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The present study clarified the effects of winter barley as a cover crop on the weed vegetation, expressed as a multiplied dominance ratio (MDR), and emergence of summer annual weeds in a no-tillage soybean system. A 3 year field study with treatments consisting of six systems was conducted: no-tillage single cropping, no-tillage cropping following winter barley and tillage single cropping, respectively with and without herbicide application. The MDR of perennial weeds increased annually in the no-tillage fields in spring, but summer annual weeds were abundant in all fields, including the no-tillage fields in summer. Grasses, for example Digitaria ciliaris (Retz.) Koeler, were especially abundant in the no-tillage fields. The MDR of summer annual weeds, especially grasses in the barley and soybean fields, were much lower than for the no-tillage single soybean fields. Densities of D. ciliaris and Echinochloa crus-galli (L.) Beauv. var. crus-galli in the no-tillage single soybean fields were much greater than in the tilled fields, with few exceptions. In contrast, broad-leaved weeds emerged more in tilled fields than in the no-tillage fields. Winter barley suppressed emergence of summer annual weeds, especially during the first 3 years. The MDR for grasses in summer showed a good correlation with the frequency of emergence for grasses every year. These results showed that the increase in the volume of grasses in summer resulted mainly from an increase in the frequency of emergence, and that the suppression of grasses by winter barley resulted mainly from suppression of the emergence frequency. Soybean yields were higher in the barley and soybean fields for the first 2 years.  相似文献   

田间试验研究了填闲种植和施氮对旱作冬小麦农田土壤水分和作物产量的影响。试验设双因素处理随机区组设计,填闲作物采用黑麦草单播(R)、长武怀豆单播(S)、黑麦草与怀豆混播(SR)以及裸地休闲(NC),氮肥水平设0、60、120 kg·hm-2三个水平。结果表明,与裸地休闲相比,长武怀豆单播和与黑麦草混播夏闲期降水贮存效率分别降低了9.2%和7.7%,小麦播前土壤含水量减少了19 mm和15 mm,进而导致后续小麦产量的显著下降;而黑麦草单播对土壤水分和后续小麦产量没有显著影响;种植小麦前施加氮肥可以提高粮食作物产量、收获指数和千粒重,同时可增加次年填闲作物生物量,但会加速土壤水分消耗、降低降水储存效率。从土壤水分和作物生产角度考虑,旱作冬小麦种植系统休闲期间可以考虑种植黑麦草以增加覆盖,提高肥力,但不建议填闲种植耗水量较高的怀豆等作物。  相似文献   

Slugs are major pests of many crops in the UK, including winter wheat, yet current methods of control are often unreliable. The aim of this study was to investigate three issues key to the successful field implementation of a control strategy that uses red clover as an alternative food source to reduce the amount of damage caused to winter wheat by the field slug, Deroceras reticulatum (Müller). A series of three experiments was designed to assess this aim. Firstly, under laboratory conditions, red clover was consumed in greater quantities than wheat, even when wheat was presented as a novel food. Secondly, red clover had no significant effects on the emergence and early growth of wheat in a polytunnel experiment. Both these results are crucial to the successful implementation of a strategy that uses red clover as an alternative food source. Lastly, the results of a field experiment were consistent with the results of the polytunnel experiment, in that red clover did not significantly affect wheat emergence. However, plots in which red clover was left to grow until the time of wheat harvest resulted in significantly lower (43%) wheat yields than plots without red clover. These results suggest that red clover must be removed from the field after the wheat has passed its vulnerable seedling stage. Recommendations for the potential use of red clover as an alternative food source for reducing damage to winter wheat in field conditions are discussed and opportunities for further work are suggested.  相似文献   

Slugs are major pests of many crops in the UK, including winter wheat, yet current methods of control are often unreliable. This study investigates the potential use of red clover, as an alternative food source, to reduce the amount of damage caused to winter wheat by the field slug, Deroceras reticulatum (Müller). Two laboratory-based studies, each conducted over a 7-day period, investigated the effects of red clover seedlings and commercial metaldehyde pellets on damage to winter wheat seeds and seedlings. The results indicate that metaldehyde applications, in the form of commercially available pellets, resulted in significantly greater protection to wheat seeds compared with red clover, whereas metaldehyde and red clover were equally as effective in reducing damage to wheat seedlings. A further laboratory experiment investigated the effect of two slug population densities (48 and 16 adults m(-2)) and high and low red clover seed rates (125% and 75% of a standard rate) on damage to wheat seeds. Results showed that, at the highest slug population density, red clover sown at 125% of the standard rate gave 99% protection to wheat seeds, compared with the 75% seed rate which gave 55%. At the lower slug population density, both seed rates of red clover resulted in similar levels of protection. Implications for the potential use of red clover as an alternative food source for reducing damage to winter wheat in field conditions are discussed.  相似文献   

不同氮效率冬小麦品种生长发育特征比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用田间小区试验,在高、低两个施氮水平下,通过测定分析两个不同基因型冬小麦小偃22和小偃6号不同生育时期的生物量及产量和叶片叶绿素含量、硝酸还原酶活性等生理指标,探讨了其对氮素利用的差异及其机理。结果表明,在不施氮条件下,硝酸还原酶活性、叶绿素含量明显降低;而施氮以后,能明显延缓小麦叶片的衰老,使叶片的叶绿素含量保持在较高水平。就选用的两个基因型品种来说,施氮与否,小偃22比小偃6号的生理代谢更加旺盛,施氮加强了这种作用,这将为进一步选育氮高效利用型小麦品种提供科学依据。  相似文献   

为了研究不同灌溉条件下北部冬麦区小麦新品种的节水生理特性和选择节水品种,以北部冬麦区有代表性的30个小麦品种(系)为研究对象,在节水处理和正常灌溉处理下,对主要生理和农艺性状进行了分析。研究结果表明:不同小麦品种(系)间的植被归一化指数(Normalized Difference Vegetation Index,NDVI)在拔节期以后的不同生育时期存在着显著差异,抽穗期的NDVI出现拐点,此时期保证水分供给,有利于延长叶片功能期。在不同灌溉处理条件下,NDVI、叶面积指数和光截获的变异系数存在差异,和其他性状相比广义遗传力较低,分别为48.61%、58.51%和72.84%,受环境影响较大。由灰色关联度分析可知:NDVI、冠层温度和光截获与产量的关联性较高,位于前列;在正常灌溉条件下,最好的品种(系)为:CA0391-1、中麦998、农大211、中麦175、 CA0958、中优206、农大5181、航麦247、 CA1146、中麦818和京冬17;在节水处理下,最好的品种(系)为:中麦175、中麦818、 CA0391-1 、CA1091、中优206、轮选1690。因此,可根据NDVI值判断小麦受干旱胁迫的影响,将NDVI、冠层温度和光截获作为评价品种(系)抗旱性主要性状指标,在进行抗旱小麦选育时,可将CA0391-1、中麦175、中优206和中麦818作为抗旱选育亲本加以利用。  相似文献   

针对宁夏南部山区落后的生产条件及特殊的气候生态类型,于2019年采用随机区组设计,结合一年多点的统计方法及系统聚类分析法,对选育的16个材料适应性、丰产性及抗逆性进行鉴定,以筛选出特征特性良好、丰产性状突出、适合宁夏南部雨养条件下不同生态区域的旱地冬小麦品种(系)。结果表明,‘9924’、‘Z0231-3-1’、‘Z0228-2-2’、‘长5385-1-2’、‘陇鉴103’和‘陇中1号’在原州区中河乡高坡村(E1)与彭阳县玉洼村(E2)两点同时增产,其中‘9924’、‘Z0231-3-1’、‘Z0228-2-2’、‘长5385-1-2’和‘陇鉴103’增产幅度大于10%;‘沧2007-1-1-1-1’在E1、E2两点同时减产,减产率分别为10.42%、11.24%;‘陇育0825’、‘Z0229-4-3’、‘Z0309-18-2’和‘Z0230-2’四份材料在E1增产,分别增产10.90%、9.94%、2.52%和5.39%,同时在E2减产,分别减产10.65%、14.20%、13.61%和17.16%;‘NB96022’、‘陇鉴107’、‘长5385-1’和‘2007-1-113’等4份材料在E1减产,分别减产15.81%、0.48%、20.84%和1.80%,同时在E2增产,分别增产12.43%、18.93%、18.34%和15.98%。通过聚类分析,将16个品种(系)分为4大类。5个品种(系)在两个试验点适应性好(很好),1个品系在两点适应性较好,其他在E1、E2点都表现一般或较差。综上可知,E1和E2点环境差异明显,在两点选育的同时增产的品种广适性具有一定代表性。但同时应看到,品种间、品种与地点间互作均不显著,也就是说,参试材料中缺乏产量较突出的基因型,也缺乏具有特殊环境适应性的基因型。  相似文献   

北方冬小麦品种(系)节水抗旱性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究选取中国北方不同生态型冬小麦品种(系)进行产量、收获指数、WUE、抗旱指数、冠层温度等指标和一些农艺性状的测定与分析,以评价参试品种的节水抗旱性。随着灌水量的增加,参试品种的产量均有不同程度的增加,由于参试品种对水分的敏感度不同,产量增加幅度也不尽相同。充分灌溉、自然降水与干旱胁迫处理洛旱6号产量均最高,分别为6 316.20 kg·hm~(-2)、2 538.75 kg·hm~(-2)、1 119.75 kg·hm~(-2)。充分灌溉处理周麦24对水分最为敏感,产量较自然降水处理增加44.12%;自然降水处理开麦20对水分最敏感,产量较干旱胁迫处理增加201.47%。通过产量、抗旱指数与灌浆期的冠层温度的相关性研究,发现产量与灌浆期的冠层温度呈极显著的负相关,与灌浆中期的冠层温度相关系数最高为-0.908。抗旱指数与灌浆后期的冠层温度呈极显著的负相关,相关系数-0.453,与灌浆前期和灌浆中期的冠层温度呈显著负相关,相关系数分别为-0.342、-0.366。  相似文献   

Weeds emerge throughout the year in agricultural fields in subtropical regions. The weed suppression and improved soil fertility resulting from a living mulch of hairy vetch were investigated. Hairy vetch was sown in October and in December 2006. The fallow condition was without the sowing of hairy vetch, with the weeds allowed to grow naturally. The biomass of the top parts (BOT) of hairy vetch increased from February to April and then decreased in May on both sowing dates. The BOT of hairy vetch sown in October was significantly higher in February, March, and April than that sown in December. Hairy vetch sown in October and harvested from February to April varied from 372–403 × 10−3 kg m−2, with weed suppression percentages of 62.8% in comparison with the fallow plots. The fixed C, N, P, and mineral uptake of hairy vetch showed similar patterns to its biomass. The nitrate (NO3-N) content increased from February to May for the soils in the October and December plots, in contrast to the fallow plots. Moreover, the NO3-N and available N of the October and December soils sampled from February to May were higher than that of the fallow soils. In subtropical agriculture, hairy vetch should be sown in October in order to achieve a higher biomass for suppressing weeds effectively and improving the soil fertility, mainly N.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: House fly control in livestock‐rearing facilities is heavily reliant on the use of the larvicide cyromazine. While extensive use of this compound has led to the development of resistance in several countries, no elevated tolerance has so far been reported from the United Kingdom. RESULTS: Tolerance to cyromazine in larvae derived from a field strain collected at an intensive pig unit was significantly elevated over that of insects taken from a susceptible laboratory strain. Resistance factors (RFs) of 2.9 and 2.4 were returned for assays initiated with eggs and neonate larvae respectively. The RF for field strain larvae exposed from neonate increased significantly to 3.9 and 5.6 following rounds of selection at 1.0 and then 1.5 mg kg?1 cyromazine. CONCLUSION: Low‐level resistance to cyromazine in UK house flies is reported here for the first time. The geographic extent of this resistance is unknown but, if widespread, may lead to control failures in the future, and indicates that careful stewardship of this compound in the United Kingdom is now required. © Crown copyright 2010. Reproduced with permission of Her Majesty's Stationery Office. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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