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Waders leave nests and conduct distractive displays when approached by people. The time taken for waders to return to nests depends on numerous factors that affect the costs and benefits of incubation and anti-predator behavior. Understanding this trade-off may help assess the reproductive consequences of different nest return times and identify variables to consider in breeding disturbance studies. We subjected 73 Malaysian plover (Charadrius peronii) nests to standardized human disturbances and an analysis of covariance was used to determine how weather, time of day, embryonic age, weeks into breeding season and nest attendance (proportion of time adults incubated nests) influence nest return times. Egg temperatures were estimated using a regression model that predicted the temperature inside unshaded eggs from air temperature, cloud cover and time of day (r2 = 0.88). We assessed the relationship between nest return times and hatch success. Plovers returned to nests faster at higher modeled egg temperature (P = 0.010), in the morning (P = 0.003), if they had younger clutches (P = 0.038), and if they had high nest attendance prior to the disturbance (P = 0.015). Pairs that returned to nests faster had lower hatch success (P = 0.021). This may be because pairs that spend more time distracting humans may also do so for predators. These results suggest that short nest return times may not indicate low fitness costs of disturbance. The thermal and predation environment in addition to nest return times should be taken into account when assessing the deleterious effects of human disturbance.  相似文献   

The management of the cinereous vulture (Aegypius monachus) populations, the largest bird of the Western Palæarctic and considered an umbrella species, requires the understanding of the factors limiting the breeding success. As part of a management program, we studied such factors in seven breeding colonies in Extremadura (SW Iberian Peninsula). Using a Geographic Information System and multivariate models, we analyzed the relationship of breeding success with anthropic and natural factors at the nest site and in the foraging area of the adults. We incorporated into the models density-dependent effects between pairs and the spatial autocorrelation of the environmental variables. The differences in breeding success resulted from spatial variations in natural and anthropic conditions, with present human disturbance to nests and future alteration of climate having an expected negative effect at all the sites. Management measures must set calendar restrictions for the immediate environment of the nests, mainly with respect to forestry and hunting activities. A second key element is the protection of the habitats at the nest sites and in their surrounding area, with the aim of there being both wooded areas available for the location of the nest and open environments for the availability of food. The Special Protection Areas showed a partial effectiveness of conservation measures for the species, and the need for future improvement. Lastly, in a scenario of global warming, management policies with respect to nesting habitats will have to be extended to higher altitude zones, actions that should be guided by the study of the selection of potential nesting habitat.  相似文献   

The bearded vulture Gypaetus barbatus is a large, long-lived osteophagus vulture whose abundance and breeding range have drastically declined during the last century, making it one of the most endangered European bird species. We evaluated the extinction risk of the bearded vulture population in Corsica (a small, isolated breeding population of 8-10 pairs), one of the last extant populations in Western Europe, and estimated its probability of extinction to be 0.165 over the next 50 years. A sensitivity analysis to assess the influence of uncertain demographic rates showed that it is critical to estimate precisely the values of pre-adult survival. Neither the type nor the parameters of density dependence acting on fecundity and survival rates influenced much the extinction risk of the Corsican population. We evaluated the effect of four realistic conservation actions that could be implemented on the Corsican bearded vulture population and rank them in terms of their respective decrease of the current extinction risk faced by this population. We found that the release of two juveniles every other year for 12 years and the increase of fecundity due to selective food provisioning would reduce by more than one-half the current extinction risk of Corsican bearded vulture population. In contrast, even substantial increases in the carrying capacity through large supplemental feeding produced very modest decreases in the extinction risk, thus calling into question the efficacy of one of the main pan-European conservation strategies for this species. Re-establishing a population network within the Mediterranean could be a potentially better strategy, though its efficacy depends on natal dispersal among populations that is currently unknown.  相似文献   

Common Eider colonies often are subjected to human visitors, such as down collectors, recreationists and researchers. However, the effects of frequency and timing of disturbance, and the abundance of nearby avian predators on eider nesting success have been studied only partly. We used three experimental treatments and six eider colonies over 3 years (1993-1995) to test the effects of these factors on eider nesting success, while controlling results for associated gull nest density. Treatments consisted of (1) high frequency visits (once every 3 days) starting early in the incubation period (HFE), (2) low frequency visits (once every 15 days) starting early in the incubation period (LFE), and (3) high frequency visits starting late in the incubation period (HFL). Analysis of covariance indicated that both disturbance treatments and associated gull nest density had a significant effect on eider nesting success probability. Nesting success probabilities were similar for eiders under HFE and LFE treatments (means=0.317±0.166 [SE] and 0.434±0.172 respectively), indicating that changes in frequency of visits had little impact on nesting success. In contrast, timing of visits had a major influence on nesting success, as the HFL treatment resulted in a significant higher nesting success probability (mean=0.981±0.191) than the HFE treatment. Most nest failures occurred after the first visit in all treatments, although the impact of the first visit was lowest in the HFL treatment. Researchers and wildlife managers should visit eider colonies as late as possible, and avoid visiting colonies associated with high densities of eider egg predators.  相似文献   

The wedge-tailed eagle is Australia’s largest bird of prey and one of the largest eagles in the world. Aquila audax fleayi is an endemic Tasmanian subspecies isolated for 10,000 years from the nominate subspecies on the Australian mainland. The Tasmanian wedge-tailed eagle is classified nationally and at a State level as endangered due to its small number of breeding pairs, low breeding success and high rate of mortality from unnatural causes. The subspecies experiences mortality throughout its range from shooting, poisoning, trapping, road accidents, electrocutions and collisions with wind turbines, aircraft, fences and overhead wires, which we term ‘un-natural mortality’. A portion of the subspecies’ range is managed for timber production, which can lead to disturbance of nest sites and the loss of nest trees. We use a model of the eagle population from the Bass District in northeast Tasmania to explore the relative importance of different sources of mortality and nesting habitat loss, and the potential for mitigating impacts associated with unnatural mortality, disturbance, nesting habitat loss and human access to forests. We create a habitat map including suitable nest sites and link it to a dynamic landscape population model based on life history traits and disturbance responses. Using the program RAMAS-Landscape, we model alternative forest management scenarios, ranging from no timber harvesting and a natural wildfire regime, to scenarios prescribing native forest harvesting and regeneration and different levels of conversion of native forest to plantation under the same natural wildfire regime. The results indicate that the Tasmanian wedge-tailed eagle is sensitive to unnatural mortality, plantation establishment and native forest harvesting. The predicted decline over the next 160 years (65%) will most likely be driven largely by loss of current and potential future nest sites associated with harvesting activities, exacerbated by unnatural mortality in the wider landscape. Interventions that minimise unnatural mortality, reduce nest disturbance, and retain breeding habitat and nest sites may improve the prospects for the subspecies in the Bass District. If nest disturbance and unnatural mortality continue at the rates modelled here, the species appears to face a high risk of declining substantially in the region.  相似文献   

The little tern (Sterna albifrons) is a species of shorebird that nests in colonies on sandy beaches and riverbanks with little vegetation cover. In Japan, the natural breeding habitats of the terns have decreased drastically, and the species is listed under the category “vulnerable” in the Red List of the Government of Japan. To reduce the effects of habitat loss on the terns, conservationists are attempting to create and manage artificial colony sites in highly developed landscapes, such as reclaimed lands located in Tokyo Bay, central Japan. We present the factors that contribute to breeding success for this species and the habitat characteristics related to nest-site selection in the artificial colony sites along Tokyo Bay. Our data show that around 3 ha of a building rooftop without vegetation cover could sustain more than 2000 little tern nests. We found a strong positive relationship between colony size and hatching success, observing that a colony size of more than 100 lowered predation rates of eggs. On sites built upon white crushed-concrete, nest densities were high and predation rates of eggs were low. We also found that feeding rates were affected by foraging habitats, of which the best types were the shoreline of sandy beaches and mud flats. The 40 km dispersal range of the breeding terns, inferred from distribution data, should be considered when establishing a network of the multiple colony sites.  相似文献   

The dehesa (oak woodland) is an extensive agro-pastoral ecosystem characteristic of the Western Mediterranean countries which is suffering a great transformation process since 1950. Although its distribution largely overlaps with several endangered species, there is scarce information on how they use this human-transformed habitat. We studied the foraging habitat selection of one of them, the cinereous vulture Aegypius monachus. We radio-tracked 14 cinereous vultures in one of the largest European colonies from 1998 to 2000. Used and available habitats were compared at two scales using compositional analysis. Moreover, we developed a distance-based GLMM for assessing habitat selection in this central-place forager species, by taking into account the spatial distribution of habitat patches in relation to the location of the colony. Home ranges overlapped over a total surface of 592,527 ha around the colony, and both individual home ranges and travel foraging distances (mean 27.86 km, maximum 86 km) were larger during the breeding season. All cinereous vultures avoided agricultural lands within their home ranges throughout the year. Habitat use in relation to the distance to the colony pointed out that dehesas were positively selected in spite of being on average far away from the colony than other habitats, a result that was consistent among individuals and seasons. The cinereous vulture thus depends for its conservation not only on the protection of breeding areas, as has been so far considered, but also on the maintenance of well-conserved dehesas close to the colonies. Preserving the cinereous vultures could contribute to the economic sustainability of dehesas by attracting PAC funds for their traditional low-intensity exploitation. Although other species may also benefit from this study since cinereous vulture could be a “flagship” for the large-scale conservation of Mediterranean oak woodlands and associated biodiversity, more fine local management guidelines should be performed on the basis of studies on more sensitive species.  相似文献   

Animals use environmental cues, social information and behavioural decision-making rules moulded by natural selection to decide where to breed. We assessed whether the presence of an alien nest predator, the Black Rat (Rattus rattus) is used by a colonial seabird, the Cory’s shearwater (Calonectris diomedea), as an environmental cue in the selection of breeding sites. We compared potential habitat preference using quality of breeders and nest fidelity as response to nest predation between two sub-colonies with different habitat characteristics, breeding success and predation pressure. Quality of individuals was better in the predated habitat and birds did not perceive the presence of predators signalling differences in predation risk and in turn of breeding success. This failure of perception could be at two levels: in the selection of habitat for first breeding and in the breeding dispersal following a reproductive failure. Preference for the sub-colony with higher predation risk suggests the presence of an evolutionary trap. In fact, the introduction of alien predators probably transformed the behaviour of shearwaters in a maladaptive response due to a mismatch between the new environmental factors and their behavioural and evolutionary algorithms. This can be a common pattern in other species with little behavioural plasticity, evolved in stable environments free of predators.  相似文献   

Forest fragmentation leads to the creation of isolated forest patches and habitat edges with subsequent impact on forest-interior bird species. Although the effects of fragmentation and edge on avian nesting success are well documented for open cup-nesting species in eastern deciduous forests in North America, it is unclear whether these effects are common for all birds nesting in predominantly forested landscapes. In particular, edge effects on nesting success of cavity-nesting birds are poorly understood. Using natural cavity nests, we examined nesting success of four species of cavity-nesting birds (two nonexcavators and two excavators), the yellow-rumped flycatcher (Ficedula zanthopygia), the great tit (Parus major), the great spotted woodpecker (Picoides major), and the grey-faced woodpecker (Picus canus) in relation to forest edges in Zuojia Nature Reserve, Jilin province, northeastern China. Our primary objective was to assess whether distance to the edge of agricultural lands was related to nesting success for cavity-nesting birds in fragmented forests. A total of 439 natural cavity nests of the four species were located and monitored during four breeding seasons. Probability of nest success was influenced by distance to forest edge for nonexcavators, but not for excavators. The rate of nesting success of the two nonexcavators, yellow-rumped flycatcher and the great tit, increased with distance from the edges. For all cavity nests, nesting success was 0.43 at 0-100 m, 0.56 at 101-200 m, 0.68 at 201-300 m, 0.61 at 301-400 m, 0.77 at 401-500 m from the edges. Nesting success ranged from 0.57 for the yellow-rumped flycatcher to 0.89 for the Grey-faced Woodpecker. Failed nests were often occupied by nest-site competitors (accounting for 68%). However, predation only accounted for 20% of all nest failures. Our results suggest that negative edge effects do exist for some cavity-nesting birds, especially for nonexcavator species.  相似文献   

Conservation practitioners often rely on experience rather than scientific evidence when making management decisions. These experience-based measures can waste limited time and funding if the given conservation practice is ineffective. Unanalyzed conservation strategies may negatively impact the species that is being protected. The use of predator exclosures to increase hatching success in ground-nesting shorebirds has been studied for almost two decades, yet their effectiveness is still debated. In ecosystems where predation pressure is particularly strong, electrified exclosures have been adopted; however, there are no studies on their efficacy or potential negative impacts. We conducted a nest survival analysis for 10 years (1998-2007) of piping plover monitoring data to determine: 1) the effectiveness of predator exclosures and electrified predator exclosures, and 2) conditions associated with nest abandonments at electrified exclosures. We found that predator exclosures significantly increase nest hatching success. Electrified exclosures can also be very effective at increasing hatching success under certain conditions, but at sites with high human disturbance and red fox densities, the proportion of exclosed nests that are abandoned by parental adults becomes sizeable. The direct cause of nest abandonments remains unclear since fox behavior on beaches and the dynamics of foxes and plovers at exclosures have not been studied. Our results suggest that such information is necessary if conservation practitioners can make more informed use of this direct management measure.  相似文献   

In plants, understanding the interactions between breeding systems and pollination ecology may enable us to predict the impacts of rarity. We used a comparative approach to test whether rarity is associated with reproductive biology in two closely-related species pairs. This system has been recently altered by changes in fire regimes and the introduction of European honeybees. More than 35% of flowers matured fruits in the common species after natural-pollination compared to <20% of flowers in the rare species. All species were obligate outcrossers in each of the study populations, but only the two rare species were pollen-limited, having significantly lower fruit-set on open-pollinated flowers than those cross-pollinated by hand (mean ± SE; 0.18 ± 0.02 vs. 0.42 ± 0.05; p < 0.001). Native bees (Leioproctus species) and introduced honeybees (Apis mellifera) visited all species. The native bees visited fewer flowers within a plant and moved greater distances between plants while foraging than honeybees, so the native bees are expected to be more effective in promoting outcrossing. While honeybees were the most frequent visitors to flowers of all species, native bees made more visits to common than rare species (0.65 ± 0.20 vs. 0.20 ± 0.09). Our results suggest that the poorer reproductive success in rare Persoonia species is associated with lower pollinator effectiveness, which is exacerbated by frequent fires and introduced honeybees. If this is a causal relationship, this may increase the probability of extinction in populations of these species.  相似文献   

For birds that excavate their own nest burrows, the availability of suitable nest sites and substrates may influence the number and density of breeding birds. However, few studies of burrow-nesting birds have experimentally manipulated nest site or substrate availability. The blue-tailed bee-eater (Merops philippinus) is a colony breeding, summer migrant that excavates nest burrows in sandy banks on Kinmen Island, 5 km east of mainland China. To test whether substrate availability influenced the density or reproductive success of breeding pairs of bee-eaters, we removed all vegetation and old nest holes on treated slopes and left control slopes unmanipulated in 2003 and 2004. Plant cover on control slopes was 37.7% (11.9-67.7%). Slope gradient, soil penetration resistance and vegetation height in front of slopes did not differ between treated and control slopes in either year. Combining data from both years, the density of active nests was significantly higher (3.1-fold) on treated slopes than on control slopes. However, the reproductive performance of bee-eaters nesting on treated and control slopes did not differ in either year. Thus, removing vegetation and old nest holes from slopes with sandy loam soil improved the breeding habitat and increased the number of breeding blue-tailed bee-eaters. This technique could be used to support and manage populations of this species and other burrow-nestling species with similar habitat requirements.  相似文献   

We monitored breeding success of hornbills in Thailand for four sympatric species at Khao Yai National Park during 1981-2002 and six species at Budo-Sungai Padi National Park during 1994-2002. Within a 60 km2 study area at Khao Yai, the well protected area, use of available cavities ranged from 94% in 1984 to 50% in 1993. Competition for nesting cavities was 40% of cavities available indicating the shortage of suitable cavity. We monitored the cavity condition and modified 48 cavities and, between 1996 and 2000, these contributed annually 23-45% of nestings that were successfully fledged (n = 352). Within the 90 km2 at Budo Mountain, with heavy human disturbance, use of available cavities for nesting decreased from 81% in 1997 to 30% by 2001 and of successful fledging from 96% in 1997 to 55% in 1999, but both increased once our involvement with local communities had eradicated poaching and reduced disturbance. Competition for nesting cavities here was 26% of cavities available indicating the effect of poaching. Both strategies were successful in the short term but long-term management of cavities in large forest trees is required at Khao Yai and of forest disturbance at Budo.  相似文献   

Habitat selection by East Caucasian tur (Capra cylindricornis), a species of global conservation concern, was examined in relation to terrain, climate and degree of human disturbance using a Geographical Information System and logistic regression. The study area was in the part of the Greater Caucasus of Georgia, where the species protection was not enforced. Two models of tur habitat requirements were obtained: one model at a scale of 20 × 20 m plots, and the other one at a scale of different habitat fragments made up of 20 × 20 m plots identified by the first model at its optimal cut-off value. The second model refined the first one.The first model suggested that the probability of a 20 × 20 m plot being part of tur habitat was positively correlated with slope, distances to roads and livestock summer camps, and negatively correlated with human population density and annual rainfall. The probability had a bell-shaped correlation with elevation, reaching its maximum at 3008.4 m. The second model suggested that a fragment of a land made up of 20 × 20 m plots with optimal characteristics for tur occurrence was more likely to contain tur if the area of the fragment was larger and its distance to the nearest area where tur occurred was shorter.The results show that the occurrence of East Caucasian tur is affected by climate, terrain, human disturbance and habitat fragmentation, and can be predicted regardless of seasonality in the species movements. These models can be applied to the management of the species and its habitat in the areas of the Caucasus that lie at >1000 m asl and have an annual rainfall >600 mm, and where the species protection is not enforced.  相似文献   

From 1989 to 2004, the breeding success of African penguins Spheniscus demersus at Robben Island, South Africa was significantly related to estimates of the abundance of both their main prey species, anchovy Engraulis encrasicolus and sardine Sardinops sagax, and to the combined biomass of these species. When the combined spawner biomass of fish prey was less than 2 million ton, pairs fledged an average of 0.46 chicks annually. When it was above 2 million ton, annual breeding success had a mean value of 0.73 chicks per pair. Given previously estimated values of survival and age at first breeding, these levels of breeding success are inadequate to sustain the African penguin population. With the higher level of breeding success, an equilibrium situation might be attained if adult survival could be increased by 6-7% per annum. Attempts to reduce mortality of penguins have included the collection, cleaning and return to the wild of oiled birds, culling of Cape fur seals Arctocephalus pusillus pusillus seen preying on penguins around breeding localities and control of the spread of disease. Management of the purse-seine fishery should ensure adequate escapement of fish to maintain the combined biomass of anchovy and sardine above 2 million ton. The maintenance of suitable breeding habitat and removal of feral predators from breeding localities will also be important in improving breeding success.  相似文献   

Aldabra Atoll, a strict Nature Reserve and major breeding station of lesser and greater frigatebirds, may be developed for tourism. Determining whether this affects the frigate breeding populations is complicated by their extended annual laying seasons and the biennial breeding periodicity of individuals rearing fledgelings. This study, using a census method incorporating adjustments for seasonal changes in nest numbers, changes in nest ownership and replacement laying, indicates that there are at least 4000 pairs of greater frigatebirds and 6000 pairs of lesser frigatebirds annually involved in breeding activities. There is some evidence that more male than female greater frigatebirds attempt to pair each season. Comparison with an earlier census suggests that severe human disturbance induces curtailment of laying seasons, major changes in nest distribution and prevents many birds from breeding.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the influence of human disturbance in nesting success of little tern (Sterna albifrons) and its interaction with the intrinsic seasonal variation in the birds’ breeding biology. During 2003-2005 we studied little tern nesting ecology in southern Portugal in two different types of habitat: their natural habitat (sandy beaches) and a man-made habitat (salinas). In both habitat types, annual variations were found in the distribution of nest initiation over the breeding season and in the size of the clutches. The percentage of nests producing hatched chicks varied between 26.7% and 66.4% in different years and habitats. The main causes of hatching failure varied between years and habitats, but predation, flooding and human activities were very common. No consistent differences in breeding parameters or nesting success were found between habitats. On sandy beaches, the effect of protective measures (warning signs and wardening) on nesting success, together with differences between years and within each breeding season, were assessed using a logistic regression model. The presence/absence of protective measures was the most important predictor of nesting success, with birds being up to 34 times more likely to succeed with protective measures. Seasonal declines were found for clutch size and egg volume, and season was also an important predictor of nesting success, with nests more likely to succeed earlier in the season. Hence, earlier breeders will be those that benefit more from protective measures, suggesting that conservation efforts for little tern can be maximised if concentrated earlier in the season.  相似文献   

Human disturbance of tropical rainforests may change pollinator communities indirectly as a result of changes in resource availability. We studied the mechanisms by which human disturbance affects a community of major pollinators, stingless bees, in Sarawak, Malaysia. We surveyed forest structure and flowering activity, and conducted a nest census and a bait-trap survey of stingless bees, both in primary forests and in forests disturbed by logging and shifting cultivation. The densities of late successional trees and large trees (diameter at breast height >50 cm) were higher in the primary forests than in the disturbed forests. The density of flowering trees was lower one year after logging, but recovered in old disturbed forests because of the active flowering of pioneer trees that became established after the disturbance. Stingless bees nest only in large trees, and nest density was positively correlated with the density of large trees. However, we found no relationship between the numbers of foragers and floristic parameters. Some species preferred nesting in dipterocarps, while others preferred dead trees. The results of the bait-trap survey also indicated that some species were abundant in the primary forests, whereas other species were abundant in the disturbed forests. These results suggest that human disturbance alters the species composition of the stingless bee community. Such changes in the bee community may affect the reproductive success of plants, and ultimately forest composition.  相似文献   

The Eurasian black vulture (Aegypius monachus) is a globally endangered species, vulnerable in Europe and endangered in Greece. We modelled its nesting preferences in Dadia reserve, northeastern Greece using logistic models at multi-scale level combined by Bayesian statistics. Compared with the random sites, the vultures nested at trees with greater diameter (DBH), lower height, and lower total number of trees around the nest tree, steeper slopes and greater distance from forest roads. Our results indicate that conservation and management guidelines for black vultures must aim: (1) to preserve old, isolated mature trees in the reserve, (2) to maintain the zones of strict protection as vulture sanctuary, including most of the suitable nesting habitat, (3) to protect the apparently suitable but still unused habitat in the rest of the reserve from disturbance and logging, (4) to monitor any changes in habitats and use our models to evaluate and predict their effect on vulture nesting in the reserve.  相似文献   

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