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We used camera traps in combination with capture-recapture data analysis to provide the first reliable density estimates for tigers and leopards from the high altitude and rugged terrain in Bhutan’s Jigme Singye Wangchuck National Park. Fifty days of camera trapping in each of five study zones collapsed into two trapping blocks, resulted in a sampling effort of 4050 trap days. Camera trapping yielded 17 tiger photos (14 left flanked and 3 right flanked) and 48 leopard photos (25 left flanked and 23 right flanked). Using photos of these left flank, the closed heterogeneous Jackknife Model Mh was the best fit for the capture history data. A capture probability () of 0.04 was obtained for both tigers and leopards, thus generating population size (N) of 8 tigers (SE = 2.12) and 16 leopards (SE = 2.91) with densities of 0.52 tiger 100 km−2 and 1.04 leopard 100 km−2. Photographic evidence indicated that tigers and leopards did not overlap in their spatial use of space. Tigers preferred less disturbed areas located further away from settlements, while leopards appeared to be more resilient to disturbances in so far as they were found nearer to human settlements. Camera trapping using a capture-recapture framework was an effective tool for assessing population sizes for tiger and leopard in low density areas such as Bhutan.  相似文献   

Owing to habitat conversion and conflict with humans, many carnivores are of conservation concern. Because of their elusive nature, camera trapping is a standard tool for studying carnivores. In many vertebrates, sex-specific differences in movements – and therefore detection by cameras – are likely. We used camera trapping data and spatially explicit sex-specific capture–recapture models to estimate jaguar density in Emas National Park in the central Brazilian Cerrado grassland, an ecological hotspot of international importance. Our spatially explicit model considered differences in movements and trap encounter rate between genders and the location of camera traps (on/off road). We compared results with estimates from a sex-specific non-spatial capture–recapture model. The spatial model estimated a density of 0.29 jaguars 100 km−2 and showed that males moved larger distances and had higher trap encounter rates than females. Encounter rates with off-road traps were one tenth of those for on-road traps. In the non-spatial model, males had a higher capture probability than females; density was estimated at 0.62 individuals 100 km−2. The non-spatial model likely overestimated density because it did not adequately account for animal movements. The spatial model probably underestimated density because it assumed a uniform distribution of jaguars within and outside the reserve. Overall, the spatial model is preferable because it explicitly considers animal movements and allows incorporating site-specific and individual covariates. With both methods, jaguar density was lower than reported from most other study sites. For rare species such as grassland jaguars, spatially explicit capture–recapture models present an important advance for informed conservation planning.  相似文献   

We investigated the population density of Bornean orangutans Pongo pygmaeus pygmaeus and aspects of habitat quality in a selectively hand-logged peat swamp forest in West Kalimantan, Indonesia, and in a comparable unlogged forest nearby. We conducted orangutan nest surveys, measured different parameters of forest structure, recorded monthly changes in fruit availability, and noted the sex and the stage of maturity of orangutans encountered. Nest density, an index of orangutan population density, was 21% lower in the logged area. The forest, logged 2 years previously, had fewer large food trees and a greater number of canopy gaps. We discuss these differences in relation to the lower orangutan nest density in the logged forest. Significantly fewer adult orangutans were observed in the logged study area. We hypothesize that fully adult orangutans, particularly females, are the most severely affected by hand-logging.  相似文献   

Due to its practical relevance to conservation, considerable efforts have been devoted to understanding the effects of logging on orangutan (Pongo spp.) population densities. Despite these efforts, consistent patterns have yet to emerge. We conducted orangutan nest surveys and measured forest quality and disturbance level at 108 independent locations in 22 distinct sites in the forests of the Berau and East Kutai regencies of East Kalimantan, Indonesia. Survey locations varied substantially in orangutan density, forest structure, distance to villages, and logging intensity. We incorporated site-specific nest tree composition into our estimates of nest decay rates to reduce errors associated with inter-site differences in nest tree selection. Orangutan nest densities were uncorrelated with altitude, fig density, or any other ecological measure. Multivariate analyses demonstrated that densities were not significantly affected by logging intensity (at the relatively light levels we report here) or the distance to the nearest village, but were positively correlated with the distance from the nearest village known to hunt orangutans. These results indicate that provided hunting is absent, lightly to moderately degraded forests retain high conservation value for orangutans. Widespread incorporation of degraded areas into management plans for orangutan populations would substantially increase the size of populations that could be protected, and thereby improve their changes for long-term survival.  相似文献   

Between 1999 and 2004 we undertook an ecological study of African lions (Panthera leo) in Hwange National Park, western Zimbabwe to measure the impact of sport-hunting beyond the park on the lion population within the park, using radio-telemetry and direct observation. 34 of 62 tagged lions died during the study (of which 24 were shot by sport hunters: 13 adult males, 5 adult females, 6 sub-adult males). Sport hunters in the safari areas surrounding the park killed 72% of tagged adult males from the study area. Over 30% of all males shot were sub-adult (<4 years). Hunting off-take of male lions doubled during 2001-2003 compared to levels in the three preceding years, which caused a decline in numbers of adult males in the population (from an adult sex ratio of 1:3 to 1:6 in favour of adult females). Home ranges made vacant by removal of adult males were filled by immigration of males from the park core. Infanticide was observed when new males entered prides. The proportion of male cubs increased between 1999 and 2004, which may have occurred to compensate for high adult male mortality.  相似文献   

There is often a conservation need to estimate population abundances of elusive, low-density, wide-ranging carnivore species. Because of logistical constraints, investigators often employ non-invasive ‘captures’ that may involve ‘genetic’ or ‘photographic’ sampling in such cases. Established capture–recapture (CR) methods offer a powerful analytical tool for such data. In this paper, we developed a rigorous combination of captive, laboratory and field-based protocols for identifying individual tigers (Panthera tigris) from fecal DNA. We explored trade-offs between numbers of microsatellite loci used for reliable individual identifications and the need for higher capture rates for robust analyses. Our field surveys of scats were also specifically designed for CR analyses, enabling us to test for population closure, estimate capture probabilities and tiger abundance. Consequently, we could compare genetic capture estimates to results of a ‘photographic capture’ study of tigers at the same site. The estimates using the heterogeneity model (Mh-Jackknife) for fecal DNA survey were [Mt+1 = 26; and ()=66 (12.98)] in close agreement with those from the photographic survey [(Mt+1 = 29; and () = 66 (13.8)]. Our results revealed that designing field surveys of scats explicitly for CR data analyses generate reliable estimates of capture probability and abundance for elusive, low density species such as tigers. The study also highlights the importance of rigorous field survey and laboratory protocols for reliable abundance estimation in contexts where other approaches such as camera-trapping or physical tagging of animals may not be practical options.  相似文献   

Grain legumes in crop rotations cause significant increases in yield for succeeding non-legumes, which cannot be explained simply by the small effect that legumes have on the soil nitrogen balance, as found in the analysis of N in crop residues. Besides known positive non-N-effects, other effects, mainly rhizodeposition and its contribution to the N balance and nitrogen dynamics after harvesting the grain, are poorly understood. In this study, N rhizodeposition, defined as root-derived N in the soil after removal of visible roots, was measured in faba bean (Vicia faba L.), pea (Pisum sativum L.) and white lupin (Lupinus albus L.). In a pot experiment the legumes were pulse labelled in situ with 15N urea using a cotton wick method. About 84% of the applied 15N was recovered for the three legume species at maturity. The 15N was comparatively uniformly distributed among plant parts. The N rhizodeposition constituted 13% of total plant N for faba bean and pea and 16% for white lupin at maturity, about 80% of below ground plant N, respectively. Some 7% (lupin)-31% (pea) of the total N rhizodeposits were recovered as micro-roots by wet sieving (200 μm) the soil after all visible roots had been removed. Only 14-18% of the rhizodeposition N was found in the microbial biomass and a very small amount of 3-7% was found in the mineral N fraction. In pea, 48% and in lupin 72% of N rhizodeposits could not be recovered in the mentioned pools and a major part of the unrecovered N was probably immobilised in microbial residues. The results of this study clearly indicate that N rhizodeposition from grain legumes represent a significant pool for N balance and N dynamics in crop rotations.  相似文献   

The census population size (N) is usually the only information available for most threatened species. For evolutionary matters, the effective population size (Ne), not the census number, is a prime concern. Factors such as variation in the sex ratio of breeding individuals, variation of population size in different generations and mating system are important. The South American fur seal, Arctocephalus australis, has been exploited in Peru by humans since ca. 2000 BC and now the original population declined 72%, as a result of low food availability during the severe El Niño in 1997-1998. In this sense A. australis is now classified as in danger of extinction in Peru. We present the first estimate of Ne of the Peruvian population of A. australis that takes into account the effects of mating system and variation in population size caused by the 1997-1998 El Niño. The resulting Ne was 2153 specimens. We believe that the estimated Ne for the Peruvian population is a critical value, because it is significantly lower than the mean minimum viable population for vertebrates (7000 breeding age adults). This estimated Ne is of critical importance because combined with the current El Niño events are reasons of great concern for the survival of the species and should be taken into account in future management plans to ensure the conservation and protection of the species in the Peruvian coast.  相似文献   

In this study we compare estimates of the long-term mean stochastic population growth rates, E[r] for Petrogale xanthopus xanthopus (yellow-footed rock-wallaby), a threatened Australian species. In fluctuating environments such as semi-arid areas, herbivore populations respond directly to changes in the biomass of food resources. Biomass is generally correlated with rainfall, so it is often useful to model annual population growth rates of herbivores directly with rainfall. Models of this nature are referred to as numerical response models. The factors that are thought to threaten this species include competition from introduced herbivores and predation from foxes. Annual aerial survey data collected from 1997 to 2004 over approximately 600 km of transect line were analyzed in seven zones within South Australia. Using the Ivlev numerical response model, the annual population growth rates were found to correlate best with the rain that fell in the seven-month period immediately prior to the surveys. Not surprisingly, positive growth rates were found to be associated with higher rainfalls in this period, while negative growth rates were associated with lower rainfalls. We also used weighted bootstrapping to calculate confidence intervals around our estimates of long-term mean stochastic population growth rates, E[r]. The findings suggest that the estimates of E[r] are positive in areas where there is fox and herbivore management. However, we found no evidence that this species will decline in the absence of these treatments.  相似文献   

Rajaji-Corbett Tiger Conservation Unit (RCTCU), in northern India, is one of the 11 Level-I Tiger Conservation Units (TCU) identified in the Indian subcontinent for the long-term conservation of the tiger. This TCU of about 7500 km2 stretches from the Yamuna River in the west to Sharda River in the east and includes portions of the Outer Himalaya and the Shivalik hills. Little less than one third of this TCU comes under protected area status (Rajaji National Park—820 km2, and Corbett Tiger Reserve—1286 km2) and the rest are under 12 reserve forest divisions, five of which have largely been converted into monoculture plantations. Between November 1999 and March 2000, we evaluated the status of tiger and leopard in RCTCU by counting the number of different pug marks on 3-5 km transect walks along 52 dry stream beds (‘raus’), for a total distance of 479 km in these reserve forests and plantations. People and cattle seen along the transects, were also counted, as an index of disturbance. In this TCU, the tiger occurs in three isolated populations: between the west bank of River Ganges and River Yamuna, from the east bank of Ganges to Kathgodam-Haldwani-Lalkuan Highway and between the Highway and River Sharda. Owing to increasing biotic pressures, the tiger has become rare in Rajaji-Corbett corridor and has become extinct in four divisions. There is a growing threat of further degradation and fragmentation of its habitat. To implement a recovery programme, we suggest several management measures such as control of poaching, resettlement of local tribes (gujjars) and five villages, creation and strengthening of forest corridors, conversion of monocultures into polyculture plantations and establishment of several mini-core areas including Nandaur Valley National Park. We recommend the reliable and user-friendly method used by us to evaluate and monitor the status of leopard and tiger in this conservation unit. A suggested Greater Corbett Tiger Reserve (2000 km2) should be kept as inviolate as possible.  相似文献   

为探索乌蔹莓鹿蛾的人工饲养条件, 就幼虫饲养密度(每瓶1 头、3 头、5 头、7 头、9 头)和温度(25 ℃、28 ℃、31 ℃)对乌蔹莓鹿蛾的发育历期、存活率和取食等进行了研究。结果显示, 与群体饲养相比, 单头饲养的乌蔹莓鹿蛾幼虫的发育历期长, 成活率低, 取食量较大。在25~31 ℃的环境温度下, 乌蔹莓鹿蛾幼虫的发育历期随温度升高而缩短, 28~31 ℃较有利于幼虫生长发育, 28 ℃的存活率最高(79.47%), 31 ℃时幼虫取食量最大(2.45 g·头-1)。在人工饲养条件下, 初龄幼虫以3~5 头群体饲养为宜, 3 龄以后以单头饲养为宜, 饲养温度以28~31 ℃为宜。  相似文献   

Baseline data on distribution and abundance of tigers in the Sundarbans is required to identify problem areas and evaluate management strategies. This paper outlines a khal (creek) bank survey of track set frequency throughout the Bangladesh Sundarbans to aid formulation of a management-driven monitoring program. Three teams of two observers surveyed a total of 1 201 km of waterways throughout the Sundarbans, recording 1 338 tiger track sets. These sets became unrecognizable as tiger sign after a mean 10 days (range 6-14). Proportion of detectable sign recorded was 0.91. Mean (±standard error) sample unit track frequency was 1.12 ± 0.86 track sets/km of khal. The mean coefficient of variance in sample unit track rate, estimated by multiple counts of six sample units, was 0.21 (range 0.06-0.34). Track frequency generally increased from northeast to southwest. Four sample units (6%) had signs of reproduction, with a mean litter size of 1.75 ± 0.5. Monte Carlo simulation suggests a monitoring program of one complete survey every two years will have power of 0.8 (α = 0.2), to detect track frequency declines of ?19% and increases of ?17%. We recommend this monitoring scheme be implemented on the Indian side of the Sundarbans to provide a standard assessment of the tiger population and to form the basis for setting management objectives and evaluating transboundary conservation initiatives.  相似文献   

Collection of plants and seeds from wild populations threatens a large number of cycad species. We investigated to what extent individual life history stages contribute to population growth (λ) and compared two species with major differences in life histories in the African genus Encephalartos: Encephalartos cycadifolius, a highly persistent grassland species that resprouts after fire, and Encephalartos villosus, a relatively fast growing, non-sprouting forest species. Several harvesting scenarios impacting different sized individuals were simulated to determine the sensitivity of the two functional types to harvesting. In both species λ was most sensitive to changes in abundance of adult plants. The harvesting of seeds had minimal impact on population growth rates, whereas harvesting of adult plants led to rapid population decline. This response from two very different functional types suggests that the conservation of adult plants is critical for all cycad species. Despite similar responses to adult mortality, the two species had substantially different population growth rates. This determined recovery time after harvesting of adult individuals. Encephalartos cycadifolius is typical of highly persistent plant species associated with low levels of recruitment and unable to recover from even small losses of adults within a reasonable conservation time frame (<100 years). Our results suggest that the ability to recover from loss of individuals is an important factor that should be considered when assessing the vulnerability of wild populations to threats.  相似文献   

Pragmatic population viability targets in a rapidly changing world   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
To ensure both long-term persistence and evolutionary potential, the required number of individuals in a population often greatly exceeds the targets proposed by conservation management. We critically review minimum population size requirements for species based on empirical and theoretical estimates made over the past few decades. This literature collectively shows that thousands (not hundreds) of individuals are required for a population to have an acceptable probability of riding-out environmental fluctuation and catastrophic events, and ensuring the continuation of evolutionary processes. The evidence is clear, yet conservation policy does not appear to reflect these findings, with pragmatic concerns on feasibility over-riding biological risk assessment. As such, we argue that conservation biology faces a dilemma akin to those working on the physical basis of climate change, where scientific recommendations on carbon emission reductions are compromised by policy makers. There is no obvious resolution other than a more explicit acceptance of the trade-offs implied when population viability requirements are ignored. We recommend that conservation planners include demographic and genetic thresholds in their assessments, and recognise implicit triage where these are not met.  相似文献   

The emergence of the infectious disease chytridiomycosis is a major factor responsible for amphibian extinctions in pristine habitats. However, some populations coexist with Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd), the agent of chytridiomycosis, and others go extinct when Bd arrives. Variation of pathogen severity among populations may be explained by differences of antimicrobial skin peptides and anti-Bd skin bacteria. Previous work showed that a population of the frog Rana sierrae had a high proportion of individuals with at least one species of cultured anti-Bd skin bacteria and was coexisting with Bd for more than 6 years. A population of the closely related sister species Rana muscosa had a significantly lower proportion of individuals with anti-Bd bacteria, and the following year, it went extinct due to Bd. We extended previous work to include another sampling of the R. sierrae population coexisting with Bd and found that, although the anti-Bd bacterial community somewhat differed, both populations had a high proportion of individuals with antifungal bacteria. We also included a population of R. muscosa that was naïve of Bd and predicted to go extinct once Bd emerged since that was the fate of neighboring populations. However, the naïve R. muscosa population had a high proportion of antifungal bacteria, which suggested that the population might survive if Bd emerged. Two years later, the population was surviving with Bd endemic. Variation in the proportion of individuals with anti-Bd skin bacteria appears to explain why some populations persist when Bd emerges in a population.  相似文献   

We compared differences in soil phosphorus fractions between large earthworm casts (Family Glossoscolecidae) and surrounding soils, i.e., Oxisols in 10 year-old upland agroforestry system (AGR), pasture (PAS), and secondary forest (SEC) in the Central Brazilian Amazon. AGR and PAS both received low-input fertilization and SEC received no fertilization. We found that earthworm casts had higher levels of organic hydroxide P than surrounding soils, whereas fertilization increased inorganic hydroxide P. Inorganic P was increased by fertilization, and organic P was increased by earthworm gut passage and/or selection of ingested materials, which increased available P (sum of resin and bicarbonate fractions) and moderately available P (sum of hydroxide and dilute acid fractions), and P fertilizer application and land-use increased available P. The use of a modified sequential P fractionation produced fewer differences between earthworm casts and soils than were expected. We suggest the use of a condensed extraction procedure with three fractions (Available P, Moderately Available P, and Resistant P) that provide an ecologically based understanding of the P availability in soil. Earthworm casts were estimated to constitute 41.0, 38.2, and 26.0 kg ha−1 of total available P stocks (sum of resin and bicarbonate fractions) in the agroforestry system, pasture, and secondary forest, respectively.  相似文献   

This study investigated the relationship between the current size of endangered bullhead (Cottus gobio) populations and microsatellite genetic variability. Additionally, the microsatellite data were used to evaluate whether a genetic test for population bottlenecks was able to provide evidence of recent severe population declines. Finally, our results were used to develop conservation priorities and measures. Population size appears to be a crucial parameter in determining the amount of genetic diversity that can be preserved in bullheads, since a significant positive correlation was observed between both variables. Furthermore, in some populations we were able to detect genetic signatures of the documented decline in population size. We suggest that the most immediate goal for bullhead conservation should be to increase the size and the range of the populations, and in doing so minimise or even reverse further genetic erosion. Potential management actions like habitat quality improvement, reduction of river fragmentation and supplementation programmes (translocation, supportive breeding) are discussed.  相似文献   

The endangered fish species Anaecypris hispanica is restricted to eight disjunct populations in the Portuguese Guadiana drainage. The genetic structure of these populations was studied in order to determine levels of genetic variation within and among populations and suggest implications for conservation of the species. Based on five microsatellite loci, the null hypothesis of population homogeneity was tested. Tests for genetic differentiation revealed highly significant differences for pairwise comparisons between all populations, and substantial overall population subdivision (FST=0.112). All sampled populations contained unique alleles. Our findings indicate marked genetic structuring and emphasise limited dispersal ability. The high levels of genetic diversity detected within and among A. hispanica populations suggest, however, that the observed fragmentation and reduction in population size of some populations during the last two decades, has impacted little on levels of genetic variability. Data imply that most A. hispanica populations should be managed as distinct units and that each has a high conservation value containing unique genetic variation. It is argued that geographic patterns of genetic structuring indicate the existence of eight management units.  相似文献   

Microsatellite DNA polymorphisms were screened in seven populations of the largest Neotropical predator, the Black caiman Melanosuchus niger (n = 169), originating from Brazil, French Guiana and Ecuador. Eight loci were used, for a total of 62 alleles. The Ecuadorian population had the lowest number of alleles, heterozygosity and gene diversity; populations of the Guianas region exhibited intermediate diversities; highest values were recorded in the two populations of the Amazon and Rio Negro. During the last century Melanosuchus populations have been reduced to 1-10% of their initial levels because of hunting pressure, but no strong loss of genetic diversity was observed. Both the inter-locus g-test and the Pk distribution suggested no recent important recovery and/or expansion of current populations. On a global scale, the inter-population variation of alleles indicated strong differentiation (FST = 0.137).Populations were significantly isolated from each other, with rather limited gene flow; however, these gene flow levels are sufficiently high for recolonization processes to effectively act at regional scales. In French Guiana, genetic structuring is observed between populations of two geographically close but ecologically distinct habitats, an estuary and a swamp. Similar divergence is observed in Brazil between geographically proximate “black water” and “white water” populations. As a consequence, the conservation strategy of the Black caiman should include adequate ecosystem management, with strong attention to preservation of habitat integrity. Distribution of genetic diversity suggests that current populations originated from the central Amazonian region. Dispersal of the species may thus have been deeply influenced by major climatic changes during the Holocene/Pleistocene period, when the Amazonian hydrographic networks were altered. Major ecological changes such as glaciations, marine transgressions and a hypothesized presence of an Amazonian Lake could have resulted in extension of Black caiman habitats followed by isolation.  相似文献   

Interactions among sympatric large predators and their prey and how they respond to conservation measures are poorly known. This study examines predictions concerning the effects of establishing a protected area in Nepal on tigers (Panthera tigris), leopards (Panthera pardus), and their ungulate prey. Within a part of the park, after 22 years the total density of wild ungulates had increased fourfold, to ca. 200 animals/km2, almost exclusively due to a remarkable increase in chital deer (Axis axis). Tiger density also increased markedly to nearly 20 animals/100 km2, whereas leopard density did not and was ca. 5 animals/100 km2. The prediction that grazers should increase more than browsers was only partially supported. The prediction of positive density dependence in prey selection was not supported. Instead, the most abundant species (chital and hog deer, Axis porcinus) were killed less frequently than expected, whereas the lower-density wild boar (Sus scrofa) was preferred. Predictions that (i) initially rare species suffer highest predation was partially supported, that (ii) predation is highest among the most abundant prey was not supported, and that (iii) predation is highest among the most preferred prey independently of their densities was supported. Clearly, the conservation efforts adopted in Bardia were successful, as both tigers and their natural prey base increased. However, the positive numerical response of tigers limited and depressed the abundance of some prey species. Thus, conservation activities aimed at restoring large predators are likely to change in the composition of the overall mammal community, potentially eliminating rare but preferred prey species.  相似文献   

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