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Fishers’ attitudes and perceptions are critical for the success of fisheries protection areas with their associated biota, and a failure to understand fishers’ behaviour may undermine the success of such fisheries management measures. In this study, we examine fishers’ perception of a long-established exclusive fisheries zone around Malta and to investigate if the perceptions depend on fishers’ demographic, economic, social characteristics and fishing activity of the fishers. A questionnaire survey was undertaken to evaluate the demographic characteristics, economic situation (costs and revenue) and fishers’ activity and behaviour, together with their perception of the Fisheries Management Zone (FMZ). A total of 241 interview responses were analysed which was a response rate of 60%. The perception of most fishers was that the establishment of the FMZ has had an overall negative impact on their fishing activity and that the zone is not important for the protection of local fish stocks. When asked about the beneficial effect of the zone for fishers, most fishers from all backgrounds said that the zone does not benefit commercial fishers, but benefits mainly recreational fishers. The most evident differences in the perceptions and attitudes were between the full-time, part-time and recreational fishers. Fishers that have been fishing for more than 35 years and fishers from the main fishing village also had different attitudes from other fishers towards the FMZ. The results of this study suggest that the proportion of individual income derived from fishing was the strongest factor that influenced attitudinal differences, with home port and fishing experience having less important effects. The main differences in attitude among fishers were related to the protection and conservation effects of the zone, enhancement of resources and conflicts among user groups. The heterogeneity among fishers’ attitudes revealed by the present study has important implications for the implementation of spatial closures. Some sectors of stakeholders may require additional incentives to accept restrictions on access if spatial management is to achieve its intended objectives.  相似文献   

Longline fisheries have expanded throughout the world's oceans since major commercial distant-water pelagic fleets began fishing for tuna and tuna-like species in the early 1950s. Along with the more recent development and expansion of demersal longline fleets for species such as Patagonian toothfish, these vessels are a major source of mortality to several species of seabird. Vessels can set many thousands of baited hooks in a day across many kilometres of water. These waters are often used as foraging areas by wide-ranging seabirds. Attracted by baits and offal, the birds can be caught on the baited hooks and subsequently drown. To provide a greater understanding of the potential impact of the Southern Ocean's longline fleets on seabird populations, this paper describes the trends in longline effort of the major pelagic and demersal fisheries in southern waters. The total reported effort from all longline fleets south of 30°S has been well over 250 million hooks per year since the early 1990s. However the spatial and temporal distribution of this effort has not been constant. While effort from the Japanese pelagic distant-water longline fleet declined through the 1990s, the Taiwanese fleet expanded dramatically. Likewise demersal fishing for toothfish increased markedly during the mid-1990s. These fisheries, along with substantial illegal longline fisheries, may be placing the long-term viability of many Southern Ocean species of seabird in jeopardy.  相似文献   

Traditional fisheries management theory supports aggressive exploitation of old and large fish to maximize a stock’s biomass production and yield. Here we present an age-structured fish population model with multidimensional density-dependence to test the hypotheses that protection of large, fecund individuals is beneficial for the population and selected fisheries variables and that effects of maternal size on early survival rate change the resilience and fisheries productivity of a pike population (Esox lucius L.) exploited by recreational angling. We find that, compared to the traditional regulatory approach of management by small minimum-length limits (so that culling of large fish is encouraged), preservation of large and old individuals through harvestable-slot length limits promises considerable benefits for fisheries quality, without compromising the long-term conservation of the population. We also find that ignoring maternal effects on early survival of offspring might overestimate the equilibrium spawning stock abundance by up to 17% and the predicted harvest by up to 11%, potentially putting pike populations at risk from overharvest if size-dependent maternal effects are ignored in fisheries models. If the findings from our simulation study hold for empirical systems, they suggest altered harvest regulations in many of consumptive pike recreational fisheries are needed to protect large individuals to a greater extent that currently pursued.  相似文献   

Although overfishing has been recognized as responsible for the decline of major fish stocks, it has been less easy to demonstrate its indirect and detrimental effects on marine mammals, particularly dolphins. Competition with fisheries for the same food resources has been hypothesized to have led to the decline of several species of dolphins, including the endangered Mediterranean short-beaked common dolphin. Based on an ecosystem model for the Inner Ionian Sea Archipelago, a former hotspot for common dolphins in the Mediterranean Sea, we investigated the effect of increasing fishing effort on common dolphins, its prey and on marine biodiversity and we evaluated the outcomes of different fisheries closures (1 – closure of the purse seine fishery, 2 – closure of purse seine, trawl and beach seine fisheries, 3 – entire area closed to fisheries) ran between the years 2011 and 2030. Our results showed that local fisheries have negatively impacted the marine biodiversity of the ecosystem causing sharp declines of common dolphins and major fish stocks and weakening the robustness of the marine food web. The implementation of fisheries closures would gradually recover fish stocks, while common dolphins would increase more pronouncedly only if the study area was to be closed to all fisheries. As shown in this study, common dolphins have reflected ecosystem changes and degradation over time. Ensuring the survival of dolphin populations is thereby essential to enhance marine ecosystems and ensure sustainable fishing.  相似文献   

基于北斗卫星船位数据分析象山拖网捕捞时空特征   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:5  
为了快速大范围掌握捕捞努力量时空分布特点,借助北斗船位数据采用统计方法获取拖网捕捞状态的速度阈值,根据阈值判断捕捞状态点,捕捞状态点之间时间组成累计捕捞时间,累计捕捞时间与功率的乘积作为捕捞努力量,根据捕捞努力量分析拖网捕捞时空特征。2013年象山在近海拖网捕捞努力量从时间上可以分为3个时间段,即2~5月、6~9月、10~12月与1月。从空间来看捕捞努力量以象山附近的渔场为中心由高到低向外扩展,形成近似的同心圆。从拖网捕捞时间来看分为全年近海渔场、春秋季近海渔场、春秋冬外海渔场、春季或秋季周边外缘渔场。利用北斗数据提取方法计算6个网次时长,并与手工出海调查记录的时长比较,两者相对误差在5%以内。  相似文献   

A novel variation of a multivariate stated preference method (the maximum difference conjoint approach) is presented in a survey designed to elicit the preferences of a fisheries stakeholder group (recreational anglers fishing in northern Germany) for a portfolio of measures to conserve European eel (Anguilla anguilla L.). Unlike other survey methods, our approach allows the separation of weight (i.e., relative importance of different conservation actions) and scale (i.e., perceived utility associated with different levels within one action) ascribed by stakeholders to conservation measures. The method also allows for trade-off decision-making and joint preference articulation for various conservation actions, and thus provides more realistic decision situations than other survey methods can achieve. We found that anglers prefer tighter than current eel fishing regulations but object to highly restrictive temporal closures. Confronted with an integrated eel conservation program, anglers were overwhelmingly willing to compromise, accepting tighter angling regulations provided that other sources of eel mortality are regulated concomitantly and eel stocking increased. Willingness to accept stricter regulation increased further when the suite of regulations delivered success in terms of increased eel escapement. We encourage the replication of the presented survey technique with other eel stakeholders groups, but also in other conservation contexts, to see if similar patterns of response behaviour emerge that would not have been visible in traditional opinion-type preference assessments. Our results suggest that implementation of eel conservation policies should consider joint regulation of sectors that potentially affect eel stock negatively. Otherwise, management failure and conflict is likely.  相似文献   

Community-managed, no-take marine reserves are increasingly promoted as a simple, precautionary measure to conserve biodiversity and sustain coral reef fisheries. However, we need to demonstrate the effects of such reserves to those affected by the loss of potential fishing grounds and the wider scientific community. We surveyed changes in fish communities in five small marine reserves in the central Philippines and three distant Control sites over seven years. We conducted underwater visual censuses of 53 fish families within the reserve (Inside), with a kilometre of the boundary (Outside) and at Control sites. We found significant differences between fish communities Inside and Outside the reserve only at the two sites with strictest compliance with fishing prohibition, while there were significant differences to distant Control sites in all cases. The strongest responses to reserve protection were found in predatory fishes (groupers and breams) and in butterflyfish. Other abundant fish families showed weak effects of protection. For all taxa analysed, we found significant effects of reserve Site and Site × Treatment interactions. The detection of fish responses to reserves is complicated by potential spillover effects, site-specific factors, particularly compliance, and the difficulty of identifying appropriate control areas.  相似文献   

Marine protected areas can enhance fish stocks within their boundaries, but the circumstances in which they might also supplement stocks or enhance fisheries outside their boundaries are less clear. Using visual survey and fishery data, we assess the impacts of increasing fishing effort, and of the establishment in Hawaii of a network of areas closed to aquarium fishing, on the prime-target species, yellow tang (Zebrasoma flavescens), and draw conclusions about MPA impacts on long-term fishery sustainability. Between 1999, when 27.8% of the coastline was closed to collecting, and 2007, the number of active fishers and total catch of yellow tang doubled. Prior to MPA establishment, yellow tang densities were similar at sites open to fishing and those slated for closure. By 2007, closed areas had five times the density of prime targeted sized fish (5-10 cm), and 48% higher density of adults than open areas. Densities of adults in ‘boundary’ areas (open areas <1 km from nearest MPA boundary) were significantly higher than in open areas far from MPA boundaries, which was indicative of spillover at that scale. Given the long life-span of yellow tang (>40 years) relative to the duration of protection and the increasing intensity of fishing, the likelihood is that protected areas will become increasingly important sources for the adult fishes which will sustain stocks and the fishery over the longer term.  相似文献   

Fish assemblages in the Mimiwhangata Marine Park, an area closed to commercial fishing but open to most forms of recreational fishing, were compared with adjacent fished areas. Two survey methodologies were used; baited underwater video and underwater visual census. Snapper (Pagrus auratus), the most heavily targeted fish species in the region, showed no difference in abundance or size between the Marine Park and adjacent control areas. When compared to the fully no-take Poor Knights Island Marine Reserve and two other reference areas open to all kinds of fishing (Cape Brett and the Mokohinau Islands), the abundance and size of snapper at the Marine Park were most similar to fished reference areas. In fact, the Marine Park had the lowest mean numbers and sizes of snapper of all areas, no-take or open to fishing. Baited underwater video found that pigfish (Bodianus unimaculatus), leatherjackets (Parika scaber) and trevally (Pseudocaranx dentex) were significantly more common in the Marine Park, than in the adjacent control areas. However, none of these species are heavily targeted by fishers. Underwater visual census found similar results with five species significantly more abundant in the Marine Park and five species more abundant outside the Marine Park. The lack of any recovery by snapper within the Marine Park, despite the exclusion of commercial fishers and restrictions on recreational fishing, indicates that partial closures are ineffective as conservation tools. The data suggest fishing pressure within the Marine Park is at least as high as at other ‘fished’ sites.  相似文献   

Natural refuges can play a fundamental role in protecting species from overexploitation but have not been adequately quantified in the marine environment. We quantified the effect of a depth refuge on all fish species in an artisanal coral reef fishery in Zanzibar, Tanzania by comparing changes in fish species richness and relative abundance with depth at five fished and three unfished reefs across the region. Commercial species richness was depleted by 15.1% at shallow depths in fished reefs, but there was no difference between the reefs deeper than seven metres. Non-commercial species were not affected by fishing or depth. Evidence for similar patterns in fish communities in other countries and depth-limitations to artisanal fishing methods imply this effect is widespread. The depth refuge effect could be sustaining coral reef fisheries and should be taken in to account before implementing policies or subsidies that encourage or allow fisheries to exploit deeper waters.  相似文献   

An age-structured model of a wandering albatross Diomedea exulans population is developed to stimulate population trends over time, using demographic parameters from the population at Possession Island, Crozets, during 1968–1986. The simulation results portray a population decreasing at a rate of 2·29% per year, which concurs with global population trends. Sensitivity analyses of model parameters indicate that both adult and juvenile mortality are contributing to the decrease. Wandering albatross mortality is presumed to have increased as a result of deaths caused by longline fishing vessels; such deaths are likely to be relatively more frequent among young, naive birds. The model is used to investigate the potential impacts of new longline fisheries such as that for Patagonian toothfish Dissostichus eleginoides in Antarctica. Assuming longline fishing operations affect juveniles more than adults, there is a time lag of 5–10 years before further decreases in population numbers are reflected in the breeding population. Also, because wandering albatrosses are long-lived, population growth rates take approximately 30–50 years to stabilize after a perturbation. Consequently, caution must be exercised when interpreting population trends; short-term (<20 year) estimates may not provide good indications of long-term trends.  相似文献   

The application of blue-dye to fishing baits is a seabird bycatch mitigation technique used in some pelagic longline fisheries that is thought to make the baits less visible and hence less attractive to seabirds. We tested this assumption in two ways. First, by measuring the spectral profiles of blue-dyed baits (fish and squid) and modelling the spectral profiles of the ocean under set conditions, we assessed how well wedge-tailed shearwaters (Puffinus pacificus) can distinguish dyed baits based on the known visual characteristics of this species. Results showed that no baits were perfectly cryptic against the background ocean, and only blue-dyed squid were relatively cryptic both in terms of chromatic and achromatic contrasts. Second, during at-sea trials blue-dyed and non-dyed baits that were simultaneously presented submerged on a longline or as surface presentations. During 26 longline sets which presented squid only, a 68% reduction in interactions with blue-dyed squid was observed compared to non-dyed squid. During surface presentations only 3-8% of blue-dyed squid baits were struck over the duration of the study compared with 75-98% of non-dyed squid bait. When using fish baits, however, approximately 48% of all blue-dyed baits presented in the first two days of trials received strikes from seabirds but this increased to 90% over the last three days. These results suggest the use of blue-dyed squid bait could decrease seabird bycatch in pelagic longline fisheries whereas blue-dyed fish baits are less likely to have a mitigatory effect.  相似文献   

针对以往海洋机动渔船捕捞能力评估研究中考虑影响因素较少,对各影响因素的主观权重值和客观权重值综合分析不足,不能给出渔船单船捕捞能力量化值等问题,该研究提出了考虑多影响因素的渔船单船捕捞能力评估模型。首先,考虑多种影响渔船捕捞能力的因素,建立单船捕捞能力评估指标体系,将其分为可量化指标和不可量化指标,并初步制定了不可量化指标评估标准。其次,利用专家、渔民调查问卷中的数据,运用层次分析法计算各指标主观权重值,结果表明各指标权重依次为:捕捞装备(10.76%)、功率(9.35%)、拖网(7.40%)、作业时长(7.14%)、总吨(4.85%)、探鱼仪器(4.74%)、刺网(3.98%)、船长(3.18%)、张网(2.83%)、围网(2.38%)、钓业(2.06%)、作业环境(1.92%)、钢质材质(1.89%)、罩网(1.65%)、玻璃钢材质(1.55%)、船龄(1.26%)、木制材质(1.21%);渔具相关指标权重依次为:网具主尺寸(40.23%)、网具结构(14.93%)、装配技术(9.26%)、制造材料(5.08%)。最后,为兼顾主客观权重优点,基于加法合成法、博弈论法、最小鉴别信息法对各指标权重值进行组合计算,以获得目标权重值,并根据某省渔船数据对建立的模型进行验证分析,通过Spearman等级相关系数法计算捕捞能力评估值与实际渔获量之间的等级相关系数,结果表明基于博弈论法得到的结果相关性最高,相关系数为0.937,证实了组合权重值和评估模型的科学性和合理性。研究结果可为渔业管理部门制定科学合理的渔业资源调控政策提供依据。  相似文献   

Mangrove communities are recognized as highly productive ecosystems that provide large quantities of organic matter to adjacent coastal waters in the form of detritus and live animals (fish, shellfish). The detritus serves as a nutrient source and is the base of an extensive food web in which organisms of commercial importance take part. In addition, mangrove ecosystems serve as shelter, feeding, and breeding zones for crustaceans, mollusks, fish of commercial importance, and resident and migratory birds. Although mangroves in the United States are protected, the systematic destruction of these ecosystems elsewhere is increasing. Deforestation of mangrove communities is thought to be one of the major reasons for the decrease in the coastal fisheries of many tropical and subtropical countries. There is evidence to propose a close microbe-nutrient-plant relationship that functions as a mechanism to recycle and conserve nutrients in the mangrove ecosystem. The highly productive and diverse microbial community living in tropical and subtropical mangrove ecosystems continuously transforms nutrients from dead mangrove vegetation into sources of nitrogen, phosphorus, and other nutrients that can be used by the plants. In turn, plant-root exudates serve as a food source for the microorganisms living in the ecosystem with other plant material serving similarly for larger organisms like crabs. This overview summarizes the current state of knowledge of microbial transformations of nutrients in mangrove ecosystems and illustrates the important contributions these microorganisms make to the productivity of the ecosystems. To conserve the mangrove ecosystems, which are essential for the sustainable maintenance of coastal fisheries, maintenance and restoration of the microbial communities should be undertaken. Inoculation of mangrove seedlings with plant-growth-promoting bacteria may help revegetate degraded areas and create reconstructed mangrove ecosystems.  相似文献   

This paper briefly reviews the status and distribution of populations of freshwater fishes in the British Isles and their worth as a resource. The total value of freshwater fishes to the community is far greater than is normally appreciated and includes, in addition to the economic sport and commercial fisheries, amenity, recreational, educational, and scientific, aspects as well as a potentially useful store of genetic material for the future. The main human pressures on existing fish stocks are discussed under the headings of fisheries, pollution, and land-used. The principal trends in the British Isles are away from natural and stable mixed fish populations towards artificially maintained, unstable stocks of a few species of sporting or commercial value. In particular the rarer, more sensitive, fish stocks with poor powers of distribution are being eradicated and replaced by commoner, more robust forms with greater powers of distribution. The rarer species and genetic strains can only survive if constructive conservation projects are initiated expeditiously at a variety of levels.  相似文献   

The vast Brazilian coast harbors unique and diverse reef fish communities. Unfortunately, relatively little is known about the impact of fishing on these fish species, and few management or conservation efforts are being made to protect them. Here, we examine the effect of different levels of protection on the composition, abundance, and size structure of reef fish species along a 2500 km portion of the Brazilian coastline, noting in particular the relative abundance of endemics and the effect of protection on these species. Pairwise comparisons of sites with different protection status (more versus less protected) were used to determine the potential responses of reef fishes to the establishment of marine protected areas. Highly targeted species (top predators and large herbivores) were significantly more abundant and larger in size within sites with a higher degree of protection, indicating that they benefit from protection, while lightly fished and unfished species were not. These results are consistent with past work documenting the responses of species to protection. Here, we use our results in particular to suggest strategies and provide expectations for managing and protecting Brazilian reef fisheries. Because this biogeographic province lies entirely within the jurisdiction of a single nation, there may be unique and significant opportunities to effectively manage and conserve these fish species.  相似文献   

Interactions between cetaceans and fisheries are a major concern of cetacean conservation and fisheries management, as by-catch and resource competition occur as a result. To assess potential interaction between porpoises and fisheries in the German Bight, high-resolution spatial and temporal data were analysed in order to reveal association patterns between cetaceans and fisheries in the German Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of the North Sea. To facilitate interpretation of resulting patterns, additionally, relationships of fish assemblages were analysed. Vessel monitoring system (VMS) data from 2006 and fisheries surveillance data from 2002 to 2006 were acquired to calculate fishing effort, aerial survey data from 2002 to 2006 to evaluate porpoise distribution, and trawl survey data from 2000 to 2007 to assess fish assemblage. Relationships were analysed in terms of seasonal association and overlap. Results showed that porpoise distribution was positively associated with sandeel fisheries in all seasons and with gillnet fisheries in summer. Overlaps for sandeel and gillnet fisheries were high in summer, while negligible in spring and autumn. In spring, high overlap was found for large beam trawlers targeting sole and plaice. In parallel, porpoise distribution was positively linked to fish assemblage components representing sandeel and poor cod in summer and flatfish in spring. Our results suggest that, especially in summer, resource competition between porpoises and industrial sandeel fisheries is likely and the risk of by-catch in gillnets is increased. In spring, interference with sole and plaice fisheries is to be expected.  相似文献   

Interactions between sea turtles and northwestern Atlantic trawl fisheries are of global concern, and the National Marine Fisheries Service is considering expanding bycatch reduction regulations, including deployment of turtle excluder devices (TEDs). To inform bycatch mitigation strategies, the number of loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta) interactions was estimated for US Mid-Atlantic bottom trawl fisheries for fish and scallops. A generalized additive model of interactions was developed using 1994–2008 Northeast Fisheries Observer Program data from trawl fisheries that were not required to deploy TEDs. Predicted loggerhead interaction rates were applied to 2005–2008 commercial fishing data to estimate the number of interactions for the trawl fleet. For trawl fisheries in which TEDs were required, an experimentally-determined TED exclusion rate (97%) was applied to estimate the number of loggerheads that were excluded by TEDs. Latitude, depth, and sea surface temperature (SST) were associated with the interaction rate. Average annual interactions for 2005–2008 were estimated at 292 (CV 0.13, 95% CI 221–369) loggerheads, with an additional 61 (CV 0.17, 95% CI 41–83) excluded by TEDs. The interaction rate was highest south of latitude 37°N in waters <50 m deep with SST >15 °C; interaction magnitude in terms of adult equivalents was highest at latitude 37–39°N, depth <50 m, and SST >15 °C. Predicted average annual loggerhead interactions decreased compared to 1996–2004, likely due to decreased commercial fishing effort in high-interaction areas. Additional sea turtle conservation measures can be informed by the high-interaction-rate and -magnitude areas identified through this analysis.  相似文献   

Small-scale fisheries provide over half the world’s wild-caught seafood, employ over 99% of its fishers, and are frequently promoted as a sustainable alternative to large-scale industrial fisheries. However, few studies have quantitatively examined how possible habitat impacts and non-target species composition vary across gears used in small-scale fisheries, as data are sparse and conservation efforts are largely focused on more iconic species. Here, we quantify and compare the ecosystem impacts of four fishing gears (lobster traps, fish traps, set gillnets, drift gillnets) used in small-scale fisheries of Baja California, Mexico, using at-sea observations and field experiments. Set gillnets had the highest overall impact on both non-target species and habitat, with discard rates higher than most industrial fisheries (34.3% by weight), and an estimated 19.2% of Eisenia arborea kelp and 16.8% of gorgonian corals damaged or removed within 1 m of the net path. Fish traps had the lowest discard rates (0.11%) while lobster traps and drift gillnets had intermediate discard rates (15.1% and 18.5% respectively). In contrast with gillnets, traps caused minimal immediate damage to gorgonian corals and rarely interacted with kelp. Results indicate that ecological impacts depend more on fishing gear type and habitat characteristics than the size of fishing vessels, calling into question broad generalizations that small-scale fisheries are inherently more sustainable than industrial fisheries. Our findings highlight the ecological impacts of artisanal gillnet fisheries as priorities for research, management, and conservation efforts in Baja California and other coastal areas.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of marine reserve protection on the biodiversity of aquatic assemblages (i.e. nekton) in subtropical eastern Australia was examined within two small (<6 km2) marine reserves and four non-reserve areas. The two marine reserves, and their corresponding non-reserves, were located in different geographical locations within Moreton Bay (north and south) and sites were surveyed with multiple hauls of a seine net. Species richness, evenness, density and mean size of the inshore communities were compared between the reserves and non-reserves. No statistical significant difference was detected in species richness between the areas however species evenness was significantly lower in the only non-reserve site impacted by commercial net fishing. Mean size of nekton was found to be significantly greater in the marine reserves compared to non-reserves but no statistical significant difference was found in the density of nekton between the study sites. Multivariate analysis revealed differences in community composition, particularly between the geographical locations where areas were impacted by different types of fishing pressure (recreational v commercial). These results highlight the impact commercial fishing can have on entire nekton assemblages, not just on targeted species. Our study demonstrates that the small marine reserves in Moreton Bay are protecting marine biodiversity and are thus at least partially achieving their management objective (to enhance the zone’s marine biodiversity).  相似文献   

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