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We compared the density of golden eagles (Aquila chrysaetos) and their nest dispersion, productivity and diet in Alpine and pre-Alpine areas. The comparison was made at two spatial scales: (1) at the territory level within two contiguous populations, and (2) at the population level, using published data for 22 populations scattered across four countries (France, Switzerland, Germany and Italy). Availability of golden eagle's main prey species was higher in Alpine than in pre-Alpine regions. The potential foraging ranges of pairs of eagles in the pre-Alps had larger amounts of woodland and lower amounts of suitable foraging habitat than those of Alpine pairs. At both spatial scales, density and productivity were lower in the pre-Alps. Also, pre-Alpine populations were characterised by a lower percentage of main prey species in the diet, which was significantly correlated with productivity, and by a higher breadth of diet, which was negatively correlated with density. Overall, higher prey availability and habitat suitability in the Alps resulted in higher density and breeding success, in a manner compatible with theoretical metapopulation models. We suggest that priority be given to conservation of eagle populations in high quality Alpine habitat, and that conservation action be carried out by a mixture of site-protection measures and conservation of the wider environment.  相似文献   

Single trees and small patches of trees in farmland are conspicuous components of agricultural landscapes around the world, but their value for the conservation of biodiversity is not well known. In this study, arboreal mammals were censused by using hair-sampling tubes in small patches of woodland (single trees to patches <1.0 ha) in cleared farmland adjacent to a linear network of woodland known to support resident populations of arboreal mammals. Ninety-one small isolates were stratified by size (single trees or small patches) and distance from the linear network to test the capacity of animals to cross habitat ‘gaps’. The genus Petaurus (small gliding marsupials), the most commonly detected taxon, was recorded in 31% of hair-tubes (98 of 316). It occurred in 21% of sites in isolated trees and patches, and in all linear strips. A logistic regression model demonstrated that Petaurus sp. was most likely to occur in isolates in close proximity to linear strips and other patches of woodland. Ninety-five per cent of sites at which this taxon occurred were within 75 m of the linear network. This threshold corresponds with the maximum distance that animals can glide in a single movement between trees. The size of isolates did not influence utilisation rates. Such isolates are smaller than a single home range and were probably used to supplement home ranges centred on the linear network, by providing additional foraging habitat and den sites. Protection and restoration of isolated trees and small woodland clumps in cleared landscapes contributes to mammal conservation and this study provides quantitative data that can assist landscape design and habitat restoration in rural environments.  相似文献   

Black kites (Milvus migrans) are vulnerable and in decline within Europe. Here, we investigate selection of foraging and breeding habitat in a high-priority population in the Italian pre-Alps. Compared to a random distribution, kites foraged preferentially near water, over extensively managed grassland and within 1 km of nest-sites. Urban areas were positively selected near lakes but otherwise avoided. Foraging performance was higher over water than over terrestrial habitats. Kites nested on cliffs and trees and preferentially near water, far from paths and villages and in rugged and steep micro-sites. Tree-nests were located in the most mature tree in the stand. Productivity was positively related to the availability of water bodies. Therefore, food availability and human disturbance/persecution limited foraging and breeding performance. Guidelines to maintain or enhance current population levels include: (1) setting up reserves covering 10% of the areas within 1 km of large lakes; (2) converting current derelict coppice-woodland to high forest; and (3) enhancing subsidies for extensively managed grassland. Our results highlight the importance of cross-scale models integrating selection of foraging and breeding habitat and reinforce the importance of the spatial configuration of key resources for more realistic conservation management in mosaic landscapes.  相似文献   

The Grass skipper subfamily (Hesperiinae) includes many at risk species across the globe. Conservation efforts for these skippers are hindered by insufficient information about their basic biology. Mardon skipper (Polites mardon) is declining throughout its range. We surveyed mardon oviposition across nine study meadows in the Gifford Pinchot National Forest of Washington State. We conducted habitat surveys with respect to oviposition (n = 269) and random (n = 270) locations, recording data on over 50 variables. Mardon oviposited on 23 different graminoid species, yet are selective for specific graminoids within meadows. Most frequent ovipositions across meadows occurred on Festuca idahoensis and Poa pratensis (accounting for 112 of 269 total oviposition observations). Discriminant Function Analyses revealed that mardon habitat was too variable to detect oviposition selection across study meadows, yet there was strong selection occurring within meadows (r2 ranging from 0.82 to 0.99). Variables important to within meadow selection were graminoid cover, height, and community; oviposition plant structure (leaf density, height, area); insolation factors (tree abundance and canopy shading); and litter layer factors (cover and depth). With few exceptions the primary variables discriminating between oviposition and random locations were significantly different (p < 0.001). Conservation implications include maintaining native meadow ecosystems with sensitivity to local habitat preferences.  相似文献   

We investigated roost selection by Barbastella barbastellus in a mountainous area of central Italy. Twenty-five bats, mostly lactating females, were radio-tracked to 33 roost trees. Trees in unmanaged woodland were favoured as roost trees; woodland subject to limited logging was used in proportion to availability, and areas where open woodland and pasture occurred were avoided. Selection depended on tree condition (dead beech trees were preferred) and height (roost trees were taller than random ones). Cavity selection was based on cavity type, height and entrance direction: roost cavities were mainly beneath loose bark, at a greater height above ground and facing south more frequently than random cavities. Untouched areas of mature woodland should be preserved to provide roosting conditions for B. barbastellus. In logged areas, harvesting protocols should save dead and mature trees; frequent roost switching and small colony size imply that large numbers of roost trees are needed.  相似文献   

Protection of roosting habitat is essential to the conservation of bats in human-dominated landscapes. To help define bat roosting needs in suburban settings, we used radio telemetry to locate day roosts of a common North American species (Myotis yumanensis) within a residential area in California. Between June and August 2000, we tracked 16 bats to 20 roosts in two buildings and 18 trees. We used multiple logistic regression to assess roost selectivity at multiple spatial scales. Of 15 tree, plot, and site characteristics considered, only three helped distinguish roosts from random comparisons: tree diameter, distance to water, and forest cover. Myotis yumanensis preferred large trees (mean diameter 115 cm), and roosted only in the five species of largest mean diameter (Sequoia sempervirens, Pseudotsuga menziesii, Quercus agrifolia, Quercus lobata, and Acer macrophyllum). At the site level, these bats selected roosts that were close to water and had substantial forest cover in the surrounding 100-m radius. Unlike other North American bats, they often roosted in live trees (89% live). Relatively high roost fidelity (mean 4.8 days) and large travel distances between consecutive roosts (mean 1130 m) and between capture sites and roosts (mean 2007 m) may indicate a greater degree of roost limitation at this site versus other research sites. We recommend the preservation of large trees and forested parkland, particularly along stream corridors, to help maintain bat populations in urbanizing landscapes.  相似文献   

The pale-headed brush-finch (Atlapetes pallidiceps) is threatened with extinction due to habitat loss, but very little is known about its ecological requirements. We used multiple logistic regression to study habitat selection of this species at landscape, territory, and nest site scales in order to make recommendations about effective management. Habitat selection by the sympatric stripe-headed brush-finch (Buarremon torquatus) was examined with the same methods in order to analyse interspecific resource partitioning and potential competition. The pale-headed brush-finch selected semi-open habitat types with intermediate scrub heights, and avoided forests. Nest sites depended on the presence of vines or bamboo. By contrast, the stripe-headed brush-finch chose dense habitat with low ground cover under tall vegetation and avoided semi-open habitat. The two species had overlapping territories but differed significantly in microhabitat use and the use of vegetation strata. We found no convincing evidence that the stripe-headed brush-finch displaces the pale-headed brush-finch from optimal habitat. The preservation of semi-open scrubland maintained by low-intensity grazing is suggested for future conservation of the pale-headed brush-finch.  相似文献   

The Spanish Mediterranean mountains have played an important social and economic role for many centuries. However, since the 1950s these regions have been considered of little economic interest, and this has led to the abandonment of villages, reduced productive activity, and significant changes in the landscape. In the last 50 years the Camero Viejo region (Iberian System, northeast Spain) has been subject to these changes, and was selected as our study area. Landscape evolution and soil erosion, as a result of agricultural abandonment, were studied using different analysis techniques: photointerpretation, geographic information systems and rainfall simulation. The results showed that a large proportion of previously cultivated land has been subject to plant recolonization processes. From 1956 to 2001, woodlands area increased from 10·1 per cent to 37 per cent, and scrubland increased from 42 per cent to 60 per cent. Changes in landscape structure in the same period suggest that the Camero Viejo is in a transitional stage from a highly humanized landscape to a more natural landscape. Although plant cover expansion is evident on most Camero Viejo hillslopes, in some terraced areas erosion processes are active. The generalized abandonment of agricultural terraces has favored the collapse of the stone walls of the terraces, with sliding of the soil. Surface runoff on abandoned terraces is also important. These erosion processes are related to the hydrological functioning of slopes following abandonment, neglect, and in some areas the intensification of grazing. Terrace destruction has a negative impact on the landscape and represents the loss of fertile soils. Landscape diversity should be preserved as an essential element of the economic potential of the Camero Viejo. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study assesses the effects of considering within-site habitat configuration when designing reserve networks. This attribute takes all its importance in situations where the long-term integrity of (within-site) habitat patches cannot be preserved without protecting their surrounding environment. We addressed this issue through the concrete problem of selecting a reserve network of natural peatlands in southern Québec, Canada. We used a reserve-selection algorithm that minimized the total number of peatlands to include within networks. The algorithm was constrained to include peatlands containing habitat patches that met specific size thresholds. Five habitat-clustering thresholds were used to set the eligibility of each site to the selection process. The resulting reserve networks were evaluated according to their representation efficiency and to the expected consequences for the Palm Warbler (Dendroica palmarum), an area and isolation-sensitive bird restricted to peatlands in southern Québec.Constraining the algorithm to include peatlands showing increasingly larger patches of habitats led to larger networks, both in terms of area and number of sites, and to networks composed of smaller sites. These effects increased with the representation target (i.e., the % of each habitat preserved). With respect to the Palm Warbler, selecting peatlands with larger patches of habitats had only an indirect effect on its site-occupancy pattern. Indeed, despite the fact that the probability of occurrence of the warbler was negatively correlated with the size of habitat patches, the habitat-clustering threshold influenced the incidence of the warbler mainly via its effect on the physical attributes of the selected networks - including the area, isolation level, and the number of selected sites. Because increasing the habitat-clustering threshold led indirectly to a greater regional availability of prime breeding habitats for the Palm Warbler, it mitigated the severe negative impact of an hypothetical alteration or destruction of non-selected peatlands. Our study thus emphasizes the importance of determining how the different factors describing within-site configuration are correlated with other intrinsic characteristics of the sites available to the selection process before opting for a site-selection strategy.  相似文献   

We used data from a long-term study on two medium-sized generalist predators, the black kite (Milvus migrans) and the red kite (Milvus milvus), to illustrate the complexity of managing wide-ranging top predators by site-protection. The study was conducted between 1989 and 2000 in the Reserva Biológica de Doñana, located at the core of Doñana National Park. Both species occurred at high density and showed high productivity. Black kites were slightly increasing, and red kites showed a non-significant trend. The main cause of breeding failure was nest predation, mainly by mammalian predators, most likely Iberian lynx (Lynx pardinus) or common genet (Genetta genetta). The main cause of mortality was illegal poisoning, which sharply increased in the late 1990s. Nest-site selection models showed that: (1) black kites selected areas near the seasonal marshes, rich in their main prey species and (2) red kites selected areas rich in marshland and far from the park border, possibly in response to illegal poisoning episodes. Productivity was positively related to the availability of marshland and of open terrestrial habitats for black and red kites, respectively, and negatively related for both species to the density of black kites within 200 m of the nest. Our results showed that: (1) intraguild predation and competition among predators make outcomes of interspecific interactions extremely complex, leading to unpredictable side-effects of priority actions targeting one species at a time and (2) though the park was fenced and patrolled by wardens, the wide ranging behaviour of the two species made park borders permeable to negative human pressures, such as poisoning, leading to extreme edge effects and absence of a true, safe core of the park. Park management needs to be better integrated with its regional socio-economic and cultural context. Education programmes against illegal poisoning should be urgently promoted.  相似文献   

Plant production in potting substrates provides maximum profit on the applied inputs, and hence, directly improving the socio-economic condition of the grower/nurserymen. The main challenge in this industry is sourcing of materials for their potting substrates. Peat and perlite have been widely preferred materials. However, recently higher prices, more restrictive legislation of many countries and wetland ecosystem destruction through its extraction has limited peat use. Nowadays, producers focus towards peat alternatives that provide good performance, are readily available, inexpensive and environment friendly to attain sustainability in potted plant production. In an effort to grasp sustainability during the last few decades, many industrial and agricultural waste materials were reviewed for their use in potting substrates. In these studies, the major focus remained on material characterization, neglecting their economics, technical aspects and environmental impacts. Thus, switching from peat and perlite to alternatives requires material exploration. In the present review, we summarize a clearer and practical approach for substituting different materials especially biochar to fulfill the need of modern potting substrate industry. Biochar has the potential to sustain the substrate production on a long-term basis.  相似文献   

The construction of habitat models is a repeatable technique for describing and mapping species distributions, the utility of which lies in enabling management to predict where a species is likely to occur within a landscape. Typically, habitat models have been used to establish habitat requirements for threatened species; however they have equal applicability for modelling local populations of common species. Often, few data exist on local populations of common species, and issues of abundance and habitat selection at varying scales are rarely addressed. We provide a habitat suitability model for the common wombat (Vombatus ursinus) in southern New South Wales. This species is currently perceived as abundant throughout its extensive range across temperate regions of eastern Australia, yet little factual survey data exist and populations appear under threat. We use wombat burrows to reflect habitat selection and as our basis for ecological modelling. We found that environmental variables representing proximity to cover, measures of vegetation and proximity to watercourses are important predictors of burrow presence. Extrapolation of habitat models identified an abundance of habitat suitable for burrows. However, burrows in many suitable areas were abandoned. Our estimate of the population size was similar to the total annual mortality associated with road-kill. Theoretically, given the availability of suitable habitat, common wombat populations in the region should be thriving. It seems likely that this area once supported a much higher number of wombats; however limiting factors such as road mortality and disease have reduced the populations. The persistence of wombats in the study region must be supported by migration from other populations. Our findings challenge the perception that wombats are currently common and not in need of monitoring, suggesting that perceptions of abundance are often clouded by socio-political motives rather than informed by biological and ecological factors.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of a change‐detection study of the historical agricultural terraced landscape in “Costa Viola” (Calabria, South Italy). During the last century, because of the loss of economic competitiveness, it has undergone progressive abandonment, followed by landscape degradation. Taking into consideration the very steep slopes of Costa Viola and the need to analyse with high precision the historical evolution of the terraced landscape, research methods were implemented coupling advanced geomatic techniques with in situ detailed surveys. Based on historical aerial photographs, orthophotos, and numeric cartography, we analysed the land use/land cover change in the period 1955–2014 using photogrammetric and geoprocessing techniques, focusing particularly on trajectories in agricultural terraces. Area covered by active terraces decreased dramatically between 1955 and 2014, from 813.25 to 118.79 ha (−85.4%). The implemented spatial database was built in a free open‐source software taking into consideration spatial accuracies and completeness. Spatial comparison among land use/land cover maps was carried out using a postclassification comparison technique that can provide complete cross‐tabulation matrices. These data were compared with socio‐economic statistics concerning demography and trends of farms with vineyards. The evolutionary dynamics of the active agricultural terraces were also analysed trough the definition of 6 types of spatio‐temporal patterns recognised in the analysed period. These methods allowed to highlight the ongoing dynamics of abandonment of agricultural terraces in relation to their main causes and effects. Although tailored for the specific case study, they can be applied to many other terraced agricultural landscapes presenting similar characteristics and problems.  相似文献   

Solid waste poses a serious health risk when it is disposed of inadequately because water‐based solutions derived from the decomposition of solid waste products (leachate) can enter groundwater systems via plumes. To assess the public health risk and potential ecological impacts, we require knowledge on the pedological and hydrogeological settings in which waste is disposed. This is particularly the case in coarse textured highly permeable soil. To rapidly collect data, geophysical methods such as direct current (dc) resistivity techniques have been used. Moreover, non‐contact electromagnetic (EM) induction instruments have also been employed. The aim of this research was to demonstrate how the inversion using a 1‐dimensional inversion algorithm with lateral constraints of the apparent electrical conductivity (σa) measured in the horizontal coplanar (HCP) and perpendicular co‐planar arrays (PRP) of a DUALEM‐421 EM induction probe can be used to develop a two‐dimensional model of the true electrical conductivity (σ) within a Quaternary aeolian sand in the Tuggerah Soil Landscape southeast of Sydney in Australia. Our results from 2D models of σ accord with estimates of bulk electrical conductivity (σb) of a leachate plume and uncontaminated groundwater, the stratigraphy of the Tuggerah soil landscape unit and the depth of sand used to landscape the decommissioned landfill. Further research is needed to determine the origin of the plume and a quasi‐3D modelling approach is applicable.  相似文献   

This paper presents a study of determining factors and a method to predict the existence of gully erosion in vineyard parcels. The Alt Penedès-Anoia region (Catalonia, NE Spain), mainly dedicated to the cropping of vineyards for high quality wine production, was selected as the case study area. Single factors related to the existence of gully erosion were determined by means of statistical tests (Student's t-test and chi-square). The existence of gully erosion was predicted by means of a multivariate procedure. A stepwise selection of variables (relief, soil, land use/management characteristics) was performed, which allowed the identification of factors that present a significant relationship with the existence of gully erosion. The selected factors, slope degree and planar slope form, were considered as independent variables in a logistic regression of binary response. The model computes the probability that gullies exist in given vineyard parcels, and it can be implemented in a raster-based geographical information system (GIS). The assessment of the model in 52 parcels, different from the training data set, yielded an overall accuracy of 84.6%. The predictive model can be applied for areas with similar conditions, but the modelling approach can be applied in other different areas.  相似文献   

Historically, agriculturally induced CO2 release from soils has contributed to rising levels in the atmosphere. However, by using appropriate management, soils can be turned into carbon sinks. Many of the dryland regions of the world are characterised by degraded soils, a high incidence of poverty and a low capacity to invest in agriculture. Two well-proven soil organic matter models (CENTURY 4.0 and RothC-26 3) were used two explore the effects of modifying agricultural practices to increase soil carbon stocks. The changes to land management were chosen to avoid any significant increase in energy input whilst using technologies that would be available without radically altering the current agricultural methodology. Case studies were selected from dryland farming systems in Nigeria, Sudan and Argentina. Modelling showed that it would be possible to make alterations within the structure of the current farming systems to convert these soils from carbon sources to net sinks. Annual rates of carbon sequestration in the range 0.08–0.17 Mg ha−1 year−1 averaged over the next 50 years could be obtained. The most effective practices were those that maximised the input of organic matter, particularly farmyard manure (up to 0.09 Mg ha−1 year−1), maintaining trees (up to 0.15 Mg ha−1 year−1) and adopting zero tillage (up to 0.04 Mg ha−1 year−1). Verification of these predictions will require experimental data collected from field studies.  相似文献   

The soprano pipistrelle (Pipistrellus pygmaeus) is a house-dwelling bat, whose maternity colonies are often affected by exclusion from buildings in southern Europe. Bat boxes with a suitable thermal behaviour can provide alternative roosts. However, this is particularly difficult to achieve in hot climates, where boxes may overheat. We studied roost temperatures and roost thermal preferences of this bat in attics and roofs in a Mediterranean region. Roosts reached high temperatures, experienced great thermal fluctuations and had wide spatial thermal ranges. Bats preferred the warmest locations within roosts, indicating that they are a heat tolerant species. However, they avoided temperatures of 40 °C and above, suggesting that this is the upper limit of the species thermally neutral zone. The study of experimental sets of white, grey and black boxes demonstrated that the latter were the ones that most often reached the temperatures observed in roosts in buildings. They were also the ones occupied by larger numbers of bats. These results suggest that, even in hot Mediterranean climates, black boxes are the best option as alternative roosts for evicted colonies. However, on particularly hot days, bats left them, suggesting that black boxes could be improved by creating a wider thermal range.  相似文献   

The Mt. Graham red squirrel (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus grahamensis; MGRS) is among the most critically endangered mammals in the United States and is isolated on the periphery of the species’ range, potentially increasing its conservation priority. To investigate potential threats to the population and provide a tool for land managers, we developed a spatially explicit population dynamics model. We tested model predictions using available range-wide data from the literature and field work specific to the MGRS. A general model input data set using mean life history values overpredicted MGRS abundance. However, we found significant correlation with known squirrel abundance using a general data set with curtailed fecundity and survival. A model with MGRS-specific data provided the best fit to observed population size. We investigated potential impacts of two major threats to the MGRS: competition from introduced Abert’s squirrels (Sciurus aberti) and increased levels of predation. Predation and particularly competition could have significant effects on the future population of the MGRS. Careful attention must be used to model the viability of fringe populations as peripheral populations can have a different life history than populations found in the range core.  相似文献   

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