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Vitamin E requirements of adult Standardbred horses were evaluated by tissue depletion and repletion. All the horses used in the study were given the same basal feed low in vitamin E during the eight months of the experiment. After an initial depletion period of two-and-a-half months the horses were divided into groups according to the amounts of DL alpha-tocopheryl acetate given (0 mg, control; 200, 600, 1800 and 5400 mg, respectively) as a daily oral supplement. The supplement study was followed by a second depletion period. Total vitamin E content and individual natural tocopherol isomers and tocotrienol isomers were measured both in the feed (hay and oats) and in tissue (serum, liver, skeletal muscle and adipose tissue) using high performance liquid chromatography with fluorescent detection. Tissue vitamin E response to different dietary vitamin E levels were studied. The serum total lipid content remained unchanged during the experiment; serum vitamin E levels were expressed per gram serum lipid. The total vitamin E levels in serum, liver, skeletal muscle and fat reflected the supplement levels. The highest vitamin E levels were seen in fat tissue, followed by the liver and by skeletal muscle. In spite of the wide occurrence of the different vitamin E isomers in the feed, alpha-tocopherol was almost the only isomer detected in the tissues. To ensure nutritional adequacy, 600 and 1800 mg of DL alpha-tocopheryl acetate was suggested as an optimal oral daily supplement of vitamin E to adult Standardbred horses given feed low in vitamin E; this corresponds to 1.5 to 4.4 mg/kg bodyweight.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Muscle biopsy samples were collected from the left middle gluteal muscle of horses participating in competitive barrier trials. Twelve horses were biopsied the day before and within 30 minutes of completion of an 800 m barrier trial. A further six horses were sampled the day before, and within 30 minutes of, completion of a 1200 m barrier trial. Serial muscle sections were examined histochemically for myosin adenosine triphosphatase activity after acid preincubation, to demonstrate type I, IIA and IIB fibres. The glycogen content in the individual fibres was assessed using the periodic acid Schiff (PAS) reaction. Total glycogen in muscle was measured fluorimetrically after hydrolysis to glucose. Significant decreases in total muscle glycogen levels of 167.1 +/- 22.2 and 158.1 +/- 23.2 mmoles glucose units kg-1 (dry weight) (mean +/- standard error) occurred from pre- to post trial samples for horses in both 800 and 1200 m trials respectively. There were no significant differences between the decreases in total muscle glycogen from horses in either 800 m or 1200 m trials. In both 800 m and 1200 m trials there was a significant decrease in the percentage of type IIA and IIB fibres classified as having high PAS staining intensity, and a significant increase in the percentage of fibres classified as having medium staining intensity when samples taken after the trial were compared to those taken before the trial.  相似文献   

The objective of this review was to summarise and evaluate the current state of knowledge about chronic progressive lymphoedema in draught horses. Clinical signs of this multifactorial disorder are mainly restricted to the lower limbs, comprising progressively deteriorating skin, swelling and deformation. Although typical lesions were first reported at the beginning of the 20th century, chronic progressive lymphoedema was recognised as a specific syndrome only in 2003, and since then research has driven forward. Despite the high prevalence in some breeds and the serious economic impact, the pathogenesis is not fully understood, and the available treatment options remain symptomatic and noncurative. There is a need to improve diagnostic techniques and to develop selection tools.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of regulating factors on the oxygen equilibrium curve (OEC) under standard conditions and then to calculate the oxygen extraction between arterial and jugular venous blood in healthy Standardbred horses. The results were compared to those previously obtained in humans and cattle, using the same experimental method. The partial oxygen pressure at 50% saturation of haemoglobin, measured under standard conditions (standard P50), was 24.8+/-2.0 (SD of mean) mmHg. This value was similar to the cattle standard P50 (25.0+/-1.4 mmHg, SD of mean) but lower than the human standard P50 (26.6+/-1.2 mmHg, SD of mean) previously reported using the same experimental method. The effects of regulating factors on the standard OEC were also determined, and a major effect of pH and temperature was noted. In contrast, partial carbon dioxide pressure played only a minor role in horses, compared to cattle and humans. No significant correlation was found between phosphate and chloride concentrations and standard P50.  相似文献   

Three standardbred trotters performed treadmill exercise at a velocity of 2 m s-1 with a draught load of both 34 kiloponds (kp) (test 1) and 80 kp (test 2), and also at 7 m s-1 with 34 kp (test 3). The heart rate increased to average values of 111 (+/- 5), 157 (+/- 10) and 197 (+/- 7) beats min-1 in tests 1, 2, and 3, respectively. Plasma free fatty acids increased only during tests 1 and 2. Blood lactate and muscle glucose-6-phosphate and lactate concentrations were low after tests 1 and 2, but high after test 3, where also muscle glycogen utilisation was greatest. Muscle creatine phosphate and adenosine triphosphate concentrations decreased after test 3 only. The study indicates that oxidative metabolism is most important for energy supply in muscles when exercise is performed with draught loads of both 34 and 80 kp at a low velocity. Glycogenolysis with lactate accumulation and phosphagen breakdown becomes much more important when, with a draught load of 34 kp, the velocity of exercise increases.  相似文献   

The disposition of plasma glycopyrrolate (GLY) is characterized by a three‐compartment pharmacokinetic model after a 1‐mg bolus intravenous dose to Standardbred horses. The median (range) plasma clearance (Clp), volume of distribution of the central compartment (V1), volume of distribution at steady‐state (Vss), and area under the plasma concentration–time curve (AUC0‐inf) were 16.7 (13.6–21.7) mL/min/kg, 0.167 (0.103–0.215) L/kg, 3.69 (0.640–38.73) L/kg, and 2.58 (2.28–2.88) ng*h/mL, respectively. Renal clearance of GLY was characterized by a median (range) of 2.65 (1.92–3.59) mL/min/kg and represented approximately 11.3–24.7% of the total plasma clearance. As a result of these studies, we conclude that the majority of GLY is cleared through hepatic mechanisms because of the limited extent of renal clearance of GLY and absence of plasma esterase activity on GLY metabolism. Although the disposition of GLY after intravenous administration to Standardbred horses was similar to that in Thoroughbred horses, differences in some pharmacokinetic parameter estimates were evident. Such differences could be attributed to breed differences or study conditions. The research could provide valuable data to support regulatory guidelines for GLY in Standardbred horses.  相似文献   

A study was undertaken in five draught horses of 648±33 kg body weight to find the effects of continuously pulling loads on their cardiovascular, respiratory and metabolic responses. A cart equipped with an odometer, for measuring distance, and a hydraulic dynamometer, for measuring draught force, was used. Heart and respiration rates and rectal temperatures were recorded. Blood samples for measuring arterial and venous pH and blood gases, haemoglobin, glucose and lactic acid concentrations and the serum activity of the enzymes creatine phosphokinase (CK), lactate dehydrogenase, aspartate aminotransferase and alkaline phosphatase were taken before exercise and immediately after each journey (morning and afternoon) of the daily work.Draught exercise, with loads which generated forces of between 0.57 and 0.59 kN, at speeds of 1.60 to 2.11 m/s, for 8 h daily for five consecutive days, with resting intervals of 10 min each hour, was well tolerated. Exercise tolerance was evaluated from the recovery from the changes observed in the biochemical and physiological parameters induced by the work. The analysis of these showed that, when the horses were subjected to prolonged periods of resting, their loss of fitness for work was shown by significant increases in the serum activity of muscle-derived enzymes and in blood lactate concentrations during the first day of work. However, over the following days the horses adapted to the work, so that the decreases in serum enzyme activities and blood lactate concentrations were reduced. Since similar observations have been described for racehorses, the determination of blood lactate concentrations and the serum activities of muscle-derived enzymes, specifically CK, seem to be good indicators of fitness in draught horses.  相似文献   

Concentrations of the cross-linked carboxyterminal telopeptide of type I collagen (ICTP) and osteocalcin (OC) have been determined in the serum of one hundred clinically healthy adult Draught or Warmblood horses. The correlation between these two markers has been evaluated and the influence of gender, age and type of horse described. No significant variations were observed between animals of different sex, but a significant inverse correlation (P<0.0001) with age was observed for both measured parameters. After correction for age, serum levels of OC were found to be lower in Draught [adjusted least square mean (LSM)=6.612μg. L−1] than in Warmblood horses (adjusted LSM=8.596μg.L−1), whereas levels of ICTP were higher in Draughts (adjusted LSM=8.035pg.L−1) than in Warmbloods (adjusted LSM=6.643μg.L−1). A significant correlation (P<0.0001) was observed between OC and ICTP. This correlation was stronger if the type of horse was taken into account in the statistical model. The ratio OC:ICTP was independent of gender and age. A higher OC:ICTP ratio in Warmbloods compared to the Draught horses might reflect a higher bone remodelling level of horses submitted to regular daily work. It was concluded that ICTP and OC are influenced by the type of horse, and probably reflect a physiological difference in bone remodelling between these animals.  相似文献   

SUMMARY Twenty-five Thoroughbred (TB) and 25 Standardbred (SB) stables were visited to determine their feeding practices. The ingredients of the main feed of the day for a mature gelding of average size in full training were weighed at each stable. Nutrient content of diets was calculated using published data for the individual ingredients. Results are expressed as mean±sd. The estimated body weight of TB horses was 493±34 kg and 437±32 kg for SB horses. There was considerable variation in diet composition and nutrient intake between stables. The TB trainers fed 11.0±2.4 kg and SB trainers 11.8±2.5 kg per day. The concentrate component of the diet weighed 7.8±1.6 and 7.7±2.3 kg for TB and SB stables, respectively, and the roughage component for TB horses 3.3±1.4 and SB horses 4.1±1.4 kg per day. The digestible energy intake of horses at TB stables was 129±29 MJ per day and at SB stables 132±31 MJ per day. Crude protein intake of TB horses was 1452±363 g and SB horses 1442±338 g per day. There were differences in some feeding practices at TB and SB stables. Standardbred trainers fed more roughage than TB trainers. Standardbred trainers fed chaffed lucerne (alfalfa) and cereal hays as the major roughage, whereas TB trainers fed more hay. The major hay type fed by TB trainers was lucerne, whereas many SB trainers preferred clover hay. Both trainers fed oats as the major grain, but TB trainers fed slightly more maize (corn) than SB trainers. The SB trainers fed barley as part of the concentrate component of the diet, whereas TB trainers usually fed boiled barley and linseed oil in winter only. Although many trainers used vitamin and mineral supplements, this appeared unnecessary in many Instances, especially with respect to Iron. Calcium and NaCI supplementation was necessary for some diets. We concluded that while there was a wide range in feed intake and diet composition for both TB and SB horses, average nutrient intakes were similar to National Research Council (1989) recommendations for horses performing intense work.  相似文献   

This report describes caecal intussusception in two young half-sibling Standardbred horses. Both horses presented showing signs of low-grade abdominal pain. The horses remained haemodynamically stable despite signs of abdominal pain and associated tachycardia. Exploratory celiotomy was undertaken in both horses due to persistent abdominal pain and a poor response to administration of analgesic medications. Exploration of the abdomen revealed caeco-caecal intussusception in one horse and caeco-colic intussusception in the other horse. An underlying cause for caecal dysfunction and subsequent intussusception was not identified in either patient. Manual reduction of the intussusception was successful in both cases. The horses recovered uneventfully from surgery.  相似文献   

To test the hypothesis that the pulmonary vascular pressures of Thoroughbred and Standardbred horses behave similarly during exertion. Measurements were made on 5 Thoroughbred and 5 Standardbred horses on a treadmill at rest and during 3-minute exercise intervals at speeds predicted to produce 75%, 90%, and 100% maximal heart rate. Left forelimb acceleration, heart rate, esophageal pressure, and pulmonary artery pressure were measured continuously. Pulmonary capillary and wedge pressures were measured during intermittent occlusion of the pulmonary artery. Breathing rate and gait frequency were the fundamental frequencies of the esophageal pressure and limb acceleration signals respectively. The ratio of speed:gait frequency gave stride length. The effects of exertion and breed were evaluated using two-way analysis of variance. Exertion produced significant increases in pulmonary artery (P = 0.001), capillary (P= 0.002), and wedge (P= 0.005) pressures. No significant effect of breed was detected on pulmonary artery pressure, but at exertion pulmonary capillary and wedge pressures were 15% (P= 0.03) and 23% (P= 0.04) greater in Thoroughbreds, respectively. Treadmill speed was ~12% greater (P= 0.04), stride length was ~25% greater (P= 0.0003), gait frequency was ~10% less (P= 0.006), breathing rate was ~10% less (P= 0.001), and heart rate was ~6% less (P= 0.06) for Thoroughbreds. There was no effect of breed on inspiratory or expiratory esophageal pressure although mean esophageal pressure was ~2 mmHg greater (P= 0.03) in exercising Standardbreds. In conclusion, pulmonary capillary and wedge pressures are greater in Thoroughbreds than in Standardbreds at similar fractions of maximal heart rate. This is compatible with the higher incidence of exercise-induced pulmonary hemorrhage observed in Thoroughbreds.  相似文献   

Physical exercise is known to affect calcium homeostasis in horses, but there is little information on the hormonal regulation of calcium metabolism during exercise. In order to evaluate the effects of exercise and training on calcium homeostasis and intact plasma parathyroid hormone, 7 untrained Standardbred horses were studied in a 6 week training programme. These horses were accustomed to running on the treadmill 3 weeks before onset of training and were exercised on a high-speed treadmill with an initial incremental standardised exercise test (SET 1: 6 incremental steps of 5 min duration each; first step 5 m/s, increase 1 m/s). SET 1 was followed by a lactate-guided training programme (6 weeks in total) with 2 types of exercise in alternating order with a day of rest after each work day: high-speed exercise (HSE) of 15 min duration, starting at VLa4, continuous increase in speed every 60 s by 0.3 m/s (14 incremental steps); and low-speed exercise (LSE) at a constant velocity at VLa2.5, duration approximately 60-90 min. The whole training programme consisted of 8 HSE and 8 LSE sessions. HSE and LSE were calculated to require the same energy expenditure. A final SET (SET 2) finished the training programme. Blood samples for lactate, plasma total calcium [Ca], blood ionised calcium [Ca2+], blood pH, plasma inorganic phosphorus [P(i)] and plasma intact parathyroid hormone [PTH] were collected before, during and after SETs 1 and 2, before and after the first and eighth HSE and LSE. During SETs 1 and 2, HSEs 1 and 8 there was a decrease in ionised Ca2+ and pH and a rise in lactate, intact PTH and P(i). LSEs 1 and 8 resulted in an increase in pH, whereas lactate, ionised Ca2+, total Ca, P(i) and intact PTH were not affected. No changes in calcium metabolism were detected during training. Results of this study suggest that intact PTH is a mediator in counter-regulation of exercise-induced hypocalcaemia.  相似文献   

SUMMARY Total plasma carbon dioxide (TCO2) concentrations were measured in Standardbred horses to determine criteria to discriminate between normal horses and horses with excessive TCO2 concentrations on raceday. TCO2 concentrations from stabled horses were distributed normally with a mean of 30.2 mmol/L and a standard deviation of 1.2 (n = 192) while pre-race TCO2 concentrations were not normally distributed. The results indicate that about 50 horses per million are likely to have TCO2 concentrations greater than or equal to 35 mmol/L and that it is extremely unlikely that a normal horse would have a resting TCO2 concentration above 36 mmol/L. These values were associated with sensitivities of 67% and 59%, respectively, and with a specificity of 100%. TCO2 concentrations were relatively stable in blood samples stored at 4°C for 4 days, whereas the TCO2 in specimens stored at room temperature (25°C) and at ambient temperature (16–28°C) declined progressively over 5 days. The accuracy and precision of the Beckman EL-ISE Auto Analyser were acceptable and within the manufacturers specified range. Paired specimens analysed using a Beckman EL-ISE Auto Analyser and a Kodak Dry Chemistry Analyser were not significantly different. However, the measurements made using the Kodak Dry Chemistry Analyser averaged 0.5 mmol/L higher than those analysed on the Beckman EL-ISE. The significance of these sources of variation in TCO2 concentration in relation to the testing of horses for ‘milkshake’ administration are discussed.  相似文献   

Muscle biopsy samples were collected from the left middle gluteal muscle of the horses participating in day 2 (speed and endurance test) of a three day event. Six Thoroughbred horses were biopsied the day before and within 30 minutes of completion of the speed and endurance test. Serial muscle sections were reacted histochemically for myosin adenosine triphosphatase activity after acid pre-incubation to demonstrate Type I, IIA and IIB fibers and the glycogen content in the individual fibers was assessed using the periodic acid Schiff (PAS) reaction. Total glycogen in muscle was measured fluorometrically after hydrolysis to glucose. A significant decrease (P less than 0.001) in total muscle glycogen of 306.0 +/- 34.6 mmoles glucose units/kg (dry weight) (mean +/- SE) occurred when samples collected before exercise were compared to those collected following exercise. A significant decrease (P less than 0.05) in the percentage of Type I fibers having medium PAS staining intensity occurred when pre and post-exercise samples were compared. Significant decreases (P less than 0.01 and P less than 0.001 respectively) in the percentage of Type IIA and IIB fibers classified as having high PAS staining intensity occurred when post-exercise samples were compared with those pre-exercise. There were significant increases (P less than 0.01 and P less than 0.001 respectively) in the percentage of Type IIA and IIB fibers classified as having medium PAS staining intensity when the samples collected after the exercise were compared with those before the exercise.  相似文献   

Glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity in ponies and Standardbred horses   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The existence of an innate insulin insensitivity in ponies was investigated and compared with the situation in larger breeds of horse. Ponies that were fat or had previously suffered laminitis were found to be far more intolerant to oral glucose loading (1 g/kg bodyweight [bwt]) than normal ponies or Standardbreds. These ponies also exhibited a far greater response in plasma insulin levels after glucose loading. Insulin response tests (0.4 iu/kg bwt insulin intravenously) showed only a minimal and very protracted response in both the fat and laminitic groups. The relevance of these findings in regulation of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism, and their role in the pathogenesis of hyperlipaemia, are discussed.  相似文献   

Objective To evaluate the reproductive efficiency of horse farms in north-east Victoria and identify aspects of management to be targeted for improving reproductive efficiency. Design Retrospective study. Procedure Records from seven Thoroughbred (TB) and four Standardbred (STB) studs in north-east Victoria from 1990 to 2001 were reviewed; 8813 cycles in 4455 mares were analysed. TB mares were inseminated by natural mating, whereas STB mares (89%) were artificially inseminated. Results The overall early pregnancy rate per cycle was 68.8% for TB mares and for STB mares, 68.3%. Multiple pregnancy per cycle was more frequent in TB (8.3%) than in STB (4.6%) mares (P < 0.001). Early embryonic death occurred in 7.1% of TB and 7.5% of STB pregnancies. TB mares had fewer inseminations per cycle (1.03) than STB mares (1.43) (P < 0.001). There was a significantly lower proportion of barren reproductive status within the TB than the STB mares. Pregnancy rate per cycle among stallions ranged from 48% to 79%. Conclusions On-farm pregnancy rates in both breeds were higher than previously reported and likely reflect improvements in reproductive management. The disparity between breeds in the inseminations per cycle and proportion of barren mares exposed the differing structures of the two industries, and presents a target for improving the reproductive efficiency in STBs. The difference between breeds in the multiple pregnancy rate per cycle likely reflects the higher ovulation rate of TB mares. The variability in pregnancy rate per cycle between the 22 stallions was associated with differences in individual inherent fertility and the quality of stallion management.  相似文献   

ObjectivesCardiac repolarization, measured as QT and Tpeak to Tend (TpTe) intervals on the ECG, is important, as irregularities caused by diseases, ventricular hypertrophy, drugs and genetic defects can trigger arrhythmias which predispose human patients to syncope and sudden cardiac death. In horses, repolarization is not well described and therefore QT analysis cannot yet be used diagnostically. Therefore, we sought to describe reference values for the normal QT and TpTe intervals in Standardbreds and to determine the best method for heart rate (HR) correction.Animals30 Standardbreds.MethodsQT and TpTe intervals were measured during rest and exercise and plotted against HR converted to Rpeak to Rpeak interval (RR). Data were fitted with relevant regression models. Intra- and inter-observer agreement was assessed using Bland–Altman analyses.ResultsData were best described by a piecewise linear model (r2 > 0.97). Average prediction error of this model was smaller than for both Bazett and Fridericia corrections. Coefficient of repeatability of intra- and inter-observer variability was 8.76 ms and 5.64 ms respectively and coefficient of variation was 1.77% and 2.76% respectively. TpTe increased with RR in stallions.ConclusionsThe QT interval in Standardbred horses shortens with decreasing RR interval (increasing HR) as in humans, but in a markedly different order as it clearly follows a piecewise linear model. The equine QT interval can be measured easily and there is small intra- and inter-observer variability. This model of the equine QT interval provides clinicians with a method that could support a diagnosis of repolarization disturbances in horses.  相似文献   

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