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An outbreak of disease characterized by skin ulcers, fin rot and mortality was observed a few days after the transfer of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) from a freshwater smolt production facility to a land‐based seawater post‐smolt site. Dead and moribund fish had severe skin and muscle ulcers, often 2–6 cm wide, particularly caudal to the pectoral fins. Microscopic examination of smears from ulcers and head kidney identified long, slender Gram‐negative rods. Histopathological analysis revealed abundance of long, slender Tenacibaculum‐like bacteria in ulcers and affected fins. Genetic characterization using multilocus sequence analysis (MLSA) of seven housekeeping genes, including atpA, dnaK, glyA, gyrB, infB, rlmN and tgt, revealed that the isolates obtained during the outbreak were all clustered with the Tenacibaculum dicentrarchi‐type strain (USC39/09T) from Spain. Two bath challenge experiments with Atlantic salmon and an isolate of T. dicentrarchi from the outbreak were performed. No disease or mortality was observed in the first trial. In the second trial with a higher challenge dose of T. dicentrarchi and longer challenge time, we got 100% mortality within 48 hr. This is the first reported outbreak of disease caused by T. dicentrarchi in Norwegian farmed Atlantic salmon.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to investigate cataract development in diploid (2N) and triploid (3N) Atlantic salmon smolts and post‐smolts at two water temperatures (10 and 16 °C) given diets with different histidine supplementation (LH, 10.4 and HH, 13.1 g kg?1) before and after seawater transfer. In freshwater, a severe cataract outbreak was recorded in both ploidies reared at 16 °C. The cataract score was significantly higher in triploids compared to diploids, and the severity was lower in both ploidies fed the HH diet. The cataract development at 10 °C was minor. Low gill Na+, K+‐ATPase activity in fish reared at 16 °C before seawater transfer was followed by osmoregulatory stress with elevated plasma electrolyte concentrations and high mortality in sea water. Both diploids and triploids reared at 10 °C developed cataracts during the seawater period, with higher severities in triploids than diploids and a reduced severity in the fish fed the HH diet. The findings of this study demonstrate the importance of environmental conditions in the husbandry of Atlantic salmon, and particularly triploids, with regard to smoltification and adjusted diets to mitigate cataract development in fresh and sea water.  相似文献   

Atlantic salmon post‐smolts of an average of 940 g were fed six diets including two marine‐based commercial diets one with partial inclusion of vegetable proteins (VPs) and oils (VOs) (2011/12 EU standards) (MB) and a second with partial inclusion of VPs, land animal‐by‐product (ABP) proteins and VOs (non‐EU standards) (MBABP), a fully vegetable protein (VP) diet; a fully algal and VOs (VO) diet; a fishery‐free vegetable‐based (VP/VO) diet; and a fishery‐free diet with a mix of VPs and ABP proteins and a mix of algal and vegetable oils (MFABP). Growth was assessed at Days 104 and 175, whereas fillet proximate composition, haematology and innate immune responses were assessed upon termination. Overall, MB salmon was the best performing group for the full period in terms of feed intake and overall weight gain. MB and VP salmon exhibited the highest FCRs compared to the other groups, while VP salmon exhibited the highest condition factor (K) and VO salmon the lowest K compared to the other groups. Fillet proximate composition did not present differences among the six groups. MB salmon demonstrated the highest plasma lysozyme activity compared to the other groups while MFABP, VP and VP/VO salmon demonstrated higher plasma anti‐protease activity in contrast to MB salmon. The dietary groups did not present differences in plasma protein, total IgM or natural haemolytic activity while unaltered head kidney macrophage respiratory burst activity was also observed. Overall, diets free from marine proteins or oils and/or both were satisfactorily utilized by salmon without compromising their immune capacity, although longer adaptation periods are required.  相似文献   

Thermal habitat was recorded by data storage tags (DSTs) applied to Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) kelts during their seaward migration in the spring of 1998 at enumeration facilities in Highlands River, Humber River, Western Arm Brook, and Campbellton River, Newfoundland. In total, 139 DSTs were applied and data were downloaded from eleven of the recovered tags. The recovered tags had been applied at Highlands, Campbellton and Western Arm rivers and recovered in the coastal waters of Newfoundland and Québec and at the enumeration facilities at Highlands and Campbellton rivers. Water temperatures experienced by the fish were recorded for periods of 62–118 days at resolutions of 15–30 min. The data from the sea record on the DSTs were analysed for temperature patterns in relation to migration behaviour and diurnal movement of the fish. A variety of patterns were exhibited on the temperature records suggesting that the fish were behaving in various ways at different times. For Campbellton and Highlands fish over the course of some 24 h periods, night‐time temperatures changed little and were among the highest daily temperatures experienced by the fish, whereas daytime temperatures often showed dramatic and frequent shifts in temperature presumably as the fish rapidly and frequently changed depth. For the Western Arm Brook fish, rapid fluctuations in temperature occurred sometimes during the day and night without a consistent diurnal pattern. We also considered large‐scale aspects of the data by examining oceanographic conditions in relation to the temperatures recorded by the tags.  相似文献   

Atlantic salmon fry were reared on a fishmeal based diet with increasing levels of vitamin A (VA) (6, 122 and 938 mg retinol kg–1 dry feed) from startfeeding and for 14 weeks. Signs of VA stress, such as reduced fat stores, liver size and growth, were found for groups receiving 122 and 938 mg retinol kg–1. Signs of vitamin A toxicity, such as increased mortality, abnormal vertebral growth, and reduced growth, were found for groups receiving 938 mg retinol kg–1. These results suggest that excess VA in the early life stages of Atlantic salmon is deleterious for normal development.  相似文献   

Abstract  Seasonal differences in smolt traits and the post-smolt survival of wild Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., were investigated by smolt trapping and Carlin-tagging in the River Simojoki, northern Finland between 1991 and 2004. The annual trapping season was divided into two halves based on the median catch date. Smolt length was significantly higher during the first half of the season, while differences in smolt weight were typically small. Smolt age was always significantly higher during the first half of the season because older smolts tended to migrate earlier in the season. Many smolts migrating during the early season and almost all smolts migrating later had started their new growth, indicating that smolts grow in the spring before sea entry. The differences in recaptures between smolts tagged during the first and second halves were insignificant. Although variations in smolt traits and environmental conditions can produce inter-annual variation in post-smolt survival, their seasonal differences seem to be too small to have an effect.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine early marine survival and movements of simulated escaped Atlantic salmon Salmo salar L. pre‐smolt and smolt from a commercial smolt farm during autumn. One‐third of the pre‐smolt most likely died in the immediate vicinity of the release location, whereas the corresponding mortality for smolts was lower (8.5%) during the 5‐week study period. The surviving pre‐smolt left the farm area after 2–3 days, predominantly along the shore. In contrast, most of the surviving smolts left the farm area during the first day and 54% seemed to move away from the shore and adopt a more pelagic movement pattern than pre‐smolt. The number of surviving fish recorded in the fjord decreased throughout the study period, possibly due to a combination of fish migrating out of the fjord or undetected mortality. Compared with existing knowledge on migration of released farmed smolts during spring, our results indicate less directional and slower movement rates during autumn. Only two of the tagged fish were detected upstream in the rivers following release. A rapid dispersion of escapees indicates that the potential for recapturing escapees is limited unless recapture efforts are initiated immediately after escape. Hence, there is a need for development of technology that detects and prevents escapees to enter the sea.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to investigate protein synthesis rates and metabolism of histidine (His)‐derivatives in lenses of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) of different dietary His background during parr–smolt transformation. Two populations of Atlantic salmon parr of equal origin were established in freshwater (FW), 3 months prior to transfer to seawater (SW). The populations were fed either a control diet (CD) containing 8.9 g kg?1 His or the same diet added crystalline His to a total level of 14.2 g kg?1 (HD). On the basis of these two populations, 14C His force‐feeding studies were performed; in FW 3 weeks prior to sea transfer and in SW 6 weeks after transfer. The studies were conducted by force‐feeding the respective diets enriched with 14C labelled His, with subsequent measurements of incorporation of 14C His into lens free amino acid pool, as well as into lens proteins and other free His pool fractions. The latter included the major lens imidazole N‐acetylhistidine (NAH). Lens concentrations of His and NAH were clearly influenced by dietary His history, both in parr and smolt. The lens His and NAH concentrations in the CD population were considerably lower in SW than in FW, while in the HD group the His level was equal and the NAH level 50% higher in SW than in FW. Fractional synthesis rate for NAH, KS (NAH), in FW was 8.2 and 4.2 μmol g?1 day?1 for fish in the CD and HD populations, respectively. The corresponding KS (NAH) values in SW were 5.1 and 33.0 μmol g?1 day?1. Our data show that free His is rapidly converted to NAH in the lens, and that NAH seems to have a very high turnover, especially in salmon reared in SW. Fractional synthesis rate for lens proteins, KS (PROTEIN), ranged between 1.8 and 17.3% day?1 (182 and 2791 μg g?1 day?1, respectively), and was generally higher in SW than in FW (P < 0.01). In SW, KS (PROTEIN) was highest in fish in the HD population (P < 0.05), whereas lens protein retention in the HD group was significantly lower than the CD group (P = 0.01). In a second model assuming that His from lens NAH is available for protein synthesis, calculated values of KS (PROTEIN) ranged between 0.17% day?1 (17.6 μg g?1 day?1) and 0.48% day?1 (70.2 μg g?1 day?1). Cataract scores recorded in the His populations at a later point (day 204), showed that the CD fish had significantly higher mean cataract scores than individuals in the HD population (P < 0.01), confirming that low levels of lens His and NAH are associated with cataract development.  相似文献   

The water balance in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) overwintering in sea water (34 ) was investigated. With a decrease of temperature from 5.6 to 1.0°C the drinking rate decreased from 13.9 to 5.7 ml/kg/day, and the absolute amount of water absorbed decreased from 8.9 to 5.0 ml/kg/day. A decrease in temperature led, however, to an increase in the proportion of water absorbed in the intestines from 60 to 96%. Blood serum osmolarity increased from 320 to 440 mosm/1 with decreasing temperature and there was a reduction in tissue water content from 75 to 69% The disturbance of water balance at low temperature may be one of the factors responsible for mortality of salmon overwintering in sea water.  相似文献   

An earlier study demonstrated that under‐yearling (0+) Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) smolt had a lower vertebral mineral content and mechanical strength and higher prevalence of vertebral deformities than 1+ smolt during the early seawater (SW) phase. The present study aimed to examine if commercial extruded high‐energy diets need to be supplemented additional minerals for proper bone mineralization and prevention of bone deformities in fast growing 0 + smolts. We studied vertebral morphology with radiology, and bone mineral content and mechanical strength in 60 g 0+ smolt fed diets with a normal (NM) or elevated (HM) bone mineral (P and Ca) contents from SW transfer (week 0) until 10 times weight increase at week 17. Thereafter, both groups were fed a commercial diet until a mean slaughter weight of 4100 g after 57 week. There were no differences in body weight and length between the dietary groups during the study, while the condition factor differed significantly at the final sampling (NM 1.40; HM 1.29). The most common bone deformity observed was compressions in the tail region of the vertebral column. Lower incidences of vertebral deformities (percent individuals with one or more deformed vertebrae) was observed in the HM group in week 17 (HM 20%; NM 47%) and week 57 (HM 37%; NM 73%), also reflected by higher vertebral length/dorso‐ventral diameter ratio in weeks 17 (HM 0.99; MN 0.92) and 57 (HM 0.97; NM 0.88). The HM group had significantly higher vertebral mineral content (HM 550 g kg?1; NM 480 g kg?1) and mechanical strength (HM 9050 g mm?1; NM 4600 g mm?1) than the NM group after 8 week feeding. Plasma levels of Ca, P and D‐vitamin metabolites recorded in week 8 reflected changes in P homeostasis, but could not explain the preventive effect of the HM diet on development of bone deformities. The results suggest that elevated dietary mineral content during the early SW phase may reduce the prevalence of vertebral deformities in fast growing 0 + salmon smolts.  相似文献   

The current study aimed to investigate the effect of surplus dietary arginine on polyamine and amino acid metabolism and accretion of proteins and lipids, as previous studies have demonstrated a lipid‐reducing effect following surplus arginine supplementation in viscera as well as increased muscle growth. Four plant protein‐based diets were given increasing concentrations of L‐arginine, from 21.1 to 36.1 g kg‐1 DM, and fed to quadruplicate tanks of adult Atlantic salmon (1.1 kg) for 12 weeks. No effects on growth or deposition of fat or protein were observed. Free amino acid concentrations and related metabolites were unaffected in the liver, except for urea, while concentrations in muscle and plasma reflected production of arginine metabolites. Polyamine concentrations were unaffected in liver, muscle and white adipose tissue (WAT), as were the abundance and activity of spermidine/spermine N1‐acetyltransferase (SSAT), the rate‐limiting enzyme in polyamine turnover. Gene expression demonstrated differential regulation of ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) in liver and WAT, although overall little effects were observed on gene expression. Liver S‐adenosylmethionine (SAM) concentrations decreased with arginine supplementation. We suggest that adult Atlantic salmon have adapted to surplus arginine, and the main long‐term effect appears to be increased concentrations of arginine metabolites.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the long‐term effects of ambient unionized ammonia nitrogen (NH3‐N) combined with different feeding regimes on Atlantic salmon Salmo salar L parr growth, welfare and smoltification. Previous studies on the parr stage of Atlantic salmon have mostly focused on acute exposure, or at low temperatures. Atlantic salmon parr were exposed for 105 days (at 12°C, pH 6.8) to four sublethal ammonia concentrations ranging from 0.1 to 35 μg L?1 NH3‐N (0.1–25 mg L?1 TAN) at two feeding levels: full feed strength (+20% overfeeding) and 1/3 of full feed strength. After 21 days, it was observed that 32 μg L?1 NH3‐N reduced growth rate of parr fed full ration, but this effect was not evident at the end of the exposure. Feed utilization was not affected by ammonia exposure at any sampling point. Increasing ammonia levels were associated with a higher prevalence and severity of gill damage at 22 days but not at the end of the exposure. The examination of welfare indicators revealed only a few pathologies, not related to ammonia exposure. In addition, higher ammonia concentrations did not appear to influence the development of hypo‐osmoregulatory ability during parr‐smolt transformation.  相似文献   

This experiment was undertaken to establish the magnesium (Mg) requirement in young Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., in seawater-treated fresh water. In Norwegian hatcheries it is a common practice to add sodium hydroxide and/or sea water (1–2%) to improve pH and conductivity of the natural fresh water. Parr with initial weight of 8 g, were divided in six triplicate groups in brackish water containing 54 mg Mg L?1 and fed a basal casein-gelatine diet supplemented with minor amounts of krill and fish meal (containing 200 mg Mg kg?1) for an initial period of 3 weeks. Thereafter the fish were fed this diet supplemented with either 0, 100, 200, 300, 400 or 500 mg Mg kg?1 (as MgSO4) for 12 weeks. Growth and feed efficiency were recorded. Concentrations of Mg and other divalent cations (Ca and Zn) were measured in whole fish, serum and vertebrae. Sodium concentration in vertebrae was also measured. Growth and feed efficiency were unaffected by the levels of dietary magnesium used in the experiment. Magnesium concentrations in the whole body, serum and vertebrae Mg appeared to be more sensitive than growth and feed efficiency to differences in dietary Mg intake. The group fed the unsupplemented diet showed significantly lower Mg concentration in these tissues than the other groups. Whole-body calcium concentration was negatively correlated with dietary Mg and Ca:Mg ratios in the vertebrae were significantly affected by the dietary Mg levels. Zinc concentration in whole body, serum and vertebrae was not altered by the dietary Mg levels. Further, vertebral Na concentration did not vary between the dietary treatments. In conclusion, a minimum Mg supplementation level of 100 mg kg?1 dry diet (in total, 326 mg kg?1) was needed to maintain Mg concentration in the whole body and serum and for proper bone mineralization.  相似文献   

Wild salmon (Salmo salar) parr and smolt were forced to swim against constant flow (50 cm.s–1) for 8 hours. Physiological properties describing the hormonal status, the energy metabolism and the ionic and osmotic balance of fish were measured from the fish prior to and at the end of the swimming test.Plasma cortisol levels were elevated in response to enforced swimming; the response of the smolt was clearly greater than that of the parr. Plasma thyroxine concentration increased in the parr but stayed at the initial level in the smolts. The parr consumed much of their coelomic fat, but the glycogen stores stayed nearly constant. The smolts had very low fat stores, and the glycogen stores were depleted in the test. The ionic and osmotic balance of the parr was stable in the test, but in smolts, the plasma Cl–1 and osmotic concentrations decreased and muscle moisture increased.The results indicate that downstream migration smolts have markedly lower physiological capacity for continuous swimming than parr.  相似文献   

Abstract– The utilization of lakes, and inlet and outlet streams by juvenile Atlantic salmon ( Salmo salar L.), brown trout ( Salmo trutta L.) and Arctic charr ( Salvelinus alpinus (L.), were investigated in 16 watercourses northern Norway, all known to inhabit salmon stocks. In lakes, fish were caught by small mesh size gill nets, while in rivers fish were caught electrofishing. In the shallow littoral (0-3 m depth) there were juvenile salmon in 15 of 19 investigated lakes, juvenile trout in 17 and juvenile charr in seven. Trout dominated significantly in numbers in the shallow littoral of seven lakes, while salmon and charr dominated in three lakes each. When trout and salmon were frequent in the shallow littoral, charr was usually not present in this habitat, but were found in the profundal zone in most of the lakes. Atlantic salmon parr utilized both shallow and deep lakes, and used both stones and macrophytic vegetation as shelter. The utilization of lakes by salmon parr seemed to be closely related to utilization of small inlet streams for spawning. In most inlet and outlet streams salmon dominated over trout in numbers, while charr were absent. This is the first documentation of lake-use by naturally occurring salmon parr in Scandinavia.  相似文献   

Protein-nitrogen flux (the proportions of consumed and absorbed protein-nitrogen partitioned into protein synthesis and growth) was examined in Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L. Salmon were held in groups and fed high or low rations or starved. Individual food consumption rates were measured using radiography. Fish varied widely in protein growth efficiency (protein growth divided by protein consumption), but this did not correlate with consumption rate, digestive capacity (as measured by absorption efficiency, trypsin levels and pyloric caecal size) or feeding hierarchy rank. Protein synthesis rates, measured in whole-animals, were linearly correlated with protein consumption and assimilation. There was a significant correlation between protein growth efficiency and the efficiency of retention of synthesised proteins. The capacity for protein synthesis and RNA activity were positively correlated with rates of food consumption and growth but were not correlated with protein growth efficiency. It was concluded that individual differences in protein growth efficiency related to differences in synthesis retention efficiency, but not to differences in the capacity for protein synthesis, RNA activity, digestive capacity or feeding hierarchy rank.  相似文献   

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