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Shorebirds are declining all around the world, mostly due to deterioration of the estuarine habitats used in winter and migration. Estuaries cover small areas, so it is essential to guarantee that shorebirds can access all the tidal flats where they usually feed at low-tide.Studying use of space by dunlins (Calidris alpina) in the Tagus estuary (Portugal), we noted that lack of suitably located high-tide roosts can limit the access of shorebirds to feeding habitats. Density of dunlins on foraging areas declined significantly with distance to the nearest roost, and fewer than 20% individuals foraged more than 5 km from two roosts where they were dye-marked.So to permit full access to feeding areas it is important to maintain a network of suitably located high-tide roosts. We developed a GIS modelling methodology to evaluate the adequacy of existing roost networks, and to estimate the consequences of losing or creating new roosts. The methodology requires maps with the location of roosts and foraging habitats, and knowledge of the distances that birds are willing to fly to reach foraging areas. It quantifies the proportion of foraging areas close to the existing roosts and the average distance that birds have to fly to reach potential feeding sites.Applying this methodology to the Tagus estuary we concluded that lack of roosts probably explains why the intertidal flats in the north-west of the estuary are underused by shorebirds. A modelling exercise suggested that this gap could be eliminated by creating a roost in an old drained wetland area. We also modelled the impact of the loss of two roosts that are currently threatened. Without them almost half of the available feeding areas will be too far from roosts to be efficiently used by dunlins, and possibly by other shorebirds.  相似文献   

The extent of a shorebird’s response to a human disturbance depends on the associated energetic or predation risk costs. These costs are influenced by a suite of environmental variables, operating at several temporal and spatial scales. Here, I measured prey availability, distance to forest cover, cloud cover, and wind speed, in addition to human and shorebird densities to examine how human presence affected habitat choice, relative to these environmental variables, at Pachena Beach, British Columbia. In a standardised experiment, I also approached feeding flocks to determine if environmental factors influenced the time take for shorebirds to resume feeding. Binary logistic models suggested that people did not displace shorebirds. Instead, shorebirds were preferentially selecting areas further from forest cover that may have had lower predation risk. The time taken for shorebirds to resume feeding after a human disturbance was greater in the morning and in areas of low prey availability. This suggests that shorebirds respond more to a disturbance when the foraging cost is lower indicating that behavioural responses may not necessarily reflect the potential fitness costs of human disturbance.  相似文献   

The location of roosts of two species of vespertilionid bats, the lesser long-eared bat (Nyctophilus geoffroyi) and Gould’s wattled bat (Chalinolobus gouldii), was investigated in a remnant vegetation-farmland mosaic and adjacent floodplain forest in south-eastern Australia. A total of 45 individuals of N. geoffroyi and 27 C. gouldii were fitted with radio transmitters, which resulted in the location of 139 and 89 roosts respectively. Selection of roosting habitat showed both inter- and intra-specific differences. At the landscape level, locations of roosts used by male and female N. geoffroyi differed markedly. Most males roosted in the farmland mosaic within 3 km (mean 1.9±2.9 km) of where they were captured while foraging in remnant vegetation. In contrast, roost sites of females were predominantly in the floodplain forest, 6-12 km from their capture site in farmland (mean for all females, 6.7±2.9 km). All maternity roosts were in the extensive floodplain forest, 4-10 km from foraging areas. Distances moved by this species were greater than previously recorded and further than predicted by flight morphology. Most C. gouldii roosted in the floodplain forest, 4-10 km from their capture site (6.9±1.6 km). Within the floodplain forest, both species roosted in areas that had higher densities of hollow-bearing trees than generally available; dead hollow-bearing trees for N. geoffroyi and large, live trees for C. gouldii. The scale of movements undertaken by these species means that they can obtain resources from multiple landscape elements. Both species used different habitats for roosting and foraging despite the energetic costs of commuting relatively large distances. Conservation of bat populations in rural environments needs to be considered at the landscape scale, with particular attention to identifying landscape elements that provide key resources.  相似文献   

Protection of roosting habitat is essential to the conservation of bats in human-dominated landscapes. To help define bat roosting needs in suburban settings, we used radio telemetry to locate day roosts of a common North American species (Myotis yumanensis) within a residential area in California. Between June and August 2000, we tracked 16 bats to 20 roosts in two buildings and 18 trees. We used multiple logistic regression to assess roost selectivity at multiple spatial scales. Of 15 tree, plot, and site characteristics considered, only three helped distinguish roosts from random comparisons: tree diameter, distance to water, and forest cover. Myotis yumanensis preferred large trees (mean diameter 115 cm), and roosted only in the five species of largest mean diameter (Sequoia sempervirens, Pseudotsuga menziesii, Quercus agrifolia, Quercus lobata, and Acer macrophyllum). At the site level, these bats selected roosts that were close to water and had substantial forest cover in the surrounding 100-m radius. Unlike other North American bats, they often roosted in live trees (89% live). Relatively high roost fidelity (mean 4.8 days) and large travel distances between consecutive roosts (mean 1130 m) and between capture sites and roosts (mean 2007 m) may indicate a greater degree of roost limitation at this site versus other research sites. We recommend the preservation of large trees and forested parkland, particularly along stream corridors, to help maintain bat populations in urbanizing landscapes.  相似文献   

A behaviour-based model was used to explore the effect of an extension of the port at Le Havre (Port 2000), and the effect of proposed mitigation measures, on the mortality and body condition of the three main shorebird species that overwinter in the estuary of the river Seine, France. In the model, a 20% reduction in the area of mudflats on the north side of the estuary had little effect on curlew Numenius arquata mortality and body condition but significantly increased mortality and decreased body condition in dunlin Calidris alpina and oystercatchers Haematopus ostralegus. Disturbance of feeding birds both day and night had a significant effect on the mortality and body condition of all three shorebird species, as did disturbance of roosting birds. Disturbance of feeding birds in the daytime only had a significant effect on dunlin mortality and body condition, but not that of curlew and oystercatchers. In the model, the creation of a buffer zone to reduce disturbance of feeding birds restored shorebird mortality and body condition to pre-disturbance levels. A new mudflat area was also effective in mitigating the effect of habitat loss on all three shorebirds and in mitigating the effect of roost disturbance on dunlin and curlew. However, a new mudflat area was not effective in mitigating the effect of roost disturbance on oystercatcher mortality and body condition. The effectiveness of the mitigating mudflat depended as much on its size as its quality. We believe that this is the first time that anyone has been able to forecast the efficacy of proposed mitigation measures.  相似文献   

The soprano pipistrelle (Pipistrellus pygmaeus) is a house-dwelling bat, whose maternity colonies are often affected by exclusion from buildings in southern Europe. Bat boxes with a suitable thermal behaviour can provide alternative roosts. However, this is particularly difficult to achieve in hot climates, where boxes may overheat. We studied roost temperatures and roost thermal preferences of this bat in attics and roofs in a Mediterranean region. Roosts reached high temperatures, experienced great thermal fluctuations and had wide spatial thermal ranges. Bats preferred the warmest locations within roosts, indicating that they are a heat tolerant species. However, they avoided temperatures of 40 °C and above, suggesting that this is the upper limit of the species thermally neutral zone. The study of experimental sets of white, grey and black boxes demonstrated that the latter were the ones that most often reached the temperatures observed in roosts in buildings. They were also the ones occupied by larger numbers of bats. These results suggest that, even in hot Mediterranean climates, black boxes are the best option as alternative roosts for evicted colonies. However, on particularly hot days, bats left them, suggesting that black boxes could be improved by creating a wider thermal range.  相似文献   

Livingstone's fruit bats, Pteropus livingstonii, (Pteropodidae: Chiroptera) are endemic to only two islands, Moheli and Anjouan of the Comoros Islands in the West Indian Ocean. With an estimated population of less than 2000 individuals, P. livingstonii is listed as Critically Endangered on the International Union for the Conservation of Nature's Red List. Yet the habitat characteristics of these giant fruit bats, or flying foxes, are poorly known. I conducted field research during 5 months in 1998 focused on finding new roost sites, measuring characteristics of both roost sites and roost trees at new as well as previously identified roost sites, and recording the same characteristics for a set of absence sites. I identified six new roost sites allowing me to measure the characteristics of 15 known roost sites and seven absence sites. The study spanned both dry and rainy seasons and I found a significant increase in the number of individuals at roost sites during the rainy season. Bat roost sites were associated with presence of water, southeast aspect, steep slopes, and presence of several native tree species. Roost habitat was characterized based on biotic, abiotic and human factors. This research on habitat characteristics is contributing to the development of a conservation action plan for the Livingstone's fruit bats. However, further research on dry season roost sites and distribution as well as feeding sites is necessary in order to better understand their seasonal habitat requirements and therefore ensure the conservation of P. livingstonii.  相似文献   

In an attempt to increase the accuracy of roost emergence counts for a monitoring programme, the exits of two Pipistrellus pygmaeus roosts were illuminated with light of different colours and intensities. Light intensity affected bat emergence more than light colour. At one roost there was no significant difference in the bat emergence pattern between when the roost exit received no illumination and when it was illuminated with red light. The use of the latter is proposed to increase the accuracy of bat roost emergence counts.  相似文献   

Neotropic bats comprise a highly species-rich group and are considered important regulators of complex ecological processes. Resource partitioning of roosts and food is considered a key element in shaping bat communities. In this paper we examine the roosting patterns of 10 bat species belonging to a neotropical bat community in a Bolivian savanna. Roosts were more common in open woodlands than in forest islands and human settlements. In open woodlands, Tabebuia heptaphylla comprised the largest proportion of roosting trees, whereas in forest islands, Gallesia integrifolia was the most important roosting tree for phyllostomid bats. By comparing active roosts with control holes in Tabebuia heptaphylla, we found that roost site selection by Noctilio albiventris was mainly based on tree diameter and inner width of the cavities. The earlier results are discussed in view of resource partitioning within savanna bat communities and their practical conservation.  相似文献   

Shorebirds are declining worldwide due to loss and degradation of critical breeding and wintering habitats. Some human-modified habitats, particularly salt-pans which are used by shorebirds in many regions of the world, may help substitute for natural habitats lost for a wide range of species during migration. We studied the influence of landscape characteristics on species richness, abundance, and diversity of shorebirds at 20 sites covering most of the Inner Gulf of Thailand, a landscape with a long history of salt farming. Sites with salt-pans present held significantly higher species richness, abundance and diversity of shorebirds. Areas with larger proportions given over to aquaculture tended to have lower species richness, abundance and diversity. Generalized additive models indicated that landscapes with a larger proportion of tidal flats in conjunction with salt-pans were the best predictors of sites with higher species richness, abundance and diversity. Landscape configurations with higher richness, abundance and diversity of shorebirds also tended to be less fragmented and contained slightly larger patches. Shorebirds appeared to use ponds with exposed mud in salt-pans as both roosting sites and supplementary feeding grounds during high tide. Traditional salt-pans therefore proved to contribute significantly to maintenance of overwintering shorebird populations in this landscape and should be investigated elsewhere in Asian coastal zones. Collaboration between researchers, salt farmers and planning authorities as to how best to maintain salt-pans as potential shorebird roost sites such as in the Inner Gulf of Thailand is urgently needed in order to maintain habitat for shorebird populations in critical wintering and staging areas of this flyway.  相似文献   

This study examined the activities of “northern resident” killer whales (Orcinus orca) in Johnstone Strait, British Columbia, Canada, in July and August, from 1995 to 2002. Disturbance from boat traffic has been identified as a conservation concern for this population. The primary aims of the study were to test whether boat presence altered whales’ activities, and if so, to estimate whether behavioural responses were likely to have carried energetic costs. A land-based observation site near a vessel-exclusion marine protected area allowed us to conduct a natural experiment to monitor whale activities in the presence and absence of boats. Using Time-Discrete Markov Chain models, boat presence was linked to significant changes in the probability that focal whales would switch from one activity state to another, which led to significantly different activity budgets in the presence and absence of boats. We estimated that the energetic cost of meeting these budgets differed by only 3-4%. In the presence of boats, however, whales reduced their time spent feeding and the time spent rubbing their bodies on smooth pebble beaches. These lost feeding opportunities could have resulted in a substantial (18%) estimated decrease in energy intake. Our sensitivity analysis provides preliminary evidence that disturbance could carry higher costs to killer whales in terms of reducing energy acquisition than increasing energetic demand, and future research should address this directly. Meanwhile, our observations suggest that protected areas would confer greatest conservation benefit to endangered killer whale populations if they were designed to protect important foraging areas.  相似文献   

We investigated roost selection by Barbastella barbastellus in a mountainous area of central Italy. Twenty-five bats, mostly lactating females, were radio-tracked to 33 roost trees. Trees in unmanaged woodland were favoured as roost trees; woodland subject to limited logging was used in proportion to availability, and areas where open woodland and pasture occurred were avoided. Selection depended on tree condition (dead beech trees were preferred) and height (roost trees were taller than random ones). Cavity selection was based on cavity type, height and entrance direction: roost cavities were mainly beneath loose bark, at a greater height above ground and facing south more frequently than random cavities. Untouched areas of mature woodland should be preserved to provide roosting conditions for B. barbastellus. In logged areas, harvesting protocols should save dead and mature trees; frequent roost switching and small colony size imply that large numbers of roost trees are needed.  相似文献   

Large flying-foxes in insular Southeast Asia are the most threatened of the Old World fruit bats due to high levels of deforestation and hunting and effectively little local conservation commitment. The forest at Subic Bay, Philippines, supports a rare, large colony of vulnerable Philippine giant fruit bats (Pteropus vampyrus lanensis) and endangered and endemic golden-crowned flying-foxes (Acerodon jubatus). These large flying-foxes are optimal for conservation focus, because in addition to being keystone, flagship, and umbrella species, the bats are important to Subic Bay’s economy and its indigenous cultures. Habitat selection information streamlines management’s efforts to protect and conserve these popular but threatened animals. We used radio telemetry to describe the bats’ nighttime use of habitat on two ecological scales: vegetation and microhabitat. The fruit bats used the entire 14,000 ha study area, including all of Subic Bay Watershed Reserve, as well as neighboring forests just outside the protected area boundaries. Their recorded foraging locations ranged between 0.4 and 12 km from the roost. We compared the bats’ use to the availability of vegetative habitat types, riparian areas, and bat trees. The fruit bats’ locations showed a preference for undisturbed forest types and selection against disturbed and agricultural areas. Bat locations also showed selection for particular fruiting/flowering bat trees. The bats showed strong preference for riparian areas; locations were in riparian areas over four times more than expected. From these results we recommend that management focus flying-fox conservation efforts on undisturbed forest and riparian areas.  相似文献   

Volunteers counted lesser horseshoe bats (Rhinolophus hipposideros) emerging from 79 roosts throughout Wales prior to parturition over a 5-year period. Analysis of the count data and environmental variables revealed that there was no statistically significant change in the number of bats counted during the monitoring period. A maximum count of 5118 lesser horseshoe bats for one of the years of the study, suggests a Welsh population of >10,000. Within years, date had a strong influence on roost count with higher counts occurring later in the year. Analyses of roosts for which data was available in most years failed to find any evidence of changes in number of emerging bats over time either between roosts or across geographical regions. Over the time period studied, the population of R. hipposideros was stable. Power analysis suggested that the present monitoring programme should be able to detect a 5% increase or decrease over a 5-year period and could detect smaller trends over longer periods of time even when some data were missing. Roost surveys can therefore be a valuable tool to assess the status of a bat species, alert conservationists to population declines and provide feedback regarding the success of conservation management for bats.  相似文献   

The roosts of many IUCN-listed cave-roosting bat species are under threat from tourist development in SE Europe and other regions of the world. Much-needed conservation strategies require, among other information, an understanding of their roost movements and population dynamics, which can now be obtained relatively quickly using advanced models. We have studied the long-fingered bat, Myotis capaccinii, an obligate cave-dweller, in Dadia National Park, Greece. The species formed colonies of up to a few thousand individuals and was highly mobile, frequently switching summer roosts up to 39 km apart, even during late pregnancy. The bats migrated to distant hibernacula including a cave in Bulgaria 140 km NW of the Park. Adult recapture probabilities varied with season and sex: low female recapture rates in autumn, relative to spring and summer, indicated non-random temporary emigration following nursery colony dispersal. The opposite pattern was seen in males: increasing recapture rates in the autumn suggest that males gather in these roosts to mate with females in transit. Adult survival (0.86-0.94) was similar in females and males, similar in winter and summer, and comparable to recent estimates for other bats based on similar modelling techniques. Sex-based differences in juvenile recapture suggest female philopatry and male-biased dispersal. Our work shows that protection of M. capaccinii roosts must extend beyond the Park’s and indeed the country’s boundaries: its conservation requires large-scale, trans-national integrated conservation plans. Our results will apply to many other warm-temperate species with similar life history cycles.  相似文献   

The distance at which animals flee an approaching predator is known as the ‘flight initiation distance’ (FID). Wildlife managers use FID to develop buffer zones to reduce human impacts on wildlife. Many variables have been demonstrated to influence FID leading one to question whether it can be viewed as a species-specific trait. We tested this critical assumption for developing buffer zones by experimentally approaching eight species of shorebirds found at six sites around Botany Bay, 15 km south of Sydney, Australia. Botany Bay encompasses a range of human impacted areas, from urban developments with high levels of human presence, through to National Parks and wildlife protection areas where human presence is significantly lower. We found that both species and site influenced the distance birds flew away from an approaching human. Importantly, however, there was no significant statistical interaction between site and species demonstrating that ‘flighty’ species were consistently flighty while more tolerant species were consistently tolerant. Taken together, these results suggest that FID can therefore be viewed as a species-specific trait for these shorebirds. The great variability in FID suggests that wildlife managers should be somewhat conservative in developing buffer zones, but they can use previously published FID data for a given species as guidelines for setting buffer zones.  相似文献   

Expanding populations of geese feeding on farmland during winter and spring conflict with agricultural interests along their migratory flyway in north-western Europe. In Mid-Norway, farmers scare spring-staging pink-footed geese Anser brachyrhynchus off their land to protect crops, and this has had clear effects on goose distribution. To protect the geese, Norwegian authorities have implemented economic compensation to farmers to discourage scaring, but this has not been prioritised to accommodate the biological requirements and dispersal patterns of the geese, though such an approach is clearly needed. To address this need, we assessed the negative effects of scaring geese during 2004-2007, and built a species distribution model to identify sites suitable for goose foraging. We subsequently combined known foraging sites with sites identified by our model and prioritised these sites according to their connectivity, perimeter area ratio, years of historic use and proximity to roost. By combining historic data on foraging sites, a species distribution model, and a simple, accountable site selection process we demonstrate how the current compensation scheme can be made 10 times more efficient through strategic prioritisation. Our approach has direct implications for alleviating similar goose-agriculture conflicts throughout Europe.  相似文献   

The distribution and abundance of cave-dwelling bats were investigated in the Thrace region of northwest Turkey. Data were collected in two periods, January-March and April-May 2001, from 32 underground sites, 25 of which had not been surveyed previously. Approximately 76,000 bats representing 13 species were recorded. The most abundant species were Miniopterus schreibersii, Rhinolophus euryale, Myotis myotis/blythii, Myotis capaccinii, and Rhinolophus ferrumequinum. The roosts were evaluated for their conservation importance. The most important sites in Turkish Thrace are Dupnisa and Koyunbaba. The Dupnisa Cave serves as a hibernaculum to approximately 28,000 bats representing five species. The Koyunbaba Cave is a nursery roost to approximately 23,000 bats of six species. Presently, none of the caves in the region has adequate protection and some bat populations are under serious threat.  相似文献   

Ecotourism is a rapidly growing industry with unknown impacts on viewed wildlife that may require novel management action. We examined the impact of viewing activities on the behaviour of brown bears (Ursus arctos) in coastal British Columbia.Domination of the best feeding sites and human avoidance by large male bears has consistently been reported. We, however, saw displacement in time rather than space - during the viewing day large males were less active than at other times, while females with cubs tended to be more active.In each year, females with cubs spent similarly high proportions of their time fishing when people were present. In years with large male activity, less time was spent fishing when people were absent. When freed from the potential threat of large male bears, females with cubs showed no measurable impact of controlled human activity.Human presence at a feeding site impacts the behaviour of brown bears, but not as expected. Temporal avoidance of human activity by large males was observed; indications that they departed upon satiation, before the arrival of morning tours, however, suggests that there was little energetic impact. By displacing large males, viewing activities created a temporal refuge, enhancing feeding opportunities for subordinate age/sex classes. With the strong positive relationships between mean female mass and litter size, this may in turn increase population productivity.  相似文献   

Although forest fragmentation can greatly affect biodiversity, responses to landscape-scale measures of woodland configuration in Europe have been examined for only a limited range of taxa. Almost all European bat species utilise woodland, however little is known about how they are affected by the spatial arrangement of woodland patches. Here we quantify landscape structure surrounding 1129 roosts of six bat species and a corresponding number of control locations across the UK, to examine associations between roost location and landscape composition, woodland proximity and the size of the nearest broadleaved woodland patch. Analyses are performed at two spatial scales: within 1 km of the roost and within a radius equivalent to the colony home-range (3–7 km). For four species, models at the 1 km scale were better able to predict roost occurrence than those at the home-range scale, although this difference was only significant for Pipistrellus pipistrellus. For all species roost location was positively associated with either the extent or proximity of broadleaved woodland, with the greatest effect of increasing woodland extent seen between 0% and 20% woodland cover. P. pipistrellus, Pipistrellus pygmaeus, Rhinolophus hipposideros, Eptesicus serotinus and Myotis nattereri all selected roosts closer to broadleaved woodland than expected by chance, with 90% of roosts located within 440 m of broadleaved woodland. Roost location was not affected by the size of the nearest broadleaved patch (patches ranged from 0.06–2798 ha ± 126 SD). These findings suggest that the bat species assessed here will benefit from the creation of an extensive network of woodland patches, including small patches, in landscapes with little existing woodland cover.  相似文献   

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