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Small mammals, such as European rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus), plateau pikas (Ochotona curzoniae) and prairie dogs (Cynomys spp.), traditionally have been perceived as pests and targeted for control within their native ranges, where they perform essential ecosystem roles and are considered keystone species. These species can reach high densities, and have been subjected to eradication campaigns because of their putative negative impact on natural habitats and agriculture and their competition with livestock for forage. Eradication programmes have been a main factor causing sharp declines of these species in their natural ranges. Paradoxically, they are keystone species where they are abundant enough to be perceived as pests. The term “pest” is usually a social perception that is rarely supported by scientific data, whereas there is considerable scientific evidence of the key ecological roles played by these species. We call for the conservation of these species and present a conceptual model regarding the management of their populations. Where they occur at high numbers, and hence their effects on biodiversity are still of crucial importance, the persecution of these species should be avoided and their natural habitats preserved. In areas with high conservation value, but where these species occur at low densities, management efforts should aim to increase their density. In areas of high commercial value, managers ideally should consider changing prioritization of the area to high conservation value by purchasing the land or obtaining conservation easements. In situations with high commercial value and demonstrable low conservation concern, small mammals could be reduced humanely.  相似文献   

Habitat clearance and fragmentation is increasingly threatening the biodiversity of tropical rainforests, however, the response of many insect species, even of key organisms, is still little understood. Using an extensive data set spanning over four years, we analyzed the effects of clearance and fragmentation of a Congo-Guinean rainforest in western Kenya on the abundance and the raid rates of two species of swarm-raiding army ants, which are considered keystone organisms of tropical rainforests. The abundance of army ants was measured by transect monitoring and by short-term pitfall trapping while raid rates were measured by long-term pitfall trapping over a period of five months. Dorylus wilverthi was the most abundant army ant in undisturbed rainforest and its abundance and raid rate strongly declined in small forest fragments. In contrast, the abundance of Dorylus molestus increased with decreasing fragment size and compensated for the decline of D. wilverthi in terms of abundance and ecological functionality (i.e. raiding rates). D. molestus appears to have a higher ability of using the agricultural land surrounding the Kakamega Forest than D. wilverthi, which may explain the species-specific differences in the susceptibility to habitat fragmentation. Our study demonstrates that habitat fragmentation may have a differential effect on two ecologically highly similar keystone species. Moreover, it shows that species compensation might help in maintaining an important ecosystem function (i.e. raiding by swarm-raiding army ants) in fragmented tropical rainforests.  相似文献   

Land ownership in Alaska includes a mosaic of federally managed units. Within its agency’s context, each unit has its own management strategy, authority, and resources of conservation concern, many of which are migratory animals. Though some units are geographically isolated, many are nevertheless linked by paths of abiotic and biotic flows, such as rivers, air masses, flyways, and terrestrial and aquatic migration routes. Furthermore, individual land units exist within the context of a larger landscape pattern of shifting conditions, requiring managers to understand at larger spatial scales the status and trends in the synchrony and spatial concurrence of species and associated suitable habitats. Results of these changes will determine the ability of Alaska lands to continue to: provide habitat for local and migratory species; absorb species whose ranges are shifting northward; and experience mitigation or exacerbation of climate change through positive and negative atmospheric feedbacks. We discuss the geographic and statutory contexts that influence development of ecological monitoring; argue for the inclusion of significant amounts of broad-scale monitoring; discuss the importance of defining clear programmatic and monitoring objectives; and draw from lessons learned from existing long-term, broad-scale monitoring programs to apply to the specific contexts relevant to high-latitude protected areas such as those in Alaska. Such areas are distinguished by their: marked seasonality; relatively large magnitudes of contemporary change in climatic parameters; and relative inaccessibility due to broad spatial extent, very low (or zero) road density, and steep and glaciated areas. For ecological monitoring to effectively support management decisions in high-latitude areas such as Alaska, a monitoring program ideally would be structured to address the actual spatial and temporal scales of relevant processes, rather than the artificial boundaries of individual land-management units. Heuristic models provide a means by which to integrate understanding of ecosystem structure, composition, and function, in the midst of numerous ecosystem drivers.  相似文献   

The objective of grassland management is to maintain keystone species, as well as species diversity, to promote a particular community structure, or to preserve specific ecosystem processes. Studies of grassland management rarely ascertain the effects on rare plant species, although conservation plans for rare herbaceous plants often recommend habitat management as well as restoration activities. Indeed, conservation biology has evolved from a relatively species-specific discipline into one more focused on larger scale issues such as ecosystem function, community composition and habitat restoration. Few studies have tested whether species of concern are adequately managed with a community or ecosystem-level approach. In this study, we evaluate whether community-level management of white-tailed deer and woody brush improves the viability of the rare annual plant species, Agalinis auriculata (Earleaf false foxglove; Orobanchaceae). Reducing deer browse and removing brush each positively affect plant vital rates. Brush removal increases the proportion of plants that reach the largest size class. Reducing deer browse increases the fertility of plants, particularly those in the largest size class. We report on demographic matrix models created with data from five populations of A. auriculata studied across 4 years. We find that both management activities positively affect the non-target plant species and are, in fact, necessary for A. auriculata to persist. Conservation of A. auriculata at our study sites requires both reducing the density of white-tailed deer and brush removal. Our study demonstrates that management at the community and ecosystem levels can be compatible with conservation goals at the species and population levels.  相似文献   

Many conservation projects have to develop practical and feasible ways to detect changes in populations. We compare the ecological information obtained using intensive monitoring of coral-reef fish populations with that which would be procured from less exhaustive sampling. At each of four sites in the Philippines, we surveyed all non-cryptic fish species in eight transects every month for up to 3 years. We first tested for changes across years and seasons in fish density, size and species richness. We then compared these results obtained by using all data to those obtained in simulated protocols that restricted effort in ways that were relevant in practical marine resource management. We demonstrate the potential for reducing time in the water (number of surveys or number of transects) or in the number of species surveyed (proportions of those that were easily identified or locally fished) with little loss of information. Bimonthly surveys detected most of the overall but few of the seasonal trends that were identified with monthly sampling; far fewer trends were detected with less frequent surveying. Similarly, most trends were detected when at least four transects were carried out monthly. Most trends were also detected when all possible easily-identified species or at least 75% of fished species were considered. Indeed, ability to detect overall trends remained high even when only fished species were considered in four transects monthly. We conclude that some selective sampling protocols can be sufficiently sensitive to detect important trends, and that the choice of protocol will depend on the objective of the research or management.  相似文献   

Does invasive plant management aid the restoration of natural ecosystems?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Invasive alien plants of natural ecosystems, commonly referred to as weeds, can reduce the abundance and diversity of native flora and fauna, and alter ecosystem processes. Using Australia’s 20 ‘Weeds of National Significance’ (WoNS), we investigated how natural ecosystems responded following their management. We reviewed the literature and surveyed land managers involved in WoNS management programs by distributing a questionnaire through various e-mail networks. While most of the 95 papers reviewed measured the effect of management on the target WoNS, only 18 assessed the response of other plant species. In these studies, native plant species did not necessarily recover following management and in many instances the managed WoNS was replaced by other weed species. Three other studies investigated the response of invertebrate communities and an ecosystem process following WoNS management but none examined the response of vertebrates or microbial communities. A total of 168 replies were received to the land manager survey. Of the 142 land managers who evaluated their WoNS management program, 86 monitored the response of native plant species and/or other weeds, mostly using qualitative assessments. These managers reported no vegetation response after management of the WoNS (7%) or re-colonisation by a combination of native and weed species (52%) or only by native plants (33%) or the targeted WoNS (2%). Our results emphasise the need to select sites for weed management that are less degraded and thus have a higher likelihood of natural recovery and/or to incorporate activities that facilitate recovery of native plant communities in conjunction with weed removal.  相似文献   

Public attitudes towards biodiversity issues and the value judgments underlying biodiversity management and conservation are still poorly understood. This has raised serious concerns regarding the effective use of public participation in biodiversity policy making. We conducted quantitative face-to-face interviews with members of the general public in southeast Scotland to assess attitudes towards biodiversity management and examine attitude formation. For this, we applied social psychological attitude-behaviour theories to a case study investigating biodiversity management options for an island ecosystem in which the abundance of a charismatic seabird, the Atlantic puffin (Fratercula arctica) is compromised by the expansion of a tall invasive plant, tree mallow (Lavatera arborea). We found that attitudes as expressed by members of the public are informed by both value- and knowledge-based elements. Our research provides clear support for the notion that, in a conservation context, value-based principles matter to the public. Out of a set of seven conservation-related values, ‘balance’ and ‘naturalness’ were important factors that related strongly to the respondents’ attitudes. These relationships were even stronger for individuals emotionally involved with the topic. Other value-based principles such as uniqueness, autochthony and endangeredness of the species involved appeared to be of lesser relevance. The findings provide evidence that attitudes can be considered as distinct constructs that offer valuable and meaningful information to biodiversity policymakers and managers, and allow empirical insights into the way value judgments influence biodiversity management and conservation.  相似文献   

Ants represent a widespread and functionally diverse taxonomic group that are both sensitive to land management and serve as important regulators of key soil processes. Building upon this idea, we sought to understand the impacts of agricultural management on ant communities in the Orinoco River Basin of eastern Colombia and to identify species that could be used as indicators of soil-based ecosystem services. Ants were collected and identified from the soil and litter layer within 75 fields (nine TSBF sub-samples along a transect in each field) divided among five common agricultural land uses in the region: 1) annual crops (maize, soy and rice), 2) rubber plantations, 3) oil palm plantations, 4) improved pastures (based on Brachiaria spp.), and 5) semi-natural savannas. As expected, land management was found to greatly influence ant communities. Improved pastures showed the highest species richness (6.9 species per transect) and semi-natural savanna the greatest abundance of ants (145 individuals per transect). Within each of these fields a suite of soil and agroecosystem characteristics were measured and combined into synthetic indicators of five soil-based ecosystem services: 1) nutrient provision, 2) water storage and regulation, 3) maintenance of soil structure, 4) climate regulation services and 5) soil biodiversity and biological activity. Ant species were then associated with these synthetic indicators using the IndVal method to identify indicator species for each of the five consolidated ecosystem services measured. In total, 14 indicator species were identified and found to be significantly associated with either the high or low provision of each of the five services. The development of such bioindicators offers a rapid and relatively inexpensive tool to facilitate land management and policy decisions in this biologically diverse and rapidly changing region of Colombia.  相似文献   

Many indicators and criteria have been proposed to assess the sustainable management of forests but their scientific validity remains uncertain. Because the effects of forest disturbances (such as logging) are often specific to particular species, sites, landscapes, regions and forest types, management “shortcuts” such as indicator species, focal species and threshold levels of vegetation cover may be of limited generic value. We propose an alternative approach based on a set of five guiding principles for biodiversity conservation that are broadly applicable to any forested area: (1) the maintenance of connectivity; (2) the maintenance of landscape heterogeneity; (3) the maintenance of stand structural complexity; and (4) the maintenance of aquatic ecosystem integrity; (5) the use of natural disturbance regimes to guide human disturbance regimes.We present a checklist of measures for forest biodiversity conservation that reflects the multi-scaled nature of conservation approaches on forested land. At the regional scale, management should ensure the establishment of large ecological reserves. At the landscape scale, off-reserve conservation measures should include: (1) protected areas within production forests; (2) buffers for aquatic ecosystems; (3) appropriately designed and located road networks; (4) the careful spatial and temporal arrangement of harvest units; and (5) appropriate fire management practices. At the stand level, off-reserve conservation measures should include: (1) the retention of key elements of stand structural complexity (e.g., large living and dead trees with hollows, understorey thickets, and large fallen logs); (2) long rotation times (coupled with structural retention at harvest); (3) silvicultural systems alternative to traditional high impact ones (e.g., clearcutting in some forest types); and (4) appropriate fire management practices and practices for the management of other kinds of disturbances.Although the general ecological principles and associated checklist are intuitive, data to evaluate the effectiveness of many specific on-the-ground management actions are limited. Considerable effort is needed to adopt adaptive management “natural experiments” and monitoring to: (1) better identify the impacts of logging operations and other kinds of management activities on biodiversity, and; (2) quantify the effectiveness of impact mitigation strategies; and (3) identify ways to improve management practices.  相似文献   

Volunteers counted lesser horseshoe bats (Rhinolophus hipposideros) emerging from 79 roosts throughout Wales prior to parturition over a 5-year period. Analysis of the count data and environmental variables revealed that there was no statistically significant change in the number of bats counted during the monitoring period. A maximum count of 5118 lesser horseshoe bats for one of the years of the study, suggests a Welsh population of >10,000. Within years, date had a strong influence on roost count with higher counts occurring later in the year. Analyses of roosts for which data was available in most years failed to find any evidence of changes in number of emerging bats over time either between roosts or across geographical regions. Over the time period studied, the population of R. hipposideros was stable. Power analysis suggested that the present monitoring programme should be able to detect a 5% increase or decrease over a 5-year period and could detect smaller trends over longer periods of time even when some data were missing. Roost surveys can therefore be a valuable tool to assess the status of a bat species, alert conservationists to population declines and provide feedback regarding the success of conservation management for bats.  相似文献   

The Seychelles giant millipede, Seychelleptus seychellarum, is abundant on Cousine Island, Seychelles (ca. 4.4 ind m−2), where there are no alien invasive mammals as predators. This study of its feeding behaviour and activity pattern showed that its dietary range is wide, feeding mostly on leaf litter and fallen fruit. There were quantitative differences in the feeding behaviour and activity patterns of both sexes and immatures. Its ingestion rate for its size was relatively low, but its role in litter breakdown was substantial. It ingested 4.55% of the litter standing crop, and 17.19% of the daily litter fall every 24 h. Total faecal production was 2.90% of the total litter standing crop and 10.96% of the daily litter fall. This has a highly significant effect on Cousine Island which, being small and granitic, depends on nutrient cycling to maintain its ecological integrity, especially when seabirds are absent and not contributing to soil nutrient input. As this Seychelles endemic millipede has been extirpated from several islands, its continued conservation on the islands where it still occurs is not simply about conserving an endemic species, but also about maintaining intact a tropical ecosystem, with a keystone species.  相似文献   

Ecosystem services and economic returns from semi‐arid rangelands are threatened by land degradation. Policies to improve ecosystem service delivery often fail to consider uncertainty in economic returns gained through different land uses and management practices. We apply an analytical framework using stochastic simulation to estimate the range of potential monetary outcomes of rangeland ecosystem services under different land uses, including consideration of the uncertainty and variability of model parameters. We assess monetary and non‐monetary dimensions, including those ecosystem services with uncertain and missing information, for communal rangelands, commercial ranches, game farms and Wildlife Management Areas in southern Kgalagadi District, Botswana. Public land uses (communal grazing areas and protected conservation land in Wildlife Management Areas) provide higher economic value than private land uses (commercial ranches and game farms), despite private land uses being more profitable in their returns from meat production. Communal rangelands and protected areas are important for a broader range of ecosystem services (cultural/spiritual services, recreation, firewood, construction material and wild food), which play a key role in sustaining the livelihoods of the largest share of society. The full range of ecosystem services should therefore be considered in economic assessments, while policies targeting sustainable land management should value and support their provision and utilisation. By forecasting the range of plausible ecosystem values of different rangeland land uses in monetary terms, our analysis provides policymakers with a tool to assess outcomes of land use and management decisions and policies. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The United Kingdom Overseas Territories (UKOTs) are globally important for a high diversity of endemic and threatened plant species but are poorly represented in plant ecological literature. This lack of ecological research is compounded by a lack of funding and skills. Cost effective approaches of compiling conservation relevant information are required. Here we present the first examination of a species from the UKOTs presented within the standard framework of a Biological Flora. This framework allows a convenient way to compile ecological information and assess missing data. The account reviews all available information on Euphorbia origanoides L. (Ascension spurge) from Ascension Island (South Atlantic Ocean) relevant to understanding its ecology and conservation, including soil chemistry, climate and plant community data. E. origanoides is an endemic perennial, found in dry, lava plains of Ascension Island with soils comprised of weathered volcanic scoria. E. origanoides has suffered habitat loss through the introduction of invasive species and survival in the wild is currently under threat. We relate the information gathered for this Biological Flora to the conservation of the species in the wild and propose the framework should be used as one way of compiling information relevant for conservation managers. The framework is beneficial as it allows an evidence-based approach to conservation but also permits the prioritisation of research and can help conservation managers to meet targets for the Convention on Biological Diversity and the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation.  相似文献   

Mesoamerica provides a unique context for biodiversity conservation in managed landscapes because of its geography, history of human intervention, and present conservation and development initiatives. The long and narrow form of the Mesoamerican landmass, and its division by a central mountain range, has served as both a bridge and a barrier. Conservation efforts in Mesoamerica are unique for the emphasis they place on regional connectivity through the Mesoamerican Biological Corridor and on biodiversity conservation in managed landscapes. The emphasis on conservation in agricultural systems has fostered innovations in payment for ecosystem services, and provides novel insights on the functional role that biodiversity plays in the provisioning of ecosystem services. The increasing rate of economic development in the region and the advent of new payment for ecosystem service schemes have provided new opportunities for forest regeneration and restoration. However, the small scale of private landholdings and the diversity of land uses featured in the region, while contributing to biodiversity conservation due to their structural and floristic complexity, present challenges for biodiversity monitoring and management.  相似文献   

Recent empirical and theoretical studies have shown that magnitude and direction of biodiversity effects on ecosystem functioning can shifts over time. Here, we used species richness and plant abundance (total individual plant stem density) as proxies for species diversity and aboveground biomass for productivity. We used an analytical approach combining both chronosequence and 6 year of vegetation monitoring in a subalpine ecosystem as a model system to assess temporal species richness–abundance–aboveground biomass relationships at different successional stages and spatial scales. We observed that both species richness and plant aboveground biomass increased rapidly early in succession after land abandonment, then after 10 years of abandonment reached a steady state. We found that the relationship between species richness and plant abundance with aboveground biomass was strengthening over successional time. In all successional stages, species richness had stronger positive effects as compared with plant abundance on plant aboveground biomass. Species richness was linearly correlated with aboveground biomass, whereas plant abundance showed a humped‐back relationship with aboveground biomass across all successional stages. Our results showed an increase in the effect of plant diversity over time, and a combination of both plant species richness and abundance is correlated with plant productivity throughout successional time, knowledge that maybe important to managing ecological restoration and conservation. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

I examine a number of problems that need to be identified and accounted for when examining the relationships between diversity and ecosystem function. Among these are measures of diversity and complexity in ecosystems: species richness, diversity indices, functional groups, keystone species, connectance, etc, all of which may be difficult to relate to ecosystem function. Several important distinctions, when testing diversity–function relationships empirically, are discussed: Diversity of functional groups, diversity within functional groups vs. total diversity; manipulating variables such as body-size distributions vs. manipulating diversity per se; effects of diversity vs. effects of biomass; and diversity–function relations under stable vs. changing conditions or perturbations. It is argued that for the management and development of sustainable ecosystems, it is probably more important to understand the linkages between key species or functional groups and ecosystem function, rather than focusing on species diversity. This is because there are possible mechanistic relations between what species do in ecosystems and ecosystem function. Diversity, being an abstract and aggregated property of the species in the context of communities and ecosystems, lacks such direct relations to ecosystem functions.  相似文献   

Knowledge gained from monitoring has been the basis for many critical decisions in threatened and endangered species and ecosystem management. Long-term monitoring has been recognized as a necessity for elucidating population trends and community interactions, particularly for long-lived species or ecosystems with slow rates of change. We examine seasonal and annual cycles of morphological changes in a threatened, long-lived, insular reptile, the tuatara (Sphenodon punctatus), on Stephens Island, New Zealand. We used body condition indices as a surrogate measure of fitness, and examined seasonal fluctuations, using data from an intensive mark-recapture study, and long-term trends using a dataset that spans 54 years. In spite of seasonal and annual fluctuations, body condition of tuatara has declined significantly between 1949 and 2003; the decline was only evident after >22 years of monitoring. We hypothesize that increasing numbers of tuatara have resulted in a density-dependent population response driven by past habitat modification on Stephens Island. We emphasize the need for long-term monitoring and suggest that potentially costly management decisions, particularly for long-lived species or ecosystems with slow rates of change, should not be based solely on short-term monitoring.  相似文献   

紫胶玉米混农林模式对地表蚂蚁多样性及功能群的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
为了揭示紫胶玉米混农林对地表蚂蚁群落多样性及功能群的影响,采用陷阱法调查了云南省绿春县紫胶林、紫胶玉米混农林和玉米旱地3种类型样地的地表蚂蚁物种组成、物种多样性、群落结构相似性、指示物种和功能群等。结果显示,紫胶玉米混农林模式具有较高的地表蚂蚁物种数和稀有物种数,与玉米旱地相比,紫胶玉米混农林的蚂蚁物种数增加41%,稀有物种数增加85%。紫胶玉米混农林与紫胶林具有更高的蚂蚁多样性,其物种丰富度和ACE估值均显著高于玉米旱地,而紫胶玉米混农林的多度显著高于紫胶林和玉米旱地。地表蚂蚁物种组合在3种类型样地中有差异,与紫胶林和紫胶玉米混农林相关联的物种与玉米旱地不同。3种样地的指示物种不同,玉米旱地的指示种为扁平虹臭蚁和伊大头蚁,紫胶玉米混农林为凹头臭蚁、西昌刺结蚁和中华小家蚁,紫胶林为费氏盘腹蚁、立毛举腹蚁、阿普特铺道蚁、贝卡盘腹蚁和西氏拟毛蚁。紫胶玉米混农林蚂蚁功能群组成比例介于玉米旱地和紫胶林之间,其中机会主义者(OPP)、从属弓背蚁族(SC)、隐蔽物种(C)及气候特化种(CS)的蚂蚁物种数、多度及比例明显高于玉米旱地。紫胶玉米混农林生境较为复杂,对地表蚂蚁多样性保护具有积极作用,是平衡环境保护和经济可持续发展的较好模式。  相似文献   

The science and application of ecological monitoring   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We provide a broad overview of the underlying philosophy of ecological monitoring. We argue that the major characteristics of effective monitoring programs typically include: (1) Good questions. (2) A conceptual model of an ecosystem or population. (3) Strong partnerships between scientists, policy-makers and managers. (4) Frequent use of data collected.We classify monitoring programs into three categories - (1) Passive monitoring, which is devoid of specified questions or underlying study design and has limited rationale other than curiosity. (2) Mandated monitoring where environmental data are gathered as a stipulated requirement of government legislation or a political directive. The focus is usually to identify trends. (3) Question-driven monitoring, which is guided by a conceptual model and by a rigorous design that will typically result in a priori predictions that can be tested.There are advantages and disadvantages of mandated monitoring programs, which are typically large-scaled, and generally smaller-scaled, question-driven monitoring programs. For example, while question-driven monitoring programs can provide insights into the ecological processes giving rise to emergent environmental patterns, spatial generalization from them is difficult because results may not extrapolate well to other regions, states or to a national level. Conversely, while mandated monitoring can be useful for producing coarse level summaries of temporal changes in a target population or resource condition they may not identify the mechanism influencing a change in an ecosystem or an entity. A key remaining challenge is to develop much improved mandated monitoring programs through more widespread adoption of the features of successful question-driven monitoring programs in efforts to enhance biodiversity conservation and environmental management.  相似文献   

Riparian zones are important for the many ecosystem services they supply. In settled areas, the vegetation of such zones is shaped by human land-use; this often creates conditions under which alien plant species thrive. Alien plants have been shown to induce large-scale changes in riparian habitats, and they pose a major threat to the continued provision of key ecosystem services. We used direct gradient analysis to assess correlations between land-use and the composition of vegetation along a riparian river corridor in the highly transformed landscape surrounding Stellenbosch in South Africa’s Western Cape Province. Vegetation plots were sampled along the entire length of the river from headwaters to estuary (ca. 40 km). Plant community composition was analyzed in relation to land-use data collected in the field, and additional land-use variables computed from digital land-cover data. Patterns of plant community structure were found to be directly related to land-use, with measures of cover, richness, and diversity differing significantly among land-use types. Portions of the riparian zone adjacent to agricultural land had the greatest level of alien plant cover, while areas bordered by urban land maintained the highest alien species richness. Areas adjacent to grazing and natural lands showed intermediate and low levels of invasion, respectively. Several native species were found to persist in areas with high abundance and diversity of invasive alien plants, suggesting that they will be valuable focal species for future restoration attempts. Due to the level of human-mediated change in many areas of the riparian zone, restoration to historic conditions over most of the river is not considered feasible. These areas should be recognized as examples of novel ecosystems, and management efforts should focus on restoring or creating desirable ecosystem functions, rather than on achieving assemblages comprising only native species.  相似文献   

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