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Blue swimmer crabs (Portunus pelagicus) are an economically important crab caught in baited traps throughout the Indo-west Pacific and Mediterranean. In Australia they are traditionally caught using rigid wire traps (≈pots) but there has been a recent increase in the use of collapsible pots constructed from polyethylene trawl mesh. Two experiments were conducted in Moreton Bay, Queensland, to determine the ghost fishing potential of lost crab pots on both target and bycatch species and to evaluate the differences between traditional and contemporary pot designs. A lost contemporary, collapsible trawl mesh pot will catch between 3 and 223 P. pelagicus per year after the bait has been exhausted, while a traditional wire mesh pot would catch 11–74 crabs per year. As most fishers now use the collapsible trawl mesh pots, ghost fishing mortality could be as high as 111,811–670,866 crabs per year. Bycatch retention was also higher in contemporary designs. Periods of strong winds appeared to increase the ghost fishing potential of lost pots. The use of escape gaps, larger mesh sizes and construction options that allow for the deterioration of entrance funnels to minimise ghost fishing are recommended to reduce environmental impacts.  相似文献   

High mortality from cannibalism in crowded cultures of the noble crayfish (Astacus astacus L.) was the reason why the efforts for an intensive production of this species in the 1980s were largely stopped. In the present study, 14‐ to 15‐month‐old juveniles of A. astacus were cultured in tanks of an indoor recirculation system under constant ‘summer conditions’ (19°C, LD 16:8) from early August to late January. The animals continued to moult and grow, indicating that the absence of these processes in the field from autumn to late spring does not involve any endogenous programming. The experimental design (suitable hiding places in excess, highly diversified diet, and special daily and lunar light regimes) ensured high survival (>90%) and growth rates which were largely independent of stocking rate (15–60 individuals per m2). Moulting occurred during daytime which allowed freshly moulted animals to escape from cannibalistic attacks of their nocturnal conspecifics. There is a first indication that an artificial moonlight cycle can synchronize moulting events (maximum around ‘new moon’), in this way contributing to a further decrease in mortality. The results encourage a resumption of efforts for an intensive production of A. astacus in indoor recirculation systems.  相似文献   

Soft‐shell crab, a newly moulted crab having non‐calcified and hydrated soft exoskeleton, farming has been increasing tremendously in recent years throughout the world due to its high market price and consumer preferences. However, high aggressiveness and cannibalistic behaviour of mud crab limit its culture to an individual chamber system which ultimately makes the soft‐shell mud crab farming space and labour‐intensive. Therefore, the aim of this study was to improve the efficiency of soft‐shell crab production by autotomy of the claw and/or walking legs to reduce the moulting duration and intensify the culture system through double stocking in the existing individual chamber culture system. To achieve our objectives, a series of experiment were conducted at both indoor and on‐farm levels by removing the claw and/or walking legs of Scylla olivacea for two consecutive moulting cycles. Results showed that both claw ablation significantly (p < .01) shortened the moulting duration and increased the carapace width, weight gain, specific growth rate, feeding efficiency and yield parameter compared to the non‐ablated crabs more prominently at 1st moulting than the 2nd moulting in both indoor and on‐farm trials. Ablation of all walking legs while keeping the claw intact did not significantly influence (p > .05) the moulting duration and carapace width, but significantly (p < .01) improved the specific growth rate, weight gain, feeding efficiency and yield parameters at 1st moulting compared to the non‐ablation and unilateral three walking leg ablation groups. However, ablation of all appendages (both claw and walking legs) showed significant (p < .01) improvements of carapace width, weight gain, specific growth rate, feeding efficiency and yield parameters, and shortened the moulting duration up to 23 days from 34 days during 1st moulting and up to 27 days from 40 days at 2nd moulting. The survivals of different autotomized mud crabs were statistically non‐significant (p > .05) to the non‐autotomized crabs in various indoor and on‐farm trials. Besides improving the production performances, ablation of bilateral claw and all appendages allowed to double the stocking density in the existing individual chamber‐based soft‐shell crab farming that enhanced the production about threefold higher than the existing individual chamber‐based culture system. Finally, our results suggest that autotomy could be a promising technology for the commercial farming of soft‐shell mud crab in near future.  相似文献   

Ruditapes decussatus (L.) seed, 1.6 mm in length, was reared in an open-flow system for 28 days at different concentrations of food: 15, 50, 100, 200 and 300 Isochrysis galbana, clone T-ISO, cells μL?1. Rates of ingestion, absorption, and respiration were measured during the experiment and used to calculate the energy balance. Rate of ingestion and absorption efficiency were the primary physiological processes governing seed growth. Ingestion rates increased with food concentration, up to a maximum of 100 cells μL?1. Greater increases in concentration resulted in a decrease in ingestion. Clearance rates were inversely correlated to food concentration. Absorption efficiency, estimated using the Conover method, also decreased with increasing concentrations of food. Respiration rates were independent of food concentration. Potential growth rates were lower than actual growth rates for each of the concentrations tested, although the effect of food concentration on actual and potential growth was equal, with maximum growth occurring at a concentration of 50 cells μL?1. Thus, SFG (‘scope for growth’) is a good qualitative estimator of actual growth, but a poor quantitative estimator.  相似文献   

One‐year‐old rope grown blue mussels (Mytilus edulis L.) were grown in experimental lantern nets at two depths (2 and 6 m below the surface) in two different positions (inflow and outflow) off a raft in Loch Etive on the west coast of Scotland. Shell and tissue growth, and mortality were recorded. Water temperature, salinity and food availability were also monitored over the experimental period. There were no significant differences in the length, live weight, wet meat weight, dry meat weight and ash‐free dry meat weight between depths (P > 0.05). However, position had a significant effect on these parameters as mussels located at the inflow of the raft differed significantly from those at the outflow of the raft (P < 0.05). Particulate organic matter (POM) and chlorophyll a (Ch a) were significantly higher at the inflow than the outflow of the raft (P < 0.05), but depth had no effect on POM and Ch a (P > 0.05). The results show that food concentration was higher in the inflow of the raft than the outflow. In the light of these results, recommendations for better management of Scottish raft mussel cultivation are discussed.  相似文献   

The blue swimmer crab, Portunus pelagicus, is an emerging aquaculture species in the Indo-Pacific. Two experiments were performed to determine the effects of salinity on survival, growth and haemolymph osmolality of early juvenile P. pelagicus crabs. The salinities tested for the first experiment were 10, 15, 25 and 40 ppt, and for the second experiment 5, 20, 30, 35 and 45 ppt. Each salinity experiment was triplicated, with each replicate consisting of 10 stage 4 juveniles. Each experiment lasted 45 days. Mortalities and incidence of “molt death syndrome” were recorded daily, while the intermolt period, carapace length, carapace width and wet weight were measured at each molt. At the end of the experiments the haemolymph osmolality and dry weights were measured.

Results demonstrate that salinity significantly affects both the survival and growth of early P. pelagicus juveniles. Mortality was significantly higher (p < 0.01) for juveniles cultured at salinities ≤ 15 ppt and at 45 ppt. At a salinity of 5 ppt a complete mortality occurred on day 20. In all salinity treatments, the majority of mortalities were due to “molt death syndrome”. In experiment 1, immediate effects of salinity on growth and development were seen at 10 ppt as the intermolt period was significantly longer (p < 0.01) and the mean carapace size increase was significantly less (p < 0.01) at the first molt compared to the other treatments. Meanwhile, the specific growth rates (carapace length, width and wet weight) were significantly lower (p < 0.05) at high salinities (≥ 40 ppt) due to longer intermolt periods and significantly lower (p < 0.05) carapace size or wet weight increases.

The haemolymph osmolality exhibited a positive linear relationship with the culture medium with an isosmotic point of 1106 mOsm/kg, equal to a salinity of approximately 38 ppt. Based on the osmolality graph, high metabolic cost for osmoregulation due to increased hyper- and hypo-osmotic stress appeared to cause lower survival and specific growth rates of the crabs. The results demonstrate that a salinity range of 20–35 ppt is suitable for the culture of early juvenile P. pelagicus.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of photoperiod on the growth, feed conversion ratio (FCR) and spawning performance of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) broodstock. Duplicate groups of two males (66±3.04 g) and six females (50.5±1.58 g) were stocked in 0.4 m3 fibreglass tanks in a recirculating water system at a male:female ratio of 1:3. The fish were subjected to four photoperiod treatments: 24:0 light:dark (L:D), 18L:6D, 12L:12D and 6L:18D. Light intensity was kept constant at about 2500 lx throughout the study. The fish were fed a commercial tilapia diet (35% crude protein and 16.6 MJ GE kg−1) at a daily rate of 2–3% of tank biomass, twice a day, for 130 days. Males grew significantly faster than females under all photoperiod regimes. The best growth rate and FCR were attained at 18L:6D, followed by 24L:0D, 12L:12D and 6L:18D respectively. The number of eggs per female, number of eggs per spawn and number of spawnings per female were all significantly higher in the 12L:12D treatment than in all other photoperiod cycles. Interspawning intervals and days elapsed per spawn were also shorter in the 12L:12D treatment. The time to first spawning was slightly longer in the 24L:0D and 6L:18D than in 12L:12D and 18L:6D light phases. The 18L:6D and 6L:18D photoperiods produced the lowest spawning performance. It is concluded that a 12L:12D photoperiod regime should be adopted for maximum fecundity, seed production and spawning frequencies of Nile tilapia broodstock reared in intensive, recirculating systems. If maximum reproduction is desired, a near‐natural day length photoperiod should be used.  相似文献   

Abstract– Data from the Swedish Electrofishing Register were used to study the effects of lakes on the growth of yearling (0+) brown trout in outlet streams. It was found that growth increased close to lakes. On average, the length of the longest yearlings was 10% greater 0-100 m downstream from lakes as compared with more than 1 km downstream. Growth enhancement was most pronounced downstream from large lakes. This was exemplified with maximum yearling lengths in September in inlet streams (maximum yearlings 50-100 mm) and outlet streams (65-130 mm) of Lake Stora Le (area 200 km2), and inlet streams (50-75 mm) and outlet streams (65-95 mm) of Lake Anten (area 18 km2). It is suggested that this is a combined effect of both increased water temperature and outflow of lake seston. The growth pattern found was not correlated to population abundance or to the abundance of competitors or predators.  相似文献   

Abstract – This study reports the differential effect of the pseudophyllidean cestode, Ligula intestinalis , on the growth rates of three fish populations of the roach, Rutilus rutilus , under field conditions. Here, we show that only one host-population is affected by parasite-induced gigantism in the first 2 years of host life. Paradoxically, this increase in fish growth is strongly correlated with the parasitic load in plerocercoid stages, in that only the roach population subjected to the heaviest parasitic pressure shows an enhanced growth of cestode-parasitized individuals. This host gigantism observed in only one locality is associated with parasite-induced fish mortality occurring, on average, one year earlier in this fish population when compared to other populations. We discuss the different reasons for this differential parasite effect on growth enhancement across host-population in natural settings. Whether the growth effects represent an adaptive response by the host or a manipulation by L. intestinalis of the host, remains to be elucidated.  相似文献   

Heritability of juvenile growth rate was estimated for red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus), an economically important sciaenid fish in the southern USA. Thirty‐eight families were generated via ‘natural’ spawning of multiple sets of five breeders (three dams × two sires) in individual brood tanks. Offspring were individually tagged with Passive Integrated Transponder (PIT) tags and mixed for grow‐out in replicate ‘common‐garden’ tanks. Juvenile growth was followed from 166.4±18.6 to 254.0±27.0 mm (total length). Offspring were assigned a posteriori to individual brood fish (dam and sire) based on genotypes at nuclear‐encoded microsatellites. Heritability (h2) of a thermal growth coefficient was estimated using an animal‐additive model and a restricted maximum‐likelihood algorithm. Estimates of h2 were 0.33±0.08 and 0.31±0.08 for thermal growth coefficient based on length and weight respectively. These results indicate a significant genetic component in juvenile growth rate in red drum. Estimates of h2 for condition coefficient (K) at various measurement dates averaged 0.38, suggesting a genetic component to shape in juvenile red drum.  相似文献   

Abstract. Sacculina granifera was found in 12% of commercial sandcrabs, Portunus pelagicus , in Moreton Bay irrespective of sex. Although male and female crabs were randomly distributed about Moreton Bay, egg bearing females were most common at the seaward station. This and the distribution of epizoic barnacles on gills and carapace suggest the sexes school separately. The increased prevalence of barnacles on the carapace of infected crabs indicates Sacculina inhibits moulting. The distribution of interna infections in small crabs towards south and west and externa infections in large crabs in the easterly, seaward stations suggests Sacculina preferentially attacks young crabs as they move inshore and then induces crabs to behave like 'berried' (i.e. egg bearing) females by moving seaward as they grow. Morphologically female crabs are little changed by Sacculina , but the males show considerable modification which is reflected most accurately in the shortening of the chelar propodus to proportions similar to normal females. Infected crabs are sterile and internally the hepatopancreas becomes green rather than tan. Parasitized crabs were seen to groom their externae as 'berried' females groom their egg masses.  相似文献   

The effect of oral administration of insulin, in various concentrations, on the growth of European eels (Anguilla anguilla L.) was studied. In order to determine whether the insulin penetrated through the stomach or gills to the blood system, 5 ml insulin, suspended in an 0.6% solution of NaCl, was inserted via the mouth of eels, and the insulin content in the blood measured by radioimmunoassay immediately, and at one and two hours after administration. A control group was given 0.6% NaCl alone. Significantly increased levels of insulin in the blood plasma were found in eels which received high insulin concentrations compared to the control group. Eels administered 20 ppm and 40 ppm insulin in the diet grew significantly faster than a control group fed a diet without insulin, and a group fed 5 ppm insulin.  相似文献   

The effects of ammonia and nitrite on survival, growth and moulting were investigated in juvenile tiger crab, Orithyia sinica (carapace length 3.91±0.15 mm, carapace width 3.84±0.23 mm, n=440), after 30 days exposure to ammonia‐N (0, 20, 50, 100 and 150 mg L?1) and nitrite‐N (0, 50, 100, 150, 200 and 250 mg L?1) using a continuous flow system. Survival rates of tiger crab exposed to ammonia and nitrite decreased linearly with the exposure time and concentration. The growth rate of tiger crab exposed to 50, 100 and 150 mg L?1 ammonia was significantly lower than that of control crabs. The growth rate of tiger crab exposed to nitrite decreased at 150, 200 and 250 mg L?1 nitrite. During the ammonia and nitrite exposure, the intermoult period of the juveniles of tiger crab O. sinica was shortened between the first and second moult, and the number of moulting of crabs exposed to a higher concentration were significantly higher than that of control crabs.  相似文献   

The effect of three different temperatures on growth in a first progeny generation, hatchery reared, subarctic population of European whitefish (Coregonus lavaretus L.) were investigated. The whitefish (start weight 444 g, ±SD 125 g) were reared for 60 days at three constant temperatures; 15, 18 and 21°C and under ambient light regimes for 70°N latitude. The results showed that temperature had a significant influence on the growth of the fish with the highest increase in weight increment occurring at 18°C (mean final weight 656 g ± SD 151 g) compared with the growth of fish held at 15°C (mean final weight 591 g ± SD 143 g) and 21°C (mean final weight 505 g ± SD 121 g). The cumulative per cent mortality of the fish during the experimental period increased with increasing temperature, from 10% at 15°C to 30% at 21°C. The present study indicates that the optimal temperature for farming of European whitefish is somewhere between 15 and 18°C rather than between 18 and 21°C.  相似文献   

镉对鲤血清促性腺激素和生长激素的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
马广智 《水产学报》1995,19(2):120-126
采用CdCl2浸没法处理鲤,研究镉对鲤血清促性腺激素(GtH)和生长激素(GH)水平的影响,结果表明,较镐浓度镉(CdCl29mg/L)处理引起血清GtH水平降低,GH水平升高,提高水中钙浓度,能使由镉引起的GtH水平的降低恢得取正常水平,并对镉引起的GH水平升高起延迟作用,镉处理使鲤对LHRH-A刺激GtH分泌的反应性下降,提高水中钙浓度也不能恢复正常,实验结果提示,镉引起的GtH和GH的变化可  相似文献   

A 95‐day feeding trial was conducted to evaluate the effects of dietary crude protein level on total body weight gain and protein gain of juvenile (4.89 ± 0.57 g) South African abalone (Haliotis midae). Six semi‐purified diets containing casein, fish meal and cottonseed meal as protein sources, and with crude protein levels ranging from 54.8 to 479.2 g kg?1 dry matter (DM), were fed to four tanks containing 30 abalone each in a continuous flow system. No differences (P > 0.05) were found in moisture, ash or lipid content of soft‐body tissue as dietary crude protein level increased, indicating that differences (P < 0.05) in soft‐body protein content were solely due to dietary crude protein level. The relationships between dietary crude protein level and total body weight gain and protein gain were analysed by broken‐line and second‐order polynomial regression models. Based on total body weight gain, 358.7 g kg?1 DM dietary protein from good quality sources is recommended for maximum growth of juvenile H. midae, while, if dietary protein is reduced to 280.7 g kg?1 DM, growth will be depressed with 5 g kg?1.  相似文献   

The growth performance of Arctic charr of wild (W) and hatchery (H) origin was compared in a commercial coldwater recirculation system (Villmarksfisk, Bardu, 68°N, 19°E, Norway). The initial individual body mass was 115 g and similar between groups. The rearing temperature was 9.2 °C and the fish were held under continuous light (24:0 L:D). At the end of the experiment (day 240), the average body mass of the H fish was 451 g compared to 231 g in the W fish. The accumulated mortality of wild Arctic charr was about 40%; 10 times higher than the mortality of hatchery-produced Arctic charr (4%). The difference in growth performance and survival rate impose a great disadvantage of using this wild caught fish as compared to commercially available hatchery-produced Arctic charr in coldwater recirculation system. However, further improvements in the production chain (catching, live transport, quarantine, size grading, etc.) may still make production of wild caught Arctic charr profitable, especially as it demands a higher price in niche markets.  相似文献   

Abstract Dominance hierarchy formation in groups of fish is thought to be a major reason for the development of size heterogeneity. The objective of the current experiment was to examine the influence of different feeding frequencies on growth and changes in size distribution in groups of Arctic charr Salvelinus alpinus (L.). The fish were fed equivalent excess rations continuously for 24 h a day, for 2 h twice a day (early morning and evening), for 2 h once a day in the morning or for 2 h once every other day also in the morning. Growth was measured by individual weighing of fish four times during the 130‐day experiment. Coefficient of variation in size within rearing groups was used to assess size dispersion and the possible development of hierarchies within the groups. Feeding frequency did not influence variation in size within groups, and there were no signs of hierarchy formation.  相似文献   

The aim of this project was to investigate if lumpfish can be fed using specially designed feed blocks instead of regular fish feed pellets. Two studies were performed. In Part I different designs of feed blocks were introduced and fish observed with underwater cameras to record feeding behaviour. Results indicate that lumpfish require feed blocks with grooves in order to graze from them and that the acclimation period is relatively short (2–4 hr) before the fish will use them as a feed source. In the second part of the project two duplicate groups of lumpfish with an initial mean (±SD) weight of 125.4 ± 45.7 g were individually weighed and randomly distributed into six 3.5 m3 circular flow‐through tanks with 45 fish in each tank. Fish in three tanks were fed using feed blocks with grooves and fish in three tanks were fed using a regular commercially available lumpfish extruded feed. Both groups received a daily feeding rate of 2% body/weight. From day 14 onwards, fish fed with marine pelleted feed had a significantly higher mean weight compared to fish fed with feed blocks. Although not significant, the condition factor was higher in the feed block group during the study period. Results from this study show that lumpfish will readily graze from feed blocks if they are presented in a way that allows them to do. In addition, the acclimation period required before the fish will utilize them appears to be short thus potentially allowing for their use in commercial salmon cages.  相似文献   

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