant specialization model is inadequate to explain these declines. Furthermore, we found no evidence of a relationship between declines in Irish bumblebees and the size of species’ European ranges. However, we demonstrate that the late emerging species have declined in Ireland (and in Britain), and that these species show a statistically significant westward shift to the extremity of their range, probably as a result of changing land use. Irish data support the finding that rare and declining bumblebees are later nesting species, associated with open grassy habitats. We suggest that the widespread replacement of hay with silage in the agricultural landscape, which results in earlier and more frequent mowing and a reduction in late summer wildflowers, has played a major role in bumblebee declines.  相似文献   

Macrofungal diversity was investigated on 281 decaying beech trees distributed across 14 forests in Denmark, based on sporocarp inventories. Two aspects of diversity were considered, i.e., species richness per fallen tree and the incidence of red-listed species occurrence per tree. For both diversity measures the effects of both tree and site variables were tested. In total, 319 fungal species were identified, including 28 red-listed. Decay stage and wood volume were identified as key variables influencing species richness as well as red-listed species incidence. Red-listed species, however, showed a preference for more decayed trees than non red-listed species. Further, red-listed species incidence was found to be significantly higher on broken trees, compared to fallen trees with a distinct root-plate, indicating tree death cause to be important for some red-listed species. The relations between diversity measures and site variables were conflicting. Species richness per tree decreased with increasing maximum tree age and dead wood continuity, possibly a consequence of competitive exclusion of unspecialised opportunistic species in old-grown stands. For red-listed species the opposite trend was evident, and it is concluded that forest history may have fundamental effects on the community structure of wood-inhabiting fungi. Accordingly, simple species richness may be a misleading conservation measure if the aim is to conserve the most threatened aspects of forest biodiversity.  相似文献   

Agri-environmental subsidies for grasslands of high conservation interest are usually associated with fairly strict management rules, but have not always been successful in terms of the preservation of species. A new approach now links the subsidies paid to the ecological value of a grassland site: the farmers are paid for keeping up a high plant species richness, and they can control the species richness of their sites by using vascular plants as indicator species. The method was tested in different grassland communities in six regions of Lower Saxony in Northwestern Germany, mainly addressing the question whether the number of selected indicator species was correlated with the total species richness of vascular plants and with the number of endangered species.Field work was carried out in 2004. Total species richness of vascular plants was recorded in all grassland sites, and the number of indicators was counted along two transects, usually being the diagonals of a rectangular site. Each transect was divided into three segments in which all indicators growing within 1 m distance from the transect line were recorded. In total 43 indicators were selected, mostly representing species that are fairly easy to recognise.The number of indicators was significantly positively correlated with the total number of species in all regions, also when correcting for autocorrelation (except in one region). When using grassland area as a co-variable, the same results were obtained, supporting the low significance of grassland size for the predictive ability of the method. In all regions but one, the mean number of indicators per segment was also significantly positively related to the number of red-listed and near-threatened species in the grasslands. Grassland size and transect length were found to be of minor importance for the application of the method.In conclusion, the study shows that the indicator approach is suitable for identifying those grassland sites that have a high plant species richness and a high number of endangered species. It may thus form the basis for result-orientated subsidies in grasslands.  相似文献   

We conducted a systematic global review of differences between timber plantations and pasture lands in terms of animal and plant species richness and abundance, and assessed the results using meta-analysis techniques. Our principal aim was to test the hypothesis that plantations contain higher species richness or abundance than pasture. Of the 1967 studies of potential relevance, 66 provided biological monitoring information and 36 met the requirements for meta-analyses. Sufficient data were available for meta-analyses to be conducted comparing the species richness and abundance of plantations and pasture lands for five taxonomic groups: plants, invertebrates, reptiles/amphibians, mammals, and birds. Within each taxon there was considerable variation in the difference between species richness and abundance between plantations and pasture lands. Birds and reptile/amphibians exhibited significantly higher species richness, and mammals exhibited significantly higher abundance, in plantations than in pasture lands which lacked remnant vegetation. Reptile/amphibian species richness was significantly higher in plantations in general. No significant differences in species richness were found for mammals, plants, or invertebrates, and no significant differences in abundance were found for birds, reptiles/amphibians, invertebrates, or plants. It is only within the presence of taxonomic caveats (i.e. reptiles/amphibians), or specific landscape features (i.e. absence of remnant vegetation within pasture), that it can be concluded that plantations support higher species richness or abundance than pasture land. We emphasize that caution is warranted when making general statements about the inherent biodiversity value of diverse and broadly-defined land-uses.  相似文献   

Although data quality and weighting decisions impact the outputs of reserve selection algorithms, these factors have not been closely studied. We examine these methodological issues in the use of reserve selection algorithms by comparing: (1) quality of input data and (2) use of different weighting methods for prioritizing among species. In 2003, the government of Madagascar, a global biodiversity hotspot, committed to tripling the size of its protected area network to protect 10% of the country’s total land area. We apply the Zonation reserve selection algorithm to distribution data for 52 lemur species to identify priority areas for the expansion of Madagascar’s reserve network. We assess the similarity of the areas selected, as well as the proportions of lemur ranges protected in the resulting areas when different forms of input data were used: extent of occurrence versus refined extent of occurrence. Low overlap between the areas selected suggests that refined extent of occurrence data are highly desirable, and to best protect lemur species, we recommend refining extent of occurrence ranges using habitat and altitude limitations. Reserve areas were also selected for protection based on three different species weighting schemes, resulting in marked variation in proportional representation of species among the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species extinction risk categories. This result demonstrates that assignment of species weights influences whether a reserve network prioritizes maximizing overall species protection or maximizing protection of the most threatened species.  相似文献   

Surrogate taxa as indicators for biodiversity are widely used in conservation biology and ecology. However, available studies on the congruence of species diversity patterns in different taxa yielded inconsistent results, and correlations between taxa were few. To conserve or restore biodiversity in agricultural landscapes, knowledge on the response of different taxa to management regimes is crucial. In the present study we evaluated the congruence of diversity and similarity patterns among three insect taxa, i.e., bees, grasshoppers, and aculeate wasps, in a mosaic landscape in the Swiss Alps comprising extensively used grassland under different management regimes. In addition, we studied the influence of land use on the diversity and species composition of the three taxa. While species numbers were not significantly correlated between any pair of taxa, community similarities were positively correlated between bees and grasshoppers. The number of red-listed species was not correlated with the total number of species in bees and in grasshoppers. None of the investigated taxa reflected the species numbers or community similarities of the other taxa well enough to qualify as a general indicator for biodiversity. Remarkably, land use clearly influenced species composition, while its effect on species numbers was not significant. All management regimes of the grassland in the study area contribute substantially to the overall diversity of the three insect taxa. Conserving the variety of agricultural land uses will be the most promising step towards the conservation of biodiversity in the study area.  相似文献   

It has been recently shown that the presence of charcoal might promote humus decomposition in the soil. We investigated the decomposition rate of charcoal and litters of different biochemical quality mixed together in a soil incubation under controlled conditions. Despite the large range of organic substrate quality used in this study, we did not find any difference in the decomposition between the average of two individual substrates decomposing separately and the same substrates mixed together. We concluded that charcoal does not always promote other organic matter decomposition and that its particular effect might depend on various factors, for example, soil properties.  相似文献   

Presence of higher plant species was recorded in 1455 permanently marked quadrats located across Britain in 1978, 1990 and 1998 in a stratified, random sample of 259 1 km squares. Significant increases and decreases in frequency of each species were summarised as changes in the representation of simple traits, each of which had an established relationship with varying levels of fertility or disturbance. By testing the null hypothesis that the trait values represented among increasing or decreasing species were a random draw from the 1978 species pool, we determined the consistency of botanical change with changes in land-use in different vegetation types and landscape locations across Britain.Overall, 63% of significant changes in species occupancy were decreases and 37% increases. Trait changes were largely consistent with the impact of increased nutrient availability across vegetation types associated with inherently low fertility, such as infertile grassland, heath, bog and moorland. Linear habitats in lowland Britain saw trait changes consistent with secondary succession. Although trait changes were highly consistent with eutrophication in upland vegetation, the identity of the changing species left open the possibility that increased N deposition, sheep grazing intensity and local improvement could all have played a part.Recent changes in common plant species across Britain suggest that objectives for large-scale restoration and maintenance of plant communities must address four problems: (a) the increasing scarcity of stress-tolerant species in lowland species pools, (b) exploitation and maintenance of species populations on habitat fragments and linear features in the lowlands, (c) the spread and persistence of generalist species in upland Britain, (d) systemic nutrient enrichment in both lowland and upland environments.  相似文献   

We evaluated the relationship between amphibian and reptile diversity and microhabitat dynamics along pasture-edge-interior ecotones in a tropical rainforest in Veracruz, Mexico. To evaluate the main correlation patterns among microhabitat variables and species composition and richness, 14 ecotones were each divided into three habitats (pasture, forest edge and forest interior) with three transects per habitat, and sampled four times between June 2003 and May 2004 using equal day and night efforts. We measured 12 environmental variables describing the microclimate, vegetation structure, topography and distance to forest edge and streams.After sampling 126 transects (672 man-hours effort) we recorded 1256 amphibians belonging to 21 species (pasture: 12, edge: 14, and interior: 13 species), and 623 reptiles belonging to 33 species (pasture: 11, edge: 25, and interior: 22 species). There was a difference in species composition between pasture and both forest edge and interior habitats. A high correlation between distance to forest edge and temperature, understorey density, canopy cover, leaf litter cover, and leaf litter depth was found. There was also a strong relationship between the composition of amphibian and reptile ensembles and the measured environmental variables. The most important variables related to amphibian and reptile ensembles were canopy cover, understorey density, leaf litter cover and temperature.Based on amphibian and reptile affinity for the habitats along the ecotone, species were classified into five ensembles (generalist, pasture, forest, forest edge and forest interior species). We detected six species that could indicate good habitat quality of forest interior and their disappearance may be an indication of habitat degradation within a fragment, or that a fragment is not large enough to exclude edge effects. Different responses to spatial and environmental gradients and different degrees of tolerance to microclimatic changes indicated that each ensemble requires a different conservation strategy. We propose to maintain in the Los Tuxtlas Biosphere Reserve the forest remnants in the lowlands that have gentler slopes and a deep cover of leaf litter, a dense understorey, and high relative humidity and low temperature, to buffer the effects of edge related environmental changes and the invasion of species from the matrix.  相似文献   

Chisel ploughing is considered to be a potential conservation tillage method to replace mouldboard ploughing for annual crops in the cool-humid climate of eastern Canada. To assess possible changes in some soil physical and biological properties due to differences in annual primary tillage, a study was conducted for 9 years in Prince Edward Island on a Tignish loam, a well-drained Podzoluvisol, to characterize several mouldboard and chisel ploughing systems (at 25 cm), under conditions of similar crop productivity. The influence of primary tillage on the degree of soil loosening, soil permeability, and both organic matter distribution throughout the soil profile and organic matter content in soil particle size fractions was determined. At the time of tillage, chisel ploughing provided a coarser soil macrostructure than mouldboard ploughing. Mouldboard ploughing increased soil loosening at the lower depth of the tillage zone compared to chisel ploughing. These transient differences between primary tillage treatments had little effect on overall soil profile permeability and hydraulic properties of the tilled/non-tilled interface at the 15–30 cm soil depth. Although soil microbial biomass, on a volume basis, was increased by 30% at the 0–10 cm soil depth under chisel ploughing, no differences were evident between tillage systems over the total tillage depth. Mouldboard ploughing increased total orgainc carbon by 43% at the 20–30 cm soil depth, and the carbon and nitrogen in the organic matter fraction ≤ 53 μm by 18–44% at the 10–30 cm soil depth, compared to chisel ploughing.  相似文献   

Aboveground litter decomposition is controlled mainly by substrate quality and climate factors across terrestrial ecosystems, but photodegradation from exposure to high-intensity ultraviolet-B (UVB) radiation may also be important in arid and semi-arid environments. We investigated the interactive effects of UVB exposure and litter quality on decomposition in a Tamarix-invaded riparian ecosystem during the establishment of an insect biological control agent in northern Nevada. Feeding by the northern tamarisk beetle (Diorhabda carinulata) on Tamarix spp. trees leads to altered leaf litter quality and increased exposure to solar UVB radiation from canopy opening. In addition, we examined the dynamics of litter decomposition of the invasive exotic Lepidium latifolium, because it is well-situated to invade beetle-infested Tamarix sites. Three leaf litter types (natural Tamarix, beetle-affected Tamarix, and L. latifolium) differing in substrate quality were decomposed in litterbags for one year in the field. Litterbags were subjected to one of three treatments: (1) Ambient UVB or (2) Reduced UVB (where UVB was manipulated by using clear plastic films that transmit or block UVB), and (3) No Cover (a control used to test for the effect of using the plastic films, i.e. a cover effect). Results showed a large cover effect on rates of decomposition and nutrient release, and our findings suggested that frequent cycles of freeze-thaw, and possibly rainfall intensity, influenced decomposition at this site. Contrary to our expectations, greater UVB exposure did not result in faster rates of decomposition. Greater UVB exposure resulted in decreased rates of decomposition and P release for the lower quality litter and no change in rates of decomposition and nutrient release for the two higher quality litter types, possibly due to a negative effect of UVB on soil microbes. Among litter types, rates of decomposition and net release of N and P followed this ranking: L. latifolium > beetle-affected Tamarix > natural Tamarix. Altered nutrient dynamics with beetle introduction as well as the rapid decomposition rates exhibited by L. latifolium are consistent with vulnerability to secondary invasion. In this desert ecosystem, decomposition and nutrient release were strongly affected by litter type and much less so by UVB exposure.  相似文献   

This paper describes successes and complications in eutrophication abatement in the Naardermeer nature reserve, The Netherlands. Restoration of this lake started in 1985. The main measure was the reduction of external nutrient load by the supply of phosphate-free water. Water quality and aquatic vegetation were monitored and the usefulness of a modelling approach in designation of management programs was investigated. The monitoring showed that for the first 4 years, recovery was retarded, possibly because of phosphorus release from the lake-bed sediments. After 10 years, turbidity was reduced and characteristic vegetation with Najas marina and Characeae species had re-established in large parts of the lake. Due to spatial heterogeneity it appeared necessary to dredge the lake-bed sediments locally. The model predicted most changes in aquatic vegetation correctly, indicating its predictive value. However, to predict restoration perspectives for rare species, expert judgement still remains necessary. Suggestions are made for selection of successful management measures depending on the conditions of lake ecosystems.  相似文献   

We present a landscape model to investigate the ecological consequences and costs of different management regimes in semi-natural grasslands. The model integrates dynamic abiotic conditions, management (i.e. disturbance) regime and response of more than 50 characteristic plant and insect species by modelling the dynamics of relevant niche parameters as predictors for species distribution models. We compare our results for exemplary scenarios differing in spatial and temporal scales and exemplary species belonging to different functional groups through several steps of aggregation.Our analysis aims at the question whether an infrequent massive disturbance by rototilling can serve as a less expensive alternative to annual mowing for preserving the characteristic species composition of open dry grasslands in Southern Germany. Rototilling results in a shifting mosaic determining the habitat quality for plant and animal species that may reduce the survival of local or regional populations.For some meadow species as well as the encroaching shrub species, rototilling has a detrimental effect on regional habitat quality. Other species, e.g. weeds and annual pioneers, strongly benefit or show only negligible reaction. Since this is a multi-objective problem, there is a no magic bullet in selecting an optimum scenario of measures. But by visualising the trade-off between ecological consequences and costs, our model is a valuable tool for conservation managers providing a sound scientific basis for management decisions relying on available ecological knowledge. It is also an interesting example for a model describing complex communities in a relatively simple way, simultaneously considering the main driving factors.  相似文献   

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