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The importance of survival and growth variations early in life for population dynamics depends on the degrees of compensatory density dependence and size dependence in survival at later life stages. Quantifying density‐ and size‐dependent mortality at different juvenile stages is therefore important to understand and potentially predict the recruitment to the population. We applied a statistical state‐space modelling approach to analyse time series of abundance and mean body size of larval and juvenile fish. The focus was to identify the importance of abundance and body size for growth and survival through successive larval and juvenile age intervals, and to quantify how the dynamics propagate through the early life to influence recruitment. We thus identified both relevant ages and mechanisms (i.e. density dependence and size dependence in survival and growth) linking recruitment variability to early life dynamics. The analysis was conducted on six economically and ecologically important fish populations from cold temperate and sub‐arctic marine ecosystems. Our results underscore the importance of size for survival early in life. The comparative analysis suggests that size‐dependent mortality and density‐dependent growth frequently occur at a transition from pelagic to demersal habitats, which may be linked to competition for suitable habitat. The generality of this hypothesis warrants testing in future research.  相似文献   

The feeding selectivity of laboratory‐reared larvae of Rhamdia voulezi was assessed to investigate the preferred preys in early life stages. Three experiments were conducted at different larval development stages, starting soon after the absorption of the yolk sac (on fourth day after hatching – DAH), using zooplankton from fish ponds as food. Differences were detected in the patterns of prey selection among development stages. At first, the larvae prefer small preys, such as rotifers and cladocerans. Later, when they are more developed, they prefer to feed on large preys, such as copepods. On the fourth DAH, larvae in the pre‐flexion and initial flexion stage strongly selected rotifers and cladocerans (Diaphanosoma spinulosum, D. brevireme, Moina sp., M. micrura and M. minuta). At the other stages, cladocerans continued to be strongly selected. However, on the eighth DAH, larvae in flexion stage selected less strongly copepods Argyrodiaptomus azevedoi, Metacyclops mendocinus and Termocyclops decipiens. On the tenth DAH, larvae in postflexion stage selected more strongly copepods Argyrodiaptomus furcatus, Notodiaptomus cf. spinuliferus and M. mendocinus. As larvae grow, they tend to specialize in feeding of a particular prey. Prey selection of R. voulezi larvae was based both on species and zooplankton size. The size of the zooplankton ingested was related to the mouth gape size of larvae.  相似文献   

The early foraging ecology of alligator gar (Atractosteus spatula) is poorly documented, with little information available on young‐of‐year food habits or ontogenetic diet shifts. We conducted laboratory experiments to quantify prey selection and foraging behaviours of larval and early juvenile alligator gar (16–80 mm TL) simultaneously offered zooplankton, chironomid larvae and one of three densities of fish prey. The smallest size groups of alligator gar consumed zooplankton almost exclusively, but with increasing size, selection for zooplankton declined and selection for fish prey increased. At higher densities of fish prey, alligator gar exhibited lower selection for zooplankton and positively selected for fish at smaller sizes. Ingestion efficiencies for chironomids were considerably lower than for zooplankton or fish prey, resulting in low rates of consumption and negative selection for chironomids by all size groups of alligator gar. Fish prey elicited a different foraging response from alligator gar than zooplankton or chironomids, as alligator gar pursued and struck at fish over longer distances than for other prey types. With increasing size, alligator gar used a wider vertical range of the water column for foraging, changed their strike tactics and exhibited decreased handling times for zooplankton and fish. These observations indicate that alligator gar undergo several functional and behavioural changes during early ontogeny that facilitate a rapid transition to piscivory, but fish prey density strongly affects prey consumption patterns and the size at which alligator gar transition to piscivory.  相似文献   

Abstract Predation is an important force structuring aquatic communities, but predator–prey interactions are complex and regulated by multiple factors. Invasive fishes may interact with native fishes to alter predator–prey preferences and community dynamics. For example, common carp, Cyprinus carpio L., is an invasive species that can become abundant and negatively affect aquatic ecosystems. Juvenile common carp are occasionally found in predator diets, but predator preferences for common carp compared with alternative prey remains unknown. Prey selection and feeding behaviour of five piscivores (flathead catfish, Pylodictis olivaris (Rafinesque); largemouth bass, Micropterus salmoides (Lacepède); smallmouth bass, M. dolomieu Lacepède; walleye, Sander vitreus (Mitchill); and northern pike, Esox lucius L.) foraging on juvenile common carp and two alternative prey (fathead minnow, Pimephales promelas Rafinesque, and yellow perch, Perca flavescens Mitchill) at variable densities and habitats were evaluated. Common carp and fathead minnow were generally selected for or neutrally selected across predator species, habitat types and prey assemblages. By contrast, yellow perch was generally selected against. Common carp were easily captured but difficult to manipulate and ingest compared with other prey. These results reveal that common carp are vulnerable to a variety of predators, suggesting control of this detrimental invader may be possible through biomanipulation.  相似文献   

This investigation examined the effects of live prey availability on growth and survival of Sepia officinalis. Two independent experiments, comprising two feed rations each, were performed, using adequate prey size. In the first experiment, cuttlefish hatchlings were fed live mysids, Paramysis nouvelli [(feed ratio I (fr I)], at 15% body weight per day (bw day?1) (fr I15) and 30% bw day?1 (fr I30). In the second experiment, juvenile cuttlefish were fed live Atlantic ditch shrimp, Paleomonetes varians (fr II), under the same experimental design. In both experiments, the final mean weight, feeding rate and instantaneous growth rate were higher when animals were fed feed ratio fr II15 and fr II30 (30% bw day?1). The results indicate that prey availability influenced weight gain, irrespective of the prey used, during the first 2 months of cuttlefish life cycle. This effect seems to be more noticeable when a certain limit of prey is achieved. For cuttlefish fed fr II, the optimal prey density is thought to be under 2.5 g prey L?1 (i.e. 14 shrimp L?1). Results indicate that cuttlefish can withstand prey densities up to 120 mysids L?1 for cuttlefish up to 3 weeks old and 19 shrimps L?1 for cuttlefish up to 6 weeks old.  相似文献   

This study aimed to identify the spatial and temporal patterns of composition and distribution of early life‐history stages of fish along an estuarine gradient. Samples were collected quarterly between April 2010 and January 2011 using conical‐cylindrical plankton nets in the Vaza Barris estuarine river system (NE Brazil). A total of 38,781 fish eggs and 3,526 larvae, representing 20 families and 42 taxa, were caught. The most abundant larval taxa were Microgobius meeki, Ctenogobius gr. smaragdus/boleosoma, Gobionellus oceanicus, Ctenogobius gr. stigmaticus/saepepallens/shufeldti, Bairdiella ronchus, Achirus sp., Trinectes sp., Stellifer rastrifer and S. stellifer, accounting together for 34.5% of the total catch. Ichthyoplankton distributions were characterized by high seasonal and spatial variability mainly attributed to the environmental characteristics of the estuary. Overall, lower estuarine region served as important accumulation areas for ichthyoplankton, concentrating the greatest diversity and abundance. Salinity gradient, water temperature, and inorganic nutrients were the main variables that affected the larval fish assemblages, presumably influencing spawning, development and survival of individuals or through their effect on food supply. Moreover, this study reinforced the concept that hydrological variations may have a strong influence on estuarine species retention and marine species immigration. Finally, this study highlights the importance of estuaries for the growth and maintenance of stocks of fish species, and the development of strategies to protect these habitats is of utmost relevance.  相似文献   

Two hypotheses related to effects of juvenile pink salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) foraging behaviour and size on their predation risk were evaluated using field data collected in Prince William Sound, Alaska 1 995–97. My results supported the hypothesis that low macrozooplankton density leads to dispersion of juvenile salmon from shallow nearshore habitats and greater predation risk, but zooplankton type was an important factor. When the biomass of large copepods (primarily Neocalanus spp.) declined, salmon dispersed from shallow nearshore habitats, and mean daily individual predator consumption of salmon increased by a factor of 5. A concomitant five‐fold increase in the probability of occurrence of salmon in predator stomachs supported the notion that increased predation on salmon was caused by a greater overlap between predator and prey when salmon dispersed offshore, not an increase in the number of salmon consumed per feeding bout. The results also generally supported the hypothesis that the timing of predation events modifies the nature of size‐dependent predation losses of salmon to different predator groups (small and large planktivores and piscivores). Size‐dependent vulnerabilities of salmon to predators were a function of both predator and prey sizes. When simulated predation was shifted from May to June, the vulnerability of salmon became more dependent on their growth than initial size. But, the size‐ and growth‐dependent vulnerabilities of salmon differed more among predator groups than between May and June, suggesting that changes in the composition of predator fields could more strongly affect the nature of size‐dependent predation than changes in the timing of predation losses.  相似文献   

This study aimed to develop the consistent ovulation induction method in a pelagic egg spawning marine teleost, nibe croaker Nibea mitsukurii. Attempts to induce oocyte maturation and ovulation in nibe croaker using human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG; 0.5 IU g?1) resulted in the normal progression of oocyte maturation and hydration, but a failure to induce ovulation in many individuals. This ovulation disorder was similarly observed even when the dose of hCG was increased 10 times (5 IU g?1) or decreased to one tenth (0.05 IU g?1), indicating that it cannot be completely overcome solely by hCG administration. However, this ovulation disorder could be completely overcome by subsequent administration of 17,20β‐dihydroxy‐4‐pregnen‐3‐one (DHP) at the appropriate dose (0.5 μg g?1) and time (20 h after hCG administration). An increase in the number of individuals that ovulated due to DHP administration led to an increase in individuals producing larvae, resulting in an approximately threefold increase in the estimated number of larvae produced compared with the group of fish administered hCG alone. Thus, this ovulation induction method using DHP administration after hCG was demonstrated to overcome the ovulation disorder in nibe croaker and could be applicable to commercially important species with similar ovulation problems.  相似文献   

Sequential ichthyoplankton surveys were used to determine the spatial and temporal distribution of eggs and larvae over coastal spawning grounds of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) in Smith Sound, Trinity Bay, Newfoundland, during the spring and summer of 2006 and 2007. Egg densities showed similar patterns for both years with two peaks in abundance in spring (March–April) and late summer (late July). A clear progression of development stages (1–4) was observed in spring and summer in 2006 and summer in 2007, suggesting retention of eggs within the Sound during these periods. Modelled predictions of vertical egg distributions indicated eggs were broadly distributed near the surface during spring (March–April), but were concentrated below the pycnocline (>10 m) within the inner portions of the Sound during the summer months (July–August). Back‐calculated peaks in spawning based on water temperatures were estimated at 11 and 4 April for 2006 and 2007, respectfully, with late season peaks centred on 21–24 July for both years. Environmental data indicated cooler water temperatures and periods of high wind stress in spring, and warmer, calmer periods late summer, consistent with higher retention and faster development times on the spawning grounds later in the season. We conclude that spring and summer spawning events result in different distributions of early life stages and may lead to different distributions of juvenile and adult fish.  相似文献   

The feeding rhythm and growth characteristics of the early life stages of the tongue sole, Cynoglossus semilaevis Günther, were studied. Larvae began to prey on rotifers about 2–3 days after hatching at 23°C. About 12 days after hatching, larvae had grown to 8–9 mm in total length and were able to prey on Artemia larvae. As the larvae grew, they showed an increasing feeding capacity and a distinct feeding rhythm. Feeding intensity for day‐6 larvae was highest at 12:00 and 18:00 hours, about 2–3 h after the maximum feeding incidence. The highest levels of feeding intensity for day‐16 larvae occurred between 09:00 and 18:00 hours. By day 26, when the larvae had metamorphosed, feeding capacity had again increased considerably and, in contrast to the earlier stages, feeding intensity peaked at 18:00 and 24:00 hours concurrently with feeding incidence. Thus, tongue sole were found to have different feeding rhythms in the pre‐ and post‐metamorphosis stages, with the highest feeding activity in the daytime during the larval planktonic stage, and at night during the juvenile benthic stage. The estimated maximum daily feeding rates were 65%, 40% and 11% of body weight on days 6, 16 (larvae) and 26 (juveniles) respectively. Size variation increased markedly with development.  相似文献   

This review summarizes results of an extensive series of laboratory studies on the behavioural responses of early life stages of walleye pollock, Theragra chakogramma to key environmental factors including light, temperature, gravity, turbulence, food availability and predator presence. Experiments focused on vertical distribution of egg through 0-age stages, and social interactions of age-0 juveniles. Key factors were modified either singly or in concert to determine their direct and indirect influence on fish behaviour. The observed results suggest that the behaviour of individual fish depends on the integration of a continually changing hierarchy of both intrinsic and extrinsic factors, with the relative importance of a specific factor varying with ontogeny and over time and space. The broad range of responses displayed by early life stages suggests that behaviour plays an important role in determining the consequences of environmental variability on walleye pollock populations. In general, results from our laboratory experiments are consistent with patterns observed in field studies, supporting the efficacy of using experimental behavioural research to define some of the underlying mechanisms controlling distribution and survival in the field, and eventual recruitment to adult populations.  相似文献   

Accounting for variation in prey mortality and predator metabolic potential arising from spatial variation in consumption is an important task in ecology and resource management. However, there is no statistical method for processing stomach content data that accounts for fine‐scale spatio‐temporal structure while expanding individual stomach samples to population‐level estimates of predation. Therefore, we developed an approach that fits a spatio‐temporal model to both prey‐biomass‐per‐predator‐biomass data (i.e. the ratio of prey biomass in stomachs to predator weight) and predator biomass survey data, to predict “predator‐expanded‐stomach‐contents” (PESCs). PESC estimates can be used to visualize either the annual landscape of PESCs (spatio‐temporal variation), or can be aggregated across space to calculate annual variation in diet proportions (variation among prey items and among years). We demonstrated our approach in two contrasting scenarios: a data‐rich situation involving eastern Bering Sea (EBS) large‐size walleye pollock (Gadus chalcogrammus, Gadidae) for 1992–2015; and a data‐limited situation involving West Florida Shelf red grouper (Epinephelus morio, Epinephelidae) for 2011–2015. Large walleye pollock PESC was predicted to be higher in very warm years on the Middle Shelf of the EBS, where food is abundant. Red grouper PESC was variable in north‐western Florida waters, presumably due to spatio‐temporal variation in harmful algal bloom severity. Our approach can be employed to parameterize or validate diverse ecosystem models, and can serve to address many fundamental ecological questions, such as providing an improved understanding of how climate‐driven changes in spatial overlap between predator and prey distributions might influence predation pressure.  相似文献   

For the first time, a spontaneous spawning of hake was recorded in Spain in April 2009. The spawn was obtained from broodstock kept in captivity for two years at the facilities of the Spanish Institute of Oceanography in Vigo (NW Spain). Eggs were transparent, spherical and had an average diameter of 1.067 ± 0.024 mm; yolk occupied the majority of egg volume. The oil droplet had a diameter of 0.27 ± 0.03 mm. The incubation period of the eggs lasted for 4 days at 14°C and the duration from hatching to the total absorption of the yolk sac was between 5–7 days after hatching, at the same temperature. Newly hatched larvae had an average total length of 3.20 ± 0.13 mm and began feeding 6 days after hatching; a daily growth rate of 0.158 mm day‐1 was observed from hatching to yolk sac consumption. This paper describes the daily evolution of biometric and morphological characteristics of the different stages of embryos and larvae of European hake up to the age of 19 days.  相似文献   

Many jurisdictions have introduced management regimes prohibiting or limiting discarding, and a key objective of the European Union Common Fisheries Policy is the gradual elimination of discards. One way of reducing the catch of unwanted fish is to use more size‐selective gears. Gear‐based management options can best be explored using models that predict size selection across a wide range of variables related to gear design. Such a model is developed for haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) through a meta‐analysis of 21 trials of codend selection and 19 trials of the combined selection of the codend and a square mesh panel. Individual‐haul estimates of the 50% retention length (l50) and the selection range (SR) are related to a set of explanatory variables through a structural model that describes the dual process of panel and codend selection. Codend l50 and SR are positively related to codend mesh size and negatively related to the codend twine diameter. Codend l50 is also negatively related to the number of open meshes around the codend circumference. Panel l50 increases with panel mesh size. The panel contributes more to gear selection as it is moved closer to the codline. The panel is most effective between November and January and least between May and July, periods which broadly coincide with peak and poor haddock condition. The results are illustrated for a typical trawler targeting haddock in the Scottish whitefish sector, and the utility of the model for gear design and legislation is discussed.  相似文献   

Although breeding of rare shell colour variants has drawn widespread attention from shellfish breeders, the potential disadvantages of their adaptive capacity have been ignored in practice. To explore the difference in adaptive capacity between orange shell variant (OSO) and commercially cultured population (CPO) of the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas at early life stage, the development to D‐larvae and larval survival and growth (just 23 and 30°C for larval experiment) of them were compared under different temperature (16, 23 and 30°C) and salinity (17, 25 and 33 psu) combinations. In this study, at 23°C and 25 psu, for both OSO and CPO there was no difference in fertilization rates and survival (> .05) (mean percentages of D‐larvae after fertilized 40 hr ≥ 95.00%; mean larval survival rates on day 10 > 80.00%). However, the percentage of D‐larvae of CPO at 40 hr was significantly (< .05) higher than OSO at temperatures of 16 and 30°C and 25–33 psu and 17 psu at 23°C. Similarly, CPO has a better larval survival on day 10 and growth than OSO at salinities of 17 and 33 psu at 23°C. Overall, our results indicate that OSO can have an equally good performance like CPO at early life stage under optimal condition (23°C; 25 psu), but the potential disadvantages in adaptive capacity will be shown at suboptimal conditions. These findings can guide future hatchery breeding of OSO, and suggest the potential disadvantages in adaptive capacity in rare colour variants need more attention in further breeding.  相似文献   

Abstract Fish can undergo changes in their life‐history traits that correspond with local demographic conditions. Under range expansion, a population of non‐native fish might then be expected to exhibit a suite of life‐history traits that differ between the edge and the centre of the population’s geographic range. To test this hypothesis, life‐history traits of an expanding population of round goby, Neogobius melanostomus (Pallas), in early and newly established sites in the Trent River (Ontario, Canada) were compared in 2007 and 2008. Round goby in the area of first introduction exhibited a significant decrease in age at maturity, increased length at age 1 and they increased in GSI from 2007 to 2008. While individuals at the edges of the range exhibited traits that promote population growth under low intraspecific density, yearly variability in life‐history traits suggests that additional processes such as declining density and fluctuating food availability are influencing the reproductive strategy and growth of round goby during an invasion.  相似文献   

Aggressive behaviour, assessed by 24‐h observations, and survival rates, determined in a 2‐week rearing experiment, were examined in greater amberjack, Seriola dumerili, subjected to single and multiple factors (high density, restricted feeding and diverse size). Aggressive behaviour frequency in the group subjected to both restricted feeding and size diversity (FS) was significantly higher than that in the other groups (Tukey, n=4, P<0.05). In the FS group, aggressive behaviour increased with the starvation time from 19 days post hatching (dph) to 23 dph (two‐way analysis of variance, Tukey, n=4, P<0.05), but decreased gradually thereafter to 46 dph. In the rearing experiment, the survival rates for the diverse size and FS groups were lower than those of the control or restricted feeding groups (Kaplan–Meier, log‐rank test, n=100, P<0.01). Daily mortality in all groups was the highest at 24 dph; although dead fish were usually small, disappearance due to cannibalism was not observed during the rearing period. The results indicate that aggressive behaviour in greater amberjack is induced by hunger and size diversity in the early juvenile stages (23 dph). Mass mortality during seedling production was mainly caused by injury and the death of small fish due to aggressive behaviour/cannibalism.  相似文献   

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