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Nucleotide sequences in internal transcribed spacer (ITS)-1 region derived from dried nori products produced in Japan, China, and the Republic of Korea were compared. Thalli contained in the Japanese products were genetically homogenous, and their nucleotide sequences in ITS-1 were identical to those of the reference strains of Pyropia yezoensis f. narawaensis. In Chinese products, the thalli were related to P. yezoensis strain Minomiasakusa. In contrast, the thalli in the Korean products were genetically heterogeneous, and several different P. yezoensis strains and other Pyropia spp. were used for dried nori products. In some thalli produced in both China and Korea, the DNA sequences of the ITS-1 region were identical with that of Japan, suggesting that the cultivar strains might have been transplanted from Japan to China in recent years. The 432-bp-long nucleotide sequences in the ITS-1 region of thalli derived from Japanese origin were cleaved to two restriction fragments at 154 and 278 bp by cleavage of PCR-amplified products using MspI. Conversely, almost all of the corresponding sequences derived from China and Korea were lacking MspI or other restriction patterns, except for nori products from some areas that cultivate a closely related strain to the Japanese cultivar.  相似文献   

Proliferative kidney disease (PKD) of salmonids caused by Tetracapsuloides bryosalmonae causes high mortalities of wild brown trout (Salmo trutta fario) and farmed rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) at elevated water temperatures. Here the aim was to compare the temperature‐dependent modulation of T. bryosalmonae in the two salmonid host species, which display different temperature optima. We used a novel experimental set‐up in which we exposed brown trout and rainbow trout to an identical quantified low concentration of T. bryosalmonae for a short time period (1 hr). We followed the development of the parasite in the fish hosts for 70 days. PKD prevalence and parasite kinetics were assessed using qPCR. Exposures were performed at temperatures (12°C and 15°C) that reflect an environmental scenario that may occur in the natural habitat of salmonids. T. bryosalmonae infection was confirmed earliest in brown trout kept at 15°C (day 7 post‐exposure) while, in all other groups, T. bryosalmonae was not confirmed until day 15 post‐exposure. Moreover, significantly greater infection prevalence and a faster increase of parasite intensity were observed in brown trout kept at 15°C than in all other groups. These results indicate that PKD is differentially modulated by water temperature in related host species.  相似文献   

Fish farms have been shown to aggregate large numbers of wild fish in their surroundings. Although little is known about how this affects the local fishery, two hypotheses have been put forward; a trapping and a protecting effect on wild fish. This study provides the first monitoring of commercial and recreational fishing activity at a fish farm. We assessed the effect on the small‐scale fishery analysing the differences between fishing in farm proximity and away from the farm (in terms of catch rate, income and catch composition). Moreover, we estimated the biomass removal from fishing activities by farm employees inside the farm. The study was conducted from January 2011 to June 2012 at a Gilthead seabream farm in the NW Mediterranean. The findings revealed a relevant amount of commercial and recreational fishing effort in farm proximity. Yet, the results showed no benefit or difference of fishing in close proximity to the farm compared with areas away from the farm. Thus, we conclude that farm‐aggregated fish are protected from the commercial fleet by the farm leasehold area, but remain vulnerable to hidden fishing practices inside the farm, where farm employees harvest more than 4 t of wild fish annually.  相似文献   

Risk screening tools play a crucial role in identifying potential high-risk non-native (NN) fish species. In this study, potentially invasive NN fish species in the Anzali Wetland Complex (AWC), which is located on the south coast of the Caspian Sea (Iran), were identified using the Aquatic Species Invasiveness Screening Kit (AS-ISK). Twenty-nine freshwater fish species were screened of which 13 exist in the AWC and 16 in close proximity to it (“horizon” species). Receiver operating characteristic curve analysis showed that AS-ISK could discriminate reliably between non-invasive and invasive fish species for the AWC. Mean threshold scores were 3.25 for the Basic Risk Assessment (BRA) and 11.75 for the BRA + CCA (BRA + Climate Change Assessment), and these, respectively, classified 89.7% and 86.2% of the species as high risk. The CCA resulted in an increase in the BRA scores for 86.2% of the species, suggesting the need to account in future NN species management for a likely increased invasiveness of those species under future climate conditions. These results suggest that AS-ISK could prove an effective tool for identifying potentially invasive NN freshwater fishes in other wetlands of the Caspian Sea basin.  相似文献   

We assessed the potential for simulation and modelling of the blackspot seabream (Pagellus bogaraveo) population in the Strait of Gibraltar to discriminate the environmental effects of fishery impacts. A discrete biomass–abundance dynamic model was implemented to obtain a simulated monthly time series of blackspot seabream biomass. On this simulated time series, autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) models were fitted. The best ARIMA fit provided a significant correlation of 0.76 and persistence index higher than 0.85. The proportion of variance non‐explained by the ARIMA models was correlated with a time series of sea surface temperature (SST) and North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO). The analysis of global, annual and winter correlation between the proportion of variance not explained by the ARIMA models and environmental variables showed that significant associations were not detected over the full time series. Our analysis therefore suggests that overexploitation is the main factor responsible for the commercial depletion of blackspot seabream in the Strait of Gibraltar.  相似文献   

The entire sequences of the mitochondrial (mt)DNA control region (CR) and portions of its flanking genes in the red crucian carp (RC) and blunt snout bream (BSB) as well as their polyploid hybrids (3nRB, 4nRB and 5nRB) were determined and subjected to a comparative analysis. The mtDNA-CRs of these five fish species ranged from 923 to 937 bp in length, they had the same flanking gene arrangement as other vertebrates and the pattern of nucleotide substitution bias was also similar to that in other vertebrates. Our data are consistent with the viewpoint of three domains [extended terminal associated sequence (ETAS domain), central conserved sequence block domain and conserved sequence block (CSB) domain] within the mtDNA-CR of mammals. On the basis our comparative analysis of the mtDNA-CRs of these five fish species, we were able to identify the consensus sequences of functional conserved units, including the ETAS, CSB-F, CSB-D, CSB-E, CSB1, CSB2 and CSB3 and putative promoter. The percentage of variable nucleotide positions (41.98%) in the central domain was lower than those in the ETAS and conserved domain (71.70 and 47.12%, respectively), suggesting that the central domain was the most conserved part of the mtDNA-CR. These results provide useful and important information for the further study of mtDNA-CR structure in fish. The sequence similarities of mtDNA-CR among the 3nRB, 4nRB, 5nRB hybrids and their respective female parents were higher than those among the 3nRB, 4nRB, 5nRB hybrids and their respective male parents, providing the direct evidence of stringent maternal inheritance of mtDNA-CR in the 3nRB, 4nRB and 5nRB hybrids.  相似文献   

Cytochrome P4501A1 (CYP1A1) isoform, which is known as being of major toxicological significance, has been well-studied in the mammalian olfactory mucosa. Only few studies have dealt with this biotransformation system in the fish olfactory organ which is particularly vulnerable to waterborne xenobiotics since sensory neurons are in direct contact with the aquatic environment. The present immunocytochemical study describes the cellular and subcellular distributions of CYP1A1 in the olfactory organ of rainbow trout in both adults and embryos around hatching. The enzyme inducibility in response to a 4-day exposure to waterborne -naphthoflavone (0.1 mg l–1), a model inducer of CYP1A1, was also examined. In untreated adult fish, CYP1A1 was almost exclusively expressed in the nonsensory epithelium which covers the edges and the tip of the lamellae. Both goblet and ciliated nonsensory cells appeared immunoreactive. In -naphthoflavone-treated fish, in addition to a strong labeling in the nonsensory epithelium, ciliated nonsensory cells in the olfactory epithelium appeared well-labeled. Four days before hatching, only a few cells were weakly stained in the placodal epithelium of some embryos. By 7 days post-hatching, the enzyme expression was increased in the olfactory pit and it was restricted to ciliated nonsensory cells. No evident CYP1A1 induction was detected in either embryos or alevins. Results suggest the presence of a two-line CYP1A1 biotransformation system in the adult fish olfactory organ: a basal level of enzyme expression insured by the nonsensory epithelium and an additional line in which the sensory epithelium is activated in response to CYP1A1 inducers. This system might take place during development in parallel with the onset of the nonsensory epithelium.  相似文献   

A popular species for food and sport, the European catfish (Silurus glanis) is well‐studied in its native range, but little studied in its introduced range. Silurus glanis is the largest‐bodied freshwater fish of Europe and is historically known to take a wide range of food items including human remains. As a result of its piscivorous diet, S. glanis is assumed to be an invasive fish species presenting a risk to native species and ecosystems. To assess the potential risks of S. glanis introductions, published and ‘grey’ literature on the species’ environmental biology (but not aquaculture) was extensively reviewed. Silurus glanis appears well adapted to, and sufficiently robust for, translocation and introduction outside its native range. A nest‐guarding species, S. glanis is long‐lived, rather sedentary and produces relatively fewer eggs per body mass than many fish species. It appears to establish relatively easily, although more so in warmer (i.e. Mediterranean) than in northern countries (e.g. Belgium, UK). Telemetry data suggest that dispersal is linked to flooding/spates and human translation of the species. Potential impacts in its introduced European range include disease transmission, hybridization (in Greece with native endemic Aristotle’s catfish [Silurus aristotelis]), predation on native species and possibly the modification of food web structure in some regions. However, S. glanis has also been reported (France, Spain, Turkmenistan) to prey intensively on other non‐native species and in its native Germany to be a poor biomanipulation tool for top‐down predation of zooplanktivorous fishes. As such, S. glanis is unlikely to exert trophic pressure on native fishes except in circumstances where other human impacts are already in force. In summary, virtually all aspects of the environmental biology of introduced S. glanis require further study to determine the potential risks of its introduction to novel environments.  相似文献   

The effects of (ip, 10 injections over 20 days) of melatonin (75 g 100 g–1 BW), the serotonin (5-HT)-synthesis blocker, para-cholorophenylalanine (p-CPA, 10 mg 100g–1 BW) and the catecholamine-synthesis blocker, -methylparatyrosine (-MPT, 10 mg 100 g–1 BW) on gonadotropin (GTH) secretion and ovarian activity were studied in Heteropneustes fossilis during late preparatory to early prespawning (April–May). The treatments resulted in significant reductions of plasma GTH and estradiol-17 levels, the gonadosomatic index, frequency distribution of vitellogenic and postvitellogenic oocytes, and ovarian and serum 32p-labelled alkali-labile phosphoprotein (a marker of vitellogenic activity). Most of the oocytes were nonvitellogenic or had undergone atretic changes. The hepatic 32-phosphoprotein content increased significantly over the saline control value. The effects were similar and pronounced in the p-CPA and melatonin-treated groups but were moderate in the -MPT-treated group. Hypothalamic 5-HT content and turnover were significantly inhibited in the p-CPA and melatonin-treated groups but the content and turnover of catecholamines were not. The -MPT treatment decreased significantly the content and turnover of dopamine (DA), noradrenaline (NA), and adrenaline (A) but did not influence the 5-HT content or turnover. These results suggest that 5-HT, NA and A are stimulatory to GTH secretion and that melatonin may act on the serotonergic system to inhibit the pituitary-gonadal axis.to whom correspondence should be addressed.A part of the results was presented at the International Workshop on Pineal gland: Its molecular signals and published as an abstract in Neuroendocrinol. Lett. 14: 399 pp., 1992.  相似文献   


A pond trial was conducted to compare growth, feed efficiency, survival, processing yield, and body composition of the NWAC103 strain of channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus and the F1 channel X blue catfish hybrid (CB hybrid), I. punctatus X I. furcatus. Each genotype was stocked into five 0.4-ha earthen ponds at a rate of 14,820 fish/ha. Initial weights were 24.9 and 31.8 g/fish for the NWAC103 strain of channel catfish and the CB hybrid, respectively. Fish were fed a commercial, 28% protein diet once daily to satiation for 160 days. Compared to NWAC103 channel catfish, the CB hybrid consumed more diet, gained more weight, converted diet more efficiently, and had higher net production, survival, carcass yield, nugget yield, visceral fat, fillet moisture and protein, and a lower level of fillet fat. There were no differences in fillet yield and fillet ash concentration between the channel X blue catfish hybrid and the channel catfish. These results suggest that the CB hybrid possesses superior production traits compared with the NWAC103 channel catfish. However, problems of producing a large number of hybrid fingerlings in a cost-effective manner remain to be resolved before the hybrid catfish can be commercially farmed.  相似文献   

Small‐scale driftnets (SSDs) have been historically used in the Mediterranean without major environmental concern. The introduction of large‐scale driftnets caused unwanted catches of protected species. Specific regulations were therefore issued in European waters, culminating in a proposed moratorium on SSDs. This study aimed to characterise the SSD fishery targeting anchovy (menaide), evaluating its environmental sustainability, economic performance and social relevance. In 2013, a survey by interviews, logbooks and observers on board assessed the order of magnitude of this fishery in terms of fishing capacity and activity, volume of landings and revenues. The menaide fleet consisted in 60 vessels <12 m overall length, moored in little harbours in southern Italy. These nets are highly selective: the target species, European anchovy, Engraulis encrasicholus (L.) and sardine, Sardina pilchardus (Walbaum), dominates the catches, while discards are negligible. The anchovies caught are of high quality and large size; the high prices support fish processing by local factories. Moreover, the results of a SWOT analysis demonstrated that replacing SSDs with a semi‐industrial fishery, like purse seining, would increase impacts on the ecosystem, and a loss of socio‐economic opportunities for several coastal villages. These findings support the option of keeping SSDs operating, in the framework of specifically oriented management measures.  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to determine the osmoregulatory ability of a juvenile marine fish, silver moony (Monodactylus argenteus), for the purpose of developing a new experimental species for ecophysiological research. In this study, M. argenteus was acclimated to freshwater (FW), brackish water (BW), or seawater (SW). The salinity tolerance of this euryhaline species was effective, and the fish survived well upon osmotic challenges. The largest apical surface of mitochondrion-rich cells was found in the FW individuals. Immunohistochemical staining revealed that Na(+), K(+)-ATPase immunoreactive (NKA-IR) cells were distributed in the interlamellar region of the gill filaments of the silver moony in all experimental groups. In addition to the filaments, NKA-IR cells were also found in the lamellae of the FW individuals. The number of NKA-IR cells in the gills of the FW individuals exceeded that of the BW and SW individuals. The NKA-IR cells of FW and SW individuals exhibited bigger size than that of BW fish. The NKA activities and protein expression of the NKA α-subunit in the gills of the FW individuals were significantly higher than in the BW and SW groups. Additionally, the relative amounts of Na(+), K(+), 2Cl(-) cotransporter 1 (NKCC1) were salinity-dependent in the gills. Immunofluorescent signals of NKCC1 were localized to the basolateral membrane of NKA-IR cells in all groups. In the gills of the FW individuals, however, some NKA-IR cells did not exhibit a basolateral NKCC1 signal. In conclusion, the present study illustrated the osmoregulatory mechanisms of this easy- and economic-to-rear marine teleost with euryhaline capacity and proved the silver moony to be a good experimental animal.  相似文献   

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