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The mung bean variety Ji Heilv No.12 was bred by Institute of Characteristic Crop Research, Chongqing Academy of Agricultural Sciences and Institute of Food and Oil Crops, Hebei Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences. using Jilv 9and Jilv 7 as female and male parent respectively,with pedigree method. Ji Heilv No.12 is a new variety with features of high and stable yield,broad adaptability and strong resistance in yield trails during 2011-2012; it was approved and released by Chongqing Provincial Committee of Crop Variety Identification in 2012,suitable for cultivating in most area of Chongqing.  相似文献   

This study explored the medium for new variety of Asparagus——Linlu No.1 to induce germination, bud proliferation,and induce rootings and their formula. The result revealed that MS+6-BA 1.0 mg/L+NAA 0.05 mg/L is the suitable medium for germination; MS+6-BA 0.5 mg/L+NAA 0.5 mg/L is the medium fit for bud proliferation and 1/2MS+IBA 0.5 mg/L+KT 0.05 mg/L+sucrose 30 g/L is the perfect medium for rootings.  相似文献   

[Objective] The study aimed to breed eminent mulbery wild silb with hypersilk.[Method] Eminent mulberry wild silkworm basic materials Ye A and Ye B were bred by distant complex crossing of wild mulberry silkworm with strong stress resistance and hypersilkgeneous silkworm,then hybridized with Japanese silkworm strain,the new silkworm variety "Yesanyuan" with healthiness and hypersilkgene was bred.[Ressult]The results of laboratory identification and rural productive test in Jiangsu Province showed that it has excellent feeding habit,strong stress resistance,high yield,excellent silk quality and excellent fecundity.The new silkworm variety "Yesanyuan" had been approved by Silkworm Variety Evaluation Commission of Jiangsu Province in 2008,it is suitable to rear in Yangtze River catchment for Spring and Autumn,North sericultural area for all-year.[Conclusion] The study is helpful for the development of silkworm industry.  相似文献   

为了选育出适应红塔区仍至云南省的品质优良、高产、抗性强的优良油菜品种满足品种更新换代,促进农业可持续发展的需要.通过选用从中国油料所引进的‘中双9号’品种和红塔区的当家品种‘A35’作亲本进行品种间杂交,再经过多代的提纯选择培养,选育出了优质、高产的油菜新品种.2013-2014年度8个试点平均产量2924.25 kg/hm2,产量排名1,与对照‘花油5号’6个试点增产2个试点减产,增产12.65%,产量与对照差异显著,且与其他品种间产量差异显著.芥酸含量未检出,硫甙含量19.75μmol/g,粗脂肪含量45.26%,品质达到国家双低油菜标准.2009年3月25日由云南省种子管理站主持进行田间鉴定,定名为‘玉红油4号’.  相似文献   

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