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The lack of suitable feeds for echinoculture has led to use natural resources already widely exploited by human activities. To move towards a higher sustainability of echinoculture, this study proposes a sustainable feed for Paracentrotus lividus. Two experimental formulations were obtained using discarded endive (Cichorium endivia) leaves and anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus) industry discards in different proportions, and agar as a binder. The evaluation of the feed stability showed that the feed was stable for 72 hr, allowing a suitable feeding for sea urchins. Both formulations showed a proper nutritional value and fatty acid profile, corresponding to the features of the main ingredients and resulting suitable for echinoculture. A bioenergetic trial was carried out to measure daily ingestion rate, absorption efficiency and gonado‐somatic index in sea urchins. They resulted also palatable and well absorbed by sea urchins, especially that one with higher fish content. At the end of the experiment, an increase in gonado‐somatic index was also recorded. Despite further analysis is needed to assess the performance of the feed in terms of gonad yield and quality, these encouraging results indicate that food industry discards may be suitable alternative ingredients for the production of sustainable feeds for sea urchin aquaculture.  相似文献   

Small‐sized specimens (test diameter: 16.64 ± 0.93 mm, mean ± SE) of the sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus were fed with fresh discards of the lettuce Lactuca sativa during a 24‐week experiment in a sea‐based system. At the end of the experiment, stock survival was high (88.8 ± 6.6%). Sea urchin test diameter and total weight grew by 35% and 56%, respectively, while gonad somatic index, after an initial decrease, increased by 3.2%. Moreover, more than 90% of specimens achieved the gonad colour that the market demands. These results support the exploitation of L. sativa as the main ingredient in a manufactured diet for echinoculture of P. lividus. Employing diets formulated with discard ingredients, combined with a low‐cost sea‐based rearing system, could be a suitable approach for sustainable management of echinoculture.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to assess the potential use of different dried macroalgae as food in the rearing of Paracentrotus lividus. Growth, consumption and food conversions were compared in adult sea urchins fed with fresh or dried thalli of four macroalgae species. Six experimental diets were tested: (a) fresh Palmaria palmata; (b) fresh Saccharina latissima; (c) dry P. palmata; (d) dry S. latissima; (e) dry Laminaria digitata and (f) dry Grateloupia turuturu. Linear growth rates were similar for all treatments. Specific growth rate was higher in sea urchins fed with fresh P. palmata, but no difference was found between animals fed with fresh S. latissima and those fed with dried diets. Regarding daily food consumption (DFC), sea urchins consumed the same amount of dried macroalgae as fresh but exhibited a higher food conversion efficiency (FCE) when fed with fresh P. palmata. However, this FCE was only significantly higher when compared to sea urchins fed with dry L. digitata. Dried G. turuturu is not a suitable diet due to its rapid degradation after rehydration. The results suggest that P. lividus adults can be reared on dried macroalgae thalli without detriment to their somatic growth, especially over short periods. The low cost of feeding sea urchins with this diet could help small shellfish farmers to diversify their production into echinoculture.  相似文献   

Sea urchin eggs and larvae have been suggested as potential live prey for marine fish larval feeding. This study evaluated the fatty acid composition of Paracentrotus lividus eggs, prisms and four-armed plutei, obtained from wild and captive broodstocks fed on raw diets: maize, seaweed and a combination of maize and seaweed. Amounts of essential fatty acids (EFA) for marine fish larvae [arachidonic acid (ARA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexanoic acid (DHA)] were determined in eggs and endotrophic larvae. ARA ranged from 3.93% in eggs from combination to 18.7% in plutei from maize diets. In any developmental stage, EPA amounts were always lower than 5% for the raw diets, and DHA showed null or trace amounts including the wild diet. Thus, broodstock-prepared diets had to be formulated based on different lipid sources (Algamac, linseed oil, cod liver oil and olive oil) in order to test eggs and larvae EFA enhancement. EFA improvement was possible for all tested prepared diets. Algamac diet lead to superior EFA enhancement mainly in DHA (7.24%, 4.92% and 6.09% for eggs, prisms and plutei, respectively) followed by cod liver oil diet. Only these two lipid sources should be considered for prepared broodstock diets in order to obtain suitable live prey for fish larval feeding.  相似文献   

A pilot project aimed at testing roe enhancement strategies based on offshore Paracentrotus lividus cultures was conducted off the south‐east coast of Italy (Apulia Region). Adult sea urchins were reared in sea cages located 700 m offshore at a depth of 12 m for 3 months. The animals were fed once a week on two formulated diets, prepared mixing nutrients with agar 20 g/Kg and differing only in terms of the protein source: anchovy flour (Diet A) or krill flour (Diet K). At the end of the rearing trial, the gonad somatic index of sea urchins fed on formulated diets significantly exceeded that of wild sea urchins. Total FAA content in the gonads of wild sea urchins and Diet A‐fed sea urchins was similar, whereas in Diet K‐fed sea urchins it was significantly higher. In terms of fatty acids, the gonads contained SFAs, MUFAs and PUFAs. In visual and sensory assessment of gonads by panel test and electronic nose, the gonads of reared sea urchins were rated as being of better size, while no differences were recorded for coloration, taste and odour. This study shows that under these experimental conditions, commercial‐grade Paracentrotus lividus roe enhancement can be achieved after 3 months in sea cages.  相似文献   

The algal polysaccharide agar has long been used as a food binder due to its structure, rheological behaviour, stability and interactions – properties that help to generate firm, round, disk‐shaped pellets that may be used in recirculating sea urchin‐rearing systems. Three algae‐based diets (Ulva lactuca, Gracilaria gracilis, Cystoseira sp.) containing 3% and 6% agar were tested on the sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus in order to examine the effect of varying percentages of agar on pellet stability in water and sea urchin gonad growth. The kinetics of water absorption and solute leaching of pellets were measured by immersing quadruplicate samples of the pellets in water for 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 days. Our results show that the pellets had good water stability, were readily consumed by sea urchins and the presence of agar did not hamper sea urchin gonad growth. Animals fed Ulva‐containing pellets reached a more advanced gametogenic stage with respect to animals fed Cystoseira‐ and Gracilaria‐containing pellets. Moreover, the presence of agarase activity in the digestive system indicated that agar may be an energy source. Pellets are relatively low cost and easy to prepare and store. They may represent a useful resource for rearing sea urchins under intensive conditions.  相似文献   

The effects of increasing soya bean lecithin (SL) levels (0%, 2% and 4% of diet dry matter, DM) at two fish oil (FO) levels (0% and 3% DM) on gonad index, colour and biochemical composition of Strongylocentrotus purpuratus were evaluated using a 3 × 2 factorial design with six iso‐nitrogenous formulated diets. All diets generated an increase in gonad index of more than 9%. Dietary FO had a positive effect on diet digestibility and accumulation of proteins in the gonad. Soy lecithin did not affect gonad composition, but improved its coloration, decreased gonad feed conversion ratio and increased gonad protein efficiency. There was a clear effect of diets on sea urchins gonad protein, ash and fatty acid content, in particular, decreasing the n‐3/n‐6 ratio associated with a decrease in 20:5n‐3 when SL levels increased. Nevertheless, 22:6n‐3 levels increased by week 12 in all treatments, and diets with SL increased the content of 20:4n‐6 in gonads. A decrease in bitter‐tasting amino acids such as histidine, cysteine, valine and methionine was observed in all treatments with a concomitant increase in isoleucine levels. We recommend using a diet containing 3% of FO and 2% of SL to increase food consumption, diet digestibility, improving marketable gonad colour and an increasing gonad n‐6 fatty acids and C22:6n‐3. In addition, the present study paves the way for future research in the use of FO and SL as an additive in diets for S. purpuratus towards the goal of increasing gonad size and nutritional quality.  相似文献   

Triplicate groups of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) (1.4 ± 0.1 g) were fed experimental diets containing four levels of protein substitution to totally replace fishmeal with poultry by‐product meal (0, 33, 67 and 100%). Fishmeal (FM) from tuna fish by‐products and poultry by‐product meal ‘pet food grade' (PBM) were used. Diets were formulated to be isonitrogenous (43.5% crude protein) and isolipidic (12.5% crude fat). After 80 days of feeding, no significant differences were found in terms of thermal unit growth coefficient (TGC). However, the EPA levels in muscle tissue among treatments 0PBM, 24PBM and 44PBM were found to be significantly higher than those for the 59PBM diet. Nevertheless, a re‐feeding period with the control diet showed that 28 days was long enough to regain the FA profile needed. We concluded that PBM used up to 44% in diets for juvenile rainbow trout can be used without a significantly decrease in EPA and DHA under the present conditions. The use of a whole fishmeal diet could be an important strategy to recuperate the fatty acid profile obtained when trout is feed on PBM basis. It will be important to perform longer experiments with larger fish to confirm these results.  相似文献   

A 16‐week indoor culture trial was conducted to evaluate the effect of varying C:N ratio on growth performance, physico‐chemical parameters, microbial dynamics, feed utilization, and immunological parameters. The experiment comprised of five biofloc treatment groups (with varying C:N ratio 5:1, 10:1, 15:1, 20:1) and a control with three replicates each, having 100 nos/m3 as stocking density in 500 L tanks with constant aeration. The C:N ratios of the treatments were manipulated using molasses as an organic carbon source whereas there was no carbon source added in control. The water quality parameters monitored throughout the experiment were found to be within permissible limits in shrimp culture. At the end of the experiment, it was observed that there were significant differences between the treatment groups and the control regarding absolute growth, SGR, FCR, PER, and FER. Furthermore, a considerable difference in immunological parameters, namely, THC, phagocytosis, and PO activity (17.5 × 106 cells per ml, 43.5%, 0.112 Units min?1 mg min?1), was recorded among the treatments compared to that of the control groups (6.2 × 106 cells per ml, 31.5%, 0.051 Units min?1 mg min?1) respectively. Enhanced growth and survival with substantial disease resistance were recorded in C15 treatment. The results indicate that the CN15 ratio coupled with minimal water exchange is optimal for improved survival, growth, and immune activity.  相似文献   

The efficiencies of four feeding methods were compared in the transition period from live food to dry feed in pikeperch (Sander lucioperca). Pond-nursed fry were trained to artificial feed without a transition (Group P) and with a transition, using a combination of dry feed and different kinds of live food—Chironomus larvae (Group C), Tubifex (Group T) and Daphnia (Group D)—during a 12-day-long trial. The ratio of dry feed for the transition groups was increased from 0 to 100% in 3-day intervals. The highest specific growth rates and condition factors were detected for Group C (4.2%, 1.46 ± 0.5) and Group T (4.2%, 1.48 ± 0.6), respectively. The survival percentages of the groups were as follows: 86.7 ± 9% (Group C), 78 ± 4% (Group T), 52 ± 1.4% (Group D) and 41 ± 9% (Group P). The rate of cannibalism ranged between 6.3 and 13.7% during the transition period. Larger-sized fish seemed to learn more rapidly to accept dry feed than their smaller counterparts.  相似文献   

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