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Tall fescue pastures have an increasing potential to be used worldwide. The purpose of this study was to test the ability and flexibility of the model DairyMod to represent herbage mass accumulation (HMA) of tall fescue pastures from Argentina under several environmental conditions, including different seasons, fertilizer nitrogen levels and irrigation. Species‐specific responses were obtained by customizing particular parameters (i.e. number of living leaves per tiller, leaf appearance interval, optimum plant N concentration and the response of leaf gross photosynthesis to temperature). Additionally, a simulation experiment to compare the model assumption that optimum N concentration stays constant through HMA with the application of a reference critical N dilution curve verified for temperate forage grasses (N% = 4·8 HMA?0·32) was conducted. Application of DairyMod simulated with reasonable accuracy the HMA of tall fescue pastures under a wide range of climatic and management conditions; however, the model tended to underestimate HMA where pastures grew under high N availability. The use of a reference critical N curve substantially improved this bias, indicating that a further analysis on the N issue of the model is necessary. Results from this study provide support for further evaluations of the model under other scenarios and conditions. An upgrade of the model to improve simulation of N nutrition is suggested to enhance its performance to predict growth dynamics at high N availabilities as well as its value to address the effectiveness of N‐management practices.  相似文献   

Identification and selection of plant genotypes with survival, recovery and sustainable performance during drought periods is one of the main objectives of plant improvement for arid and semi‐arid regions. This study aimed to evaluate root traits and recovery of tall fescue genotypes after a period of drought stress. A total of twenty four tall fescue genotypes were selected from a wide polycross population and assessed for field drought tolerance based on stress tolerance index (STI) and recovery during 2010–2013. The genotypes were classified as tolerant, moderately tolerant and susceptible based on STI. Then, in 2014, genotypes were assessed in a pot experiment for root characteristics under two levels of moisture environments (control and intense drought stress). In both moisture environments, root length (RL), root area (RA), root volume (RV) and root weight (RW) were negatively correlated with days to recovery (DR). Genotypes that recovered from drought had greater RL, RA, RV and RW than the genotypes unable to recover. Principle component analysis (PCA) was performed to identify genotypes with superior root characteristics, stress tolerance and recovery potential that can be used for future breeding programmes. Results indicated that selection based on combining STI, recovery and extensive root system might improve drought tolerance of tall fescue.  相似文献   

Pasture herbage is a major source of minerals for livestock in pasture‐based production systems. Herbage mineral concentrations vary throughout the growing season, whereas mineral supplementation to livestock is often constant. The study objectives were to analyse the seasonal variation in herbage mineral concentrations in tall fescue [Schedonorus phoenix (Scop.) Holub]‐based pasture with regard to beef cattle mineral requirements and to create a statistical model to predict variation in herbage mineral concentrations across the growing season. Pasture herbage was analysed from 12 grazing systems in Virginia to determine its mineral concentration from April to October of 2008–2012. The pasture herbage, grown without fertilization, contained adequate macronutrient concentrations to meet the requirements of dry beef cows through the growing season and the requirements of lactating beef cows in April. Phosphorus supplementation appeared to be unnecessary for dry beef cows given adequate concentrations in pasture herbage. A model using month of harvest, soil moisture and relative humidity explained 75% of the variation in an aggregated mineral factor. The 90% prediction intervals indicated that N, P, K, S and Cu concentrations could be predicted within 1·35, 0·08, 0·80 and 0·07% and 3·83 mg kg?1 respectively. Prediction of herbage mineral concentrations could help to improve livestock health, reduce costs to producers and limit nutrient losses to the environment.  相似文献   

Nitrate () leaching is an environmental and health concern. In grazed pasture systems, leaching primarily occurs beneath animal urine patch areas due to high nitrogen (N) loading and the inability of pasture plants to capture all of this N. This study investigated the relative importance of plant growth and root architecture to recover soil N. Herbage N recovery, dry matter (DM) yield and root architecture, following injections of 15N‐enriched urea at different soil depths (5, 25 and 45 cm), were measured for Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) and tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) grown in soil monolith lysimeters (18 cm diameter × 70 cm depth) under simulated South Island, New Zealand winter temperature and light levels. Total herbage N uptake and DM yield were on average 24 and 48% greater in L. multiflorum than F. arundinacea respectively. Root length density (cm cm?3 soil) in the 5‐ to 25‐cm‐depth horizon was similar between species. In the 25‐ to 45‐cm‐depth horizon, F. arundinacea roots were found at higher densities than L. multiflorum. In the 45‐ to 65‐cm‐depth horizon, root length density was fourfold to ninefold higher for F. arundinacea than L. multiflorum, but N uptake efficiency was greater in L. multiflorum (0·48 mg 15N m?1 root) than F. arundinacea (0·09 mg 15N m?1 root). The results suggest that deep F. arundinacea roots are relatively inactive during the winter period and confirm that plant growth is more important than root architecture (e.g. deep roots) to recover soil N and ultimately reduce nitrate leaching losses.  相似文献   

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