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The switch from spring-sown to autumn-sown cereals and the loss of habitat heterogeneity are often suggested to be key drivers of breeding bird decline on arable farmland. Yet, both factors are interlinked and it remains uncertain whether autumn-sown cereals reduce breeding bird numbers also in the structurally complex arable farmland of northern Europe. We tested whether autumn-sowing of cereals at both local and landscape scales affected the breeding bird community in a heterogeneous agricultural landscape of south-central Sweden. Rotation between sowing types was used as a semi-experiment based on 34 spring- vs. 41 autumn-sown cereal plots centred on infield non-crop islands of similar structure, size and surroundings. Species richness and territory abundance of ground-foraging species were significantly lower in autumn- than in spring-sown cereal plots both in the crop fields and the infield non-crop islands during the breeding season. No such effect was observed among foliage gleaning birds. Species richness in spring-sown cereal plots was less the more autumn-sown crops in the surrounding landscape within a 500 m radius. Average skylark densities did not differ between autumn- and spring-sown cereal plots because habitat preferences changed; densities declined in autumn-sown cereals during the growing season whereas they increased on spring-sown fields which had shorter swards throughout the breeding season. Our results indicate that negative effects of autumn-sown crops on breeding bird numbers spill over into both neighbouring non-crop and crop habitats. We conclude that agri-environmental schemes should place more emphasis on facilitating the value of the cropped area of fields as a foraging and nesting habitat. The retention of various non-crop habitats alone may not provide sufficient food close to nest sites for farmland birds that rely on crop fields for foraging.  相似文献   

Declines in forest and woodland birds have largely been attributed to habitat loss and fragmentation. In the past decade, however, the potential for herbivores to influence bird species abundance and community composition via their direct impact on vegetation structure has also been recognised. We tested the hypothesis that deer influence vegetation structure and bird assemblages in a large island archipelago in western North America using surveys of 18 islands with deer densities ranging from 0 to over 1 deer/ha. Amongst these islands, reduced predation and hunting pressure has allowed deer populations to increase above those likely to have existed in pre-European times. Our results support a growing body of evidence that deer regulate both the cover and architecture of understory vegetation which in turn profoundly affects island bird assemblages. Deer-free islands supported the most abundant and diverse bird fauna. Iconic songbirds such as the rufous hummingbird, song and fox sparrow were abundant on islands with no deer but substantially reduced on islands with high deer densities. Only one bird species, the dark-eyed junco, preferred moderate and high density deer islands. Our observations suggest that current cohorts of palatable shrubs on islands with high deer densities are relatively old and potentially represent an impending extinction debt, where the full effects of high deer density on island biota may take decades to fully unfold. Our results suggest that deer densities below a threshold of 0.1 deer/ha should allow native vegetation to recover and a rich and diverse bird species assemblage to persist. We suggest that adaptive management be used to test the validity of this threshold, and that without active management of deer abundance, local extinctions of native flora and fauna appear likely to accelerate.  相似文献   

We evaluated the contributions of spatial distribution, juxtaposition, and quality of salt marsh habitat to salt marsh breeding birds along the New England coast, USA. We divided the region into two landscapes, Long Island Sound and the Gulf of Maine, based on latitude, geologic and human land use histories, and physical characteristics (tidal amplitude, wave energy). Species richness in both landscapes was at least 20% greater on larger salt marshes. Response to marsh isolation and human development varied regionally, with bird species more sensitive to marsh isolation and road proximity in the more pristine (Gulf of Maine) than altered (Long Island Sound) region. Relatively little overlap was evident between regions in predictors of occurrence and effects of marsh area on particular species. These results indicate that: (1) salt marsh bird communities show similar associations with habitat area and isolation as do forest, grassland, and freshwater wetland bird communities, and (2) landscape context mediates the influence of these parameters on the avian community and should be considered when defining the habitat requirements of salt marsh breeding birds.  相似文献   

Forest fragmentation leads to the creation of isolated forest patches and habitat edges with subsequent impact on forest-interior bird species. Although the effects of fragmentation and edge on avian nesting success are well documented for open cup-nesting species in eastern deciduous forests in North America, it is unclear whether these effects are common for all birds nesting in predominantly forested landscapes. In particular, edge effects on nesting success of cavity-nesting birds are poorly understood. Using natural cavity nests, we examined nesting success of four species of cavity-nesting birds (two nonexcavators and two excavators), the yellow-rumped flycatcher (Ficedula zanthopygia), the great tit (Parus major), the great spotted woodpecker (Picoides major), and the grey-faced woodpecker (Picus canus) in relation to forest edges in Zuojia Nature Reserve, Jilin province, northeastern China. Our primary objective was to assess whether distance to the edge of agricultural lands was related to nesting success for cavity-nesting birds in fragmented forests. A total of 439 natural cavity nests of the four species were located and monitored during four breeding seasons. Probability of nest success was influenced by distance to forest edge for nonexcavators, but not for excavators. The rate of nesting success of the two nonexcavators, yellow-rumped flycatcher and the great tit, increased with distance from the edges. For all cavity nests, nesting success was 0.43 at 0-100 m, 0.56 at 101-200 m, 0.68 at 201-300 m, 0.61 at 301-400 m, 0.77 at 401-500 m from the edges. Nesting success ranged from 0.57 for the yellow-rumped flycatcher to 0.89 for the Grey-faced Woodpecker. Failed nests were often occupied by nest-site competitors (accounting for 68%). However, predation only accounted for 20% of all nest failures. Our results suggest that negative edge effects do exist for some cavity-nesting birds, especially for nonexcavator species.  相似文献   

Our goal was to evaluate how avian assemblages varied along a gradient of urbanization in the highly fragmented landscape of coastal southern California. We measured species richness and abundance of birds within continuous blocks of habitat, within urban habitat fragments that varied in landscape and local habitat variables, and within the urban matrix at different distances from the wildland interface. These comparisons allowed us to characterize patterns of avifaunal response to a gradient of urban fragmentation. At the fragment scale, we found that fragment area was a strong, positive predictor of the total number of breeding species detected per fragment; total bird abundance per point count also increased with fragment size. Tree cover was higher in small fragments, as was the abundance of birds that typically occupy wooded habitats. Comparisons between core, fragment, and urban transects revealed differing patterns of response of individual bird species to urbanization. In unfragmented habitat, we recorded a relatively high diversity of urbanization-sensitive birds. In urban transects, these species were rare, and a relatively few species of non-native and anthropophilic birds were common. These urbanization-enhanced birds were also recorded in previous urban gradient studies in northern California and Ohio. Bird communities along the urban gradient reached their highest richness and abundance in fragments. The marked difference in vegetation structure between urban and natural landscapes in this arid shrubland system likely contributed to this pattern; the presence of native shrubs and exotic trees in fragments enabled both shrub and arboreal nesters to co-occur. As is characteristic of biotic homogenization, urban fragmentation in coastal southern California may increase local diversity but decrease overall regional avifaunal diversity.  相似文献   

We combine mist-net data from 24 disturbance treatments taken from seven studies on the responses of understorey Amazonian birds to selective logging, single and recurrent wildfires, and habitat fragmentation. The different disturbance treatments had distinct effects on avian guild structure, and fire disturbance and the isolation of forest patches resulted in bird communities that were most divergent from those in continuous, undisturbed forest in terms of their species composition. Although low-intensity logging treatments had the least noticeable effects, the composition of understorey birds was still markedly different from the composition in undisturbed forest. This analysis demonstrates the importance of preventing habitat fragmentation and the spread of fires in humid tropical forests, and highlights the need for more research to determine the long-term suitability of large areas of degraded forest for forest birds.  相似文献   

The alteration and fragmentation of natural habitats has resulted in increased rates of nest predation and poor reproductive success for many bird species. The development of effective conservation strategies to reduce elevated rates of nest predation has been hindered by difficulties in fully understanding mechanisms underlying patterns and rates of nest predation in particular habitats. I recorded the outcome for 2726 nesting attempts of prothonotary warblers (Protonotaria citrea) breeding in fragmented bottomland forests and quantified the effect of nest predation on annual fecundity, determined the influence of different nest predators on rates of nest predation, and identified the factor driving rates of nest predation. There was a highly significant negative correlation between rates of nest predation and the actual annual reproductive output of prothonotary warblers. Of 1156 nest predation events, 73% were attributed to raccoons (Procyon lotor), 15% to snakes and 7% to southern flying squirrels (Glaucomys volans). Rates of nest predation decreased with increasing water depth as a result of nest predation by raccoons. Nests that were over water deeper than 60 cm were particularly successful. Habitat fragmentation, the draining of wetlands, and stream channelization may act synergistically to elevate rates of nest predation for those birds breeding in forested wetlands. Conservation actions designed to stop or reverse these processes will be especially beneficial to birds breeding in bottomland forest ecosystems.  相似文献   

Habitat fragmentation fundamentally affects trophic interactions and ecosystem function. Understanding how the landscape matrix modulates such interactions can improve our understanding of fragmentation ecology. Studies of breeding birds provide clear examples of the consequences of habitat fragmentation, but the landscape context of these effects are unclear. We sampled avian nesting success in 12 moderately-large forest patches (>250 ha) embedded in different types of landscapes in southern Illinois, USA. We then evaluated eight models that predicted the probability of nest success and brood parasitism by Brown-headed Cowbirds. These models incorporated landscape composition (% grassland, % agriculture, fragmentation), year and seasonal effects, conspecific density, predator density, and combinations of these variables. Temporal factors (stage of nesting cycle, seasonal effects, annual variation) had the most effect on nesting success; landscape factors had little influence on nesting success. The rate and intensity of brood parasitism were significantly influenced by the amount of grassland for the Wood Thrush, but not for the Acadian Flycatcher. Fine-scale management of the matrix surrounding the patches may dictate the local abundance and movements of nest predators and parasites. Other major nest predators may prefer the forest interior and at least partially compensate for the lower abundance of nest predators that depend upon the matrix. Overall, landscape metrics were weak predictors of avian nesting success in complex landscapes that have diverse predator communities.  相似文献   

Biological invasions constitute one of the most important threats to biodiversity. This is especially true for “naïve” birds that have evolved in the absence of terrestrial predators in island ecosystems. The American mink (Mustela vison) has recently established a feral population on Navarino Island (55°S), southern Chile, where it represents a new guild of terrestrial mammal predators. We investigated the impact of mink on ground-nesting coastal waterbirds with the aim of deriving a vulnerability profile for birds as a function of different breeding strategies, habitat, and nest characteristics. We compared rates of nest survival and mink predation on 102 nests of solitary nesting species (Chloephaga picta, Tachyeres pteneres), on 361 nests of colonial birds (Larus dominicanus, Larus scoresbii, Sterna hirundinacea), and on 558 artificial nests. We calculated relative mink and bird densities at all nest sites. Nests of colonial species showed the highest nest survival probabilities (67-84%) and no predation by mink. Nest survival rates for solitary nesting species were lower (5-20%) and mink predation rates higher (10-44%). Discriminant analyses revealed that mink preyed upon artificial nests mainly at shores with rocky outcroppings where mink were abundant. High nest concealment increased the probability for predation by mink. Conservation planning should consider that invasive mink might severely affect the reproduction success of bird species with the following characteristics: solitary nesting, nesting habitat at rocky outcrop shores, and concealed nests. We recommend that work starts immediately to control the mink population with a priority in the nesting habitats of vulnerable endemic waterbirds.  相似文献   

The federally endangered Karner blue butterfly (Lycaeides samuelis) is the focal species for a conservation plan designed to create and maintain barrens habitats. We investigated whether habitat management for Karner blue butterflies influences avian community structure at Fort McCoy Military Installation in Wisconsin, USA. From 2007 through 2009 breeding bird point count and habitat characteristic data were collected at 186 sample points in five habitat types including two remnant barrens types, barrens habitat restored from woodland and managed specifically for the Karner blue butterfly, and two woodland habitat types. Although the bird community of managed barrens was not identical to the communities of remnant barrens, the Field Sparrow (Spizella pusilla), a species of conservation concern, and sparse canopy associated bird species, such as the Baltimore Oriole (Icterus galbula) and Eastern Bluebird (Sialia sialis) were predicted to occupy managed barrens and remnant barrens in similar proportions. Adjacent habitat was the most influential factor in determining the community of bird species using the managed barrens. In Wisconsin, and likely throughout the range of the Karner blue butterfly, management for the butterfly creates habitat that attracts a bird community similar to that of remnant barrens, and benefits several avian species of conservation concern. Additionally, the landscape context surrounding the managed habitat influences avian community composition. Managed barrens that are adjacent to remnant barrens, rather than adjacent to woodland habitats, have the highest potential for conserving barrens breeding birds.  相似文献   

Populations of most avian species associated with grasslands have declined in North America over the last few decades. These declines may be related, in part, to changes in species composition and management of pastures and hayfields. The incorporation of native, warm-season grasses into pasture and hayfield management has been suggested as a means of providing suitable habitat for birds in agricultural areas. To examine this, we compared avian abundance, richness, and reproductive success in warm- [i.e. switchgrass (Panicum virgatum) and big bluestem (Andropogon gerardii)] and cool-season grass [i.e. orchardgrass (Dactylis glomerata)] fields on private farms in southwest Pennsylvania. Point counts, nest monitoring, and vegetation sampling were conducted on nine pairs (warm- and cool-season grass) of fields in 1996, and 12 pairs of fields in 1997. Compared with cool-season grass fields, warm-season grass fields supported a greater abundance and richness of birds, including several declining species [e.g. song sparrows (Melospiza melodia), field sparrows (Spizella pusilla), chipping sparrows (Spizella passerina), grasshopper sparrows (Ammodramus savannarum), and vesper sparrows (Pooccetes gramineus)]. Additionally, due to lower nest destruction and depredation rates, birds in warm-season grass fields had greater nest success and fledge rates. The positive response of birds to the use of warm-season grasses in pastures and hayfields appears to be due to the increased availability of undisturbed cover. Thus, the establishment of warm-season grasses in pastures and hayfields should be an avian conservation and management priority. Convincing farmers to use warm-season grasses in their fields should not be difficult, as several state and federal programs fund their establishment, and the use of these grasses increases forage production and farm income.  相似文献   

Small aspen stands are disappearing from the landscape in the Southwest, so it is important to understand their contribution to the avian community. We sampled birds in 53 small, isolated aspen stands and 53 paired plots within the ponderosa pine forest in northern Arizona, during the 1996 and 1997 breeding seasons. Bird species richness and abundance were higher in aspen than in pine. However, bird species richness and abundance did not vary with size of the aspen patch or isolation index. In addition, direct ordination of species distributions with habitat factors suggested no distinct avian communities. This suggests that aspen stands do not harbor separate populations, but rather are locations where the regional avifauna reaches high local density and richness and may be crucial to birds in years of resource scarcity. Thus it is important for avian conservation to maintain many aspen stands across the landscape, encompassing a diversity of vegetation structure and composition.  相似文献   

The effects of habitat fragmentation on forest bird assemblages were analysed in 214 holm oak (Quercus ilex) remnants spread across the northern and southern plateaux of central Spain. Bird richness was highly dependent on fragment area for all species regardless of isolation, and barely affected by habitat traits. Geographical location was associated with high differences in richness of bird assemblages, which included 17 species exclusive to northern remnants and one exclusive to southern remnants. This supports the hypothesis that habitat suitability deteriorates sharply from north to south for forest birds in Spain. The species-area relationships of bird assemblages sampled in fragmented forests along a broad continental gradient (from Norway to southern Spain) showed that true forest birds only nest in woodlands >100 ha in southern Spain, whereas the full complement of forest species occurs in much smaller fragments in central-western Europe. Loss of species that are particularly sensitive to habitat fragmentation accounts for these differences between dry Spanish and mesic European woodlands. These results are explained by the low habitat suitability of Spanish woodlands, associated with the restrictive conditions for plant regeneration in the Mediterranean climate and long-standing human usage. There is, therefore, a particular need to develop management strategies that conserve birds, and probably other forest organisms, in Mediterranean regions by preventing habitat deterioration and decreases in fragment size, and by conserving all woods >100 ha.  相似文献   

Riparian zones are a characteristic component of many landscapes throughout the world and increasingly are recognised as key areas for biodiversity conservation. Their importance for bird communities has been well recognised in semi-arid environments and in modified landscapes where there is a marked contrast between riparian and adjacent upslope vegetation. The value of riparian zones in largely intact landscapes with continuous vegetation cover is less well understood. In this study, birds were surveyed at 30 pairs of riparian and adjacent non-riparian sites in extensive mesic forests of the Victorian Highlands, Australia. Riparian sites were floristically distinct from non-riparian sites and had a more complex vegetation structure, including a mid-storey tree layer mostly absent from non-riparian sites. Bird assemblages at riparian sites had significantly greater richness, abundance and diversity of species than was recorded at adjacent non-riparian sites. Species composition also differed significantly between these habitat types. Compositional differences in assemblages were due to a suite of distinctive species in each habitat and to significant contrasts in the densities of species that occurred in both habitat types. Many species (36%) attained a significantly greater abundance in riparian habitats. The distinctiveness and richness of the riparian avifauna contribute to the diversity of continuous forest landscapes. The spatial patterning of the avifauna, the occurrence of complementary assemblages, the presence of rare species and the potential for riparian habitats to serve as refuges, all point to the value of riparian zones and highlight the importance of landscape-level planning and management for avifaunal conservation.  相似文献   

Grassland birds are declining at a faster rate than any other group of North American bird species. Livestock grazing is the primary economic use of grasslands in the western United States, but the effects of this use on distribution and productivity of grassland birds are unclear. We examined nest density and success of ground-nesting birds on grazed and ungrazed grasslands in western Montana. In comparison to grazed plots, ungrazed plots had reduced forb cover, increased litter cover, increased litter depth, and increased visual obstruction readings (VOR) of vegetation. Nest density among 10 of 11 common bird species was most strongly correlated with VOR of plots, and greatest nest density for each species occured where mean VOR of the plot was similar to mean VOR at nests. Additionally, all bird species were relatively consistent in their choice of VOR at nests despite substantial differences in VOR among plots. We suggest that birds selected plots based in part on availability of suitable nest sites and that variation in nest density relative to grazing reflected the effect of grazing on availability of nest sites. Nest success was similar between grazed plots and ungrazed plots for two species but was lower for nests on grazed plots than on ungrazed plots for two other species because of increased rates of predation, trampling, or parasitism by brown-headed cowbirds (Molothrus ater). Other species nested almost exclusively on ungrazed plots (six species) or grazed plots (one species), precluding evaluation of the effects of grazing on nest success. We demonstrate that each species in a diverse suite of ground-nesting birds preferentially used certain habitats for nesting and that grazing altered availability of preferred nesting habitats through changes in vegetation structure and plant species composition. We also show that grazing directly or indirectly predisposed some bird species to increased nesting mortality. Management alternatives that avoid intensive grazing during the breeding season would be expected to benefit many grassland bird species.  相似文献   

Maintaining biodiversity in urbanizing landscapes has become a top conservation priority. We examined variation in bird communities across a diverse array of urban and suburban neighborhoods in the Chicago, Illinois, metropolitan region. Rather than taking the usual approach of focusing solely on natural features of the urban landscape, we investigated how urban bird communities were related to neighborhood age and income, as well as environmental characteristics. We found that median housing age was strongly related to avian species richness, with newer neighborhoods supporting more species. Housing age was an important correlate of abundance for several species as well as abundance of exotic, migratory, and non-migratory species groups. Per capita income was inversely related to richness of native bird species and positively related to exotic richness. Total richness was higher in urban sites with undeveloped patches and heterogeneous land cover types; moreover, richness decreased with increasing distance from natural areas greater than 1 km2. Our findings suggest that bird richness is enhanced both by small patches of natural land within the urban matrix and by close proximity to large natural preserves. Furthermore, these results suggest that investigating a combination of abiotic and environmental features of the built landscape, rather than focusing solely on environmental features, may provide a more complete understanding of the factors influencing avian diversity in human-dominated landscapes.  相似文献   

Non-ferrous smelters pose a potential hazard for breeding bird populations, but comprehensive analyses of the impacts on bird population densities around smelter sites are currently lacking. We measured with point counts bird population densities around four smelter sites in Russia (Monchegorsk, Karabash and Revda) and Finland (Harjavalta) to explore the relationships between bird population density/species diversity and exposure level quantified by the potentially bioavailable copper concentrations in forest litter. Total bird densities, bird biomasses and species diversities decreased in the vicinity of all three Russian smelters. In Harjavalta, there were no pollution-related trends in total bird density or biomass, although species diversity (species number and Shannon’s index) decreased towards the pollution source. In general, the four smelters showed negative effects on bird populations in decreasing order of impact as follows: Monchegorsk > Karabash > Revda > Harjavalta, reflecting the amount of current and past emissions and consequent habitat change at each site. Our results suggest that around copper–nickel and copper smelters the pollution impact on bird diversity is accelerated when the litter copper level exceeds 1000 μg/g. However, even though bird densities and diversities reflected the exposure levels in our study, they were not associated with litter copper concentrations in a strictly dose-dependent manner, indicating that copper itself is not a primary cause for the changes in bird communities, but rather the combined effect of multiple pollutants on birds and especially on the resources necessary for breeding, such as food and suitable habitat.  相似文献   

Grassland birds are in steep decline throughout many regions of the world. In North America, even some common species have declined by >50% over the last few decades. Declines in grassland bird populations have generally been attributed to widespread agricultural conversion of grasslands; more than 80% of North American grasslands have been converted to agriculture and other land uses, for example. Remaining large grasslands should thus be especially important to the conservation of grassland birds. The Flint Hills of Kansas and Oklahoma (USA) preserves the largest intact tallgrass prairie (∼2 million ha) left in the world. The Flint Hills supports a major cattle industry, however, and therefore experiences widespread grazing and frequent burning. We assessed the regional population status of three grassland birds that are considered the core of the avian community in this region (Dickcissel, Spiza americana; Grasshopper Sparrow, Ammodramus savannarum; Eastern Meadowlark, Sturnella magna). Our approach is founded on a demographic analysis that additionally explores how to model variability in empirically derived estimates of reproductive success across a large heterogeneous landscape, which ultimately requires the translation of demographic data from local (plot) to regional scales. We found that none of these species is demographically viable at a regional scale under realistic assumptions, with estimated population declines of 3-29%/year and a likelihood of regional viability of 0-45% over the two years of study. Current land-management practices may thus be exacerbating grassland bird declines by degrading habitat in even large grassland remnants. Habitat area is thus no guarantee of population viability in landscapes managed predominantly for agricultural or livestock production.  相似文献   

The human population is increasingly disconnected from nature due to urbanisation. To counteract this phenomenon, the UK government has been actively promoting wildlife gardening. However, the extent to which such activities are conducted and the level of resource provision for biodiversity (e.g., food and nesting sites) within domestic gardens remains poorly documented. Here we generate estimates for a selection of key resources provided within gardens at a national scale, using 12 survey datasets gathered across the UK. We estimate that 22.7 million households (87% of homes) have access to a garden. Average garden size is 190 m2, extrapolating to a total area of 432,924 ha. Although substantial, this coverage is still an order of magnitude less than that of statutory protected areas. Approximately 12.6 million (48%) households provide supplementary food for birds, 7.4 million of which specifically use bird feeders. Similarly, there are a minimum of 4.7 million nest boxes within gardens. These figures equate to one bird feeder for every nine potentially feeder-using birds in the UK, and at least one nest box for every six breeding pairs of cavity nesting birds. Gardens also contain 2.5-3.5 million ponds and 28.7 million trees, which is just under a quarter of all trees occurring outside woodlands. Ongoing urbanisation, characterised by increased housing densities, is inevitable throughout the UK and elsewhere. The important contribution domestic gardens make to the green space infrastructure in residential areas must be acknowledged, as their reduction will impact biodiversity conservation, ecosystem services, and the well-being of the human population.  相似文献   

Remnant forest strips are frequently proposed as valuable conservation tools in fragmented tropical landscapes, yet we currently lack evidence to evaluate their potential conservation value for native biota. We examined the potential value for understorey forest birds of 30-year-old riparian and terra firme (unflooded) primary forest strips within a large silvicultural landscape in the north-east Brazilian Amazon, where the matrix is dominated by Eucalyptus plantations. We conducted mist-netting in eight forest strips connected to continuous forest (four of each forest type), with a total of 24 replicate sampling sites located near to (<1 km), far from (2.5-9 km), and within undisturbed forest controls (i.e. 16 samples within the strips, and 8 in controls). Bird communities in both strip types changed with increasing distance along forest remnants into the plantation matrix. Matrix-embedded samples were characterised by a higher representation of birds typical of secondary growth forest but not those typical of the Eucalyptus-dominated matrix. While the long-term viability of the bird populations in these remnants remains unclear, our data demonstrate that forest strips can provide important habitat for many bird species that are otherwise rarely found outside primary forest. Forest strips therefore provide an important tool to enhance biodiversity conservation in plantation landscapes. The relative practical ease with which these areas can be selected and maintained means that the protection of forest strips as part of a wider conservation strategy is likely to have particular appeal to policy makers and landscape managers working in the human-dominated tropics.  相似文献   

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