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The ability of Holothuria scabra to digest nutrients, such as organic matter (OM), protein and carbohydrate from animal and plant feed ingredients was investigated. Four test feeds prepared by mixing sand with single ingredients from animal sources (shrimp and mussel) and plant sources (diatom and seaweed) were fed to H. scabra to estimate apparent digestibility coefficient (ADC). The total assimilated nutrient (TAN) increased with ADC, whereas ingestion rate (IR) varied slightly among the feeds suggesting that ADC might be a good indicator of nutrient availability to H. scabra. The ADCOM of shrimp and mussel was significantly higher than that diatom and seaweed: 86.2%, 77.1%, 55.1% and 32.3% respectively. ADCprotein was similar for shrimp (88.7%), mussel (84.8%) and diatom (75.2%), but significantly lower in seaweed (34.4%). ADCcarbohydrate was similar in mussel (58.5%) and diatom (58.3%) as well as in seaweed (31.6) and shrimp (28.0%). ADCprotein was relatively higher than ADCcarbohydrate suggesting that H. scabra generally digests more protein than carbohydrate. Furthermore, results indicated that nutrients from animal‐based feeds are more efficiently digested by H. scabra; thus, animal ingredients rich in easily digestible protein could potentially provide an efficiently balanced diet for H. scabra fed with diatom containing high easily digestible carbohydrate.  相似文献   

Field trials were conducted to determine the effects of size, grow‐out period and site on the growth and survival of Holothuria scabra. Juveniles were reared in sea cages in two sites for 2 months during two different times of the year. Juveniles from Experiment 1 were subsequently grown in sea pens for 8 months in one site. The significantly lower survival particularly of the small‐sized group (<0.1 g) in Pilar is likely due to reduced water and sediment quality because of proximity to fish‐farming activities. The importance of grow‐out period was evident in the significant differences in weight increments in all size groups and biomass in the small‐sized group (P < 0.10) in Lucero during Experiment 2 when water temperature range and incidence of rainfall were higher. The decrease in the average weight of adults during the second half of the grow‐out period may be due to the interplay of the reduction in salinity, onset of sexual maturity and biomass exceeding carrying capacity in the pens. The estimated biomass threshold in the sea cages and pens in Lucero were 300 g m?2 and 380 g m?2 respectively. Implications of the results on the viability of small‐scale pen grow‐out culture are discussed.  相似文献   

The aims of this study were to establish an accurate size measurement method and a nutritional condition evaluation method of Holothuria scabra (Jaeger). Although 0.5% KCl and 0.05% MgSO4 did not induce anaesthesia, 2% menthol–ethanol for 20 min was found to be effective and harmless. The anaesthetization significantly reduced the coefficient of variation of the mean body length and weight by 68% and 43% respectively. During starvation, body size and weight decreased concomitantly, resulting in an unchanged condition factor (body weight/volume), suggesting that the condition factor cannot be used as an index of nutritional condition. Protein, cholesterol and carbohydrate concentrations in the body fluid were analysed to study the relationship with starvation. As the protein and cholesterol concentrations initially increased and then decreased during the starvation period, it is difficult to use them as an index of nutritional condition. The carbohydrate concentration showed a gradual one‐fold increase during 10 days of starvation, and it may be used as a proxy for nutritional condition; however, further physiological studies are needed. Body fluid density and volume relative to body size gradually increased and decreased, respectively, during starvation. These methods may be used to correctly monitor the conditions of H. scabra in studies for aquaculture and stock enhancement techniques.  相似文献   

Scaling up the hatchery production of juvenile sandfish Holothuria scabra is constrained by limited hatchery space and the associated high operational costs. To shorten the hatchery rearing phase, ocean nursery systems like floating hapa nets have been used with good prospects but with limitations during rough sea conditions. In this study, the potential of bottom‐set trays (0.14 m2) as an alternative ocean nursery system for early sandfish juveniles (0.5 ± 0.1 cm) was evaluated. The effects of stocking density and presence of artificial substrates (AS) on the growth and survival were determined in a 60‐day field experiment. Average length and growth rates at lower stocking density treatment (100 individuals tray?1) were significantly higher (1.45 ± 0.22 cm; 0.03 ± 0.01 cm day?1) than at higher stocking density treatments (400 and 500 individuals tray?1) 0.95 ± 0.06 cm; 0.03 ± 0.004 cm day?1) with or without AS (< .05) respectively. The coefficient of variation in length (CV) at high stocking densities were significantly higher than at low densities (< .05) and growth rate was strongly negatively correlated with density. Survival was significantly higher (55% ± 9%) in trays with AS across all stocking density treatments than in trays without AS (34% ± 2%). Results suggest that AS may have reduced intra‐ and interspecific interactions, resulting to significantly lower growth variations and higher survival. The bottom‐set tray with AS can be a practical alternative ocean nursery unit for rearing early sandfish juveniles particularly when the sea surface condition is rough. With improved design and density management, survival and growth may be further enhanced.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted to identify suitable methods for broodstock rearing, induced breeding and grow‐out culture of Holothuria scabra in Sri Lanka. Two hundred and seventy‐two brooders (500–600 g) collected from off Mannar were individually packed in oxygen‐filled polythene bags with and without sea water and transported to a sea cucumber hatchery at Kalpitiya. Lagoon pens, sand‐filled fibreglass tanks and bare tanks were used in triplicates to maintain brooders. Spawning was initiated using air dry, water jet and thermal‐stimulation methods. Hatchery produced juveniles with an average weight of 11 ± 5 g were reared (2 individuals m?2) in lagoon pens, mud ponds and fibreglass tanks in triplicates. The significantly high evisceration rate was observed when brooders were transported without sea water (t‐test, P < 0.05). Brooders maintained in bare tanks showed a significant weight reduction than the brooders in sand‐filled tanks and lagoon pens (anova , P < 0.05, d.f. = 2). Thermal stimulation (ambient temperature ± 3–5°C) was found to be the most successful method of spawning initiation of H. scabra. The mean (±SD) percentage males and females participated for spawning per trial was 9.2 (±10) and 4.6 (±5.6) respectively. On an average, 1.16 millions of eggs (±1.03 SD, n = 5) were obtained per spawning trial. H. scabra juveniles reared in tanks showed significantly lower growth rate than the juveniles in pens and ponds (anova , P < 0.05). Lagoon pens and sand‐filled tanks are suitable to maintain brooders and lagoon pens can be successfully used for mass rearing of juveniles.  相似文献   

Development and design of adequate feeding protocols on sea cucumber larvae are necessary for improvements on larvae growth, survival and production of competent juveniles. This work assessed the Holothuria arguinensis larvae growth and survival, fed with three different single microalgae diets of Chaetoceros calcitrans, Isochrysis galbana and Tetraselmis chui, and two microalgae diets based on a combination of C. calcitrans and T. chuii (C:T; 1:1) and C. calcitrans, T. chuii and I. galbana (C:T:I; 1:1:1) during 2 months. Holothuria arguinensis larvae fed with T:C:I, showed higher survival and larger larval and stomach sizes than the ones fed with the other diets. Comparing the results obtained from the single diets, H. arguinensis larvae fed with I. galbana grew and survived better during the first 5 days. However, higher growth was obtained on the larvae fed with C. calcitrans from day 5 to day 12; since this day, larvae fed with T. chuii showed the largest size. These results could be related to the different microalgae size and morphology, in addition to the nutritional value of the different microalgae used. However, no competent larvae that metamorphosed into doliolaria were obtained during this experiment. The tanks used were transparent, which could be causing light stress to the larvae, since competent larvae were obtained in opaque production tanks in our aquaculture installations during the same time period. The combined diet of C. calcitrans, T. chuii and I. galbana (C:T:I) could improve the growth and larvae competency of H. arguinensis.  相似文献   

Holothuria arguinensis aquaculture started to be developed in 2014, being the first sea cucumber species from Europe. However, some aspects of its aquaculture biotechnology, such diets, need to be assessed. This work aimed to evaluate seagrass debris of Zostera noltii and Cymodocea nodosa as food source for broodstock maintenance in tanks, during breeding periods. The given feed rations per tank were calculated as the 30% of the total sea cucumber biomass in each tank and reviewed each week. Then, feed rations of seagrass and sediment were calculated from this value, according to the following percentages: 40% sediment, 15% Z. noltii, 40% Z. noltii, 15% C. nodosa and 40% C. nodosa. H. arguinensis growth, feeding rate and nutritional value were assessed under these diets. H. arguinensis fed with 40% of Z. noltii showed the highest growth (specific growth rate = 0.09 ± 0.06%/day, absolute growth rate = 0.11 ± 0.07 g/day) increasing their final weight in 5.86 ± 3.57% in 57 days. However, the individuals fed with C. nodosa showed a negative growth. H. arguinensis showed a reduction in its feeding rate as the organic matter content in the diets increased. H. arguinensis did not show any important change on proximate composition, protein, lipid, mineral contents and fatty acids profile among the feeding groups, or in comparison with the individuals collected from wild habitat. Therefore, H. arguinensis could be fed with Z. noltii debris during tanks maintenance along breeding period, ensuring its growth and maintaining its nutritional profile.  相似文献   

Stocking density is a biotic factor affecting the production of cultivated animals in aquaculture. Herein, a rearing trial was conducted to investigate the impact of stocking density on the survival, growth performance and physical injury of Marsupenaeus japonicus juveniles in a flowing water aquaculture system. Five stocking densities were examined in this study, that is, 10, 20, 40, 80 and 160 individuals/m2. Throughout the experiment, ammonia nitrogen and nitrite concentrations ranged from 0.02 ± 0.006 mg/L to 0.08 ± 0.035 mg/L and 0.002 ± 0.001 mg/L to 0.076 ± 0.021 mg/L respectively. The survival rate, specific growth rate (SGR), weight gain (WG), absolute growth rate (AGR) and coefficient of variation for weight (CV) across the stocking densities ranged from 90.38 ± 3.20% to 94.33 ± 4.73%, 1.42 ± 0.16%/day to 1.53 ± 0.05%/day, 1.09 ± 0.19 g to 1.15 ± 0.16 g, 0.018 ± 0.003 g/day to 0.019 ± 0.004 g/day and 16.21 ± 5.78% to 35.09 ± 10.68% respectively. Within the investigated densities, the survival rate and the abovementioned growth parameters were not significantly (p > .05) affected by the stocking density, consequently, a higher stocking density resulted in a significantly (p < .05) greater final biomass. The results regarding physical injury showed that the antennal breakage rate displayed a tendency of a positive correlation with the stocking density. Overall, the current study provides basic data for establishing a viable intensive farming system for Mjaponicus and a promising indicator for easily assessing the crowding stress status of Mjaponicus.  相似文献   

Stock density is one among the most important factors in aquaculture that directly influences the growth of organisms; however, there is limited information about the effects of stocking density on growth performance of sea cucumber Holothuria tubulosa (Gmelin, 1788) that has a commercial potential and represents a new species for aquaculture. In this study, we investigated the effect of stocking densities on the growth performance of juvenile H. tubulosa (40.3 ± 3.34 g) in laboratory conditions. Stocking densities were selected as 6, 15 and 30 ind m?2 with total biomass 253.3 ± 0.18, 601.2 ± 0.11 and 1201.4 ± 0.15 g m?2 respectively. We monitored the growth by wet weights and calculated the growth performance through weight gain, growth rate, specific growth rate, relative weight gain, coefficients of variation and survival rate during 8 weeks of research period. We found that individual mean weight gain in 6 ind m?2 group was approximately 29.53 g while it was 3.03 g and ?4.36 g for 15 ind and 30 ind m?2 groups respectively. Results have shown that the specific growth rate tends to decrease as the number of individuals in unit area increases. The final mean weight, growth rate, specific growth rate, relative weight gain and coefficients of variation were significantly different among treatment groups. In conclusion, a density of 6 ind m?2 is recommended for stocking juvenile H. tubulosa under rearing conditions. Stocking density of 15 ind m?2 is not favourable for long term as the growth rate is negligible where 30 ind m?2 should be avoided in tank‐based rearing units.  相似文献   

The Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas is a representative bivalve mollusc that is widely cultured in the world and is the largest molluscan group cultured in China. In order to assess the feasibility of improving survival of C. gigas through genetic selection, the heritability and genetic correlations for growth and survival traits between different life stages were examined. Genetic parameters were estimated based on intraclass correlations of 49 full‐sib families (29 half‐sib families) in larvae (4 and 20 days after fertilization) and spat (140 days after fertilization) stages. The heritability for growth traits in larvae and spat was 0.30–0.86 and 0.53–0.59, respectively, and varied with ages. The heritability of survival was low in larvae (0.13 ± 0.05 and 0.17 ± 0.04, respectively for 4 and 20 days after fertilization) but medium (0.39 ± 0.07) in spat, suggesting that selection for increasing spat survival was feasible. The genetic correlation between growth traits within age was medium to high and positive (ranging from 0.47 to 0.96, respectively, between shell length (SL) and shell height (SH) at 20 days and between SL and SH at 140 days after fertilization), suggesting that selection to improve single growth trait will cause positive response in another growth traits in C. gigas. The genetic correlations between survival and growth traits at 140 days were low but positive (ranging from 0.23 to 0.27, respectively, between survival and SH and between survival and SL at 140 days after fertilization), suggesting that selection for survival may not have a negative response in growth. Overall, this study suggests that survival traits should be taken as improving target of next selection breeding programme in C. gigas.  相似文献   

Different levels of dietary chitosan on growth performance, survival and stress tolerance to air exposure was studied in tiger shrimp, Penaeus monodon. Shrimp (mean initial wet weight about 1.16 g) were fed with six different diets (C0, C0.05, C0.1, C0.2, C0.3 and C0.4) containing six level of chitosan (0%, 0.05%, 0.1%, 0.2%, 0.3% and 0.4% respectively) in triplicate for 60 days. Growth performance [final body wet weight (FBW); weight gain (WG); biomass gain (BG)] of shrimp fed chitosan‐containing diets were higher (< 0.05) than that of shrimp fed the basal diet, shrimp fed C0.1 diet showed the highest value of growth performance. Survival of shrimp in C0.1 and C0.2 diet groups were higher (< 0.05) than that of shrimp in C0, C0.05 and C0.4 diet groups but without statistical difference (> 0.05) in shrimp fed C0.3 diet group. Whole body and muscle lipid contents decreased with increasing dietary chitosan levels. Plasma total cholesterol and triglyceride contents of shrimp fed C0 diet was significantly higher (< 0.05) than that of shrimp fed chitosan‐containing diets. Plasma alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) activities of shrimp fed C0 diet were higher than those of shrimp fed chitosan‐containing diets. Digestive gland malondialdehyde (MDA) and carbonyl protein contents of shrimp fed chitosan‐containing diets were lower (< 0.05) than that of shrimp fed C0 diet. Total haemocyte count of shrimp fed C0 diet was lower (< 0.05) than that of shrimp fed chitosan‐containing diets. On the contrary, the haemolymph clotting time of shrimp fed C0 diet was higher (< 0.05) than that of shrimp fed chitosan‐containing diets. In conclusion, all results suggested that dietary intake containing 0.1% and 0.2% chitosan enhanced the growth of shrimp, whereas a higher level than 0.3% and 0.4% decreased growth of shrimp. Second‐degree polynomial regression analysis of WG and BG indicated that the optimum supplement of dietary chitosan level should be 0.19–0.21%.  相似文献   

Four microalgal species [Dunaliella tertiolecta, Phaeodactylum tricornutum, Tetraselmis suecica, Thalassiosira pseudonana], previously identified as poor single‐algal diets for juvenile geoduck clams, Panopea generosa, were selected to mix with two comparatively better food‐value microalgae [Isochrysis sp. (TISO), Chaetoceros muelleri (CM)] to estimate synergistic or non‐additive effects of mixed microalgae on the growth/survival of young juveniles of P. generosa. In addition, the effects of different TISO/CM proportions [75/25, 50/50, 25/75; ash‐free dry weight (AFDW) basis] on growth/survival were assessed. Shell length, wet weight, dry weight, AFDW and organic matter content were significantly increased when using mixed TISO diets compared with TISO alone. In contrast, there were no significant differences with these variables when comparing mixed CM diets with CM alone. Ultimately, the best diet in terms of length and weight enhancement was a previously identified optimal one of TISO/CM (50/50). Survival on day 23 (60.7–79.3%) was not significantly different among any of the 11 diets tested. There were no significant differences in shell length, wet weight, dry weight, AFDW and organic matter content among the three TISO/CM ratios tested, but these diets gave superior results to TISO and CM fed alone. Survival (60.7–74.7%) on day 23 in the three TISO/CM ratios tested did not vary significantly.  相似文献   

This study aimed to evaluate the effect of lutein supplementation on growth, survival and skin pigmentation for goldfish juveniles. Four diets enriched with different carotenoid sources (lutein, astaxanthin, canthaxanthin and a combination of lutein and canthaxanthin) were compared to a control diet without carotenoid supplementation. The carotenoid inclusion level was standardized at 50 mg kg‐1 in all treatments. 240 goldfish juveniles (1.07?0.57 g) were cultivated in 30 aquariums (30L) during 84 days. The experimental design was completely randomized with five treatments and six replicates. The dietary inclusion of carotenoid pigments did not affect the growth and feeding efficiency of goldfish juveniles. Supplementation with lutein presented higher survival values when compared to the other treatments. Astaxanthin and canthaxanthin supplementation increased the concentration of carotenoids on the skin of goldfish juveniles in relation to the control treatment. For the fish fed with the diet containing lutein, the skin pigmentation was as efficient as astaxanthin and canthaxanthin, but did not differ from the control and combined treatment (canthaxanthin + lutein). The lutein supplementation (50 mg kg‐1) improved survival and promoted efficient carotenoid pigmentation on the skin of goldfish juveniles.  相似文献   

This study aimed to analyse the effects of different water temperatures on the growth, survival and blood physiological parameters of Lophiosilurus alexandri. Juveniles measuring 12.6 ± 0.5 cm and weighing 30.6 ± 3.6 g were subjected to four water temperature regimes: 23, 26, 29 and 32°C with four replicates. The animals were fed twice daily with formulated diet. The experiment lasted for 35 days. Survival was 100% at all water temperatures, and the best temperature for growth was estimated to be 27.8°C using a quadratic regression model. The estimated temperatures for the best feed conversion and highest feed consumption rates were 26.2 and 28.8°C respectively. The fat visceral‐somatic index was highest at 32°C. The highest haemoglobin and haematocrit values were 29.4 and 32.1°C respectively. For plasma protein and cholesterol, the lowest values estimated were 23.9 and 24.1°C respectively. Glucose and liver nitrogen content increased with rising temperature. Higher values of total ammonia in the water were observed at higher temperatures. No effects of temperature were seen on the amounts of muscle dry matter, nitrogen, energy content and triglycerides or on the hepatosomatic index. Water temperature has an important role in the developmental and blood physiological parameters of juvenile L. alexandri, and the quadratic regression model showed that the appropriate temperature for growth is between 27 and 28°C.  相似文献   

This study examined the influence of swimbladder inflation (SBI) failure on mortality (Experiment 1), lordotic deformity (Experiment 2) and growth (Experiment 1, 2) in Pacific bluefin tuna, Thunnus orientalis, postflexion larvae and juveniles by producing larvae lacking inflated swimbladders. Experiment 1 was conducted for postflexion larvae to juveniles (from 18 to 30 days‐post‐hatch; dph). Mortality was not significantly different between the fish with (WIS) and without (WOIS) inflated swimbladders. Standard length (SL) and body weight (BW) were significantly smaller in WOIS than WIS. Moreover, the SBI was found in WOIS after postflexion stage. In Experiment 2, two examination trials were conducted on SBI, vertebral deformity and growth for juvenile stage. Lordotic deformities were found neither in the WOIS nor in the WIS. Although SL and BW were significantly smaller in WOIS than WIS at 22 dph, after 37 dph no significant differences were found between them. The results of Experiment 1 and 2 indicate that SBI failure causes growth retardation until juveniles of 30 dph; however, it does not cause growth retardation in juveniles after 37 dph and mortality of postflexion larvae and juveniles. Moreover, SBI failure did not cause lordotic deformity in PBT differently from many other fish.  相似文献   

We propose two hypotheses to explain the inexistence of adequate prepared diet for Octopus maya at this date: Hypothesis 1 is related to changes in protein structure during protein cooking, which affects the digestibility. Hypothesis 2 is related to changes on nutritional characteristics during ingredient process, which affects the nutritional composition of diet. To test hypothesis 1, experiments one and two were directed to determine if protein cooking reduces digestibility and growth of animals when compared to fresh or lyophilized protein sources. For hypothesis 2, three experiments were conducted, testing seven different dietary protein sources offered in isolation or combined in artificial diets fed to O. maya. Results demonstrated that the diets that promoted growth were the ones based on fresh crab paste, and both lyophilized crab and squid tentacles paste. In consequence hypothesis 1 was accepted. The cooking process also changed nutritional characteristics of protein sources, affecting the growth of O. maya. Results obtained when squid and crab were mixed suggest that nutritional requirements of octopuses were covered with that diet in similar forms compared to when using fresh or lyophilized crab, also confirming hypothesis 2. Based on growth rates obtained, we can conclude that nutritional requirements of O. maya must be between 80% and 86% Protein (P), 5.1–5.6% Lipids and a protein: energy ratio between (P/E) 38.9 and 42.2 g MJ?1.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of concentration of the microalga Dunaliella tertiolecta on the growth and survival of fairy shrimp, Phallocryptus spinosa. Newly hatched nauplii were stocked into containers, maintained at different concentrations of D. tertiolecta (at 18, 36, 54, 72 and 90 × 106 cells mL?1). All treatments were in quadruplicate and each replicate was stocked with 100 larvae in a 2‐L cylindrical bowl. We studied the survival and growth of the fairy shrimp after 3, 6, 9, 12 and 15 days of culture. The results indicated significant differences, in terms of growth and survival, of fairy shrimps fed at different algal densities. The highest and lowest growth and survival among the treatments were observed on Day 15, the highest in animals fed at a concentration of 90 × 106 cells mL?1 and the lowest in animals fed at a concentration of 18 × 106 cells mL?1. We conclude that the growth and survival of the P. spinosa increased with increasing density of algae, to a threshold level. Within certain concentration limits, the addition of D. tertiolecta substantially improved the performance of larval culture of P. spinosa, suggesting that this fairy shrimp has potential in terms of aquaculture development.  相似文献   

The freshwater crustacean Daphnia is widely used as live food for ornamental fish. To increase production, food supplementations are required when culturing Daphnia. Here, we aimed to clarify the effects of plant oligosaccharides derived from dragon fruit (DFO) on growth rate, egg production, number of first clutch juveniles and survival of Daphnia supplemented with five different concentrations of DFO, that is 0, 1, 3, 9, 27 mg/L. The results showed the growth and reproduction of Daphnia were enhanced when supplemented with DFO. Growth rate of Daphnia supplemented with 9 mg/L DFO was the highest among all treatments. The time that Daphnia produced the first clutch eggs was shorter in high concentration of DFO (3, 9, 27 mg/L). The number of juveniles in the first clutch increased in treatments of higher concentration of DFO (3, 9, 27 mg/L). These results suggest that plant oligosaccharides derived from dragon fruit increase growth and fecundity of Daphnia. Survival rates of Daphnia were 100% except for the treatment supplemented with 27 mg/L of DFO in which the survival rate was reduced to 87%. To our knowledge, this is the first functional evidence demonstrating that oligosaccharides derived from dragon fruit enhance growth and fecundity of Daphnia.  相似文献   

In a 30‐day experiment, Farfantepenaeus brasiliensis PL25 (25 ± 10 mg; 17.9 ± 1.6 mm) were raised in nine circular floating cages with a stocking density of 1000 shrimp m?3. Three treatments were evaluated: (1) culture in BFT system plus a commercial feed supply (BFT+CF); (2) culture in BFT system without feed supply (BFT) and (3) culture in clear water with feed supply (control). Post‐larvae (PL) final weight (218.9, 236.5 and 176.0 mg, for BFT+CF, BFT and control respectively), final biomass (17.9, 15.7 and 8.2 g) and weight gain (193.9, 211.5 and 151.0 mg) were similar in the BFT regardless of whether they were fed a commercial diet (P>0.05), but were both significantly higher than the control (P<0.05). Survival (81.5%, 67.0% and 84.8% respectively) and final length did not differ between treatments (P>0.05). The biofloc analysis identified five main microorganism groups: protozoa (ciliate and flagellate), rotifers, cyanobacteria (filamentous and unicellular) and pennate diatoms. Free living bacteria and attached bacteria in bulk were 25.73 ± 8.63 and 0.86 ± 3.17 × 106 mL?1 respectively. Proximate analysis in the biofloc indicated high levels of crude protein (30.4%). Results confirmed favourable nutritional quality of biofloc, and enhanced growth and production of F. brasiliensis PL in biofloc systems.  相似文献   

Genetic parameters and genotype by rearing density interactions for growth traits and survival were investigated in Litopenaeus vannamei. A total of 3626 shrimps from 40 families in two densities (low density, 80 shrimps m?2; high density, 160 shrimps m?2) were measured for four growth traits, body length, body weight, cephalothorax length and abdominal segment length. Variance components and genetic parameters for growth and survival were estimated using a two‐trait animal model or a threshold (probit) sire and dam model. The common environment effect was excluded because it could not be partitioned effectively, likely because of high heritability. The heritability for growth traits varied from 0.21 to 0.44, indicating a moderate level. For survival, the back‐transformed heritability () was 0.36 ± 0.06 and 0.22 ± 0.04 for the low and high densities respectively. There were no significant differences in heritability for growth traits and survival between the two densities (P > 0.05). High genetic correlations (0.94–0.98) between the two densities for growth traits indicated a low genotype by density interaction and ranking effect across the environments, which suggested that these traits were controlled mostly by the same genes over the two densities. Therefore, selection in a low‐density environment should produce desired correlated responses for growth at a high density. Genetic correlation (0.77 ± 0.09) between the two densities for survival was moderate and significant, which indicated that the genotype by density interaction effect was moderate and low for survival under the two densities. Our results provide crucial information for use in L. vannamei breeding programmes in China.  相似文献   

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