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Radiographic studies are an essential component in evaluation of horses with laminitis. The standard radiographs that should be obtained to aid assessment of horses with laminitis are the lateromedial, horizontal dorsopalmar and dorsal 45° proximal palmarodistal oblique views. This article will summarise the assessment of these 3 projections in the laminitic horse as well as discuss the prognostic significance of common radiological abnormalities in horses with laminitis.  相似文献   

The wooden shoe provides the clinician with an alternative option to conventional farriery when treating a variety of foot problems such as acute/chronic laminitis, white line disease, distal phalanx fractures and poor-quality hoof capsules. The wooden shoe provides a simplified method to apply many of the principles of therapeutic farriery which include redistributing the load or forces on the foot, repositioning breakover and providing heel elevation when necessary. Understanding the biomechanics of the wooden shoe along with understanding good basic farriery which include the appropriate foot trim, proper size, fit and placement of the wooden shoe on the foot combined with the appropriate application are essential for consistent success. This paper outlines what is considered to be the proper application of the wooden shoe.  相似文献   

Reasons for performing study: To evaluate quantitative sensory testing (QST) of the feet of laminitic horses using a power‐assisted hoof tester. Hypothesis: Hoof Compression Thresholds (HCTs) can be measured reliably and are consistently lower in horses with chronic laminitis than in normal horses. Methods: HCTs of chronic laminitic (n = 7) and normal horses (n = 7) were repeatedly measured using a hydraulically powered and feedback controlled hoof tester. Data from 2 tests, at 3 sites in both forefeet, during 3 sessions were collected and statistically analysed using linear mixed models. Results: The mean ± s.e. HCT for the laminitic horses was 29.6 ± 3.5 kg/cm2 and for horses in the normal group was 59.8 ± 4.3 kg/cm2. Residual variance was the largest of the error components and was greater (P<0.001) for the normal horses; none of the other components significantly differed between the 2 groups. Averaging of HCTs from each foot could produce a test with intraclass correlation coefficients of 0.83 for the normal group and 0.87 for the laminitic group, with an estimated sensitivity of 0.94 and a specificity of 0.93. This test would permit detection with 80% power and 95% confidence of a reduction of over 40% in the difference in mean HCTs between laminitic and normal horses following effective treatment provided that the experimental groups are of 9 or more horses. Conclusions: HCTs can be safely and reliably measured experimentally using this hoof tester. The level of variability found indicates that, under these conditions, treatments may need to produce at least a 40% improvement to be detected. Simplification of the hoof tester, training of the horse and repeated testing may permit the method to be used clinically to detect changes in the HCTs of individual laminitic horses but these potential improvements will require further investigation. Potential relevance: Measurement of HCTs can provide an additional means for assessing the effectiveness of treatments for alleviation of chronic equine laminitis.  相似文献   

In 74 cases of clinical laminitis and in 10 cases of clinical discrete arthritis in adult cattle, the protein picture was changed in blood and synovial fluid. The cases of laminitis were clinically divided into one group without and another with general affection. The changes in serum γ- and α-globulins indicated a predominantly chronic inflammatory process in the arthritis groups and a more acute process in the laminitis groups. In discrete arthritis, the leukocyte concentration and all protein levels except the relative albumin concentration were increased. In laminitis without general affection no significant changes were found in synovial fluid, while the synovial protein pattern in laminitis with general affection indicated a simultaneous occurrence of arthritis. The combination of laminitis and arthritis might be an expression of different inflammatory reactions to common aetiological, still unidentified factors, indicating the existence of a disease complex which may manifest itself in hoof corium, in joints or in both.  相似文献   

Gastrointestinal disorders are an important cause of morbidity in box turtles (Terrapene carolina Carolina), however published information is currently lacking on the normal radiographic anatomy, transit, and emptying times of the gastrointestinal tract. A total of 15 healthy box turtles were recruited for this prospective, anatomic, reference interval study. Three‐view radiographic series (vertical beam dorsoventral, horizontal beam latero‐lateral, and horizontal beam rostrocaudal views) were acquired prior to contrast administration, and following contrast administration at 0, 20, 40, 60, and 90 min, 2, 4, 8, 12, and 24 h post administration, and every 24 h thereafter until all contrast was eliminated (15 mL/kg barium sulfate diluted to 30% weight per volume was administered via orogastric gavage). Vertical beam dorsoventral and horizontal beam latero‐lateral views were of excellent quality to identify gastrointestinal structures. The horizontal beam rostrocaudal view immediately postcontrast administration provided gastric and pyloric identification but had lesser diagnostic use at later time points due to anatomical superimposition. The gastrointestinal tract was composed of a tubular stomach, a pyloric sphincter near midline, a duodenum with a cranial flexure in the right cranial coelomic cavity, small intestines within the right coelom, a small cecal bulb, and a transverse and descending colon. Contrast media entered the large intestine by 24 h in all turtles, and a pyloro‐colic indentation was noted at the proximal descending colon. The large intestinal emptying was highly variable due to the interindividual variability of contrast sequestration within the cecal bulb. Findings from the current study serve as a reference on the gastrointestinal anatomy, transit, and emptying times in healthy eastern box turtles; and introduce a novel, horizontal beam, rostrocaudal view for gastrointestinal contrast studies in chelonians.  相似文献   

Studies on purebred Nellore cattle and their crosses with Fleckvieh, Chianina, Charolais and the Ibagé breed (5/8 Aberdeen Angus, 3/8 Nellore) during 39 months in the field gave mean daily counts for engorging female ticks of 3.3, 25.2, 22.2, 21.0 and 59.7 per animal respectively. Annual fluctuations were similar in all groups; with the exception of the purebred Nellore mean counts are at levels considered dangerous for the stability of enzootic tick fever.  相似文献   

鸡骨型白血病(骨质石化病)的X线投照检疫技术   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
用于鸡骨型白血病的诊断,对鸡的全身骨骼侧位投照、一翼与一肢骨骼侧位投照、鸡群大批检疫时群鸡胫骨组合X线片常规投照和专用遮线筒接触投照的技术作了详细报告。全身侧位投照通常可在一张177.8mm×279.4mm的X线片上同时显示包括脊椎、胸骨、肋骨、乌喙骨、锁骨、骨盆骨、股骨、胫骨、腓骨、跖骨、趾骨及鸡翼的臂骨或桡、尺骨等在内的全身骨骼的清晰X线影像。骨型白血病鸡群大批检疫时,一张279.4mm×355.6mm的X线胶片可作30只鸡的检疫,不仅能大幅度降低成本费用,而且可基本消除辐射对工作人员的不利影响,消除影像的运动性模糊。该项技术可供检疫现场实际应用。  相似文献   

The population density of horn flies was evaluated in the year 1998 in the municipality of Ara?atuba, S?o Paulo Brazil, in relation to temperature and rainfall conditions. Two lots of 30 Nellore steers (Bos indicus) were used which had no insecticidal treatment and were naturally infested with horn flies. The infestations were assessed by two counting methods, i.e., the traditional estimate method and the filming method. The highest fly frequencies were recorded in spring, summer, autumn and the lowest frequencies were recorded in winter. The increase in fly number was positively correlated (P<0.05) with rainfall.  相似文献   

Thirteen hematologic measurements were performed on 38 healthy donkeys of the Brazilian breed (32 females and 6 males) aged 3 to 19 years. Mean ±SD (minimum-maximum) values were as follows: red blood cells (RBC) 6.82 ± 0.67 (5.46−8.17) × 106/μL; packed cell volume (PCV) 37.63 ± 2.76 (32.00−44.00) %; hemoglobin (Hb) 12.87 ± 0.98 (10.70−14.50) g/dL; mean corpuscular volume (MCV) 55.45 ± 4.06 (48.90−62.70) fL; mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH) 18.85 ± 1.14 (17.40−21.60) pg; mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 34.20 ± 1.24 (31.50−36.40) g/dL; white blood cells (WBC) 8.22 ± 1.49 (4.60−11.50) × 103/μL; bands 1.77 ± 2.00 (0.00−9.00) %; segmented neutrophils 41.18 ± 5.98 (30.50−53.20) %; lymphocytes 50.53 ± 6.25 (35.30−63.50) %; monocytes 1.57 ± 1.30 (0.00−4.60) %; eosinophils, 4.64 ± 2.17 (1.00−10.00) %; basophils 0.33 ± 0.58 (0.00−2.90) %. It was demonstrated that values of some blood parameters of the Brazilian donkey breed were similar to results obtained for other donkey breeds. The results of this study serve as reference ranges for donkey populations and can be useful for health control, which in turn helps in the diagnosis and prognosis of diseases.


Blood examination has been performed for several reasons: as a screening procedure to assess general health; as an adjunct to patient's infection; and to evaluate the progress of certain disease states.[1] However, there are important differences in physiology, behavior, and management that influence the common diseases encountered in donkeys. Successful diagnosis and treatment often depend on recognizing these differences. [2] Unfortunately, a limited number of observations have been reported on the hematologic values for donkey breeds and populations and these studies are far from complete. [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9] Hematologic variation values for donkey breeds and populations should be associated with the age, sex, and the time of sampling in relation to exercise, geographic, and nutritional factors. Perhaps some of the variations observed among different authors were also associated with different techniques and methods. [4]Apart from the investigations by Perdigão de Oliveira et al,[3] Gacek et al, [10] and Mori et al, [11] we could find no published record of blood values of the Brazilian donkey breed. The aim of this investigation was to determine reference ranges for hematologic analyses in the Brazilian donkey breed to establish a baseline for further scientific and clinical use.

Materials and methods

The material for the present study consisted of 38 adult donkeys of the Brazilian breed (32 females and 6 males), ranging between 3 and 19 years of age (mean ±SD: 8.3 ± 3.5 years), from the Estação Experimental de Colina do Instituto de Zootecnia da Secretaria de Agricultura do Estado de São Paulo, and kept under similar feeding and management conditions. All animals were apparently healthy, and they were handled carefully to reduce any possible effects of stress on the parameters analyzed.Blood samples were draw from the jugular vein into 5 mL evacuated glass tubes containing EDTA as anticoagulant. Blood smears were prepared immediately after being collected from whole blood and then were air-dried. The collected blood samples were immediately stored at 4°C and processed within 6 hours.RBC and WBC counts were performed using an electronic counter (Serono Baker). Hb concentration was determined by the cyanmethemoglobin method. PCV was determined after the blood had been transferred to microhematocrit tubes and centrifuged at 10,000 g for 5 minutes. MCV, mean corpuscular hemoglobin, and mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration were calculated from PCV, Hb concentration, and RBC count.[1] Blood smears were stained with modified May-Grunwald Giemsa stain for determination of the differential WBC count. At least 200 WBCs were counted for differential WBC determinations.All analyses were performed within the Departamento de Clinica Médica da Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia da Universidade de São Paulo.Data analysis was performed using a statistical software (Graph Pad InStat version 3.01, 32 bit for Windows 95/NT). Each parameter was tested for normality applying the Kolmogorov and Smirnov methods. The reference ranges for the hematologic analyses were given as mean ±SD and the interval from minimum and maximum values.Unpaired t-tests were used to determine the effect of sex (female versus male) on hematologic values, for data normally distributed. If data did not seem to be normally distributed, non-parametric tests (Mann-Whitney U test) were used. The level of statistical significance was set at P < .05.


Reference ranges of hematologic constituents of the blood of the Brazilian donkey breed determined in the current study are shown in Table 1 and Table 2. Most of the values had Gaussian distribution (P < .10). Only basophils did not seem to be normally distributed (P < .05). Comparisons of hematologic ranges of the Brazilian donkeys with other donkey breeds and populations are shown in Table 1 and Table 2.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to estimate the (co)variance components and breeding values for birthweight (BW) in Nellore cattle by considering or not identical weights that exhibit a high frequency within the contemporary group (CG). A total of 175,258 BW records of Nellore cattle born between 2002 and 2018 were used. The CG was formed by farm, year of birth, sex and feeding regime at birth. CGs with more than 16% of identical BW values were eliminated, generating a data file called BWd. Another file was created without removing these animals (BWt). A mixed linear model was used for statistical analysis, which included fixed and random effects. In both data files analysed, single-trait analysis was performed by Bayesian inference. The mean direct and maternal heritability for BW and the correlation between direct and maternal effects were 0.27, 0.07 and −0.07 for BWt, respectively, and 0.30, 0.093 and −0.07 for BWd. This method should affect the estimation of genetic merits of animals for BW, providing greater safety in the choice of sires.  相似文献   

The genome‐wide association study (GWAS) results are presented for average daily gain (ADG) in Nellore cattle. Phenotype of 720 male Bos indicus animals with information of ADG in feedlots and 354 147 single‐nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) obtained from a database added by information from Illumina Bovine HD (777 962 SNPs) and Illumina BovineSNP50 (54 609) by imputation were used. After quality control and imputation, 290 620 SNPs remained in the association analysis, using R package Genome‐wide Rapid Association using Mixed Model and Regression method GRAMMAR‐Gamma. A genomic region with six significant SNPs, at Bonferroni‐corrected significance, was found on chromosome 3. The most significant SNP (rs42518459, BTA3: 85849977, p = 9.49 × 10?8) explained 5.62% of the phenotypic variance and had the allele substitution effect of ?0.269 kg/day. Important genes such as PDE4B, LEPR, CYP2J2 and FGGY are located near this region, which is overlapped by 12 quantitative trait locus (QTLs) described for several production traits. Other regions with markers with suggestive effects were identified in BTA6 and BTA10. This study showed regions with major effects on ADG in Bos indicus in feedlots. This information may be useful to increase the efficiency of selecting this trait and to understand the physiological processes involved in its regulation.  相似文献   

Objective-To determine the outcome of penetrating injuries to the central region of the foot in equids and identify factors that may affect treatment and outcome. Design-Retrospective case series. Animals-63 equids (61 horses, 1 pony, and 1 mule). Procedures-Records of equids incurring puncture wounds through the frog (cuneus ungulae) or collateral sulci of the foot between 1998 and 2008 were reviewed. Evaluated factors that were hypothesized to affect outcome included signalment, degree of lameness, foot affected, duration between injury and admission, and treatment. Injuries were graded from 1 (< 1 inch; involving superficial corium only) to 4 (involving a synovial structure) on the basis of severity of penetration as determined by radiographic evidence or findings on synoviocentesis at the time of admission. Results-Overall, 60% (38/63) of equids returned to soundness. Thirteen equids were euthanized on the basis of synovial structure involvement and financial constraints. Of 35 equids that were treated conservatively, which may have included undergoing a surgical procedure with the horse standing, 32 (91.4%) returned to their previous level of soundness. Fifteen equids underwent surgical treatment under general anesthesia, of which 6 (40%) became sound for intended use. Ten of 34 (29%) equids with synovial structure involvement regained soundness. Equids treated earlier after injury had a better prognosis. Equids with a hind foot injury had a more favorable outcome than those with a forefoot injury. Conclusions and Clinical Relevance-Results suggested that penetrating injuries located centrally in the foot of equids without involvement of a synovial structure have a favorable prognosis, especially if managed early. Penetration of a synovial structure provided a poor prognosis.  相似文献   

The term Eponychium is used to describe the deciduous hoof capsule in veterinary-medical and embryological literature. In other aspects of veterinary medicine, the term is generally reserved for the perioplic corium of the permanent hoof. In order to clarify this double usage, the structure and origin of the hoof epidermis from 10 equine fetus at different stages of development and 4 newborn foals were investigated and described using light microscopical techniques. Epidermal tubules and lamellae are already present in the non-cornified fetal hoof epidermis. These structures, along with the formation of a white line, allow this epidermis to be divided into the same segments as are commonly used when referring to the permanent hoof. The greatest part of the deciduous hoof epidermis consists of the sole and frog, with significant portions forming in the coronary corium and that of the hoof wall as well. The perioplic corium only makes up insignificant portions of the fetal hoof capsule, however. Between the second half of the gestation period and birth, this deciduous (primary) hoof capsule is continually being replaced from below by newly-forming, cornified permanent hoof capsule. On the basis of its structure and origin, we therefore suggest that the term "deciduous hoof capsule (Capsula ungulae decidua)" be used as a replacement for the word "Eponychium" when referring to the primary hoof epidermis.  相似文献   

As part of a series on neurological disorders in ruminant livestock in Australia, this review focuses on the congenital neurogenic disorders of cattle. The genetic pressures that contribute to the emergence of congenital neurogenic disorders, as well as the methods of diagnosis, are discussed. Disorders reviewed are ordered by breed and include arthrogryposis multiplex, fawn calf syndrome, inherited congenital myoclonus and maple syrup urine disease.  相似文献   

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